View Full Version : From a certain point of view...

Apr 22nd, 2011, 10:15:12 AM
A perfect circle was inscribed in the sun-warmed dirt. Two meters across, the plane was unmarked save for the spot in the center where a young woman knelt. Flawless crimson-hued skin glowed in the late morning light, body held perfectly still, not even her rhythmic breaths created any movement.

Hands were cupped together close to her chest, holding a bit of precious red earth between them. Normally lambent crimson eyes were unfocused and seemingly devoid of life as she concentrated elsewhere, mind wandering the paths shrouded in darkness. A welcoming, comforting darkness that took her in, accepted her as its own, and held her soul in its implacable grasp.

As ever, Chrysothemis sighed with longing when it let go of her, swaying in her circle as she rose gracefully to her feet. A practiced gesture returned the red earth to its leather-wrapped container, while her little pet purbole Saya scampered about scattering the inscribed circle. She delicately closed the container and returned it to its place of honor in her small hut, on a tiny rough-hewn stool by the central fire pit.

Saya dashed over to her once her task was complete, scrambling up her leather-clad legs and into the open pocket of her tight vest where she purred contentedly. Chrysa smiled and padded barefoot down the path that led to the central clearing, her smile melting into her usual blank expression as she passed and acknowledged several of the older Sisters.

Useless, the lot of them, the darkness whispered in her mind, her steps carrying her past the training area and the meeting house. She came to the ClanMother's home, and paused briefly to bow at the front entrance, before circling around to find Megeara in her own space. They were due to take the day and hunt for herbs and other flora for various potions and brews. A pursuit Chrysa didn't mind undertaking with her dearest friend, especially as it meant spending the day out from everyone's watchful gazes.

Apr 22nd, 2011, 02:49:55 PM
Megaera, one of Matier's brood of children born of her numerous lovers, was eager to get out of Aurilia today. It was not that she did love her home, she did, but of all of the Clan Mother's offspring she was probably the least understood. Asherah was of the warrior caste of Nightsister, most often seen patrolling about the clan grounds in lizard-skin armor, or dragging in her latest kill. Whereas Megaera was more likely to be found in solitude, reading the fates in the knuckle bones of dead Nightsisters, or dabbling into arcane ritual.

Which was exactly why she was excited about today! This was a good time of the year for gathering certain ingredients. She was dressed in a simple homespun dress, gathered tight about her waste by a belt from which hung a crescent shaped knife, her boline. Despite it's wicked appearance the blade was only meant to gather herbs with, not heads.

Hearing Chrysa coming, Meg grabbed a basket and a few empty bottles. She met her friend at the door of the hut with a cheeky grin.

"What kept you?", she teased.

Apr 24th, 2011, 12:01:52 AM
"I was busy...communing with the earth."

Chrysa replied tartly, arching a delicate brow and ignoring Saya's conveniently timed sneeze. There were days she swore the little creature understood far more than her primitive intellect ought to allow.

"That's enough out of you, Saya. Here..stuff yourself with a fruit chip before you get me into trouble." she said with mock annoyance, plucking a tiny treat out of the opposite pocket of her vest. With Saya chittering happily, Chrysa turned back to Meg and took the extra bottles from her hands.

"The shadows called me this morning. They held me longer than usual. Before you ask why, I don't know. But it felt just as good as it always does." the young woman whispered, glancing over her shoulder to ensure they were alone before she grinned broadly.