View Full Version : The Council
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 16th, 2012, 03:16:16 PM
With Drin on an extended LOA (???) we are left with a council of 2 right now.
It seems like a good time to perhaps either replace Drin or expand the Council.
Serena Laran
Apr 16th, 2012, 03:31:10 PM
I think this is a good idea. With more activity we need at least one other council member on hand for RP purposes. :)
Apr 16th, 2012, 05:07:58 PM
I agree, with Drin absent, and Solomon out of the picture, there's a shortage of senior Jedi characters with suitable authority. Off the top of my head, I think Serena and Zem are ideal candidates for the council.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 16th, 2012, 06:06:05 PM
Invite Zem to Avalon and I'm sure that old crumudgeon will do it :)
Captain Untouchable
Apr 16th, 2012, 08:27:08 PM
I agree, with Drin absent, and Solomon out of the picture, there's a shortage of senior Jedi characters with suitable authority. Off the top of my head, I think Serena and Zem are ideal candidates for the council.
Quoted for emphasis. These would be my suggestions as well.
Presumably we could assume that Drin is off on an unspecified mission/errand, to explain his absence? That way we can explain why a key member of the Wheel isn't there, while still leaving the door open if/when he gets back.
Apr 19th, 2012, 08:53:08 PM
How should we go about this? A meeting between Daria, Navaria, Serena, and Zem? Or does anyone have any unconventional ideas to bring them together?
Daria Nytherciria
Apr 21st, 2012, 11:18:19 AM
I'm not sure how it could come about, but Zem and Serena would be logical choices.
Zem Vymes
Apr 21st, 2012, 11:27:45 AM
Do I get a hat?
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 21st, 2012, 02:57:24 PM
A pointy one.
Captain Untouchable
Apr 21st, 2012, 06:34:59 PM
Would it be easier to leave their appointment "off-camera"?
In the next thread that involves the Council, we could simply mention that "the two newest members of the Council were there", and then move on with the thread.
Saves us having to work out how/why it happened IC. ^_^;
Zem Vymes
Apr 23rd, 2012, 01:36:35 PM
I agree with that. Less complications
Apr 23rd, 2012, 01:39:44 PM
Yes, I'm all in favour of that. It is a bit like roleplaying red-tape, otherwise.
Someone... make it so!
Serena Laran
Apr 23rd, 2012, 02:16:15 PM
That's okay with me :)
What do I do now? :uhoh
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 23rd, 2012, 02:29:04 PM
Abuse your new mod powers?
Serena Laran
Apr 23rd, 2012, 02:36:54 PM
Consider it done!
I mean, er :angel
Captain Untouchable
Apr 23rd, 2012, 02:56:29 PM
Bit of an odd question:
What does the Council do, exactly?
We're not a galaxy-spanning order of peacekeepers and enforcers anymore. We haven't established any real relationship between the Jedi and the Rebel Alliance, so we aren't acting as generals or spiritual advisors. The only thing the Jedi have been focusing on really is the Wheel itself, and rebuilding the Order.
If the Council is just there to make administrative decisions regarding the Jedi, maybe there are some other characters who should "sit in" on meetings?
Loki has been portrayed as one of the main lightsaber instructors for example: since training new Jedi is an important part of rebuilding the Order, would his input be valuable in Council meetings? Barton Henning has ties to the branch of the Alliance that is providing us with supplies; with s'Ilancy gone, it might make sense for him to step up and advise the Council on matters regarding supplies and obtaining resources. Hal is a Jedi from a bygone era: he could potentially provide the Council with the perspective of someone from the Order's "golden age"... a reminder of what they should be aspiring to.
Sure, they aren't wise old Jedi Masters full of sage advice... but Daria isn't a Master either, and it might make sense for us to build a Jedi Council that fits the current status quo, rather than emulating the old order of things.
At the moment it seems like they're there because we know we need one, even if we aren't sure why. Working out what the Council is for might make it easier for Council members to find things to post about. :)
Apr 23rd, 2012, 03:55:27 PM
I've been doing a bit of reading in which we discussed the idea of the three different Jedi schools of thought, and how each one should have a representative on the Jedi Council. Back then, those were:
Daria, represetning the Consulars.
Drin, representing the Guardians.
Tionne, representing the Sentinels.
And Navaria presided over the discussions and represented the council to those outside the Order, like the military.
That's fallen by the wayside due to a number of different things, I think the main one being inactivity, and that can't be helped. But, maybe it's something to think about, the Jedi infrastructure... again. :uhoh
We have the Jedi all in one place. We have the newbies coming to the Whaladon where they join the Jedi ranks. A few of us have been renewing discussions to get Jedi characters trained to double-up as star fighter pilots, in response to the threat posed by the Sith. There has also been talk about the Whaladon, which pretty much boils down to "We're gonna need a bigger boat." In the past, some have said that perhaps the Whaladon could be as big or as small as we would like to suit our roleplaying needs, maybe even a completely made-up type of ship altogether. I'd be down with this if it weren't for the niggling belief that it'd rock continuity a bit too much for even me. Hang on...
