View Full Version : Attention unaffiliated darksiders

Zereth Lancer
Apr 18th, 2011, 11:28:45 AM
With only one organized darkside group on the board, that being the Kuklos Ataxia, and the former darkside powerhouse The Sith Order being dead and gone for some time, I was wondering if there was any interest at all to start another general Sith/Darkside group? I mean an entirely new darkside group. Not a resurrection of an old group. I've tried getting TSO back on it's feet too many times without results to try that one again. Instead it would be an entirely new group or faction of darksiders brought together by common interest in the dark arts and/or a common goal. I do not have such a goal or direction in mind at that time. I would also be trying to avoid the we're all friends family atmosphere that I could be credited to TSO's downfall and return more to the roots of the sith.

As I said, I really do not have anything particular in mind. This is just a feeler to see if there is any interest, and then go from there.


"Saevus Umbra" has picked up several members and an initial goal. The group will infiltrate Corellia and it's capital city of Coronet. Zereth Lancer, a former member of the now defunct Sith Order, once had agreements with a few Coronet bigwigs (politicians and city leaders) whom the Sith Order had strong armed into giving them special privileges on Coronet (including a safe house), but since The Sith Order's disappearance said bigwigs have pulled back their favors as if the Sith had never touched the city to begin with. First part of this group's operation is to re-establish themselves to the previous bigwigs and otherwise strong arm the city into their favor again, thus establishing a base of operations from which to launch any other objectives they may pursue. Such future endeavors have not yet been established.

The established members of this group so far are:

Darth Saevitia (Master, and behind the scenes leader of group. Likely Zereth's Master)
Zereth Lancer (Knight, and up front leader of the group. Master of Johbi and likely apprentice of Saevitia)
Johbi Kenseih (Apprentice. Zereth's Apprentice)

Unsure Roles:

Peter's Character
Reginald Nil’vak
Aria Sihin (Master rank)

Apr 18th, 2011, 12:31:04 PM
Here is the last thread (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20407)that broached the subject. Generally interest is strong for a week. Or a post or two then it dies off.

Apr 18th, 2011, 12:42:18 PM
There have been three attempts to do this in the past. Each one an absolute disaster. I hate to shoot down an idea you're enthusiastic about but honestly, you'd be wasting your time here and there's nothing more frustrating than seeing something you've put all kinds of work into taper off because people simply stop posting.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 18th, 2011, 12:46:54 PM
I think if you want to bring together a few darksiders that you should. Don't let past failed attempts bring you down.

If people are interested, they will come. I had a few ideas I gave you about how to avoid instant stagnation (ie. no huge 'everyone meets up' beginning RP that never gets finished, and also make sure there's a solid 2nd in command OOC person to keep the group moving if you lose your internet for a week somehow).

I will be watching your progress... .with interest...

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 18th, 2011, 12:48:12 PM
I think the last idea got bogged down in too many... words, and generally important people failing to post, i.e. the people who were starting the faction. The best way to go about forming a Sith group is probably to start small. Recruit a few apprentices and gradually, organically, grow in size.

Apr 18th, 2011, 12:59:12 PM
I know there's a thread going on which will set things up and I really like what's being done but is there any chance we could, as a group, just start?

To clarify, for a long time roleplayers were procrastinating over what to do with the Jedi, we rolled ideas around, talked it out and found we weren't really getting anywhere. Then one day, after plenty of talk, the Wheel suddenly existed and equally impressive was that most, if not all, of our characters were conveniently there already without having to roleplay the getting to part. Now things are starting to flourish; plenty of activity, plenty of threads and characters getting to know each other and work together. It's great.

Now, I do not mean to disparage the work and effort of all who are contributing towards the Moment of the Ages thread but I've seen these threads before, too often, and they take ages to go anywhere and that's if they get finished. What I'm getting at is while that story is unfolding in all its glory, would it not be possible to just establish the Sith base of operations on Dromund Kaas, as is planned, so we can get stuck in and roleplay together without having to wait for a thread which could take months to finish before we can actually start?

