View Full Version : Liberation of Duro
May 16th, 2012, 12:24:48 PM
I know we have not finished sullust yet but I figure we can start talking about Duro.
I think a few of us here have settles on it as the next target for the alliance. Reshmar will return to Sullust after hearing of the assault and join up with 4th fleet for this assault. I was thinking maybe SpecOps can get some boots on a couple of the floating cities orbiting Duro. We would need to occupy a few of them and the orbital defenses in preparation for the assault.
I think there is something in this for just about everyone if we want to take the time to work out the details.
This would take place after Sullust and before the sith dan story line.
So lets see what everyone thinks shall we.
Captain Untouchable
May 16th, 2012, 04:48:39 PM
When it comes to the planning stage, it would be nice to see the Advisory Council involved in some form or other. Any efforts to avenge Sullust would likely involve the Sullustan Rep (Charley); and any SpecForce involvement would probably involve General Oruo'rel (Bothawui / Me). Acquiring a shipyard might interest Admiral Tukphen (Mon Cal / Me), and possibly the Sluis Van Rep (Dee) as well. Since Charley, Dee, and myself will likely be involved anyway with Fourth Fleet, that should be easy to factor in.
It might be worth considering whether or not there is a Duros Resistance. That would offer allies for any ground forces, and could ne used to set up / introduce any new Duro political characters.
I like RPing aliens, so will probably be introducing a Duro of some form or another for this: but I'll wait and see if anyone else wants to call shotgun on leadery positions before I work out where to factor him in.
May 20th, 2012, 09:38:40 PM
Resh could meet with the council and lay out a plan for the assault. Your new Duro Guy could be there to assist with the planning.
May 21st, 2012, 09:59:22 AM
I'm definitely all over this. Duros character creation has commenced. At the moment, I'm thinking a high-placed Duros advisor to the local Imperial governer, worried about the chaos the is left in the wake of "liberation" by the Rebellion.
Park Kraken
May 21st, 2012, 12:26:46 PM
My Alliance Character won't be involved, as I'll probably be RPing most, if not all, of the Imperial Defense. But apart from the MC40a and the CR90's, most of her ships will be available to be used in other commands, as per acquisition and supply.
As for Imperial Defenses, with Fondor no longer being in Imperial hands, they would guard their remaining shipyard worlds with perhaps stronger defenses than normal. Going by the historical defenses deploy to KDY, I'd estimate that Duro would now have 3-5 Imperial Star Destroyers, 20-30 Support Ships, 4 Golan III Battlestations, and an independent two wings (144) of TIE Starfighters based on the planet itself. Unknowns would be the presence of ground emplacements (Hypervelocity Cannons, Ion Cannons, Planetary Turbolasers), and additional Imperial ships undergoing maintenance/repairs or stationed at Duro temporarily for other reasons.
Teleran Balades
May 21st, 2012, 12:54:00 PM I'll probably be RPing most, if not all, of the Imperial Defense.
What was that again, Admiral?
May 21st, 2012, 01:03:39 PM
Hey, it's that guy!
May 21st, 2012, 02:26:42 PM
I'm totally down for this. My Sluissi rep would be delighted to pop in for a few posts, and I'm game for either Mara or Shar being involved from the SpecForce side of things (Jace, thoughts on which one?).
Oh, and Dou'lesa will absolutely be there :D
May 21st, 2012, 05:48:58 PM
With something this big breaking up the Imperial defense would be a good idea. That's Why I ask all the imperial fleet people if they wanted in.
Alliance fleet command will know exactly what is above Duro when we hit.
With 90 percent of the population on orbital cities I think much of this battle will be there. Not fleet based but SpecOps stuff. Getting the Duro's to fight the empire is key here. We have more than enough power now to jump in and level everything. But how would that look us killling off inocent Duro just to save them.
What Is crucial to Reshmars plans is the support of the Duro people and the hiring of pilots., and Mercs that the alliance can trust. When this all goes down I would like half the battle over before a single ship jumps in.
As for the defense fleet.
I am sure with it being just a month and a half after sullust the Imps would be expecting an attack somewhere. Also KDY would want to protect their interests there and would send something to assist in the battle. Lets make it a nice big exotic problem for the alliance to overcome. A Procurator Battle Cruiser.
Naomi Lang
May 21st, 2012, 05:54:07 PM
As for the defense fleet.
I am sure with it being just a month and a half after sullust the Imps would be expecting an attack somewhere. Also KDY would want to protect their interests there and would send something to assist in the battle. Lets make it a nice big exotic problem for the alliance to overcome. A Procurator Battle Cruiser.
How about an Aurora?
Or have the INQ intervene with their own vessels.....then again probably not. They really have no stake or interest on Duros asside from possibly quelling any uprisings.
May 21st, 2012, 05:56:17 PM
They could be there on other business and get caught in the battle.
Naomi Lang
May 21st, 2012, 06:09:25 PM
They could be there on other business and get caught in the battle.
Maybe a strike cruiser at most. Their actual fleet of self designed ships hasn't seen combat yet...and is technically illegal.
Mas Onoldo
May 21st, 2012, 10:08:18 PM
Locked, loaded, and ready to rock this thing.
May 22nd, 2012, 12:28:13 AM
I do not see why some of the ground work stuff for Duro cant get started. Reshmar will be arriving at Sullust around 9.065 and the Fleet will arrive at Duro 9.150. so anytime between the two dates would be good for any preparation stuff.
Mas Onoldo
May 22nd, 2012, 11:24:03 AM
o we have any concensus on the current political situation on Duro? Fliry Vorru, the Corellian Sector's Grand Moff was drummed out of office 15 years ago. Since he let crime run rampant, I'd assume the Empire would probably appoint someone of the opposite polarity to replace him, a strict disciplinarian, all about the law and order. Of course, since the Moff was probably headquartered on or around Corellia itself, he might not be directly involved in the Duro situation when this whole thing goes down. However, I'm guessing at least some of the population holds an anti-Empire attitude if the Rebels thought it would be a good target for liberation in canon timeline. If there was a sufficient unrest in the past, and considering the orbital shipyards, it's very probable that an Imperial Governer was assigned to the planet to rule over whatever native government was in place.
Point is, I imagine there would be an Imperial ruler of some sort present, whether it be the Moff or a governeor. Mas here is his primary advisor and cultural liaison.
If the Corellian Sector's Moff is present, and should he be captured if the Rebels are victorious, it would have larger implications, as such an action would make the Empire's hold over Corellia itself that much weaker. It would certainly be somewhat chaotic until a replacement could be put into power by Ms. Tarkin.
May 22nd, 2012, 12:08:20 PM
If that is something we want to implement here then I think it is a great idea. As close as Duro is to Corellia I could imagine some unrest on one or more of the orbital cities would bring him out to oversee quailing the problem. I am sure the imperial would have a Governor in place. KDY would also have someone over their holdings. I am sure they would have separate shipyard facilities from the Duro ones. Most of the Duro yards are old. Any pressure we put on the Corellian system is good.
Park Kraken
May 22nd, 2012, 03:13:24 PM
The initial defense would be handled either by an NPC or other character as I was thinking it through. Post-Sullust I was planning for Park's Task Force to be broken up and scattered through the Empire to hunt down Rebel Raiders, under the impression of Imperial HQ that the Rebels would clump their major units around their shipyard worlds and leave their raiding outposts unsupported by major fleet units. Therefore he would gather up what he could Rimward of Duros and jump in from the Outer-Rim, finding himself outgunned for once.
