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Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 22nd, 2011, 07:24:09 PM
It smelled funny in here.
Like... an old person.
Dama had said she had to leave for a short time, and with Wyl busy with his studies on the Whaladon, Teagan had to be somewhere else. According to Dama and Wyl's master, the two of them together was a bit distracting, and usually led to long discussions explanations to the Whaladon crew that always ended with 'they won't do it again'.
And so, because she could not stay with Wyl, Dama had chosen the only other avenue that she thought best. Dama said he was an old friend, and that he was a nice man, though a little bit gruff like Dad.
With her small backpack slung over both shoulders, the girl looked up at the towering man who loomed over her. Dama had just left, leaving the girl with a parting hug and words to behave before sweeping out of the door.
And now she was alone with him.
With Vansen Tyree.
And he was old.
Older than her Dad even she was willing to bet, which was amazing to think about quite frankly. He had a lot of wrinkles, that was for sure - she'd have to be careful not to touch him or else she'd start getting them too.
She matched him stare for stare, refusing to back down. Dama had said that he liked to glare a lot and make scary faces at people to get them to do what he wanted. For her part, Teagan wasn't about to let him scare her. She could make angry faces too, and with a natural scowl etched on her young features, she refused to look away. Her neck was craned up so that she could meet his one good eye, and after what seemed like a million years she finally spoke.
Her words unintentionally echoed to a time long past.
"You're not scaring me, you know."
Vansen Tyree
Sep 22nd, 2011, 08:05:08 PM
If her eyes and the shape hadn't been enough to identify the child as the spawn of Loklorien s'Ilancy, the words that tumbled from her mouth left absolutely no doubt in Vansen's mind.
He grunted out a laugh, though he didn't smile. "Your mother told me that once," he muttered, though his stoic face unchanging. "I soon fixed that."
Granted, I had to drag her into a cockpit and nearly fly her to death a few times, he mused to himself, But at least I eventually scrubbed that smug attitude out of her head.
The back of his mind considered flagging a protest, but Vansen refused to allow his memories to provide any kind of evidence to the contrary. Loklorien had repeatedly refused to board any ship that Vansen was supposed to be flying, and he knew full well that it was as close to her being frightened or intimidated of him as he was ever going to get; so he'd grabbed his victory in a vice grip, and ran like hell.
Things were a little different this time, though. Teagan was considerably younger than Loklorien had been when they'd first met; and Vansen was considerably older. Plus, he had an eyepatch now and, frustrating as the lack of depth perception was, he'd refused a cybernetic replacement for his lost eye for one damned good reason: eye patches were intimidating as hell, if you used them right.
The gaze he fixed Teagan with was unflinching. "Your mother asked me to keep an eye on you." His scowl deepened, eye narrowing. "But I will not accept misbehaviour on my ship. Is that understood, young lady?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 22nd, 2011, 08:27:41 PM
Teagan crossed her arms, refusing to allow him the satisfaction of seeing her resolve break beneath his gaze. She'd weathered plenty of Dama's lectures, and Dad's stern warnings. She was practically a veteran at staying calm and in control by now, and with Wyl's constant tutelage, she'd become a master at hiding uncomfortable fidgeting. Of course, she wasn't uncomfortable now; she was just standing, looking up at Dama's old friend.
His plain eyepatch was almost the same color as his skin - idly she mused that Wyl would've worn a black one with a skull and crossbones if he was missing an eye. It was obvious that Mr. Tyree wasn't as on top of today's trends as much as she and her husband were.
She made a face, pursing her lips and almost rolling her eyes.
"Yes, Mr Tyree."
Vansen Tyree
Sep 23rd, 2011, 08:45:16 AM
Vansen hid a cringe. No one had referred to him as Mister Tyree in years; not since his brief brush with retirement. Even then the term had made him uncomfortable - Mister Tyree was his grandfather, not him - and most of the people he'd interacted with regularly had taken to calling him 'Captain' anyway; though as a nickname it was far less respectful and complimentary than he would have liked.
Still, forced respect was better than no respect, he supposed; and even if he hadn't managed to intimidate her into compliance, she seemed at least vaguely willing to be obedient, for now at least. It wasn't a victory he'd won; but it was one he planned to embrace.
Vansen finally relaxed his pose and expression, lowering himself into one of the battered but still comfortable chairs in his quarters. He smoothed a hand down the front of his uniform and then interlaced his fingers, drumming his thumb tips together as he frowned intently at his knuckles.
Finally, he spoke again.
"Who is this Wyl Staedtler boy you keep getting into trouble with?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 23rd, 2011, 08:59:09 PM
The word was out of her mouth mere nanoseconds after he'd finished speaking, and Teagan furrowed her brow as she took a few more cautious steps further into Mr. Tyree's quarters. They were nothing like home, back on the Dauntless. Here it was just... plain. Or at least on first glance that was how it seemed.
She let her backpack slip from her shoulders, and laying it at her feet the girl turned her eyes back to Mr. Tyree.
"Where's my room?"
