View Full Version : Dear Mama Taa

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 25th, 2011, 08:48:16 PM
Consider this a semi-IC SWfans version of Dear Abby. Need advice, life lessons, validation, or just plain attention? Ask and get answers.

Apr 25th, 2011, 09:21:57 PM
This should be a riot. I love this idea so much. Do we have to be Star Wars characters to ask Mama Taa's advice?

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 25th, 2011, 10:01:42 PM
Mama Taa's advice is universal.

Apr 25th, 2011, 10:13:41 PM
Dear Mama Taa,

I suffer badly from anger management issues, and I'm suspicious that my new employer may want to kill me.

Also, I think I used to be white, but I can't really remember. What should I do?

~ C'd

Alex Kaine
Apr 25th, 2011, 10:30:47 PM
Dear Mama Taa,

You know how they say opposites attract? Well, I'm in love with this wonderful girl, but aside from us both being mutants, there's not a lot we have in common. She grew up in a Russian mansion, I grew up in foster care. She lives in a top-floor luxury penthouse, I live in a safehouse for homeless mutant teens. She has a man who drives her around town in a fancy BMW, I take the bus. She loves to shop, and I... well...

I don't want to sound judgmental, but it bugs me that she doesn't think anything of paying $1500 for a top she's going to wear once or twice a year. And where it really gets awkward is when she tries to buy me stuff. I know it makes her happy, but how am I going to look walking around the hood with a $180 Armani shirt? I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I also don't want to be the poor kid who mooches off his rich girlfriend. How can I tell her I'm embarrassed by her generosity?


Politically Charged

Taataani Meorrrei
Apr 26th, 2011, 06:06:57 AM
Dear Mama Taa,

I suffer badly from anger management issues, and I'm suspicious that my new employer may want to kill me.

Also, I think I used to be white, but I can't really remember. What should I do?

~ C'd

Dearr C'd,

jI hearr the terrm angerr management a lot, and jit'ss alwajyss sstrruck me how people trreat a naturral emotjion ljike a ssubsstance abusse prroblem. Angerr, ljike happjinesss orr anjy otherr feeljing jiss norrmal. jIf jyou trrjy to apprroach jit ljike a prrohjibjitjionjisst, jyou'rre jusst gojing to rrelapsse. jIt'ss perrfectljy fjine to be angrrjy. jIt often meanss jyou carre, and that's a lot betterr than not carrjing jin mjy book!

jInsstead of trrjyjing to manage angerr, how about thjinkjing of how to usse angerr consstrructjiveljy. Asss a motherr of fjifteen, mjy ljittle oness have drrjiven me to wjit'ss end plentjy of tjimess, but jit doess me no good to have a tantrrum. jInsstead, jI'm drrjiven to make them behave and to sshow bjy example how to act. Doessn't make me anjy lesss angrrjy, but jI usse that feeljing forr a consstrructjive outlet!

Asss forr havjing an emplojyerr who wantss to kjill jyou, well, that'ss a new one forr me. jI ssupposse therre arre jobss out therre whjich arre verrjy competjitjive! Sstjill, a bosss who'ss eagerr to kjill jyou jisss prrobabljy ssjimjilarr to a bosss who'ss eagerr to fjirre jyou, and jyou'll rrun jinto thosse eventualljy jin jyourr carreerr. Fjirrsst assk jyourrsself jiss the rrjissk worrth the rrewarrd? How confjident arre jyou jin jyourr worrk? And lasstljy jiss the grrasss grreenerr on the otherr ssjide? Learrn to marrket jyourrsself asss an emplojyee and jyou won't feel pjidgeonholed jinto a job wherre jyou'rre facjing death (orr fjirrjing) forr a pjittance.

Forr jyourr lasst bjit, jI'm a bjit confussed about how that mjight come about, sso jI'll ssajy jinsstead jyou prrobabljy sshould worrjy lesss about what jyou ussed to be and focuss morre on what jyou arre. jIf jyou let jyourr passt domjinate jyou, jyou'll ljive jin jit. jYou have a lot morre contrrol overr that ssorrt of thjing than jyou rrealjize.

Hope thjiss helpss C'd, and keep wrrjitjing! jIf jyou everr do need anotherr non-lethal, angerr-frree job, jI'm alwajyss hjirrjing ;)