View Full Version : Backseat Slavedriver- 9.012
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 23rd, 2011, 04:28:09 PM
The flight to Carshoulis Prime was not a short jump, although it was fairly close to the Core, because of all the ridiculous checkpoints the Cizerack had in place around the borders of the Cluster. Obviously one could plot a course to avoid them, the known ones, but then you ran the risk of running into a uncharted interdiction zone and being instantly tagged as a smuggler or worse.
Sasseeri was prepared for a ridiculous and invasive search of her yacht as they were checked out by an uppity Huntress Captain and her tiny fleet of Keerta-class ships backed by a single Korri-class battlecruiser. So, it was surprising when they were allowed to pass with a bare minimum of harassment. Perhaps the Pride was growing soft.
She walked the passages of her ship to the small but lush hydroponic garden she'd had installed in the center of it. It was arranged in such a fashion that when one was in the middle of the garden you could barely tell you were on a ship at all. The crew of the ship were not allowed inside, and so she did not expect to see anyone there at all, except that this time there was a being in the garden.
It shouldn't have surprised her that it was him. "jI see you arrre makjing yourrrself at home."
Sanis Prent
Sep 25th, 2011, 06:19:18 PM
I crunched defiantly into some kind of fruit I'd never seen before, and hoped that it wasn't poisonous. Fortunately it tasted awesome, so I continued playing my part. I still wore a bit of bruising from taking both barrels of Miss Reeouurra's scorn, but no regrets, man. No regrets. I sat on a bench, completely at ease.
"Oh yeah." I talked with my mouth full, going ahead and cramming another bite without swallowing.
"All notch, gotta say."
I took a moment to swallow, crossing a leg atop a knee. Honestly, if I hadn't been killed yet, I was of some use at least. Of course that didn't mean I wouldn't be used up and disposed of later, but for now I was an asset. It paid to make yourself look good, and Sasseeri Reeouurra wasn't hiring a meek librarian, was she?
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 27th, 2011, 02:10:54 PM
She stared down at him, one eyelid twitching slightly. Was the man completely insane? If it wasn't going to be fun to watch him be captured by the Cizerack fleet over Calan she might have just put him into an airlock and been done with him. She was never going to get her money back out of this moronic buffoon, and worse he seemed to think he was valuable to her.
Maybe she would strip him naked and leave him tied to the fountain in Carshoulis Prime's public market. Sasseeri smiled a little at that, and then sighed. "The garrrden jis decorrratjive."
She took a seat on the bench across from Sanis, and eyed him as he messily enjoyed the fruit. She had no idea what it tasted like, but he seemed to like it. "Tell me, Mjisterrr Prrrent, why jis jit you jimagjine that you arrre stjill aljive?"
Sanis Prent
Sep 27th, 2011, 09:02:15 PM
She was trying to insinuate something nasty, and I let it slide off my back. Leaning forward, I propped my elbows on my knees.
"Probably because I'm the best pilot on your roster, and you've got me for a bargain."
I looked up, taking a break from the fruit for a moment, to see how right I was. I shrugged a little, giving her some room to fill in the blanks.
"You've obviously cared enough to keep tabs on me. Tabs enough to know what I can do, and where I can do it. I imagine us coming here has more at stake than simply unfinished business."
I scratched an itch at the back of my head.
"Do you have a stim? Look, I'm not even fronting like a primadonna, but I've been cold turkey for a few days and that habit's more or less necessary to grease the wheels."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 8th, 2011, 04:04:09 PM
"jI don't smoke," she replied coldly. "Perrrhaps jif you djidn't owe me morrre crrredjits than yourrr ljife jis worrrth you could buy some when we land." Sasseeri raised an eyebrow.
"jIf jI was keepjing tabs on you, Mjisterrr Prrrent, jI would not have had to put a bounty on you. jI would not have forrrgotten who you werrre. You'rrre a small fjish, Mjisterrr Prrrent, and the only rrreason you'rrre stjill aljive jis because jit amused me to keep you. You arrre becomjing less and less amusjing wjith everrry cocksurrre worrrd that comes out of yourrr mouth."
She shrugged, "You werrren't that good of a lay, and the only rrreason jI'm forrrcjing you to stjick to ourrr barrrgajin jis because jI'm surrre you'll be caught and kjilled by the Cjizerack Hunterrr Forrrces and that, Mjisterrr Prrrent, wjill be amusjing. You'll djie a small tjime smugglerrr who bjit off morrre than he could chew... and you stjill haven't realjized jit yet."
Sanis Prent
Nov 8th, 2011, 08:49:40 PM
Her words ran down my spine and caused my feet to tingle. They were soft, mirthless, and deadly honest. I didn't have a lot to say in response.
I took another bite, a bit more deliberate and careful, mulling over what she said. The fruit at least helped to offset the sudden dryness in my mouth.
"Well, guess that makes me a condemned man."
I was beyond hoping that she'd humor my arrogant posturing. I kept my eyes low, still looking down at the fruit in my hand.
"I'm broke. I lost my ship. I have no pride, and too few friends in this galaxy to matter."
I let the fruit drop to the ground and stood up, so that I now looked over her by a half foot.
"If you're gonna feed your ego with my dead body, that's gonna be hardly a snack."
Inwardly, I was terrified. I liked to think of death as something that would probably grab my stupid ass for doing something dumb, but come at me without warning. I didn't like the idea of staring a sure thing in the face.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 8th, 2011, 09:33:50 PM
"jI ljike a good snack, everrry now and then. Whets the appetjite." Sasseeri looked up at him, her expression blank. Then she winked. "Don't get too deprrressed, Sanjis, jI'm surrre you can thjink up a way to jingrrratjiate yourrrself to me. jIf not, however..."
Sanis Prent
Nov 8th, 2011, 09:46:04 PM
"I already told you I don't have any pride."
She was playing with me. All I could do was to hang on for the ride.
"But it's safe to say I've got an imagination."
Turn me on, turn me off. On. Off.
I stepped closer.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 8th, 2011, 10:13:52 PM
An aide coughed politely somewhere just beyond the greenery, and Sasseeri cursed the other female's timing. "We are entering Carshoulis Prime's orbit, Ms. Reeourrra. You asked... to be informed."
"Thank you, yes jI djid." She stepped back neatly from Sanis and turned her back on him, walking briskly out of the garden. The transition from plants to bulkheads was abrupt. "Any trrrouble?"
"None yet." The girl trailed behind her as she stalked up to the bridge. Sanis was following as well. To be honest, she was looking forward to seeing how imaginative he could be.
Sanis Prent
Dec 4th, 2011, 06:36:35 PM
"Not expecting any, are you?"
Didn't make sense to be here if she did. You didn't get to be a Vigo without being keenly aware of when to put skin in the game, and when to let someone else do that. No, she would've been sure to grease the right palms and make sure that her business here at least appeared on the ups beyond a truly deep dig.
The planetary corona of Carshoulis Prime dominated the viewscreen. I never felt at ease coming here. There was money to be had, but it wasn't usually the sort of place a guy like me could balance risk and reward and come out thinking he'd got himself a deal.
As we watched, I saw the familiar sight of a Seeva class picket frigate prowling between star lanes. Our presence didn't register any deviation of flight plan whatsoever. I overheard the comms, logging our request for entry, and taking a flight plan assignment to the surface. Nice and routine.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 2nd, 2012, 12:06:19 PM
"Not antjicjipatjing any, no." She looked sideways at the smuggler. "The Cizeri Hunterrr Forrrces arrre notorrrjiously fjickle, howeverrr. Expect the unexpected."
Sasseeri settled into what was probably supposed to be the captain's chair of the large freighter, watching the planet loom large in the viewscreen. The last time she'd been in the Cluster it had been to visit Fey'dann and to indulge in a little archaeology. That had ended spectacularly in an enormous clusterfuck, and she'd lost a lot of money on the venture. Her lips curved slightly in a tiny smile despite the bitter memory. As always she'd managed to land on her feet, even though the deal had gone sour.
She remained seated until the freighter was successfully docked at the enormous spaceport/trading center that dominated a sector of Carshoulis Prime. Sasseeri stretched, nodded to Captain Whatshjisname, and collected Prent on her way out of the ship. Her luggage would be taken to her hotel by her employees, so she didn't give it a second thought as she stepped out onto the duracrete and humid sunshine of the capitol planet of the Cizerack Pride.
Sanis Prent
Feb 2nd, 2012, 11:09:39 PM
Despite her order for me to keep my eyes peeled, there wasn't a thing for me to do about this mess. I just watched the whole approach drag out, and pass without incident.
Back to Carshoulis Prime.
Like all things Cizeri, the Cizerack homeworld was a busy, clashing mix of things to delight and disgust. It was as warm as I remembered, a balmy day where you could (and many did) wear the bare minimum. The pastel colors splashed on thick urban sprawl and patches of well-coiffed flora seemed to do their best to fool you into thinking you were somewhere other than a crowded and cluttered city-planet. It always seemed slapdash and mis-designed, lacking the bouts of collective planning that Coruscant offered. It was a big ugly painting viewed from a distance that got prettier the closer you zoomed in.
The barrage of Cizeri language assailed my ears, at dialects and speeds I wasn't at all prepared to parse. Living on the motherworld all those years ago got me just enough of it that I could pick through it with somebody who was patient. Of course, it was probably easier to find a vegetarian here than a patient person. The cut of my ears, the color of my skin, and what swung between my legs was plenty enough advertisement of my value to anyone who glanced my way.
I followed Sasseeri and her retinue along, not caring to test the length of my leash just yet. If I had two ideas to rub together to form a plan, I could sprint 30 paces to my left or right and disappear in a crowd. That wasn't a smart option unless I had something else to follow it, and as of yet I had nada.
I caught a whiff of familiar purple smoke, and my stomach knotted, reminding me how on edge I was. It kept my head on a swivel, for what I didn't know. Maybe the KAR? I'm sure if we warranted that kind of attention (and I'm sure Sasseeri did) I wouldn't see them coming anyway. Still, sometimes its hard to keep a thing like that out of your head.
Again I was having to laugh off certain death and pretend it wasn't just standing right over there.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 14th, 2012, 01:13:48 PM
Tick and Tock hulked nearby as she strolled through the spaceport, waving away a flock of cubs with beaded necklaces and other trinkets to sell. The twin Twi'lek males would normally dominate any room with their height and build, but on Carshoulis Prime they were surrounded by large Cizeri manservants and therefore blended into the crowd a little more than normal. A female employee darted off to make sure the rented speeders would be ready by the time the group got to the lot, and Sasseeri looked over her shoulder at Sanis Prent.
The human looked uncomfortable, but who could blame him? She didn't feel all that relaxed, herself. Plus the safety within the Reeouurra, Inc travel party was only an illusion for the smuggler. And additionally... she slowed a step to walk beside him.
"You may notjice that the males jin ourrr grrroup all arrre collarrred. Nonsense jin the Empjirrre, of courrrse, but jin the Clusterrr jit jis an jimporrrtant safety prrrecautjion. You werrre to be jinforrrmed and gjiven one prrrjiorrr to leavjing the shjip, but apparrrrently that djidn't happen." She glared at the nearest Black Sun employee, a slight human female who happened to be an expert in some sort of bizarre martial art, but got little satisfaction from it. Snapping her fingers and pointing at Prent got a slim leather collar placed in her hand. It had a plain metal closure intended to snap together at front of the neck, and an Ident chip embedded in it designating what female the wearer belonged to.
"You can wearrr jit orrr not, but jI'd rrrecommend jit. jI'm surrre you know what happens to uncollarrred males arrround herrre."
