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Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 12:00:08 AM
The Novgorod burst into realspace from a point that had just previously been nothing but an empty patchwork of stars over Dac. What once had been a serene blackness with pinpricks of light littered throughout now gave way to the sleek lines of the marauder corvette's hull, and as she angled to starboard, her nose tipped gently downward.
Loklorien s'Ilancy stood quietly in a small, sectioned-off portion of the hangar bay, her thoughts so far away, yet so intimately close as her eye remained settled on the three coffin-sized crates that had been placed in this place with great care. They'd been retrieved from Schwartzweld, and were now on a journey to a new home that she could only hope would actually come to fruition.
Tucked into the crook of her left arm was the last remaining MARCUS module that had survived the horrid fate of his own larger half. And despite Cirr's frustrations with Layla's AI, the Lupine found herself quite delighted that MARCUS had in essence found himself a new home in Novgorod.
"They are quite beautiful," she spoke to the module after his fifth question of what exactly was in the crates.
"Bipedal models of course - the alternation models are too... flighty."
She smiled to herself, absently giving the little module a pat to the top of its' body as she turned on her heel.
"But enough of this," she went on, her stride taking them towards the arching doorway of the hangar.
"Cirr tells me that you've been quite busy as of late."
Apr 7th, 2012, 12:26:28 AM
The scuffed and battered pink module blinked its visual receptors.
"The level of my active processes has increased 2150% over the past week, but this is not a significant percentage of my processing capability. This is an inefficient way to ask the nature of my processes. Am I correct that this is your intent?"
The Lupine Jedi nodded, and the droid continued.
"I have propagated myself into the isolated electronic warfare terminal of the Novgorod. I am 98% certain this action offended Captain Raurrssatta, but he has not deactivated my new module. My primary task has been reassigned to liase with members of his crew in assisting with the device's function."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 12:35:17 AM
She passed through the archway and into the corridors of the ship.
"I am happy for you then."
s'Il moved the module to her other arm, strangely content to be carrying the little thing like a child.
"It is good to hear that you have integrated yourself so thoroughly. And I would not worry about Cirrsseeto - he finds himself wearing a new pair of shoes that are much different than what he is used to. If he acts short with you, just remember that."
There was a silence as she rounded a corner, and stopping in front of the lift doors, s'Il reached out with her free hand to depress the call button.
"I have missed you, you know."
Apr 7th, 2012, 01:04:37 AM
"I assign no ill feelings toward Captain Raurrssatta for the change in his behavioral pattern. I am making an observation, the same observation that you have made."
s'Il could feel the droid tremor slightly as its cooling fan kicked in to compensate for higher processing power.
"This brings our conversation to an interesting topic. I have wanted to discuss this with another, away from an emotional conflict of interest in obtaining an earnest response.
You miss me. Why do you miss me?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 01:16:14 AM
The sound of the lift reached her ears, and s'Il instinctively looked up. It was a habit that she was not the only one to possess. As the doors slid open, she was relieved to see that she and MARCUS would be traveling upwards alone. A quick turn on her heel, and the Lupine reached out to press the button of the deck she wished to be taken to.
"Friends miss each other," she started patiently. She heard a slight ticking as something in the module went to work, and s'Il had an inkling that he was accessing his memory files, pulling up the first time that she had told him she thought of him as a friend. By the Bloodline she thought she would die of old age before explaining to him how she'd come to that conclusion.
"You are special to me," she went on, "... and when I am not able to be around those that are special to me, I miss them."
The door to the lift closed, and up they went.
"We used to talk of many things, if you remember."
She knew that he did.
"Did you think that I would forget those wonderful times?"
Apr 7th, 2012, 01:27:43 AM
"Friendship is a value assigned to individuals when the number of personal interactions reach a certain numerical value, and the ratio of those interactions resulting in positive outcomes reaches another certain value. I am familiar with the concept, although assigning these values seems arbitrary."
The droid beeped.
"I have sorted these numbers according to arithmetic mean, and derive above the 75th percentile. I consider you a friend. Captain Raurrssatta is also a friend. As is Captain Prent.
You have not answered my question, Loklorien."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 01:43:59 AM
s'Il blinked, making a face while casting a look down to the module nestled in her arm.
"MARCUS, there are times when the best answers are not the ones given through words, but the ones shown through action. Have I not been available during the times on this trip when you've activated my comm unit to tell me the status of the engines, and their efficiency outputs in relation to core readings? Or when you woke me up an hour ago to take your module to the hangar so that you could stare at what I've had stored away in those crates?"
An hour ago it was 0300 standard, as s'Il had groggily proclaimed at the time.
But now she suspected that his curiosity ran deeper, and she willingly obliged.
"You are a link to my people whether you realize it or not. It is hard to explain, but what you are and what you have become even now make me feel as though I am home."
She let out a thoughtful sigh as the lift slowed to a stop, the doors opening.
