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Salem Ave
Apr 7th, 2012, 03:40:30 PM
Where matters of economic importance were concerned, there was no one Salem Ave trusted more than Victer Dejan. The driving force behind Onderon's economic policy and a shaping hand in the finances of the Hapes Consortium, Victer's office was perpetually bathed in the flickering light of dozens of computer screens. They tracked the rise and fall of share prices, charting fluctuations in the galactic market with pin-point accuracy.
Though it wasn't often that Salem had cause to visit the former captain, he knew that when he did – Victer would have the answers he needed. His insight into the current quandary that Salem faced would be invaluable: how to source a large quantity of starship parts from outside of the Hapes Consortium, without attracting the attention of the galaxies more militant factions?
“There are a number of possibilities,” Victer continued, touching two fingertips to a holographic interface, summoning then dismissing company profiles and their respective portfolios with the wave of a hand.
The shifting patterns of light played across Salem's features, highlighting the faint narrowing of his eyes. He rose from the chair he'd been sitting in and paced slowly to stand alongside Victer. Cradling his chin in one hand, he peered with empty white eyes into the displays.
“There,” he reached out to the interface and motioned an entry forward.
With another gesture, the holographic image of a distinctly feline face appeared. A thin, bloodless smile formed on Salem's lips.
“Chart a shuttle to Koensayr. It's time for Madam Meorrrei to make good on her promises of investment.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 7th, 2012, 04:35:18 PM
The planet Koensayr had, for millennia, been a planet devoted to satisfying the unquenchable galactic thirst for space, and the desire to traverse its infinite expanses. Though not a shipyard hub on the magnitude of Kuat or Fondor, the planet's massive cities and facilities of its own were devoted to a niche role - serving as a distributor of components and systems capable of working in and alongside the majority of starships in every classification. Generations ago, the executives of Koensayr had made production of dedicated starships secondary to this specialized supply role, and it was a role recognized as important by nearly every major industry force in the galaxy.
It was also the primary reason for Koensayr's takeover by MeorrreiCorp.
The changing of the guard brought little in the way of change to the planet, other than a subtle re-badging of the brand. The new Baroness Executor, Taataani Meorrrei, recognized something that worked without too much interference, and unlike some of her holdings, she let the planet continue operations more or less unabated. They earned handsome profit, and the universality of starship component trade made it easy to court a diverse group of customers.
Customers that now included Salem Ave.
That relationship had begun on Onderon with her pressuring the Principality to open the doors to her investment opportunities. They had expanded her business and had compensated Salem well. Now, it appeared that they would grow that relationship.
As she sat in the spartan penthouse office above Koensayr City, Taataani smoked. She'd lost weight in the past few weeks, and she wore a distant, somewhat serious expression on her face. Surely past events ( were the cause of this change in her demeanor. She used to smile more.
A human minder stepped into the office.
"Baroness Executor, Ambassador Ave's shuttle has arrived. Shall I direct him here without delay?"
She gave a nod, dismissing him with her cigar at the same time, so that she could be left alone for a few more moments. Her blue eyes blinked behind her glasses, still somewhere else.
Salem Ave
Apr 8th, 2012, 04:38:15 AM
The journey from the space-port to MeorrreiCorps offices was passed in silence. The city marched by the speeders windows, grey towers reaching towards a grey sky. The architecture bore no defining features, nothing that would define it from dozens of other cities like it: tall and proud, but ultimately soulless. A stark contrast to the extravagance and opulence of the Hapes Consortium.
Likewise, there were no statuesque warriors wielding pikes to greet Salem as he exited the speeder. The trappings of ceremony were still there, but they were subtle, restrained. He was not visiting a royal court, but a business. Salem had dressed accordingly in a durasteel grey suit. His shirt was open at the collar. That was about as casual as the Arkanian got.
Ushered into Taataani's office, Salem took in the room with a glance before settling his eyes onto the woman herself.
“Baroness Executor.”
He dipped his head, affording her the respect that came with such a title.
“I appreciate your willingness to meet with me on such short notice. It's been too long since we last met.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 9th, 2012, 09:01:01 PM
The glow from her cigar dimmed from orange to red as her lips parted. Her words traced patterns in purple smoke.