Vansen Tyree
Sep 24th, 2011, 06:52:20 PM
A parent he most definately was not, but Vansen had been wearing the uncomfortable uniform of a senior officer for long enough to pick up on a deliberately evasive answer. He filed away any further questions about young Wyl, just in case he ever found himself needing to cause strategic embarassment or something similar.
Besides, Teagan's question bore some consideration. Had the invitation been voluntary, he would have considered these options in advance. Might have thought to get a few of the deck hands to lug a bunk out of one of the vacant crew quarters. Unfortunately, his child supervision responsibilities had been thrust upon him; and for all her Force-enhanced precognition, Loklorien s'Ilancy hadn't bothered to brief him on the logistics of it.
"We'll worry about that later," he grunted, waving at Teagan to come further inside and stop loitering by the door like a feral animal looking for an escape. "Just dump your gear down and grab a seat. Can I fix you a -"
His voice trailed off as his eyes strayed towards the drinks cabinet; persistant nagging in the back of his mind pointed out that his usual approach to hospitality probably wouldn't be considered appropriate for his current guest.
His expression morphed into a frown, and his gaze turned back to Teagan. "I don't suppose you drink caf, do you?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 24th, 2011, 09:35:01 PM
She did as instructed, and moving away from the door, Teagan stepped carefully into the rest of his quarters. They weren't really big big, but she supposed that since Mr. Tyree was the only one living here, they didn't need to be very large. Her small backpack was set beside the compact sofa, and she rested her hand on the sofa's arm for a moment, considering his question.
Of course she didn't drink caf - that stuff was so gross. Dama had told her once that it tasted like sludge, and once, when Dad had offered her a sip from his, she'd taken a cautious drink. Dama had been right, and Dad had laughed at the face she'd made. Now, she never could help but look at her Dad in disgust as he had his morning caf, and for a very brief moment the girl turned that same look on Mr. Tyree.
"I don't like caf."
She gave him a shrug - not exactly apologetic, it was more noncommittal than anything else, and climbing up onto the sofa, she situated herself until she was comfortable. Not really slouching, she was almost straight-backed and alert, with her hands folded in her lap to mimic his own.
"I like milk and juice. And cocoa drinks."
Well, that last one she figured she'd slip in on the off-chance that he actually had any hot cocoa; ever since last Life Day she'd been determined to have more. Of course Dama had always said no, but Mr. Tyree didn't know that.
She watched him carefully, squinting her eyes just a small bit as she studied him.
"Dama told me some about you.
"Mostly that you don't ever have kids over here, though."
Vansen Tyree
Sep 25th, 2011, 12:47:49 PM
Don't ever have kids.
Those words resonated with the Commodore more than they should have. It was no secret that Vansen was old, and that he'd dedicated his life to serving one military or another. For the most part, he didn't have even a trace of regret about it. He'd seen friends and colleagues settle down and start families; but that wasn't the life for him. He hadn't the patience for romance, or child-rearing; and frankly there wasn't a woman alive with the stomach to tolerate his ascerbic personality.
But there were occasions when he wondered otherwise; times when he considered the sobering fact that the burden of continuing his bloodline had fallen to him, and he had done nothing about it. There were other branches of the family of course - ordinal cousins several times removed, and so forth - and so the continuation of the line was assured. But after Vansen, son of Orlan, one arm of the Tyree family would simply end; and there were fleeting occasions where, to some part of his mind, that mattered.
Now was not the time to indulge, however; he resorted to deflection instead.
"This is a military vessel," he grunted, "Not a cruise liner. Children are largely unreliable, insubordinate, and undiciplined. On the rare occasions they even make it past the airlock, it's usually because of extremely mitigating circumstances."
Like a mother armed with a lightsaber, he added silently.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 25th, 2011, 05:02:18 PM
Teagan made a face at that. Of all the people Dama had to leave her with, it was this man? This man that looked to have nothing fun anywhere at all in his quarters, who didn't look to know how to smile, and on top of all that he only had caf to drink. She sighed loudly at that last thought.
"You only say that 'cause you don't have any," she countered, moving her hands from her lap to cross her arms over her chest. There was a small degree of sass in her tone, but not enough to signal outright rebellion.
Mr. Tyree was in the testing phase. She would see just how far she could push him, and when she found out the line, she'd back off. Maybe.
"Besides. My Dad's ship isn't a cruise liner, and there's kids there."
Vansen Tyree
Sep 25th, 2011, 05:58:37 PM
"You're right," Vansen countered, with a little more bite in his words than he'd intended. "I do not have any children. No doubt your father only allows families aboard his vessel so freely is because he does."
Vansen could have said more. Would have said more, if his better judgement hadn't reared it's head in the nick of time. Families aboard military vessels was one of those issues that tended to divide opinion, particularly amongst old and traditional officers like himself. It was a grim fact of reality that the Alliance had to take whatever it could get, and sometimes that meant biting your tongue and letting the kids come along in tow; but that didn't mean that Vansen had to like it.
Now was hardly the time to labour on the philosophies of command however, and Teagan was hardly the appropriate audience.
Taking a moment to gather his strength, and smooth down the hackles that threatened to rise if Teagan kept being an annoying little whelp who had clearly inherited his mother's talent for getting under his skin, he tried a different tactic.
