View Full Version : Resistance Fighters!

Soto Terius
May 22nd, 2012, 04:44:46 PM
Ages ago, we tossed around the idea of doing some resistance fighting type roleplaying stuff on Naboo. Droo and I were talking about this again the other day: in light of the whole liberation of Duros thing, we reckon that Corellia might be a cool venue for this sort of thing.

Duro is on the border between the Duro Sector and the Corellian Sector; but back when the Empire was starting out, they smushed the two together, as a cheat to stop Duro having it's own Senator. Because the Rebel Alliance structures it's military into Sector Forces (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sector_Force), this pretty much means that as far as command, administration, logistics, and what-not are concerned, the Corellian Resistance and the Duros Resistance are the same bunch of people.

When the Rebels free Duro - right on Corellia's doorstep - that gives the Alliance - and more importantly, the Corellian SecForce - a staging area in free space. Basically, Duro becomes Mexico: we fly all or weapons and resources into Duro, and then smuggle it across the border into Corellia. That - combined with the "one planet down, x more to go" factor - will allow the Rebels to amp up their efforts to free Corellia.

However, losing the sector next door is going to freak the Imperials out. Corellia is in an odd situation politically: they're basically a vassel of the Empire, paying taxes to the Imperials and allowing them free passage and what-not, in exchange for the planet being left to it's own devices as far as laws/etc are concerned. Losing Duro is likely to provoke a clampdown, though. The Empire will probably double it's efforts to root out Rebels on Corellia (especially if activity increases); their meddling will in turn probably piss off the Corellian Government.

The net result is that we get a three-way loop of hostility: the Rebels are trying to tear down the Government; the Government is getting pissed off at the Imperials; and the Imperials are trying to stamp out the Rebels.

And then there's CorSec - the police - who are getting pissed off at all three: the Rebels for being terrorists, the Imperials for sticking their noses in, and the Government for putting them in the middle of it all.

Would anyone be interested in giving something like this a go?

Fake Edit:

There are a whole bunch of potential aliens in the Corellian Sector that people might want to play if they fancy something a bit different.

From the Corellian system, we have the Drall (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Drallan) from Drall, and the Selonians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Selonian) from Selonia.

From elsewhere in the Corellian Sector we have the Duros (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Duros) from Duro, the Nosaurians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nosaurian) from New Plympto (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/New_Plympto) and the Frozians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Frozian) from Froz (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Froz).

There are also a lot of immigrated species, including most/all of the key Rebel species as well as Selkath (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Selkath), Nikto (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Nikto), Gran (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gran), Rodians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rodian), Twi'leks (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twi%27lek), Aqualish (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Aqualish), and Klatooinians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Klatooinian).

Tell Cho
May 22nd, 2012, 04:53:54 PM
I'll definitely throw in a CorSec officer.

And making Ben smuggle things will inevitably lead to good things for me to write.

Cirrsseeto Quez
May 22nd, 2012, 04:56:41 PM
Taataani is pretty active on Corellia to some degree, so I can see her maybe playing a dangerous game perhaps

May 22nd, 2012, 05:10:12 PM
It Jenny is still up for this, Loki and Corell will get tangled up in this early on in the game, just before it all kicks off I imagine. How long they end up sticking around is anyone's guess, although if Corell has anything to say about it, they could be playing the long game.

I haven't thought much about what other character, or even characters, I'd like to conjure up for this scenario, but I'm sure inspiration will bite soon enough. Hell, if Taataani sinks her claws in, that's Kallum potentially in the mix there as well.

Rinzai Terius
May 22nd, 2012, 05:33:02 PM
I created this guy a while back... I can't really remember what it was for. He was / is a freighter Captain, but in the back of my mind I always figured he did national service in the Corellian military or something. With his big brother being all Alliance, I'll probably factor him in as a resistance person somehow... I'll slot him in somewhere appropriate once we know who else is involved. :)

I also have Jacob Tur'enne (Charlotte and Xander's dad), who was a District Attorney in Coronet, or something along those lines. He's not resistance material, but he might be a good mid-level politics guy... or maybe a The Dark Knight style Harvey Dent to some CorSec guy's Jim Gordon, or what have you.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2012, 05:46:58 PM
I sort of started some Naboo-ian resistance stuff in a recent RP but it's just getting started. People are welcome to join in!

Dasquian Belargic
May 23rd, 2012, 10:57:13 AM
It Jenny is still up for this, Loki and Corell will get tangled up in this early on in the game, just before it all kicks off I imagine. How long they end up sticking around is anyone's guess, although if Corell has anything to say about it, they could be playing the long game.

