View Full Version : Bulwark Battle cruiser/Battleship
May 15th, 2012, 12:45:29 PM
I see Tempest Base and the Mustafar ship yard will be Refurbishing some Bulwark Mk I Battleship's. So I thought this a good time to discuss the stats we will use here at fans. I know stats do not matter much with the way we do things but to Old school bean counters like me, I still like to play with the numbers.
So The Bulwark....
So I have been in discussions about this ship before on other sites.
The ship has had a roller coaster of an existence when it comes to stats.
4800 meters, 3500 Meters, 1000 meters
So to make the story short The 1000 Meter Bulwark Battleship ( was called the "Mark I" They were built by the technounion durring the clone wars and were more powerfull than most of the ships the republic had till they made the Victory Star Destroyers. They seem to have the upper hand against the Victory's in battle so we can say they are a bit more powerful than A Victory Star Destroyer.
Then the 3.500 Meter Bulwark Battle cruiser. ( Or the "MK II" They were the Rebellion game ships made to take on Super Star Destroyers.
So I think we can work out stats for Fans for both.
General Forlon had one of the later as his flagship at Kashyyyk here are the stats I used for it.
Length: 3500 m
Speed: 48 MGLT
Acceleration: 4 MGLT/s
Maneuverability: 6 DPF
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0
Shielding: 12760 SBD
Hull: 5320 RU
10 Squadrons
176 heavy turbolaser batteries
58 heavy ion cannon batteries
18 tractor beam projectors
Wiki has the weapons listed like this
1,250 heavy turbolaser cannons
600 ion cannons
I like the batteries thing better but if we want to use the Cannons Then Thats fine.
As for the Bulwark Mk I Battleship. I figure it would be close in power, hull and shielding to an Imp Mk I. That gives it the upper hand against the Victory ships. Though there were more Vics than Bulwarks in the battle.
So here is what I think the Stock Bulwark Mk I should look like.
Length: 1.000 m
Speed: 36 MGLT
Acceleration: 4 MGLT/s
Maneuverability: 3 DPF
Hyperdrive: Class 2.0
Shielding: 4700 SBD
Hull: 2100 RU
500 Turbolaser Cannons or 50 turbolaser Batteries
250 Ion Cannons or 25 batteries
This is just a Guide to go by. Any Mk I we would use would be modified and updated so I figure we could decide that here.
Anne Phoenix
May 15th, 2012, 03:32:14 PM
I was planning on retrofitting the Bulwark Mk I's for Planetary Assault, since they can land directly on a planet's surface. They already had strong armor, patching that up with modern shields and weapons would be the first step, then room for three star fighter squadrons, plus an armored division or two or three.
May 15th, 2012, 04:06:09 PM
Thats a good Idea. Im not too worried about the stats I just thought having a baseline would help.
John Glayde
May 15th, 2012, 04:25:27 PM
That's not a bad idea - having a ship capable of planetary landing that can spit out Airspeeder squadrons would be pretty useful.
I had no idea we had access to another ship with such a gargantuan fighter capacity. I'm guessing this is something we're going to be using very sparingly?
May 15th, 2012, 05:41:21 PM
There are a few around but not many. They have enough power, armor and shielding to punch thru a block aide; land; take on passengers; and leave again with a very high chance of making it out. No matter what is in orbit. But the cost to maintain and operate them is very high. Plus they are just as good as supremacy ships taking on star destroyers as they are assault ships. Not to mention you need to send rangers ahead to clear a landing zone a mile in diameter for one to land. well a quarter mile for the smaller ones.
Captain Untouchable
May 15th, 2012, 06:41:49 PM
You don't need rangers to clear an LZ! That's what orbit-to-surface missiles are for. :mischief
May 15th, 2012, 08:57:53 PM
Poor ground creatures. All they wanted was a place to sleep and a field to graze. Then fire fell from the sky.
Park Kraken
May 16th, 2012, 09:11:51 AM
Here's the stats I figured for the retrofitted Bulwark Mk I Battleships -
Length: 1,000 meters
300 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons (Space Combat)
24 Concussion Missile Launchers (Space AND Ground Combat)
30 Quad Laser Cannons (Space AND Ground Combat)
50 Repeating Light Blasters (Ground Combat)
Shields: 5,000 SBD
Hull: 2,100 RU
Sublight: 36 MGLT
Hyperdrive: Class 1.0
Star Fighter Capacity: 4 Squadrons (48)
Ground Complement: 2 Divisons Infantry (20,000), 1 Division Armor (5,000+1,000 Vehicles).