I'm veering all over the shop. Maybe we just need to ascertain how the council works. Jace's point reminds me of the issue raised in BSG regarding a government that operates like its representing planets that effectively no longer exists, and consequently move to represent ships instead, and it's quite apt. We did originally intend for the council, and the Jedi, to be structured very differently from their pre-Empire predecessors, and that was going to happen (to be fair, it's very different as it is), but real life absences got in the way.
To be honest, I think that's been the big issue, the activity and availability of council members. There's a lot going on at the moment, and Jedi will be looking to their leaders for guidance and support, and that has fell solely on Daria and Navaria shoulders lately. The addition of Zem and Serena to the council should help lighten the load.
Serena Laran
Apr 23rd, 2012, 04:00:11 PM
My opinion:
I don't think we need to find things to post about - the current surge in posting is still a fairly recent phenomenon after six or so months of hardly anything happening. Things to post about will come around naturally. The council is around to facilitate whatever RP needs the Jedi have regarding missions or leadership input, and also to liase with the Rebels when needed. Other than that I imagine they'll just act like all the other Jedi do, just with an added layer of gravitas or something. :p
Things 'to post about' will come naturally. And Loki is already the Council's intern or something. :p Also I think Barton isn't a Jedi really, so that would be a bit weird. Hal just arrived, I don't think it would be good IC to trust him with responsibilities and power regarding the Jedi Order's safety until we know him better.
Plus, if the Council is superfluous, then adding more people to the fringes of it is unnecessary.
edit: Serena overseeing the Consular side of things is fine by me. Or even a ship, if we're doing something like the BSG model as Droo mentioned. We could stretch from one ship, the poor overtaxed and often referred to as much larger than it is Whaladon, to four, and have them all link up when not actually jumping through hyperspace. Like a bunch of houseboats on a lake all tied together. :)
Barton Henning
Apr 23rd, 2012, 04:17:01 PM
We could have two Council members per 'school of thought':
Daria and Serena for the Consulars
Navaria and ??? for the Sentinels?
Loki and ??? for the Guardians?
I don't know which section Zem falls into.
Working out what the Council is for might make it easier for Council members to find things to post about.
This isn't a problem at all for me, right now, just as a heads up. I'm fine for stuff to do :)
I think there had always been plans to extend the number of ships we had available to us. I think we even RPed a little of this out, trying to get more in the way of resources from the Alliance. But yeah, having the Jedi spread out would make sense from a tactical standpoint. United we may stand, but united we will also get blown to smithereens if anyone ever hits the Whaladon :mneh
Apr 23rd, 2012, 04:28:23 PM
United we may stand, but united we will also get blown to smithereens if anyone ever hits the Whaladon :mneh
Which, by the way, they frequently do. The amount of times people have flown into the Whaladon's imaginary hanger bay, I'm amazed there's anything left of it at all. Haha, can you imagine the scene onboard?
"Oh, no, not another one! Brace! Brace! Brace!" :lol
Okay, I'm far too tired to contribute anything of worth to this discussion tonight. I waffled my way through the last post and forgot what my point was supposed to be. I shall return on the morrow!
Captain Untouchable
Apr 23rd, 2012, 05:52:11 PM
My big concern is that we always say "lets not worry about it now", and it always seems to bite us in the ass in the long run. Since the Wheel was created we've not really had much guidance or structure, and I think we've suffered for it.
I'm sure Dee and Andrew will back me up on how tough it can be writing a Padawan at times. There's no information out there at all on what it's like living on the Wheel, or what you could or should be doing. Yes, "you could just ask", but shouldn't we at least have some basic information? Should Kala and Akasha be doing threads where they "just finished Master Serena's levitation class"? Is Wyl skipping his Jedi Philosophy homework when he's playing Spies with Tak?
We've not put any thought into how easy it is to travel between ships in the Wheel, either. This is something that would be especially useful to know if we plan to split ourselves up between different ships. Does the Challenger run a Space Bus service so that people can commute from the ship that they live on to the ship where Loki is teaching "Lightsaber 101"? Is there a Wheel version of "Cloud 9" - a ship with an arboretum or something, where people can go to relax and be outside? How easy is it to get there - is there a shuttle every hour, or do you have to "make a day of it"?
Knowing what the Council is doing would help with that, too. Maybe Barton "isn't a Jedi really", but knowing that Person X is in charge of coordinating supply shipments is the kind of detail that a Rogue character could mention in a post. Knowing that Vansen will need approval from the Council for Decision Y, or that the Council will need approval from Vansen for Decision Z, would also be helpful.
It isn't essential information, but this kind of stuff really helps set the scene.
Our activity level doesn't always help, but we're not making it easy on ourselves either. I don't think it's surprising that we've had new members show up, post a couple of times, and then vanish completely. Even us vets have trouble working out what's going on at times. :(
Serena Laran
Apr 23rd, 2012, 06:55:25 PM
I understand what you're saying and I agree - having background information like this in place would help make the Wheel seem more like a real place and make RPing richer. I think we've tended to err on the side of "free form writing" and avoided "bean counting" so much that doing a level of world building with the Wheel has gone by the wayside. Also, it takes a consensus to create something like this, and we hate rocking boats. Or Whaladons. :uhoh
1. Travel between ships of the Wheel - Shuttles must be available from the Challenger, when Jedi need to go there and back again. The Whaladon, as Droo adroitly pointed out, is too small and has no hangar bay. No shuttles live on the Whaladon!