This was what I said when the last group was trying to get started. I think I was right and while there is something to be said for starting small and intimate, that's not what happened with the Wheel and look at it now. If there's plenty of interest, I'd say cut out the middle man, establish OOC a reason for these characters to be together, and start with a few fun stories with them already together.

If you want to start small, there's plenty of room for growth and great story telling, although on the opposite end of the spectrum, pastures may be green, too. History suggests that anything else between those two extremes is just a waste of time.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 18th, 2011, 01:10:53 PM
Exactly. The past failures failed for obvious reasons. Massive gatherings, the organizer(s) ditching out, and lack of structure. I also have experience. This puts me above those whom have tried recently. I helped run and moderate TSO for some time while it was in the height of activity during the era between when the core (Lady Vader, Salem Ave, etc) departed/lost interest and it's eventual death. I also have the dedication to stay the course. I have not been very active in recent years but that is because after TSO died I did not have much to keep my interested. I'm not going to just up and disappear. I have a stable job, stable internet connection, and no obsessions to get in the way or cause me to be incapable of leading/organizing such a group.

Starting out small would be preferable. Sudden, large gatherings have already shown their tendency to go up in flames as threads become overburdened and too difficult to track.

Everyone raises good points, especially Droo. As much as having the group spring into being would be grand, the essential point of this thread was to find anyone interested in this at all. I am in the dark as to how many unaffiliated darksiders are running amok and who they are. From there the actual dynamics of the group can be discussed and created. I'd rather create something that makes everyone happy then ironing out all the details now and having people grumble their way in only to lose interest in a week when it doesn't quite fit their taste.

Salem Ave
Apr 18th, 2011, 01:20:05 PM
That sounds like a good approach, Zereth. Good luck to you :)

Kassandra Distorith
Apr 18th, 2011, 01:54:13 PM
*saunters in*

Zereth, I am an unaffiliated Master.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 18th, 2011, 02:43:35 PM
Thank you for your well wishes, Jen ^_^

And hallo Saevitia. I would very much welcome such a powerful darksider along for this venture.

Kassandra Distorith
Apr 18th, 2011, 02:58:58 PM
I'm delighted to hear it :) Do let me know what you need.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 18th, 2011, 03:06:21 PM
At the moment I am looking for interest and potential members for such a grouping. I really cannot say or do more until I can manage a few possible writers. However, as the only Master rank yet to present an interest, you are given the unique opportunity to potentially lead this grouping. Zereth never exceeded the rank of Knight with The Sith Order and although a powerful sith, he is still outclassed by a master.

Kassandra Distorith
Apr 18th, 2011, 03:11:57 PM
This can be remedied, my dear boy...I can teach you if you so wish. *nods sagely*

I was never much for leading in my other incarnations, but if no one else presents themselves, I shall endeavor to do my best.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 18th, 2011, 03:49:17 PM
If not, Zereth can always lead. He does command respect in stature and strength, just not within rank or force power. We can always break all the rules and exist as we see fit :P

Kassandra Distorith
Apr 18th, 2011, 03:57:58 PM
I do tend to prefer to operate in the background...perhaps...an arrangement can be made...

*ponders all manner of...things*

Zereth Lancer
Apr 19th, 2011, 10:38:37 AM
Perhaps you can take Zereth as your apprentice and operate from the background with Zereth in the front standing in as the leader when you are truly the one leading?

Salem Ave
Apr 19th, 2011, 11:11:24 AM
^ This worked well for me ;)

Kassandra Distorith
Apr 19th, 2011, 11:38:31 AM
A most delectable notion, Zereth. I do so adore it! *claps with delight & orders a glass of blood-wine*

Salem, darling, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...or I could throw pretty baubles at your feet...or, if that is not to your liking, perhaps a sacrifice or three? A phalanx of jewel bedecked slaves, mayhap?

Zereth Lancer
Apr 19th, 2011, 12:13:44 PM
Now we only have to get into the political arena and spy on someone and we can compete with Salem and LD for best Master/Apprentice combo. May the best team win, and it's not going to be the one that doesn't have red eyes. We shall have a good old fashioned brawl with fisticuffs. Na-hah!

