View Full Version : The Great Escape
Kyle Krogen
May 23rd, 2012, 01:26:55 PM
I am looking for any and all interested in busting Kyle out of prison. He has been a prisoner of the Inquisition for many years. Because he was relatively unknown to other Jedi and the Rebellion, there was no one to know that Kyle was caught to begin with. I have been working with Karl to create a method of his escape.
With the escape of Serena Laran the Inquisition decided to move their prisoners to a more secure location. Kyle, among other prisoners which could include other force adepts and rebels, are being packed up and shipped from the Citadel to Prakith in the Deep Core. News of the transportation would be discovered thanks to the communication codes provided by the captured Inquisitor Naomi Lang. Obviously no one in the Rebellion knows of Kyle specifically, but intercepting a prisoner ship should take quite a priority. Especially one bound for Prakith; where only the most dangerous and important INQ prisoners are kept.
The ship transporting the prisoners would have to stop along the way, perhaps to pick up more prisoners from other prisons, but namely to refuel. It could be attacked at this time, boarded, and the prisoners exfiltrated to safety. This would likely be a mostly Rebel oriented thread, with a few Inquisitors and Imperials possibly playing against them if anyone is interested. Anyone who wants to be part of the event, so long as it doesn't become too cluttered.
Rebels and Jedi: (4)
Lilaena De'Ville
Anbira Hicchoru
Tell Cho
Serasai Onashi
Imperial Inquisition: (3)
Damien Kantrael
Inkara Liet
[Open Slot]
Kyle Krogen
Avdid Asm
Mu Satach
Several NPC Rebels
Karl Valten
May 23rd, 2012, 02:11:05 PM
Hello, my name is Karl Valten and I approve of this message.
In all seriousness it'd be great to get some more interaction between the INQ and the alliance/jedi at large. I figure this would also be a way to get that rolling in addition to breaking Kyle + co out of prison.
The timing on this would be very short notice, though, so nothing as big or crazy as busting Serena could be attempted. At most this would probably be a rushed attempt as the leak and the vessel stopping would probably happen in only two or three days (possibly even less).
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2012, 02:22:45 PM
I think this is an awesome idea and if a specforce/ops team takes part I volunteer LD.
Anbira Hicchoru
May 23rd, 2012, 02:40:44 PM
I'm in for sure
Tell Cho
May 23rd, 2012, 02:48:58 PM
What's this? A chance for my Jedi to finally do Jedi-like things? Please, please, come in! Where are my manners? I would love to face inordinate amount of danger to finally do Jedi-like things!
Naomi Lang
May 23rd, 2012, 03:02:03 PM
I'm in and none of you pansy-ass Jedi or Alliance lackeys are going to say no.
So that's a lot of input on the Alliance/Jedi side of things. What about the Imps.
I have three Inquisitors and some others that can join in, but I'd rather only have one character on each side in this.
Inkara Liet
May 23rd, 2012, 03:06:52 PM
I'm in if one of your INQ is in with me, Josh. ;)
Or Vince. This applies to you, too!
Serasai Onashi
May 23rd, 2012, 03:37:05 PM
I can throw Besh in on this, I suppose. Iscandar is busy elsewhere being all Star Wars Noir-ish.
Asha Vendax
May 23rd, 2012, 03:41:47 PM
Bunch of my voices are all clamoring to help, of course :)
Kala from the Jedi, maybe Mara if y'all need SpecForce, even Asha could work.
Ana'Sera Beliq
May 23rd, 2012, 03:42:54 PM
We should get the gang back together on the INQ side.
Damien Kantrael
May 23rd, 2012, 03:48:53 PM
Damien is available to play on the Inquisitor side.
Inkara Liet
May 23rd, 2012, 03:55:16 PM
We should get the gang back together on the INQ side.
Oh yes THIS.
Mayhaps there's a small group of us INQites heading to Prakith for inspection and other business or what have you and our vessel is escorting the prison ship on the way?
