View Full Version : Future Military Actions

Captain Untouchable
May 11th, 2012, 08:50:04 AM
Further to the State of the Galaxy (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22692) and Alliance Holdings (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=22675) threads, I've been doing some reading up and familiarisation on the territory that the Rebel Alliance / Alliance of Free Planets / New Republic has in the EU.

Since Fondor isn't up for grabs, I thought I'd start compiling a military "to do" list, that we can work our way through as and when we find ourselves needing an idea for fleeting, ground combat, etc.

Please suggest more in this thread: I'll edit them into this post as we hash ideas out. :)


<s>Liberation of Duros</s>

Thread planning is already underway.


<s>Liberation of Clak'dor</s>

We seem to already control this planet!


Mission to Shadda-Bi-Boran

I have no justification for this. The Shadda-Bi-Boran (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shadda-Bi-Boran) star went supernova about 45 years ago, and so absolutely nothing is left. I just wanted an excuse to say Shadda-Bi-Boran, because it's a chuffing fantastic name. Shadda-Bi-Boran!


Resistance on Corellia

As has been discussed all over the place: the liberation of Duro is going to make some major changes to the status quo in the Corellian Sector. Up until the liberation, Duro was part of the Corellian Sector: the same Sector Force was fighting to oust the Empire on both worlds, as well as all the others in the Sector. After the liberation, one of those worlds - and a bunch of space around it - is now under Alliance control. A chunk of the people who were fighting to see Duro liberated are now at a loose end; and the network of resistance cells now has a comfy planet to which they can freely bring in supplies. Instead of smuggling supplies in from the other side of the world, now all we have to do is sneak them over the border from Mexico.

There are a lot of options for ongoing action on Corellia. With access to more resources, the Alliance is likely to step up it's efforts. With a liberated sector just next door, it's going to start looking like maybe siding with the Imperials isn't the only option: and the Alliance needs to push that advantage, and try to make the Imperials - and the government - look as bad as possible. However, the Empire is likely to increase it's efforts to stamp out the Corellian rebels too; and CorSec will no doubt continue with it's efforts to arrest us pesky terrorists.

Missions could involve not just local rebels, but also specialists from elsewhere in the Alliance. Maybe elite SpecForce troops are called in to help with a raid. Perhaps Rogue Squadron or one of our fleeting elements wants to hit targets inside the Corellian Sector - shake up a few Imperial convoys to keep the Empire on the back foot. Maybe some Jedi want to pop by and take advantage of all the media attention Corellia is getting to make a triumphant entry onto the galactic stage.


Mission to Ord Ibanna

A gas giant, Ord Ibanna (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ord_Ibanna) is the location of a Cloud City style Tibanna gas facility. It is mostly abandoned - the empty floating platforms have been used for illegal podracing - but is probably still serviceable. It's also in the Brema Sector, which puts it pretty close to Sullust. With so much industry smashed on Sullust in the wake of Operation: Shadow Strike, it might be interesting to have the Sullustans spread out to the surrounding area looking for new opportunities to gather resources. This probably more of a political mission than a military one, though it might make for an interesting SpecForce or Rogue mission if a team was required to scout out the spooky ghost city, and came upon something troublesome.


Mission to Bpfassh

Bpfassh (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bpfassh) is a world located in the Sluis Sector. It was the site of a Jedi Praxeum, which joined with the Separatists during the Clone Wars... and basically, the students went evil and had a rampage through the Sector until Yoda came along and soundly whooped them. The planet is rich in metals and natural resources, so would be a useful asset - particularly given how close it is to our shipyards.

More important than that is the Praxeum, however. The Alliance has done a lot of helping the Jedi over the last few years, and we're now reaching the point when the Jedi are starting to properly return the favour. Bpfassh presents a new kind of opportunity however: a mission to Bpfassh has potential benefits to both the Jedi and the Alliance. It isn't a trading favours mission: there's mutual gain. Abandoned pseudo-temples are always rife with story opportunities anyway; perhaps something like that set against the backdrop of negotiations between the Alliance and the locals, could lead to an interesting thread.