Sanis Prent
Feb 14th, 2012, 08:41:35 PM
I cracked a bit of a smile at this latest affront, glancing left and right to see Sasseeri's bodyguards wearing the humiliating jewelry. Maybe I was wrong, and I had a little pride left after all.
"Keep it."
After all, no sense giving this little kidnapping any legitimacy. Nevermind the fact that neither of us were under any illusions that I was anywhere other than under the Vigo's thumb. Maybe she'd find the defiance arousing, or infuriating. Maybe it fed my false hope I'd still escape. Maybe I was more comfortable with my prospects for living as a free agent on Carshoulis Prime, so to speak. Even with my best luck I doubt I'd find another Taataani Meorrrei, but maybe if I gave my captor the slip, and maybe if I found a matron obtuse enough to swallow a well-fed lie, I'd make it off this rock after all.
"I'd never say yes to less than gold. Well, maybe silver. Even for a Carshoulis courtship, my lady."
It was fun to entertain fantasies.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 14th, 2012, 09:06:16 PM
She smiled, hiding her irritation. "Perrrhaps jI'll fjind a sujitable female to sell you to, then. jI do rrrememberrr hearrrjing somethjing about yourrr co-pjilot. My nephew, jif you rrrecall. He has a mjistrrress arrround herrre somewherrre."
Sasseeri laughed, flicking the collar at the person who'd handed it to her, and rubbing her hands together. "Djidn't that have somethjing to do wjith the bounty hunterrr who capturrred you? No matterrr. Don't wanderrr off and cause an jinterrrgalactjic jincjident orrr jI wjill put you in a feedjing pjit beforrre we leave."
Then the group was separating into speeders, and Sasseeri was spared his company as Tick put a hand on his shoulder and guided him into one while she and her personal assistants were getting into another. The hotel was only a ten minute drive from the spaceport.
It was really too bad he'd refused the collar. The GPS chip hidden in it would have helped keep tabs on him discretely. Now he'd just have to submit to the subcutaneous chip that Tick was probably inserting in his back right now.
Sanis Prent
Feb 14th, 2012, 10:11:14 PM
At the sting of the needle going in, I winced, realizing that my choice had in fact been no choice at all. I wasn't surprised, and offered little more than a line of profane backtalk as resistance to the Twi'lek enforcer.
Time away from Miss Reeouurra gave me moments in my own thoughts. What were we doing on Carshoulis? Exactly none of us wanted to be here. I was surprised that she'd get that close to unpleasantries, but perhaps even crime bosses needed face time applied in the correct amounts. She mentioned one of her casinos not bringing in its fair share, but how serious was it that she had to clean house in person?
Must be more to it.
My back ached. Whatever I got shivved with, it was done with no subtlety.
"So...we going to the casino?"
Why not make small talk? I had the free time. Maybe I'd get an answer. Maybe not.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Feb 14th, 2012, 10:21:33 PM
Tick looked at him silently, closing up the kit that had contained the tagging gun as Sanis adjusted his shirt. Then he nodded.
Sanis Prent
Feb 15th, 2012, 08:18:48 PM
Before I could get proud at guessing correctly, my mind skipped forward to the next bit. What did Sasseeri's casino business have to do with me? My only experience with casinos was losing money in them, a fact which Sasseeri certainly knew. If she was just needing somebody to crack skulls, it looked like she had no shortage of brawn, so that wasn't it.
Not knowing made me uneasy. At least I didn't feel like I was on my way to eat a blaster bolt. At least not yet.
The massive Carshoulis cityscape blurred past as we travelled, catching height to reach a skylane that would ferry us to the district we needed to reach. I adjusted in my seat to minimize the throbbing in my back, and tried to let my mind go blank.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 1st, 2012, 04:03:34 PM
Draa'guurra'naatarr, or Twilight's Delight as it was in Basic, loomed up ahead. As the group of sleek speeders pulled up to the front of the casino a cadre of droid valets and Cizeri bellhops swarmed around them, relieving the Black Sun group of luggage and speeders alike. Sasseeri walked straight through the organized chaos into the main lobby of her base of operations in the Cluster.
The casino sparkled with crystals, both real and synthetic. An enormous blown glass chandelier dominated the center of the high ceiling, dripping down toward the floor like spilled honey. She walked across imported tiles created by Ithorian craftspeople, her heels clicking importantly as she beelined for a bank of transparisteel turbolifts. Her aides hurried to keep up, and a concierge managed to meet her at the 'lifts and pressed the button for her.
"Yourrr rrregularrr ssujite hass been prrreparrred, Ms. Reeouurra," the full-blood female purred. "Meetjingss wjith the lawjyerrrss arre ssscheduled forrr tomorrrow morrrnjing -"
"Move that up to tonjight," Sasseeri interjected. "jI want to get thjis overrr wjith as soon as possjible." She walked into the 'lift and turned to face the door, the concierge, Tock, and her assistant-of-the-week entering with her. As the doors closed and they shot skyward, she caught sight of Sanis and Tick entering the lobby, and narrowed her eyes.
Sanis Prent
Mar 1st, 2012, 11:52:02 PM
Now this was cruel. A long slow walk down an admittedly gorgeous casino floor. On instinct, I reached in my pockets for chits that weren't there. Tick, sensing my hesitation, put a big hand on my shoulder and gave me a push forward. Damn, damn, damn.
At least I didn't have to worry about delusions of escape here. One thing about a casino, you always knew you were being watched. I snapped my fingers at an attendee - a male Cizerack wearing a well-cut silk tunic of some kind. Nevermind all that, what was important were the complimentary drinks. Indeed, there wasn't any fuss as I plucked a flute of fizz from the tray he carried.
"Thanks, friend."
The felinoid gave me a strange look, and looked beyond me to the Twi'lek, and figured it beyond his pay grade to ask any questions. With a flip of his tail, he turned to service a thirsty group of women at a craps table. I lingered as much as I could to get a view of a few, before I was on my way once more.
"All work and no play, huh?"
At least I got a drink.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 14th, 2012, 08:47:24 PM
"Thjis whole sjituatjion jis outrrrageous!" Sasseeri threw a crystal vase at a sycophant, who barely managed to catch it, dropping a valise full of datacards as she did so. Upset at being off balance, the Cizeri employee's lips curled in a snarl as she placed the vase on another table, out of reach of the moody half-breed.
"The charrrges arrre not serrrjious enough to warrrrrant my employees bejing held overrrrnjight, let alone a week," Sasseeri continued. "jI assumed that ourrr lawyerrrs would have them out on bajil untjil the trrrjial or whateverrr jis happenjing."
"jYesss, the two defendants, Mjisterrrss," Kirrasara Mumbato consulted a datapad as she knelt on the cool tile, scooping up the spilled datacards, "Ssmjith and Bajorrr, werrre arrressted on charrrgess of jinsssuborrrdjinatjion and publjic drrrunkeness... mjisssdemenorrr offensssess. Howeverrr, beforrre they could be arrrajigned Mr. Bajorrr jinsulted the judge. She thrrrew the book at them, rrratherrr than lettjing them off wjith a fjine."
Sasseeri huffed, plopping down onto a white leather couch.
"And then, of courrrssse, ass thejy arrre non-natjives and male, bajil jiss denjied. The lawyerrrss arrre attemptjing to worrrk thrrrough the paperrworrk, but jit jiss takjing longerrr becausse the ssjysstem keepss puttjing off the medjiatjion date."
"Yes, yes, jI see. Well, fjind out what hands need grrreasjing, and get back to me." Sasseeri sat up a little straighter as the female handed her a small stack of data cards and a reader. "Thjis jis what jI asked forrr?"
"Of courrrse," Kirrasara replied. "All the surrrvejilance of -"
The doors to the suite opened, and Sanis Prent was escorted in. Sasseeri waved her hand at the other female. "That wjill be all, thank you."
Mar 14th, 2012, 10:59:34 PM
From the vertical city of his homeworld Nar Shaddaa to the starports of Worlport on Ord Mantell, he had been around the galaxy a lot in his life, but none of the many places he had been to compared to this planet. The Cizerack homeworld was something entirely new. It was strange to encounter a civilization that actually felt alien to him. His life had never been anything normal so he usually felt at home wherever he went. Not this place. So many rules. So many ways to accidentally die. One toe out of place and he was either dead or a slave. His mind was not quite made up on which one was worse. From the warmth to the collars to the protocol to the objective at hand there was nothing about Carshoulis Prime that pleased him.
It was not his place to complain. No. His job was to follow orders and keep his nose clean. He had done that so far. As part of Vigo Reeouurra's entourage, he had accompanied the procession as they left the ship and traveled to the Casino that Reeouurra owned and operated. Xel felt so awkward. All around him was the press of felinoid bodies. All shapes and forms he was unfamiliar with. Here men were the inferior race and each wore a collar and were treated like slaves. It was more than enough to make his fear for his life. From what he had heard the females were capable of doing just about whatever they wanted. He made sure to stick close to the Vigo and her bodyguards just in case.
Goram. This planet was a lot warmer than what he was used to. He had abandoned his usual thicker outerwear in favor of just his shirt and vest. It left his forearms exposed, revealing the tribal tattoos of the Fierfek gang to show. He felt naked without body armor, especially considering how vulnerable he felt on this planet. He ran his ran over the jagged scar network on the side of his shaved head. A nervous habit. He caught himself and pulled his hand back to his side, holding on to his belt instead. He felt so intimidated here. Normally he just had Tick and Tock's huge size to compete with, and now he was surrounded by an entire race with huge males. Where Xel came from he was a big man, but between the Twi'leks and the Cizeracks he was feeling mighty small.
Once inside the Casino Xel accompanied Tick as they moved with Sanis through the lobby. Xel was not sure what exactly they were here for, but he did know as much as to keep an eye on Sanis. That was his job. He was not here to think. He was just a thug brought along to provide a little extra muscle and firepower. Xel did his best to just keep his eyes on Sanis. No point in angering anyone else who didn't want a dirty human looking at them.
Sanis Prent
Mar 15th, 2012, 10:55:11 PM
Doing my best to appear to enjoy my pilfered drink to its utmost, I caught the tail end of something that looked nasty. Sasseeri quickly changed gears; quick enough that I didn't catch a clue as to what it was about, but I already knew this wasn't a social call. By the twitch in the full-blood's tail as she passed, I almost pitied her.
My eyes paused momentarily on the severe looking dude eyeballing me, and I figured it better to park my eyes somewhere else. I had a feeling he wasn't her secretary.
"Nice place."
I gestured with my wine flute slightly, looking around at the decor.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 18th, 2012, 04:17:10 PM
"jIt should be," Sasseeri replied. "jIt cost enough."
She gestured loosely to a chair, and Tick made sure Sanis found himself sitting in it. The bald human... Naga? found a corner to stand in where he could see the doors and Sanis and be useful in case anything happened. Sasseeri could appreciate that he wasn't wearing a jacket. His exposed arms were quite...
She shook her head slightly and focused on Sanis. "You wjill be makjing yourrrself useful forrr the tjime that we arrre herrre." She held up a datacard. "jI have an jinterrrnal jissue that rrrequjirrres some... attentjion."
Mar 18th, 2012, 04:39:22 PM
When Sass gestured toward the chair, Xel walked up behind Sanis and put his arms on his shoulders and pressed down, making him sit before he could crack another wise. The man's pointless commentary this whole trip was beginning to grate at his nerves. Even Bambi had a way of still making a point while gabbing endlessly. He didn't push too hard, just enough to get the point across that sitting was the healthy thing to do right now. He didn't want to damage his Vigo's precious cargo.