Anne Phoenix
May 16th, 2012, 09:20:12 AM
Although this is ways off in the future, while we're talking stats, I plan on acquiring and refitting also a pair of Lucrehulk class Battleships. For those I was planning on turning them into Fleet Carriers, with Planetary Assault Capabilities, where the Central Core is retroffited into a Planetary Assault Vehicle embarking Troops and Vehicles, while a new seperate bridge and control facilities are constructed elsewhere.
Right now I'm figuring on being able to replace 1 Alliance Star Fighter for every 8 Vulture Droid Fighters embarked, plus 1 for every 4 Troop Carriers and Transports. The space originally used to store the tanks would be used for extensive repair and maintenance facilities. That would give each carrier the ability to embark and deploy about 58 Squadrons of Star Fighters (696 Total) depending on type.
Fortressa embarked about 500 X-wings as an earlier retrofitting example, although she perhaps could have carried more if more had been available.
May 16th, 2012, 10:19:05 AM
If you will settle for one Lucrehulk I will give you one of 3rd fleets. One is going to 6th fleet The Courageous is the only one operating now the other two are still being refitted. They have Docking racks on each ventral and dorsal ring for dreadnaughts to attach to. The dreads act as large weapons batteries with power diverted from engines and shielding to the weapons. The battleship provides the shielding with its shields and even routes power to the dreads to bopst their weapons. The interior space is still massive. 3 Corvettes can be stored in each ring. And I have been thinking 3 full wings can be docked in each ring. The are also docking clamps around the ventral edge for frigates and vettes to dock.
Without the Vettes in the hanger Im sure you can boost the fighter capacity from 18 Squadrons to 36. and keep the extra power and shield generators and reactors, the dreadnaughts, and the stock weapons systems.
Nice Stats on the Mk I
Anne Phoenix
May 27th, 2012, 08:05:54 PM
Here are the stats I was planning on using for the three Bulwarks salvaged in the current thread. Their primary use would be as planetary assault vehicles, with their weapons rated at 'Medium' strength, and just enough starfighters to act as a screen for both the ship and her shuttles/barges.
Bulwark Mk 3 Battlecruiser
Length: 3,500 meters
250 Turbolaser Batteries
250 Turbolaser Cannons
40 Tractor Beam Projectors
10,000 SBD
7,500 RU
Hangar Capacity:
6 Squadrons (72) of Starfighters
4 Squadrons (48) of Shuttles
2 Squadrons (24) of Barges
Ground Complement:
3 Army Armored Divisions
(30,000 Infantry)
(3,000 Tanks)
(1,000 Artillery Pieces)
Sublight: 45 MGLT
Hyperdrive: 1.5 Past Lightspeed (8.0 Backup)
May 27th, 2012, 08:57:51 PM
The three Bulwarks you pulled from the Anaxes system are from the Bulwark fleet commanded by Dua Ningo and are Mk I's so they are 1,000 meters.
As far as troop capacity the 3,500 meter Mk II's only had 4 regiments. We could say the 1,000 meter one had the same. its possible.
an Armor Regiment has about 2,500 troops, 1,500 suppot personnel, 300 repulsor or light armor, and 100 heavy armor. Thats Imperial stats so an alliance force would be this or less I would Imagine. way less armor but we will go with this.
4 Regiments would be 10,000 troops, 1,500 Support Personnel, 1,200 Light and 400 Heavy tanks/armored thingies on each.
Anne Phoenix
May 28th, 2012, 05:57:55 PM
Okies. The first set of stats I submitted I'll use for these, while the second set I'll use in the future for any Battlecruiser rebuilds.
May 28th, 2012, 10:45:15 PM
how does this look
Class = Bulwark Mk III Battle Ship
Manufacturer = Mustafar Shipyards.
Designation = Star Cruiser
Length = 1,000 meters
Crew = 8,400
Passengers= 4 Regiments (10,000 troops, 1,500 Support Personnel, 1,200 Repulsor Armor and 400 Heavy tanks)
Speed = 45 MGLT
Acceleration = 4 MGLT/s
Maneuverability = 5 DPF
Hyperdrive = Class 1.0 (Backup) Class 8.0
Hull = 2,800 RU
Shields = 5,500 SBD
Weapons= 300 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons
24 Concussion Missile Launchers
30 Quad Laser Cannons
50 Repeating Light Blasters
Hangar= 72 Fighters
Cargo= 40.000 Metric Tons
Consumables= 24 months
Anne Phoenix
May 29th, 2012, 06:32:17 AM
Looks good, except I'd drop the speed a little bit. Even with modern propulsion units, these ships probably shouldn't be able to exceed 45 MGLT.
May 29th, 2012, 09:57:50 AM
There it is in all its glory
Anne Phoenix
May 29th, 2012, 03:29:39 PM
Okie dokies. Link has been added to the T.E.W. Ship Catalogue -
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