View Full Version : Hawaiian Friday
Dion Godfrey
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:39:30 PM
Dion was naked.
Well, not completely naked. He was wearing a lei. Or a lay. Or whatever those flowery Hawaiian necklace things were called. While that did mean he was safe from any accusations that he was flashing a bit too much collarbone, it didn't do much to hide anything else.
He was also wearing - or at least, trying to wear - the bottom half of a lime green bikini that he'd bought. There wasn't much of it, given the amount of money that he'd had to pay; but of greater frustration was the fact that he couldn't manage to get the damned thing past his knees.
He'd already given up on the top half. Who'd have thought it would be so difficult to find womens clothes for a man in LA of all places?
With a defeated sigh, he stripped off the inappropriately sized undergarments, and tugged his tightie-whities back on. A scowl was thrown at the grass skirt that he would have to wear instead. It wasn't so much that he wanted to wear a bikini. He just found it hard to feel comfortable and relaxed when there was a massive blade of grass constantly trying to climb inside your backside all night.
For a moment, his attention lingered on the coconut bra; a staple of the Hawaiian themed drinking excursion perhaps, but a little too much perspiration over the course of the night and you ended up with coconut suction marks around your nipples. That was a look that very few could pull off.
"Balls to it," he muttered to himself, catching a brief glance in the mirror. "I need a drink."
Tristan Heller
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:48:44 PM
Tristan was not naked. He was wearing a garish Hawaiian shirt and a loud pair of Bermuda shorts, and he was not even remotely happy about either of them. The combination of red and purple would not have looked good on anyone; worse, it was a far cry from the understated and stylish dark colours he normally wore.
He wasn't thrilled about working nights either; but with the schools and universities on their summer break, and with the city crammed with tourists who had come to soak up the sunshine, apparently Dion needed all hands on deck at Bar None. There were considerably more nautical and pirate references when Dion had explained it of course; Tristan had come to accept that a normal conversation with his new employer was nigh impossible.
Idly, he scrubbed at the rim of a pint glass with a tea towel. It wasn't necessary: the bar had a high tech dishwashing contraption that spat out spotlessly clean glasses in a matter of minutes. It just made him feel better; made him feel less like he was a glorified vending machine.
He glanced at his watch. 20:53. Discounted drinks began at 21:00.
Seldom could you rely upon students to show up on time for anything; but in Tristan's experience, they didn't often let themselves miss even a second if there was the prospect of buying alcohol without having to pay full price for it.
Dion called it an Extended Happy Hour. Tristan thought of it simply as Hell.
And there were only seven more minutes of peace and quiet to go.
Bianca Sohlus
Apr 9th, 2012, 08:10:26 PM
"Hey handsome."
Bianca grinned as she came out of the kitchen, weaving through the tables to stand at the end of the bar. Tristan was...not amused. But she could hardly blame him, given what the boss-man's dress code was for Hawaiian Friday.
She could have cared less. The less she wore, the bigger her tips were. It worked like a charm, and she took damn fine care of herself. Natural care, she mused, not the silicone shit that was all over LA these days.
Adjusting the Hawaiian print bra-top (, she just hoped the girls stayed in. Dion had, shockingly, ordered it just a bit smaller than she needed. But at least he'd saved the coconut bra for himself.
She and Tristan were likely hoping it wasn't the only thing he was wearing when he graced them with his presence.
"Five minutes 'til they let the savages in. You need anything?" Bi said crossing her arms on the bar-top.
Tristan Heller
Apr 9th, 2012, 08:33:55 PM
"An escape plan?" Tristan grunted.
That was probably a little optimistic; though apparently parts of Bianca already had escape plans of their own. He mentally nudged himself to aim his eyes elsewhere. It wasn't an amorous glance that drew his eyes in that direction; it was autopilot more than anything else. Male eyes were programmed to seek out breasts; female fashion was designed to make them as easy as possible for men to find. It didn't matter that his eyes didn't look when they got there.