Wiping his hands off on his pants, Xel made his way to the corner of the room, propping himself up against the wall. From here he could see the doors and windows. While he had not been informed to expect danger, Xel was a paranoid man by nature. Always waiting for that one time his paranoia would be justified. He caught a prolonged glance from the Vigo, but turned his eyes back to the door. His job was not be beat up and shoot whoever his boss told him not, and not to notice said boss was an attractive cat alien.
Some called an attractive boss a perk. Xel called it dangerous.
Sanis Prent
Mar 18th, 2012, 07:51:19 PM
Finally, getting down to business. I took the datacard, turning it over in my hand as I waited for an explanation.
"I don't imagine this is just about settling gambling debts, eh?"
Another sip of champagne, swallowing heavily. No, my past issues with money owed to Sasseeri aside, it looked like she had plenty of people for the knee-breaking business.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 22nd, 2012, 10:47:54 AM
Sasseeri frowned. "Forrr you, yes, thjis jis all about settljing yourrr debt." She smiled icily. "Whjich you can't."
She nodded toward the card he was holding. "Surrrvejilance of the ljieutenant jn charrrge of my assets herre. jI haven't been able to look at jit yet, but jI'm told she has been jinvolved jin makjing some... sjide deals. We don't have anythjing concrrrete yet, and there're jisn't enough on the rrrecorrrdjng to damn herrr." Sasseeri frowned. "Olorrjin usually would take carre of thjis, but he's too well known to herrr, and she's jin too deep, jif ourrr suspjicjions arrre corrrect."
Mar 22nd, 2012, 11:16:47 AM
Gambling debts with a Black Sun Vigo sounded about as bad as it could get. Luckily Xel had no issues with gambling. After his round in the Shock Boxing underground he had learned the dirty, gritty truth behind gambling and preferred to be the thing gambled on rather than the one doing the gambling. It only lead to dark, horrible places. He preferred his occupation with Black Sun to those early years of his life. At least with Black Sun he did not have to worry about throwing a match for his manager and almost dying from the beating he received. No. With Black Sun he just had to watch out for half-crazy Vigos who enjoy throwing they're enforcers out of high windows.
Reeouurra and Prent were chatting now, going back and fourth about whatever reason she had brought him here. Xel did his best to listen in without looking like he was paying too much attention. Any intel he could get in a situation could be the edge that leads to his survival.
Sanis Prent
Mar 23rd, 2012, 01:21:09 PM
"So you want to introduce an unknown, and coax the right kind of information out of her?"
I could see where this was going. It was a lot better than a blaster bolt to the head, at least, if I played it right. The chances of not playing it right on Carshoulis were, unfortunately, a bit high.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 23rd, 2012, 01:33:21 PM
"Perrrhaps you'rrre not as dumb as you look, Mjisterrr Prrrent." Sasseeri nodded. "Tatata Feegarro," she pronounced it ta-tah-ta, "jis at our local lawyerrrs offjice today, worrrkjing on my otherrr prrroblem. She hasn't seen you come jin, and so you wjill be asssumjing the rrrole of a hjigh rrrollerrr." Her bright blue eyes narrowed at the scruffy smuggler. "Spendjing my money at my casjino shouldn't be a harrrd act to put on."
Sasseeri nodded to Xel-Naga. "Mjisterrr Naga herrre jis gojing to act as yourrr bodyguarrrd, but of courrrse he'll shoot you jif you trrry to get away. You underrrstand."
Sanis Prent
Mar 23rd, 2012, 01:38:36 PM
I swallowed my mouthful of champagne a bit hard as I glanced at her enforcer.
So, I was to act the playboy. She was right on the notion that was a front I could put on. But...
"So what's the hook? Throw myself upon her and hope she's got a taste for human skin and borrowed money?"
Was I uncomfortable with the skirted insinuation that I was to be a whore in all but name in this plan? Or was there something else.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 23rd, 2012, 01:40:39 PM
"jI'm surrre you'll thjink of somethjing," she said, irritated. "jIf you don't, well, therrre's stjill the Calan rrrun jI need done." Sasseeri smiled toothily. "jI mjight even pajint 'SMUGGLER' on the hull of yourrr shjip."
Sanis Prent
Mar 23rd, 2012, 01:43:09 PM
"Goddamnit" came the barely muttered reply. I set my drink down. It had another sip left, but I wasn't in the mood anymore.
"Alright. Let's do this, then."
I glanced down to my inappropriate attire.
"Although, I suppose you'll need me to look the part, no?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 23rd, 2012, 01:49:01 PM
"Of courrrse. Kirrasara wjill make surrre both of you arrre prrroperrrly clothed." Sasseeri looked at the chrono on the wall, a huge art piece that barely told the time. "jIn fact you'll have to hurrry to get everrrythjing prrreparrred beforrre Tatata gets back. Mjisterrr Naga, Mjiss Mumbato jis wajitjing forrr you both downstajirrrs jin the shops."
Draa'guurra'naatarr had several ridiculously expensive name brand fashion stores imbedded within it's expansive walls, like many casino hotels did. She eyed the two scruffy males, and hoped that the employees could work miracles.
Mar 23rd, 2012, 03:50:44 PM
As much as he hated the idea of having to baby sit Prent, it was not like he had a choice in the matter. He knew better than to complain. That kind of thing usually got him thrown out windows. Instead he nodded his head before moving from his place in the corner, crossing the room, and taking up place beside the door. Pushing it open he waited for Prent to join him.
"This way Mister Prent."
Xel very much doubted there was much that could be done to make a couple of simple humans like them look sophisticated. Sanis, like Xel, wore the permanent scruffy look. Xel had a bushy stubble and Sanis looked like he had seen much better days. Vigo Reeouurra has faith that they could be made to look the part.
Sanis Prent
Mar 24th, 2012, 12:13:42 AM
She wasn't kidding. A sonic shower and an attentive swarm of Cizerack males later, and I looked like a million credits. Okay, so they used a little makeup too. If that was the fashion for dudes on Carshoulis, I wasn't one to argue. I didn't look like a tramp, at least. A dignified whore, I guess.
About the time I was done, Sasseeri's hired muscle returned, similarly coiffed. I looked around for the boss, but obviously she dusted off for better things to do. So much the better. One of her attendees did swing by, and advanced 80,000 credits to the Sanis Prent fund. Okay sure, I wouldn't be seeing a decicred of it myself, but it was fun to pretend.
I gave Xel-Naga a nod, and jerked my thumb to the door.
"Guess that's our cue then. Let's make a little money."
Mar 26th, 2012, 03:11:20 PM
Nodding his head, Xel moved out of the way of the door and let Sanis through. The dressing ordeal has been just that. It had proven quite difficult to be sized and dressed while also keeping an eye on Sanis the entire time. While the man had made no indication of running, Xel was not about to let his guard down even for a moment. If that meant he was going to have to go into the refresher with Sanis, than so be it.
The two gents looked the part now. Words could not describe how uncomfortable the clothing was. It was just too nice. Xel would rather be dumped into a sludge pit and forced to run a marathon than wear this stuff. The fine fabric was never meant for rough skin and callouses. They had even shaved his face and head. His mother would have said he had never looked more handsome. You know, if she was still alive and stuff.
Pulling himself away from yet another mirror, Xel followd just behind Sanis. He was doing his best to look the part of Sanis' bodyguard. It was not a particularly hard job. Xel had a tendency to loom wherever he went. It was a wee bit harder on Carshoulis where the native population spewed out gigantic men on a regular basis.
He would have warned Sanis not to spent all of the Vigo's credits, but that was hardly the case since the money was just going right back into her accounts. Xel had little experience in this kind of work. This whole sneaking around thing. He was more the kick down the door type. So he was going to let Sanis take the lead on this one and just stick around for the ride. As far as he was concerned he just had to keep Sanis' nose clean and his heart beating. Hopefully he would not get thrown out any windows over this one.
"Yes. Let's."
They entered the casino main floor. All around them electronic machines whirled and flashed while groomed and finely dressed attendants stood before tables assisting the customers in the games they were playing. Sabacc, Dantooine double-hand, and Magna-shuffle to name a few. He had been shown a picture of the female they were investigation and he did not see her. He kept his scans subtle, trying not to stand out and appear to be searching.
"I hope your luck isn't still in the pits."
Sanis Prent
Mar 27th, 2012, 11:53:32 PM
I cast the lackey an icy look. The head lady could go ahead and bust my balls over my fickle luck because she was usually the hard working architect of my demise these days. This guy? The fuck did he know about me and luck?
"Just don't crowd me and we'll both be okay, alright?"
Craps were always my game. Good odds, good energy, and when you were moving money, you looked good playing it. Dantooine double-hand was a close second for intimacy, but if you wanted eyes on you when you were primed to move, the dice game was how to do it.
I stepped to the line, and parked a hefty bet for the thrower across the table to land below me. She did, which netted me a quick cache of chips. I quickly corralled those onto a riskier bet, and lost it. No harm, no foul. Working off that throw, I trolled for a risky bet with a smaller stake, and scored even more of a war chest.
"Hot dice. You thirsty?"
I gestured for the waiter, making it clear her next drink was on me. I then glanced back to Xel, a knowing look on my face.
"See her yet?"
Mar 28th, 2012, 12:45:06 PM
Xel did his best to not look too out of place. Taking up position beside Sanis as they stood in front of the Craps table. He did not play. No. Even in his current disguise he was to look like he was Sanis' assistant or bodyguard. The latter the more plausible. It was just to make him look much more prestigious than he really was. Only important people had bodyguards, and while the game looked like a great time, especially played on someone else's dime, Xel declined.
If Xel loved anything in the world, it was violence. The adrenaline, the thrill. Now, if there was something, anything, that he loved more than beating the ever loving crap out of another man's face it was alcohol. Xel was not the kind of alcoholic that had to actively seek out and consume alcohol at all times of the day and night. Rather he was the kind that once the consumption of alcohol begins that stopping becomes a very difficult thing. Sanis just offering to buy him a drink was enough to make his mouth water at the prospect of stuffing as much liquor down his ugly mug as could possibly fit.
One would imagine it likened to a compulsive obese child faced with an abundance of cake.
Before he could even reply, and even then he was unsure what his answer would be, he noticed new movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning his amber eyes to look across the casino he spotted the target. The Cizerack. Tatata Feegarro.
"Four o'clock." Xel was glad for the distraction. The last thing he needed was to go on a binge while he was watching Sanis. The man would jump at an opportunity like that and Xel wanted to avoid finding what Reeouurra did to disobedient enforcers. He had a feeling it would be worse than a few broken legs. The situation was getting more intense now. He had handled harder pressure before, but he was dying to rub his hand across his. God. Damn. Scar.
Sanis Prent
Mar 30th, 2012, 01:18:28 AM
I made a casual glance in the direction Xel indicated. It didn't take much to pick out Madame Feegarro. She was the only one in the general vicinity not gambling or drinking. That much made sense. She was an older woman, the blonde of her hair streaked with silver. I didn't let my eyes linger, and returned to the game, quickly putting a massive bet on something with a risky-but-not-too-risky stake.
"Three to one odds" I whispered within earshot of Xel, waiting for the attractive younger woman across from me to throw her dice. The size of my bet almost overshadowed the girl with the dice, but that only served to intensify the buzz at the table. People wanting to ride the coattails of my confidence also backed up the line.
For once, luck smiled on me, and the table went up with a raucous applause as nearly everyone got a payout.