Mission to Tolig IV

Tolig IV (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tolig IV) is the site of an orbital scrapyard operated by the Imperials, located in he Mayagil Sector (where Clak'dor is). We do a lot of missions that are about liberating people, making heroic rescues, striking blows against the Empire, and occasionally commandeering the odd ship: but a big part of what the Alliance has to do involves rooting through space garbage looking for useful things. Tolig IV is a scrapyard for things as large as space stations, so there's potentially all manner of useful stuff: raw materials that could be used for ship construction and repair at Sluis Van; resources that could be used as part of the rebuilding efforts on Sluis Van; derelict satellites, stations, and starships that could be retrofitted back into usable condition; all sorts. The scrapyard is defended: a battle amongst space debris could make for an interesting change to a conventional battle; it's even different from an asteroid field.


Liberation of Dressel

The planet Dressel (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dressel) has been occupied since 10 BBY (for about 18 years). The Dressellians (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dressellian) have been fighting back however, and the Dressellian Resistance is a major ally of the Rebel Alliance since before the Battle of Endor. It's about time we cleared the blasted Imps off their planet!

In the Expanded Universe, Dressel was one of the members of the Alliance of Free Planets, which formed immediately after Endor. Dressel is located in one of the sectors that borders the Bothan Sector, so it is very close to territory that we already have. The Alliance Fleet operating in that area is the Fifth Fleet; a liberation effort could involve fleeting and/or ground combat and/or Rogue Squadron.


Liberation of Orto

Homeworld of those blue elephant creatures, Orto (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Orto) is a pretty uninteresting ice world. It is however filled with a population that is currently being oppressed by an Imperial occupation. It's perhaps not as compelling a story as the Liberation of Dressel might be, but it's probably easier. The environmental conditions could lead to some interesting storytelling though: it might be interesting to see how a Battle of Hoth situation would turn out if the attackers and defenders were reversed.


Resistance on / Liberation of Naboo

This is something that was discussed quite a while ago, but never acted upon. Naboo (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Naboo) is one of the worlds that became part of the Alliance of Free Planets; but in our timeline it is still under Imperial rule. Liberating Naboo would be a major propaganda event: not only is it a human world (rather than the alien worlds we have liberated thus far), it is also the homeworld of Emperor Palpatine. Defeating the Imperials at Naboo would show that the Alliance means business; it would also show that we're capable of defeating what is likely a quite sizable Imperial force.

Liberating Naboo would put Empress Tarkin in an awkward position. Does she throw more resources at trying to retake a world that is only of moderate strategic importance, or does she let the Alliance keep it in order to distance herself from the Palpatine legacy? A mission this importance would probably be a board-wide event: because of how symbolic it is, it might be a good opportunity to have the Jedi and the Alliance standing side by side, just to really hammer the point home.


Mission to Druckenwell

In the spirit of making things personal for the Empress: Druckenwell is one of the major systems in the sector where Miranda Tarkin used to be Moff. Druckenwell is an Imperial world, and most definately isn't in need of any sort of liberation... but an attack on the planet would be a slap in the face for the Empress, and if we were to lay seige to it for a protracted period, the Empress has an awkward choice to make: does she launch a counter-attack to save a tactically insignificant planet because "It's personal", or does she rise above in the interests of preserving her image?


Liberation of Ithor

The Ithorians are one of the many races-in-exile who are part of the Alliance. Before Yavin, the galactic Empire laid seige to Ithor (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ithor), who demanded access to their agricultural technology. One of the Ithorians managed to negotiate an Imperial withdrawl, but some time after Yavin the Empire came back again. This time the Alliance assisted, and managed to evacuate a number of Ithorian citizens before the Empire arrived.

