View Full Version : New Jedi

Oct 10th, 2011, 05:03:02 PM

I wanted to introduce my character officially to the Enclave. He is a Twi'lek who was just approved as a padawan when order 66 was set in motion. He was at the Jedi Temple when Anikan and the Stromtroopers attacked. He escaped by a natural force power, force cloaking (that one day I want him to have full mastery over), allowed him to get safely to a ventilation shaft and escape the Temple. As he tried to flee the planet he accidentally boarded Jaba the Hutt's ship and was taken captive to be a slave. While he was in Jaba's service he acted as a translater, learning more languages as he encountered them.

When he was around the age of 24 Jaba grew tired of him and tried to feed him to the Rancor. He manages to find the same ledge that Luke finds and hides under it. Once more this natual ability of force cloaking kicks in and hid him from the Rancor. Being learned in the basic forms of mind control he makes the Rancor beleive that he grabbed him and the Rancor proceeds to "eat him."

The fact that he isn't eaten is hidden from Jaba because the Rancor is blocking Jaba's view. He then escapes when the Rancor is called back. Thinking that he is dead Jaba deactivates the slave implant. He has been living in hidding, jumping from one system to the next so as not to be caught. Fed up with running he desides to finish his own training and emerge as a Jedi.

That is why in my present thread he is on Coruscant looking for ligh saber parts, specifically crystals. The one thing about him is that though he know he needs to build and master the lightsaber he is afraid of it, because of the trauma of the great purge. My hope is for him to make it to Felucia and be trained by Aayla Secura's force ghost. The reason I chose Felucia is because it is considered to have great ties to the living force because it is nothing more than one giant fungal forest. The natives there are naturally force sensitive. My greatest desire for this character is to be a Master Jedi who is greatly versed in the ways of the Living Force.