Apr 23rd, 2011, 08:10:44 PM
If I might throw out an idea... have you thought about starting your group centered around a specific goal, instead of centered around a person or persons? For example... the takeover of a large base, or even a planet, or perhaps the destruction of some thing or another? That way, it will not be dependent on any one person doing anything. Make the plan a central document, and anyone who wants to further the plan can jump in. It may get a bit unwieldy after a while, but too much involvement may be better than too little.

For example, if your plan was to wrest control of a planet from the Empire or from the Rebels, or from some third party, you could have people jump into various roleplays centered on various industries. One group could simply destroy a military complex, another could steal something, another could destabilize government, etc. Just a thought.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 24th, 2011, 10:56:52 AM
I did consider this, and thanks for the excellent idea Akrabbim. One of my ideas as the beginning while I was bouncing ideas off my dear aunty, Holly, was looking for a planet a potential darksider/sith group could set up shop on. My first choice was Thule, which I could not find any record of another group using the planet for anything in particular. I found an Imperial thread when searching for the name but it looked like they were just using Thule as a launching point for a fleer, or something along those lines. It's safe to assume the Empire will have some presence or influence on a lot of planets, but regardless Thule was my first choice because it has a sith legacy from the now extinct sith group that used to reside on the planet. An abandoned temple even exists in one of the cities (it's either the capital or the second largest city). Thule also puts us next door to Ambria and might allow the darkside/sith group to butt heads with the Kuklos Ataxia whom have a handle on Ambria currently. The extent of which I am unsure but it is listed under their controlled planets. Such a conflict, or even partnership, could prove interesting in the least.

The point that was made to me by Holly was that a small group of darksiders/sith could probably hide easily just about anywhere they wanted. If the faction ever grew in size to become too difficult to hide then it would be useful to relocate to a planet they could potential cloak and dagger into their control.

However, seeing as only the delightful and beautiful Saevitia has stepped forward with an interest, I'm not so sure we can pull off a group anymore. Should Saevitia like, we might conform to just a Master/Apprentice relationship between Zereth and Saevitia and try to pick up a group through natural roleplay between the two and others.

Apr 24th, 2011, 12:43:28 PM
My first choice was Thule, which I could not find any record of another group using the planet for anything in particular. I found an Imperial thread when searching for the name but it looked like they were just using Thule as a launching point for a fleer, or something along those lines.

Mmmm you should read that thread again. You can take a look at this thread for Planets and Regions (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=323734&postcount=7) affected, Or this one (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20155&highlight=Thule)for more particular events making use of that very same temple you mentioned, or even this one (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20288&highlight=Thule)for some light action.

Thule is the capital planet of the Independents.;)

Apr 24th, 2011, 01:49:56 PM
Thule is the capital planet of the Independents.;)

Well, duh. What better planet to have under your Thrall? :)

Apr 24th, 2011, 01:59:09 PM
Thule is the capital planet of the Independents.;)

Well, duh. What better planet to have under your Thrall? :)


Zereth Lancer
Apr 24th, 2011, 02:49:07 PM
Interesting. I searched for "Thule" in the board search engine and only got the one hit. Well, thank you for clearing that up Tear.

Now I can try to piece my hopes and dreams back together :/

Apr 24th, 2011, 03:39:28 PM
Interesting. I searched for "Thule" in the board search engine and only got the one hit. Well, thank you for clearing that up Tear.

Now I can try to piece my hopes and dreams back together :/

Weird. When I searched Thule I got those threads I linked plus this one. *Runs through thread stamping on hopes and dreams*

On a more constructive note. Dromund Kaas was mentioned previously and suits many of the criteria you sited. Legacy, temple, etc. But to be honest I don't know if that previous group still has any intention on claiming that planet.

If you need any help let me know.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 24th, 2011, 04:12:43 PM
Which previous group was going for Dromund Kaas?

Does the Empire have a presence on the planet?

Apr 24th, 2011, 04:25:24 PM
Which previous group was going for Dromund Kaas?

DDoes the Empire have a presence on the planet?