It should be noted that Ithor is on the opposite side of the galaxy to our current Alliance territory. If we did liberate the planet, it would need a dedicated fleet to defend it, and would be largely cut off from the rest of us. This mission might be best left until after Onderon and Hapes become our allies, since that will provide territory much closer to Ithor than we currently have (unless we liberate Duros, of course).

Park Kraken
May 24th, 2012, 03:37:02 AM
An invasion of Eraidu needs to be added, for several reasons.

May 24th, 2012, 08:13:54 AM
With Duro falling into the hands of the alliance and the Corellian sector in chaos. The Fleet will go on a defensive stance for a bit. Rebuilding Sullust and securing Duro will be a chore. With resistance on Naboo and Corellia, I do not see any invasion going on after Duro for awhile. If anything I might like to see the alliance attempt another, lets say of corellia, but then be beaten back to leave a slew of resistance fighters hiding planetside.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 24th, 2012, 10:00:26 AM
^I like this idea. It offers a lot of thread fodder :)

I know a lot of people will jump at the chance to RP in the aftermath of Sullust and Duro. And a failure following Duro is a very good idea as well. There's a slew of threads and writing to be had in that one.

Karl Valten
May 24th, 2012, 10:25:42 AM
Eriadu would not be a fun invasion for the Alliance....in addition to the Academies, a very large sector fleet, and the bulk of the Imperial Army training centers, the INQ trains their enlisted personnel there (including the Crimson Guard) and maintains a fortress on the planet.

If the Alliance so much as looks funny at Eriadu, they will be flattened. Hell just liberating Duro will be a miracle if they can pull it off.

May 24th, 2012, 11:27:15 AM
Hell just liberating Duro will be a miracle if they can pull it off

Reshmar has been gearing up for an assault on Bilbringi for two years now. 3rd fleet has been training an attack on orbital instillations for awhile now between commerce raiding gigs. So a lot of the group work and training are done for this. Re routing the assault to Duro in the aftermath of Sullust makes sense. Bilbringi was just going to be a hit and destroy thing. maybe steal some ships. Now we will add taking a planet. 3 corps is ready for the attack. Taking it will be the easy part. Holding it will be the challenge. I am sure imperial loyal Duros will cause problems for months. The planet itself may not be fully under alliance control for who knows how long.

With Momentum in the sector I can see an attempt on Corellia. Which I still think should fail in the first attempt.

If the Alliance so much as looks funny at Eriadu, they will be flattened

I agree Eriadu would be suicide. Fleet wise it doable with the 1st and 3rd fleets. planet wise not so much. With the academy there and what I’m sure would be over a billion imperial troops, and millions of armored vehicles , I can not see any assault from the outside working. It would take a lot of disgruntled Imperial commanders recruiting a lot of disgruntled imperial soliders to train a lot of disgruntled imperial cadets to pull of liberating Eriadu.

Cirrsseeto Quez
May 24th, 2012, 12:20:31 PM
Why not just a raid on Eriadu? It's too costly to invade outright or try to hold, but a fast, destructive raid would be a coup against an empress with granddaddy issues

May 24th, 2012, 04:57:47 PM
A raid is possible. it is not that big of a fleet planet as it is a fighter planet. Elite fighter squadrons train here so We would need to go in Carrier/fighter heavy.

Naomi Lang
May 24th, 2012, 07:37:22 PM
The Empire just uses Lancers for that.

Mara Tallen
May 24th, 2012, 07:52:22 PM
A raid sounds like a dream mission to me.

Naomi Lang
May 24th, 2012, 08:41:20 PM
And I could teach Mara how actual demolitions work is done!

May 24th, 2012, 09:47:07 PM
I will put a wing of B-wings against a Lancer any day.

Taataani Meorrrei
May 24th, 2012, 09:53:53 PM
When the warhead is big enough, dumb firing it works :)

Lets Doolittle Raid this bitch

May 24th, 2012, 09:57:11 PM
I would like some of my B-wings back

Captain Untouchable
May 25th, 2012, 03:18:42 AM
Added in some more to the OP.