"Alright then," he admitted, making his voice as calm and non-grizzled as he possibly could. "Your father clearly has more experience balancing the operation of a military vessel with the provision of child care. What -" He trailed off, making a vague gesture with his interlaced hands. "- does he let you do, exactly?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 25th, 2011, 06:34:56 PM
This moment was a moment that had to be handled with extreme care. Wyl would've called it a golden opportunity, and Teagan knew that she would need to tread lightly. Nothing too unbelievable, but something that was credible. Of course, her Dad let her do a number of things that Dama often forbade, so it was no real hardship to stretch over the line just a little bit.
"Well, he makes sure I have my own room, for one," she trailed off deliberately, her little fingers drumming against her upper arms.
"He reads me bedtime stories every night so I can go to sleep easier, and makes sure to have juiceboxes in the fridge for me. He lets me go out with my friends to the mess hall and get food, and lots of times he plays My Little Dewback and Action Johnny Rebel with me."
Teagan of course neglected to mention the fact that she did attend classes with the rest of the gaggle of younglings aboard the Dauntless, but that wasn't important. If there weren't any kids on this ship, there wouldn't be any schooling.
She smiled sweetly then, in the way that she knew adults hated the most - that sickeningly innocent devil's grin.
Vansen Tyree
Sep 25th, 2011, 07:14:03 PM
It was a nightmare: a perfectly crafted horrible nightmare of Vansen's own personal hell. Bedtime stories? Playing with dolls? Juice boxes? It took all his will power to fight off the urge to shudder.
"Unfortunately," he replied slowly, making up his excuses as he went, and ignoring that idiotic smile as best he could, "Because of the... sensitive nature of the Wheel, Alliance High Command has us operating under more stringent security regulations than most Rebel ships. Article 15, Sub-Section -" He plucked a number out of the air. "- 7 clearly states that no authorised personel may be allowed to move freely around this vessel without... an appropriate security escort."
Surprised by his own resourcefulness at stringing together a moderately plausible excuse, he fought the urge to smile at himself, and quickly scrutinised what he'd said for any possible exploitable loopholes.
"And no," he added quickly, before the child had an opportunity to speak. "I'm afraid I can't grant you any kind of special authorisation for that. We'd have to get approval from Alliance Intelligence and the Council for that kind of exemption, and, well -"
He sucked in a breath through his teeth, and offered Teagan an apologetic smile. "- sorry, Teagan. I just don't see that happening. Not unless you were..." He trailed off, an arm waving around in vagueness as a scheme began to form in his mind.
"I don't know. Not unless you became a part of the crew, or something."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 25th, 2011, 07:37:40 PM
Pulling in a breath, she held it in for a few moments before letting it out.
"Nope, not interested."
Well, that was a little lie - it was interesting, and Teagan was somewhat intrigued by the notion, but she was still trying to see just how far she could push him. Until then, the girl was not about to let him know that what he'd said had hooked her in any way (even if it was only just a little bit).
"When is lunch? I'm hungry."
Vansen Tyree
Sep 25th, 2011, 07:58:27 PM
Vansen was quickly getting the feeling that he would have a more constructive conversation if he were to turn around and chat to the bulkhead. Certainly, a hulking slab of matte grey durasteel would have been considerably less infuriating, and wouldn't keep trying to give him puppy-dog eyes in an attempt to get it's own way.
Steady now, Vansen, he warned himself. When this kid really gives you puppy-dog eyes, it'll be a whole lot less endearing.
Venting his frustration as a heavy sigh, he dove a pair of fingers into the pocket of his uniform, and plucked out an ornate gold pocket watch, attached to him by a short chain. Clicking the latch, he glanced down at the display. Being from Rendili, it unfortunately didn't show the same number of hours in a day as was the galactic standard; but Vansen had a good head for numbers, and had learned to convert easily from one timekeeping system to the other.
"The mess hall will start serving dinner for the crew coming off the swing shift in about fifteen minutes," he answered, clicking the chrono closed. Gripping the chain, he swung the watch in three casual loops before flicking it back into his pocket with a flourish: one of the only things his father had ever done that he felt the urge to emulate.
"I can take you there, but I'll need to find another officer to escort you back." He fixed Teagan with his most stern look. "Is that acceptable, or are you not interested in that arrangement either?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Sep 25th, 2011, 08:39:21 PM
Oh ho! Well now she was getting somewhere! The look he'd given her was one she had come to recognize as a sign, and in that moment she knew that it was time to give him a bit of false security.
Sliding from the sofa, Teagan stuffed one hand into the front pocket of her trousers while the other swept up to brush her bangs from her eyes - Dama hadn't made sure her hair was trimmed in a while, and it was starting to grow out rather wildly. Dad said it reminded him of Dama when she was younger, and Teagan liked the comparison, and had determined to use it the next time she was threatened with a haircut.
"Oh of course," she smiled widely, "That doesn't bother me at all."
Vansen Tyree
Sep 25th, 2011, 09:19:49 PM
Vansen leapt into action before she could change her mind, with a surge of energy that he didn't realise his aging body was even capable of. He instantly regretted it, as his his back and legs cried out in protest. He ignored them, instead aiming a set of fingers towards the door like a blaster.