The wet s's and rolled r's of Salem's title came alive with the exhaled smoke, and Taataani set her cigar aside on a crook of an ashtray as she rose with the respect required of his station.
So, he did remember her, then. Their passing among the pomp and circumstance of Empress Tarkin's coronation was a fever dream among the titans of Galactic Power, and while she was sure she had made an impression, the beginnings of their business dealings saw her passed off to his agents on Onderon. Taataani didn't take it as an insult, it was only realism. She had not yet returned on the business she'd promised.
The difference here was that now, she had. The Consortium had given Koensayr-Meorrrei generous access to their markets, modernizing industries that had previously been seen as protectionist institutions. It had made the Consortium prosperous. It had made the K-M brand illustrious. It had made both of them fabulously rich.
Now Salem Ave would see her in person.
There wasn't delight on the Baroness Executor's face. There was a careful expression. One that betrayed little, because she could afford very little to betray. Not anymore. Stakes and margins for the successful were fragile things, even without the gravity of Meorrrei's other clandestine dealings threatening to crush them.
"Too long. jI agrree. jIf we rresserrve ourr ssocjial callss ssoleljy forr the crrownjing of rrojyaltjy, we'll do each of uss a djisserrvjice bjy denjyjing ourrsselvess the pleassurre."
She raised a careful eyebrow.
"A drrjink?"
Salem Ave
Apr 19th, 2012, 12:23:48 PM
The cigar smoke lingering in the air offended Salem's senses, though he betrayed no hint of displeasure; he had a Sabacc face that even the most accomplished smuggler would envy.
“A drink would be welcome,” he said, with a cool smile.
With a slow, casual glance he considered the Baroness Executor's offices. The choice of décor gave away as little about Taataani Meorrrei as the woman herself did.
“Koensayr City is not as I imagined it would be.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2012, 11:58:35 PM
Taataani rose, attending personally to her guest's needs. Her missives to Raifaani, who was still in the company of Ambassador Vilissar, had prepared her for seemingly small details, such as Ambassador Ave's preference of apertif.
"Ssomethjing fjilthjierr forr a sshjipwrrjight'ss planet, perrhapss?"
She pressed a glass into Salem's hands, her eyes meeting his. Separating, she returned to her side of the table, leaving him to tend to affairs at his own side.
"Sstjill, we lack the aessthetjic jI'm ssurre jyou'rre ussed to jin the Hapess Clussterr. Perrhapss ssomethjing jI'll attend to jin the futurre."
Small talk. It was required, wasn't it? The value of Taataani and Salem's time, totalled together, was possibly more precious than any being in the galaxy's shy of the Empress herself.
"jI'm currjiouss asss to the tjimjing of jyourr vjissjit, Ambasssadorr. How majy jI be of sserrvjice to a frrjiend?"
And this too, she knew all too well. The venue on Koensayr, and whisperings her daughter had passed to her. Salem Ave was a man of specific needs. It was important to her to be the arbiter of them.
Salem Ave
Apr 21st, 2012, 08:42:13 AM
Sitting down, Salem took the time to sip from the glass he'd been handed before forming his reply. He licked his lips then pursed them into a thin, thoughtful line. When his eyes lifted to meet Taataani's once more, his mouthed turned - very faintly - upwards at the corners.
“I need you to provide me with the parts to construct a Republic warship.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 21st, 2012, 11:09:17 AM
A what, now?
Given pause, but nothing beyond recovery, the Baroness Executor's ears raised an inch. She picked up a nearby datapad, jotting a few quick notes in it before setting it aside.
"jI musst have mjishearrd, Ambasssadorr. The terrm Rrepubljic jiss...out of fasshjion."
Salem Ave
Apr 21st, 2012, 11:51:19 AM
“...I suppose it is.”
There was an almost inaudible creak in the upholstery as Salem reclined further in his chair. The small smile he wore wavered, his expression returning to something more impartial, a level stare focused on Taataani.
“Be that as it may, it is a Republic warship that I require.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 21st, 2012, 12:13:46 PM
A few brief taps on the computer interface built into the table, and a hologram ( appeared. She said nothing for a moment, simply looking it over.
"Hjisstorrjical rre-enactmentss assjide, jI fjind jyourr rrequesst currjiouss, Ambasssadorr."