2. Liason with the Alliance - Lok was doing a great deal of this, but that's not going to happen now for obvious She's A Sith reasons. Navaria was slated for this in the past, I say we just move her into that position to take over from s'Ilancy.
3. Supplies, Et Cetera - Perhaps someone to coordinate with Alliance friendlies who know of the Wheel (the Barton and Ben ships) and who bring in supplies. Maybe Zem can take care of this busy work in between practicing singing in the shower.
4. Coordinate training with available knights for padawans with no masters - Seems like this should be Loki's job. We don't have many NPC padawans but I know Sol was RPing bringing new blood to the Wheel, so we do have them knocking about.
5. Ships - We have the Whaladon and some personal freighters (Serena's and Sol's) as far as Jedi ships. We need more. I know (I think I know) that Inyos and Lok were finding Jedi starfighters. If we can 'acquire' a ship to support these and become our main Jedi ship it can house shuttles as well to get from ship to ship as well as be the main 'docking hub' for our flotilla when not in motion. If we want other sorts of specialized ships I guess we could always go in for an Ithorian cityship if we want to go ginormous. ;) (just kidding)
Er, just a few ideas. I guess I didn't assign Serena or Daria anything but Serena is a healer and a diplomat so she could be in charge of the Jedi medcorps and er... somethingsomething...
Serena Laran
Apr 23rd, 2012, 07:57:02 PM possible addition to the Wheel, crewed by Jedi? It only takes two to crew it, carries 142 passengers and 5 starfighters. I don't know how many Jedi Starfighters we're getting. *shrug*
That could be too small, but if we add a big cargo ship with lots of open space that could work.
Or this
Amos Iakona
Apr 23rd, 2012, 10:18:25 PM
I don't think it's necessarily the case that the Whaladon *can't* have a hangar bay: it's a big cargo ship, so there's presumably some way of offloading supplies via shuttle without it having to land on the surface. It's more an issue of having sufficient internal space to park everything we've allegedly got parked inside.
Would there be a problem with having the Jedi Starfighters and shuttles on the Challenger, as opposed to a separate ship? The Challenger has a ridiculous amount of parking space... and any Jedi who want to be trained in piloting will likely learn it from the Rebels on the Challenger anyway.
We could potentially use the Challenger as the "airport" for the Wheel. All incoming traffic and supplies land on the Challenger and go through security checks before heading out to the rest of the Wheel... a good security measure to avoid more Vega mishaps?
You're correct about Lok and Inyos obtaining Jedi Starfighters. The way that Christin and I envisaged it (I think) was that the fighters are sort of like horses for the Jedi Knights - a way for them to go on missions without necessarily needing their own ship. There would presumably be an amorphous non-specific number so that we always have enough for whatever we need them for.
What if we snagged some other ships as well? We could use Republic Gunships ( as our fleet of Space Buses, for example.
Serena Laran
Apr 23rd, 2012, 11:21:54 PM
Action IV transports are pretty small, actually. Just saying. ^_^;
Amos Iakona
Apr 23rd, 2012, 11:40:05 PM
Yeah, but so are some shuttles. ;)
Also, isn't the Whaladon an Action VI, rather than an Action IV? Not much difference in size, granted, but in the Essential Guide to Ships, the Wild Karrde ( (an Action VI) is shown with a docking bay underneath. It's not huge by any means, but I'm sure it'd be big enough for shuttles to actually land, rather than having to dock via airlock, or whatever.
In fact, the Wookieepedia page ( describes it as having a compliment of "Starfighter or shuttle (1) (optional, in cargo space)".
Serena Laran
Apr 23rd, 2012, 11:53:56 PM
:uhoh I have no idea to be honest
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2012, 01:11:56 AM
We're not so much looking at the Council now as the way that the whole of the Wheel operates. What level of detail do you think would be useful for us to go into? I have some ideas about a 'Newcomers Guide to the Wheel' that I'll write up when I get home from work, but having an idea about how much detail you think should go into it would be helpful.
Topics I'm thinking of could be:
- How to find the Wheel
- Arrival - both as a newcomer, and as a resident
- Size - physical size and population of the Convoy
- Movement - how the Wheel navigates and how to move between ships within the Wheel
- Departure - what happens when you leave the Wheel, how do you find your way back
- Resources - how is the Wheel supplied
- Features - what type of facilities are there aboard the various ships
- Specialists - which Jedi or Alliance personnel to consult about a certain topic
These are just initial ideas in my head. I'm not sure whether it's more or less detail than you're thinking of, and these certainly aren't the only topics I could think of, but I have to go to work now!
Zem Vymes
Apr 24th, 2012, 09:32:05 AM
I love the notion of Knights being "mounted" and having their own fighters here and there.
I will help write a few articles, sure
Captain Untouchable
Apr 24th, 2012, 11:32:32 AM
Would Zem be a good fit as a replacement for s'Il as the liaison to Vansen?
