View Full Version : In the Halls of Healing
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 05:03:58 PM
The Whaladon was a cramped space. There were Jedi and padawans stacked in like cord wood, the common areas designated for training or eating, and sometimes both. The cargo areas were stuffed with consumables and various supplies needed for the community. The small on board medbay was barely used except for small injuries, the emergencies and larger issues were farmed out to the Challenger.
Serena had her TL-1800 docked with Whaladon, the Gaoth agus Domhain attached like a satellite to the larger bulk freighter. Her medical bay was small but comfortable, and rather than take up space on the Action VI she was entertaining a steady flow of visitors. Some padawans were having group lessons with her in the basics of healing, and there were about five of them in Gaoth's common area, studying and practicing meditation. Morgan was out on an assignment with the Alliance, and she was starting to fall into a sort of routine.
There was a knock at the bulkhead outside the medbay, and she looked up from where she was alphabetizing herbs in a cupboard. "How can I help you?" Serena pulled down on the door, closing up the built in cupboard and turning toward the newcomer.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 05:28:29 PM
"Uh, yeah," replied the voice from the other side of the bulkhead. "I don't have an appointment, I hope that's okay."
The speaker was a Nehantite, a mongoose-like species which hailed from only one planet, Nehantish. This one was of the yellow-furred variety, with a bit of shaggy headfur loosely parted to the left, and pink eyes which had lost some of their former luster. The only Nehantite aboard the Whaladon, Halajiin Rabeak wondered if he was the only Nehantite in the Wheel, as he'd yet to come across someone who had seen another.
"I heard you were going to be doing exams. I've... got some issues I'm wondering if you might be able to look at," he said.
While Hal was dressed vaguely as a Jedi, it was clear that his clothing had seen better days. Worn and faded trousers were tucked into scuffed boots which hadn't been polished for the better part of three years, and he seemed to be missing his upper robes, wearing only a dingy, white, sleeveless undershirt which clung to his somewhat slender frame - a mustard stain on the left side of his abdomen giving it a spot of character. All in all, he nearly appeared to be a down-on-his-luck spacer just trying to get some free medical attention.
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 05:39:51 PM
She brushed some loose strands of hair out of her face, tucking them behind her ears. "Come in then, no appointment needed." Serena gestured to the two beds that dominated the space. She had talked it over with Morgan about expanding the medical area, but credits weren't exactly flowing freely these days so remodeling plans were on the back burner.
"My name is Serena," she said, taking a moment to disinfect her hands. The male Nehantite had a bright feel to him in Force, though he also felt... troubled. "New to the convoy?" She smiled warmly, pulling her waist length braid over her shoulder so it lay down her back.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 05:49:52 PM
Ooh, she's pretty.
Whole lot prettier than the last doctor we saw.
Be hard to be uglier than that... whatever he was.
Making his way into the somewhat cramped exam room, Hal let his fingers test the thin pad on one of the exam beds before hopping up and taking a seat on it. "Yeah, just got in the other day, actually," he replied. "Name's Hal, I'm with the Jedi group, here, now."
His tail swished idly off the other side of the bed. For some reason, he could never resist letting it sway when it hung free like that.
"Got a little trouble with my left eye, among some other complaints."
I don't see a ring on her finger. Betcha she's single.
And, let me guess, you want to "play doctor" with her?
Like you'd object?
You haven't gotten any in a hundred and seven years. I suppose it would be a valid medical test to make sure everything still works properly in real-world conditions.
I like the way you think.
It's what I do best, m'boy.
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 06:02:25 PM
She smiled, his disheveled appearance rather common with new arrivals, and said, "Lay back, please, and close your eyes." As he did so she stepped up next to the bed and carefully placed her hands on his yellow fur - one on his forehead and the other on his chest.
"Breathe deeply and clear your mind," Serena said softly, doing the same as she began to delve his physiology with the Force. "You are the first Nehantite I have seen since I was a young knight. Have you had much training with the Force?"
Her voice sounded distant to her own ears as she searched him for signs of illness or imbalance.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 06:10:12 PM
You do realize she's, like, twice your age, right?
Don't care, still hot.
Swinging his legs up onto the bed, Hal let Serena guide him back until he was laying down, then had to shift a bit so he wasn't laying on his tail. A soft smile had started to appear as her fingers sifted though the exposed fur of his chest, but it vanished immediately when she spoke.
