View Full Version : Because, well, one mongoose just isn't enough!

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 2nd, 2012, 01:10:19 AM
By popular demand, everybody's favorite yellow Nehantite mechanic, Tevit Ramastan, is BACK!

Yep, that's right, the same Tevit you knew and loved over ten years ago when I first joined this insanity, is back, and he's ready for some action. So... anybody know where an incredibly talented mechanic and engineer might find some work?

And, yes, he is aware of the stigma most races have against Nehantites, now, but he doesn't care, as long as he's got good work to do, and you can afford him.

Captain Untouchable
Apr 2nd, 2012, 02:13:45 AM
If you're looking to bunk down with the Rebels, you might find either the Novgorod or the Wheel to be a good place.

The Novgorod is rammed with all manner of crazy people, as Hal has already found out. There's already two mechanic/engineer types, plus a very edible-looking squirrel creature (careful, he may be armed), and will also be a bunch of SpecForce type people (one who shape-shifts into a giant cat) aboard before too long, if you feel like pulling on a red jumper and going on away missions.

The Wheel meanwhile is where most of the Rebel pilots hang out. Plus, it's got a little bit of a Battlestar Galactica vibe as far as a rag-tag fugitive fleet of ships with Jedi in goes; that should give you plenty of people to interact with. Sure, Hal is/will be there... but given how much Hal's innards talk to themselves, you potentially posting with yourself isn't actually all that weird. ;)

If you're looking to stay faction netural-ish though, Taatani (one of Charley's Ciz characters) runs a ship constructiony type company, so you might be able to slot in there.

That's all that springs to mind off the top of my head. :)

Ben Merasska
Apr 2nd, 2012, 02:52:48 PM
I'm unaware of the stigma against Nehantites; if you could elaborate, I'd be much obliged.

In any case, Ben's got nothing against almost anybody, and while his new ship isn't in particular need of a mechanic, I'd wager he'd need one after a couple weeks at most, and anyone who can modify a Sienar starship is pure gold, er, pure platinum. In any case, Ben's got a light freighter and does jobs for the Alliance, though he prefers low-key salvage and courier missions. He goes almost anywhere, does almost anything.

The short of it is that Ben's available for some Not-Quite-Han-and-Chewie action, depending on what you want to do with Tevit.

Mara Tallen
Apr 2nd, 2012, 02:55:24 PM
The more the merrier! :D

Tevit Ramastan
Apr 2nd, 2012, 04:22:03 PM
Okay, well, this isn't based on any sort of canon, but seeing as the Nehantite race is my creation, and nobody else is playing one at the moment, I've decided to do a bit of retcon on their recent history to explain why there aren't many around, anymore.

From the warm, nearly desert planet of Nehantish, the Nehantites are a mongoose-type race, but fully anthropomorphic. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, much like people do, and are roughly human-sized. They walk upright, wear clothes, and do all the rest of that humanoid stuff. Pretty simple, really.

A few hundred years ago, they were essentially beginning their own industrial revolution when other races landed and showed them that they aren't alone in the universe. Their technology quickly advanced, and they adapted to new things like cars, automatic weapons and even space travel. Not having their own spacefaring history to draw on, they didn't have their own galactic navy, and so they took to the stars working as mechanics and technicians, as they seemed to have a natural talent for it.

The Nehantite race quickly spread, and demand for Nehantite engineers was high as they continually improved on designs previously thought to be maxed out. It seemed that Nehantish had a bright future, and forty years ago they even began to design and start construction on their own original spacecraft.

Then disaster struck.

Thirty-five years ago, an engineering team aboard luxury cruise vessel grew tired of being treated like second-class citizens. It was no hidden thought that a Nehantite's place was in the engine bay, and to date almost none of them had advanced to higher positions on any starship, being too valuable where they were. Fueled by this discrimination, the engineers stormed the ship's security lockers and used the weapons they found there to take control of the ship, and take hostage several dozen high-profile passengers. They demanded better treatment, and equal respect from other races, but in the end they were all killed by a security force sent to liberate the ship.

Throughout the galaxy, a backlash against the Nehantite race was immediate, with hundreds of thousands of talented engineers and mechanics being fired and sent back to Nehantish, for fear of another uprising.

Since then, finding a Nehantite working aboard a ship has been rare, and even if one is hired, he will often never work alongside another member of his own race due to the stigma now held against them. Nehantish has advanced its own galactic navy, but without the insight into so many other ships and systems they once had, the Nehantites are not a formidable force to be reckoned with, though they never seem to break down, and are capable of breakneck speeds.

Unwilling to hide away on their planet, they have gone into other businesses as well, but thus far nothing rivals the grip they once had on the engineering market.

That's the stigma against Nehantites I was talking about.

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 2nd, 2012, 07:06:53 PM
A capable yet stigmatized race of tradesmen that can do twice the work for half the pay? I would love to meet you!

Jaden Luka
Apr 12th, 2012, 07:40:42 AM
Hey Mitch - did you manage to suss out what you were doing with Tevit?

Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 12th, 2012, 08:26:49 AM
Not exactly, yet. Current idea is that he'll be meeting up with Cirr and hitching a ride on the Novgorod back to the Wheel, with his own ship, the Lunchbox in a docking bay. Then he'll be free to work around the Wheel wherever he's needed, as long as he's getting a nice paycheck from the Alliance.

Why, got something in mind?

Vansen Tyree
Apr 12th, 2012, 09:17:17 AM
Just wondering from a putting character lists on wikis type perspective. Wanted to know where to add the mongooses.




Akasha Khan
Apr 12th, 2012, 09:26:18 AM
Mongooses (Herpestidae) are a family (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_%28taxonomy%29) of 33<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongoose#cite_note-1)</sup> living species of small carnivorans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnivora) from southern Eurasia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasia) and mainland Africa.


Of course, if Akasha ever hears Hal call himself one, she's going to reply that he doesn't look anything like a bird.

Halajiin Rabeak
Apr 12th, 2012, 09:39:29 AM
Mongooses (Herpestidae) are a family (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_%28taxonomy%29) of 33<SUP class=reference id=cite_ref-1>[2] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongoose#cite_note-1)</SUP> living species of small carnivorans (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnivora) from southern Eurasia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasia) and mainland Africa.


Of course, if Akasha ever hears Hal call himself one, she's going to reply that he doesn't look anything like a bird.

Actually, there are 37 species of mongoose, now, as the hyena is technically one, and a few other obscure offshoots. Two years ago, the Durral's Vootnsira was discovered, making it the first new carnivorous mammal species discovered in 24 years.

They can also be part of the viverridae family, depending on the exact species.