Apr 3rd, 2012, 01:37:19 PM
His spine tightened as Sanis threw down the wager. What was he gambling at? If he lost too big a bet he would look like a fool. A fool with money, but a fool all the same. They wanted to attract Feegarro. Not disinterest her. Sanis was playing on a very fine line, and at both ends was Sasseeri Reeouurra. Whether his luck held out determined whether she was smiling or not. A small part of him wanted to see Sanis fail, just so he could enjoy the spectacle of whatever his punishment ended up being.
However, Sanis' luck held out. Apparently the Lady of Fortune was smiling on him after the misfortune she had delivered upon him earlier by allowing him to be captured and put in this situation in the first place. Sanis won his bet and collected his pay out. Feegarro had circled around the outside of the room now, having stopped closer to the table. She looked amused but not incredibly interested. She probably wanted to see Sanis go down in flames after winning such a reckless bet. However, at the moment the rest of the players at the table were having a wonderful time.
"Nice. Now try to reel her in."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 3rd, 2012, 04:20:23 PM
Tatata Feegarro was walking the casino's main floor, as was her custom before dinner. Sasseeri watched on the security feeds as the female circled a bit closer to the craps table where Sanis was doing his best playboy imitation. He was, she admitted, pretty good at it. His looks didn't hurt.
But no, concentrrrate on bujiness. Who was Tatata in bed with? Figuratively and literally, for the Cizeri it was often the same person for both. Once Sanis got in close enough to figure out what the older Cizerack was planning - what game she was playing at - Sasseeri would be able to make one clean, surgical strike and remove the female and her associates.
In the meantime, however... Sasseeri shuffled datapads full of legal information that the lawyers had sent over. Getting the two knuckleheads out of jail was going to take some time. The more time the better though, as it gave Sanis more time to work whatever magic he could conjure.
Sanis Prent
Apr 4th, 2012, 07:42:52 PM
I nodded at Xel's suggestion.
"As long as I've got hot dice, she's gonna want to cool them down."
As I prepared to pool another hefty bet on a line I had a modest chance at covering, a waiter approached with a cocktail I couldn't identify. He gestured across the table, making it plain that the drink was on the house. I took the drink, and looked back to Madam Feegarro, raising it slightly in appreciation. She reacted very little to my recognition, and I let it slide there.
I shook my die, and spoke again to my 'bodyguard'.
"This is her first attempt."
I shot...and won big again. Sipping my diversionary cocktail, I did my best not to wince. It was certainly potent.
Apr 5th, 2012, 08:09:41 AM
Xel noticed the look on Sanis' face when he took a sip from his free drink. His mouth watered. A drink strong enough to make someone like Sanis Prent cringe a little was certainly a delicious drink indeed, and he wanted some. He would have to see about getting a little free time down here later after he was done babysitting Sanis. So much gambling and drinking at his fingertips. It was almost too good to resist.
Sanis won again. Xel was starting to think the man was cheating somehow, but for this particular event how he won hardly mattered. They wanted to win. They had to win. It was all part of the game. Sanis was starting to look like big shit now and more and more of the casino clients were wandering over to investigate the man with the winning streak. There was no way that Feegarro could ignore them. Sanis' charm and luck transformed him into the center of attention.
Xel did his best to fulfill his role as bodyguard by keeping people from clustering up too tightly on Sanis. Everyone wanted to get close just in case his luck would rub off on them. Everyone was talking at once. People asking Sanis how he did it, what his advice for winning was. Everyone wanted a slice of the fortune. Xel kept them off Sanis before he became encumbered by the weight. One of the other gamblers thought so too and sought to relieve Sanis of any valuables he had in his back pocket. Joke was on him, though, because Xel saw it coming and reached out and grabbed the man's hand. The slender Duro hand was squished inside Xel's hand like a Gizka in a Sand Panther's maw. All it took was a squeeze and the crushing force was more than enough to break a few of the alien's dirty fingers before he let go.
The duro backed off, disappearing into the growing throng around the craps table. Xel said nothing. Hopefully he learned his lesson. Next time he would get shot. Knee caps first.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 5th, 2012, 12:58:16 PM
Sanis' good looks and good luck were working together to draw Tatata in like a sajoi to the grain bin. Sasseeri leaned forward until her nose nearly broke the holographic field of the live footage she was watching, datapad in her hand forgotten.
"Excusse me, Ms. Reeouurra, but therrre jiss someone herrre to ssee jyou." The other female coughed delicately. "jIt'ss a cubljing. Sshe rrrefussess to leave."
Sasseeri sat up abruptly, irritated. "Rrefuses to leave!? What sorrrt of place does Feegarro rrrun herrre that you cannot thrrrow out an jimperrrtjinent cub?" She shook her head, glaring. "Get rrrjid of whoeverrr jit jis and -"
Daanarri Meorrrei
Apr 5th, 2012, 01:03:45 PM
"Aunt Sasseeri?" The cub had followed the female through security doors and into the back areas of the casino. If you walked confidently enough, people would let you do just about anything. Especially if you were a cub.
Now, however, in the backest of back rooms, she was feeling nervous. "jYou don't know me but mjy motherrr jiss - " as she spoke, Daani Meorrei's eyes had been roving the room, soaking in every detail even as the female who'd tried to get her to leave grabbed her arm. Being towed back toward the door, Daani blurted, "jIss that Ssanjiss!?"
Sanis Prent
Apr 5th, 2012, 10:46:58 PM
I took a break from the action to watch Xel manhandle the ham-fisted Duro for his moment of greed-overtaking-reason. It was a nice diversion, and I took another notch off my over-ripe cocktail.
"Chit me out."
The pit boss looked a little disappointed that I was taking energy from the table, but I tossed her a chit to compensate her for the trouble. Catching a pair of lovely wondering eyes as I stepped away, I took my winnings to a more intimate game.
" she still watching?"
It was natural for a bodyguard to look. I had to move like I didn't care. And I was moving to the small sabacc table. The one with a 10,000 credit buy in.
Apr 6th, 2012, 10:22:22 AM
Xel disguised the look behind a protective gaze that searched the crowd as if he was looking for an excuse to break another hand. The crowd backed up a little and Xel used the moment to glance at Feegarro. Who had not moved from where she had been watching and instead her eyes were following them as they changed tables. She would have to move if she wanted a better view as Sanis crossed to the other side of the Casino to get to the Sabaac table.
Stopping abruptly, the person behind Xel bumped into him, giving Xel an excuse to look back at the man, and past him at Feegarro, who was moving around the edges of the Casino again to keep up with the playboy with the fancy duds. The guy who bumped into Xel, on the other hand, had chosen to wisely place his hands in his own pockets and act like nothing was weird. Xel gave him a frown and returned to his place beside Sanis.
"She's hooked."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 7th, 2012, 04:54:00 PM
"Apologjiesss!" panted the Cizeri steward, dragging the cub out by an arm. "Sshe jiss ssneakjy and mussst have followed me, apologjiesss-"
"Wajit!" Sasseeri stared at the blonde cub, her stripe pattern familiar enough. "Aunt? And you know Prrent?"
The cub nodded emphatically, rubbing her arm when the steward released her at Sasseeri's command. "Daani Meorrrei," she mewled, scowling at the uniformed steward.
"Taataani's gjirrrl?" Sasseeri gestured for the cub to approach her desk.
Daanarri Meorrrei
Apr 7th, 2012, 05:03:32 PM
"Yeah, obvjioussljy," Daani stuck her tongue out at the other, unimportant, female. She walked up to her aunt, a little swagger in her step. "jI wanted to talk to jyou."
"About what?" Sasseeri raised an eyebrow as Daani plopped into a chair and watched the security holo with interest.
"jI want a job." She smiled her best smile, tail swishing behind her.
Sanis Prent
Apr 7th, 2012, 05:20:44 PM
My time at the sabacc table was spent increasing my war chest. 20,000 win, 15,000 lose. 25,000 win. A part of me was delirious at the amount of credits I was pushing, which far exceeded anything I usually got the chance to piss away. Still, I realized the reality of the situation I was in, and I needed to win for other reasons.
More free drinks. I cast a glance to Xel, hoping he had some good news. I needed to network with this lady soon. The alcohol they were pumping in me was to get me to make a mistake, which so far I hadn't. But even stone cold sober the odds are against you. Normally if I was smart, I could just pull up stakes and move on. This game had different rules.
I was about to go all in. 289,000 credits. Obscene, even for the high stakes of this table. It was a stupid thought.
"Chit me out."
I took my winnings, and moved on. The alcohol and the butterflies in the stomach needed to be put down. And I was hungry.
"Feel like a free meal?"
I jerked my thumb towards the bistro upstairs in the casino.
"I need a break."
Apr 8th, 2012, 02:01:06 PM
Xel watched the sabacc games with only half attention. His mind was wandering elsewhere, trying to devise a better method to attracting the target into closer proximity. She was playing very careful. It was clear she had her interest picked. It was not every day a client was winning big in the casino; throwing large sums of credits all over the place. It was probably more rare that it was a human doing it. Hope was placed in that curiosity would be enough to keep her interested. \
"Hmm, what?" mumbled the absent minded enforcer as he focused back on the here and now, forcing Sanis to repeat himself. "I'm starved." He replied, not even thinking to curtail his dialogue with Sanis. The situation had become much less serious and uptight than it had began. Sanis was playing his role so well that even Xel was starting to believe he was guarding a lavish playboy with horrible taste in cologne. "I haven't eaten since the ship, and those meal packs only come in the one flavor. Shit."
The pair broke off from the crowd, much to cries of displeasure and boos. Everyone wanted to watch the rich human throw his money around. Sanis was so confident, and confidence is addicting. Sanis was the kind of man that Xel had wanted to grow up to be when he was a kid. Minus the trouble with a Black Sun Vigo. He was cool, confident, and even in a situation that threatened horrible torture and death if he failed he still found a way to enjoy the moment and keep strong.
Damn cocky bastard.
The pair headed for the Bistro, which thankfully boasted a menu that was not composed of just live animals. Xel ordered the bantha steak, rare, and a fizz-cola. He was absolutely dying now, what with watching Sanis guzzle them down all afternoon. There was still a job to do. Once this was done he was going to find a private corner to get absolutely sloshed in.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 9th, 2012, 12:58:38 PM
Sasseeri's eyebrows raised even higher. "A job?"
"jYeah," said the cub, spinning her chair around. She grabbed at the desk as she spun by and halted herself abruptly. Leaning forward she repeated, slowly. "A job. jI'm offerrrjing jyou mjy consssjiderrrabl experrrtjissse asss a ssstarrrssshjip pjilot."
Sasseeri blinked, and looked at the security holo. Sanis was getting some food, which meant that Tatata would be coming by to make introductions to the newest high roller in the casino. He'd be getting a suite upgrade st the very least, more if he knew how to play his cards right. She dragged her eyes back to the overly precocious cub and frowned. "You'rrre a pjilot?"
Daanarri Meorrrei
Apr 9th, 2012, 03:15:04 PM
Confjidence, Admjirrral! "jYesss, of courrrssse." Daani only rolled her eyes a little. "jI learrrned on hjiss sshjip." She jabbed a finger through Sanis's head on the holo. "He'll vouch forrr me, of courrrssse."
She sat expectantly, ears perked forward, studying the holo and looking for her brother, Cirr. He would be nearby if Sanis was here, she was certain.
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2012, 09:27:05 PM
A year of working on Prime taught me one thing. There's wonderful things for humans to eat here. They're called oysters.
