View Full Version : Oh Advisory Council

Navaria Tarkin
May 4th, 2012, 12:34:23 PM
I can do this one of two ways, but think it might be fun to have Navaria meet a member of the council to discuss her first mission for them.

Needs to be flushed out but thought that negotiations with a certain group or what not hasn't been going well, and it's in the mutual interest of both Republic and Jedi for this to go through. I will be bringing Cleo, her Padawan, along since she needs some real world training on how to not be a spaz.

I know of three people that play Advisory members, perhaps there are more, and I do know that there is room to expand.

So looking for someone to collaborate with and flesh out a bit more details with me and Cleo on this mission.

The other way is just to say the council said go here and mention it in the past but doesn't seem as fun

Cleo Némain
May 4th, 2012, 12:38:17 PM
Yes yes! C'mon council typeis! Step righ' up! We needta....


spaz? :|

Captain Untouchable
May 4th, 2012, 12:41:30 PM
I can pitch in with Torrsk Oruo'rel and Tukphen if you need either of them. :)

Both of them have a fairly military bent (SpecForce and Fleet respectively) though, so it might make sense to have one of the more <s>squishy</s> diplomatically inclined Councilors there as well.

Ben Merasska
May 4th, 2012, 12:42:21 PM
I've got a Chandrilan Councillor I've never gotten around to setting up. It might be worthwhile to have him available for no other reason than to facilitate things like these.

Miranda Tarkin
May 4th, 2012, 12:43:54 PM
Well if you want a combo of one of Jace's and yours Vince then there you go :)

Question is now what faction are we wooing with my Spazitwhasit and for what purpose :p Anything going on recently?

Captain Untouchable
May 4th, 2012, 01:06:17 PM
What is it you're actually wanting to do with Navaria and Cléo? Are you wanting to help out with the negotiation itself - joining the Council members at the negotiating table? Are you wanting to take over the negotiation completely, and have Navaria representing the Jedi Council? Or are you wanting to do negotiations with a lightsaber, and have Navaria and Cléo uncover some dirt on the other people to help force their hand?

We can probably find a way to facilitate whatever it is that you want Nav to be doing... so working out what that is would be a good starting point.

Miranda Tarkin
May 4th, 2012, 01:14:20 PM
I envisioned them going off world to negotiate representing Alliance and Jedi interests. Cleo is going to learn the value of patience and focus :p

Captain Untouchable
May 4th, 2012, 01:41:03 PM
So, just the two of you?

Tukphen looks after the Ordnance and Supply Command. If It's gonna be a mission that interests both the Jedi and the Rebels - and if Mr Chandrila is there as well - it's probably gonna be something to do with getting food / supplies / spare parts / bacta / etc for the Wheel, and possibly for the larger Alliance as well. Something squishy and humanitarian, rather than military supplies.

Maybe we could use this as a prelude towards Alliance-Cizerack relations, and have Navaria negotiating with someone from the Pride? I dunno if there is anyone obvious who might make a sensible opposite number.

Dasquian Belargic
May 4th, 2012, 04:21:25 PM
Celeste is there if you need her :)

Miranda Tarkin
May 4th, 2012, 05:15:52 PM
We could make it three members of the board and three Jedi. You're still invited too if Daria wants to help keep the kid calm in the backseat.

Serasai Onashi
May 5th, 2012, 12:10:22 AM
Apparently Chandrila was big on diplomacy and such, so a Pride thing would be something he'd be interested in.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 5th, 2012, 07:47:23 AM
Djid ssomeone ssajy djiplomacjy? :D

Zem Vymes
May 5th, 2012, 08:02:52 AM
Might be a case of too many cooks spoiling the soup, but Zem did participate in the Republic siege of the Carshoulis Cluster back in the day, if y'all wanted him along for perspective. Then again maybe the Pride has a long memory and maybe it's not a good idea, who knows?

Miranda Tarkin
May 6th, 2012, 03:22:26 PM
Zem <3 Would love to have you but I think the thread would get clogged. Plus that would mean three Council peeps away from the Wheel. Do we really want Serena watching everyone alone :mneh

Zem Vymes
May 6th, 2012, 03:44:14 PM
You're right. I'll sit that one out :) Its for the best since I don't think it would do you any favors having Zem there

Serena Laran
May 6th, 2012, 09:17:50 PM
Serena isn't even at the Wheel at the moment anyway. :p

Oh no a Sith in the fleet! *council abandons the Wheel*


Halajiin Rabeak
May 6th, 2012, 10:13:29 PM
Hal: As the oldest Jedi, here, I will take charge the temporary Council until the others return! My first order of business: miniskirts for all the ladies!