The two seem like they would have compatable personalities; Zem certainly has the patience to work alongside Vansen. He's also got the kind of age, experience, and worldly wisdom that Vansen would respect; and that would be useful in doing the job effectively. Plus, given Zem's relationship to s'Il, he might feel a certain responsibility to replace her.
That would leave Navaria free to represent the Jedi in a political sense (to the High Council, Alliance Intel, etc) while Zem is focusing merely on the more military / logistics side of things within the Wheel itself. It has been established that a lot of what s'Il and Vansen did related to paperwork and such: it might be unwise burdening the leader of the Jedi Council with those sorts of tasks.
Zem Vymes
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:18:28 PM
I am down for this if others are, sure
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:21:55 PM
Perhaps, given the security lockdown, we could have the Whaladon dock indefinitely with the Challenger.
Presently, the Jedi are holed up in that stuffy little ship, and presumably, the idea was to allow no ships to access or leave the Whaladon directly without going through the Challenger first. So, if someone arrived at the Wheel they'd have to board the Challenger, recieve security clearance, then be shuttled over to the Jedi ship. It's a bit convoluted and by docking with the Challenger, the tedious ferrying of personnel and supplies is halved. It would also allow the Alliance to have a closer eye on the Jedi, which is in their best interests right now, and it means Vansen and the council have access to each other more readily. Also, the Jedi would have access to facilities and equipment they never had stranded on the Whaladon, which would also facilitate the pilot training, and any other potential non-Jedi training ventures. And it goes without saying, given the fact that it has none of its own defenses whatsoever, the Whaladon would be less vulnerable in this position.
Those are the in-character benefits. But OOC it would help us deal with the issue of having a bunch of characters effectively locked up aboard a tiny ship, running out of things to do. If we're going to have our characters sealed away like that, I'd rather it were in a bigger and more diverse environment. Sharing the Challenger would help with that. We'd be able to interact with other types of characters more freely, such as pilots and other military personnel, and we'd be in a better position to plan and execute missions together.
Dee had an interesting way of putting it: the Whaladon aboard the Challenger would be like the Jedi Temple at the heart of Coruscant. Mainly, this suggestion is just about freeing up our options a bit, and there's only so much I personally feel I can do with Loki on that little ship before it starts to feel stale.
Zem Vymes
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:30:29 PM
Why not just make it to where you can hop a shuttle and go anywhere in the wheel but have to give your flight plan? Seems we're making this too hard. The wheel should be a city. Theoretical access to all points, you just need permission, which can easily be RPed
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:40:52 PM
Why not just make it to where you can hop a shuttle and go anywhere in the wheel but have to give your flight plan? Seems we're making this too hard. The wheel should be a city. Theoretical access to all points, you just need permission, which can easily be RPed
This works for me.
Zem being the new liaison to the Alliance is cool too.
Captain Untouchable
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:48:39 PM
Something to bear in mind is that the Venator has a large ventral bay: if you've watched The Clone Wars, you'll have seen one of these ( docked in side that. The Whaledon is only ten meters different in length from one of those ships, so would concievably fit as well. That makes it super-duper convenient, both in terms of logistics, and in terms of defense: what better to protect the Wheel than being right smack bang inside the Challenger's shields?
Theoretical access to all points via shuttle is fine in concept. But do we actually have that many points? People only really seem to need to be on the Whaladon (where the Jedi are) or on the Challenger (where the ships are). If one is docked to the other, then there are no shuttles necessary: even easier.
If we start adding more ships, I think we need to make sure that when we add ships, we do so because it's going to be beneficial. Spreading ourselves out across multiple residential ships (making casual encounters harder / more convoluted) might not be beneficial. However, an Ithorian ship with an arboretum / garden / hydroponics bay for growing fresh vegetables might be a useful thing to have.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:52:36 PM
However, an Ithorian ship with an arboretum / garden / hydroponics bay for growing fresh vegetables might be a useful thing to have.
That could be something cool for people to RP out actually acquiring.
Zem Vymes
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:56:35 PM
Whaladon being in the Ventral bay, eh? I'm not against that. Could be like the enterprise D and the detachable saucer. We punt whaladon and let her scoot away if it's a fight, etc
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 24th, 2012, 12:56:49 PM
Yeah, Zem being the liaison makes sense to me through the perspective that he has history with the Rebels.
I think Jenny's list is perfect, and if there's any way that I can contribute to whichever topic needs writing, I'm down for helping. Once we get a list of the ships in the convoy, I am for sure going to be snagging pictures of said ships and putting them together in one convoy-looking image to make a new banner for the Enclave.
Apr 24th, 2012, 01:03:36 PM
Why not just make it to where you can hop a shuttle and go anywhere in the wheel but have to give your flight plan? Seems we're making this too hard. The wheel should be a city. Theoretical access to all points, you just need permission, which can easily be RPed
To be honest, I think the idea of people hopping shuttles everytime they fancy stretching their legs beyond the Whaladon sounds more convoluted than having it just docked inside the Challenger. Given his relationship with the Council, Loki is in some position to request shuttles, but where does that leave padawans? There has been expressed to me recently some discontent amongst people with padawan characters, they feel trapped on the Whaladon and at a loose end, and presumably this security lockdown will exacerbate the issue. I thought we could alleviate these concerns, at least for the time being, by effectively giving people a bigger sandbox.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 24th, 2012, 01:09:13 PM
Alright, if it's causing problems for Padawans, let's make an executive decision... the Whaladon is docked with the Challenger. Done.
