View Full Version : Courageous

May 16th, 2012, 11:45:44 AM
Stats For the Courageous Class Modified Lucrehulk Battleship.

Courageous - Modified Lucrehulk 3210 Battleship with attached Dreadnaughts
Hull: 8210 RU
Shielding 16,240 SBD
Sublight Speed: 8 (32) MGLT
Acceleration: 2 MGLT/s
Maneuvering: 3 DPF
Hyperdrive: Class 2.0
Consumables: 48 Months
Cargo Capacity: 2,500,000 Tons
Hanger Capacity:

2 Gunship Squadrons
6 DP-20 Gunship’s

Bomber Wing
12 B-wing Fighters
24 Y-wing Fighters

2 Interceptor Wings
72 A-wing Fighters

3 Fighter Wings
108 X-wing Fighters

Blastboat Wing
9 Gat-12h Skipray Blastboats

Assault Wing
12 Gamma ATR-6 Assault Shuttles

Support Wing
6 Longprobe Y-wings
2 Sprint Rescue Craft
24 Space Tugs

Core Ship:
20 Turbolaser Cannons
48 Light Turbolaser Cannons
24 Quad Laser Cannons

48 Turbolaser Cannons
472 Quad Light Turbolaser Cannons
164 Quad laser Cannons

Attached Dreadnaughts: (4)
60 Turbolaser Batteries
60 Quad Light Turbolaser Cannons
80 Quad Laser Cannons

Three Modified Lucrehulk battleships make up the class. They have been gutted and rebuilt with droid controlled sub-functions. 4 additional reactors have been installed to provide power to the redundant seal shielding and for the umbilical power Link for the four dreadnaught heavy cruisers attached to the dorsal and ventral hull of each hanger ring.

12 docking stations are placed in 100 meter intervals around each ring for docking and resupply for smaller frigates and corvettes. 2 Larger docking stations are positioned at the forward edge of each ring for docking with cruisers.

Each Hanger has 3 large sub-bay areas for Corvettes and Gunship storage and repair. A fully machined fighter/freighter repair and refit bay is housed in the aft section of the port bay. The aft starboard bay has been set aside for passenger and pilot births. A full galley and recreation room as well as a 48 bay simulator is also installed in this section.

Each Hanger Ring now has a secondary Hanger opening amidships. each hanger can house and maintain 3 full wings of fighters. Sub-bays of the midship hanger houses Blastboats and assault shuttles. A forward Hanger is reserved for freighters and visiting vessels. Tugs and rescue craft are also stationed here.

The three ships of the Courageous class are powerful vessels but not meant for direct combat. These ships are mobile base ships, supply depots, and command ships. A battle group should be attached to each for defense. The tactical values well as the cost of refitting and maintaining these ships is too great to let them fall into enemy hands or be destroyed.

Park Kraken
May 22nd, 2012, 04:29:21 PM
Don't want to put too many starfighters or weapons onto a single hull for the Alliance (Eggs in one Basket, and all that). I thought about turning into a fully self sufficent mobile auxiliary vessel for resupply and repair purposes for starfighters and small capital ships. Onboard manufacturing plants, resource smelters, plus a supply of mole miners in the central drop pod. Self defense would be enough shields, starfighters, and weapons to hold off an ImpStar Deuce. Thoughts?

Soto Terius
May 22nd, 2012, 06:04:37 PM
I had no idea a Lucrehulk was big enough to park a DP20 in... let alone 6! :eek

Personally, I'd be inclined to have more B-Wings. They're more rare, granted, but they're also more versatile and more likely to come out of a fight in one piece. Y-Wings on the other hand are a bit of a one-trick pony, and are at risk of getting outclassed by enemy forces. Given how significant a ship the Courageous is, you can probably get away with calling dibs on some of the Alliance's better equipment.

Don't want to put too many starfighters or weapons onto a single hull for the Alliance (Eggs in one Basket, and all that).

Why not?

The Alliance has a major advantage in that the majority of it's fighters are capable of escaping to hyperspace without having to dock with a carrier; they can also arrive in a combat theatre under their own power as well. The biggest disadvantages of a large wing are the amount of time it takes to launch and recover your fighters: two disadvantages that Alliance fighters dodge around completely.

The only real danger is that the ship might get caught unawares, and not be able to scramble her fighters in time... but when you're losing thousands of crewmembers anyway, shedding tears over a few hundred pilots is a drop in the ocean.