She returned to her datapad for a moment, making more notes.
"Hjypothetjicalljy, we arre unjiqueljy ssujited to ssuch an jinterresstjing rrequesst. Of courrsse, we arren't jin the bussjinesss of consstrructjing warrsshjipss, asss jyou know. jImperrjial mandatess rrequjirre perrmjitss that arre...djiffjicult to acqujirre, and carrrjy rrjisskss mjy bussjinesss jiss loathe to sshoulderr."
She was leaving enough hints for him. His request wasn't rejected, it was just encouraged to ask of it differently.
Salem Ave
Apr 21st, 2012, 12:37:31 PM
The hologram revolved slowly between them. Though striking in design, there was nothing to the casual observer that would suggest this was a warship that had been confined centuries ago to the junk yards and scrapheaps of the galaxy. Salem viewed Taataani through the translucent blue image, taking note of the expression she wore and offering her an apologetic tilt of his head in return.
“You must forgive me. Both Onderon and the Consortium fall outside of the authority of the Galactic Empire. It can be easy to forget that not all star systems are so fortunate.”
He gestured a hand, dismissing the matter.
“If you can provide the bulk of the materials to assemble a vessel of this kind, I can see to the construction, and the armament.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 21st, 2012, 02:26:49 PM
He didn't quite give her the credit that was due her.
"Rresst asssurred, we have ample facjiljitjiess to ssee to consstrructjing ssuch currjiossjitjiess forr the purrposess of hjisstorrjical noveltjy, no?"
She wanted to be clear on the terms of their discussion.
"To operrate asss a fjirrm wjith galactjic rreach, we do have to rresspect jImperrjial mandate asss the common legal code, even jif we alsso operrate jin zoness that don't rrequjirre jit. Thejy have clearr rruless jin place that vessselss that majy have mjiljitarrjy appljicatjionss musst have weapon porrtss made jinerrt orr obsstrructed. We can bujild thjiss...cjivjiljian sshjip.
jI trrusst jyou have no ssuch planss. jIt would make matterrss of bussjinesss eassjierr to hearr jyou ssajy asss ssuch."
Salem Ave
Apr 23rd, 2012, 02:25:36 PM
Salem continued to consider the image of his historical novelty as Taataani spoke. With its hammer-shaped fore section, there could be no mistaking the purpose of such a ship.
“I need your company to provide me with parts, Baroness Executor, and parts alone. If Imperial mandate dictates that these parts must be incapable of military application then, please... ensure they are just that.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 23rd, 2012, 09:38:10 PM
She was disappointed that he shied way from her foundries laying the keels for such ships down. That would have made the venture even more profitable for her. However, it was probably for the best. Questions were raised when ships of that nature were built in full, "civilian" or no.
"Of courrsse."
Curiosity was a terrible thing, even still. Ambassador Ave was as handsome as he was inscrutable, and he made for a nearly irresistable invitation. She dismissed the hologram, again sitting to regard him fully as she leaned back slightly in her chair.
"Deljiverrjy tjime wjill be extended ssomewhat. We have the sspecjifjicatjionss, cerrtajinljy, but mjy foundrrjiess wjill need to rre-tool. Thrree, perrhapss fourr monthss. jI'll do what jI can to expedjite that."
She smoothed her palms on the mirror-like finish of the table before them.
"Not to djictate how ssomeone asss bussjy asss jyourrsself sspendss hjiss tjime, but that kjind of orrderr, eccentrrjic asss jit jiss, could have been placed rremoteljy."
Now a small amount of saccharine and a familiar smile.
"jI apprrecjiate meetjing jin perrsson. jI hope therre'ss morre to ourr busssjinesss than what'ss on the table, sso to sspeak."
Salem Ave
May 21st, 2012, 11:06:59 AM
“I like to make a point of allowing myself the rare pleasure to meet with all of my associates from time to time.”
Salem shared Taataani's smile. Years in the public eye - as the steadfast face of Iziz City - had given him plenty of practice at that smile, though it still rarely reached his eyes.