He would probably assist in the end of evacuation of key Imperial personnel trapped in the orbiting cities, an endeavour aided by the arrival of a key Imperial ship sent by request of the Moff to Duros by the KDY Moff that would invoke bad memories of Kashyyyk and Endor in the Rebel's Minds.
Mas Onoldo
May 22nd, 2012, 03:44:38 PM
I'm planning on setting up accounts for the generic Duro Security Force troops along with the Imperial Army troops and Stormtrooper troops stationed on the orbital cities. Cannon fodder and all that. The natives Duros, of course, might lay down their arms or switch sides halfway through.
I'm more than happy to take some of the "ground"-based, street to street posting while others concentrate on the bigger picture and ship-based combat.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2012, 03:57:53 PM
I am enjoying reading all this planning :)
If we need another Admiral or Captain or something to help round out the Imperial fleet I'm happy to help. I do know we got one new fleet guy though? Should get him involved. :)
Soto Terius
May 22nd, 2012, 03:58:35 PM
Are we liberating just the planet Duro, or the whole Duro Sector?
There doesn't seem to be anything else in the Duro Sector of any real importance, so I think we can safely assume that the whole Sector is an annex of the Corellian Sector - same Moff, same sector fleet, etc.
In the EU, the New Republic "restored" Duro to it's proper sector; and controlling a whole sector would make it a lot easier to operate the shipyards, too - if we only liberated the planet (a la Chandrila), we'd potentially end up with an Imperial blockade stopping us from moving resources in and ships out, which wouldn't be all that useful.
This may well be what is in mind already: I just figured it was worth making sure we're on the same page.
It also opens up another possibility for the "Governor" of Duro. In a Star Wars sense, Governor often implies Moff, and suggests someone who has military authority as well as political. Because Duro falls under the Corellian Moff however, it's entirely possible that the political character on Duro (who I will call 'Dave' for now) is some sort of middle management sicophant who doesn't have any genuine authority of his own, but who has delusions of grandeur.
If the Moff for Corellia shows up, by rights he should take command of the fleet action. Dave however has absolutely no business commanding fleets: he's just a politician. That would keep him distinct from any space combat action going on. As an added bonus, it would potentially give him more to do in the long term as well - if he's captured, he's more likely to break/defect/whatever than an actual Moff; and if he isn't, he can go crawling back to the Corellia Moff all Wormtongue to Saruman style.
Droo and I have been tossing about the idea of roleplaying the resistance on Corellia (I'll probably pop a thread up about this shortly): Dave Wormtongue would be a potential character to crop up in that as someone trying to undo the humiliation at Duro, if someone was so inclined to write that.
I'm planning on setting up accounts for the generic Duro Security Force troops along with the Imperial Army troops and Stormtrooper troops stationed on the orbital cities. Cannon fodder and all that. The natives Duros, of course, might lay down their arms or switch sides halfway through.
I'm planning to set up a Duro as well; currently thinking of a Duro Security Force guy. Want to get together on AIM and suss out role / structure / etc stuff?
As an unrelated aside, since the Alliance organises its ground troops into Sector Forces (, this probably means that any resistance fighters on Duro are part of the same SecForce as the Corellian resistance fighters (same Sector, same Sector Force, etc). I already mentioned the Corellian resistance thing earlier; it's entirely possible that there may be some Corellian type people helping out with the liberation in some way, shape, or form.
Mas Onoldo
May 22nd, 2012, 04:30:27 PM
I'm planning to set up a Duro as well; currently thinking of a Duro Security Force guy. Want to get together on AIM and suss out role / structure / etc stuff?
Damn right I do. I should be home tonight around 9 or so Central.
May 22nd, 2012, 06:00:50 PM
The fleet has separate troops that are part of the SecForce but operate as fleet regiments. The fleet also has marines which are trained just for this kind of assault. Part of my plane it to have General Forlon and task force 33 land supporting forces on the orbital structures. If anyone wants their character to go in with 3 Corp just let me know. They will basically be the reinforcements for the planetary resistance and SpecForce's already on the ground.
As for Duro sector, 3rd fleet will be retasked there so 4 full task forces will be available for holding it after we win. any operations in the sector will have the full co-operation of 3rd fleet if needed. Once we take Corellia 3rd could defend both.
John Glayde
May 22nd, 2012, 06:25:09 PM
I can't speak for my Captain, but I know a motley assortment of soldiers and mercenaries who might be interested in this sort of shindig.
Charley - did you come up with any timestamp stuff for Novgorod threads (Night Walkers, Chains of Command and Vanguards in particular)? I'm not sure how much of Glayde & co is around / aboard at this point.
Mas Onoldo
May 22nd, 2012, 10:30:08 PM
Looking more closely at things, the Corellian Sector was home to the 2nd Sector Army, which comprised four Corps (including the 327th Star Corps, coincidentally. Bly, by the way, was still active as recently as 0 ABY).
For the sake of planning, I'm going to assume one of these Army Corps was based on Duros, the 1206th Mobile Corps (specific corp made up by me). The 1206th included three mobile battlegroups and an armored battlegroup, each of which was made up of at least 10,000 front line troops and 5,000 support troops. So we're looking at at least 40,000 front line and 20,000 support troops living among the 20 city/stations orbiting Duro and under the command of the local Moff.
In addition, they could be working alongside as many as a regiment (~2000) or even a legion (~8000) Stormtroopers. There also may be no Stormtroopers present initially, but instead those Stormtroopers might be deployed from the fleet when it arrives.
Now, of course, the thing about Duro is that these troops are most likely spread out between the stations. But still, the Rebels will have to figure out some way of isolating key objectives and hindering troop movement to keep the Imperials from bringing the brunt of their forces to bear.
-- Sam
May 23rd, 2012, 12:16:40 AM
OK Here are a few things I have been thinking about.
First off. a lot of ground work with resistance and specops is important. We would need people in place on all 20 cities, all of the ship yards, and the Golan battle stations.
Attack Wise...
For the attack to draw the Moff from Corellia I thought an attack on the Imperial Re-programing institute would do. With it destroyed the message that "we don’t want you here imp dog" would get across nicely.
the main targets in orbit would be
Pellezara Station - Main Space port and relay station for incoming vessels.,
Bburru Station the capitol
Jyvus Space City is key to taking down the planets shielding somehow, at least it was during the clone wars.
The KDY Shipyard - lots of pretty imp ships to blow up.
Pri-Andylan Shipyards - old but still in use
Duro Starshipwright Shipyards - Duros main shipyard.
Planet side Ragland would be a good hiding place for secforce and SpecOp operatives.
in orbit the Event horizon Cantina on the orbital city Rrudobar might make a good stop.
So that’s what I have in my notes. Thought it might help people out.
As for dealing with the Imperials. It wont be easy. My best guess is close to 200,000 Imperial troops.
