View Full Version : I used to write like THAT?!
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 10th, 2012, 01:27:21 PM
In this thread we shall be finding and linking to the earliest available example of our RPing! There will be pointing and laughing involved, or possibly awe and shame at how good we used to be and how far we've fallen (not likely the latter).
Do eeeet! I will be editing in my first RP to this post shortly.
This is my very first RP anything that I did. My first post is #40 :o
*looks out at the fleet, and smiles* Rough for Piett, you mean. I cannot wait to start my formal training so I can help next time. *grips the edge of her seat with her long fingers, white knuckles betraying her nervousness* Lets kick ASS!
Behind the scenes backstory to this is that I spent all afternoon on the dial up Internet at my sister's house where I was staying when they were waiting for a phone call (they were not at home). I got in trouble and couldn't use the Internet again until I moved out. Which is why my next post wasn't until TSC had exploded and turned into TSO. - not really an RP, we sometimes trained over AIM in those wild days. Second instance of me RPing though. :o
Lady DeVille says:
Well, I have had some previous training in telekinesis... but how the hell...? *LD's headache roars between her ears* All right, let me see what this baby can do. *LD cradles the glass between her two palms, just barely touching it on either side. She takes a deep breath... and... With a pop the glass shatters into tiny fragments, but the glass shards drop down towards the ground. *With a slight cry LD catches them with the force, and pulls the fragments up between her palms again* Damn! *Anger courses through her, and the bits of glass fuse into one lump in a flash of light. The lump of cooled glass jumps from LD's hand and shatters against the cliff face some ten yards away.*
I'd consider this my first true RP. :) how... awful. :lol
and so the ugly guy thought he had already won..
*Suspended in the blackness of unconsciousness, De'Ville is no longer aware of her body, or the pain. She feels her heart as is slowly beats....dub......dub.....da-dub.... The Force is all around her, and she remembers Banestone, and remembers her anger. The Force is pulled into her like a sponge and she opens her eyes.
Banestone is leaning against the wall, facing her, yet not looking at her. She can hear a stretcher being floated down the hallway towards them, and the medics scoffing at "the foolhardy apprentice." She has not the strength to move, yet she is angry enough to lift a stone with the Force and send it crashing into Banestone's head. The alien grunts at the impact, and she hurriedly find her lightsaber and ignites it above her prone body, protecting herself from Banestone's immediate retalliation. The medics reach the door and jump back as they see Banestone fighting a suspended lightsaber.*
And then of course was the one where we went to resurrect Garrett Blade! Some great memories of those early, crazy days. :D
Zereth Lancer
Apr 10th, 2012, 01:48:57 PM
This is cruel. I've been spending the last ten years trying to forget the stuff I started out with.
My first post as Kyle, with the best title ever. I was thirteen at the time.
As a lone figure entered the recruitment center, he trips on his boot laces and falls flat on his face. He got to his feet and dusted himself off. "Hello is anyone here?"
I think I've gotten a little better.
Training with Chance:
"well im 18 I never knew my family im a orphan, i grew up on the streets, no family would take me in because they were afraid of my power's, I finaly found out I had force power's then I came here looking for someone to help me" I said rapidly, stoping for a minute to catch my breath "I think your the one i've been looking for chance."
It makes me cringe to read these. The random, nonsense threads too.
Apr 10th, 2012, 01:54:30 PM
I swerve any and all of this wretched stuff.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 10th, 2012, 01:55:58 PM
^ Caprica seconds this motion.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 10th, 2012, 02:01:01 PM
Party pooper!
I remember the first RP I read on Sw-fans. I was terrified to post in the Battlefield because I was certain that my character would be killed immediately. The thread I read was some sort of super sayin duel between JediRebelX and someone else, tearing up trees with the Force and smashing each other. It was all so ridiculous and also intimidating.
So thank you, Fans. Without you I would have never known what DragonballZ was.
Apr 10th, 2012, 02:34:31 PM
I am so damned embarrassed just thinking about my first posts ugh. They let a person who wrote that badly legally drive a motor vehicle.