“Our... arrangement has been very beneficial, so far. Onderon welcomes your corporation with open arms. The Consortium, however...” Salem paused, slowly tilting the tumbler in his hand, watching as the remainder of his drink swirled inside the glass. MeorrreiCorp had become involved heavily with the Onderon economy but had not yet penetrated the Transitory Mists that surrounded the Hapes Cluster.
His eyes drifted back to the Baroness Executor's, the corners of his mouth lifting just a little higher, with a hint of knowing humour.
“The Consortium is another matter entirely. Do you know much of the Hapans?”
Taataani Meorrrei
May 23rd, 2012, 10:44:20 PM
She was no expert, but the Consortium was known to her in broad strokes. The Hapans were a curiosity to most Cizerack.
"Thejy'rre an autocrratjic matrrjiarrchjy, jissolated jin thejirr home clussterr forr the mosst parrt. Verrjy wealthjy and powerrful jin thejirr own rrjight."
She smiled.
"Ssome of mjy peopless' hjisstorrjianss thjink Hapan jinfluence brrought about ourr own matrrjiarrchjy, but jI'll leave all that forr the academjicss."
Her smile dimmed a little as she leaned forward.
"jI'm not unawarre of ourr djissadvantagess jin the Hapess Clussterr, jif that'ss what jyou mean. jIf jyou have a prropossal to rrectjifjy thjiss, jI would gladljy hearr jit."
Salem Ave
Jun 6th, 2012, 03:46:04 AM
“I'm set to meet with the Consortium trade council on Hapes proper in one week. If your schedule is not too busy, you're welcome to accompany me.”
Salem allowed the offer to hang in the air between for them a moment.
“Sixty three star systems look to the royal city of Ta'a Chume'Dan for direction. There are few better places to begin when ingratiating yourself amongst the Hapans.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Jun 8th, 2012, 03:40:39 PM
This was a coup for her. Taataani said nothing at first, but considered the ramifications of being offered unfettered access to the Consortium, and the power brokers within who might be amenable to doing business with her mercantile empire.
"jI would be honorred to jojin jyou, Ambasssadorr."
Genial on the outside, she was hard at work within trying to tease out Salem's complicated game. Obviously he wasn't in the historical re-enactment business, and they both knew perfectly well what an order of old cruisers like that meant. Was there similar business in store in the Consortium? Would the Hapans break the veil after so long behind it? So many intriguing questions.
Salem Ave
Jun 9th, 2012, 10:07:44 AM
“Excellent. I can provide you with some preparatory reading regarding Ta'a Chume'Dan and its inhabitants, and we can discuss anything further that you'd like to know when we're on route to Hapan space.”
Salem set aside his glass and folded his hands together as he regarded Taataani. It wasn't often that he travelled with a companion.
“Unless there are any questions that spring to mind now.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Jun 9th, 2012, 04:12:21 PM
She nodded at his considerate offering. The Hapan reputation for being inscrutable was daunting, and being offered an introspective into her prospective client base was valuable.
She rose from her seat, walking alongside him as they began to make preparations to depart.
"Ssatjissfjy mjy currjiossjitjy, Ambasssadorr. How have jyou come to rreprressent both Onderron and the Conssorrtjium? jYou sseem to be blesssed by a conssjiderrable amount of good forrtune. And jif the Chume jiss to be the ssorrt of leaderr we underrsstand herr to be, jit jiss jinterresstjing to ssee sso much authorrjitjy entrrussted to a man."
What she said could be misconstrued, and her ears dipped slightly.
"No offensse."
Salem Ave
Jun 9th, 2012, 05:22:27 PM
Following the Baroness Executor's lead, Salem rose to his feet. He smiled some at her question. She was a direct woman and he had not expected that it would take her long to address the bantha in the room, such as it was.
“None taken. Strictly speaking, I am an ambassador of the Onderonian people. I act as an ambassador to the Consortium, not on behalf of them. My position is one that affords a degree of convenience to both Queen Adraudia and the Chume, however. Royal protocol dictates that neither monarch can spend a great deal of time away from their home-world. Having a go-between has become a necessity to ensure a stable alliance between the two nations. I am not alone in my duties of course – you have met Ambassador Vilissar already yourself – but both the Queen and the Chume have grown in time to trust me.”
He paused, considering his position. To the outsider, it might seem that he had been blessed. The truth wasn't quite so simple.
