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View Full Version : Vanguard Maybe?

Andrew Murphy
May 8th, 2011, 12:33:15 PM
I'm starting this character who starts to find out he's a mutant while he's deployed to Afghanistan. I'm sure Vanguard would want to capitalize on this as the suspicious reports of his circumstances start to roll in. If anyone from Vanguard is interested, I'd be glad to work something out.

Murphy is wary to try out his powers as most of his experimentation has been by accident, and during engagements where he's survived IEDs and being shot several times. But he's still morally inclined towards the government as a whole, so there isn't a reason why they couldn't easily gain his trust. I'm sure if it was in there interests to send him to Jericho, and it was spun the right way, he'd be all for it, until maybe he got there.

I'm willing to discuss any details further and work out any other ideas if anyone has them.

Colonel M. James Hunter
May 8th, 2011, 03:40:42 PM
This character is just getting introduced as the head of "Operations" - leader of Vanguard's special forces / "bag & tag" teams, basically.

As I understand it (though Andrew will be able to give you a more complete answer) the majority of Vanguard soldiers are normal humans who have been augmented Captain America style with a mutagene that enhances their physical performance, though we do have some mutants working for us as well. Phasing seems like a pretty useful skill to have from a military/tactical perspective, so I'm certain that Hunter would be interested in trying to recruit Murphy at some point.

Andrew (Dragon/Aiden Fox/General Gideon Vasher/et al) is probably the man to talk to: he'll be able to fill you in on Vanguard as a whole, let you know if there are any other parts of the organization where Murphy might fit in; and it'll probably/possibly be one of his characters (Major Mackenzie Keller) who recruits you as well. :)

Major Mackenzie Keller
May 8th, 2011, 06:30:59 PM
TO: 2LT Andrew Murphy, XXXth Division
FROM: Maj. Mackenzie Keller, Adj. to Brig. Gen. Gideon Vasher, Vanguard C&C

In recognition of your valorous service during your tour of duty in the Afghanistan theater, you have been selected as a candidate for training in Vanguard Special Forces. You are hereby ordered to report to the Bastion Facility at the Nevada Testing and Training Range for briefing and evaluation.

Or something like that. :)

It might help for you to take a look at Vanguard's wiki article (http://sw-fans.net/wiki/index.php?title=Vanguard), though it naturally needs updating now. Broadly speaking, Vanguard is dedicated to protecting the United States from mutant threats both foreign and domestic. For now, the biggest threat is the work of mutant extremists like the Brotherhood operating on American soil, but General Vasher considers it only a matter of time before hostile nations begin fielding mutant soldiers in their military forces, and he's trying to get ahead of the curve.

Vanguard Special Forces currently operates as an anti-terror unit with a side of secret police. Vasher also has a handful of super-powered operatives that work more or less independently, which we may solidify into a group like the Avengers, funded by the military and working to advance the government's aims. In Marvel Comics terms, Vanguard started out like Weapon X, but it's trying to turn into something much more like S.H.I.E.L.D.

My first idea is to either send Kenzie to Afghanistan to meet with Murphy or to bring him home on temporary leave to meet with her. She can spell out Vanguard's interest, and, once he accepts, he will be transferred for training and evaluation and will most likely end up with the Special Forces under Colonel Hunter's command. Once the mutant squad forms, Murphy will be free to move there if you like.

That's a rough plan, and I'm certainly open to suggestions!

Andrew Murphy
May 8th, 2011, 06:56:54 PM
Sounds awesome, got a hold of you, Kenzie, on AIM, so I'll have that thread up soon.

Looking forward to how this will develop. :D