View Full Version : Publishing Sites

Rossos Atrapes
Jun 16th, 2011, 01:12:04 PM
I was shown this site (http://www.newpages.com/) (NewPages.com) a while ago, but sadly my procrastination and inherent need to edit the shit out of anything I write has kept me from using it too much until recently.

It lists a slew of publishers of all the genres and for art as well. Books, magazines, even blogs are included in it.

One of the more interesting and useful bits of the site is the Calls for Submissions link on the first page. They are listed by the latest date of submission, and some of the links seems pretty old, but they can alert you to the type of submissions that publisher/what-have-you is looking for on a more regular basis.

I still have to send some stuff out to some sites I've chosen, but if you find a site you enjoy, whether it's by NewPages or just accidental or through google, by all means share the joy and let us know about it!