View Full Version : Moving Forward

Apr 25th, 2012, 11:59:31 AM
Ideas for a few Threads for those interested in doing some fleet stuff. and maybe some SpecOps too.

Idea #1
So A group of former Incom Engineers Ventured off reservation and formed FreiTek right about this time in the canon Time line. They gave us the E-wing shortly thee after. So what Im thinking it a small skirmish between Imperial forces trying to stop them and Alliance forces trying to save them.

Idea #2
The 18th Roving Line is being deployed to raid Commerce. It is really a distraction for a strike on a deep space tracking station near Bilbringi.
Some nice Corvette action and maybe a skirmish between 2 larger ships.

Idea #3
An Imperial Patrol of lets say 2 Vic IIs finds itself lucky enough to discover a Rebel Way station in deep space guarded by a small force. Some good Fighter clashes and 2 vics on a Cal Cruiser and a couple escorts maybe?

These are just some ideas for smaller skirmish fleeting stuff. Thoughts? comments? other ideas? call me hurtful things?

Vansen Tyree
Apr 25th, 2012, 12:29:40 PM
Just to clarity, what is being stopped in Idea #1? Are we talking about a thread to prevent the formation of FreiTek (I thought that was the Incom engineers that already defected with the X-Wing?), or is it more like the Imperial attack on Shantipole Station, where they're attacking the R&D facility where a new fighter is being developed?

Also... what role are we emphasising with the E-Wing? It's described as an "escort fighter", but I vaguely remember Rogue Squadron getting them. I don't think changing what the Rogues fly is on the cards necessarily, but it might be cool to push the escort / multirole angle: not quite as fast as an A-Wing, not quite as hard-hitting as an X-Wing, but good for escorting convoys or for ships that can only carry one squadron.

Regardless, I'd be happy to volunteer Soto Terius for one of these threads. :)

He uses "scorpion" tactics in combat - frigates as the pincers, a cruiser as the body, escorts as the legs, and corvettes / missile boats as the sting in the tail. I have a soft spot for E-Wings so that would be my preference... but I'm happy to go with whichever one seems most suitable for those battle tactics.

Apr 25th, 2012, 04:29:42 PM
Just to clarity, what is being stopped in Idea #1? Are we talking about a thread to prevent the formation of FreiTek (I thought that was the Incom engineers that already defected with the X-Wing?), or is it more like the Imperial attack on Shantipole Station, where they're attacking the R&D facility where a new fighter is being developed?

That could be anythng really. The ship transporting them, their test grounds for the E-wing Prototype, something we can work out if we decide to do it.

I think FreiTek was another group all together. I am not sure But I know it was formed just after Endor, and they had the E-wing in service by 10 ABY... Endor was 4 ABY and we are 4 or 5 years past that now so I think the E-wing would be a nice addition to our forces.

Also... what role are we emphasising with the E-Wing? It's described as an "escort fighter", but I vaguely remember Rogue Squadron getting them. I don't think changing what the Rogues fly is on the cards necessarily, but it might be cool to push the escort / multirole angle: not quite as fast as an A-Wing, not quite as hard-hitting as an X-Wing, but good for escorting convoys or for ships that can only carry one squadron.

As for its role. The first E-wings had issues with Laser cannons and R-7 Mechs so they did not catch on at first. But by the 4th generation they out preformed A-wings and X-wings till the T-65AC4 came out. They would make a good Picket/interdictor fighter for small groups. And escort fighter for larger formations. Would work well as multi-roll fighters on ships with limited space. Its as fast as An A-wing with Better armor, weapons, and shielding just not as maneuverable. It Held more torps than any X-wing. twice as much actually. An Had Hard points on later models for cluster bombs and the such.

I liked the FreiTek idea which is why it was first. I would like to do all three when its all said and done.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 25th, 2012, 04:47:02 PM
If you want to bring Terius in, you can use Nov for either sorties or direct support. Lemme know

Captain Untouchable
Apr 25th, 2012, 04:49:42 PM
Didn't we already make an "as fast as An A-wing with Better armor, weapons, and shielding just not as maneuverable" fighter when we developed the A-Wing II? Why would the Rebels want another one with such a similar ops profile when we've barely finished rolling out that one?

Variety is great, but if this is something that the cash-strapped Rebel Alliance has agreed to fund, they presumably had a very specific idea in mind of what it was going to be for. The Alliance should be like the RAF (one type of fighter for each role), whereas the Empire is more like USAF (a several types of fighter for each role with lots of overlap).

I like the idea of adding a dedicated escort. That way the X-Wing can be used purely for space superiority, and the A-Wing can be used purely for interceptor duties: it makes sure everything that the Alliance builds itself has a very clearly designed role.