3 corp has 40,000, the rest of 3rd fleet has another 10,000, plus what ever is already on the planet and in the cities and what ever Dan has with him and the 42nd. So I figure it around 3 to 1. on troops. That is where the Duro population comes in. The forces are spread out and mostly on space cities. so the battles would be small. Retaining the Moff, Governor and KDY personnel would be the most important task. The whole cut off the head thing.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 23rd, 2012, 01:21:35 AM
Would you want to blow up the ships under construction? Wouldn't repurposing them for the alliance be better? Not easier, certainly. Just a thought. :)
May 23rd, 2012, 01:38:40 AM
If possible yes. Capturing a few would be great. But any ships capable of fighting should at least be disabled for the battle. We could repair them later on. I don't want a couple of cruisers or a star destroyer popping up where it shouldn't be. I guess that is something SpecOps people can talk about. If it is worth the effort. I guess it would really depend on whats docked. If an Imp is in dock It will be boarded by 3 Corp or some other alliance peoples and disabled.
Captain Untouchable
May 23rd, 2012, 02:55:38 AM
Would the 1206th be spread amongst the twenty cities, or would they be clustered in specific places?
Being a Mobile Corps, I'd assume the idea is for them to deploy as quickly as possible. Presumably then, the troops would be living in the same place that their transport ships are parked; which would mean that you'd have a whole transport worth of troops in one place.
Just as an example: the Acclamator-class can carry a combined 16,000 front line and support troops, which is pretty much one of the described battlegroups. Hypothetically, the Corps could have as few as four troop transports, and thus would only be living on four cities.
If the Corps uses smaller ships, then they could be in more places, but it's worth bearing that in mind: if they're a mobile unit that needs to be ready to mobilise at the drop of a hat, the Empire probably won't want to spread them out too much.
May 23rd, 2012, 09:12:45 AM
The Imperial used Evakmar Corp Transports ( A standard Imperial Troop Line ( had 2 Evakmar Corp Transports (2 Imperial army Corps), 2 Strike Cruisers, and 2 Carrack Light Cruisers. (escorts)
So I would say They could be in one place. But Corp Transports are like 350 meters long. Would any of the cities have that kinda landing platform? would the just be stationed planet side? I'm thinking they would have the 2 corps in addition to standard imperial troops in all cities with a larger group in the capitol and the yards. That's why I put the troop count at 200,000 A Mobile crop is roughly 72,000 Troops and 1,110 Vehicles mostly light armor and transports.
2 would push the troop count to 144,000 in just the 2 corps. with another 50,000 to 60,000 spread out over the cities and planet.
But these being cities we are talking Urban warfare. Small groups are best. you can just march a brigade down the street of a city. it would be a shooting gallery for the 30 rebel commandos hidden in the towers.
Mas Onoldo
May 23rd, 2012, 09:25:22 AM
You're both right.
First, I miscalculated. I was extrapolating from smaller units moving up. References indicate an average Sector Army generally comprised at least 1,000,000 troops. So, for the sake of argument, we'll say that at least two Corps are stationed there, most likely at a large military base in one of the orbital cities.
The reason I said the troops would be spread out among the cities is that one of the Army's primary roles was maintaining order and security alongside native police forces. However, this was probably a separate Army Corps dedicated specifically to permanent security/peacekeeping duty.
Altogether, around 180,000 troops in the cities, concentrated much more heavily in a few cities. I like the 4 cities idea.
Any Rebel sassault could therefore include covert actions to disable those transports, trapping the majority of the Imperial troops in a handful of orbital cities. Of course there will still be 3000 troops (assuming even distribution of one Security Corps), plus the local Duro constablary, at least some of whom would remain loyal.
Cirrsseeto Quez
May 23rd, 2012, 12:55:41 PM
I can't speak for my Captain, but I know a motley assortment of soldiers and mercenaries who might be interested in this sort of shindig.
Charley - did you come up with any timestamp stuff for Novgorod threads (Night Walkers, Chains of Command and Vanguards in particular)? I'm not sure how much of Glayde & co is around / aboard at this point.
Vanguards is 9.120 and maybe the few days after. Night Walkers and Chains I would have to look up tonight, but they happen before Prodigal Sons, which is 9.108
Mas Onoldo
May 23rd, 2012, 02:40:44 PM
I'm having a heck of a time figuring out the rough specs for these city-ships due to the lack of reference material.
I could only find two visual depictions of them:
from the Yuuzhan Vong War period, and
from the Clone Wars period.
They're certainly at least somewhat ship-like, as at least one of them was able to leave orbit to escape during the YV attack. The image up there sort of confirms that, as it resembles an Executor-class Dreadnought. While the second image differs visually, it could be a different design (i.e. a different city), or an odd angle of the design in the first image. It's reasonable to think that the cities aren't of an identical design, and I think we can assume that at least some are "ship-like" rather than a rotating cylinder, torus, or sphere. The second image does seem to suggest a rotating design of some sort, so let's not rule those out.
As far as size goes, we run into many more questions, keeping in mind that these 20 cities are home to an entire planet's former population, minus those that have emigrated. Wookiepedia cites 1.6 billion for the population of the orbital cities, which gives us a mind-shattering 80 million inhabitants per city. They're not all the same sized though, so let's make it a spread - 50 mil for the "smaller" cities, 150 mil for the biggest ones.
The Executor class ships had a crew+passenger capacity of a little over 300,000. Now these city ships don't need to devote as much space to engines, vehicle storage (AT-ATs are big yo), or armaments, but they do need more space for recreation and commerce and straight up more elbow room to make the inhabitants comfortable. Keep in mind that at least one of these cities, the capital and largest of them (Bburri), also had large forests. Even for one of the small cities, we're talking something more than 100 times the size of the Executor?
So what should we go with here? My opinion is that the "small ones were ship-like, say 10 times the size of the Executor, while the rest of the cities were something different, like a Dyson shell, more condusive to housing large numbers of people comfortably long-term.
In light of these population numbers, the number of Imperial troops seems pitifully small. Drawing a comparison to Earth, Tokyo, at a population of about 1/4 of the average population of these cities, has a police force of around 40,000 (290:1 civilian to police ratio). With that same ratio, each of these cities would have a police force of over 275,000 officers. If we go by Mexico City's ratio (100:1), the number balloons to 800,000 police officers per city.
Park Kraken
May 23rd, 2012, 03:20:09 PM
The Moff would probably show up in his own personal flagship, probably a Procurator class Battlecruiser, which could have any number of roles during the actual conflict. It could dock with one of the cities, one of the battlestations, or remain in orbit with the defense fleet.
The main Imperial Objective would be to get him the hell out of dodge, which is a good thing for the Alliance, since getting him out will prevent a lot of the mobile forces from defending the cities/planet/shipworks. As senior "officer" present he would have the say on what goes. That includes commandering the Dominion when she arrives from Kuat, depriving the remaining Duro Imperial Defenders from the reassuring presence of an Executor class Star Dreadnought.
The Alliance could engage this force of course, but I'd imagine they'd rather stick to capturing the orbital cities and planet itself.
May 23rd, 2012, 03:32:09 PM
OK let use cloud city as a basis. It had almost 6 million people on it, and it was a bit over 16km in diameter. I wouldn't say it would be a sure 10:1 ratio for a 60 million pop city. But I figure In general it would be close to 100 km or more for 50 million. and I would say 200 km or more for 150 million on the capitol city.
May 23rd, 2012, 03:39:41 PM
Why would there be An SSD at Kuat? they have 3 Mandators for defense and even if they sent one it would take forever for it to get there. An which Grand Admiral commands it?