"Ladies first," he said, even managing to muster a forced smile - anything to disguise the fact that his vertibrae were extremely unhappy with him.
"Out the door and turn left; I'll be right behind you."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Oct 9th, 2011, 06:53:25 PM
She followed his directions without protest, and only gave him one funny look before turning to lead the way out the door. Teagan knew the smile he wore; she'd seen her dad make the same face a few times before, and it was usually at those times that he complained of 'being too old for this'. Whatever he meant by 'this' she never could figure out, as he said it in useless protest to the strangest things.
The little Lupine was all evil smiles as she headed down the corridor with Mr. Tyree in tow, but the expression changed to one of careful concern as she looked back and up at him.
"You know, Dama told me you're a lot older than she is, and I don't think you should've got out of your chair so fast. It's prolly bad for your back."
A shrug as she turned to face forward once more, suddenly recalling an under-the-breath statement her mother had made. It was a confusing one, and when Teagan had asked about it, Dama only shook her head and shooed her off to go brush her teeth and hair.
"But she also did say something about you having a strong back. She didn't tell me why though."
Vansen Tyree
Jan 19th, 2012, 11:03:12 AM
There were a number of disadvantages to being as grizzled and aged as Vansen Tyree had become, but at that moment he was particularly glad of one of the few advantages. Deeply marred by endless wrinkles and folds of skin that pulled his features into a permanent scowl, his face was particularly slow and reluctant to let emotions show: and right now, Vansen was glad for the assistance in masking his startled embarassment at that question.
"Your mother has seen me in combat," was the only excuse he could muster. Hoping to distract the infant from any follow-up questions, he advanced towards the door, wafting her through like a simple-minded offworlder trying to herd nerfs.
Ushering her into the corridor, and hoping that his stiffened joints would ease up after a few dozen paces like they normally did, he struggled for an alternative topic of conversation before Teagan lapsed into further interrogation. Unfortunately, when you spent most of your life surrounded by soldiers and gunfire, you didn't get all that much practice at the kinds of innane topics that adults usually discussed with children. Vansen could happily talk down a bounty hunter, or negotiate his way out of a pirate's holding cell; but stopping an infant from becoming bored was a challenge unlike nothing he had faced before.
"What do you even do for fun on this blasted fleet?" he muttered to himself, entirely unaware that he'd spoken out loud.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 7th, 2012, 01:04:55 AM
As she was sent into the corridor ahead of him, Teagan pondered his answer. She supposed that it made sense, since Dama did often talk about how she used to fight a lot when she was young; she also said she'd fought with Mr. Tyree before so the girl supposed that it wasn't quite impossible for Dama to know about him having a strong back.
Looking up at the corridor's walls, Teagan folded her hands together in front of her and idly wished that she knew how to whistle like Wyl did. He'd tried to teach her once, but she'd never been able to quite get the hang of it and even though he'd spent hours trying to show her how to make the right face and how to make your lips into a little 'o', she just couldn't do it. Thoughts of Wyl of course sent her mind away once more, and the little Lupine made a sour face, away from where Mr. Tyree could see. Wyl was probably having fun on the Wheel with the other kids. He was prolly playing 'secret agents' and 'duck duck dewback' and 'red rancor'.
It wasn't fair that she had to be here, with one of Dama's old... old friends.
Without thinking, she blurted out an answer to Mr. Tyree's accidental question.
"Dama told me. She said you play cards and make scary faces in the mirror for practice."
Vansen Tyree
Feb 7th, 2012, 02:08:30 AM
"Trust me," Vansen muttered darkly, mostly to himself. "Playing cards with your mother is seldom fun, especially with those damn Jedi voodoo powers of hers."
It might not have seemed possible given his almost perpetual scowl, but Vansen's features managed to tighten into an even deeper frown. A thought floated through his mind as he regarded the infant a few paces ahead. She was clearly her mother's daughter: within minutes anyone who knew the elder s'Ilancy would see that, clear as day. She looked, acted, even sounded every inch the miniature verison of her mother. He knew that she even shared her mother's canine tendancies: when one said that s'Ilancy could be a real bitch sometimes, it was far more literal than common sense should have allowed.
But back when Vansen had first met her, she hadn't been Loklorien the Lupine; and she most definately wasn't Loklorien the Friend. Instead she was Loklorien the Jedi; Padawan s'Ilancy; Mace Windu's Apprentice; a Jedi Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic; and a whole slew of other less complimentary descriptors in the young Vansen's mind. And that raised a question in Vansen's mind that he'd never even thought to ask.
He came to a halt, standing still in the middle of the corridor. "Teagan," he asked, wondering for a moment if there was a more tactful way to phrase the question, before deciding that there wasn't. "Can you use the Force?"
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 7th, 2012, 02:25:07 AM
That made her stop. Made her stop and smile in that delightfully evil way that only a child up to the most ultimate of mischiefs could smile. With her back still to Mr. Tyree, he couldn't see the look on her face, which was a very very very good thing.
And an instant later, that devil's grin vanished to be replaced by an expression of complete seriousness.