Having to crack his left eye open, the Nehantite looked up at her, only seeing her in greyscale. "You've met other Nehantites off-world?" he asked, then immediately followed up with, "You're a knight?"
Close your eyes, dummy!
Oops, sorry.
"Yeah, actually. Heh, I'm a knight, myself. And that's kinda what brings me here. Sorta been frozen in carbonite for a little over a hundred years, and I don't think my body really likes it all that much."
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 06:33:18 PM
Her lips curled up in a smile as Hal settled himself back down. "Yes, I had occasion to attend a negotiation between Munjesh? and Nehantish when I was a padawan. Master Dremmel was a well respected diplomat, and often..."
Serena's voice trailed off, sensing an irregularity within his left optic nerve. There was a lull in the conversation as she gently manipulated the sensitive nerves. "Carbon freeze is not meant for long term storage and preservation of life forms, especially not with the method they employed a hundred years ago." It never occurred to her to doubt his story. With the healing trance she was using, Serena could tell he was being truthful.
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 06:39:13 PM
"Yeah, well, tell that to the Merestri thugs who gave me the deep freeze," Hal snorted.
His left eye twitched as if something was irritating it. "Is that you?" he asked, and when it stopped he could tell that it was. "That one's only been seeing in black and white since I thawed out. Both were, at first, but now it's really giving me a headache."
Sneaking his right eye open, Hal attempted to catch a glimpse down Serena's shirt as she leaned over him. He hadn't recognized the name of her master, but something else stuck out in his mind. "Wait, there were actually negotiations between Nehantish and Munjesh? And, you've been to Nehantish?"
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 06:44:46 PM
She murmured assent, taking a deep breath and releasing the healing trance. Serena removed her hands from his warm fur and helped him sit up. "You seem to be healthy, other than the small problem with your vision. How do you feel?"
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 06:52:44 PM
Dang it! Never bring up politics with women! Total game killer!
Well soorrr-ree! I find it stimulating!
What you find stimulating hardly compares with actually being stimulated, if you get my drift!
Oh, crap, did I just...?
Yeah, you totally did. Way to go, smarty.
Dude, I'm sorry, I didn't -
Just cut it out now, I might be able to salvage this.
Hal could feel the wash of Force slipping away from him as he sat up, and he rubbed his eyes before blinking them open again. "Well, like I said, the whole color vs. black and white thing gives me a headache. But I've also been having trouble actually falling asleep, as well as waking back up again. It's like I get stuck between the two for a while before I can actually switch."
He hesitated a moment before adding one more thing. "Also, I think my taste buds might be messed up. The food here... well, it tastes pretty bad. But I don't know if that's just me, or the cooking itself. Heh."
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:05:04 PM
She frowned slightly, putting her hands on either side of his face and angling him more toward the light. "It is probably a combination of your long freeze, food sources and recipes changing, and the fact that the cooks in the Wheel have to do what they can with military rations, for the most part. Fresh food is in very short supply."
Serena concentrated on his eye, double checking the work she had just done, and added, "Are you still seeing in black and white? The sleeping problem is mental, not physical." She amended, "That is, I did not find anything to suggest otherwise."
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:15:38 PM
Good thing she didn't find what was going on in your trousers, too!
What, so now you're thinking about sex? You are so messed up!
Studies have shown that the average male thinks about sex seven times a minute.
Yeah, but since when have I ever been average? I'm above-average!
You just keep telling yourself that.
Closing one eye, then the other, Hal alternated between them, testing his vision. A frown pulled at the corners of his muzzle before he sighed and shook his head. "Sorry, no. Still the same. Doc on the Novgorod said it would come back in time, and the right one did, but it seems like my left eye is being stubborn."
Pulling his face back to look into hers, her hands still on his cheeks, he crimped his brow and asked, "How is trouble sleeping a mental thing? I'm tired, I want to sleep, but I can't. That never happened before. Well, at least not on normal nights, at least."
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:26:13 PM
Serena frowned at the pronouncement of his vision remaining the same, but turned her attention to the other matters. "Your brain has a lot of new information to process. You have had a terrible shock to your system - not just being suddenly many years into the future but also the carbon freeze. Getting your natural rhythms reset may take some time... and effort."
She walked back to the cupboard she had been organizing, and shuffled through some of the vials and containers within. "Ten minutes of meditation before attempting sleep will help you purpose your body toward rest. Centering yourself in your new situation will alleviate the stresses of the day, and," she returned with a small sealed container of a dried brown herb, "this tea will help you relax."