Mas Onoldo
May 23rd, 2012, 03:46:47 PM
As far as political structure, it seems reasonable that each of the city-ships would be more or less independant with its own internal government lead by a president/prime minister. Each would also elect a representative or two to sit on a ruling council that would work with the Moff's office to deal with planet-wide or inter-system issues (The High House as mentioned in the Balance Point novel, which I may have to read now since it apparently deals quite a bit with Duro, even though it also deals with the Yuuzhan Vong whom I would rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon than read about).
Saarrreeaa Raurrssaatta
May 23rd, 2012, 04:05:06 PM
They seem quite similar to Ithorian herdships, at least in concept. :)
May 23rd, 2012, 04:09:51 PM
whos Chin is that in the top picture?
Aaron Nomarr
May 23rd, 2012, 04:13:21 PM
I know I'm a little late to the party, but I could contribute the Selfless (a upscaled dreadnaught for those who don't know) to the battle. With a new paint job, since Reshmar decided to blow up a Gladiator that was right on top of it. Reshmar, you will never be forgiven. :)
Avdid Asm
May 23rd, 2012, 04:15:32 PM
I'm not really familiar with this post-RoTJ EU stuff, but I guess Anakin Solo?
Saarrreeaa Raurrssaatta
May 23rd, 2012, 04:21:11 PM
I think that might be Anakin Solo. Seems to have the Han Solo chin going on. :)
May 23rd, 2012, 04:35:43 PM
Captain Nomarr will be leading the 4th battlegroup of Task Force 32
Aaron Nomarr
May 23rd, 2012, 04:37:58 PM
what does that consist of?
May 23rd, 2012, 04:52:07 PM
Your ship for now. More will be put under your command in the post sullust thread
Aaron Nomarr
May 23rd, 2012, 05:06:54 PM
ouchieez. a one-ship fleet.
Cirrsseeto Quez
May 23rd, 2012, 07:50:14 PM
Nothing wrong with a fleet of one!
Aaron Nomarr
May 24th, 2012, 05:05:10 PM
yeah, but at least your "one" is the Novgorod
Naomi Lang
May 24th, 2012, 07:36:17 PM
What kind of force are you looking for from Valten. He's the Department of R&D liason/rep/head/whatever for the Navy so all number of shenanigans are possible with ships under his command.
May 24th, 2012, 09:54:57 PM
Some of the new Imperial Designs would be cool. The alliance has not seen much of them yet. I would like to see some lances in action. Would be a big surprise for the rebel fleet. We just need to work out how shielding effects them.
Park Kraken
May 25th, 2012, 12:15:25 PM
My Alliance character won't participate in the assault, I'm planning a co-current thread in which she's busy helping to rebuild Sullust and salvage the wreckage in orbit. But the following ships will be available for deployment into other sections of TF42;
Vindertan class Dreadnought Vindertan
Vindertan class Dreadnought Derfflinger
Vindertan class Dreadnought Leviathan
Loronar Strike Cruiser Tyrant's Bane
*A-wing Squadron Quickdevils
Loronar Strike Cruiser Providence
*A-wing Squadron MoonFlashers
Loronar Strike Cruiser Endurance
*A-wing Squadron SpeedTraps
Loronar Strike Cruiser Constellation
*A-wing Squadron FastBlasters
Nebulon-B2 Frigate Mon Mothma
*X-wing Squadron LowRiders
Nebulon-B2 Frigate Admiral Ackbar
*X-wing Squadron CrissCrossers
Nebulon-B2 Frigate Luke Skywalker
*Y-wing Squadron Sky Weavers
DP20 Gunship Bravado
DP20 Gunship Glory
DP20 Gunship Courage
DP20 Gunship Hardy
Reshmar if you want you could take all these, or they could be split up between different commands.
<!-- / message -->
Naomi Lang
May 25th, 2012, 12:30:35 PM
Some of the new Imperial Designs would be cool. The alliance has not seen much of them yet. I would like to see some lances in action. Would be a big surprise for the rebel fleet. We just need to work out how shielding effects them.
Well Lances function like sniper rifles...well, scalpels more like it....used for assassinating very specific ships or targetting very specific points.
I'd figure they'd work similar to how starfighters attack capital ships. Two or three waves of missiles to cause a massive amount of damage in a small area to overload the shields so the subsequent waves hit the hull.
I'd suspect that against smaller ships or ships with weaker shields, a single lance could probably just punch through and start cutting away where against heavier shields it'd take one or two lances to punch a hole and the subsequent one cut through the hull.
May 25th, 2012, 12:35:32 PM
After the battle of sullust I will replace any losses to Rhinns battlegroup. so maybe then.
May 25th, 2012, 12:49:56 PM
I'd suspect that against smaller ships or ships with weaker shields, a single lance could probably just punch through and start cutting away where against heavier shields it'd take one or two lances to punch a hole and the subsequent one cut through the hull.
That Kind of energy and heat would give it one hell of a recharge time. I am very familure with Lances from Battlefleet gothic. They generally do not have alot of range to power ratio. Most ships in BFG the lances were short ranged. the longe ranged ones had fewer weapons to tax the power supply. I would imagine this would be the same.
Focused Needle Beams are basically what they are. If you know what a needle beam is good for you. lol
So target a system knock it out. I still would like the shielding to have a better effect on them. I mean once the shields are down it would be like snipering which is ok. The armor on heavy ships say Star Destroyers should offer some protection also.
Captain Untouchable
May 26th, 2012, 01:18:58 PM
What's the physics behind these Lances, Josh? Are they laser-based or matter/particle-based? Are they positively or negatively charged? How long do the blasts last, and how fast does the beam propogate - is it like a phaser beam, or is it like a giant turbolaser bolt?
May 26th, 2012, 03:00:57 PM
They are Beams. Continuious beams like Phasers. multiplue beams are focused into a single compressed beam. They use alot of power and are large weapons.
Karl Valten
May 26th, 2012, 03:25:57 PM
That Kind of energy and heat would give it one hell of a recharge time. I am very familure with Lances from Battlefleet gothic. They generally do not have alot of range to power ratio. Most ships in BFG the lances were short ranged. the longe ranged ones had fewer weapons to tax the power supply. I would imagine this would be the same.
BFG lances always had ranges of 30 or 45 for both Imperials and Chaos on their cruisers. Several battlecruisers, battleships, and grand cruisers has ranges of 60. So for all intents and purposes they are either on-par or better than batteries........not that it matters, I just liked the name as inspiration. The lances function more similar to the Death Star lasers, albeit on a much, much tinier scale.
And yes you would be correct. The power draw is massive and the recharge / recycle rate would be on the order of several minutes or longer. On top of that a vessel would only have one, maybe two lances incorporated.
Focused Needle Beams are basically what they are. If you know what a needle beam is good for you. lol
The Full Thrust minis game. I've played maybe one game with them.
What's the physics behind these Lances, Josh? Are they laser-based or matter/particle-based? Are they positively or negatively charged? How long do the blasts last, and how fast does the beam propogate - is it like a phaser beam, or is it like a giant turbolaser bolt?
The tech is listed and explained for two of the INQ ships in the Imperial forums....been there since about 2005, I think.
