View Full Version : You'll be a Doctor!

Vek Vek
Apr 13th, 2012, 09:27:57 PM
When I was larval, just a misbehaved kid,
My egg mother saw abnormal things I did,
Like zappin' mynocks with a gun set to stun
I'd dissect nunas, and when I was done
I'd find a womprat and amputate its head
That's when my egg mother said

"What did she say?"

She said, "My larva, there will come a day
You'll find a way
To make your natural tendencies pay
You'll be a doctor
You'll cure afflictions and plagues of the brain
Son, be a doctor
You will diagnose all sources of pain
Your temperament's wrong for the Jedi
And politics would suit you still less
Son, be a doctor
You'll be a success

"Vek Vek's from the school of hard innoculations
Watch him suction that pus!
Oh, my God!
He's a doctor and he'll never ever be any good
He'll find who spread Gungan crabs aboard Novgorod"

Oh that hurts! I'm not numb!

Quiet. I'm just drawing blood from your thumb.
I am your doctor

I'm allergic to that medication!

And I enjoy the career that I picked

"Really love it "

I am your doctor

No, please not bacta!

It's incidental, the pain I inflict

"Really love it "

I thrill when I cure a neurosis


It's swell though drug side effects may psychosis
And though it may cause my patients distress,
Somewhere, somewhere in heaven above me
I know, I know, that my egg mother's proud of me
Oh, Egg Mother
'Cause I'm a doctor and a success

Turn head

Doc, I'm just here as a passenger

Turn head!

I just had a physical yesterday!

Turn head!!!

I need an adult!

Now, cough.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 13th, 2012, 09:56:27 PM

Perfection. :)

Invicta Gaultier
Apr 13th, 2012, 10:02:11 PM
Absolute genius...I've been singing it since you put it up :lol