I agree that after Duro, gargantuan liberation efforts are perhaps best left for a while. I think throwing in some Alliance defeats is a good idea too (though lets not forget that you guys just raped one of our main planets, so we do have some credit in the loss column).

That said, lets not slow down all the way to zero again. The Alliance seems to gain a new planet every year or two. Even if you take our altered timeline into account, that's still pathetically slow compared to the EU. We can't really have a proper war going on, because if the Empire regains territory from us, that's a devastating blow.

Epic board-wide events aren't the only way for the Alliance to gain new territory. To steal a metaphor from a Belgian I used to work with: now isn't the time to be conquering any big rocks, but here's no harm in filling some of the gaps with small pebbles.

Park Kraken
May 25th, 2012, 03:32:07 AM
Hence the Tempest Base Project.

Eriadu could also be the defeat following Duro.

The original reasons I had for invading Eiradu were fourfold; #1 due to Location, lying within a triangle as defined by Mustafar, Sullust, and Sluis Van. #2 due to the alien slaves that the planet's human population was said to keep. #3 due to the Tarkin family's history. #4 due to the small shipyards in orbit.

Points against the invasion would be the larger Sector Fleet, including the Executor class Star Dreadnought Reaper, plus the loyalty of the human population.

Another reason for the invasion following Duro would've been that after Duro, the Empire would probably recall a fair amount of warships back to the Core, which would leave their Outlier planets more vulnerable to attack, in theory.

A raid to free the slaves and evacuate them, destroy the small orbital shipyards, and maybe drop a few proton bombs on the Tarkin Estate would work nicely as well. And to throw Sullust back in the Empire's face, a feint could be launched nearby to draw off the major units from the Sector Fleet.

Captain Untouchable
May 25th, 2012, 05:25:36 AM
Does Eriadu actually want to be liberated, though?

It was something that was brought up when we discussed Fondor recently: the Rebel Alliance isn't really in the conquer and occupy business. Sure, that's what they did with Coruscant: but that was a gesture to demonstrate their right to rule. The Alliance is nowhere near that stage yet; I'm not sure we're ready to try and force people to be on our team.

May 25th, 2012, 07:52:20 AM
A hit and run on the orbital holdings is possible. Putting troops on the planet is suicide. Same goes for Cardia or Anaxes. Well any of the fortress worlds actually.

Tell Cho
May 25th, 2012, 09:57:57 AM
Mission to Tolig IV

Tolig IV (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tolig%20IV) is the site of an orbital scrapyard operated by the Imperials, located in he Mayagil Sector (where Clak'dor is). We do a lot of missions that are about liberating people, making heroic rescues, striking blows against the Empire, and occasionally commandeering the odd ship: but a big part of what the Alliance has to do involves rooting through space garbage looking for useful things. Tolig IV is a scrapyard for things as large as space stations, so there's potentially all manner of useful stuff: raw materials that could be used for ship construction and repair at Sluis Van; resources that could be used as part of the rebuilding efforts on Sluis Van; derelict satellites, stations, and starships that could be retrofitted back into usable condition; all sorts. The scrapyard is defended: a battle amongst space debris could make for an interesting change to a conventional battle; it's even different from an asteroid field.

I think I want to do this with Cho once I get him on a ship.

May 25th, 2012, 12:25:14 PM
How big a ship do you need? A lucrehulk would be perfect but we have been beating the lucrehulk drum to death. A captured KDY Modular Taskforce Carrier might be cool. I figure you need something with alot of cargo space. A Bulwark Mk II with the troop quaretrs and hanger removed for open storage would do the trick. If you want something smaller a Modified Bulwark Mk I, Venator or Acclamator would work. I think I would go with the bulwark mki or mk ii or the Acclamator since then have atmospheric landing capabilities. cc-9600s would be a good choice also. Planetary landing just seems like it would make your job alot easier.

Wait a minute... Cho is coming over from the CSA... Bring a few Vics with ya when you come.