Was also tested in RP in 2007.
Captain Untouchable
May 26th, 2012, 03:50:00 PM
Don't give a monkeys whether it's tested in RP or not: I just want to know how it works, so I can work out how to visualise it, and if there are any obvious countermeasures. I can only access Fans via cell phone, which unfortunately doesn't make it easy to trawl around looking for specs and things.
I've started a thread ( as step one of the Duro arc. It's not a "let's make a plan" meeting... more of a "let's think about what to do, so we can go away and do our homework before we make a plan" sort of thing.
I figure we suggest some ideas, someone mentions Duro, we all look at them like they're crazy, etc. It's a week after Shadow Strike, so we've got time to prepare and put things in place before the actual attack.
Park Kraken
May 26th, 2012, 03:58:38 PM
Speaking of, let's go ahead and finish up Shadow Strike. One more round for the Alliance people who are/want to participate, then I can finish up with one final post finishing the Imperial withdraw. Then we'll be fully available to RP the aftermath and plan for Duro afterwards.
Karl Valten
May 26th, 2012, 04:15:00 PM
Aye aye. I wouldn't really count on Lances being around too much. The INQ only has a handful of ships with lances or plasma torps on them. The Navy has even fewer.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 31st, 2012, 03:49:50 PM
I'm going to make a Duros Rebel who is part of a local cell on one of the cities. :) Spent too much time photoshopping a picture for it. :x Sam said it turned out ok though. ^_^;
Just need to figure out a name. :)
Anne Phoenix
Jun 2nd, 2012, 08:44:34 PM
The Bothan Spy Network, mortified in their failure to warn about the Imperial Strike on Sullust, offers some news in consolation. They had analysists working on what they thought was a large Imperial Fleet gathering around Duro for a major attack, but it just turned out to be several different elements coming into play all at once. With rumors of an Alliance counter-attack swirling around, they offer their findings to the Alliance High Command;
Jun 3rd, 2012, 12:59:39 AM
ok firstly. What are golan 4s? we have never had them here. SO lets just stick with 4 Golan 3s and 48 fighters.
Also Captain Saye And I think Admiral Blades(waiting to hear) will be there with groups so we can dail down that corellian fleet a bit.
These imps in dry dock? whats up with them? are we gonna capture them?
The convoy thing is cool. We could try to work around them and not kill them. That might prove to be a challenge.
I thought the idea was to bring in a force large enough to make the imperials there just try to escape. With that group I would have to bring in one hell of a fleet to do that.
Anne Phoenix
Jun 3rd, 2012, 04:10:23 AM
They're under repair following the Battle of Sullust, so they could certainly be captured.
How big of a fleet were you planning on bringing in? I was planning on showing up in pretty much full force (3 Dreadnoughts, 4 Medium Cruisers, 3 Frigates, 10 Gunships, and 168 A-wings).
A small portion of the 4th Squadron could be present, with the rest jumping in later to cover the Imperial Retreat.
The Convoy would be delivering supplies to the Orbital Cities (Foodstuffs, Medical Supplies, Fuels) and to the shipyards and factories (Raw Materials, Ship Parts that can't be manufactured locally, etc). Most of the freighters would be docked to the orbital cities, which could precipitate their capture. The convoy could be ordered out as a result of the unrest, with it being mostly formed up when the Alliance jumps in.
Jun 3rd, 2012, 04:34:37 AM
Task force 31,32,and 33 from 3rd and Task force 42 and 43/44 (which ever yours is) from 4th
My idea was 42 was vanguard force It jumps in first 31 and 43/44 could be flanking forces. we jump in from the outer flanks
33 is an assault group. it will jump in later and start landing troops on the cities.
32 will act as a picket force spliting up into 4 battlegroups and offering long range support as well as support for 33 once assault operations start. It can pick up anything jumping in behind us as well. Half of 33's fighters will launch and assist 42 when they jump in. including a support elint ship to relay data and start jamming imperial comms.
in all well over 100 ships (20 of which are capitals) which can get bogged down if we let it. with the people involved I don't think it will.
It should scare the bejevis out of the imperials there. which is the point. since endor up till now we have kept the fleets divided and not given the empire a real look at what we can muster. This is the time to say Hey imp guy we can do rapid deployment shock and awe too. The hope is this will make the imps pull back into a defensive posture and keep things like Sullust from happening again. this is why after Duro another big fleet action is not a good idea.
Jun 3rd, 2012, 11:06:11 PM
Fleeting here at fans now is a balance. Most of us remember the old bean counting days. I was not around long before those days ended. Fans is better for it being gone. As I work out these plans for Duro I can not help but feel like This is too close to that kind of fleet thread. With bestine it was different. We had a few people using smaller groups. each working with their group. So that is what I am thinking needs to be done here to make this battle work smoother.
First I really want alot of this to be city side. My Colonel Connors character will be working to disable those 2 IMP IIIs. Maybe capture one or both. Any spec ops who want in by all means please join. Other targets could be attacked by Dorn or some other SpecOps people.
As for the IMp defense.
Kraken, Saye, and baldes will all have groups. I think we should make them smaller group like the battlegroups of task force 42. Their flagship star destroyers with 6 to 8 lighter ships. Thats 3 destroyrs and like 16 t0 24 escorts. With 4 battlestations and fighters from the planet it will make the defense pretty believeable and not so crowded and hard to keep track of. No need to add up fighter count or anything. most of us know there will be a but load fo fighters there.
The goal is to make the imps want to run more than fight so we have to have more ships. which basiclly we will just not a whole lot more.
task force 42 will be the main force engaging the imperials. I am now only bringing a single task force from 3rd fleet. so no 12 battle groups craziness. Reshmar's battle group, Holts battle group, forlons battle group and nomarrs battle group. Which will be basiclly the same. one big ship and 6 escorts each. Most of these will be landing troops or covering for the landing. Pheonix's group is a bit big for one group. I know its an entire task force. can you maybe breack it down into two or three groups. maybe handle the flanking and outers security. I still would like some large ship from corellian like a procurator to jump in to grap the Moff and KDY people. I want to use Independance to engage it battle cruiser to battlecruiser. There are plans for it to be badly damaged and redone for other things.
anyway please let me know what everyone thinks.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 3rd, 2012, 11:12:45 PM
Makes sense to me. Keeping things slightly smaller in scope not only makes you care about the ships you're controlling, but also it lets you see the battlespace a lot more clearly.
Jun 3rd, 2012, 11:32:25 PM
Ok here is an idea for some smaller separate imperial groups. the (numbers) indicate fighters. Blades can command one and Kraken the other. you still have your 3 destroyers just fewer escorts and less for one person to deal with.
group 1
Imperial-II Star Destroyer Abberation (72)
Victory-II Star Destroyer Viper (24)
Escort Carrier Frenzy (72)
Strike Cruiser Terminator (12)
Carrack Cruiser Harm (5)
Carrack Cruiser Fury (5)
Assassin Corvette Hussar
Assassin Corvette Cossack
Assassin Corvette Curassier
Assassin Corvette Mameluke
group 2
Imperial-II Star Destroyer Abberation (72)
Victory-II Star Destroyer Viper (24)
Escort Carrier Frenzy (72)
Strike Cruiser Terminator (12)
Carrack Cruiser Harm (5)
Carrack Cruiser Fury (5)
Assassin Corvette Hussar
Assassin Corvette Cossack
Assassin Corvette Curassier
Assassin Corvette Mameluke
Line Captain Saye's group
ISD II Vindictive (72)
Vic II Abolisher (24)
Vindicator Valc's Pride
Strike Medium Cruiser Lucky Shot(Dodson's) (12)
Carrack Light Cruiser Toad (5)
Carrrack Light Cruiser Mynock (5)
Imperial Patrol Frigate Star Hawk
Assassin Corvette Bantha
Assasssin Corvette Shadow
Assassin Corvette Jolly Jabba
These arnt set just something like this would be easier to keep up with than one massive sector battle group.
