View Full Version : Blogs!

Captain Untouchable
Feb 10th, 2012, 03:46:16 AM
I know Brian and Jenny have blogs, and I'm just starting to blog again.

I'm pretty sure that somewhere in my brain is the knowledge that other people blog as well, but my brain has downgraded to a dial-up connection lately, and my bandwidth is all soaked up trying to buffer the naughty daydream I started having earlier, so things are running a little slow.

Who has blogs, where are they, and what do you blog about?

Peter McCoy
Feb 10th, 2012, 08:01:06 AM
I plan to blog, but I don't blog. I'm terrible. I haven't spent that much time in the last month gaming, so when I'm in the mood to immerse myself in gaming at the moment, I spend that time actually playing rather than blogging or commentating while recording.

For months now I just haven't been motivated enough to put the effort in. Especially with my Youtube channel because of the effort and time to process the footage for Youtube. With a blog that's even more effort to actually write something. I'd really like to change that and I think the plan we had to do some Minecraft stuff would be the catalyst for it since it'd be collaborative with immediate feedback rather than doing it in a bubble.

Feb 10th, 2012, 08:42:59 AM
I have learned that you have to set aside time to do things, even if it's just for a fraction of the day. I have a huge to-do list all the time and often forego things I enjoy to get stuff done. While crossing things off gives me great happiness and sense of accomplishment, it doesn't leave any time for those things I WANT and LOVE doing. So, I now make time. I journal; don't blog so much, but it's basically the same thing, only completely private. I try to make sure I write at least one sentence a day. Often when I start, I find I've written an entire book in less than 10 minutes; so it's awesome :D

Not sure why I ranted there, but... set aside time! :)

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 11th, 2012, 04:11:48 AM
That's a great way of thinking about it, Calli :)

I do blog semi-regularly, at least once a week, just about stuff that interests me.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 4th, 2012, 03:59:05 PM
I do have a blog - http://jainhollie.blogspot.com/

It's mostly about mommy stuff, but will be about whatever I happen to want to write about. Right now there are only four posts, lol.

Ben Merasska
Mar 5th, 2012, 02:18:27 PM
My blog is mainly just short stories I write and wanted to place on-line somewhere I could see them whenever I wanted without a password.


There's only one up now, but hopefully I can get some others up within the next month or so.