Not that there was anything wrong with Bianca in particular; she was a perfectly nice, attractive young girl. He just preferred his women a little -
His mind finished that for him. A disgruntled half protest thought about raising himself; but it was sadly true. He'd been feeling his age a lot lately; and while he wasn't old, he was older, and he'd reached that stage in his life where he frankly didn't feel he had the energy or enthusiasm to tangle himself up with anything on the young side of thirty-five.
Not that Bianca didn't insist on her playful attempts, of course. Tristan managed to muster a small smile for her.
"Just keep the empty glasses coming in, and I'll keep the filled ones going out." He glanced at his watch again. "The sooner this starts, the sooner it'll be over, and I can go change into something that doesn't look like my wardrobe was raped by a bag of skittles."
Bianca Sohlus
Apr 10th, 2012, 03:28:28 PM
She smiled sympathetically, fingers lifting to adjust the silk hibiscus blossom clipped into her chestnut curls. Nights like this, while profitable, weren't her favorite to work. Discounted drinks meant increased traffic, especially with it being summer and the bar being so close to campus.
There would be college students coming out of their ears for hours.
"Sorry Tristan...we're both stuck for tonight. Unless you want to make a run for it out the back before the boss-man comes out of his office."
Bianca nodded her thanks as he slid a tray across the bar-top for her, just as the doors opened. A broad, wicked smile curled her glossy lips, her features brightening as if she'd suddenly turned a light on overhead.
Antonio Fernandez
Apr 17th, 2012, 02:10:53 PM
Antonio was hanging around in the parking lot, waiting for his friends to arrive. The UCLA crowd was severely depleted due to it being summer, but there were enough local students that he'd been able to round up a good crowd to try out the new bar. It was really close to Anna's too, so he could crash there overnight if he had too much to drink.
After all, he was turning 21 in less than a year. That had to count for something, right? "Wooo, Elias!" He high fived a guy he'd seen in a few of his chem classes but didn't really know. The guy returned the gesture, but as more of a defensive move rather than a celebration. 'Tonio kept looking, watching for one person in particular to show up before he joined the rest of the people in the bar.
Riley Grace
Apr 17th, 2012, 03:26:33 PM
"Ti, I'm going to kill you. I am NOT wearing a skirt ( this short!"
"Yes you are, now shut up and get dressed. I'll be there eventually."
"Tiana, I swear, I-"
Riley swore as the line clicked off to the sound of Tiana's laughter. For someone with such an austere upbringing, she had no idea where this side of her friend had come from.
Shaking her head, she bit her lip and eyed the outfit lying on her bed. She had to admit, Tiana did have an eye for clothes. And the outfit was cute. And...though it was a group, she really was looking forward to seeing Antonio again. Even more than usual, given the events of a few days prior.
That decided her.
Riley got dressed and left her bright copper curls loose around her shoulders. Make-up was minimal, simply a line of kohl around her eyes and a touch of gloss on her lips. With keys, cards, and her phone in hand, she ventured out of the apartment, locking it behind her.
It didn't take her long to get to the bar, just about a ten minute walk from her apartment. Outside in the parking lot, amidst the cars, she spotted a familiar, handsome face. Keys and her cards went in one pocket, her tiny phone in the other. Fingers smoothed out her cropped top and absently straightened her naval piercing.
Only then did she walk up to him, head tilted, with a smile curling her shimmering lips. "Waiting for someone in particular?"
Antonio Fernandez
Apr 21st, 2012, 05:29:09 PM
'Tonio beamed down at her. "Oh, you know it. Looking good, Gracey!" He took her hand and gave her a little spin so he could properly appreciate her outfit. "Is Taya with you tonight?"
He looked up over her head, catching sight of a familiar looking truck entering the parking lot. "Gotta go meet someone, I'll catch up with you inside, ok Riley?" He squeezed her hand before releasing it, and jogged out into the parking lot leaving her behind.