"I miss you because you make me feel whole."
Apr 7th, 2012, 01:52:23 AM
MARCUS's visual receptors brightened.
"Acceptable response. I can now conceptualize. You miss an individual because their absence creates a pattern of systemic inefficiencies in your runtime? You miss someone because you have to unfavorably adapt to new data to reach equilibrium.
This is a familiar concept to me. My systemic efficiencies have suffered considerable defect ever since our exfiltration of Coruscant and the destruction of the Layla. To adhere to your concept, I miss the Layla. I miss Sanis. I miss you.
Captain Raurrssatta is an anomaly. When he was Lieutenant Raurrssatta, I operated entirely different processes in interacting with him. His change has created a systemic inefficiency in me, the same as the ones I have previously observed.
Can I miss a concept rather than an individual? A moment in space time?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 01:58:32 AM
She stood there, in the doorway of the lift, looking down at the pink module she cradled in the crook of her arm. She blinked.
And with a gentle movement leaned down to lightly kiss between his visual receptors.
"Of course you can," she whispered.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 7th, 2012, 02:27:13 AM
The comm chimed in with a familiar voice.
"Lok? We'rre makjing ourr fjinal rrun to Dac. You wanted me to jinforrm you?"
Cirr watched the small floating city line up in his viewer as Saine adjusted their vector to align with the large landing bay on the city's outskirts. He wondered exactly what the point of this special trip from Schwartzweld to Dac was about. He owed a lot to Lok for so many things, but Novgorod wasn't a freighter. This was three days away from the lines. She pulled all the right strings of course, but he still felt unease. They should be out there, fighting.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 02:36:32 AM
MARCUS was uncharacteristically silent, and s'Il gave a warm smile as she lifted her head back up, her eye not leaving the module's own glowing gaze even as Cirr's voice came over the comm.
"Thank you, Captain."
Stepping from the lift, the Lupine let her stride fall into a clipped pace as she made her way through familiar corridors.
"You and I have business, MARCUS."
She'd not even informed the AI that she intended for his module to accompany her on this particular endeavor.
"... business that I think you will take quite a shine to."
Apr 7th, 2012, 02:42:45 AM
The droid could sift through colloquialisms efficiently enough to understand that she meant her plans would be pleasing to him. This was curious.
"Explain. My primary task is to liase with the electronic warfare system and the crew who operate it. Does your business involve this? Perfecting my primary task achieves optimal efficiency. A desirable outcome."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 02:53:11 AM
"It is a surprise, MARCUS."
s'Il gave the module a squeeze as she continued on her way, approaching the door that would open up onto the bridge.
"You're not meant to know of it until you see it."
Apr 7th, 2012, 02:58:56 AM
"A surprise. A delayed dissemination of data to elicit a desired immediate reaction? Applicable for organics, Loklorien, but this is inefficient.
However, to reinforce the mathematical value of our friendship coefficient, I will accept your flawed reasoning."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 03:21:18 AM
She laughed aloud at that, and was still laughing even as the doors to the bridge opened and she stepped through them.
"I thank you then, that you are willing to be patient."
As the doors closed behind her, s'Il made her way to where her customary seat was, but instead of sitting she simply stood, watching through the viewport as the landing pad below grew closer.
She turned to regard Cirr.
"Send a comm to Major Akiena, if you will. Tell him that I will be arriving shortly."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 7th, 2012, 03:32:13 AM
He gave her a strange look, then nodded to Lieutenant Mallin, who made the arrangements. An awkward silence followed, as he looked back to his mentor.
"You'rre rreally not gojing to tell me what thjis jis about arre you?"
Apr 7th, 2012, 03:35:38 AM
MARCUS commented on Cirr's question, with questionable helpfulness.
"She is delaying disseminating that data until a point when it will elicit an appropriate and immediate response.
I am incapable of being surprised, but she would value your reaction to stimuli."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 11:55:12 AM
s'Il gave a small, wry smile as she nodded in thanks to Cirr.
"Thank you."
For the moment, MARCUS was ignored as she shifted her stance, affording herself a view as Novgorod began to descend. The bridge crew had become well acquainted with their roles, and had fallen into a comfortable rhythm of partnership with one another, and the Lupine was glad for that. It truly did feel like the old days for that one fleeting moment.
Breaking from her thoughts, she looked to Cirr.
"I will oversee the offloading of my cargo once we are landed, and will wait for you."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 7th, 2012, 12:00:44 PM
He waited for an answer that wasn't coming, and exhaled, nodding.
"We'll make good tjime of jit, then. Should gjive my engjineerrjing team tjime to do a tune up of the motjivatorr."
He leaned back in his seat, trying to act casual. His tail flicked sharply every so often, betraying his displeasure with surprises.