Do you just completely ignore all the links I've posted since you've started this thread?|I

Zereth Lancer
Apr 25th, 2011, 12:31:11 PM
Pretty much. I do most of my lurking on my smart phone and opening links tends to screw with it a little. Regardless, I have reviewed them now. I would prefer against Dromund Kaas because I'd rather not isolate this group. We all saw what happened to isolated TSO on Korriban. Once the water dried up there really was nothing for us to do because there was no roleplaying opportunity without other TSO members. Dromund Kaas might be a little less isolated than Korriban, but I think hiding out on a more core-ward planet would suit the group better, even if it's not a darkside aura planet with pre-built temples and a history of evil. Those things would just be gravy on the cake.

I came to mind that I could attempt to set up on Corellia, which once upon a time was influenced by TSO. The exact details of the influence is unknown. Lady Vader was, as far as I know, the only one who knew the full extent. TSO had a safe house in Coronet, which they fell back on when they were ousted from Korriban. They had an agreement with a few of the leaders of the city to use the safe house in exchange for services, and not chopping their heads off. Such a treaty would obviously not be in effect anymore and the safe house compromised, so it could fall on Zereth to renew the deals, get control of the safe house to use as a base, and further influence the city from there. It could give them a starting objective. Pre-reset TSO actually controlled Coronet. I am not sure where they would go from there, but it would be a full time job keeping a city like Coronet under their thumb, and likely quite a few people. This could potential turn them into more of a criminal circle / sith gang.

Do we have planet control lists for each faction? I couldn't find any beyond your own, Tear. Perhaps this is something we as a board should establish? It's not important to me whether a faction owns a planet or not, since the nature of a small cell of darksiders would likely be cloak and daggering. I really do not intend to even seize control of a planet with this group because such would be quite hard for just a handful of sith. Even if grown to a large number, running a planet is not really Zereth's desire.

Zereth Lancer
Apr 28th, 2011, 03:02:43 PM
The group has risen in numbers to 3 currently. With Saevitia of Master Rank, Zereth of Knight Rank, and a third of apprentice rank. Since there have been no other objections, the Corellia plan looks to be our most likely path of adventure. We are still seeking more members and will take all that inquire.

Kassandra Distorith
Apr 28th, 2011, 03:29:09 PM
*arches a brow* We have a third?

*considers a moment*

Is it edible?

Reginald Nil’vak
Apr 28th, 2011, 04:11:56 PM
Well I would hope not. Being considered as a meal is entirely too degrading.


They meant someone else.

Well, carry on then.

Though I suppose you can count me in. Not that I truly have an option now do I? *eyes Kass*

Johbi Kenseih
Apr 28th, 2011, 08:26:44 PM
Edible? Welllllll...

We'll have to find out. ;) But yes, I'm the third member of apprentice rank. :)

Kassandra Distorith
Apr 28th, 2011, 08:39:13 PM
*kisses Reg on the cheek & purrs* There's always a choice, darling. Whether you like the consequence of said choice is the problem. *smiles*

*eyes Johbi as the tip of her tongue traces a vicious looking fang* Hmmmm.

May 1st, 2011, 04:45:08 AM
Mistress.. :ohno

Aria Sihin
May 1st, 2011, 09:11:35 AM
Any room for another recently crowned Sith Master who -just- defeated their former Master in a duel, killing him? :mischief

Kassandra Distorith
May 1st, 2011, 11:19:26 AM
Mistress.. :ohnoThere you are my silver dove! I was afraid I'd misplaced you...*delights*...this raises our numbers to five.

Any room for another recently crowned Sith Master who -just- defeated their former Master in a duel, killing him? :mischief*ponders* There might be...

How do you feel about sharing the power and responsibility of pretending that Zereth is leading when in all reality, we would be?

Aria Sihin
May 1st, 2011, 11:21:28 AM
We would have to talk since I have yet to come across any other Sith due to my Master cloistering me. But, I think it is a distinct possibility.

Dasquian Belargic
May 1st, 2011, 11:23:46 AM
Sisters of Chaos, ITT.