What's the next problem to solve? :D
RE: the Newcomers Guide. Thanks for the offer of help guys, it's much appreciated. I'm going to grab dinner and then hop on AIM so if anyone is around and wants to share ideas, we could have a chat.
Captain Untouchable
Apr 24th, 2012, 01:17:55 PM
Whaladon being in the Ventral bay, eh? I'm not against that. Could be like the enterprise D and the detachable saucer. We punt whaladon and let her scoot away if it's a fight, etc
I like this analogy; detaching the saucer with the non-essential personnel, while the rest of the ship goes off to fight.
Adding to something that Droo touched on: this could begin as something temporary, as a security measure during the lockdown. It gives the Jedi more freedom to move without any silly security complications with shuttles, and helps keep the Whaledon extra-safe until the Dan crisis has passed.
Long-term, I think it's a good option too. As Charley says... being able to detach the Whaledon means that we can leave the Jedi behind if the Challenger ever goes on a mission; or the Whaladon can detach and jump away if the Wheel is attack, while the Challenger stays behind to cover their escape.
Also, it nicely avoids any problems with parking Jedi Starfighters: if the Jedi want to help out defending the Wheel during a dogfight, all they need to do is run from the Whaladon to the Challenger's hangar. If we have people on separate ships with shuttles carrying you from place to place, it's much harder to justify constantly being in the right place at the right time.
- Specialists - which Jedi or Alliance personnel to consult about a certain topic
Something Droo and I thought up earlier... if the Whaladon and the Challenger are having constant ship-sex, that opens up a bunch of new possibilities.
Droo suggested that maybe Jedi Padawans wouldn't be limited just to learning Jedi stuff - there's the potential for members of the Challenger crew to teach them stuff like piloting, tactics, repair skills, etc on top of of their more traditional Jedi training... extra skills to flesh out characters, and to open up roleplaying opportunities going forward.
Abarai Loki
Apr 24th, 2012, 01:17:55 PM
- Departure - what happens when you leave the Wheel, how do you find your way back
I had a thought about that this morning. Perhaps there can be a protocol in place for characters who want to return to the Wheel, whereby they leave a certain type of advertisment on the Holonet which to the casual observer appears harmless enough, but is in reality is a coded message to the Alliance requesting pick-up. Presumably the phrasing of the advertisment would change from time to time to avoid detection.
Serena Laran
Apr 24th, 2012, 01:55:07 PM
I'm in favor of all of this. Getting a ship for growing their own food and stuff would be quite fun to RP. :)
In addition growing food would be something Serena has experience with. I wouldn't mind her being in charge of this in some fashion.
Captain Untouchable
Apr 24th, 2012, 11:40:54 PM
It would be fun to RP, sure. But when?
It's not the sort of thing that we could do prior to the Alliance Intel lockdown. It's not something that would be easy to do while we're all cowering in fear at the prospect of evil Dan the Sith coming to eat us in our sleep.
Yes, we could add it as a thread before the lockdown. But do we really want to throw in another big RP story that delays us from pushing on with the Dan arc? I'm glad you like the idea, but I am uncomfortable with something I suggested causing more delays an already extensively delayed plan.
Perhaps we could either a) assume the ship is here already, b) wait until after the Dan arc to roleplay this, c) assume the ship is here already, and then go back and RP getting it as a flashback once we're less busy with the Dan arc, or d) make sure the people RPing the ship-acquisition aren't the same players who should be focusing on driving forward the Dan arc?
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 25th, 2012, 12:42:46 PM
One alternative is that it wouldn't be possible for every single person aboard the Wheel to be part of whatever developments are upcoming in the Dan arc, so people who are unlikely to be able to contribute there could take themselves out of harms way (as it were) and go off to acquire the Ithorian ship. I'm thinking that padawans like Kala, for example, would make sense for this. Padawans who don't have a predefined role within the Alliance hierarchy of the Wheel. I would also be game for sending Barton along, since this would technically be like procuring supplies.
Serena Laran
Apr 25th, 2012, 01:07:16 PM
Morgan had the idea of it being a salvage operation so I'm ok with him taking point in setting it up as I'm not sure exactly what he had in mind.
With the Wheel pretty much doing it's own thing separate from the rest of the Alliance while they're on high Dan Is A Sith Alert I think it's reasonable to assume that one of their random jumps could bring them within range of a broke herdship (a small one, not a huge city one). Then it's just a matter to getting an away team together.
Vansen Tyree
Apr 25th, 2012, 01:14:33 PM
Are we talking broken down and abandoned, or broken down recently?
It's worth bearing in mind that plants / crops have a tendancy to die / go rotten if they aren't sufficiently taken care of. Also, a spooky abandoned overgrown plant ship is a cool concept for a mission, but it'd take someone a lot of effort to turn it back into a functioning kitchen-garden that is producing food that we can actually eat. (I volunteer Charley :mneh)
Maybe there's an insane Ithorian gardner lurking around the place, threatening imaginary children to get off his imaginary lawn with his imaginary pitchfork? :ohno
Serena Laran
Apr 25th, 2012, 01:17:54 PM
We have an Ithorian registered and ready to teach us how to use his ship.