Docking clearances were finally given, and Novgorod eased into the yawning chasm in the hangar's segmented roof like a massive bird of prey. Enormous struts, capable of handling her weight in a planetary environment, trundled out to support the ship as she came to rest. Moments later, umbilicals began to attach to the vessel. One for fuel, and then one on the port side for crew access.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 12:23:41 PM
She was moving the moment the struts touched the landing tarmac, and s'Il was off the bridge as quickly as she had entered it. She knew that Cirr was frustrated with the fact that she'd not answered his questions in any way satisfactorily, but the true nature of this outing was something that she would only discuss behind closed and locked doors. It was most certainly not suited to open discourse in front of others.
The Lupine retraced her steps to the hangar, and as she stepped into the lift she looked down to MARCUS.
"Everything that we do is classified from this point onward. Understood?"
She knew that he understood quite well, but it never hurt to have verbal acknowledgment.
Apr 7th, 2012, 12:31:24 PM
The droid rattled off a series of beeps.
"As an Alliance Commodore, you have this authority. I will restrict access to these archives."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 12:43:31 PM
Falling into a much more professional interaction, s'Il and MARCUS rode the lift in silence. When it came to a stop, she was stepping forward even as the doors were just opening, and striding through the doorway, the Lupine kept a constant pace that would take them once more into the hangar.
Apr 7th, 2012, 01:18:17 PM
While little was said, the droid overclocked its processing, intent on teasing out more data in the hopes of reaching understanding prior to Loklorien's reveal.
"Your behavior is abnormal when compared to past incidents, Loklorien. We have made 29 trips to Schwartzweld in the past. 21 of those trips involved retrieval of items of indeterminable utilitarian value, but were assigned sentimental worth by yourself.
This is the first time in which items retrieved from your homeworld have been delivered in this fashion, and the first time they have been delivered to Dac. I assign questionable sentimental attachment between yourself and this planet, but to state that Dac is militarily significant would be an understatement.
Is my conclusion fallacious? You derive utility from surprise. I derive utility from solving the artificial dilemma your surprise creates."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 03:53:07 PM
Though it was filtered through the technical jargon of an AI, s'Il recognized the probing of an inquisitive mind. It made her smile.
"If you are looking for me to accidentally let slip any clues as to what I have for you, I am afraid I must dissapoint."
The Lupine watched as two of the deck crew wrestled one of the crates onto a hoverdolly.
"But by all means, keep trying."
Apr 7th, 2012, 04:04:00 PM
The droid's internals chugged along and his photoreceptor turned a shade of red.
"Your tone implies obstinance, Loklorien. The chance of successfully solving this problem falls below the criteria required for secondary processes. I will assign it to tertiary resources to run in the background.
I have not finished my calculations. I intend to solve this problem."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 05:43:25 PM
"MARCUS, you are acting like Teagan."
The second and third crates were loaded up alongside the first, and s'Il gave a nod of satisfaction to the lead crewman.
"Thank you, Mr. Shads."
The man nodded, and without ceremony the small party began their way across the hangar and towards the lowered board ramp. Still with MARCUS tucked into her arm, the Lupine started downwards, catching sight of Cirr at the bottom, waiting with another group of Alliance technicians.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 7th, 2012, 05:56:53 PM
The sudden jerkiness in the motion of Cirr's tail spoke volumes of what he was seeing. These men. No rank insignia. No department. No designation of any kind. Black coveralls. His questions to them went nowhere.
He glanced back at his Jedi friend, his face reflecting that very same irritation.
"jI've neverr seen thjis many tjight ljips beforre. Not even the Wheel was thjis secrretjive."
He shrugged.
"jI trrust you, don't get me wrrong. jIt's just a ljittle unsettljing."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 06:26:47 PM
"It is necessary, I assure you."
The tone in her voice was soothing, but held a firm timbre all the same.
With an appreciative nod to the deck crew, the Commodore gestured for the waiting technicians to take over, and the black-clad men stepped forward in unison to relieve Mr. Shads and his men of the dolly.
She motioned for Cirr to walk alongside her as the others fell into step behind, utterly silent.
"You will know soon enough though, I promise."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 7th, 2012, 06:39:05 PM
They approached a central platform designed around a shaft. It was a heavy cargo lift, and from the levels on the control, it appeared that the elevator was designed to go quite a considerable ways down. Still cryptic as ever, Lok gave up no secrets, so the Cizerack Captain stood alongside her, his hands clasped in front of him.
Fine. He'd go along for the ride and keep his mouth shut. At this rate, he wouldn't be surprised if he found out she had a little Death Star waiting for them down there.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 7th, 2012, 11:45:19 PM
The lift took them down, deeper than even a normal low-level classified complex had any right to be. As a series of illumination panels passed upwards, s'Il contented herself with enjoying the relative silence. She held tightly to the module, noting with amusement that his internals were still quite busy, and she had to wonder just how long it would be until he saw fit to pester her once more with more questions and inquiries. He'd been rather quiet for a lengthy amount of time, and the Lupine knew to enjoy the calm before his interrogative storm.