Slowly, the girl turned around to face her babysitter.
"I can."
She looked Mr. Tyree dead in the eye.
"The first thing Dama taught me was how to read minds."
Vansen Tyree
Feb 7th, 2012, 02:40:43 AM
Had it been her mother, Vansen would have dismissed the statement instantly as a bluff. It was the kind of thing that she hurled his way to knock him off balance when he was holding a report that she really, really didn't want to deal with during their daily sabaac briefings, and wanted him to fold.
Unfortunately it wasn't his mother, and the unexpected new source of assault caught him completely off-guard. Instantly, his mind began racing through an emergency list of things he most definately should not think about; and of course, the attempt not to think about them pushed them to the forefront of his consciousness. All his dirty, naked secrets danced provocatively in front of his mind's eye.
One dancer in particular managed to give his scowling features a decidedly pink hue.
Vansen suddenly burst back into motion, bustling forwards as quickly as he could while still looking vaguely casual. "Come on," he muttered, as he overtook his young charge. "You must be hungry."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 7th, 2012, 12:21:42 PM
Watching him from over the tops of her eyes (she'd seen Dama give her Dad that look plenty of times whenever he'd done something she didn't particularly like), Teagan stared at Mr. Tyree like an interrogator. Her blue gaze was overshadowed by a knit brow, another expressional addition that she'd learned from her father. The mixture of both of her parents' disapproving looks painted the girl's young face in an unnerving light.
She stared up at Mr. Tyree, watching as he passed by her.
She'd made him nervous. It was one of those things a child could tell. Like a knifer shark that could detect blood in the water, Teagan could smell his unease.
She went in for the kill.
"And you must have done something bad for your face to change color like that."
Vansen Tyree
Feb 8th, 2012, 02:53:41 AM
This was no ordinary child. In fact, this was no child at all.
In that realisation came his salvation. He had spent too much time concerning himself with how to appease and placate his infant charge that he had overlooked the fact that she was the spawn of s'Ilancy: a miniature clone of the relentlessly infuriating and often vicious bane of his middle-aged existance. She was not a child in need of his protection and supervision: she was an enemy, a prisoner of war; a defeated foe from years ago who had rallied one last-ditch round of reinforcements.
This wasn't babysitting: this was war. And if she was as much like her mother as she seemed, he knew from past experience exactly how to win.
He surrendered. His shoulders slumped, and air hissed from his lungs in a protracted sigh. "Alright, young lady." He over-laboured the frustration and resignation in his tone, making sure it's point was clearly conveyed. "You win."
He glanced at the chrono on his wrist; the neccessary mental calculations took a little longer than they would have done in his youth, but he deciphered the information he needed. "I have eleven minutes before I need to go to the bridge. Between the time we arrive at the mess hall and the time we have to leave, I will tell you everything you want to know. The sooner we get there, the more you get to ask."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Feb 8th, 2012, 12:40:36 PM
The gleam of triumph glittered in her eyes, and Teagan looked up at Mr. Tyree with a victorious smirk.
All things considered, it was a very good deal that he'd offered, and the girl wasn't about to pass up such a golden opportunity to gather information. Wyl had once told her that the more information you had, the better the position you were in no matter what. And, Teagan being Teagan, had decided to take those sage words a step further. The more information she could get on, say, her mother, the more she could put up a resistance to those bothersome things like haircuts, chores, and baths. If she could somehow get her hands on anything that Dama didn't want anyone to know, she had a naggling suspicion that an old friend like Mr. Tyree would be the one to inadvertently give her that information.
Falling back into step with him, Teagan started off without pause, firing her first question before he could change his mind.
"How'd you and Dama meet?"
Vansen Tyree
Mar 14th, 2012, 09:57:58 AM
Being the age that he was, Vansen's mind was far from perfect. He clung on to everything essential - like tactical reports and important strategic information - but names, birthdays, and trivial memories often fell by the wayside.
There were some things that he couldn't forget though, even if he wanted to. Among those was his first encounter with a much younger, even less tolerable version of Loklorien s'Ilancy.
"Have you met Carré Inirial from Rogue Squadron?" the Commodore asked, both because it was passably relevant, and because all the extra trivial padding that he could lay upon his story would fill the time without him having to give too much away.
"Back during the Clone Wars, I served as her father's XO. Our ship was what we'd call a Victory I Star Destroyer nowadays, but back then they were just Victor-class Cruisers. Our ship was pretty much brand new: we'd just come off the back of a string of victories against the Bulwark Fleet, and the Republic had us off patrolling the Outer Rim. Mace Windu was one of the top Jedi Generals leading the war, and he decided to inflict his apprentice - your mother - upon us, in the hopes that she'd learn something about space combat."
He trailed off, his voice laced with whist and a dash of residual bitterness that still lingered with the memories. He shook his head a little, and sighed. "Unfortunately your mother wasn't too keen on the 'learning' part, especially not from the likes of me... spent most of the first few weeks sat spewing out her insides from the back seat of my starfighter."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 15th, 2012, 11:31:29 PM
She'd never heard of the lady he spoke of, and so simply shook her head as he went on with his story. She almost asked what an EX-O was, since it was a word that she'd never heard before, but thought the better of interrupting him. She'd done that too many times to her Dad once, and almost didn't get to hear the story about Dama's eye. The girl didn't want to gamble with the possibility that Mr. Tyree might do the same, especially since he'd already agreed to answer any and all of her questions.