Riley Grace
Apr 21st, 2012, 06:10:11 PM
She dipped her head and smiled again, her cheeks warming as he turned her around. "Thanks...and no. I'm actually not sure what she's up to tonight."
Glancing back over her shoulder, she nodded. "Alright...I'll see you in there! Our usual spot." Riley grinned as he jogged off, watching him go for several moments.
Antonio Fernandez
Apr 26th, 2012, 08:30:12 PM
After a minute hanging on the side of Joaquin's pickup truck, Antonio jogged back to the bar and flashed his ID at the bouncer. The guy looked at it, looked at Antonio, and then procured a wristband that would let him buy alcohol.
He walked inside and sidled up to Riley's side. Running a hand down the edge of one of her wings he said, "You are looking positively angelic tonight."
Riley Grace
Apr 26th, 2012, 10:35:25 PM
She didn't have to tilt her head to look in order to know who'd sidled up to her nice and close. Antonio was the only one who ever did that, and frankly, it made her heart skip a beat.
Riley did tilt her head up as he ran a hand down the side of one wing, leaning against him and kissing his cheek. "You say the sweetest things..." she smiled, handing him the beer from in front of her. She picked up the tall mixed drink and happily sipped from the strong concoction.
Antonio Fernandez
May 2nd, 2012, 04:39:55 PM
"I haven't even broken out the Spanish, yet," 'Tonio grinned, ordering a beer and leaning against the bar. He looked at her drink and quipped, "Good thing you live within walking distance, if you're gonna be chugging those all night." He winked, handing his credit card to the bartender to start a tab. "Put hers on that too."
Riley Grace
May 2nd, 2012, 05:18:22 PM
"Ohhh...well, feel free to bust that out anytime." Riley grinned and took another long sip of her drink. She cast her grey eyes across his features and drank in the sight of his smile.
"Keep buying them for me and I just might take you home with me while I'm at it." She arched a brow and tried to keep a straight face in spite of the warmth in her eyes.
Antonio Fernandez
May 2nd, 2012, 06:06:08 PM
"Promesas, promesas," he teased. "Should I close our tab already?" Antonio grinned, making as though to get the bartender's attention, and Riley protested. Halfheartedly, he thought, still grinning.
"All right, all right, I guess we should, I dunno, dance or something." He made a show of pretending to slick back his very short hair, giving his head a little shake. "It's not salsa but it'll do."
Riley Grace
May 2nd, 2012, 06:51:55 PM
She laid a hand flat against his chest as she shook her head, her smile bright and maybe a little wicked. The game between them had changed those few days ago, and she was more than willing to find out where it would go next.
"Salsa? You should take me some time...but give me a warning. I'll have to go shopping for something appropriate to wear."
She took a sip from her drink and slowly walked her fingers up his chest to pat his cheek. " me what you've got, honey."
Antonio Fernandez
May 2nd, 2012, 07:15:27 PM
You mean, something inappropriate to wear, don't you Gracey. Her hems and necklines had been getting higher and lower, respectively, since he'd met her.
He laughed, putting his hand over hers on his chest and lifting it away. He pulled her in the direction of the dance floor where a lively group was rocking out to a remix of Poker Face by Lady Gaga. "Oh, I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Antonio grinned, situating themselves in the center of the floor.
Riley Grace
May 2nd, 2012, 08:55:53 PM
She set her drink down on an empty table at the edge of the dance floor, and let him pull her into the center. She kept her wings swept back, but the feathers still shimmered in the rippling colored lights.
"You've got a deal, 'Tonio..." Riley winked as she held onto his hand and spun around in a little circle in time to the beat, before sliding in close.
Antonio Fernandez
May 2nd, 2012, 10:14:50 PM
The music was too loud on the dance floor to really talk, so he snugged her in close, their bodies rubbing against each other to the beat of the music. She was up against his thigh as he moved his hips, and suddenly all he could think about was getting her alone somewhere... anywhere...