The the 4 battlestations can be split or just one person how ever you guys want to do them. and maybe some imperial ground forces want to get in on the take over of the IMP III's or ths battlestations for that matter.
Anne Phoenix
Jun 4th, 2012, 06:14:36 AM
I'm not trying to lean back to the bean counter days, nor am I saying that we'd have to engage every vessel present. The list I provided is a Bothan Hackers list, to be forward to the planning comittee in the Striking At Shadows thread.
As per one of your ideas, I thought that a diversion could be staged to draw away most, if not all, of the 4th Squadron, leaving just the dedicated Duro defenders and the convoy escort to deal with, space wise, until the Procurator arrives.
Destroying/Jamming of communications in the Duro System woud keep the 4th away, and the only reason the Procurator arrives would be that the 2nd in command aboard would be investigating why the Moff is not contacting anyone and no one being able to contact the Moff.
So basically the Alliance forces would be facing a Strike Cruiser, a few Frigates, some Battlestations, and a swarm of smaller ships and fighters, until the Malevolence arrives (good name for the Procurator?).
Perhaps the other elements of the 3rd that you were originally going to bring in could be used for the task? I was thinking that they would hit Sacorria, in addition to the Bothans planting a tidbit about recent information on Sacorria that would lead to the Katana Fleet.
Jun 4th, 2012, 09:15:19 AM
Your list is not the reason I feel like we are too close to the bean counting dark side. It didn't help. when you take the list and remove all the double spacing and fighter breack down it is not too bad. I just think with kraken and blades and saye all wrting imp defense we could break it down.
I just do not want anyone getting put off fleeting because of it being too bean countingish. Bestine worked because we all stuck to our own group and targets. that and 4 months of planning. Keeping the ship count small helps alot. wth the wiki now we have a place to keep lists and fluffy history for our ships. It really is not bean counting but if it reminds me (hard core fleeter) of it. I am sure more have made the connection also.
I want to keep the feel that the alliance arrives with enough ships to freak even the janitors out in imperial center on Coruscant. I want ewoks sitting around a camp fire taking all yub yub we didnt have any idea the alliance had gotten that powerful yub yub Weeeeeeeeee. it will both put the Empire more in a defensive stance with its worlds and make them want to hunt us down more knowing we have enough ships and men to pull off Duro.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 4th, 2012, 09:25:48 AM
Resh is correct. I am no hardcore fleeter, but I saw that list and my brain just shut down. Too many numbers takes out the fun in writing, and I'm not the only one who feels that way.
As for Sacorria and the Katana Fleet, let's not mess with that right now. Instead, how about we focus on making Duro an engaging story.
Jun 4th, 2012, 09:45:48 AM
Destroying/Jamming of communications in the Duro System woud keep the 4th away, and the only reason the Procurator arrives would be that the 2nd in command aboard would be investigating why the Moff is not contacting anyone and no one being able to contact the Moff.
I like this idea. That is a good name for a procurator. I would imagine it would have escorts though. a couple more IMp IIs coming in with it to ensure the moff gets out would be fine and offer fighter support. As far as drawing anything off I still think we should do away with the entire 4th squadron thing. Saye's battle group will be there and so will Blades'. A third battle group is cool just not too big of one. 3 imps and 20 odd escorts seems like it would be a good number. The convoy thing is ok too maybe not so much of it. 5 or 6 freighters and 2 escorts maybe. then towards the end the Malevolence arrives with a couple more imps to open a whole for people to evacuate to hyperspace, slug it out with Independence and jump out after it and Independence just pound each other to the slag almost.
Anne Phoenix
Jun 4th, 2012, 10:14:19 AM
Okay then, that should settle it for the outline of the fleeting portion. A typical escort for a Battlecruiser would be a couple of light cruisers and a few smaller vessels. Let's say the Malevolence is escorted by the Carrack Cruiser Nova, the Lancer Frigate Reaper, and the Assassin Corvettes Imperial Knight, Shiv, and Slobber.
And apologies to anyone else's brain that I might've short circuited.
I (as Kraken) won't be participating in the thread, since my alliance character will be involved. I may dust off an old character to use as an Imperial fighter pilot though, based onboard one of the Golan Stations.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 4th, 2012, 12:22:32 PM
<strike>I think the ships need more Star-Warsy names. :colbert
Like.... the Womprat. Bantha. Wampa. Um... Carbonite. Beskar. I suppose the Empire wouldn't be fond of naming things using alien languages, though.
I can't make any jokes anymore without people overreacting.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 4th, 2012, 01:05:25 PM
I think ship-naming is best left to the fleeters whose ships they are. It's not really a group discussion sort of topic.
It's also worth pointing out that a lot of those names are in canon - can't get more Star Warsy than canon. ;)
As far as the fleet goes, I'm not convinced that the Corellian fleet needs to be so big. Corellia has it's own military, so the Empire doesn't need to have a huge force to "protect" Corellia: Corellia can take care of itself. There might even be reasons against having a large Corellian fleet: is the Diktat going to be all that happy about such a large Imperial force being stationed on Corellia's doorstep?
I keep seeing talk of the Moff, too. Are we involving (and killing off?) the actual Corellian Sector Moff? I'd like to get that straight, since it has an impact on the Corellian Resistance stuff I'm wanting to do: need to know if we need a new Moff character, if there's an existing Moff with a name that someone else has called dibs on, etc.
Jun 4th, 2012, 02:09:36 PM
My vote would be for the Corellian Sector Moff to survive the battle on Duros, but be out of comission for some period. I've had vague ideas of them smuggling him to the planet surface when it becomes obvious that the Imperial forces are going to lose this battle and there's no way of him breaking through the Alliance fleet.
As for names, I don't believe we have one right now. He's just "The dude that replaced Fliry Vorru", or "The dude who replaced the guy who replaced Fliry Vorru".
Captain Untouchable
Jun 4th, 2012, 08:17:53 PM
So, the Corellian Sector Moff would be stranded on the surface of Duros?
Like I say, just trying to get a handle on what implications this has for the Corellian Resistance. If the King Richard (Moff) is away, do we need a Prince John to step in as an adversary for the Robin Hood Rebels, etc.
Jun 4th, 2012, 10:51:49 PM
OK so jace has a point. Corellia is not an Imperial World. It pays taxes but is still independant. It has its own fleet.
So instead of a Procurator some juicy CorNav battlecruiser might be a better chioce. with a couple of COrNav Heavy Destroyers and Heavy Firgates as escort.
