View Full Version : Remember the Days

Killigan Murphy
Apr 25th, 2011, 11:46:12 AM
Murphy's Log, Galactic Standard Date: 35, Month: Telona, Week: 4, Day: Katunda

I told Mika today that I was going to enlist. We've been going pretty steady and I figure becoming a storm trooper is the best thing I can do for my future. Not to mention I have no way for paying into the university. With the recent terrorist attacks, I'm sure its lucrative to get into the system, develop a skill, and start making connections now.

Day: Datunda

With Graduation in a month, I just received word from the North Gilhehad College and Sector University. They have a linguist program that puts me in a reservist status while it pays for most of my way through for the education. I don't want to miss the war against the terrorists but I'd rather be as prepared as possible before I do. I've always been interested in learning new languages beyond common anyways.

I start a mid-year program in a few months if I agree. It'll be a good chance to see if Mika and I can withstand the short time apart. She still has a few years before she graduates. I've got faith in her ability to hold on to it. Maybe I'm being naive but we're close enough, I hope.

Week: 5, Day: Natunda

I hate my family. Not all of them, but most of them. I can't wait to get out of here. My mother and siblings just don't get it. I'm sorry enough I've got to leave my father behind with them.

I took the tests for recruitment this week. My aptitude scored a 94/98 and my language ability scored a 137/145 so they said I'm a promising candidate. My general competency scored at 132 but I've no idea what that means to them, ironically.

I found out that I'll be leaving for the university to start the mid-year program like a week after I graduate. But I'm also getting my wisdom teeth pulled a week before Graduation. Wonderful.

I've been taking pugilist training at a family friend's place. He fought alongside a local, famous boxer. Should be good training.

Week: 7, Day: Katunda

They told me I was up for the multi-lingual program. I agreed quick enough and earlier this morning, my grand father, an Imperial officer who fought in the Clone Wars, swore me into the Imperial Reserves. Long live the Emperor, heh. Weird to say, after I've always been into art and writing, and here I am, doing something "practical".

But yeah, so I'll go through a half semester then a full semester at NGCSU and then I'll be off to basic training and then language school. And then after that, given I pass all of that, I'll then attend interrogation school, which should become my primary job in the Imperial Reserves. Its a give and take thing but I think that if I work as much as I want to, the Empire will likely benefit more than I will from it. Or one can hope.

Killigan Murphy
Apr 25th, 2011, 03:12:52 PM
Month: Nelona, Week: 2, Day: Datunda

Graduation was quick. I'd rather have not bothered with it at all, honestly. The party was alright afterwards. A bunch of relatives show up, which I appreciated, but its not like they had much vested interest. I guess I should just be appreciative that they were there but meh. I've got a week until I report to the university. Might as well enjoy what time I have available.

Had a party this evening with all my friends. I regret that we won't stick together that much longer. Sure, we will stay in touch but beyond that? Will we just drift apart? I'm grateful that we've been together for as long as we have.

Week: 4, Day: Atunda

Having just got here, this place isn't too bad for a university a few levels down on Coruscant. All of the military instructors here are retired soldiers from the 501st, so that has to mean something, doesn't it? We are forced to wear ridiculous uniforms as we aren't even cadets. I am knocking out some basic core classes though.

My room mate is a wiry kid who can supposedly run, however he stinks. And he easily falls under the category of dweeb. I mean, I'm into some nerdy stuff, but this guy... If I can just convince him to take a shower.

Killigan Murphy
Apr 25th, 2011, 09:31:28 PM
Week: 5, Day: Katunda

The leadership here are hilarious. Quite serious about their business but without a sense of humor, what else is there to some of the mundane duties that are inherent to this kind of life? The barracks are alright and the food is better than I ever had at home.

Some of my peers... They lack a degree of respect that I would've thought necessary to continue but the university atmosphere allows for a bit more leniency I suppose. Or maybe those individuals will just find out that this isn't the life for them. The instructors from the 501st are more than hardcore.

Speaking of peers, my roommate... He shifts around at night. He's got the top bunk. I took the bottom out of obvious convenience. I don't think it would make much of a difference and I can sleep soundly without much of an issue, however its more disturbing as to the why he shifts around at night. Bleh.

I've made a few friends in the last week and a half. Not really a surprise but its about the caliber of these people. I feel that an organization like the Empire draws some of the best of people to it. And maybe some of the worst given some others I've met, unfortunately.

On a final note, class is easy. I've been playing real time strategy games on my datapad during Galaxy Civ Studies and I can pretty much sleep through Physical Health. Well, for that matter, I've caught myself actually sleeping through that class.

Killigan Murphy
Apr 27th, 2011, 05:14:40 PM
Week: 7, Day: Datunda

They let us go early this week for Productivity Day. I decided to bring a friend, Jas Masters, who lives in the next Sector over. Its not enough time really for him to travel that far so I figured, why not? The unfortunate caveat to all this is that I wrecked my speeder. Fortunately, it wasn't as bad as I might've imagined. It wasn't my fault honestly, but Imperial code would've labeled it as me following too closely. Either way, it worked out for me when I found out the person that had stopped abruptly in front of me was likely an illegal immigrant and they saw that their fat, old speeder was more or less fine and they drove off.

Headaches aside, the weekend will still be alright.

Month: Helona, Week: 1, Day: Satunda

Only three more weeks and then we move into the full semester. We're like pre-cadets right now in this half-semester. The first week of the next semester is a recruitment phase where we go through something that simulates basic training. I can't say that I'm looking forward to that, or getting my head shaved but whatever. It's part of the process right?

Week: 2, Day: Atunda

This is the week of finals. We've only got two classes but whatever. They practically gave us the tests in the study material. Too easy.

Killigan Murphy
Apr 28th, 2011, 08:01:05 PM
Week: 2, Day: Natunda

Finals are over and I've got about a week to go home and enjoy what I can before I have to come back here for the next semester. I'm looking forward to seeing Mika again and chilling out.

Week: 3, Day: Katunda

Its great to be home. Seeing a few friends is always nice and seeing Mika always makes the drive home worth it. I am having to pack all over again though. I won't be sleeping in the same barracks and I'll actually have legit uniforms for once. I'm a little excited but at the same time, who wouldn't dread the initiation week to some extent? Whether it might actually be challenging or simply tedious is yet to be seen.