Riley Grace
May 3rd, 2012, 02:12:36 AM
Even if the music wasn't too loud, there wouldn't be anything worth saying in those several...minutes. One song melted into the other and she completely lost track of the time they spent out there, practically melted together.
They didn't pull apart when the music broke, at least, not immediately. Riley's arms were looped around his neck, so she tilted her head and kissed him, lingering until she needed to breathe.
Damn...he tasted even better when she wasn't covered in paint.
She pulled back with a wicked smile curling her lips, letting one hand trail slowly down the center of his chest. "I was going to suggest we talk about the paint incident..."
Antonio Fernandez
May 3rd, 2012, 02:56:43 AM
"I like talking," he said into her ear, his hands still resting comfortably on her hips. "Let's talk about it." Or we can just go back to your place and... Antonio took her hand and drew her back to the bar, letting her order another drink if she wanted one. He remained close, one hand on the small of her back as he got a second beer.
The kiss tonight meant that the first kiss hadn't been an accident. He grinned roguishly down at her when she caught him looking, and he tugged her closer, daring to kiss her while the bartender filled their orders. "See," he murmured, "I love talking." He kissed her again, no longer worried about their long friendship or what this complication was going to do to it.
He was a chem major, after all. He knew good chemistry when he saw it.
Tristan Heller
May 3rd, 2012, 05:32:38 AM
Hi there. How are you? I'm fine, thanks. Hope you're enjoying your evening.
Words like that floated through Tristan's head as he worked. This was why he hated working nights: the volume was too loud, and the customers too disinterested to show any kind of curtosy to the staff. During the day, people were all too happy to exercise some manners and civility with the guy fixing their drinks. But as soon as the sun went down and the volume went up, the humble barman's role changed from service to servant, and no one ever bothered talking to the hired help.
At least no one had thrown up on his shoes yet, though. That was always a plus.
Tristan reappeared from mixing Riley's drink, and flicked off the pump pouring Antonio's with a flourish. The flow of beer slowed into nothingness, a perfectly full glass provided without Tristan even looking. Who the hell said that guys couldn't multitask, huh?
He rolled his eyes as his gaze settled on the duo, too busy engaging in what teens apparently thought that kissing was; but that looked to the outside observer like they were eagerly trying to eat each other's faces. Points for enthusiasm, sure; but not so much for style.
"If you guys are hungry," he grunted, speaking mostly to try and grab their attention as he set their drinks down in front of them, "We've got an ample selection of bar snacks."
His grizzled sarcasm didn't seem to register. That in itself deserved a sigh, which escaped him as he racked up the necessary cost fo the boy's bar tab. "Just keep it PG-13, and keep it off the pool table, alright?"
Riley Grace
May 3rd, 2012, 10:40:10 AM
Ok this outfit was a *good* idea...
The thought did a few lazy circles at the back of her brain, but fled along with all the other thoughts she entertained having when he kissed her. One hand rested along the back of his neck, the other lay flat on his chest, while Tonio's...well. They did their best to stay on her lower back, but they wandered.
Not that she minded.
Riley smiled, her laugh breathless and very short-lived as he kissed her again. She leaned into him and savored it, only barely hearing the bartender comment behind them. Eventually she pulled back, cheeks flushed with warmth. "Tonio, I don't think that actually counts as talking...not that I'm complaining, mind you."
It was like a switch had been flicked to 'ON', somewhere, as she stared up at him. It made her nagging doubts about complicating their friendship fade further into the back of her mind. Of course, it felt like he was having the same series of thoughts, to some degree, given that his hand had slid from her back to tuck itself into the pocket on the back of her denim miniskirt.
She picked up her mixed drink as Tristan set it down on the bar, and handed Antonio his beer. Riley smiled up at the bartender and had the grace to look a bit sheepish as she spoke. "Thank you. And don't worry...we'll behave ourselves."
Mostly...she thought, nudging Antonio away from the bar and over to one of the lounge areas, where there was a couple of club chairs and a small couch.