I ordered two dozen. Raw, on the half shell, and probably hadn't seen a day out of water. There were trays of colorful slices of raw fish in a coldbox display at the bar, but I would stick with my comfort zone. That, and Chandrilan champagne, crostinis and Mon Calamarian caviar. Rule one: never eat like this if you're buying. Rule two: always eat like this if someone else is.
"Damn it's been a long time. Come here you gorgeous..."
I slurped back an oyster, tasting sea water, sweet, richness, and amazing."
Apr 10th, 2012, 05:05:32 PM
The hell?
Xel eyed the molluscs wearily, unsure of just what it was. He had never heard of such a thing, and had never seen such a disgusting sight as that of Sanis devouring the creature. There was nothing he could do but watch in horror and Sanis cleaned shell after shell. His own steak had arrived and was sitting in front of him for several minutes before he finally tore his eyes away from the grotesque sight and attempted to eat a bite of his steak.
Which is really hard when your appetite has been stolen away.
The menu was expansive, but he stuck with what he knew. The last thing he wanted was digestive problems from eating the alien cuisine. In comparison Sanis' meal looked like explosive diarrhea on a platter. His steak was quite good, but he just could not enjoy it after the spectacle he had witnessed.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 11th, 2012, 02:47:52 AM
Part of her was wondering when the holocams were going to pop out to reveal she was the victim of some elaborate practical joke, but the other part was doing some quick calculating. If cublings could be trained as pilots, they could be hired at significantly lower rates, raising Sasseeri's own percentage by -
She rubbed her temples, taking some time to sleek back her blonde hair. Taataani's girl. The youngest one, of course, with many older sisters who were all ear deep in their mother's business dealings. All close to Taa and out of reach. And then here was Daantara or whatever her name was, delivered right into her hands.
It was almost too good to be true.
She realized she was rubbing her hands together like a villain in a holomovie, and stopped, picking up a datapad instead. Was Sanis really gorging on aphrodisiacs? The hyu-man took his work seriously.
"Daanarri," said the cub, looking up expectantly.
"That's what jI said," Sasseeri said quickly. "Yourrr motherrr always speaks so hjighly of you. She mentjioned many tjimes how she wjished she had tjime to spend wjith you, showjing you the famjily busjiness, teachjing you how to be a good Cizeri cjitjizen... But you know how thjings arrre. Therre jis neverrr enough tjime to do all the thjings we jintend to. Busjiness boomed and she has had to spend so much tjime away."
The cub was listening intently, her yellow blonde hair in a messy braid. Sasseeri imagined the girl was crawling with germs. She didn't look like she'd had a proper bath in weeks.
"So jI would be so honorrred jif you would allow me to step jin and help."
Daanarri Meorrrei
Apr 11th, 2012, 02:56:43 AM
Daani listened to her half-breed aunt with suspicion, but also relief. Her rebellion was a small one, after all. Mama wouldn't mind her spending time with Sasseeri. After all, she was obscenely rich, and that seemed to mean that she was, as Mama said, good people.
And perhaps most importantly, Aunt Sasseeri wanted her around. She'd get to go see more of the galaxy and learn some awesome new stuff at the same time. Daani grinned toothily. "So jyou'rrre not gojing to kjick me out?"
Sasseeri shook her head.
Her grin widened. "Teach me everrrythjing jyou know!"
Sanis Prent
Apr 11th, 2012, 09:23:31 PM
At last, the silver fox was headed our way. I caught sight of her in the periphery, and played it off smoothly, washing down caviar with champagne.
"Congrratulatjionss on jyourr wjinnjingss. We don't have manjy f-...offworrlderrss gamble herre. jYou've attrracted a lot of attentjion, Mjissterr..."
I set my glass down, looking up at her. Older but still undeniably attractive, she was every bit as down-to-business as she was when I first caught her looking.
"Prent. Sanis Prent."
I caught Xel eyeballing me and ignored it. I'm sure he thought I was being obnoxious. I was. That's what worked.
"Now you have me at a disadvantage."
Feegaarro smiled at that.
"Forr once, thjiss evenjing. Tatata Feegaarro. jI rrun thjiss cassjino."
Feigned surprise.
"Oh? Come to spoil your high roller rotten, then?"
Apr 12th, 2012, 09:40:53 PM
The steak paused midair, the succulent meat resting just outside his mouth for only a moment before it continued the journey into the his maw. That tick in his movement was the only thing to give away his discomfort in the way Sanis had just handled the situation. Deep down he really wanted to stand up and bitch slap him upside the head for that. Although they had never discussed as much, he had assumed that they would not be using real names since he was posing as a playboy when in reality he was quite the opposite.
He did nudge Sanis in the leg under the table with the toe of his boot with enough force to be considered a kick if not for the look of innocence on his face. If he wanted to play silly buggers than Xel would play silly buggers. He wanted to throw something cute and annoying out there, but he knew his place as the bodyguard. He suffered in silence instead.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 12th, 2012, 10:56:43 PM
Tatata smiled at Sanis, looking exactly like the cat who'd swallowed the canary. "jI would love to offerrr jyou an upgrrrade to a sssujite. A ljine of crredjit wjith the casssjino jisss alssso avajilable forrr ourrr mossst essteemed cljientsss." She was practically purring, all her charms dialed up to eleven.
Sanis Prent
Apr 14th, 2012, 09:49:47 PM
Now, to set the hook. I toyed with an oyster, watching the silver fox's every move.
"I'd be interested in hearing more about how esteemed I am, Madame Feegaarro."
Preferably in private settings, but to say that much would be gauche. Never good to overplay your hand.
Success was an aphrodisiac, certainly, but I think she also preferred to have a few claws in me in the small chance I'd make a run to cash her out too fast. Like she said, I was a bit of a curiosity.
Apr 15th, 2012, 04:58:14 PM
Now he was acting like something out of a holodrama. Not that Xel ever stopped to watch those things. Nope. Never even watched Hours of our Eternities. Na-uh. Doesn't know anything about Gil cheating on Vnexa. Definitely not. But if he had, and he had not, Sanis was clearly way too over the top. No one talked like that but Tatata was eating it up like the old bleeding heart she must be.
Kicking just did not matter anymore. They were getting what they wanted. At the rate they were going Xel quite expected to be standing outside a bedroom door listening to the squishy, moist sounds coming from within just to make sure there were no opening of window and escaping sounds. The very idea was making his stomach churn a little. Shooting a child in the face was easy. Escorting Sanis was impossible. Xel had butchered entire families before and not even felt bad about it, but taking care of Sanis was making him want to butcher more.
"Excuse me." He mumbled before getting up from his seat, using a napkin to quickly wipe his face, and then trotted off in the direction of the refresher at a pace was that quicker than casual. Once around the corner he stopped, turned ninety degrees, and banged his head on the wall.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 16th, 2012, 10:53:47 PM
Feegarro narrowed her eyes slightly, and then smiled. "jI notjice jyou have no collarrr, Mjisterrr Prrrent. A ssstrrrange fashjion chojice, forrr Carrrshouljisss." She had her hand on the back of his chair, looking down at him.
"Asss long asss jyou rrremajin on ourrr prrremjisssess jI can asssurrre jyou that jyouu wjill be qujite sssafe. jIf jyou need anjythjing at all, jussst gjive me a call." She produced a thin plastic card with her comm number on it. "Asss farrr asss mjy essstjimatjion of jyou goesss, perrrhaps ten thousssand crrredjitss to plajy wjith wjill brrrjighten jyourrr dajy. jI can add jit to yourrr rrroom account."
Sanis Prent
Apr 16th, 2012, 11:40:51 PM
Collar talk. That wasn't unusual, you just had to play it careful with discussing binding social contracts of that sort here.
"Is that an offer?"
I let her hang on an unspoken maybe as I took an oyster.
"I like powerful women, Madame Feegaarro. You, no doubt, like getting what you want. My money?"
I twirled the card around my fingers, letting her see that I wasn't entirely convinced that was the goal.
"Ahem. As a customer, I value this kind of personal touch on service. You might be hearing from me. I have a few special requests from time to time."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 17th, 2012, 12:02:35 AM
She smiled, toothily. "jI prrrjide mjyssself on a verrrjy perrrssonal touch. jI look forrrwarrrd to hearrrjing frrrom jyou, Mjisssterrr Prrrent." Tatata touched his shoulder a little before withdrawing her hand, "and hearrrjing all jyourrr... sspecjial rrrequessts."
Sanis Prent
Apr 17th, 2012, 12:06:44 AM
I let my gaze linger on her and she reciprocated as she walked away, only breaking eye contact when it was no longer feasable to maintain it. I turned back in my seat, and pondered my situation as I looked at Xel, fiddling with another oyster as I cracked a smile.
"Well, guess that means my evening's all full up. Wanna catch a show?"
Apr 17th, 2012, 10:57:26 AM
Once the wall was properly punished, Xel used the refresher and returned to his seat, ignoring the few glances toward the red spot on his forehead. Between halfhearted bites of his own meal he spoke to Sanis. "What kind of show?" He immediately thought, given the circumstance, of some kind of fancy theater or stage show. Neither of which he found very appealing. He had no clue what the casino had to over beyond what he had seen with Sanis. Gambling and food were unlikely to be it's complete package but he was weary of anything that Sanis suggested. The man had not tried to escape yet, but Xel just chocked that up to there being nowhere for him to run to on this planet.
"Sure, why not. Anything to get this day over with."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 19th, 2012, 12:50:10 PM
"Teach me everrrythjing jyou know!"
Sasseeri smiled at Daani, and nodded. "Of courrrse jI wjill, sweetljing." How old was this cub, anyway? ...Six? She was terrible with judging the ages of prepubescents.
"Awesssome!" Daani fist-pumped and spun her chair around again with an overabundance of exuberance.
"Ah, jI am rrremjinded that jI was gojing to send you somethjing forrr yourrr nameday, but yourrr motherrr told me jI could not." Sasseeri made a sad face. "How -"
"What! A prrresssent?!" Daani's eyes got huge.
"Yes. Of courrrse, forrr my favorrrjite njiece." Favorrrjite as of today, of courrrse. "How old arrre you now?" She smiled, fingers tapping away on her console as she sent her personal concierge a note telling her to find an appropriate present for a young cub.
Daanarri Meorrrei
Apr 19th, 2012, 12:57:16 PM
A present? If Daani hadn't been so excited about getting her job and meeting her scandalously rich and half-bred aunt, she might have been suspicious at all this good fortune. She was already committed to crawling into the white van, however, and the addition of more sweets to the mix just cemented it in her mind as the correct decision.
"jI am ejight," she said seriously, halting her chair's spin abruptly and nearly tipping it over. Once she'd sorted out the chair, Daani leaned on the desk and peered at the holoscreen while her aunt typed. "jIs Ssanjiss worrrkjing forrr jyou too? He'ss talkjing to ssome old ladjy. Oh no, wajit, sshe left."
Sasseeri's head jerked up. "Shjit!" She rewound the security footage frantically.
Daani's mouth made a perfect O at the very bad language, and then she grinned. She was going to like it with her Aunt Sasseeri, she just knew it.
Sanis Prent
Apr 19th, 2012, 10:34:09 PM
"That's what I'm talking about. Live a little, man!"
I gave Xel a confident grin as I picked up the show programme. After a few seconds of scanning it, my smile started to dim.
So the show content here was heavy on the semi-erotic male dancing, and light on the everything else. There was a comedy act in an hour, but it was prop comedy. Ugh.
I tossed the program on the table with a resigned sigh.
"Open bar?"