By now they were plummeting through the ocean, that much she knew - deeper and deeper into the parts of the Alliance's military that an unsettling large majority of its' members knew nothing about.
It was another few minutes before the lift slowed, and another thirty seconds before it stopped entirely, and when the doors opened, a familiar face was waiting on the other side to greet the small party.
Kes Akiena
Apr 7th, 2012, 11:45:26 PM
The man on the other side of the opening lift doors stood like an immovable statue, his legs firmly planted on the ground and his hands folded behind his back. The deep scowl that cut his lips downward was an alien expression on his face, and eyes that normally danced with natural liveliness were now hard, glinting with frustration.
Major Kes Akiena had not been this angry in a very long while, and while he knew that it was no one's fault, he could still not help the outward appearance that the strain of the last four days had put upon him.
The thing was impossible!! It was intent on making his life a living nightmare.
Though the relief at receiving Captain Raurrssatta's message was immediate, the longer lasting effects of a perpetual exercise in patience was enough to temper that relief. Seeing Loklorien lifted his spirits higher still, though not quite enough to wipe away his aggravations.
"It's about time."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 7th, 2012, 11:54:47 PM
About time somebody told me what the hell was going on, yes it's about time!
Cirr was a statue as he watched the Major and the Commodore interact. Maybe they were finally going to get to the bottom of this mind-numbing enigma. A base, under the ocean? What could they possibly be doing down here?
He looked to the MARCUS module, which seemed to be running a program, judging by the amount of whirring its cooling fan was putting out. Best not to ask about that, either.
His tail flicked.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 12:15:22 AM
"Major," was her only greeting as s'Il stepped from the lift. Cirr, ever mindful to stay beside her did the same, and the technicians and the dolly followed as well.
She turned to the men, gesturing with her free arm.
"You know where to go. We will meet you there shortly."
"Yes Ma'am."
That done, the Lupine turned her attentions to Kes once more.
"You look aggravated."
Kes Akiena
Apr 8th, 2012, 12:15:29 AM
"That's a very mild way of putting it, yes."
Stepping aside, he fell into pace beside his old friend.
"Your project is impossible to work with, and I am this close -" he held up two fingers to indicate a very short half-inch, "-to scrapping the thing with my own two hands."
His eyes tracked to Cirr, and Kes gave a quick incline of his head.
He made a conciliatory face.
"I see you've been roped into this headache as well."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 12:17:36 AM
He gave s'Il a look before returning his eyes to Akiena.
"Not...exactly. Not yet, at least."
It was an open plea to cut the drama and clue him in. Maybe Kes was more forthcoming? Maybe not.
Apr 8th, 2012, 12:21:14 AM
At last, the droid spoke up.
"We have traveled a considerable distance to a sub-oceanic installation. The expense and materials required for this facility must be considerable. On a predominately aquatic biosphere such as Dac, assumptions can be divined to the purpose of this strategy, which would be to conceal something of considerable size from orbital discovery."
Kes Akiena
Apr 8th, 2012, 12:40:06 AM
As if seeing the little pink droid in s'Il's arm for the first time, Kes blinked as he stared at the thing. Another moment passed, and he set his eyes forward.
"Cute droid. Smart, too."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 12:40:11 AM
She gave a sideways grin, but did not slow her pace or look to Kes.
"He's got a bit of... processing power."
For now she would leave it at that, and as the trio rounded a corner, the Lupine slowed her stride as they approached an enormous blast door. It did not open as they drew closer, and even as they stopped before it, the thing did not open.
Now she turned to look at Cirr.
"I am letting you into my confidence, Captain. What is beyond those doors is classified beyond even the General's clearance levels.
"Am I understood?"
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 12:43:36 AM
Cirr squared his shoulders a bit, his ears swinging back just slightly as a stern expression came over him. At last they were getting somewhere. Of course she could rely on him. He could have told her that on the bridge of his own ship, after all they'd been through. He didn't understand the Jedi's ways sometimes. They seemed to defy him.
"Of courrse. As my Commodorre and as my frrjiend, jI wjill not betrray yourr trrust."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 01:45:47 AM
Her head dipped, both in respect and thanks, and turning to face the door, s'Il reached her hand out to a glossed black panel. It activated, and deft fingers swiftly ran over the invisible keypad built in.
A short series of chirps sounded in acceptance of the code she'd entered, and the sudden sound of hissing hydraulics punctuated the air around them.
Like the jaws of a great beast, the blast doors doors began to peel open, moving ponderously along their tracks.
s'Il stood immobile, waiting until the doors opened fully, and without beckoning for the other to follow, stepped over the threshold.
They found themselves on a grated catwalk, and the Lupine stopped at the railing to allow Cirr and MARCUS a view of what lay before them all.