When he got to the part about Dama throwing up, it caused Teagan to nod her head in understanding.
"Dama hates flying, especially in small ships," she gave a little shrug, "... I don't know why though, it looks like fun to me."
Vansen Tyree
Mar 16th, 2012, 10:58:49 AM
"I didn't cause your mother's aversion to flying," Vansen said, struggling to keep a rare smile off his face. "But I did make it a lot worse."
He let out a chuckle at that - a sound almost completely unheard for decades. "I was a lot younger back then, and your mother and I didn't get on at all. She did everything she could to get under my skin; and I did the same."
"I took her out flying in a snubfighter once," he continued, glancing at Tak with a mischevious grin in his good eye. "I may have -" His head ducked from side to side briefly as he searched for an appropriate euphamism. "- 'adjusted' the inertial compensators, and got a little carried away with some high-velocity manoeuvres."
He stared off whistfully into the distance. "Y-Wings were painted yellow back then. Your mother managed to make the inside of the gun turret the same colour."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 17th, 2012, 12:15:38 AM
Teagan made a face at that, scrunching up her nose at the thought of her mother throwing up in a space fighter.
"Well, I know I wouldn't throw up if I was in a small spaceship. My Dad says I have his stomach."
The girl gave a little shrug.
"I bet your stomach is made out of durasteel too," she mused.
Vansen Tyree
Mar 17th, 2012, 05:20:48 AM
"I wouldn't go quite that far," Vansen countered with a small chuckle.
He fell silent for a moment, his mind whistfully reminiscing over the career that seemed like a lifetime ago. He'd long since moved beyond it now, and he was decades too old to go tearing through space in a snubfighter anymore, but back in those days flying had not just been a job; not even an addiction; it was a vital bodily function, and one that he had sadly learned to live without.
Suddenly he stopped, his eye growing wider with inspiration.
"Come on," he said, bursting back into motion again, his pace several notches faster than before. "I have an idea, but we'll need to get there fast."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 17th, 2012, 08:44:29 AM
This sudden burst of energy was surprising, and Teagan , having stopped herself when he did, sprang back into motion. Her legs moved at a pace at least three times as fast as Mr. Tyree's, his longer stride propelling him forward with a lot more ease than her own.
Involuntary habits suddenly kicked in, and the girl quickly reached out to grab his hand, holding tightly to it in case he decided to walk faster and she couldn't keep up. At least this way if she fell behind, he'd have to drag her along. Of course, that was if she fell behind. The little Lupine was doggedly determined to keep up with her babysitter; it was just a good idea to have the extra insurance of holding his hand.
"What idea do you have? Where are we going?"
A thought sprang into her mind, and the girl's mouth opened wide in the first stages of speculative shock, her voice coming out in an excited whisper.
"Are you gonna let me fly a spaceship?!"
Oh man, Wyl would be so jealous if that was what Mr. Tyree was gonna let her do.
Vansen Tyree
Mar 17th, 2012, 09:43:27 AM
Vansen strode onwards without a word, saying nothing all the way down the last few corridors to the comissary, an excited Teagan scampering along in tow. He said nothing as he marched between the clusters of tables towards those unofficially reserved for the Air Wing.
He said nothing as he came to a halt right beside the man he was looking for, and an unexpected bonus. It wasn't until after a handful of surprised exclamations of his rank had tumbled in his direction that he spoke at all.
"At ease, gentleman," he assured, ushering Tak forward to stand beside him.
"Teagan s'Ilancy," he introduced, "This is Jaden Luka and Jamo Jakatta. They're both X-Wing pilots with Rogue Squadron; and Captain Luka is my senior training officer."
He placed a hand firmly on each of Tak's soldiers. "Miss s'Ilancy here would very much like to volunteer for basic flight training, Captain. Do you think we might find a way to accomodate an extra new pilot?"
Jaden Luka
Mar 17th, 2012, 09:55:14 AM
After a private glance of mild confusion was exchanged between Jamo and Jaden, followed by a chorus of shrugs, the Captain adjusted his features into an exaggerated frown.
"I'm not sure, sir," he said carefully, a hand rubbing at his chin. "The most recent batch of nuggets is already a good few weeks into basic, and we aren't scheduled to take on any new recruits any time soon."
He dragged out a protracted silence, grimacing at the thought. "I suppose we could arrange for a few private lessons to help her catch up with the rest of the group -"
He turned his attention directly to Teagan. "- but you'll have to put in a lot of effort and cockpit hours. It'll be hard work, and there won't be any time for screwing around."
He hesitated, glancing briefly at Joker. "Well, not as much time for screwing around as there would be normally, anyway."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 17th, 2012, 10:13:23 AM
Oh man. Oh maaan. Oh man oh man oh man.