Apr 10th, 2012, 02:35:15 PM
I cringe and cover my face reading posts I made last year. >_<
Apr 10th, 2012, 02:40:12 PM
I cringe and cover my face reading posts I made last year. >_<
I'm okay with the last two or three years, but older than that and it no longer passes the smell test for me
Serasai Onashi
Apr 10th, 2012, 02:53:25 PM
I cringe and cover my face reading posts I made last year. >_<
You had best not be speaking of Chaz posts. Those were gold wrapped in gold foil and stamped with the Liz brand.
Apr 10th, 2012, 02:58:26 PM
My earliest stuff is on a Redwall-based board that mercifully no longer exists. I could probably pull some pretty ripe stuff off my hard drive, though...
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:00:35 PM
My earliest stuff is on a Redwall-based board that mercifully no longer exists. I could probably pull some pretty ripe stuff off my hard drive, though...
Yeah, I actually still have some of that. =)
Emelie Shadowstar
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:04:24 PM
^ Caprica seconds this motion.
Unless it was done intentionally bad and later read by people with odd accents?
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:09:58 PM
This won't end well. My first ever RP, waaay back when it all it took to be a Jedi was to walk in the lobby and say "I wanna be a Jedi!" Zeke was blonde then, and had a tendency to march along humming his own theme music and being manically happy, to the point of it being a personality disorder. Featuring Xazor Billion-Last-Names, the Queen of Purple Prose.
This was in 2002, as I was wrapping High School, so I was...17. I came here at the behest of a few of my real life friends, having only truly written a few very derivative short stories and insanely wacky fan-fiction. I've come a long, long way.
My first RP out in the world was something regarding Estelle Russard that I barged in on. She was so, so patient with my antics. If anyone could give an objective measure of how far I've come, it would be her (and LD, and Charley, and maybe Nav). The thread in question is here:
For the most part I kept to myself and my few RL friends, but we kept acquiring people, mostly younger guys like us. Of note was one Ki-Adi Kindo, who was trying SO HARD to be Neo with a Lightsaber. The pair of us started tag-teaming other apprentices (and on occasion, doing 2-vs-1 with a Knight-level person). Such an example is here:
With lyrics in the opening post! Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with doing that--music is inspirational, after all--but I'm glad I abandoned the practice.
Lastly, towards the end of the Classic 'Fans run, most of my RP time was swept up by silly fluff romance things as I allowed a girl in California to overrun my writing (and a good deal of my social life). This, more than anything, was my greatest mistake in all of my time here on But I was young, foolish, and so very, very desperate for a romantic relationship after being entirely undesirable through all of my high school years and the first year of college. An example of these RPs, loathe as I am to even acknowledge them, is here:
I said that was the last, but here's one I actually still kinda like, just to compensate for all that atrocity: Featuring LD, Dasquian, and Salemn Lysce, who I wish was still among our membership.
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:10:24 PM
I cringe and cover my face reading posts I made last year. >_<
You had best not be speaking of Chaz posts. Those were gold wrapped in gold foil and stamped with the Liz brand.
Only because they were marketed as part of the Ben line.
Kyran O'Hurn
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:15:58 PM
Most of my early stuff is lost to the ether in the multiple board moves of TSE.
Just searched the archives, and the earliest post I could find for me was in the "Exodus" thread. Though I'm sure I must have had a duel or two before that at some point.
Writing's not that bad. The form is pretty lousy though.
Ilias Nytrau
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:19:02 PM
THIS. ( (I'm Falcon, for those of you that didn't know...)
Seriously. Pity no chat logs from TalkCity exist or I would have even earlier evidence, that is worse. >_<
And just a couple years after my first, where I am Jame Kaman Dar: HERE.
Captain Untouchable
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:27:03 PM
I think this ( was maybe my first thread?
If I have any earlier than that, I don't remember what my character names were. >_<
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:33:01 PM
The *action* then dialogue style of RP really dates my old threads. I'm glad SO glad we moved away from that.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:40:17 PM
I am so damned embarrassed just thinking about my first posts ugh. They let a person who wrote that badly legally drive a motor vehicle.
So you wouldn't want anyone to see THIS ( then, would you. >D
Ben Merasska
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:52:13 PM
I cringe and cover my face reading posts I made last year. >_<
You had best not be speaking of Chaz posts. Those were gold wrapped in gold foil and stamped with the Liz brand.
Only because they were marketed as part of the Ben line.
Don't tease me with such promises!