Apr 25th, 2012, 05:12:15 PM
Didn't we already make an "as fast as An A-wing with Better armor, weapons, and shielding just not as maneuverable" fighter when we developed the A-Wing II? Why would the Rebels want another one with such a similar ops profile when we've barely finished rolling out that one?

Yes, and isn't it pretty.

The Main thing is The E-wing set up FreiTek as a major Developer for the Alliance. It was designed as a replacement for the X-wing. At this point The X-wings we have are out classed by TIE Avengers and Defenders. Income Will Make better X-wings down the line but Fleet command would be looking for a fix to the TIE Defender.

So basiclly its a fluffy lets find a way to win thing.

Captain Untouchable
Apr 25th, 2012, 05:23:58 PM
Rogue Squadron is an X-Wing unit, though. I don't know if we'd be up for changing that (are we, guys?). It would seem silly if FreiTek developed a fighter to replace the X-Wing, which then didn't get used by the Alliance's most elite X-Wing Squadron.

If we feel that we need something faster than an X-Wing, then upgrading to the T-65C might be a better call. That way it's still an X-Wing (nothing changes for the roleplayers), but it becomes faster for the benefit of fleeters and what-not.

An E-Wing that can be used alongside X-Wings and A-Wing IIs however - something that fills a niche we don't already have covered - might be a more versatile storytelling tool.

If you want to bring Terius in, you can use Nov for either sorties or direct support. Lemme know

Will do man, thanks. :)

Apr 25th, 2012, 05:30:21 PM
Rogue Squadron is an X-Wing unit, though. I don't know if we'd be up for changing that (are we, guys?). It would seem silly if FreiTek developed a fighter to replace the X-Wing, which then didn't get used by the Alliance's most elite X-Wing Squadron.

That is exactly what happened EU Canon.

An E-Wing that can be used alongside X-Wings and A-Wing IIs however - something that fills a niche we don't already have covered - might be a more versatile storytelling tool.

That is exactly what happened EU Canon.

Im not worried about What we do with them. Its just an Idea for a Fleet Thread.

Captain Untouchable
Apr 25th, 2012, 05:33:41 PM
I'm aware that it's exactly what happened in EU canon: but we're not writing EU canon here. ;)

My point is that if we're going to introduce E-Wings into our story, it would make sense to do it in a way that fits with our roleplaying universe, rather than just ramming it in there for the sake of having something from EU.

Apr 25th, 2012, 05:37:06 PM
Then we wont do that idea not problem. I was just working on ideas for a small fleet skirmish. It wasnt about the Fighters it was about the fluff.

Kelly Perris
Apr 25th, 2012, 05:39:13 PM
I'm going to say it now, and say it loud and absolutement en clairité that the only thing the current X-wings are getting replaced with are newer versions of the X-wing. Tote me the benefits of other fighters all you please, this is a stubborn, hard end. The x-wing is a symbol, as much as the Rogues are.

So, Rogue Squadron is x-wings and will be remaining as such. Fulfill that requirement, then we will talk.

But... I'm sure there's other squadrons that would be happy to have your newfangled fighters. There are, right? :uhoh

Captain Untouchable
Apr 25th, 2012, 05:42:59 PM
Like I keep saying, Reshmar... all we need to do is justify adding the E-Wing.

I said already: I like E-Wings. They look cool as hell, and a new fighter for the Rebel Alliance would be a really cool addition, IMO. Developing FreiTek would also be a cool addition to the Alliance's fighter craft repertoir. But it's called an escort fighter: so let's use it as an escort fighter. We can easily justify there being a need for that.

Just forget the "replacing the X-Wing" bit, and it's all good. :)

The X-Wings are our F-18s... but there's no harm in adding some AV-8s, just as long as we don't replace all our F-18 Squadrons with AV-8 Squadrons.

/retro aircraft analogy

Apr 25th, 2012, 05:47:25 PM
I am sorry If somehow I gave the impression I was wanting to replace anything.

I agree, X-wings are and will always be Rouge Squadrons Primary Fighter.

I was simply taking something from the EU that fit into our timeline and tried working an idea for a fleet thread around it. We could kill off the Incom engineers and FreiTek never come to be.

I know this is not EU but a lot of the things which happened EU are possible with Our Timeline. So This idea didn't work out we can move on to another.

Apr 25th, 2012, 05:57:34 PM
A T-65c would be great. Rouge needs something that can help with Tie Defenders.

I will let you fly boys and girls mess with that. With our way of writing R and D isnt really much of an issue. Just Fluff.

Im ok with anything Im just trying to get some fleet threads going.