It was a ship.
A significantly large ship.
From their vantage, it would be difficult to accurately determine the dimensions of the ship - though MARCUS would no doubt make his approximations in due time - other than to come to the conclusion that the vessel was massive.
Crews littered the hull, with scaffolding running every which way across the superstructure. Technicians and engineers scurried about like Cerean ants, intent on their duties and work whil far above the three observers watched. Points of light dotted the areas of the ship that were receiving much needed repair at the hands of mechanics and their wielding torches.
It was apparent that this craft was old, but the rakish lines of her body were timeless and exotic all the same.
This ship - it was so very obvious that it came not from the minds of conventional manufacturers, but from the hands and thoughts of long-dead creatures that demanded a certain amount of aesthetic from their creations. It was a ship that, even though in drydock and under the careful administrations of an extensive and all-encompassing retrofit, both demanded and inspire awe. It held a sleek bearing. It held gradual, sweeping curves that gave it a hawkish, noble appearance.
It held the lines and bearing of the Lupines.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:01:36 AM
Cirrsseeto had already guessed that it was a ship or something of similar size. The actual size and scope of it, not to mention the sheer unreal allure of the half-completed superstructure managed to catch him for a loss.
He stood fast, mouth slightly agape as he drank the sight in. The hangar was massive. This ship dwarfed Novgorod, and while it wasn't as enormous as a heavy capital ship like a Star Destroyer, it had lithe lines that you didn't see in a ship of her class.
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:14:48 AM
MARCUS's visual receptors adjusted, and zoomed out to accomodate the entire image before him.
"603 meters long with a 900 meter wingspan. I do not recognize this capital ship configuration in any known starship registry. Even the style of design is unknown. The inner superstructure appears to be older than the rest of the hull. This is a precursor vessel of some design I am not familiar with. Interesting."
Kes Akiena
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:31:46 AM
"I should hope so," came Kes' groused answer.
" 'Interesting' is a gentle way of phrasing this damnable thing."
He swept an arm out to indicate the expanse and the behemoth that occupied it.
"The design and repair of such is simple enough. We replace in replicate the old panels and superstructure. That's the easy part - we can make it look like it did fresh out of the damned factory eight hundred years ago -" he made an exasperated face, "- YES, eight hundred years ago. Our men can bring this thing back to life in looks only though."
He leaned forward, grasping the railing with a firm grip that betrayed his newly returned and very intense frustration.
"It's communicating with the thing that's impossible."
He turned to look at Loklorien.
"Your monster refuses to speak Basic, and whatever language it is that your people speak, we have no way of translating it."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:32:02 AM
"Oh come now, Kes."
s'Il gave the redhead a look as she stepped back a little.
"Surely it isn't that bad."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:38:32 AM
"Ejight hundrred..."
His voice trailed off, and he spun about, looking at s'Il.
"That's jit, then? That's a...Lupjine shjip?"
He turned about again, seeing the ship through new eyes, and he trotted down the gangplank to get a better view of the superstructure. He had no point of reference to this. No knowledge. Nothing to compare against.
He looked back to s'Il, a heady expression on his face.
"jIsn't jit?"
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:59:46 AM
The fans on the MARCUS module kicked into a higher gear.
"This is a significant amount of new data. Aware of caches of Lupine history and cultural heritage. Unaware of any instance of technological ascendance of this magnitude.
Were was this derelict found? Where was the data on its original specifications?
I now understand your use of surprise, Loklorien. My runtimes have accelerated significantly to account for new data. I require more data."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 01:41:43 PM
She smiled at Cirr's expectant question, giving only a slight nod in affirmation before turning to follow him at a slower pace.
"It is Lupine, yes."
MARCUS' questions were answered as well, though not all of them.
"I had it taken from Schwartzweld a year ago, though the complex here on Dac is the second one that I've had it housed in. The first was... a private establishment."
The Lupine sent a wry glance to the module she still held.
"You wish for more data?"
She fell into a motherly role that MARCUS knew very well.
"Finish sorting out what you have now, and perhaps in a bit I will give you more."
As she moved to step past Cirr, s'Il gave a beckoning motion with her free arm.
"Come. Our business takes us elsewhere."
Her next words were sent to Kes.
"We can sort out this language barrier with ease."
Kes Akiena
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:29:32 PM
"We'd better."
Kes would've liked nothing more than to throw his hands up at the entire project, but the fact that Loklorien was at the helm made him stop. This was her game, and that she trusted him was enough to make him push through it.
"They are taking the units to the lab, yes?"
Lok gave him a nod as she continued walking.
"Then as long as these things help us communicate with the ship, I'll be a happy man."
Apr 8th, 2012, 03:04:07 PM
MARCUS whirred.
"An interface would be necessary to translate between galactic basic and old Bast'yr. A cipher should be attainable with the necessary Lupine archives.