With her heart suddenly thumping in her chest as she looked up at the two pilots, Teagan bit her lip to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Pain convinced her, and she looked from Mr. Luka back up over her shoulder to Mr. Tyree.
"Really??!!" she managed to squeak out.
"For real?!"
Vansen Tyree
Mar 17th, 2012, 06:54:12 PM
Vansen battled hard against the urge to smile; he wasn't quite ready to surrender Teagan's first impressions of him just yet. Even so, he offered her shoulder a little squeeze.
"This isn't a game, Teagan," he warned gently. "I need you to behave."
He hesitated for a moment, his gaze falling back on the two Rogues. "You as well," he added, with a more serious edge in his tone. The warning was for their sakes as well as for his: he knew full-well the kind of hell they'd suffer at the hands of Loklorien if anything were to happen to her little girl.
"Now if you'll excuse me -"
Vansen glanced unnecessarily at the chrono on his wrist. "I'm due on the bridge."
His stance smartened slightly, and curt nods were tossed in the direction of Jaden and Jamo. "Captain. Lieutenant."
He turned to Teagan last. "Dinner is at 1900, Recruit s'Ilancy," he added, the words sounding peculiar in his all-business tone. "I expect you to be on time."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 18th, 2012, 11:57:16 AM
Looking up briefly at Mr. Tyree as he spoke, Teagan only held eye contact for long enough to nod hastily.
"I know, I know," her tone one of a child exasperated at the unnecessarily serious tone that adults always thought they needed to take.
She turned away to hide rolling her eyes at his sombre manner.
"I'll be on time, don't worry Mr. Tyree."
Vansen Tyree
Mar 18th, 2012, 02:35:40 PM
"Well, then -"
While only ten minutes ago he would have taken just about any opportunity to escape his babysitting responsibilities, a small part of Vansen felt strangely dejected by Teagan seeming so utterly indifferent to his departure.
He thought about frowning, before realising that he already was; his unfriendly face had apparently activated of it's own volition, no doubt in preparation for his impending duties on the bridge. He hesitated for a moment longer, wondering what a responsible adult caring for a child would do in that situation. Fortunately, his clever ruse had changed the situation; all he needed to be right now was a Commodore, and fortunately that came oh so naturally.
"Carry on, Recruit," he said gruffly, with a quick nod of his head; and without another word strode - or the closest approximation that a man of his age could muster - back out into the ship's maze of corridors.
Teagan s'Ilancy
Mar 19th, 2012, 11:27:06 PM
The girl waited until she could no longer hear Mr. Tyree's footsteps, and the moment he was out of her earshot, Teagan looked up too the two pilots with not only a cautionary expression, but a tone to match.
"My Dama can't know about this at all," she started, "... and neither can my Dad."
She wagged a finger at the both of them.
"Cause if either of them find out, I'll be grounded and you guys will prolly be given bathroom duty for the rest of your lives."
Jamo Jakatta
Mar 31st, 2012, 04:46:10 AM
Jamo watched the Commodore walk away. He waited a beat, expecting to see the old man's ugly face reappear, stretched into a shit-eating grin. This was their special assignment? This was how the Commodore made use of two of his best pilots? It had to be some kind of practical joke.
It wasn't often that someone left Joker speechless, but Tyree had managed it. He arched an eyebrow at the girl, a bemused smile tugging at his lips when she shook a finger at them. There were plenty of questions he could have fired at Jaden at that moment, but from a practical standpoint, only one seemed worth asking.
“Do we even have any.. Ewok-sized flight-suits?”
Jaden Luka
Mar 31st, 2012, 06:15:18 AM
Jaden grinned. With so much paperwork and grounded time filling up his days lately, there was only so much that could be described as being even passably entertaining. Unfortunately for Jamo, hazing his fellow pilots was one of those skant few things.
He clapped a hand hard against Joker's back. "Yub-yub, L.T," he replied with a chuckle. "I'm sure we'll find something that'll fit."
His smile fading into something a little more reassuring, he turned his attention to Tak. "And don't worry, kid. I get the impression that the Commodore doesn't want her knowing either. And if there's something the Commodore wants to keep secret, not even the finest Bothan codebreakers have a chance in hell of finding out."
He stretched, trying to keep his movements casual; but frankly the prospect of getting back into a cockpit - no matter what the mission - filled him with fidgets. And the fact that he'd managed to drag Joker into it as well; that was just plain delicious.
"All right then," he announced, sliding back in his chair and climbing to his feet. "Lets get ourselves down to Requisitions, and then find us a simulator."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Apr 1st, 2012, 04:21:07 PM
She was really going to fly a space fighter. Really for reals. And Wyl was gonna be so amazingly jealous!!
Teagan beamed wide at the two pilots as they stood, her mind running at the frenzied pace that only a child's mind could.
"Rekwizishon," she was careful to pronounce it just like Mr. Luka had.
"... is that where I get my flying clothes?"
Jaden Luka
Apr 2nd, 2012, 04:17:12 AM
An only child of only children, and the product of a career in the military, children had never been something that Jaden had been exposed to in any real way. Sure, he knew people with children; but most of them were smart enough not to trust him with holding the baby, with babysitting, or anything like that.