“I've spent all of my political career in the service of matriarchal governments. I'd like to think that I've developed a certain degree of... understanding of how best to serve them.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Jun 10th, 2012, 10:48:52 PM
There was a shade of Keerrourri Sarrtarroa in the way that Salem carried himself and spoke so...carefully. She had no doubt that the mind behind that pretty face was as sharp as any that could be found in the galaxy. While she was sure to enjoy her time with him, she must remain careful. When women rule, one must be on her guard when a woman sends a man in her stead.
Still, Taataani enjoyed the banter. She was a glutton for it. As the pair walked down a corridor to take them to the Ambassador's shuttle, an entourage followed at a respectful distance.
"jYourr leaderrss know the powerr of an attrractjive face, and no doubt fjind ssome leverrage when thejirr worrdss arre carrrjied bjy ssuch an jimprresssjive ssjight."
No need to look at him as she delivered the compliment. He knew what he was doing, after all.
Salem Ave
Jul 7th, 2012, 04:40:21 PM
It was true to say that Salem Ave could be persuasive, although his charisma had less to do with the face Taataani saw and more to do with the mask that she did not. A glance to the edge of his vision and Salem smiled, thinly.
“We must all make best use of the resources available to us.”
Ahead of them, a boarding ramp had already been lowered from the shuttle. The craft was one of many supplied by MeorrreiCorp to Onderon and Salem preferred its utilitarian design to the overwrought vessels that crowded Hapan ports.
Salem halted at the foot of the ramp.
“After you, madam baroness.”
Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 14th, 2012, 07:03:29 PM
She paused at his offer, a thin smile and slightly raised ears in response.
"jYou forrget wherre jyou arre, Ambasssadorr. The honorr jiss mjine to gjive to jyou. Ja'irra na taathe'e, mjy frrjiend."
She gestured with a hand and nodded her insistence for him to board first. This was her planet, it was her ship, and she would insist on her rules whenever possible. Once they had slipped the mysteries of the Veil, that was another world entirely, but to acquiesce before then was to show weakness.
Onboard, the furnishings were luxurious, but carefully spartan. Cream-colored leather seating and warm accents gave it both the inviting colors of home, but also a no-nonsense aesthetic. It would be just as easy to pass the flight to the Hapes Cluster in a deeply professional discussion, or in a deep sleep.
Settling into a seat, the Baroness Executor looped her tail into her lap, and resisted the urge to kick off her shoes and run her toes along the carpet. She'd endure the ache. A console within a few short steps of each was stocked with whatever drinks and amenities they might need, although Taataani was more than sated by company alone.
"Sso then..."
She looked to Salem once more, not wishing to waste an interesting conversation during the pre-flight as the shuttle took off.
"...jyourr handlerrss arre rrealjisstss. jI'd be jincljined to assk how rressourrceful that makess jyou, but jyou merrjit farr morre rresspect than that. Of courrsse, therre arre unjique dangerrs to bejing a rresspectable man."
Salem Ave
Dec 6th, 2012, 02:04:56 PM
Salem took in the interior of the ship with an approving glance. There were certainly worse places to spend the length of an interstellar flight. Ave sat down alongside the Baroness Executor, crossing one leg over the other as he considered her words.
“There are?”
Taataani Meorrrei
Jan 1st, 2013, 11:54:52 PM
"Of courrsse. jYou end up bejing trreated asss a woman."
Her smirk was there and gone before the inertial compensators finished shifting during the jump to light speed.
"Ssurreljy jyou've had that experrjience among the Hapanss, jif thejirr rreputatjion holdss trrue."
Of course she was simply stringing along the tautology. They both knew the stakes of this game.
"And jyou've rread up on me, sso jyou know mjy own rreputatjion. jI don't ljike to losse. Therre arre plentjy of rresspectable women who've met me who could tell jyou the ssame."
The Baroness Executor straightened up in her seat a bit, ears leaning forward slightly.
"Thuss, the dangerr. Excjitjing, no? Of courrsse, that jisn't to ssajy we can't prretend. Enjojy the jillussjion forr the djisstrractjion. Afterr all, jyou cerrtajinljy arre no woman, and the concept of a man wjith ambjition, well jI deljight jin the exotjic."
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