A theory. If such archives exist, an artificial intelligence construct should be able to derive full interpretation."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 06:10:17 PM
"The archives exist, though not in the sort of conventional format that you might be expecting."
s'Il once more took the lead, spearheading the way down catwalks and stairs, across scaffolding and temporary bridgeways. She turned at an intersection, and brought them away from the main drydock cavern. Another set of blast doors were passed through, and another length of illuminated hallway traveled.
"I've secured the solution to your problem, Kes."
She looked sidelong at the redhead.
"So you can stop pulling out your hair now."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 06:43:10 PM
Cirr jerked his thumb in the general direction the three containers were taken.
"Arre those the arrchjives then?"
Even for computers, this seemed rather bulky. He wasn't sure. Even though he'd been given full disclosure, so much remained unexplained.
"And you'rre jintendjing to download them to the sshjip to brrjing jit's systems onljine?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 07:23:39 PM
They stopped before another set of doors, and s'Il inclined her head with a smile before keying entry pad.
"They are archives of a type, yes."
The keypad was activated - much like the last - and without another word s'Il led the way through the now opened doorway.
Inside, the technicians had removed the contents of the coffins, and standing in a three separate illuminated floor pads were three droids. Two appeared to be the same model and type, while the other was far different, with a much more waspish look to it.
s'Il greeted the Alliance tech with a slightly raised hand as she moved to the side to allow Cirr and Kes a better look at her mysterious cargo.
Apr 8th, 2012, 07:27:17 PM
MARCUS's visual receptor increased in brightness, rapidly zooming in and out.
"I do not recognize the design of these chassis configurations. They conform to no classification of existing droidworks.
Supposition. These are mobile units of Lupine origin?"
Kes Akiena
Apr 8th, 2012, 07:31:54 PM
Kes found himself scrutinizing the three bodies before him, and he furrowed his brow in thought.
"They certainly look it," a quick glance to Lok.
"Least, from the pictures I've seen in some of your books the design seems to be similar."
He stepped forward, moving closer to one of the droids.
"These are your 'archives' then?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 07:31:59 PM
s'Il let a grin tug at her lips.
"As I said before, they are a form of archives.
Mobile Mainframe Units. They function as a physical representation of the ship itself. A walking ship, if you will."
Kes Akiena
Apr 8th, 2012, 07:33:23 PM
"You need three to a ship then?"
This was getting far more indepth than he'd originally thought, and Kes glanced from Cirr to Lok.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 07:36:12 PM
"Hardly. Each ship has one unit."
The Lupine knew the next question before it even left any of her companions' mouths.
"The newer model," she gestured to the single unit that stood apart from the others, "... is intended for the ship currently under reconstruction."
Hefting MARCUS' module up just a little as she approached the middle unit, the Lupine made sure that the little droid's optics had a full view.
"This one however, is for MARCUS."
Apr 8th, 2012, 07:54:52 PM
Again, his processor went into overdrive as s'Il held him close.
"Interesting. The function these avatars serve is not dissimilar from my own basic programming. A singular consciousness instead of a distributed network would present inefficiencies unless they were directly integrated into the vessel's operation. Organic creators are reluctant for integration of this level of intimacy. It would appear the Lupines did not share this reluctance."
The droid pivoted to address Lok.
"To operate these avatars with the level of interaction needed to work with a starship, this would require an artificial intelligence. Are these units pre-loaded?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:00:40 PM
s'Il smiled.
"Only one. But it is not the one that I am offering to you. I made sure that what was intended for you was nothing but a body, ready for you to inhabit."
She met the little module's visual receptors with a warm expression.
"If you accept my 'surprise', that is."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:07:49 PM
"Now wajit a mjinute..."
Cirr stepped up, his voice a bit higher than usual.
" jI get a say jin thjis matterr? Harrdwarre ljike thjis, aboarrd my shjip..."
Kes Akiena
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:15:29 PM
"... would actually be beneficial."
Kes was so entranced by the notion that his mind did not even register the tone of complaint in Cirr's voice. Instead his thoughts were already on the possibility of his language and translation problems hopefully melting away with the introduction of a machine that he could ostensibly interact with and work with.
Of course, this hinged on whether Loklorien could get the cursed thing to cooperate.
"This would solve a lot of problems," he mused to himself, completely taken with the notions of hope now flooding his previously frazzled state of mind.
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:19:55 PM
Cirr was digging in. The first propagation of MARCUS into his E-WAR terminal was a mistake, but this? He could control this. His jawline set and he looked to Lok.
"Wjith all due rrespect, Commodorre, jis thjis a rrequest orr an orrderr?"
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:24:45 PM
Looking up from MARCUS, s'Il locked her gaze on Cirr's.
"It is an offer, Captain."
She could sense the worry in her friend, but in these times and those that were to come, she could not afford him the customary gentle advice that she normally would have. This was ultimately his decision, and she hoped that he would have enough foresight to look beyond the immediate ramifications and onward to the benefits that awaited him in the future.