Gunnar Ottesen
May 13th, 2012, 10:02:36 PM
It really had not taken long for Tiana to go from accepting his rooming agreement to becoming a party animal right along with him. For some reason, Gunnar had elected not to let Collins know about the night’s upcoming adventure and really, it was for the best. As much as Josiah Collins was one of his best buds, the guy was also wild like untamed horses and horny as rabbits in season. The last thing he needed was for Collins to take a shine to his… er, Tiana. The fact that Gunny was already beginning to feel protective of the girl caused him a small amount of concern. Very small. Microscopic, even.
After Tiana twisted her friend’s ultimately rubber arm via phone, she wasted no time in twisting Gunny’s arm too, for the purposes of a shopping venture. His sprightly new roommate was extremely insistent that a new outfit was required for this. Her body, after all, in the varied different outfits she had tried on was a pleasure to watch. Aside from calling the other applicants back and politely informing them that he had accepted someone, watching her was all he did that afternoon and after seeing what she came up with and paid for, he had nary a complaint in his body to give. That night, it was all a matter of dressing for the occasion (of all things, he seemed to wear the Hawaiian surfer look fairly well, even if his opinions of the clothing style were mostly unfavourable) and calling up a taxi.
When the taxi pulled up, Gunnar was right in there, opening the door and ushering Tiana into the vehicle, his eyes following her every step of the way. It was hard not to look.
“After you…”
To which she gave him a smile that curled him just as much as the purr of her voice had done over the phone. Once she was in, he climbed in, shut the door and directed the driver to where they were off to.
Shortly thereafter, at Bar None...
With the driver paid, Gunny helped Tiana out of the taxicab and arm-in-arm with her, proceeded through check and into the club where, once inside, he surveyed his surroundings with his eyes, checking out the people that were already there, pinning down the service areas for alcohol and the placement of seating.
Tiana, however, quickly zeroed in on something else, tugging on his arm and discreetly pointing at a couple of people: a tall, dark-haired guy who looked at least vaguely familiar to him (had he seen the guy on campus... in one of his courses, maybe?) who was locking lips with a pretty redhead.
That, he guessed, must be...
"Oooh, Riley. Good choice." Tiana said, with a little more than a whisper, almost right into his ear. Then the couple separated and headed off toward a collection of chairs and a couch, at which point his newfound roommate dragged him by the hand through the as-yet moderate crowd.
Antonio Fernandez
May 15th, 2012, 05:51:51 PM
Antonio heard the bartender's snarky comments, and didn't appreciate them. Riley looked a little embarrassed, and he let her lead him away from the bar and to someplace a little more secluded. Well, as secluded as it could be in a room full of strangers. It was a little quieter in the lounge, and certainly less prying, judgmental eyes to make her feel bad about herself.
They sat, her legs pressed against his as she sipped her drink through it's tiny straw. 'Tonio leaned back on the couch, his arms extended along it's back, studying her features in the dim club lighting. She caught him staring, and he grinned slowly. "Hey, I'm just over here behaving myself."
Riley Grace
May 15th, 2012, 06:53:36 PM
"So now you start listening to me?" Riley arched a brow with a grin, her cheeks flushed from...well, between 'Tonio and the alcohol, who knew which was to blame. Probably both.
It was definitely the alcohol at fault when her wings twitched with discomfort and she decided it would be far better to sit sideways with her legs draped across his lap. Much more comfortable for her wings that way.
And definitely worth it for the look he gave her.
Antonio Fernandez
May 15th, 2012, 07:13:19 PM
His grin widened as she changed positions, her tiny skirt giving him way too many ideas as she put her legs into his lap. Antonio dropped a hand to her knee, tracing a circle with his thumb as he took another swallow of his beer. "I'm getting mixed signals here, Miss Grace," he teased, his hand sliding a little bit higher to just above her knee.
"To behave, or to misbehave... that is the question." He looked around suddenly, as if they were being spied on. "I wouldn't want to frighten away the locals."
