View Full Version : The Arena

Apr 19th, 2011, 12:10:25 PM
The Arena: Blood of Mandalore

A galactic event. Sponsored by the Confederation of Independent systems.

Lord Ba’al will be holding this event in honor of those who lost their lives in the horrific events following The Siege: Mandalore(Thread upcoming).

In typical Mandalorian fashion death and battle will be celebrated by, of all things, gladiatorial combat. The Siege of Mandalore lifted, with what some may call victory, the Independents have secured what remains of the planet. In its ruined cities various arenas have been constructed. This will be the stage for the tournament.

What this involves?

One character. One weapon. One post. One wild card. An audience of Judges. Live or die. They decide.

Any user can enter in One character. Whether that character is custom for this event or one longstanding is up to you. Choose wisely this is a fight to the death to be decided upon by the audience. Your character can enter the arena with One primary weapon. Whether that be a blaster, sword, stick or stone is up to you.

Hopefully this event gets enough interest. I think a minimum of at least 4 writers. Then those four writers would be squared up against each other. A random draw to mark the order in which they will write, then each author gets to write one post. One introducing the fight and the other concluding the fight.

After each round, Swfans members can weigh in and give the fighters a yay or nay to live or die. Looking mainly at the writing and story and not at who got the most punches in or who was left kneeling at the end of the post.

Then Lord Ba’al decides on the final verdict. In which case the victor is given an additional post to finish the bout.

Anyone interested?

In Conclusion:
One character (custom or otherwise): With a short biography.
One weapon.
One post.
One wildcard (will be explained if this garners enough interest).
Character form

*Note just because this is an Independent sponsored event doesn’t mean Imperial characters are excluded. All are welcome to participate in the blood shed.

Salem Ave
Apr 19th, 2011, 12:18:10 PM
Well, this certainly is intriguing. Now I just need to find a character of mine who is brave/dumb enough to enter....

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 19th, 2011, 12:23:18 PM
I am interested. I would enter LD but I can't afford to lose her, should everyone decide she should die. :p

Ettagar Veir
Apr 19th, 2011, 02:57:38 PM
I'm pretty sure I'll have Ed in on this, though it depends on timing - got a plot arc planned for him. Likely I'll make a one off and see if he or she survives.

Apr 19th, 2011, 10:43:08 PM
Groovy. Keep in mind that this is just as much a writing exercise as it is a roleplay. Those sitting on the fence don't be afraid to create a throw away character to participate. Have fun with it.

Also, this tournament can be a source of national pride in a sense. I'm hoping each faction gets represented in one way or another. I know the Jedi and the rebellion likely wouldn't lower themselves officially to such a barbaric event BUT I'm betting there are those within their ranks that might.

Any who. Consider this thread the sign up sheet. When you've created or picked your character use the form my first post to submit them. I'll make the cut off date Saturday(23rd) or Sunday (24th). Once I've got a roster of the fighters ill set up the matches.

No one interested? Sign up times almost up.

Strago Keldrona
Apr 23rd, 2011, 11:53:15 AM
Name: Strago
Weapon: distruptor rifle
Bio: bounty hunter from Iridonia (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Iridonia), Strago is mostly small time and owes some disreputable Hutts a lot of money. He hopes to win the tournament and pay of his debts.

(this is LD)
I'm not sure how the "one post" thing would work. Seems like not enough time to RP a fight. I mean, I could be like "Strago shoots at his opponent" and then their one post is "I dodge and shoot Strago." Fin.

Morag Prime
Apr 23rd, 2011, 01:04:27 PM
Add my name.

Character form
Name: Morag Prime
Weapon: Gorra (see below)
Bio: excerpt from Trophy Hunt (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=156193&postcount=2)

Apr 23rd, 2011, 02:19:37 PM
(this is LD)
I'm not sure how the "one post" thing would work. Seems like not enough time to RP a fight. I mean, I could be like "Strago shoots at his opponent" and then their one post is "I dodge and shoot Strago." Fin.

Good question! This is where the Arena idea diverges from normal 'vs' threads. You won't be marked on who gets the most punches in, or who appears to have won by the end of the Finising fighter's post. This is about story, entertainment and I suppose in someway progression in terms of writing ability.

Each fighter gets one post. That is the real challenge. Can I write a single post, make it entertaining and contain enough content for my opponent to continue off of?

The Winner will be decided on who was more entertaining. Not who's left 'beaten' by the end of the last post. If that makes any sense?:ohno

when I have a moment I will write the first match to give those who want to play an idea of what to expect.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 23rd, 2011, 02:39:09 PM
Yeah but in one post you can totally destroy your opponent. I mean, I get it, its more story, but its a lot of responsibility too. If one's opponent just takes advantage of the system it could be lopsided.

BUT I understand, I think. :)

Apr 23rd, 2011, 03:39:35 PM
It's a give and take thing. I think nearly every member of these boards have reached a point of maturity in their writing where control of their characters can be manipulated to serve anothers post.

I think people will be able to conciously judge between someone who has contributed something really entertaining to someone who's just cheaped out.

I know, personally, that physical damage is the last thing on my check list.

Ettagar Veir
Apr 23rd, 2011, 09:43:24 PM
I'll throw Ed in then. Let's see if he's got what it takes.

Character form
Name: Ettagar Veir
Weapon: Verpine Shatterpistol: 6 - 8 shots
Bio: A bounty hunter/assassin, Ettagar was one of the infamous Brothers Veir, who mysteriously disappeared a month or so after the revival of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. He has resurfaced, but alone, and has been on a quest to find any sign of his brother.

Apr 25th, 2011, 12:58:31 PM
Room for one more! Anyone else? Anyone?

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Grym Kandle
Apr 25th, 2011, 01:41:00 PM
Name: Grym Kandle
Weapon: No weapon selection necessary.
Bio: A Vigo of Black Sun, formerly a champion in Pit Fighting, mastered the three major tiers of the Echani Martial Arts and its derivatives. Extensive abuser of glitterstim.

Apr 25th, 2011, 01:59:40 PM
Awesome. I'll draw the fighters and setup the matches probably by tomorrow. If any late comers want to submit let me know, just try to bring a friend.;)

*Edit*Web of lies I spin. I'll probably start this next weekend. My time got ate up all unexpected like.