View Full Version : Anyone Interested in being a POW?

Apr 24th, 2011, 01:10:00 PM
Or more specifically, MY prisoner of war?

I have begun the taking of Korriban thread (finally) and I am open to interested parties that wish to RP opposition or would like to be taken captive? I am hoping the later with sights on long-term character development.

You can PM me or post here your interest.

Firenne Khapst
Apr 24th, 2011, 09:56:16 PM
Hera, I would be delighted (or really, not so much delighted but pained) to be taken captive. I haven't gotten around to joining a group yet, but I am a force-user (though completely untrained).

Cyrus Haman
Apr 25th, 2011, 12:35:28 AM
You know I'm always for being held hostage by you boss. ;)

Apr 25th, 2011, 11:43:06 AM
You know I'm always for being held hostage by you boss. ;)

Do shutup, Cyrus.

Hera, I would be delighted (or really, not so much delighted but pained) to be taken captive. I haven't gotten around to joining a group yet, but I am a force-user (though completely untrained).

Lovely, Firenne! I will PM you some thoughts and see what you think :)

Alexia Sturkov
Apr 26th, 2011, 10:32:03 AM
As the location of the former stronghold of The Sith Order, Alexia (who ousted the sith) could still be on Korriban in the remains of the Sith's hideout and is available to interact with, and potentially imprison, or what have you. She is available for whatever you might want with a former sith with anger problems who likes hurting people.

Apr 26th, 2011, 11:08:58 AM
As a general rule for our invasion of Korriban there won't be mention of the old TSO. Even so far as retconning certain aspects of it's existence. There is simply too much history and a lot of it is tied down and locked away to a certain extent.

For us, Korriban will be as if the TSO was never really there.

Now in terms of what this means for your character? Nothing really. She can still be there with the same back story and all. We just won't be recognizing the greater history of the TSO. Dimming their existence down to a small cult if anything.

This post really isn't directed at you either. It's more for any questions that may arise regarding the TSO in the future.

Anna Fernandez
Apr 26th, 2011, 02:07:02 PM
As TSO existed there post-reset, that's a bit rude, Tear.

Apr 26th, 2011, 02:18:58 PM
Is it? They've been a defunct group, non active on the boards for over 4 years now.

Anna Fernandez
Apr 26th, 2011, 02:21:37 PM
To just handwave away the history is a bit rude, especially deciding you'd retcon them out of existence. Alexis is a character with that history. Granted, she just turned up now, but perhaps instead of just dismissing her out of hand you could ask her if its ok before just telling her that's how its going to be.

Apr 26th, 2011, 02:29:40 PM
All the history Ive been able to find on Korriban consists of a continual changing of the guard there. TSO falls into that pattern and as Tear points out, its been quite some time since they were there.

Alexia, I do have Firenne lined up for the specific purpose I had in mind, however if you would like to be involved in a smaller degree of interaction, I am open to it.

Anna, I think you're reading this in a skewered light, as I dont see Alexia being dismissed in Tear's post at all.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 26th, 2011, 02:32:50 PM
I am feeling quite dismissed. TSO had a grand history. Perhaps not so much post-reset, and quite gone now, but it did exist and is an integral part of two of my characters, both Zereth and Alexia. You forget that not all of TSO is gone. I may be the last remnant but I am here. You have no right to steal my character's history away from him. Should other members of TSO ever resurface, and they do from time to time, they would feel the same.

Thank you Hera for the offer, but I have lost all taste in this.

Apr 26th, 2011, 02:34:37 PM
To just handwave away the history is a bit rude, especially deciding you'd retcon them out of existence. Alexis is a character with that history. Granted, she just turned up now, but perhaps instead of just dismissing her out of hand you could ask her if its ok before just telling her that's how its going to be.

Mmm, I think there is some confusion. I'm saying in our invasion thread we won't be referring to the TSO. Like I said above, her history and character is perfectly valid. I'm not debating or saying otherwise.

What I'm saying is we will be playing in a sandbox that doesn't have TSO stamped on all the buildings. You could picture what we are doing happening on a different location of the planet or what have you. But we won't be rummaging through the ruins of what the TSO left. Their history remains intact.

We also won't be referring to their existence in any grand manner.

If that makes any sense?

Zereth Lancer
Apr 26th, 2011, 02:42:42 PM
TSO operated underground, even on Korriban. You would not find their remains easily anyways. Thank you for the clarification. Your previous statement was quite confusing.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 26th, 2011, 02:55:40 PM
Tear, it was your mention of retconning their existence that caused the confusion. I am glad you cleared it up.

Apr 26th, 2011, 02:56:29 PM
TSO operated underground, even on Korriban. You would not find their remains easily anyways.

Ah, I didn't know that. Even more reason for their existence to remain unknown to us.

Thank you for the clarification. Your previous statement was quite confusing.

Understandable. I'm not the best communicating through lines of text. Hit me with a pm if you have any more concerns or questions.

Tear, it was your mention of retconning their existence that caused the confusion. I am glad you cleared it up.

Indeedy. I was unfamiliar with how much of a stamp they had left in terms of changing the planet from whats been established in the mainstream universe. There are certain things we would like to do with Korriban because of it's native history. Say for example: the TSO had explored all the tomes and crypts on the planet, leaving nothing but bone and flag.

That is what I would retcon but only to the degree that there would still be something for us to do. Changing it to: maybe they had explored most but not all tomes and crypts.

I think if a group is inactive for 4+ years it would be safe to do at least that.