Apr 19th, 2012, 11:05:30 PM
That was not the right answer. Taking the program from Sanis he looked it over, trying to find something that did not involve any more sausage than this fest already had. Xel was not sure what the day cycles on this planet were, but they must have arrived in the middle of the week when all the lame shows were going on. The naked chicks must be waiting at the weekend. Goddamn.
So, it came down to this. Either boredom or potentially throwing his life away after a night of carousing, debauchery, and drunken rage. God. He just could not deny his lust for alcohol anymore. Somehow he justified it by telling himself that he would only have a few.
"Sure." He said at last, standing up, dusting the food specs off his trousers, and heading in the direction of the bar. All the while keeping a tight eye on Sanis. Regardless of how much wanted to like the man he still had a job to do, and that involved shooting him in the kneecaps if he tried to run.
Xel wasted no time once they hit the bar. He walked straight up to the bar and ordered Corellian Whiskey, which he shot the moment it touched the bar. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the flavor as it burned his mouth and throat. Satisfied at last, he ordered a Corellian Ale. No sense in blowing this gig just yet. He was trying not to get too wasted. A little ale shouldn't put too much crimp in his lifestyle.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 25th, 2012, 12:13:39 PM
A few minutes of scanning footage later, Sasseeri realized she'd already forgotten about her little visitor. Her head jerked up, and found Daani staring at her with interest, sitting perfectly still and quiet. Sassy cleared her throat.
"Rrrjight, of courrrrse, jI'll have Kirrasara take you... to yourrr rrroom." She punched up the comm number and had a short conversation with the female on the other end. Daani watched the holo as the two men sat down at a bar and ordered drinks. Sasseeri narrowed her eyes at the sight, something wriggling in her memory about Xel-Naga like a bowl of newborn sajoi, but she couldn't quite remember it.
The concierge appeared, holding out a hand toward the cub, and Sasseeri smiled. "Go ahead, gjirrrl. Kirrasara will take good carrre of you."
Sanis Prent
Apr 26th, 2012, 10:25:01 PM
"Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Open bar, the life."
He was going three drinks to my one, and an idea began to form in my head as I nipped a bit of Corellian whisky.
I waved down the barkeep, holding up two fingers and pointing to my glass.
"Keep 'em coming!"
It was probably a hairbrained idea. I was sure she had cameras on me. Still, testing the leash was probably innocent until I decided to slip the line.
Apr 26th, 2012, 10:37:18 PM
"You better not have dragged me over here just to watch me drink." He said when he finally came back up for air in his pint of ale, his eyes narrowed aas they glanced sideways at his drinking companion. The faint buzz at the back of his mind indicated a good time was being had, but Sanis was not digging into his drinks as quickly as Xel was. No thought of foul play even began to cross his mind. Already he was too caught up in just how good it was to finally get some liquor in his system.
The entire day had boiled down to him watching Sanis blow credits, drink top shelf booze, and flirt with very attractive women. Complete hell, in other words. Now he was finally getting to enjoy himself a little. The day was almost over and soon he would be able to say goodbye to Sanis. Hopefully. True, he was not gambling or flirting, but this was as good as he hoped to get.
Reaching for his neck he loosened the ridiculous tie he was wearing. The damn thing existed in four dimensions by the way it zigged and zagged down his chest. If this was high fashion than he wanted to be poor forever.
"Make that a Thermal Detonator instead. In hell." Xel barked over Sanis' order, asking for a hard liquor drink named as such by the way it blew people away. And this one came on fire.
Daanarri Meorrrei
Apr 30th, 2012, 10:32:53 PM
Daani didn't hold the hand of Kirrasara the Concierge, she walked beside her with her ears slanted forward, tail swishing with excitement. Mama was gone all the time, and the arr'nomaa were all borjing. Little brothers were only fun as long as they let you do what you wanted to, and all of her big sisters were in the busjinesss with Mama.
Aunt Sasseeri was awesssome and Daani was sure she'd learn all sorts of stuff from her. Stuff Mama would be proud of. There was a bounce in her step as she was ushered into the turbolift.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 1st, 2012, 02:59:43 PM
Sasseeri's hands were clawing into the soft arm rests of her chair as she stared at Sanis and Xel downing drinks at the bar. She couldn't send her own bodyguards, because then her hand would be tipped to Feegarro. Also, in the heart of the Cluster a half-breed couldn't be too careful.
It wasn't Fey'dann, but being stoned would really ruin her day.
She fidgeted, shutting off the security feed, and then flipping it back on almost immediately. Where was Adjerban? He was supposed to have come with them, but she'd been too busy to check if he'd actually gotten on the ship or not. There was a knock at the door and she slammed her hand on the desk, turning off the holo for good as Tick opened the door and Tatata Feegarro walked into the room. The tall Twi'lek male's eyes scanned the room, and then he closed the door.
As if he didn't know that Tock was already inside, lurking behind her ready to tear any threats into pieces. Why he hadn't disposed of Daani for her she couldn't imagine. Sasseeri resisted the urge to rub her temples, and instead gestured to the seat across from her for the other female. "Yourrr shjip runs smoothly, Tatata," she said, smiling. "jI am jimprrressed - but then, jI would expect nothjing less frrrom a Cizeri."
The female sat carefully, her face and body appearing pleased at the compliments, but her ears and tail betrayed her. Taking orders from a half-breed was one thing when the half-breed was halfway across the galaxy. Doing it with the other being directly in front of you grated on the nerves. Sasseeri pretended not to notice, going on about the books and how much money they were putting out versus how much the casino was bringing in.
Tatata relaxed slowly, enjoying the praise. No doubt she felt superior to Sasseeri in every way, not just blood. Inside, the Black Sun Vigo was hunching her shoulders and clawing the other female's eyes out. No, let her enjoy a little victory now.
Sanis Prent
May 1st, 2012, 09:06:49 PM
Xel was blasted. He was making a stoic go at appearing to have it together, but I knew a bullshitter. He was rocking subtly on his bar stool to the rhythm of the music in the background, but also to keep time with his own swimming equilibrium. He expertly propped himself upright with an elbow that looked nonchalant. Mind you, I was starting to get to the point where if I continued this charade I was either going to no longer be convincing or I was going to get drunk myself, so I needed to make a decision.
I paused over the drink Xel recommended, the condensation now heavy on the rim and the ice thin within. I looked around. The casino was buzzing with business and gambling and fun. I could just walk. No guards nearby. My closest infringement of freedom was close to hugging porcelain.
And yet I stood fast. Was I afraid? A good part of me was. But there was another part of me that still wasn't weened off this life. A part of me that knew how to thrive in it.
I swore under my breath and tipped the bartender. Nudging Xel, I jerked my thumb toward the lift.
"Come on. We're going. I've got a date, after all."
My expression was dark, as I knew I'd just passed on the best chance I had at a ticket out. So where was I going from here? Would my friends forgive me? Did they even know I was gone?
May 2nd, 2012, 02:36:30 PM
"Psssh." Was all Xel could say to that, blowing air through his lips as he looked over the top of his rose tinted glasses at his drinking buddy. He knew he was smashed off his britches, but he didn't quite know that he knew that. At first it was just a few drinks to relax, and then it got fun, and then it got bloody damn competitive. Xel was not sure was Sanis was made of, but he was convinced it was the same paper thing that Gods were cut from because the man was still walking properly and Xel could barely move without the assistance of nearby solid objects.
In the beginning he had justified this as blending in. Sanis was suppose to be a playboy, and if this did not scream the role they were pretending than he did not know what did. Spent lots of credits, ate rich food, and drank like a sailor. Check, check, and check. So why the hell had he gotten a sinking feeling that he was going to regret all of this? Not that it mattered, because right now he felt like the king of the world.
"I need t'find me a hot daaayaate. You know, so'thin teeeny I can throw about." Xel stammered, getting up unsteadily from the bar and, with a hand on said bar, started to walk toward the lift with Sanis, his hands moving from bar to wall to handrail, to the wall of the turbolift itself as he did his best to keep himself upright and dignified. "Ifin... Ifin you get bored with wazzat, you date. Bring 'er back this way. We can... we can you know..." And with that he chuckled and tried to elbow Sanis in a knowing fashion but instead fell over himself and into the other wall of the turbolift, where he caught himself and straightened back up again.
"Last time I drink anythin' with a 'brella in it. God damnnn cat people liquor."
Sanis Prent
May 9th, 2012, 07:45:29 PM
I waved off his lamentations. Too much of a downer.
"Get some water down you, take a hypo, and sleep it off. You've had a long day, man."
I checked my reflection in the mirrored walls of the lift. A bit of an adjustment on my tie, a little teasing at my hair. Boom. I was back.
We arrived at the presidential suites level, and I made sure Xel found his way to a safe harbor without retching his toenails out and starting a scene that would in any way dampen my carefully manicured air of mystique. The doors briefly parted, and I caught sight of a room so goddamn opulent it would make a Naboo Queen weep diamonds. I bit down on my lower lip.
"Don't get ruined on the minibar, man. Get a call girl, have some fun. Wait, do they do comped call girls here?"
A little fretting as I gazed into the Tantalus-like contradictions that defined Carshoulis.
"While I'm gone, find that out. Probably just twinks and ladyboys Maybe?"
I gave Xel a mock salute, and left him alone, hoping to return to my tiny little palace without vomit on the thousand thread count duvet. I punched the comm on my wrist, and a smirk crossed my features.
"Madam Feegaarro, so...about those VIP perks? I'd like to meet with you in person."
So it was gauche to invite oneself to someone else's booty call. I figured that I built up enough capital to breech etiquette.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 10th, 2012, 11:12:52 AM
The commlink was silent for a moment, and then there was a sound, like an exhaled purr. "Go to the Saanjarraa suite," she mewled. "jI thjink jyou wjill enjojy the accomodatjionss." Her voice was practically winking and then she ended the conversation by hanging up.
May 11th, 2012, 12:13:22 AM
Xel could only nod his head weakly as Sanis dragged him into a fabulous room of splendor that mostly resembled a great big blur to him. He did perk up when Sanis mentioned a minibar and would have made his way to it, but he found it incredibly difficult to walk all of a sudden and instead crashed headfirst into a sofa with all the dignity and grace of Hutt childbirth.
"Sure. They got to have someone on call." He mumbled as he lazily returned Sanis' salute, with a hand that smacked himself in the side of the head and than shot off in front of him with such force that it threatened to pull him out of the chair. Like a special kid on glit. "You have fun captain shiny pants. I'm gonna, gonna get another drink." He waved the man off in a just as pathetic motion as the last. As soon as the door closed behind Sanis Xel got up and stumbled over to the room comm on the bedside.
After a tense conversation with whomever was on the other side of the line he managed to get connected to whomever handled the distribution of call girls. "Yes, no. What? No girls. I don't think you understand sir. This whiskey dick isn't going to fix itself. Huh? Fine. Send over the ladiest thing you've got and we'll go from there. Mister Prent does not like to be kept waiting."
Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2012, 01:20:43 PM
The Saanjarra Suite, eh? You don't go and name a suite like that in a place like this if it's just shag carpet and two queen sizes. The anticipation put a little quickness in my otherwise casual pace, and I made my way to the lift. Even higher than the presidential level, eh?
Another good sign? The lift stopped and there was pretty much just one place to go on this floor, through the oversized double wooden doors in front of me. Of course, this was with all the usual Carshoulis decor par excellence, and so seeing tropical flowers, aquariums, and hand-made lighting sconces almost went unnoticed. A few months ago, I was rifling through a mound of wadded dirty hamper clothes, smelling for the cleanest shirt. Now?