Saricia Ask'lan
May 9th, 2012, 07:10:41 AM
May the Force help us :P

I take it then this is agreeable? Jace, I don't know much about the trade routes etc... so I suppose the thread will be educational for me too. Shall we begin with Navaria, Daria and Cleo landing on Dac?

Captain Untouchable
May 9th, 2012, 12:28:37 PM
Did we suss out who we're negotiating with? Did we settle upon the Cizerack, or was that just an idea that was tossed about?

Are you wanting to jump straight in (arrive at ongoing negotiations that have stalled, etc?), or do you want to arrive at Dac first, be briefed, and then travel to the negotiation location as part of a diplomatic envoy? Since the Alliance are the ones asking for stuff, we'd probably go to them, rather than having them come to Dac.

It would be worth working out what we're trying to negotiate for as well, before we get started. We're not going to be negotiating with a planetary government for ships and spare parts (we'd deal with the manufacturers for that), so what are we after? Medicine? Humanitarian supplies? Raw materials? Are we going all Technocoloured Dreamcoat and trying to negotiate with Joseph for some of Egypt's stockpile of food?

Miranda Tarkin
May 11th, 2012, 04:43:02 PM
I wouldn't mind a quick establishing scene with the Advisory board, then move onto whom we are to speak to.

The Cizerack would be fine honestly though the question is what of course and the likely probability they could be swayed.

Again, I was figuring Tukphen and Ben's character as the council peeps we're meeting?

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 11th, 2012, 04:50:48 PM
The Cizerack are pretty pissed at the Empire and for basically eating crow for picking the wrong side since the Clone Wars. They are right now looking for ways to passive aggressively assert their influence on their trade corridor at the expense of Imperial influence, but they're not quite ready to openly attack the Empire.

You could present a convincing case though. May not get them as fully vested allies, but it might sweeten the pot.

Captain Untouchable
May 11th, 2012, 05:26:53 PM
I think food and "humanitarian supplies" is probably the best thing to go with.

The Bothan Sector is probably the only place producing more food than is necessary for it's population (or maybe Sluis Van - no idea if snakes are good at gardening). Unfortunately, we've got a buttload of people to feed on the ships in our fleets, on the Wheel, on remote bases, and so forth. There's only so much that we can beg, borrow, or steal: but because we're terrorists, people probably don't want to be caught supplying us.

The Cizerack probably have the capacity to sell us some of their surplus; but they don't want to be caught dealing with us, either. They'll need assurances that we'll be able to keep it on the down low so they don't suffer any reprisals from the Empire; and also that we're good for our money, and that we won't default on a "pay in installments" deal, or whatever.

We've had a soldier (Tukphen) and a politician (Mr Chandrila) trying to convince them so far, but that hasn't been enough to sway them. Perhaps bringing in a Jedi - an old school paragon of truth and virtue - is our last-ditch effort to convince them that we're on the level... finding someone whose "word" they'll accept?


To avoid having any pesky Rebels on Cizerack soil, Tukphen probably has a ship there, and the negotiations are being held before that. All space negotiations need to be in orbit, with an appropriate planet looming out of the window. Navaria & co can arrive at/near Carshoulis Prime and come aboard... we can have a chat with the politicians, and then send you into the negotiating room.

I'll let you know as soon as I've cooked up an appropriate name for Tukphen's flagship.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 11th, 2012, 06:06:07 PM
IIRC I believe the Pride already deals in humanitarian goods to the Alliance in some capacity. That capacity could be increased, or we could even be talking about other things (up to and possibly including weapons if the correct firewalls and arrangements are made)

I don't think it would be an issue having the Alliance seen to directly in the cluster. That would suit their decision to kind of snub the Empire anyways, to be a group that is courting all comers. It's whether the Alliance / Jedi want to be public which I think would be another issue.

Nychus Antirr
May 11th, 2012, 09:06:21 PM
I'm not sure that we'd necessarily call in a Jedi to negotiate for guns. It seems a bit too... sordid somehow. Shouldn't Navaria be negotiating for nice things, like food, medicine, and fluffy bunnies? :uhoh


I guess for the Cizerack, food and fluffy bunnies are the same thing... >_<

Jun 10th, 2012, 04:17:38 AM
Ack! I completely forgot you were waiting on info from me. >_<

Tukphen's ship is called the Defiance. She's one of the big Mon Calamari cruisers like Home One, the Dauntless, etc. Let me know if you need me to write a preamble ramble... if not, just poke me with a stick when I need to do something again. :uhoh