Serena gave it a little shake and held it out toward him. "I understand if you do not want to take anything, but this is a much better alternative to any sedatives I could give you. It is a little bitter, but you can add honey to help the taste."
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:29:27 PM
Hal's face screwed up in hesitant dread as the tea was extended to him, and he took it gingerly in his paw.
Looking it over, he grumbled a whine. "Meditation?"
The "do I haaaaave to?" part wasn't said, but its implication could not be missed.
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:41:53 PM
She raised an eyebrow, and replied, "Even a warrior must find himself in the quiet places of his own mind."
Serena smiled a little at his obvious reluctance, and added, "I did find that Nehantish was quite beautiful, if you looked in the right places. Munjesh in particular was very lush and exotic. Especially when compared to Coruscant. Or, as it's called now, Imperial Center."
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:47:35 PM
"Yeah, well, you don't know my mind like I do," Hal grumbled.
You're mine, now, sucka!
Staring down at the container of tea, Hal sighed. "I've never actually been to Munjesh. I hardly ever left the capitol of Nehantish my whole life there. If it wasn't for the Order, I'd have probably lived out my days there as something boring, like an accountant. Or a rug merchant like my uncle Hemil. And now it sounds like hardly any of us get out at all, anymore."
Letting his shouders slump with a sigh, he mused, "I guess a lot can happen while you're out cold, huh? Even the Order is reduced to... this."
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 08:08:35 PM
She leaned back against the bed opposite him, and smoothed her dress. It was a simple gray mantle over a green shift, embroidered at the hems in the celtic style of the planet she had spent her exile on. A slim tooled leather belt rested on her hips, an uncomplicated buckle holding it together. Serena felt a deep sadness in the man in front of her, one that perhaps he did not even yet understand.
"I never even saw my home planet until I was fifteen," she said quietly, "but I understand the loss you have experienced. I have had nearly thirty years to come to terms with the loss of the Jedi, and those I cared about. The ones I loved. The Temple where we lived, desecrated by the Dark side and filled with the bodies of younglings." There was a catch in her throat even now, thinking about it.
"Those first few weeks were the worst. How easy it could have been to lose myself to hate and anger... but I resisted. The Force is a source of relief and life, not death. Not revenge." Serena's smile grew bittersweet. "It took me months to learn how to grieve for what was lost properly.
"You must learn to do the same. The meditation will help. And the tea will ensure you rest, because becoming sleep deprived on top of all you've been through would add insult to injury."
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 08:21:53 PM
Hal had heard the basics of what had happened while he was out cold, but details had been scarce. He knew the Temple was lost, but he did not imagine it to have been so bloody, or that that blood had been of the innocent. He tried to picture it, but could not. He could only see the Temple as a beautiful, shining place filled with hope, and his apartment, and his little kitchenette.
It was a place he tied to some of his happiest memories; he could not bring himself to think of it as a place of tragedy.
Fumbling the tea in his fingers, he sighed once more. "I wonder if I should take some time and go home, first."
He knew it to be a poor idea. All his friends and family were long dead, and he didn't have an identity anymore, so passing immigration would be impossible. "But what if I want revenge? What if I want retribution for everything that's been taken from me?"
And what if I want you to shut that door so we can get wild and freaky, right here, right now?
*SMACK!* Dang it, behave yourself! Seriously!
*rubs ego* Owww, that hurt!
This is not the time for that. Maybe later, with some wine or something.
Mmph. Okay...
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 08:35:48 PM
She met his pink eyes steadily, sensing a bit of wild emotion or instinct battling beneath the surface. He seemed calm enough on the outside. "Only you can make that decision for yourself. But the path to the Dark side is easy. And if you step upon it the Jedi will have suffered another loss."
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 09:03:52 PM
Hal breathed a frustrated sigh, then used a paw to smooth out his headfur. "Don't worry. I know the difference between justice and revenge. I'm just not used to sitting around when there's something to actually be done."
As emphasis, his tail flicked a bit faster. "I'll, uh, try the tea, though. But I can't promise much on the meditation. Typically I used to use other methods to relax before sacking out, back when I'm from."
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 09:09:47 PM
"'Other' methods?" Serena was amused. "If you are out of practice, Knight Rabeak, there are five padawans on the other side of this bulkhead who would benefit greatly from more practice in reaching a meditative state. As it appears you would benefit as well."