I pressed the chime on the door. Turning back briefly, I checked myself in the lift door's mirrored finish. Lookin' good, fella.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 11th, 2012, 02:45:18 PM
"Mjissterr Prrent," Tatata Feegarro purred, opening the door to find his backside presented quite pleasantly. He turned around, a quick smile on his face, and she stepped back to let him inside the suite. "jYou wjill not fjind betterr accomodatjionss jin all the Clussterr," she said, extending an arm to gesture to the large marble tiled room. There were dark wood handmade antique furnishings, delicate leaded glass light fixtures and an enormous blown glass multi-colored chandelier over a large table so polished you could do your makeup in the reflection.
"Thjiss jiss the fojyerr," Tatata said, walking through all the opulence with hardly a glance. "Bejyond arrre the sjittjing rroomss and two bedrroomss... a forrrmal djinjing rrroom and an enorrrmouss gorrrmet kjitchen. Ssshould jyou," she added, "wjissh to cook, although we have a perrrsssonal chef alssso avajilable wjith the sssujite."
She stopped on the steps that led down from the gleaming foyer, and looked back at Prent. "jI hope jyou ljike what jyou ssee."
Sanis Prent
May 11th, 2012, 03:12:42 PM
"Nice view."
I hadn't bothered to give the foyer the attention I was giving Tatata, and I imagined the old bird was delighted to see the neglect. Still, she'd taken the trouble, and I at last glanced beyond her.
"Oh, and the foyer is lovely as well."
I walked down a few steps to stand at her level. Despite her years, she had a natural attractiveness that made my current job a lot easier to do. I leaned against an ornate railing as I looked her over.
"I know about how much to tip a valet or a bellboy. Never got the treatment from the proprietor before. About how much of a tip are you expecting?"
A knowing grin curled upwards.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 11th, 2012, 06:49:43 PM
Tatata smiled in response, and she smoothed her blouse down, her hands running down her slim sides. She might have been pushing a century of existence, but she took pride in her appearance. Her blonde hair was streaked with silver, her ears pierced attractively, and she worked hard to keep her body in shape.
What's more, she knew it. Tatata hooked her tail over her arm, and said, "Oh, jI want morrre than jussst the tjip." She looked at him with half-hooded eyes, and pushed past him, continuing on into the sitting room.
Sanis Prent
May 15th, 2012, 11:54:30 PM
Well that was good, because I was a big tipper.
Look, I really don't have what you might call morals. Well I guess some, but its usually in the realm of "Don't commit genocide" or "Don't kick a puppy". Wait no, not morals. Wrong word. Standards? I have them, they're just different.
Older chicks are like fat chicks. Too much of a thing probably spoils it, so I guess if you're looking at two fried eggs on a fencepost or you can't find the right crease you've probably gone too far, but shy of that and you're talking diamonds in the rough. A girl with twenty extra pounds puts in twenty extra pounds of effort, and if a broad's got a few decades on you, that means's she's seen and perfected the sort of freaky next level shit that you're just now coming around to. Well, in theory.
Anyways long story short I pinned Tatata's ankles to her ears and gave it to her under the statue/fountain think it's Saanjarra? Probably? I dunno I never went to Cizerack mythology school I'm just guessing since it's the Saanjarra room. Either way, sex in a fountain is probably a good idea in theory and less in practice, but she totally saved it. Had to pause after round two to carb up and get a few drinks down us, but I'm only human.
Somehow, we wound up on the bed, which she incidentally informed me was 1500 thread count Ithorian silk. Probably good that I wasn't on anything. It felt crazy good enough without being in an altered state.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 17th, 2012, 12:18:30 AM
She wasn't even out of breath after their exertions, but she rolled over and lit up a stim, the mild stimulant in the cigarette brightening her blue eyes. Tatata blew the smoke over Sanis' sweaty body, her own cooling in the breeze from the open balcony doors. "jYou have good ssstamjina forrr a human," she purred, running her free hand through his hair.
Sanis Prent
May 17th, 2012, 10:02:37 PM
"Yeah, I work out."
I shared a stim with her as we took a break, staring up at a chandelier so goddamn big it made me nervous, and inwardly I began to segue and hope it had, like, a shitload of support. Oh also it was very beautiful of course.
Oh, the working out thing? Does sex count? That's the only working out I really do. That and opening cans because I can't afford a can opener. Or couldn't. Whatever.
Wait. Shit. How was this going to work? I didn't have a mickey to slip, and unless I was going to make her talk with brute force vagina abuse, I needed to, uh, you know what? I never thought this through.
So I hopped up and made drinks for us, remembering the old classic that worked so well on Xel. Shit, she was like a hundred or something right? Loose lips, heh.
Two shots for you, one for me. Two shots for you...
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 18th, 2012, 07:03:41 PM
Tatata smiled as Sanis returned, and accepted the drink with a gracious hand. "Thank jyou." She was used to being served by men, although, as she sipped the drink, she wasn't used to being able to taste the alcohol quite so much. "Sso, what brrrjingss jyou to the Clussterrr?"
Sanis Prent
May 18th, 2012, 09:00:18 PM
"Alimony payments, ah ha ha that one's always the funniest."
The joke wasn't as funny as I hoped, and I shrugged casually tilting my drink back.
"Shipping business. You know how it is. All space lanes lead to Carshoulis. Follow the money."
I rejoined her on the bed, letting myself enjoy that high thread count.
"Looks like that's a philosoph we share, isn't it?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 19th, 2012, 12:16:31 AM
He had a good body, and she didn't mind him catching her looking at it while he talked. Tatata nodded, and said, "jI don't follow the monejy anjymorrre, jit followsss me."
She trailed a hand over his chest and then tweaked his nipple. "jYou followed me, afterrr all."
Sanis Prent
May 19th, 2012, 12:25:48 AM
What a cryptic response. I filed it away for later, hoping it was the kind of ammo Sasseeri needed. Sipping, I thought about her second little line.
"Well, it's not every day you get called up by the proprietor in a place like this. Moxie turns me on."
And it was true. This lady wore power really well, and even if I wasn't trying to bone information out of her, I'd be pretty down with whatever she was selling. Was I losing my edge? Damn, I hoped not.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 19th, 2012, 12:50:56 AM
"Mmm," she purred, flipping her silver hair out of her eyes and propping herself up on her elbow as she sipped her drink. "jI ljike how jyou werrre not afrrrajid to losse down therrre. jYou'rrre new monejy," she traced a circle on his shoulder with her free hand, "jI can alwajysss tell. But jyou sspend ljike jyou werrre borrrn to jit.
"Whjich could land jyou jin a lot of trrouble," she murmured, leaning close and licking his earlobe. "But jI have the feeljing jyou'rrre good forrr jit. At the verrrjy leasst, jyou'rrre havjing a hell of a tjime whjile jyou have jit."
She threw a leg over him and coaxed him back to full strength, draining her drink and tossing it over her shoulder where it landed on a thick shag area rug with a soft thunk. She sighed with pleasure as she worked herself into position, and leaned forward over him, her claws pricking gently at his chest as her hips moved from side to side. "jYou arrre enjojyjing jyourrself, arrren't jyou?"
Sanis Prent
May 19th, 2012, 01:21:38 AM
"You'd be the first to know if I wasn't. I take my complaints direct to the CEO, heh."
Wait a second, who was the customer here, exactly? I gave her ass a slap and we switched positions. Now in my momentum again, I caught her limber ankles at my shoulders.
"So, me being new money, I suppose you're gonna tell me you inherited this jewel of a place? Park that nest egg in something low risk and a constant rate of return, and all that?"
Speaking of parking something...nice.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 19th, 2012, 01:38:21 AM
"Oh," she started, "Oh! Ohhhhh... jI don't own the... casssjino. Ohhh..."
With a little effort Tatata reversed their positions again, and pushed him down into the mattress. The memory foam, featherbed topped mattress that supported in all the right places as if by magic. She trailed her claws down his chest, raising pink scratches. "jI earrrned mjy place herrre. Of courrsse, jI am! Merrrrowwwwwww," she mewled as his hips thrust in a particularly right direction. Sanis gamely continued with the same motion, and Tatata grasped at him as her body convulsed with pleasure.
She gasped for breath, finally, collapsing on top of him for a moment of rest. "jI am... jI don't even rrrememberrr what jI wasss ssajyjing," she laughed, wiggling her bottom to keep her much younger partner occupied.
Sanis Prent
May 19th, 2012, 02:27:56 AM
Stay on target, man. Stay on target.
Three rounds in, and I was surprised. By this time I was usually checked out and asleep or going to watch a holo or make a sandwich. At least she wasn't going to bleed me over this amazing silk. I'd just get some juice, walk it off, and keep feeding her drinks.
And...spent. Whew. My, she was a giver. I extricated myself from the well-seasoned minx and proceeded to top off a fresh round of drinks.
"Don't own this place? Could've fooled me."
Again, a double shot to my single, and I kept mixing at the wet bar, nothing but my bare ass keeping vigil over her as I chatted.
"Any plans on that, then? You've got a mind for business."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 19th, 2012, 02:34:37 AM
"Oh, no. Not thjisss place." She tossed back the second drink he brought back much faster than the first, drawing the sheets up over her body demurely. Tatata set the empty glass on the nightstand, settling her head on the perfectly plumped pillow. Behind her the sun was starting to set over the cityscape, the beams fracturing through the clouds as if the suite had been set in place on purpose to capture the view.
"No, jit sserrrves jitss purrrposse, but.. jI have otherrr plansss." She smiled a little wickedly, mischief in her eyes.
Sanis Prent
May 19th, 2012, 02:40:38 AM
I took my drink at her pace, pausing at the notion of other plans.
I took my time walking back to bed, letting her appreciate the view.
"Sounds like the sort of thing that I'm into. Planning a little coup to make bank, then? Don't suppose you're the kind of lady that likes to talk business after sex, but like I said, that's moxie I believe in."
With a smile over my glass, I continued.
"Who knows, maybe even a joint venture? Maybe I put a little of my own skin in the game, and we talk about making a real splash? I gotta admit, I wouldn't mind planting more than a few flags in the Cluster. It's not the easiest place to pull a startup for a guy like me. You understand."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 19th, 2012, 02:46:19 AM
"Plantjing flagsss," she smiled. "What a patrrjiarrrchal notjion. No... no parrrtnerrrss forrr me. jI'm too old to plajy that game." Tatata stretched a little, admiring his grautious standing-by-the-bed-naked pose. "Mjy rrretjirrrement plan jiss..."
She paused, and smiled. "Unconventjional, jI sssupposse."
Sanis Prent
May 19th, 2012, 03:25:36 AM
That got a smirk out of me, even if she didn't cozy up to the idea of giving me ground floor access. She'd been plenty accommodating to me so far.
"I'm guessing it's not a timeshare on Glee Anselm."
I finally took my seat on the bed next to her again.
Daanarri Meorrrei
May 20th, 2012, 10:46:45 PM
The room was fantassstjic. It was more than fantastic, it was amazing and awesome and if Tak were there they'd probably turn the whole thing into a huge blanket fort. There were even spare sheets and towels in the closet!
After bouncing on the bed for a few minutes, Daani landed on her rear and flopped backwards onto the mattress, staring up at the ceiling. Okay, this was boring. When was she going to ... learn incredible stuff and do amazing shit?
Wait, Sanis was here somewhere.
Daani sat up abruptly and hopped over to the holonet console on the desk. She spun around in the chair for a few seconds while the system tried to sell her pay-per-view movies, and then she stopped and toggled through the menu. He was in the casino so he had to be in the computer somewhere. She mashed keys on the keyboard like she was an expert slicer, tapping away like a madman who knew what she was doing.
