View Full Version : Potential RPs

Aug 1st, 2011, 05:21:50 PM
Well, given the relative status of the threads I'm in, I've decided to do a number of short stories surrounding certain characters. I do plan on doing all of these, but I'd rather write something people will read, I was wondering if you guys would mind sounding off on what seems to be the most interesting one.

(Don't worry Tear, I've picked up the post I was making for Reanimation and am editing and rewriting it.)

The characters and potential ideas are these:

The Back-story of Serasai Onashi
This would be something of a space opera/martial arts flick like "Legend of the Drunken Master" or "The Seven Samurai". It would follow Onashi throughout his career until he accepts a fated contract from Rebel SpecOps. I'm playing with a more episodic/mini-series structure to this one, as well as a more traditional structure to compare and contrast.

A Girl and Her Droid [Tentative]
This is something like Nancy Drew, actually. A girl unravels a mystery surrounding her grandfather with the help of her grandfather's friend and his daughter. Really any more than that (I feel it's kinda obvious already), and I'd give away the main thrust of the story. The title of the story is based on C. S. Lewis's "A Horse and His Boy".

The Past Occupations of Ben Merasska
Self explanatory; though the two stories I have in mind for this are somewhat complex.

I. Ben, having fled Yavin and the Rebel Alliance after the destruction of the Death Star, finds himself lost and out of fuel. Finding himself on a planet inhabited curiously by humans, or extremely close-humanoids, he joins the local security forces, only to be shunted into a department meant to investigate and deal with Abnormal or Supernatural Phenomena, and with his new colleagues finds out there's a dark plan in store for the planet that only the AARP (Abnormal Activities Response Personnel) can stop.

II. A loose sequel of the above: Ben and his compatriots in the AARP are moved into the military. Very much based on Catch-22.

The Brothers Veir
Next up is another more episodic series about the Veir Brothers, inspired by Cowboy Bebop. Ettagar is pretty much searching for his brother, who left to pick up a job and never returned. The search takes him back to his and his brother's past, and across some fairly ridiculous people and places.

Tell Cho
My idea for Tell is a mostly self-contained line that resembles The Hunt for Red October in its narrative. Basically, Tell Cho leaves the CSA, taking with him a number of the better ships the CSA can field. The CSA, the Empire, and possibly the Rebellion as well all send fleets or ships after him and his own fleet, while his motivations and goals are made unclear by conflicting reports.

What I mean by "self-contained" is that the events happening in this story are largely unaffected by outside events, and in themselves do not largely effect outside events either.

Sanis Prent
Aug 1st, 2011, 06:28:48 PM
I'm super interested in seeing Ben's backstory written. I've always enjoyed his character.

Aug 7th, 2011, 02:32:57 PM
More of the Veir brothers is always good.