Kyle Krogen
May 23rd, 2012, 04:05:56 PM
The vessel transporting the prisoners is an Inquisitor ship so it is entirely plausible for any number of Inquisitor officers to be on board. I would, though, suggest getting organized a little beforehand so that the chain of command does not completely break down as soon as the guano hits the fan.
Avdid Asm
May 23rd, 2012, 04:09:05 PM
While I doubt Avdid here would be considered one of the "most dangerous and important INQ prisoners", it seems like being captured by the Inquisitorius is where he's headed, which could likely land him at the Citadel.
In which case, I could hang on Kyle's coattails.
-- Sam
Naomi Lang
May 23rd, 2012, 04:12:33 PM
I don't see the Grand Inquisitor going on a prisoner transfer. That leaves Sarah or Jakys.....and I like the reunion idea so it'll probably be Jakys on my end.
Of the Inquisitors, Inkara would probably have the highest rank.
Agent Besh or Agent Kantrael would probably be the highest ranking of the enlisted branch. Plus it'd be interesting to have a Nightmare on board. :)
Kyle Krogen
May 27th, 2012, 10:00:13 AM
Karl: did you have a particular ship in mind for the INQ to be flying in this operation? I do not remember if we discussed or picked anything.
EDIT: Does anyone have a suggestion for the ship the INQ would be using? I am not familiar with what kinds of ships the Inquisition as available to them.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2012, 11:25:29 AM
I have no idea. :(
Kyle Krogen
May 31st, 2012, 06:48:03 PM
We could just slap them in a Star Destroyer or something, but that seems like too big of a ship. Something smaller and faster would, to me, seem more ideal. I'm doing some ship research but this could take me ages. I know the Inquisition is likely to have some kind of stealth prowler vessel that would be more suited for their use but I'm not finding much on Wookieepedia.
If we go the route of a Star Destroyer something small like the Victory I-class would be a good candidate because it's smaller than the others. I've never put any real thought to it before, but how do these huge ships refuel? Do they dock at a station of some kind? Most cannot make atmosphere because of their size (although the Victory I-class is an exception) I'll have to scout out planets to see where the ship can be ambushed before it reaches Prakith.
EDIT: I'm beginning to think that interception while refueling might not be an option. Would a ship really need to refuel between Coruscant and Prakith? It's not a very large distance. A better option may be that the Inquisitor ship has to make a detour to pick up additional prisoners on another world before heading to Prakith, but even that might be setting them up to fail when they could just dispatch multiple ships. I keep running into walls.
Mu Satach
May 31st, 2012, 09:21:35 PM
While I doubt Avdid here would be considered one of the "most dangerous and important INQ prisoners", it seems like being captured by the Inquisitorius is where he's headed, which could likely land him at the Citadel.
In which case, I could hang on Kyle's coattails.
-- Sam
I want to grab on the coattails as well as a way to get back into the game.
EDIT: I'm beginning to think that interception while refueling might not be an option. Would a ship really need to refuel between Coruscant and Prakith? It's not a very large distance. A better option may be that the Inquisitor ship has to make a detour to pick up additional prisoners on another world before heading to Prakith, but even that might be setting them up to fail when they could just dispatch multiple ships. I keep running into walls.
Here's your reason for the ship to stop/pause somewhere along the route. Over-zealous security checks and astro updates -
From: Wookipeedia -
Hyperspace jumps were also restricted with spacers required to report to Imperial authorities and receive frequent astrogation updates. As a preemptive against illegal spacers, an Imperial Hyperspace Security Net was established complete with gravity mines and jammers to inhibit communication.[3]
Kyle Krogen
May 31st, 2012, 10:42:40 PM
That is something I overlooked.
The ship enters the Deep Core and stops at Jerrilek (just barely inside the deep core) to wait to receive the updated astrocharts to safely navigate to Prakith. It can then be hit at this time, with Jerrilek not being able to offer much aid. It's a vacation planet after all. Imperial controlled yes, but with minimal forces to lend aid. So long as they get the whole thing over with quickly, the rescue forces should be able to escape the deep core and the empire.