A force from corellia will jump in and open up an escape route. The moff will be able to get away. so not disruption in the corellian system besides them having an alliance world at their back door. so maybe some bumping into alliance groups here and there
Captain Untouchable
Jun 5th, 2012, 08:44:21 AM
Would we actually be fighting the Corellian Navy, though?
There will be Imperial ships in the sector, protecting the bits that aren't Corellia. It just won't need to be as big a force as in some sectors, since the most important world is well defended. I'd wager there would be more of a bias towards interdictors and customs corvettes: ships that are going to police the space lanes to cut down on smuggling and Rebel operations; as opposed to a full-on "let's defend ourselves against an invasion" force.
Jun 5th, 2012, 10:41:01 AM
You have a very good point. One of the reasons attacking Corellian in a full out assault is I don't think we just want to fight Corelians. Alot of Corellians openly opposed the arrangement with the empire when it was forged. A lot still do not like it or the empire. A NPC moff character or diktat may just be making the best of his predecessor's dealings and might not be too hard to set on a path to helping the alliance. Even some KDY people supported the alliance behind the scenes. We could spin this that way.
With all this being said I think the best line to take on this is not to have any rescue ships come in. We can see that the Corellian people are not harmed. and after the battle just let the Corellian sector moff or Diktat go. Basically say hey we are not the bad guys, we have liberated these peoples and will defend them. And will do the same for you. Now go back to your world and think about what just happened.
Park Kraken
Jun 5th, 2012, 03:35:47 PM
I did a little bit of reading up on the Corellian System history at around this time. It seems the Empire fully evacuated the Corellian System by 6 months post-Endor, with a fleet being called in to assist the evacuation, led by Grand Admiral Grunger in the Executor class SSD Aggressor. Instead of covering the evacuation, Grunger gathered a large fleet under his command and planned to use Corellia as a staging point to capture Coruscant and install himself as the new Emperor.
However, Grand Admiral Pitta was already present in the Corellian System with a Torpedo Sphere. The two met in orbit over Tralus, where Pitta decimated Grunger's Fleet until Grunger rammed the Aggressor into the Torpedo Sphere, destroying both vessels and killing both Grand Admirals.
That was what happened in canon, question being does that still happen in our timeline? If not, with the Empire retaining control of the Corellian System, then CorSec would probably maintain the customs and interdiction forces, while the Empire would handle most of the heavy stuff, with CEC throwing in a few heavies for defense of their shipyards.
Jun 5th, 2012, 10:27:36 PM
So after a few chats and some thinking, This is what I think we should.
Corellia and the other 4 planets of the Corellian system are Corellian and will be defended by Corellian units. The sector is a mix of Corellian holdings and Imperial worlds. so Sector Defense is a joint task with Corellian forces patrolling the area around Corellia. Nubia could be the base of operations for the Imperial Patrol forces there. So one of the Destroyers and its escorts could be there and get a call just before we jam the comms in the system. Another could be at Corfai or New Plympto. They are really the only other important worlds in the sector. Or they can all be at Duro using Duro as their Command center. We do not think with the Corellian fleet there the IMperial preseance would be much. I think a task force sized group split up into its 4 squadrons would be defensing the rest of the sector. The Sector Moff would have say so over both the Corsec and imperial forces.
As far as the show down with the Grand Admirals, That's Canon not SWFans. As far as I'm concerned it never happened because the Empire has solid leadership and did not lose it all at Endor. Grand Admiral Desaria took command of the fleet and kept them from splintering as they did in the Canon timeline.
Ok so I dug around and Grand Admiral Pitta indeed joined Grand Admiral Desaria after Endor. And it seems Grunger was hunted down and killed shortly after Endor, well he was being hunted by the Imperials.
Park Kraken
Jun 6th, 2012, 07:00:27 AM
Did some reading last night about the Corellian Sector in the newish Essential Guide to Warfare. Nubia was the canon HQ of the Corellian Sector Fleet, no real reason why it should be any different in our universe thus far.
With the stability prevailent in our timeline changes to what happened in canon, it would be highly likely that the Empire would never have evacuated Corellia, and would in fact still be in control of the system, much the same way it was historically, with the diktat having minimal control, and CorSec providing intelligence and patrol/interdiction duties, with Imperial liasons.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 6th, 2012, 11:50:11 AM
Wookieepedia has these tidbits to say about Corellia -
With the declaration of the New Order, Diktat Dupas Thomree made a deal with Palpatine: Thomree could govern Corellian Sector as he wished (mostly free of Imperial mandates) as long as he paid taxes, war matériel, and homage to the Emperor.
As Corellians were drafted into military service for the Empire, so as to deal with the growing Rebellion, the overall security of the sector decreased. Pirates took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself and grew more brazen, launching many raids upon starships that used nearby trade routes.
Diktat Dupas Thomree died in 2 BBY. He was replaced by Daclif Gallamby whom was little more than a puppet of the Imperial Governor.
I think it's worth noting the "security of the sector decreased" part. That implies to me that there aren't many ships around - Corellian or Imperial. If there was a ginormous great Sector Fleet parked about the place, the Sector wouldn't be such a haven for pirates and smugglers. It's the absence of Imperials that makes Corellia what it is.
Also, I think it's worth bearing in mind that even though Mr Gallamby was an Imperial "puppet", that isn't going to make Corellia into an Imperial world overnight: they'd have the same kind of bureaucracy to contend with that Palpatine had when turning the hippy Republic into the fascist Empire. Plus... isn't Mr Gallamby sort of dead, technically? Who knows what the leanings of the current Fans canon Diktat are.
I just think it's important that we get the difference between "Imperial aligned" and "Imperial controlled" straight in our heads. The Corellian Sector isn't like normal Imperial sectors: and that's exactly the weakness that the Alliance is going to be exploiting. If we're going to be contending with a full-strength Sector Fleet, then we completely toss all of that out the window; Duro ceases to be a viable target.
Jun 6th, 2012, 12:07:24 PM
I like Nubia as a small outpost for the Imperials. and once again think a Task force strength group is all the Imperials would devote to the sector
Duro would have some defense. Like we have been talking. A task force strength group. 3 of the 4 squadrons could be at duro seeing it is the more important of the two main imperial worlds leaving one squadron over Nubia.
three star destroyers with 6 to 10 escorting ships each.
Park Kraken
Jun 6th, 2012, 03:30:10 PM
There is more than just Corellia and Duro for the Sector Fleet to defend as well. According to the map in the Essential Warfare Guide, the shipyards of Rendili and Loronar are within the sector, along with Nubia having its own shipyards. They're all civilian operated yards, but would probably have an Imperial presence of some kind.
On the other hand, the presence of so many vital shipyards and their supply lines would demand a large sector fleet, BUT that fleet would be largely composed of escort vessels to patrol the space lanes against pirates and smugglers IMO. So I would definitly back Reshmar's suggestion of what we would find in orbit around Duro.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 6th, 2012, 04:15:51 PM
I've never heard either of those systems placed in the Corellian Sector before.
According to the Essential Atlas, Rendili is considerably further "north" than Corellia and Duros (image (, and I think Loronar is meant to be in the Colonies, not the Core.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 6th, 2012, 05:07:23 PM
Are they part of the Outlier Systems? I haven't looked it up, just wondering of that's where the confusion is.
edit: nope
Park Kraken
Jun 6th, 2012, 05:17:43 PM
Y'know, I just realised that I've been looking at the Oversectors map and not the Sectors map, which were controlled by Grand Moffs instead of Moffs.
