View Full Version : Meeting Image Claims

Captain Untouchable
Apr 11th, 2012, 09:41:08 AM
Have you ever met one of the actor/celebrities that is used for an image claim on Fans? Was it one of yours, or someone elses? Did you pluck up the courage to talk to them, or did you melt into a fanboyish/fangirlish puddle on the floor?

Was chatting to a buddy about this the other day... and have decided to try and grab photos with as many of my image claims as I can manage at Dragon*Con. :ohno


I met Craig Charles once when we went to watch a recording of Robot Wars as a field trip from A-Level Physics. It took fourteen takes for him to record the intro without tripping over his words... one of our group started heckling him (CC took it like a champ), and he came over to chat with us for a bit afterwards. That was pretty class. :lol

He didn't have enough J's and R's in his accent, though. :(

Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 11th, 2012, 09:43:56 AM
I met Bartleby Orem and he nearly strangled the life out of me.

Miranda Tarkin
Apr 11th, 2012, 09:45:30 AM
For Nikoleta, I use Claudia Christian. I've met her several times :eee

Also met Ben Browder, who I use for Vishan.

Does it count that I saw Eliza walk by at a convention? :lol

I've been told I look like Liz Phair (Kalail Rotas) I know that isn't what you asked but I'm saying it anyway since more then a handful have told me that.

Miranda Tarkin
Apr 11th, 2012, 09:46:01 AM
He has the picture to prove it too ^^^

Captain Untouchable
Apr 11th, 2012, 09:50:16 AM
You met Ben Browder? :ohno


And yes! That photo of Charley and Malcolm is epic. :lol

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 11th, 2012, 10:23:04 AM
I have wandered past Orlando Bloom, who was my image claim for Dasquian for a long time. It was actually the first time I had met another RPer in person, and we were in Regents Park in London.. and just happened to walk past Orlando. It wasn't long after Fellowship of the Ring had come out, so both of us had an unashamed gawp at him but he was on his mobile phone so we didn't approach him. My mum actually shouted, "She thinks you're someone famous!" after him.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 11th, 2012, 11:54:35 AM
I'm in the same boat as Charley. Though I didn't get a picture with him, I did get Malcolm's autograph in one of my sketchbooks.