Tell Cho
May 25th, 2012, 12:43:48 PM
I'm loving what Charley's doing with the Novgorod, so I've been looking at frigates and corvettes, but given that Cho's going to be commanding a group and not a single ship, something bigger is definitely in the cards. Perhaps a modified Providence carrier/destroyer, with some X-wings and A-Wings. I figure since I can't have Cho in a fast attack submarine, I might as well put him on the Bismarck.

Or, even better, have him make the Bismarck from salvaged parts, to make it more involved and legitimate.

And, unfortunately, Cho won't be bringing any Victories with him (I've got some reasons for that); but with his knowledge of the CSA, he could definitely organize and either oversee or participate in a series of raids to get some.

May 25th, 2012, 01:15:42 PM
pulling a few Vic from the CSA is a good thing. they got a few bulwarks also we could find uses for. And recusants and marauders..... But vics would do nicely too.

I have been planning on Resh getting one of the big Separatist Dreadnaughts.
I have been planning on the Quarren rebuilding one of their shipyards to repair and recommission a few old CIS ships. I think after my talk last night it will be on Minntoonie. A Providence would not be a bad idea. They have to land in the water though which isn't that bad. Cho could assist the Quarren with parts for the old ships.

Anne Phoenix
May 25th, 2012, 06:14:57 PM
Not really a Military Action persay but it involves the Military anyways. After Duro and the subsequent defeat I was planning on establishing a second Tempest Base style Project on the other side of the Galaxy (A covert shipyards/manufacturing planet) to support Alliance Operations in that area (which could include Ithor, the raid on Bilbringi, etc). Looking at the Galaxy Map, I was considering establishing it either on, or in orbit around Dantooine. It would be run by Tempest Engineering Works as a second base, but would be code-named something else (say, Haven, perhaps?).

Captain Untouchable
May 26th, 2012, 08:03:15 AM
Could we call Tempest #2 a long-term goal?

I like the idea in principle, but there are a lot more urgent things that need to be done: things closer to home that the Alliance should be spending it's resources on. We've got to rebuild Sullust, repair Duro, and shore up our defenses so we aren't succeptable to another Shadow Strike. We've got the Dan Crisis, a possible alliance with Hapes, possible overtures towards the Cizerack, and the Corellian Resistance arc to get off the ground. We need to work out what we're doing (politically) with the inhabited worlds we already control (Clak'dor, Moonus Mandel, Mustafar, etc) before we add another populous planet to the mix.

Tempest 2 has the potential to be part of a group effort in a new area of space. It would be a shame to rush in prematurely, before others are ready to take part.

May 26th, 2012, 10:22:20 AM
I agree. with Jace. The loss after Duro will be a wake up for fleet command. We have been building up for 5 years now and we are at a point where we can really take on the empire if we pick our fights. More needs to be done politically. The people need to know why being part of the Alliance is better than being part of the New Empire.

That being said, I like the 2nd base Idea. 3rd Fleet has been operating out there for 3 years now. so a bit of the ground work is done.

Anne Phoenix
May 27th, 2012, 02:10:02 AM
Reshmar, talking about using the Empire's own tactics against them, your 3rd Fleet Group could make a feint towards Bilbringi to draw Imperial attention away from an attack on Duros.

May 27th, 2012, 07:46:17 AM
To attack A fortress world you would need the resources of at least 2 full fleets. Bilbringi would have at least 15 closer to 24 star destroyers protecting it.

While Duro is not a fortress world, It is still a valuable asset to the Empire both for its fleet yards and to suppress the Duros population. Thy do not want an a people who have dedicated most of their past to space travel against them. Too many potential enemy pilots.

They would have at least 3 battle squadrons there possible 4, yeah I think a full battle group of 4 most likely. So it will take the full force of the 3rd fleet plus task force 42 to pull it off. An imperial battle group is about the same size as an alliance fleet. Well at least the fleets we use.