We had a big Jedi chat yesterday afternoon wherein this was all discussed by a huge amount of people (one reason to join in on chats mr Jace). The details are not worked out completely yet, but the idea is that yes, it will be functioning to some degree with at least one survivor on board.
Vansen Tyree
Apr 25th, 2012, 01:29:57 PM
Bearing in mind that most of these chats happen in the small hours of the morning as far as GB time goes, I'm not entirely sure that they're the smartest / fairest place to be making decisions. You can't realistically expect people like Droo, Jenny, or myself to stay up overnight on a regular basis, just to make sure we're privvy to the things that are decided. :(
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 25th, 2012, 01:52:19 PM
In fairness both myself and Droo were in the chat. It was taking place at a Brit friendly time. It's not like the chats are law but a fair amount of discussion came out of it and this was one of the potential story ideas to take forward.
Serena Laran
Apr 25th, 2012, 02:07:17 PM
It was sort of a spur of the moment thing, as there were a vast majority of the Jedi RPers online and Jenny had mentioned in a post here possibly having a chat to discuss things to add to a Guide. I highly doubt it will be a regular occurrence. RP discussion actually happening in a group chat is a little rare. ;)
Actually that's not true, we talk about Rp all the time in chats, just not to this extent.
Serena Laran
Apr 25th, 2012, 02:16:04 PM
In no particular order as I remember them:
Yes on Challenger and Whaladon becoming intimately acquainted
Whaladon is an Action IX as is listed in the wiki (not sure how this affects the previous point)
Add only one ship so as not to spread out too thinly, the Ithorian herdship.
Herdship is a small version, not a city ship because that's just ridiculous.
There's at least one Ithorian on board and it will be a salvage operation by the Wheel when we come across it, however that comes about and whenever it does. (personally I don't see anything stopping us from just doing this whenever we are ready)
Padawans needed some sort of schedule to help them know what they're supposed to be doing (wrote schedule as an example to help RPers)
Masters and Padawans should do more stuff together. If you're bored with your padawan and you've been assigned to a master, then you guys should talk or something. Not up to the group as a whole to make sure that you're planning stuff OOC?
Away missions, supply runs... this has all been discussed before, in length, ad nauseum. We still discussed it again, at length. Bottom line - you want to do something then you probably can. Gather some RPers and go for it. Or just make shit up. (In current state of affairs with the Wheel on high alert these sort of RPs will be great ways to show our vigilance. We have some of that, I hope!)
Padawans used for escort duties somethingsomething I don't quite remember all of this one...
Group training sessions can be started. Knights need to figure out what they could be teaching and Padawans can use that as background information in their RPs, like "just got done with meditation with Serena and was headed to the mess for lunch when..." ALSO probably a good idea for at least one actual group training session to be RPed out. We have ten or so padawans, not a big deal to include them all in a thread. (I'll be doing one with Serena soonish)
Padawans and Jedi should have duties within the Wheel, either on the Whaladon or on the Challenger.
Non-Jedi can teach padawans or Jedi stuff, like piloting or engineering, whatever they want to learn.I think that's it? Anyone else have more to add?
Vansen Tyree
Apr 25th, 2012, 02:19:15 PM
Ah, okay.
I thought it was a Hangout, but apparently it was on AIM. I'm afraid that with my current medical circumstances, I cannot participate in group chats in text format. The speed at which comments fly in - particularly comments on random tangents - is just too much for my brain to handle at the moment, which is why I have not been able to contribute to such things lately.
I'm not denying the fact that a fantastic amount of progress was made: I just think that as a general rule, we should be careful not to do too much discussion off the boards if we can help it, just to avoid people being left out.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 25th, 2012, 07:02:42 PM
As long as discussions are brought here, which they were and explained, there is no reason why discussion cannot take place in AIM chat. That is my two cents anyway and from someone not in that chat, I like the progress so far and have no concerns at present.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 26th, 2012, 11:22:38 AM
Eh, I'm with Jace on the people being left out. Even though I'm happy that all this stuff got discussed and progress made, I'm still a little sad that I wasn't able to be around for it because it seemed that not only was it a discussion, but a decision-making session as well. Discussion over AIM is fine, but when it comes to the decisions I dunno. It seems the right thing to do would be to make sure that decisions are made on the forum itself so that everyone - not just a 'majority' - in the group can read over what was talked about and give their yay or nay.
Serena Laran
Apr 26th, 2012, 11:45:10 AM
Any 'decisions' that may have been made are still up for further discussion and changing. :huh
We'll never do it again, I guess, just seemed like a good idea at the time.:\
Morgan Evanar
Apr 26th, 2012, 12:04:32 PM
None of this is set in stone until people write it out. I'm "in" these discussions sometimes but a lot of it takes place while I'm at work and more often than not I'm actually doing my job.
Listen: I'm genuinely sorry you guys feel left out but I'm not going to stop throwing ideas at the AIM Chat dartboard. Nor do I think anyone else should feel discouraged either.