Captain Untouchable
Apr 25th, 2012, 06:09:23 PM
No one is saying the thread concept won't work. No one is saying we can't do it. No one is saying we don't want to do it. All we're saying is "lets make sure the E-Wing is an escort".

We are all systems go with FreiTek, E-Wings, and everything else. Lets do this thing. :)

Apr 25th, 2012, 06:17:07 PM
Im sorry, I dont mean to replace anything, and I didnt put too much thought into the E-wings role. It was just an Idea. nothing more. But I don't want to just call it an escort fighter and that's all its good for. I want people to use it for what ever they want. Its the Best looking and overall performing Snub nose. and ic can fill any roll. Its a true Multi Roll Fighter. Like a SuperHornet. I didn't mean to say it was to take anything place I was simple listing its attributes.

Apr 25th, 2012, 06:19:43 PM
But Enough of that.

let talk about the Mission itself not the fighter lol.


Captain Tyberius Saye
Apr 26th, 2012, 07:04:47 PM
Define "Small Skirmish"....

Apr 26th, 2012, 09:26:45 PM
Define "Small Skirmish"....

Lets say your pretty New Victory II star Destroyer and either another Vic or maybe A vindicator and Carrack (would be my choice), pick up a faint signal where there shouldn't be one. and you investigate and find an asteroid where the alliance has a listening post with a few small ships guarding it.

just for instance

Sarah Lymia
Apr 26th, 2012, 09:32:56 PM
Generous, my first command was a solitary carrack.....which got shot to pieces. :lol

I do love the Carrack-class, though. It's good, reliable ship.

Apr 26th, 2012, 11:31:07 PM
Yes they are. fast as an old X-wing, Compartmentalized bulkheads, reinforced Frame, and the heaviest armor on a ship under 600 meters. Fast Maneuverable and pretty. I'm a big fan of both then and Dreads. Big fan of DP20 Guships also. Those little buggers have more firepower than a Neb B.

Karl Valten
Apr 27th, 2012, 03:13:18 AM
Dreads I've never been a fan of for some reason. It's more than big (and massive) enough to be a heavy cruiser, but they always seemed more like a really slow medium-cruiser or assault-cruiser trying to pretend that it was a heavy.

I'm actually not a fan of most cannon heavy cruisers....save for the Mon Cal shield boats (as much as I'm loathe to admit it....they make damn fine ships).

Though for some reason I'm definitely a fan of Assault Frigates (once again, a damned rebel ship).

Vansen Tyree
Apr 27th, 2012, 06:15:56 AM
My my, Mr Valten.

It almost sounds like you want to defect.


Apr 27th, 2012, 09:19:33 AM
Come to the Light Side.....

I like Vindicators. Its a Heavy Light cruiser. My Fav. Imperial ship by far. They are like a little fireball waiting to explode. alots of light Tlas, point defense weapons, and most carried a full wing of ties and a massive amount of short ranged weapons they are the ultimate Skirmish ship.

As far as Heavy Cruisers go, The Munificent Is classed as a Star Frigate but it guns like a light destroyer. If your into old CIS ships...

Karl Valten
Apr 27th, 2012, 09:36:42 AM
My my, Mr Valten.

It almost sounds like you want to defect.


Aurora-class Star Destroyer

I'm staying with the Empire thank you very much. Plus the INQ uses it's own ships of the line these days and the biggest thing we ever need to use a Strike Cruisers....plus they're so easily modified and automated.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 27th, 2012, 10:34:17 AM
Define "Small Skirmish"....

Note: I'm not a Fleeter with a capital F, but this is the type of naval combat I do and I'm pretty good at making it work if I can toot my own horn.

Imperial Entanglements (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21139)

1 ISD vs the balance of the Jedi covoy (1 Mon Cal pocket carrier, Neb B frigate, Action VI transport, gunship, and assorted light freighters, shuttles, and fighters, plus a Venator and assault frigate later)

Captain Tyberius Saye
Apr 27th, 2012, 04:54:58 PM
Define "Small Skirmish"....

Imperial Entanglements (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=21139)

1 ISD vs the balance of the Jedi covoy (1 Mon Cal pocket carrier, Neb B frigate, Action VI transport, gunship, and assorted light freighters, shuttles, and fighters, plus a Venator and assault frigate later)

That seems about right.

Lets say your pretty New Victory II star Destroyer and either another Vic or maybe A vindicator and Carrack (would be my choice), pick up a faint signal where there shouldn't be one. and you investigate and find an asteroid where the alliance has a listening post with a few small ships guarding it.

That's quite a few ships for a new fleeter. That Vindicator and Carrack look good though. :)