Riley Grace
May 15th, 2012, 07:30:31 PM
Gray eyes watched his hand for several moments as she sipped her drink. Fingers tugged the straw away from her glossy lips as they formed a soft smile that was leaning towards being really quite wicked. The effect he had on her was something she'd have to contemplate when she wasn't busy enjoying said effect.
"If you don't misbehave, how am I supposed to decide if I want to take you home with me or not?" Riley said with as much wide-eyed country innocence as she could muster. The effect was spoiled when the corner of her mouth quirked up just a bit too far, and her free hand reached up to wipe a bit of her gloss from his lower lip.
Glancing around as he did, she laughed and completely ruined the rest of her hick act. "We are being watched, actually...Tiana and Gunnar just came in. We'll likely have company at some point."
Antonio Fernandez
May 15th, 2012, 07:43:02 PM
"Ahh, Tianahh," 'Tonio followed her eyes to where the dark haired mutant was just visible on the other side of the dance floor. "I was wondering when someone else was going to show up and -" ruin the moment.
"And join the fun," he winked, scooting a little closer to her and patting the couch on the other side, by her feet. "There's room for three. Her boyfriend won't mind, will he?"
Riley Grace
May 15th, 2012, 08:09:38 PM
Her free hand held the hem of her skirt in place as he shifted closer to her, to free up space on his other side. She shifted slightly and resettled her wings behind her, and noticed that she was now, more or less, sitting in his lap.
A fact she didn't really mind.
Riley glanced over towards where she'd last seen Tiana and saw only the top of Gunnar's blonde head. "Gunnar's her roommate. But I dunno...she only met him this morning. She's not even moved in yet. Would be epically record time for him to 'mind' don't you think?"
"Besides..." she continued, taking a long sip from her drink before tilting her head down to kiss the corner of his mouth. "...I never learned to share in kindergarten."
Antonio Fernandez
May 15th, 2012, 08:22:59 PM
"Mmm," he mumbled, kissing her a little awkwardly as she caught him by surprise. "I learned how to share." He brushed her hair out of her eyes and tucked a bit of it behind her ear.
"Not that I like to, mind you, but sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do." 'Tonio kissed her again, a soft brush of the lips, and thought about just picking her up and absconding with her.
Riley Grace
May 16th, 2012, 04:00:05 PM
She smiled into the kiss, her free hand resting along the back of his neck, fingertips trailing absently along his warm skin. Most of her wanted to suggest leaving right then and there...but there was one lone brain cell left that still functioned. And it decided that leaving before having a chance to hang out with Tiana and Gunnar would simply be too rude.
Clearly, Riley mused, she wasn't tipsy enough yet, so she reluctantly pulled her lips away from 'Tonio's and took another sip of her drink.
Tilting her head, she leaned against him and gently kissed his earlobe. "Well, Tiana's not really my type...but if you're that interested..." she murmured, letting her words trail off as she pulled back and endeavored to look...well, innocent.
Which, considering she was perched in his lap in a miniskirt, was not working at all well.
Antonio Fernandez
May 17th, 2012, 12:46:13 AM
His hand had worked it's way to her lower back and was dipping to rest on her butt as his other hand remained at her knee. Well, mostly near her knee. Antonio regarded Riley as she leaned back, and let his eyes trail a little lower than her face as his hands tightened on her. Was she suggesting a threesome? He'd been joking, but if she was game...
...of course she was just joking. Wasn't she? Was she? Time for the not-so-secret weapon. He smiled wolfishly. "Usted es una tomadura de pelo terrible." 'Tonio pulled her close for another kiss, her weight in his lap making it hard think.
Riley Grace
May 18th, 2012, 12:52:47 AM
She had a reply, really she did. It was clever, too. Leaned towards cutesy, though, but it was still clever.
But god dammit, she couldn't think when he gave her that look, never mind when he kissed her. It just wasn't fair...oh, who in the HELL was she kidding?
She loved every second of it.