His first real encounter with a proper youngling, Jaden was honestly struggling to work out what all the fuss was about; and particularly what had got the Commodore all wound up about it. From what he could tell so far, this Teagan girl was just like any other nugget pilot, only with a little more enthusiasm and a little less arrogance: in other words, the perfect sort of person to train, height issues notwithstanding.
"That's right," he answered with an approving smile. "Requisitions is where the Quartermaster hangs out; and in starfighter parlance, the Quartermaster is the guy who looks after the stores and supplies, and then requisitions - does the paperwork to ask for - any new stuff that is needed." He offered her a shrug. "Navy people will tell you that a Quartermaster is something to do with navigating a star cruiser, but those guys are just plain weird."
He hesitated for a moment, realising that the kid in front of him was a girl; his complete lack of experience suggested that maybe fashion and ponies were the kind of things that she might be concerned with. "And don't worry," he added. "Orange may not be the most flattering colour in the world, but pretty much no one looks good in a jock-smock." He jerked his head in Jamo's direction. "Joker especially. The way it hangs all loose-like between his legs makes it look like he's constantly crapped his pants."
Jamo Jakatta
Apr 2nd, 2012, 12:00:54 PM
"Don't listen to Captain Tightpants here, kid."
Jamo jerked a thumb at Jaden then gestured to himself, the motion matched by a lop-sided grin.
"I make this.. look good."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Apr 2nd, 2012, 12:53:37 PM
Teagan stared up at Mr. Jakatta, a healthy mix of wonder and skepticism in her eyes. She had no real idea whether the orange flightsuits were supposed to look good or bad, but she at least knew that to her husband they were cool and awesome and the most wicked things ever, and owing to that the little Lupine felt just the same way.
"Well," her gaze went from Mr. Jakatta to Mr. Luka, then back again.
"I guess I need mine then."
There was a pause as she made a cautious face.
"Does it have to be orange though?"
Jaden Luka
Apr 2nd, 2012, 01:09:07 PM
Jaden's lips curled into a wry smile. It was a cheap shot, but A-Wing pilots like he often needled at their X-Wing and Y-Wing equivalents over their fashion choices. Granted, orange flight suits were considerably easier for rescue shuttles to see when you were extra-vehicular; but since anything that might cause an A-Wing pilot to eject would likely also cause their fighter to explode before they had the chance, it didn't seem to matter all that much. If you were brave enough to fly around in what was essentially a barely shielded seat with two huge rockets welded to the back, you deserved to be wearing something a little on the cooler side.
"Mine is green," Jaden said simply, half an eye on Joker, the rest trying to gauge Teagan's reaction.
He offered a shrug. "There may not be much in the way of choice," he added carefully, "But we'll do what we can to find you something that doesn't look like it was thrown up by a rancor."
Teagan s'Ilancy
Apr 20th, 2012, 01:38:10 AM
She beamed wide, glad that at least Mr. Luka was willing to help her out with whatever clothing she might need. The orange was what she always saw, but it was just so... just so bright.
The girl gave Mr. Luka's jumpsuit a critical glance before nodding.
"I think green would be best, yes," she agreed in as formal and business-like tone as she could manage.
Dama was always good at making her voice sound so firm, and the little Lupine decided that if ever there was a time to start practicing, now was it.
Jamo Jakatta
Apr 21st, 2012, 09:26:11 AM
“You'll need a helmet too,” Jamo interjected, deciding to let the rancor-vomit comment slide. “Once you've seen combat, you can start slapping all sorts of shit on it, to show what an ace you are. Skulls, krayt dragons, krayt dragon skulls...”
Teagan s'Ilancy
Jun 13th, 2012, 01:35:37 AM
The stars had lined up perfectly, showing her a new world rife with fantastic visions of bragging rights.
"What about dewbacks," she asked expectantly, "... can I put those on my helmet?!"
Her mind ran through all of the possibilities - they were endless.
"Any kind of... shit... " she was sure that was a word that Dama and Dad would scold her for using, but in the company of these pilots, there was no expectation of parental punishments on the horizon.
"... would be great."
Jaden Luka
Sep 14th, 2012, 06:21:47 PM
Dewbacks? A galaxy full of brutal and majestic predators, and the kid wanted to decorate her helmet with dewbacks? Hell, why not pull out all the stops, and cover the thing with butterflies and unicorns?
Jaden fought back the urge to sigh. Unlike most of the rookie pilots he encountered, Teagan here was still young: still malleable. He could fix this: there was still time. All it would take was a day or two locked in a room with a projector loaded up with all the right kinds of classic holomovies, and they could push all the stupid pink and fluffy stuff right out of her head; and then replace it with explosions, dinosaurs, and all the cult references necessary to understand all the idioms and in-jokes that floated around the pilots' locker room.
Would they have enough time, though? Would the Commodore be willing to surrender her to their care long enough to undo all of the heinous damage that her child rearing to date had wrought?
"Come on," Jaden said suddenly, overcome with determination and purpose. "The sooner we get you suited up, the sooner we can hand Joker's ass to him in the simulator."
And the sooner we can fix your poor girlified brain.
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