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 10th, 2012, 04:22:04 PM - A Disturbing Transmission
Hard to believe this was November of 2000. I have lots of fond memories of this, and it was the first time I RPed with the great and awesome Charley!
Edit: the amount of OOC chat and RPing other people's characters going on is incredible! I think Gav posted twice and then got dragged around Coruscant by LV and LW for half the RP :lol
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 10th, 2012, 05:16:38 PM
I've actually been a bit nostalgic the last few days and perusing classic Fans myself. I'll have to post up some of my old stuff when I get home. My oldest stuff is from 2001 on ezboard, though there are a few that predate that, but those - like Andrew's - are on an old Redwall board from when I started out with him and Mitch.
Apr 10th, 2012, 07:09:36 PM
The Implement idea was cool even if the writing was shit and it was derivative. I'd do it again. I'd just do it less sucky next time.
Apr 10th, 2012, 07:15:28 PM
Oh ho, shit. I forgot about that account. That was creepy as hell. Also supremely good for OOC trolling. >_<
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 10th, 2012, 07:52:50 PM
After looking back at some of my earliest stuff, here, I think my writing has...
...hardly changed at all. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I make slightly fewer typos, now, but overall, my writing really hasn't changed much. And for those of you who want to see some moldy oldie, here's the oldest Sejah thread I can find: his introduction, of sorts. (
I can't find "The Best Archer in Nottingham" offhand, which was probably the most epic thing I did with Sejah, and was one hell of a great write with Loki back in the day.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 11th, 2012, 01:37:52 AM
Ok, looks like this is the first IC thread I participated in at Fans:
Occupations and Exasperations ( - It is cringe-worthy. You've been warned.
Being Lazy ( - I think this is the very first thread I started at the B&G. It too was very bad. VERY bad.
I did have my own ezboard site, but that thing is loooong gone. Which is a shame, cause I seem to recall there being a smattering of threads there as well.
For now that's gonna have to do, since I'm too tired to go combing the records for anything else.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 11th, 2012, 04:14:56 PM
I needed more quotes to fill up the month of April. I think some of these RPs will fill that need nicely.
Unless you have another target for me, a military target? I GROW TIRED OF YOUR GAMES, PRINCESS. Fire when ready.
Apr 11th, 2012, 04:18:45 PM
No, you wouldn't! We're peaceful roleplayers, we have no weapons! :ohno :cry
Peter McCoy
Apr 11th, 2012, 05:53:16 PM
Post #38
*As the present Sith Fleet waits in high orbit above Coruscant....another ship enters realspace.*
**The Sovereign...second only to The Eclipse SSD. 15km from stem to stern...with a slightly, SLIGHTLY, weaker axial superlaser compared to that of The Eclipse.**
*A comm channel is opened with The Quietus' bridge*
"Lord Marzullo...this is Garrett Blade....most recent addition and hmble servant of TSC. How may I be of service. I have 120,000 Dark Troopers ready for well as 50 Shadow Droids prepped and ready. I await your orders....the rest of my fleet will be arriving momentarily..
My first post ever and I had a 15KM ship, with a fleet en route under my command.
Mad. Just mad!
Peter McCoy
Apr 11th, 2012, 06:17:10 PM
LMAO! Apparently I posted as a character called Bob of Benalia - best name I ever came up with!
Actually, Taro Idol was my favourite name.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 11th, 2012, 07:10:14 PM
I'm like King Anti-Nostalgic or some shit, I just don't care (ok I care a little. Some of my stuff was cringe-worthy.)
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 20th, 2012, 12:46:07 AM
Wild Cards (
This is the thread where I feel I really hit my stride with post-reset s'Il. Everything just fell into place, and her attitude in the situation she finds herself was - in my mind - perfect. The right amount of sarcasm, satisfying one-liners, everything.
No, the thread was never finished, but eh. It all just clicked for her right then and there.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 9th, 2012, 03:47:50 PM
I needed more quotes to fill up the month of April. I think some of these RPs will fill that need nicely.
Unless you have another target for me, a military target? I GROW TIRED OF YOUR GAMES, PRINCESS. Fire when ready.