Riley somehow managed to set her drink aside on the table before she kissed him back, her reply fleeing her mind along with whatever other thoughts she'd been having. She pulled back after - how long, she had no idea - but only because she needed to breathe.
Biting her lower lip as she caught her breath, she shifted in Antonio's lap, bracing a hand just above each of his shoulders, on the back of the couch. Trying to not pay too much attention to how far up her skirt was going to end up, Riley straddled his lap. Her hands dropped to his shoulders as she settled herself against him, her wings shifting big enough to grant her at least enough peace of mind to know that she wasn't giving the entire lounge a show.
Antonio Fernandez
May 18th, 2012, 01:36:11 AM
'Tonio was surprised when he found himself with a lap full of Riley, but he didn't mind. No, no, he didn't mind at all. His hands found her butt, giving it a squeeze as she kissed him. She tasted like cranberries.
After a moment or two he pulled away, brushing her hair out of her eyes with one hand while keeping the other comfortably where it was. "Hey. We should probably slow down a little."
Riley Grace
May 18th, 2012, 08:22:16 PM
Riley smiled and tilted her cheek into his touch as he brushed her hair aside. She lifted one hand from his shoulder and tapped a finger on the tip of his nose.
"Since when are you the voice of reason, hmm? That's usually my job."
Antonio Fernandez
May 19th, 2012, 12:11:07 AM
"I know, I know," he put a kiss on the tip of her nose. "I don't like it either. It's los pantalones en la cabeza loca."
He looked past her and added, "Looks like Miss Tiana is headed this way finally."
Tiana Norwich
May 19th, 2012, 02:08:50 AM
Tiana arched a carefully sculpted brow as she gently tugged on Gunnar's arm watching the pair from afar. A tall, fruity drink with an absolutely adorable umbrella was clasped lightly in her free hand. Non-alcoholic, of course, but she was only eighteen after all.
She sipped as they walked, carefully picking their way across the dance floor. "I think Riley's had a couple..." she leaned up to whisper to her companion, pausing to check her reflection ( in a mirror as they passed through an archway and into the lounge.
The young woman cleared her throat delicately as they drew closer, but Antonio had seen them coming and had nudged Riley. The redhead gracefully got up and turned as she smoothed out her skirt, and Tiana gave her friend a hug. "Hiya hon! Told you we'd make it. Riley, this is Gunnar, my roommate. Gunnar, this is Riley, and that is Antonio."
Gunnar Ottesen
Mar 1st, 2013, 12:54:05 AM
Well, that did it. One look at Riley Grace and some back corner of his mind perked and started wondering, with the mildest curiosity, if all of his new roommate's friends were this pretty. There was the distinct possibility that such a thing was improbable, but never impossible, and almost just as likely that beauty was at every corner of every friendship Tiana held. A curiosity, nothing more, as he kept his eyes on faces and his smile modest. Additionally, on a last wondering note, he considered whether or not these further new acquaintances were of the same sometimes visible minority as he was, as he now knew Tiana was.
"Pleasure to meet you, Riley." Gunny said, offering a small grin and a quick tip of his head - an altered motion that, if one saw the brief lifting of his free hand, it would tell of what might have been the regular wearing and tipping of a hat. Turning to her companion, he held out his right hand for a shake. "Antonio."
A simple, short, strong handshake, then a parting release, just as fast. Gunnar took a moderate gulp of his beer and and swallowed.
"You look vaguely familiar - I think I've seen you around campus, maybe in a class?"
Antonio Fernandez
Mar 1st, 2013, 12:57:14 PM
Antonio stood, shaking Gunnar's hand. "Yeah, I think we had some chem classes together last year. Professor Kim's class maybe?"
He turned to Tiana and swept her up into a friendly bear hug. "Where have you been the last few weeks? You missed a great rally downtown, it was quite an adventure." 'Tonio put her back down on her feet and retrieved his beer, looking at Riley. "Actually, it was pretty scary. Things are getting crazy around here."
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