Karl Valten
Jun 1st, 2012, 09:06:19 AM
Sorry about the late responses, in the process of moving to Texas for the summer.
No way the INQ would use and SD, they don't have access to huge ships like that.
The largest vessels they have would be dreadnoughts or strike cruisers. I'd imagine a bulk freighter or some sort or a dread/strike cruiser modified into a prison ship.
Kyle Krogen
Jun 6th, 2012, 02:24:06 PM
Charon, a modified Strike-Class Medium Cruiser that has swapped firepower for additional carrying space to transport prisoners and for the staff that cares for them. Strike-Class Medium Cruisers still boast formidable power, even if reduced, so the rescuers will not have the easiest time. However, it will be alone. The prisoner transportation was suppose to be secret so they did not think to provide an escort for so short a voyage. Anyone else who wishes to be rescued from the Empire's clutches is totally able to do so. This does not have to be just about Kyle.
If there are any objections to the laid out plan please mention them, and if not I'll hopefully have the thread started later today.
Strike-Class Medium Cruiser Charon is escorting high value prisoners from the Imperial Center to the prison stronghold of Prakith in the Deep Core. Rebels and/or Jedi will mount a rescue operation that will hit the Charon when it stops at the planet Jerrilek just inside the Deep Core to receive an update to the navigation charts so that it can safely travel through the Deep Core. Jerrilek's capital city Graleca will be able to scramble a handful of fighters, but that is all. The planet is primarily an agriculture industrial and tourist planet.
The Good Guys will board the Charon and exfiltrate the prisoners and escape before reinforcements can arrive.
Damien Kantrael
Jun 7th, 2012, 10:38:35 AM
Thread is up.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 7th, 2012, 10:57:29 AM
Ok did we decide who is doing the rescue? Or is this a first come first serve sort of thing?
Damien Kantrael
Jun 7th, 2012, 02:08:59 PM
There is plenty of room on the rebel/jedi side so anyone who wants to join in feel free. Let's just try to not fill it up with too many characters so we don't have any kind of break downs along the way. The Imperial side could also have a few more characters. It's not super necessary but could make for a more engaging roleplay. It's an Inquisition ship and operation so more Inquisitors are easily slipped in. So far as have Kantrael and I mentioned Inkara in case Dee is still interested in leading this operation.
Kyle Krogen
Jun 7th, 2012, 02:38:13 PM
Update: The first post of this thread has a new player list on it of everyone who volunteered so far. Looks like we have a pretty strong number of people. Any more might slow it down too much. I saw a few volunteer Inquisitors, but without names so I didn't fill the third slot on the Empire side of the conflict.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 7th, 2012, 02:53:13 PM
I'm afraid I might step on the Gossam. :uhoh
Looks like Anbira will likely be taking point on this mission or maybe *gasp* Onashi as I am pretty sure he has seniority on LD. :ohno
Karl Valten
Jun 7th, 2012, 06:07:58 PM
Just got my internet up and running, will join in when I can!
Karl Valten
Jun 7th, 2012, 06:15:15 PM
Inquisitor Jakys Sei'Trem and Agent Bren'lar Scothis will participate on the INQ side.
Naomi Lang will join the Alliance for this op.
Inkara Liet
Jun 8th, 2012, 11:30:14 PM
I mentioned Inkara in case Kaman is still interested in leading this operation.
Fix'd for accuracy. And yes, I'll be sticking my nose in this aplenty.
Sollé Arrahk
Jun 9th, 2012, 03:02:04 AM
Sollé will be joining her fellow Nightmare Damien, while Agent Ana'Sera Beliq will take part alongside Inkara and Jakys (though I need to talk to either one or both of you about it, so catch me on AIM).
I'll contribute a Rebel/Jedi once we know for sure who's playing along :)
Karl Valten
Jun 9th, 2012, 08:27:57 AM
Just throw me a PM or off-line message on AIM. I'm in Florida the next few days.
Sorry to keep jetting out.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 2nd, 2012, 11:16:01 PM
Are people still up for the rescue mission? I'm not sure who I should be coordinating with, so speak up. :)
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