Yeah, I'm still up for... something.

Eluna Thals
May 23rd, 2012, 11:28:07 AM
Wow I am stupid. This is exactly the sort of thing I set up Phoenix Cell to do, at least on paper. Definitely gonna have her involved getting Alliance support in the hands of the insurgents, if that works

Zofi Rimora
May 23rd, 2012, 12:51:38 PM
We will accept any help we can get, in our efforts to place a new government for the Proletariat on Naboo.

Captain Untouchable
Jun 7th, 2012, 07:22:45 PM
I realise that the Duro liberation is a little ways off yet, but would anyone be interested in starting things nowish, so that we're off to a rolling start and can build on the momentum that the Duro events will give us?

We could potentially introduce some characters, roleplay how the resistance is preparing for the fallout of Duro, etc. Perhaps we're going to launch a few preemptive (or simultaneous) actions, to take advantage of the disarray, to draw the Empire's attention away from Duro, etc?

For reference, characters I'm planning on using -

Jacob Tur'enne
He's currently a legal bigwig / DA type person in Coronet, but I'm considering having him run for a higher political office: perhaps a senior role with the Department of Justice, or with CorSec, etc. He's potentially succeptable to blackmail from the Empire or manipulation by the Alliance, due to the fact that his kids (Charlotte and Xander) are both Rebels.

Ecidae Mandrill
A Duros military type guy, who was involved in the Corellian Sector Force (which consists of all resistance/etc activity in the Corellian Sector, Duro included), and will end up in some seniorish military role on Duro after it is liberated. He's the "man on the outside", helping to funnel supplies/etc into Corellia.

Rinzai Terius
He's an Army Sergeant turned freighter Captain; a bit of a Mal Reynolds / Han Solo archetype, who will start out as a freelancer who becomes more Rebel sympathetic as time goes on. He has no crew or associates, so if someone is up for anything Fireflyish (or is just generally at a loose end), let me know. :)

Nychus Antirr
A Sector Ranger, who will play an activeish role in the Empire's response to the increased Rebel activity. He'll probably end up meddling in CorSec affairs, stepping on toes, and generally annoying people. I'd like to create a sort of Spectre from Mass Effect vibe with him: people regard him with a mix of distain and fear.

* * *

Some of the following people might also be useful (I'll let other people call dibs before I start hogging all the cool roles!) -

The Moff
The senior Imperial guy in the Sector. He'll be slightly disgraced by the loss of Duro (see the Duro planning thread for details on how he'd factor in), and would likely be out to prove himself to his superiors by stamping on the Corellian Rebels pretty damn hard.

The Diktat
The political leader of the planet Corellia. The previous Diktat was an Imperial puppet; but given our usual approach to canon, they presumably died at the same sort of time as the Battle of Endor, so we'd potentially have had a new Diktat for up to five years. Whoever they are, and whatever their leanings, they'd be trying to juggle the Corellian's desire for independence with a desire not to get invaded and occupied by the Empire.

The General
A General in role at least (if not necessarily in rank), this would be the leader of the Corellian Sector Force, and thus the person in charge of all Alliance operations in the Corellian Sector. He would previously have overseen stuff in the Duro Sector as well (the Alliance smushed the two sectors together), hence the cooperation between the Corellian resistance and liberated Duro. Maybe they're a soldier; maybe they were the Senator of the Corellian Sector until the Empire disbanded the Senate; maybe they're in some way connected to Leadra Longstar, the representative for Corellia on the Advisory Council. There's lots of scope here.

The Detective
Having the leader of CorSec might not be a brilliantly fulfilling role, but it might be interesting to have someone who is heading up a CorSec Task Force that's targetting rebels/terrorism. Think of them as Corellia's answer to Jim Gordon and his Major Crimes Unit in The Dark Knight. Does pseudo-Gordon sympathise with the Rebels, perhaps? Or is the Sector Ranger his Dark Knight - the "necessary evil" he tolerates in order to keep the Corellian people safe?

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 8th, 2012, 01:41:44 AM
I'd like to involve Talus Longstar if I can. He's ex CorSec turned private investigator. I had originally thought of having him relocate to Coruscant but I think he could be fun/useful here.

Also his brother Vintern. Aping Caprica, I would love to start a Corellian mafia. Which I guess would be a potential ally for the Resistance since you know, Corellians loyal to Corellia and nothing else.

EDIT: I should probably mention that Talus is married to Leeadra Longstar, though they've been separated for a number of years.