Jun 6th, 2012, 10:04:41 PM
OK so I know Saye will be there. He has been operating out of Valc VII in the perinn sector. So he needs a IC reason. I was thinking the two MKIII Impstars could be replacements for losses against Courageous and Saye is there to take possession and deliver them to the Valc Fleet Yards for fitting out. How does this sound?
OK So his (saye's) squadron will be there. An Imp a vic and escorts.
A second group would be the Defense squadron with another Imp, VIc and escorts.
And let's say one squadron from the sector force. Again an Imp a vic and escorts.
The 2 IMP III would be in the dry docks but ready to launch. the holdup with them will be crew and the rebels who have assaulted them and are fighting a deck to deck battle with what little crew is aboard.
There are 4 Golan III Battle stations to deal with also. Maybe rebels on board maybe not.
I still like the small convoy trying to get the hell out of the way idea. in or nut no matter.
42nd jumps in first, 31st 32, and 43/44 jump in as flanking forces. once the battle stations are out of the picture and most of the fleet battle is out of the way the 33rd jumps in and starts pouring troops onto the cities, shipyards, and planet.
This is my idea for the fleet side of this. But before all this happens we need boots on the ground and in the cities. Knock out the planetary shielding, any shielding on the cities. Help take out the stations. Take and hold landing zones for Acclamators and cc-9600sm "some of this will be done by assault marines in transports."
How does this sound for a general plan so far? Anyone have any ideas?
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 6th, 2012, 10:43:01 PM
That sounds solid to me. Can't see a reason for it not to work.
Park Kraken
Jun 7th, 2012, 06:52:50 AM
Let's say that Saye is taking possession of the remainder of Task Group Hunter following Shadow Strike, with the two ISD III's recieving temporary repairs at Duro before moving on to Valc. The other surviving ships (an Interdictor Cruiser and two Carrack cruisers) survived the battle with no to minimal damage, so they didn't have to make a stop at Duro.
The ISD III's have been engaged directly by TF42, and so will have a much reduced fighter complement, say one or two squadrons at the most leftover, with replacements not having been provided as of yet.
Apart from those details, the plan looks good.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 7th, 2012, 09:41:27 AM
You are assuming those ships in Hunter survive. The only thing that's going to save Merciless and Indomitable is Jesus, and he's a few galaxies away. You'll need a damn convincing argument to show that those two ships survive.
Ecidae Mandrill
Jun 7th, 2012, 07:55:29 PM
I (Jace) finally got around to setting up my Duro guy. I still need to get with Sam and work out Duro Security Forces type ranks and such like, but hopefully there'll be some way to slot him in as a seniorish DSF man with ties/sympathies/involvement with Rebel stuff in the Corellian/Duro Sector.
Something about his avatar makes me think pilot (probably the goggles). I'm guessing the Duro would have a reasonable fighter force, what with their space cities and all?
As an aside, could we try and avoid the "Bothan SpyNet fucks up" trope here? :uhoh
I'm not sure that the SpyNet is a separate entity anymore (surely it works with / is part of Alliance Intelligence now), and even if it is... I see the SpyNet used far too often as a "whee, lets copy Endor!" thing. Like Stormtroopers, they're actually supposed to be really really good at what they do, but everyone seems to have the opposite impression thanks to the movies.
Park Kraken
Jun 7th, 2012, 09:23:11 PM
Shadow Strike is the only mention about them 'screwing up', while Duro would actually be considered a victory for them. The Bothan Spynetwork and Imperial Intelligence is really modeled on CIA vs KGB.
EDIT: And Charley, your Alliance character might not 'like' the manuever I'll pull with my next post, but I do plan on losing one of those three Destroyers. And no, it does not involve ramming anything.
Jun 7th, 2012, 09:36:37 PM
Bothan SpyNet is still only part of the array of assets at Alliance Intelligence's disposal, yet you seem to have mentioned the Bothans specifically a few times in your suggested plans. I don't understand why they've been singled out.
Are you merely using "Bothan SpyNet" as a synonym for "Alliance Intelligence", or is there a specific reason that you're focusing on that particular branch of our intelligence services?
Colonel Connors
Jun 7th, 2012, 09:54:51 PM
Maybe he just likes fuzzy things.... anyway
Connors will be arriving at Duro. I think maybe he and Mandrill (love the man btw Man Drill) anyway They might could meet at the Event Horizon Cantina on Rrudobar. Your guy could be there for a spot inspection or something like that. or it would make more sense to meet at the shipyard where the IMp III's are being worked on.
Have we established they wont make it out of sullust yet? Maybe the destroyers at Duro dry dock can be others from the sullust attack maybe they could just be IMP II's But I shur would like to get my hands on an Imp III.
Maybe Pri-Andylan Shipyards would be a better place. The rebels used it as a meeting place in the EU canon world. But a meeting thread would be cool
Park Kraken
Jun 7th, 2012, 10:19:43 PM
Just dug the stats of the Mk III out of the Imperial forums and put them up on the wiki page in case anyone needs to reference them;
Jun 7th, 2012, 10:36:11 PM
Coll Thank Ya. That's one less page I have to deal with.
I moved the page changing its name to match the others I have done.
Jun 7th, 2012, 10:49:00 PM
Could we do the rounds quickly and shout out who we're going to be playing, and vaguely what we'll be doing? I'm a little lost as to who is actually taking part. :uhoh
I'll edit into one of the posts at the start of the thread once we've got a list. As far as I know, I will be writing -
Soto Terius - Rebel Fleet (TF42 BG2 Destiny)
John Glayde - Rebel Fleet (Novgorod); boarding operations
Ecidae Mandrill - On Duro; local militia and Rebel sympathiser
Cirrsseeto Quez
Jun 7th, 2012, 10:54:27 PM
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta - Rebel Fleet (Novgorod)
General Dan - Rebel Fleet (TF42 BG1 Dauntless)
Eluna Thals - Phoenix Cell, rabble-rouser coordination
Park Kraken
Jun 8th, 2012, 06:21:43 AM
Anne Phoenix - Rebel Fleet (TF 45)
Yushou Takeda - Imperial Fleet (TIE Interceptor pilot)
Jun 8th, 2012, 07:44:04 AM
Fleet Admiral Reshmar - Rebel Fleet (301st Battle Group)
Vice Admiral Holt - Rebel Fleet (321st Battle Group)
Major General Forlon - Rebel Fleet (331st Battle Group)
Colonel Connors - 3rd Marine Regiment (Assault on the Dry dock and the destroyers there)
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 8th, 2012, 08:38:41 AM
Rana De Laak - Rebel resistance cell member on one of the orbital cities
Lilaena De'Ville - Special Operations
Mas Onoldo
Jun 8th, 2012, 02:50:56 PM
Mas Onoldo - Advisor/speech writer/press secretary/Duro luason and all around right-hand-man to the Moff. Sees the Rebellion in terms of the immediate chaos and suffering it causes. Would prefer to loosen Imperial control on the system gradually, through political means. Very classy.
1206th Trooper - A random footsoldier in the Imperial Army.
I really like that we have three Duros characters now in three very different positions. One firmly on the Imperial side, one on the Alliance side, and one who could be convinced to go either way.
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