I'm going to be blunt because I'm stressed out and tired and cranky: roll with the punches. Not everything has to be planned down to the minute, and if you don't like it, don't fucking participate every time. Not everyone is going to be part of every thing.
A) none of these things have happened yet
B) it's being discussed
C) deal with it.
We post all kinds of "we're gonna do this!" and half the time nothing ever comes of it, or it takes a YEAR to post.
It's not like we're leaving you guys out of the raid because you're a bunch of scrubs, fucking buck up.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 26th, 2012, 12:42:28 PM
I misread a few things, is all. Sorry for not reading more thoroughly, and in the future just ask me to clarify what decisions I thought were made. After rereading it a few times it's all cool and I honestly have no problem with anything but the convoy size, but that right there has its' own thread anyway.
Zem Vymes
Apr 26th, 2012, 12:51:28 PM
Well at least I know I can talk trash about you in the chat with impunity now, woot :)
Captain Untouchable
Apr 26th, 2012, 01:15:53 PM
Ah, Chris. Diplomatic as ever. ;)
I guess I maybe inferred things incorrectly, or saw people's enthusiasm for an idea and mistook it for a decision. I had someone ping me on AIM first thing in the morning telling me that you'd discussed a bunch of stuff while I was asleep, so maybe that's why I interpreted stuff wrong.
Being equally tired-cranky and blunt though: people get missed out of discussions a lot. This whole thing with the Intelligence lockdown of the Wheel? I'm meant to be roleplaying the senior military officer, but everything got discussed amongst other people, and no has told me a thing about it, or bothered to think "Oh hey, maybe Jace should be in the loop on this". I suggested adding an Ithorian ship, but instead of "Oh hey, maybe Jace has some thoughts on this since he suggested it," I wake up the following morning and find that characters have been registered and a plan is already being put together.
Edit: I like the plan you cooked up with for the Ithorian ship: it has a lot of potential. It is just completely different from what I had in mind when I suggested it. I was talking about a ship that was already there, not one we were going to conveniently stumble upon: something to explain how we have been feeding ourselves in the past, rather than how we are going to feed ourselves in the future. Minor detail, but whatever.
I am most definately not the only person that this happens to. I know full well that this is a community, and I am not asking for special treatment. I am not asking for discussion to not happen either... but if they do, perhaps we could get into the habit of being clear about what was discussed from the get-go (like the very helpful summary that Holly posted).
I am quite happy to "roll with the punches", but it would be considerably easier if people remember to yell "hey Jace, watch out for the fist" beforehand, so I don't get socked round the jaw quite so often.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 26th, 2012, 01:23:05 PM
It happens to all of us from time to time.
Hopefully we can move on from this misunderstanding now and actually do some RPing? :D
Apr 26th, 2012, 02:19:16 PM
Hopefully we can move on from this misunderstanding now and actually do some RPing? :D
Burn the witch!
Morgan Evanar
Apr 26th, 2012, 03:52:03 PM
It happens to all of us from time to time.
Hopefully we can move on from this misunderstanding now and actually do some RPing? :D
Gosh no, that means I can't be an asshole as much.
I'm kidding, of course.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 30th, 2012, 11:45:25 AM
There has been some discussion about Navaria (me also volunteering) being a member of the Alliance Advisory Council consdering the close relationship the Rebels and the Jedi have. Now I think it might have been brought up here but was wondering the logistics. The thread in question is currently is here (
There are also other discussions going on too :)
Now as of right now, Navaria is part of the Council, the only Master (right now) would it be a good idea for her to be gone for so long? Holocalls seem risky.
Vansen Tyree
Apr 30th, 2012, 12:50:36 PM
We never actually pinned down what the Jedi Council actually does.
Sure, they get together and discuss the "big stuff" whenever the story demands it, but what are they doing the rest of the time?
If Navaria doesn't actually have any day-to-day responsibilities on the Wheel, her being with the Rebels will be much less of an inconvenience. If the Council is constantly inundated with important business however, then her regularly being away from the Wheel would be a bigger deal. Answering that question would make it much easier to suss out the logistics of whatever Advisory role Navaria ends up having.
Zem Vymes
Apr 30th, 2012, 12:54:50 PM
Can holonet actually be tapped/traced/intercepted. I thought no.
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 30th, 2012, 01:28:54 PM
I honestly don't know Chuckles. If not then hell, she can just do that and only make appearances when required.
Serena Laran
Apr 30th, 2012, 01:40:24 PM
I vote for using the holonet.
I would imagine the Council is around to make decisions when needed, but otherwise they have responsibilities like the other Jedi. Teaching and going about the logistics of keeping the Wheel going. ?
Navaria Tarkin
Apr 30th, 2012, 01:52:35 PM
Yes Holly. We have to keep feeding the hamsters after all ;)
Vansen Tyree
Apr 30th, 2012, 03:20:38 PM
Can holonet actually be tapped/traced/intercepted. I thought no.
The holonet is just a network of comm relays. The Galactic Empire controls all the comm relays, so the tapping / intercepting part is relatively easy. Bear in mind that during the Prequels, the Jedi were working for the government that controlled the comm relays, so the risk of the enemy listening in was far less.