Threat has been and will continue to be followed through on until people start RPing again. :colbert
Ariesa d'Veldrin
Jul 14th, 2012, 12:55:04 AM
Wouldn't know where to find my first RP posts, but I remember it, sadly. I ended up being notorious for being really Annoying cause I was, like, 12 back then. I believe it was The Sith Order or The Sith Empire, but it was a training session with a bunch of sith, and my character *Cringes to say the name* Jedi Cadet, broken in and was bothering everyone.
As I have done before, and I will do again, to those that remember me back then, I am So SO sorry.
Wei Wu Wei
Jul 14th, 2012, 07:59:29 AM
I needed more quotes to fill up the month of April. I think some of these RPs will fill that need nicely.
Unless you have another target for me, a military target? I GROW TIRED OF YOUR GAMES, PRINCESS. Fire when ready.
Threat has been and will continue to be followed through on until people start RPing again. :colbert
I've been posting pretty consistently. I feel like I'm self-aggrandizing when I suggest my own stuff, though. I'll edit this post with some quotes in a minute or two.
I liked this one:
"We will not be detained." Wei hit the button on his lightsaber. Sea-green light illuminated the area. The low hum of the blade filled the cantina, and Wei's mind stretched out with it. "A sapling that yields to a strong wind springs back up straight when the wind tires out, but the trees that do not bend are broken and torn up from the ground when they resist. Yield."
Jul 18th, 2012, 09:18:42 PM
7 years ago....
[Cheese crackers and the funny pages] (
"What the--"
The words were quickly cut off as Lamar's head banged against a nearby box as he rose to wake. Even as his eyes opened he only saw darkness. The was backwards. From the impact he quickly was forced back, pushed by sheer agony. Failing about as he dropped back down as if he had gotten in a punch from a Teras Kasi Master.
"Frack, flack, frag..."
The writing? Not absolutely horrendous. But, I hadn't made a single dent on the arc then, and haven't since. I'd say I'm as bad as ever. If not worse. I dont write as frequent. And, I dont write as clearly.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 18th, 2012, 09:24:38 PM
And welcome back! :D
Jul 18th, 2012, 09:49:38 PM
Thanks! :)
I found something worse. 10 years ago, back when I RPed a character name Jamel. I was 12:
On Kashyyk
Jamel had been asked frequently through his telehologramic system by Wookies with the translation buttons on, enabling him to understand the words that had emitted from the mouth of the being. Jamel's fingers bended around the control stick structure, slender like a Jedi's lightsaber hilt, but easily motionable. Jamel's ship swung down through the ground, heading gradually downward toward the surface. The Old Republic Jedi Starfighter came to a slow, and steady landing upon the wooden landing base. Pushing open the glass window that concealed him from the crashes or any troublings outward from his ship. Grappling upon the edge of the slender uprising of the metalic outer figure that slipped downward into a wing. Sliding down he came to an abrupt stop on the ground, and grabed his translation device. Placing a small ring along his neck, and two small devices within his earlobs to allow him to hear them in his own language, he prepared to aboard the community of Wookies that had frequently questioned him to land upon their sight. Heading about the tree-house like formated grounds, he came to a stop before a sheltering of the place he would find the Wookies.
Heading in, a quick conversation came to be. The motionings of the mouths, and the large roars came from the shelter, as did many bangs of the fist on tables. This conversation's main subject was a person named Telcontar, who had seemed to troubled these Wookies. Jamel files was placed within the Bounty Hunting Guild Files that some of the Wookies had been able to hack into. Searching through, they found that his recored seemed to be on a high-amount, and could do some damage, even though his age could come to a factor, it also could come to as an advatange.
"I'll take it" was all Jamel stated in the end, his vocal cords coming out in a scretch and roaring pitch, and headed slowly out the door, heading toward his Jedi Starfighter, stationed within the treehouse-like sheltering from the ground. Leaping in, he placed the coordinates to the head
What the hell was I talking about? should come with disclaimers. Shouldn't be accessed by kid without dictionaries, English professors and intelligence or else child will produce incoherent psuedo-intellectual babble and run-on sentences plagued with grammatical & spelling errors.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 18th, 2012, 10:14:02 PM
You were Jamel? :D
Being 12 does excuse a lot of that character, plus I am picturing 12 yr old you looking up words on and being so proud... D'aww!
But yes, Jamel is a source of one of my personal favorites lines "his eyes corked with pleasurement" :D And Martial Artist Fisting! You're even in a Dotnet comic. :3
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