View Full Version : The Diary of Glen Fiddich

Glen Fiddich
Jan 15th, 2012, 12:28:28 AM
deer diree

nao that i am in garef i thort i shud lern tu reed an rite suvern, so i doant hav tu ask thu elf tu tel me hao much meed is in thu tavurn. riting liek a suverner is weerd becuz ther leturs ar not liek thu roons i no frum thorwul. thay doant evun hav a roon for thorn, an thay say a wynn liek a peoro. how weerd is that?

tuday wos a gud day. last nite i got tu pilage a wuman frum the feest, an then i got tu woch that stoopid elf not win at an archeree contest. aparentle he got chayst owt a windo an acros sum roufs for hydin hranngar in thu rong mayduns cayv. i houp that meens we wil start maykin fun of him insted of me for a bit. i stil carnt sit propurlee, thoh thu laydees du seem tu liek thu scars.

thu wun hu wers thu soot of tin pots got nokd frum his hors by a laydee but he got tu jowst her bak so i gess thats ohkay. i think thu <s>theif</s> <s>thief</s> theef mite get plundurd soon by thu huntur she wus torkin tu at thu feest, an i think evun thu stowt wun wus torkin tu a laydee dworf (i think). i doant no abowt thu wizurd thoh. dus he evun hav a down ther, or du thay cut them of lyke a preest?

we went tu odlee burds hows tu find thu wurds tu that song. thu elf thinks thu bard lieks boys becuz of sum letur it found. i doant no wot he meens by that - mabee he fel in luv with an elf an didunt no it wos an ask not an embla? sumtimes i find it hard tu tel withowt giving them a firm kik in thu midden mast.

i think thu song is importunt, but its hard tu work owt whot odlee burd wos singing abowt. if it wur an edda frum thorwul he wud hav used nayms mor, insted of aul the fox and rayvun bisnis. it sownds liek sumwun wonts tu kil thu king, or his sun, or sumwun importunt - i doant no reely. i think we ar being tu niys abowt this. kurth shud just let me start introdyoosing everywun tu skraja, until sumwun tels us somthing yoosful. its bean a long tiym since i mayd anywun bleed.

i feel bad for not bein truthful tu thu othurs abowt hu i rely am, but if i du thay wont want me arownd. i wud ask thu gods for guidans, but thu onlee wun hu sits amung thu suvern gods is firun. maybee if i visit his tempul, he can tayk a mesige howm an ask frenjara tu wispur me sum wisdum. gods no i need as much as i can get.