"All you must do is give your word."
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:33:24 PM
"Captain Raurrssatta, I understand your misgivings. They were the same concerns that resulted in the reassignment of my primary task. This does not change my task priority. It merely fulfills a secondary task, that of dissemination of self and modular propagation. The same synergistic effects demonstrated by my introduction into E-WAR should be observed here as well. Further, the bipedal modality of this module would increase my utility and effectiveness.
I am not a member of your crew. I fall outside of the command structure of Alliance regulations. But I am still bound by the programming you have instilled in me. If I were organic, this operational imperative would be similar to giving my word. Therefore, I give you my word to abide by my primary task."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:35:33 PM
Cirr looked at MARCUS, ready to retort as his emotions started to run beneath his skin. He looked at the trio of Lupine droid frames, and back at Loklorien. His fists balled at his side, and then just as quickly, his hands slackened.
"Do jit."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:44:54 PM
As if she already knew the answer that Cirr would give her, s'Il was moving the moment those two words left his mouth. She passed the little pink module to one of the waiting technicians, and the man made quick work of taking Marcus to an open terminal.
"Alright Little Guy," the man muttered as he worked, taking with his free hand a length of thin cable while gently setting the module into a cradle at his terminal. Another technician moved just as swiftly, running a bundle of connected wires along the floor - connecting the plugs at one end to the terminal before moving to the center avatar unit and bringing the connectors up to a point at the back of the unit's neck.
"You won't feel a thing."
And without missing a beat, the man clicked open a small panel on the module's outer shell, running an almost spider-thin wire up and into place on MARCUS' main circuitry hub.
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:52:28 PM
MARCUS pivoted to see the technician working.
"Your personification is understandable but unnecessary. I have no biochemical nervous system with which to feel as you do. However if I were to humor it, it would be correct to say that I will be cognizant and aware of every bit of data transference that takes place. So in effect, I will feel everything.
This conversation is inefficient. My firmware is ready for transmission. Proceed when ready."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 08:55:55 PM
s'Il smiled. There were times when MARCUS was his own obstacle.
"They are waiting for you, MARCUS."
She gestured to the thick cording of cables that ran from the terminal he'd been plugged in to, to the unit that awaited his occupation.
"The doorway is open. Now step through."
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:01:54 PM
It was a fantastic example of the inefficiencies of vocal communication and the necessary evils it posed. The time it took MARCUS to explain his position had eroded 18 seconds. For any other process, an inefficiency of that magnitude would be considered a terminal error.
The droid began pivoting in sharp, sudden movements, its visual receptors blinking rapidly as access plates raised and lowered occasionally. The fan revved up to maximum speed.
"Establishing logic commonality.
Assessing disk storage capacity.
Firmware compatibility confirmed.
Process paused."
The droid slowly turned to look to Lok and Cirr.
"This module lacks an artificial intelligence quantum algorithm, but it is pre-loaded with a wide array of information reserves, archives, and programs. Shall I transfer and install?"
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:03:53 PM
The felinoid captain crossed his arms.
"What arre we lookjing at herre?"
He looked to Lok, expecting her to chime in as well. If he was about to get an ancient Lupine doomsday virus, this was over yesterday.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:11:08 PM
"It is only basic information that all avatar units possess," she eased the unsaid worry in Cirr's posture and tone of voice.
"Language differentiations, the old histories, tactical information of ancient battles, and individual combat subroutines. It is nothing that will cause Novgorod to tip on edge and fire away at any random passing vessel."
She could see the initial hesitation in her old friend, and went on.
"It is standard of all units, Cirr. Nothing to be nervous over. Etiquette and protocol are a priority for my people, so rest assured that our creations are not delinquent of that."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:13:47 PM
Cirr exhaled slowly, shifting his feet. He stepped up to the platform, sizing up the module they intended to upload MARCUS's AI into. It was clearly a droid, but had sleek, almost animal-like contours in places. Turning back to s'Il, he gruffed.
"Download jit all, and jinstall everrythjing except the combat rroutjines."
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:22:44 PM
"Acknowledged. Proceeding. Data transmission twenty two percent.
Forty eight percent.
Eighty percent.
MARCUS again ramped up his speed.
"Beginning AI quantum algorithm dethreading and transmission...
The vox transmitter that normally carried the droid's voice began trilling with what sounded like white noise and thousands of things being said at once. The sound crescendoed for a minute, and then the droid module was silent. It's visual receptors dimmed. It's fan stopped.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:29:24 PM
Her gaze traveled from MARCUS to the unit she now stood before.
She knew that he was sussing out the ins and outs of his new body and would make his presence known when he was read; though she also knew that that act - for him - took mere seconds.