The console froze up after a few minutes of that, and Daani had to admit she knew nothing about slicing. So she picked up the comm and called the front desk. After a short two minute conversation she had the room number. It was two floors up from hers.
Daani scooted out of the chair and skipped to the door, making sure to grab her keycard before leaving. Sanis was going to be so surprised!
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 20th, 2012, 10:51:30 PM
"Yess well," she finished her second drink, "jI have mjy sjightss sset a ljittle hjigherr than that."
Tatata sat up a bit, realizing the time and that she should be going. "jI wjill be happjy to have jyourrr thjingss trransferrred up to thjisss sssujite, Sssanjiss. jI would... ljike to ssee morrre of jyou durrrjing jyourrr ssstajy herrre wjith us." She smiled slyly.
Sanis Prent
May 23rd, 2012, 09:09:47 PM
Damn. Well, I guess I wasn't gonna get the dirt that easily. Spreading along the contours of the bed in her absence, I watched her go, sipping my drink.
"I think I can make sure my luck holds out if you're promising that."
I needed to take this game to her home court for this to work. She wasn't game for pillow talk - yet.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 25th, 2012, 01:16:52 AM
She smiled, turning her back and pulling on her slip and stepping into her shoes. Tatata faced the young man still lounging in the bed as she shook the wrinkles from the dress she'd been wearing. "Oh, jI can make ssurre jyourr luck holdss." She put on the dress and zipped it up, the fabric hugging her slight curves and disguising whatever flaws she had acquired in her near century of life. They weren't many, she made sure of that with a strict diet and exercise program.
Tatata Feegarro was not one to leave much to chance.
"jI'll have a bellhop brrrjing up jyourrr thjingss," she said decisively. "Let jyourrr man know to expect them." She winked suggestively at him. "jI'll be jin touch. Perrrhapss we can meet forrr djinnerr tomorrrrow. Orrr lunch."
She saw herself out of the suite, and as the door closed behind her the comm in the nightstand began to ring.
Daanarri Meorrrei
May 25th, 2012, 01:18:28 AM
Daani ran down the carpeted hallway to Sanis' room and knocked on the door. "Houssekeepjing!" she called through it, trying not to giggle at the thought of Sanis' surprise.
May 25th, 2012, 04:15:36 PM
No one had ever explained it to him just how hard it was to get a tie off without any assistance, and while drunk to boot. The unfortunate debacle took him quite some time to sort out until he finally managed to get the strip of cloth undone and freed from his neck. Most of the rest of his expensive wardrobe followed suit and some were almost as difficult to get off. How many buttons did a shirt need for Glob sake? So much strenuous activity deserved a nap.
A knock at the door woke him from his stupor. Sitting up, he wiped the drool from his face and wondered where the hell he was for a moment before slivers of memory fell back into place; horribly misplaced and out of sequence. Stumbling toward the door he fumbled with the door handle, spun, yanked, and twisted it until it finally opened and, while using the door as support, peered out into the hallway beyond. "Damn kids..." He muttered when he saw nothing beyond until a impolite cough caused him to look down at the little Cizerack girl.
"So, they did have a female after all. Start you out young, eh?" He opened the door wider. He was barefoot and shirtless, wearing just his thousand credit trousers.
Daanarri Meorrrei
May 25th, 2012, 04:44:02 PM
"What?" Daani peered up at the tall human, and then peeked inside the door as he held it open. "Wherre'ss Ssanjiss?"
She sniffed, and wrinkled her nose. "jYou sstjink ljike booze."
Sanis Prent
May 28th, 2012, 08:41:20 AM
I waited until I was in the clear, hopped in the fresher, and put on some clothes. It was time to take a walk. Not that my accomodations weren't absolutely amazing (oh my god they were) but I wasn't about to make a call in this room. No, for that, I took a stroll back down to the casino, or at least to one of the bars on the upper level. I wasn't going to throw money at the tables until I was good and ready to do it again and be seen with it, so I opted instead on some comped booze, since the extensive aerobic workout I'd been given had more or less slashed through the good drunk I was maintaining, and I could feel a headache coming on.
Now in the bustle of the crowd, I activated the comm frequency to Sasseeri.
"We really need a plan B. Our friend's not as loose lipped as we'd like."
Sasseeri Reeouurra
May 28th, 2012, 11:05:54 AM
Sasseeri snapped, "You mean you need a plan B. Why djidn't you pjick up the comm half an hourrr ago? Neverrr mjind! Get yourrr act togetherrr Prrrent orr jI'll fjind someone else and you become jirrrrellevant!"
She ended the transmission and adjusted her outfit in the mirror. It was time for dinner with her niece.
May 29th, 2012, 01:39:01 PM
Xel glared down at the infuriating little brat. His night just kept getting worse. At this rate of degeneration he would be found dead in the closet hanging from the coat rack with his pants off. It was not the way he wanted to go, but it would be on his terms. Much better than waiting to be thrown out another window or pulled apart by Tick and Tock.
Not that it would be the first time he was caught between two men.
"That's Mister Prent, child. He cannot be bothered right now. Now, if you're not the callgirl I asked for, please move along." And with that he made a shooing wave his hand, an action that proved much too complicated and only served to make him look special. So he stopped. Pity. She was kind of cute. Shut up drunk me...
Sanis Prent
May 30th, 2012, 10:52:38 PM
I winced at the harsh click at the end of the other side of the comm. Well, shit. This would complicate things. I could either play Tatata's game for a second round, which was certainly agreeable enough, or I could do something daring and try to break in to her office. The latter was quicker but a helluva lot riskier. Either way, it was getting late, and I wasn't really in a mood to think about it right now.
I doubled back to the old room, to check on Xel and make sure he hadn't drowned on his vomit or something. What I saw gave me pause.
Daanarri Meorrrei
May 31st, 2012, 12:13:47 AM
"Ssanjiss!" Daani threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Wherrre jiss Cjirrrr?" She beamed up at him.
May 31st, 2012, 09:26:42 PM
Shaking his head as Sanis arrived and the mushy reunion began, Xel turned and walked back into the room in as straight a path as he could and managed to only bounce between the door and the frame a few times before making it through and throwing it shut behind him. Now came the very dangerous act of crossing the dark room now that his night vision had been destroyed by the hall lights outside. He made it twelve baby steps and then tripped over a foot stool, knocking himself out on the tiled foyer.
Sanis Prent
May 31st, 2012, 11:13:41 PM
Oh damn, what a time for an awkward question. I looked at the stripe-faced cherub, not really knowing myself, much less how to answer the question.
"Not sure, kiddo. We split up about a week."
Suddenly, I started to wonder about the timing of it all. I glanced down each length of hallway.
"Where's your mom?"
Daanarri Meorrrei
Jun 3rd, 2012, 09:22:37 PM
"Who knowsss," said Daani, exasperated. "Sshe'ss alwajysss gone! jI hate bejing home! jIt fuckjing blowsss!"
She hugged him again. "Take me wjith jyou!"
Sanis Prent
Jun 3rd, 2012, 09:30:19 PM
"Watch your mouth, kid."
I inwardly cringed, suddenly aware she'd probably learned that word from me.
The next thing she said again put me in an awkward spot.
"Would if I could, Daani. Would if I could. Don't have a ship anymore."
It wasn't going to do any good with her here in the hallway. I put a hand on her shoulder, gesturing to the lift.
"Come on, kid. How about some ice cream?"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Jun 3rd, 2012, 09:48:19 PM
"Therrre you arrre, you ljittle... darrrljing!" Sasseeri walked out of the 'lift in front of Sanis and Daani and was beaming at her niece. "jI see you found Sanjis, jit's too bad he can't stay forrr djinnerrr wjith us." She glared at Sanis, and then looked back down at the cubling with a smile on her face.
"jI went to yourrr rrroom and djidn't fjind you, but jI djid fjind out you called the frrront desk." Sasseeri held her hands out awkwardly, and then gingerly took the girl's arm and pulled her away from Sanis. "Wasn't too harrrd to trrrack you down! Ha ha!"
Sanis Prent
Jun 5th, 2012, 11:34:57 PM
Small blessings I guess. Still, I didn't like the idea of Daani spending time in Sassy's company at all. Did Taataani know about this?
I shook my head. Can't bother asking questions I'm in no position to answer. The Meorrreis were strangely probably the closest thing to a family that I had, so it was only natural to worry, or something.
I backtracked back to the 'old' room, and knocked hard a few times on the door.
"Xel, you dead yet?'
Jun 7th, 2012, 09:50:49 PM
Faint mumbling was all that returned. From his position on the floor, legs still caught up on the stool, Xel was beginning to curse his existence. He had finally found beautiful peace in the floor's embrace and some asshat had to pound on the fucking door and wake him up from that. Now all he knew was pain. A searing, hot thing that burned behind his eyes. Rolling over, he untangled his legs from the offending stool and waiting for his head to clear enough to stand.
Once upright, he staggered back to the door and pulled it open, full expecting to give Sanis a peace of his fucking mind at last but then the spell broke and he realized he was yelling into the refrigerator. "Fuck this." He cursed, slamming the 'fridge shut and stomping all the way to his bedroom while shouting "I fucking hate you!" Over his shoulder in the direction of the real front door.
Sanis Prent
Jun 8th, 2012, 04:16:30 PM
"Nobody put a gun to your head and told you to pound the top shelf, guy. Take some personal responsibility."
I eased in the room, noting the various stages of disarray it was in as I looked for the surly guard.
"Anyway, yeah. I met Feegaarro. Nothing world shattering yet."
I walked across the way toward the minibar, hoping that the oaf hadn't ruined it completely. Fortunately it was still entirely serviceable.
"But its taking forever. I'm really not in the mood to start some fake relationship with the old bird, so I'm needing something a little quicker."
Jun 19th, 2012, 03:44:35 PM
"Your not my real father!" Came the return yell from the bedroom, followed by the sound of a heavy object hitting the floor. Turns out that everything Xel had ever been told about aiming for the middle one when you see multiples of an singular object was a lie. It was the bed on the left that he wanted this time.
Sanis Prent
Jun 22nd, 2012, 11:34:17 PM
Well, guess I couldn't be surprised on this one.
"Think I could just pour ground caf in your gob, or would you just vomit it out? You'd better be glad this room is comped or I'd stick you with the bill you farm animal."
I flopped onto the unmolested bed in the other room, again taking the time to appreciate overstuffed comforters and high thread counts. Sleep didn't take long to find me.
Oct 3rd, 2012, 11:16:17 AM
To say he dreamed because his eyes closed and he lost consciousness would be like saying you had folding laundry because you piled it up in the corner. It was a cruel, debilitating experience. Rest was not had, as he tossed and turned; his mind lost somewhere in between awake and asleep. He kept waking up, rolling over, falling asleep for another five minutes and then repeating the horrible process over again. All night.
The pursuit was abandoned when, finally, the clock showed it was morning and he pulled himself out of a bed that looked like a farm animal had indeed slept on it. The sheets were all wrapped in a ball and he had neglected to even take his clothes off. He ditched them now. The rich fabric felt horrible in his new ultra sensitive state of being. His own luggage was thrown open and dug through until he found some trousers that should have been thrown out ages ago and then stomped out without shoe or shirt.
His only accessory was his heavy blaster pistol, which he laid out on the counter top of the kitchenette while he did his very best to brew some cafe without falling over. Holy shit last night was becoming more and more screwed up the more the memories started pouring back into his empty head. No matter how many times he ran his hand over his shaved head or rubbed his eyes the memories would not go away.
It might be time to find a new employer.
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