She smiled fully, and then added, curiously, "I find it strange that you do not meditate. It was - and is - a large part of learning the Force for most beings. Healing meditation, battle meditation..." his eyes seemed to be glazing over, and she stood up straighter. "I can only lead you to the door, you must walk through it yourself. If your eye bothers you more, please do not hesitate to come back. I can conduct a lengthier session with a little advance notice."
Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 9th, 2012, 09:18:16 PM
The insides of Hal's ears turned an awkward shade of pink as he blushed, and he shook his head. "Eh, I don't quite think those padawans are ready for my methods," he said with a nervous chuckle.
"But, uh, on a serious note, my brain doesn't quite ever... shut down enough to really meditate. Never been able to really do it right," he admitted. "And, don't worry, I'm sure my eye knows who to find its way back to, if it keeps acting up."
Smiling once more, the Nehantite stood up from the exam bed and shook the canister of tea leaves. "Thanks again, though. Hope to see you 'round."
And maybe next time we can play doctor around my bed. He he he...
Serena Laran
Apr 9th, 2012, 09:36:09 PM
"You are quite welcome, of course," Serena said. The Nehantite Jedi started to leave, a tinge of embarrassment and something a little more base left behind in his wake. Considering the fact that almost all of the Jedi at the Wheel had been raised or taught to deny the body and it's desires, including she herself, Serena knew the mongoose was in for more culture shock.
As he was walking out the door toward the airlock between the two ships, she called after him, "You will have better luck with your 'other methods' among the Rebels on the Challenger. Especially the fighter pilots."
She tidied up the room, ready for any other visitors in need of her help.
Barton Henning
Apr 29th, 2012, 11:05:07 AM
Half an hour or so passed before there was another knock at the threshold to Gaoth agus Domhain's med-bay.
“Master Laran?”
Serena Laran
Apr 29th, 2012, 11:40:32 AM
Serena had just seen off the last of the padawans, and was thinking about a cup of tea when there was another knock. She looked up and smiled. Barton Henning had been a great help to the Jedi when they had been on Cloud City. "Captain Henning, welcome."
She gestured for him to enter, and added, "How can I help you today? Are you delivering supplies this time or taking order requests?"
Barton Henning
Apr 29th, 2012, 12:11:03 PM
“Neither.. though,” he added hastily, “If there's anything you're short of, let me know and I'll see what I can do.”
Henning folded his arms over his chest and took in the med-bay with a glance. It wasn't much smaller than his old clinic had been, he realised, though it felt a lot more organised. With a frown, Barton wondered what state the clinic was in now... if the Empire had seized it like they had reportedly seized the rest of Bespin.
“Feels like a long time since we met, back on Cloud City.”
Serena Laran
Apr 29th, 2012, 01:07:13 PM
"Yes indeed," agreed Serena. She took in Barton's body language, and added, "Please, be at ease. I was just about to make some tea, would you like some?"
Barton Henning
Apr 29th, 2012, 01:23:16 PM
Henning found himself somewhere to stand where he didn't feel quite so awkward, leaning back against an empty counter. He watched as Serena went about making tea. Her movements mirrored her surroundings – calm, controlled. The whole freighter had an air of the subdued about it.
“I heard you've been teaching Jedi lessons aboard your ship.”
Serena Laran
Apr 29th, 2012, 01:47:34 PM
She nodded, checking the tea infuser for color, and then setting out two mugs. "Yes, it reminds me of when I was a padawan myself, teaching youngling classes in the Temple."
Serena smiled. "Happier days, though each day brings it's own joy. Teaching older students has been a learning experience in and of itself." She poured the tea, and offered Barton a mug.
Barton Henning
Apr 30th, 2012, 01:17:52 PM
Henning took the mug with a small smile. The tea was too hot to sip for now but the heat of the steam on his face was a welcome thing. It reminded him how much he wished he could trade the Knightfall's sonic-shower in for a real hydro-shower. When talk turned to the temple, he peered distractedly down into his tea.
“You don't think that your ever too old to learn, then?”
Serena Laran
Apr 30th, 2012, 01:32:08 PM
"No," Serena said. "I think we continue learning until we die. Children have an easier time of learning new things. Their brains are still forming, they have fewer preconceived notions of what is possible... but no. Never too old to learn."
She smiled, studying the doctor turned freighter captain in front of her. "Never too late to take a new career path, either," she added, referencing his own change.