It's always struck me as odd that the Alliance doesn't have more ships with larger fighter capacities. The Alliance may have ships that can go toe-to-toe with their Imperial equivalents, but they often have a significantly smaller fighter capacity. Yes, we have a finite number of pilots that we can deploy, and we want to spread them out as best we can: but surely we want to stack the odds in our favour as much as possible, to minimise our casualty rate? Every pilot and fighter that survives a dogfight is one that we don't have to recruit and train, or build a replacement for.

Aaron Nomarr
May 22nd, 2012, 07:57:40 PM
that Courageous looks like one tough cookie. So many weapons....

May 22nd, 2012, 10:26:02 PM
I had no idea a Lucrehulk was big enough to park a DP20 in... let alone 6!

They are big.... over 2 miles wide and long. A lot of the weapons are from the 4 dreadnaughts. Its basically an entire battle group all to itself. Big mobile Fleet HQ is basically what Its for. I would not use it in direct combat. Now jump in outside a system and launch a massive fighter assault would be its main offensive use.

Personally, I'd be inclined to have more B-Wings.

As for B-wings, the task force 31 and 33 have most of 3rd fleets Bombers. the 32nd has been operating as a commerce raiding fleet.

The Courageous is about to be found and attacked by Moff Greth and Captain Saye. It wont be destroyed but it will be too badly damaged to keep it place in 3rd fleet. I could send the ship to Tempest base for re-modeling into what you need. It would be minus the dreads and gunships. that's if you want a ship with a bit of history. The Formidable will be taking its place in 3rd fleet.

plus a supply of mole miners in the central drop pod

The mole miners thing is a neat idea. I was reading up on the core ship. These things were massive by themselves. you can put 60,000 troops on the ground with just one.

Anne Phoenix
May 25th, 2012, 04:08:41 AM
Here are my modified stats for Courageous. I've settled on a Fleet Carrier concept, capable of going into battle and standing toe to toe with anything up to a Mk II ISD. It still has onboard factories, but geared only toward the manufacturing of parts for it's starfighter complement. Basically any badly damaged starfighter would be able to be repaired within the ship. Hull armor has been kept the same, shields slightly reduced to increase the speed incrementally. Also, the weapons have been revamped, with the larger number of lighter weapons being replaced by a smaller number of more powerful weaponry.

Intrepid - Modified Lucrehulk class Assault Carrier
Hull: 8,210 RU
Shields: 15,000 SBD
Sublight Speed: 10 MGLT
Acceleration: 2 MGLT/s
Hyperdrive: 1.0 Past Lightspeed
Consumables: 2 Years
Cargo Capacity: 1,000,000 tons
Hangar Capacity:
5 Wings (360) of Star Fighters (3 Fighter/2 Bomber normal complement)
-1st Wing
6 Squadrons (72) of A-wings
-2nd Wing
6 Squadrons (72) of X-wings
-3rd Wing
6 Squadrons (72) of X-wings
-4th Wing
6 Squadrons (72) of B-wings
-5th Wing
5 Squadrons (48) of Y-wings
1 Squadron (12) of Longprobe Reconnisance Y-wings

1 Squadron (12) of Shuttles

100 Mole Miners
20 Barges
10 Heavy Lifters

Ground Complement:
1 Battalion (500) of Naval Infantry

1 Armored Battalion
(500 Army Infantry)
(40 Army Tanks)

100 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
-Divided into 10 Clusters of 10 Batteries each for concentrated firepower.
100 Concussion Missile Launchers
-50 Twin Launchers, 10 CM-9 Missiles/per tube.
20 Tractor Beam Projectors

1 Heavy Turbolaser Battery
4 Quad Laser Cannons
8 Concussion Missile Launchers
-6 CM-5 Concussion Missiles/per tube.
2 Tractor Beam Projectors

Captain Untouchable
May 25th, 2012, 05:26:47 AM
I don't know what our policy / mentality is regarding duplicate ship names, but FYI: Intrepid is already the name of a Nebulon-B that is part of the Wheel's defensive forces.

May 25th, 2012, 07:01:58 AM
Alliance Fighter Wings have only 3 fighter squadrons so it would be 10 wings.

Park Kraken
May 25th, 2012, 12:32:26 PM
I knew of the 3 Squadrons status quo, but I've heard of two defintions for that, that there was a "full" wing of 6 Squadrons, and a "battle" wing of 3 Squadrons.

May 25th, 2012, 01:33:25 PM
Sounds right. As of late I have just been calling all my fighter squadrons in a battlegroup a wing. There really isnt a set size. Alot of my wings have 6 to 8 on various ships. I generally do a second wing if its nine or more.