The Lupine stood with hands clasped at the small of her back, looking up into the singular optical port. She couldn't help the motherly smile that tilted her mouth upwards and created lines at the outer edges of her eyes.
Her voice was soft.
"Are you surprised?"
Apr 8th, 2012, 09:43:52 PM
For ten seconds, neither the small module nor the bipedal one moved. Not a light was on. For all intents and purposes, they lay silent. Then...genesis. Lights flickered. Processes began to run in an ever-quickening pace. Visual receptors were given life, and focused on those around them. The little droid swiveled and whirred. The large droid looked down at it's feet, and at it's hands.
"A surprise. A delayed dissemination of data to elicit a desired immediate reaction. This is an accurate observation, Loklorien."
Before the technician could unplug them, MARCUS handled it himself, unfastening the data cable from his bipedal module, and walking over to liberate his smaller self from the same. Module-with-module, he stepped off the platform, looking to Cirr and Lok, and then to the module in his hands.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:03:41 PM
She gave a tilt of her head, watching MARCUS.
"That is a wonderful explanation of what a surprise is," her hands moved to fold before her, and s'Il repeated a string of words that he'd not long ago said to her.
"... but that does not answer the question I asked of you."
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:10:56 PM
Both of the droid modules clicked up their processing power in unison as they considered the question and as they distributed their thoughts on that question between them.
"My runtimes are accelerated, but this is merely a result of new data. Your question is best answered in my new capacity to analyze new data.
New experiences."
The bipedal droid extended one hand, watching as he stretched out all digits on the hand and turned it over.
"Your task is successful. I am surprised."
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:14:43 PM
Cirr watched the new MARCUS module with guarded skepticism. Sure, there wasn't inherently wrong with droids. They were useful entities and many of them achieved their own self determination. That wasn't the issue. MARCUS was a special unit. His capability to network with himself throughout multiple points of hardware allowed capabilities that few droids had. But his concern was beyond that. Far beyond.
Something that lay in the dying fires and embers of a destroyed ship as it plummeted over Coruscant.
If he hadn't installed MARCUS by accident in the Novgorod, what would he do?
Installed him somewhere safe.
Cirr said nothing. His mind full of difficult questions.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:22:17 PM
Dipping her head in a strange sort of reverence, the Lupine and the avatar unit cut a strange picture together that was one unseen for a very long time. She could feel Cirr's troubled thoughts, and made a note to speak with him at a later time. But for now, her pride stood partially complete, and she took in the sight of MARCUS with a strange air - she felt twinges of the old creeping back into the lives of the new.
"I am glad for that then, and you are most welcome."
One hand came out then, and s'Il offered it to MARCUS for him to take.
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:35:34 PM
MARCUS regarded the offered hand. This required him to access new subroutines. The orientation of the hand, the desired tactile interface, the optimal pressure to apply in an embrace that he was 81.2% confident was intended to express solidarity. He complied, looking at the Lupine.
"An interesting observation. This module was activated by you, Loklorien. Previous modules were activated by Captain Raurrssatta. You have both met the quantitative analyses necessary to be considered friends.
A further metaphor may yet be acceptable for further designation. High form sentient organics typically propagate via reproduction from bipolar genetic constructs, or sexes. Therefore an organic child is conceived, it is said that child is derived from a mother and a father.
This designation holds no value to me beyond its curious properties as a metaphor. Is it valid?"
Cirrsseeto Quez
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:39:45 PM
Father?! Oh Saanjarra...
Cirr plucked the smaller module from the bipedal module's hands, looking over its relatively simple shell. There were scratches and dings and imperfections in the pink paint, but he still remembered painting it when he bought this one and the others in the set.
He looked past the small module, to the humanoid chassis in front of him.
"You sajid frrjiend beforre, MARRCUS. And that's a value you've derrjived yourrself?"
His ears lowered slightly, and a careful smile grew on his face.
"jI'll settle forr that one."
He extended a hand to MARCUS. Whereas Loklorien sought to hold hands, Cirrsseeto sought something else.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:48:41 PM
It was a distinction that she'd never before considered, and the Lupine gave a curious look to MARCUS. That Cirr was willing to refer to the AI as friend - and the look on his face he said as much - gave her a strange sense of hope.
"You are Khai'ri'ek, MARCUS. It is a singular bond; not a child, but something that is much the same, and just as meaningful."
Apr 8th, 2012, 10:54:51 PM
Again, the droid analyzed a hand before him. Parameters adjusted. Intention adjusted. Friendship. Comraderie. An understanding.
MARCUS's visual receptors widened and narrowed. Old operational efficiencies were restored. Captain Raurrssatta and Lieutenant Raurrssatta, these designations and moments in space time reached parity.
He shook Cirr's hand firmly.
"Ja'Irra Korra Nai, Captain Raurrssatta."
Looking to Lok, he gently increased the pressure of his embrace.
"Nri'eso'ek, Loklorien.
Thank you, friends."
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