Barton Henning
May 6th, 2012, 05:36:33 AM
Henning tipped a nod at Serena, unable to hold back just the barest hint of a smile. He'd never planned to sign on with the Rebellion – never imagined that he could captain a freighter – but then, there was a time when he would have laughed at the idea that he would ever become a doctor. If he could meet with his younger self, what would the boy he'd been back on Coruscant think of the man he'd become? He'd wanted to travel the Galaxy, to see exotic worlds and meeting strange alien species. Was there anything left in him of that boy now?
“I haven't been.. entirely honest about what I did before we all got.. tangled up together on Cloud City.”
He took a sip from his tea, as if the steaming liquid might give him courage. Instead, it half-burned his tongue and made him grimace.
“I was at the temple on Coruscant, when you were. When I was a boy. I.. trained under Olana Chion.”
Serena Laran
May 6th, 2012, 11:51:17 AM
It was as if the man who was Barton Henning suddenly came into sharp focus, the fuzzy bits around the edges becoming defined. Serena found herself leaning forward a little, the mug in her hand forgotten for the moment. Of course.
"I knew Olana Chion when we were younglings. I had heard she had taken a padawan but..." she paused, forcing herself to slow down. "What... what happened to her?"
Barton Henning
May 6th, 2012, 12:30:11 PM
Henning cradled his mug in the palm of one hand. His eyes dipped, then lifted back to Serena's. He hadn't known that the two of them were younglings together. There was no pleasant way of delivering the news of his former masters fate.
“Far as I heard.. Skywalker happened to her.”
Serena Laran
May 7th, 2012, 02:56:15 PM
"I see." There was a moment of silence as Serena sipped her tea. "We lost so many that day. The children, too." She looked at him with compassion. "A tragedy rivaled only by the destruction of Alderaan."
She set her mug down. "Why come forward now, Barton Henning? You have been among the regathered Jedi for a while now."
Barton Henning
May 8th, 2012, 03:36:39 PM
Henning gave a small shrug of his shoulders and even managed a small smile. It had been a hard decision to make, yet at the same time it had been easy. The Jedi were all around him, all of the time, a constant reminder of the life he'd left behind. There wasn't one moment he could pin down as the moment when he'd decided to go to Serena - after all, there had been plenty of times before when the likes of Cole and Tionne had tried to talk him into remembering who they thought he was - but finally, something had clicked into place. It wasn't an admission that he was ready to become a Jedi again, but it was a start.
“Honestly, I don't know. Coming to see you about it just felt... right.”
Serena Laran
May 9th, 2012, 01:01:33 PM
"The Force has its ways of showing us what to do," replied Serena, watching the younger man's face. "I get the feeling that you are not telling me this so you can don robes and sit in on Abarai's lightsaber skills class, however."
She smiled at the thought of the young Knight, and added, "What is it you want? You have a place among the Jedi, if you want it."
Barton Henning
May 20th, 2012, 06:38:48 AM
At first, the only answer Henning could muster was another shrug. What did he want? If nothing else, owning up to his past felt like it had eased some of the weight off his shoulders.
“Olana always said I had the makings of a decent Jedi healer in me. I know that medical supplies are in short order right now... figured maybe I could lighten the load somehow, share what I know.”
Serena Laran
May 20th, 2012, 03:05:22 PM
"And what is that?" Serena sipped her tea and then set the mug down once more. "I mean no offense. I know you are trained in modern medicine and whatever else may be, you do have those skills.
"But the Force? You have resisted your training for a long time, Barton. How do you know you still ...have what it takes, for lack of a better phrase."
Barton Henning
Jul 7th, 2012, 04:14:47 PM
Resisted your training... He couldn't argue against that. He had actively shirked the burden that Order 66 had left him with, yet it was with him. Always. Even his ship had been named for assault that had put an end to the Jedi Order as they once knew it.
His eyes meeting Serena's, there was a grim set to Barton's features.
“The truth is, I don't. A couple of years back, I did heal someone. With the Force. It was more like a reflex. Part of me.. took over in the moment and did what needed to be done.”
Serena Laran
Jul 9th, 2012, 12:22:05 PM
"Well then. I suppose when the time comes, we will see." Serena had a twinkle in her eye.
"I won't deny we will need the help." Her expression turned slightly sad. "We need you, Barton. We are fighting for our survival, and there will be casualties."
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