Holonet messages work for the military because by the time you've broken the encryption, the information in the message is probably out of date. There's no expiration date on news about the existence of a secret Jedi convoy though.
It'd be risky. Maybe it's good, plot device risk... but being in the same room is probably a lot more secure.
I would imagine the Council is around to make decisions when needed, but otherwise they have responsibilities like the other Jedi. Teaching and going about the logistics of keeping the Wheel going. ?
What are "the logistics of keeping the Wheel going"?
Since s'Ilancy (or whoever is replacing her) looks after the supply requests, and the military looks after ship movements and security / defence... what else is there?
If travelling back to the Alliance means ducking out on a few classes, then I don't think it'd be unreasonable for Navaria to be on Dac on a semi-regular basis. s'Ilancy split her time between the Wheel, the Dauntless, and the Novgorod: and that worked out just fine.
There's nothing to say that Navaria needs to go to Advisory Council meetings all the time, anyhow. Maybe she only needs to be on Dac when she's invited to participate in meetings? Torrsk Oruo'rel spends a lot of his time on Bothawui instead of Dac, and Senators in Star Wars only seem to go to Coruscant when there's something big to discuss.
We can probably get away with Navaria just conveniently being wherever the plot requires her to be. It worked pretty well for Padmé.
Serena Laran
Apr 30th, 2012, 03:25:52 PM
Of course it's not unreasonable, I was just saying that they have the same responsibilities as the other Jedi. As far as logistics I was referring to ... I don't know. Technobabble, lol. Cooking meals and cleaning rooms, :lol
No, really, I dont' know.
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2012, 09:21:54 AM
Oh god. Don''t compare me to Padme :p
I suppose I will wing it when required.
Captain Untouchable
May 2nd, 2012, 09:57:13 AM
It could be worse... if you stretch the analogy, that means Daria is Anakin. :mischief
And Wyl is Ahsoka. :cyduck
Navaria Tarkin
May 2nd, 2012, 02:43:25 PM
Daria is far more prettier then Anakin. And she isn't a whiny douche bag
May 2nd, 2012, 04:33:52 PM
In no particular order as I remember them:
Yes on Challenger and Whaladon becoming intimately acquainted
Whaladon is an Action IX as is listed in the wiki (not sure how this affects the previous point)
Add only one ship so as not to spread out too thinly, the Ithorian herdship.
Herdship is a small version, not a city ship because that's just ridiculous.
There's at least one Ithorian on board and it will be a salvage operation by the Wheel when we come across it, however that comes about and whenever it does. (personally I don't see anything stopping us from just doing this whenever we are ready)
Padawans needed some sort of schedule to help them know what they're supposed to be doing (wrote schedule as an example to help RPers)
Masters and Padawans should do more stuff together. If you're bored with your padawan and you've been assigned to a master, then you guys should talk or something. Not up to the group as a whole to make sure that you're planning stuff OOC?
Away missions, supply runs... this has all been discussed before, in length, ad nauseum. We still discussed it again, at length. Bottom line - you want to do something then you probably can. Gather some RPers and go for it. Or just make shit up. (In current state of affairs with the Wheel on high alert these sort of RPs will be great ways to show our vigilance. We have some of that, I hope!)
Padawans used for escort duties somethingsomething I don't quite remember all of this one...
Group training sessions can be started. Knights need to figure out what they could be teaching and Padawans can use that as background information in their RPs, like "just got done with meditation with Serena and was headed to the mess for lunch when..." ALSO probably a good idea for at least one actual group training session to be RPed out. We have ten or so padawans, not a big deal to include them all in a thread. (I'll be doing one with Serena soonish)
Padawans and Jedi should have duties within the Wheel, either on the Whaladon or on the Challenger.
Non-Jedi can teach padawans or Jedi stuff, like piloting or engineering, whatever they want to learn.I think that's it? Anyone else have more to add?
Very late to the party. I like all this, and the idea of refurbishing Republic Gunships as armed/armored shuttles. If we need any more ships besides the Herdship, I suggest Robin Hood-style theft. We steal fighters and frigates from slavers, pirates, even Imps if we can manage it and shore up the Wheel's defenses that way, repurposing ships that were used for evil to do good.
Going even further back to a 6-person council with 2 representatives each for Guardian, Sentinel, and Consular, I think we oughtta pop the number up to 3 each for a 9-being Council. Even numbers occasionally make decisions hard to reach. Having one person to break ties may become necessary.
Captain Untouchable
May 2nd, 2012, 04:51:47 PM
Do we have enough people for a nine-member Council?
We currently have a Council of five, though one is currently in absentia. I think we've actually got the "one of each" covered within that, plus Navaria to referee any decisions. A couple more wouldn't kill us... but I think we should be careful we don't end up sucking too many of our active Knights onto the Council.
Halajiin Rabeak
May 2nd, 2012, 05:05:18 PM
A council of nine is just too big for the low amount of Jedi we currently have. While there might be enough overall Jedi, not all of them would be qualified to sit on the council. I think the council we have now is good enough for the time being. If we were to put someone else on it, they'd really have to prove themselves, first, and Sol would probably be the logical choice, if anyone.
May 2nd, 2012, 05:23:27 PM
'Kay, just throwin' it out there. :)
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