Kassandra Distorith
May 1st, 2011, 11:39:10 AM
We would have to talk since I have yet to come across any other Sith due to my Master cloistering me. But, I think it is a distinct possibility.This could be very, very interesting...I'd be delighted to plot with you :eee

Sisters of Chaos, ITT.You say the sweetest things, darling :yum

Aria Sihin
May 1st, 2011, 11:45:15 AM
Yes we most plot


SoC (wipes a tear from her eye in remembrance)

Zereth Lancer
May 3rd, 2011, 10:43:47 AM
Sorry for not having said anything in a couple days. I've had a busy week. I am going to update the first post of this thread with the current plot for this group so new comers do not have to wait through all the discussion to find out what we're all about.

We have a few things to discuss further, such as how we are all getting together. I am not beyond taking the suggestions offered earlier in the discussion and retconning the group together for the sake of making the transition easier and quicker.

Also, said group with need a name. I have been musing over this and thus far have not come up with anything interesting. For obvious reasons we are avoiding branding ourselves as anything to do with The Sith Order. Since Saevitia is the shadowy head of the group, a name that fits her tastes would be quite acceptable.

Kassandra Distorith
May 3rd, 2011, 12:11:48 PM
Saevus (http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=saevus&la=la#lexicon) Umbra (http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=umbra&la=la#lexicon), perhaps? Does anyone have an objection to using Latin words?

Or another combination...

Johbi Kenseih
May 3rd, 2011, 06:39:38 PM
I'm just an apprentice rank noob in the matter but I'm a fan of that one.

Aria Sihin
May 4th, 2011, 05:32:16 AM
Whatever the Lady desires.

May 4th, 2011, 02:58:06 PM
Sorry for not having said anything in a couple days. I've had a busy week. I am going to update the first post of this thread with the current plot for this group so new comers do not have to wait through all the discussion to find out what we're all about.

We have a few things to discuss further, such as how we are all getting together. I am not beyond taking the suggestions offered earlier in the discussion and retconning the group together for the sake of making the transition easier and quicker.

I'd be in favour of simply establishing a beginning point and assuming that we're all already together, for whatever reason.

Saevus (http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=saevus&la=la#lexicon) Umbra (http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=umbra&la=la#lexicon), perhaps? Does anyone have an objection to using Latin words?

Or another combination...

That sounds splendid.

Kassandra Distorith
May 4th, 2011, 07:46:20 PM
I'm just an apprentice rank noob in the matter but I'm a fan of that one.*pets* Its alright, dear.

Whatever the Lady desires.You are too kind...thank you.

Sorry for not having said anything in a couple days. I've had a busy week. I am going to update the first post of this thread with the current plot for this group so new comers do not have to wait through all the discussion to find out what we're all about.

We have a few things to discuss further, such as how we are all getting together. I am not beyond taking the suggestions offered earlier in the discussion and retconning the group together for the sake of making the transition easier and quicker.

I'd be in favour of simply establishing a beginning point and assuming that we're all already together, for whatever reason.I too am a fan of this. We can always PM pieces of back story, or even do a flashback scene if really necessary.

Saevus (http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=saevus&la=la#lexicon) Umbra (http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=umbra&la=la#lexicon), perhaps? Does anyone have an objection to using Latin words?

Or another combination...

That sounds splendid.I'm so delighted you all like it :) I thought it would be nice to have a different kind of name for a change.

If anyone would like buttons/sigs/avatars or anything for this new endeavor of ours, I'd be delighted to whip something up. Just shoot me a PM or catch me on AIM :)

Peter McCoy
May 5th, 2011, 03:04:31 AM
I've got a character idea I'm in the process of fleshing out. If I end up with something I'm happy with, I'd like to get involved with this whole shebang.

The character will basically be the other half of a character I had post-reset. The first half, I've turned into a Jedi (the happy-go-lucky, oddball side). But the other half of the original character was much darker and completely insane, as well as a master of the necromantic arts - thats the one I plan to use for this. I won't make him a master though, he'll be of padawan level initially.

Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2011, 03:17:54 AM
Garrett? :3

Peter McCoy
May 5th, 2011, 03:54:59 AM
Dunno if I'll call him that, but basically that character minus the happy-go-lucky side of himself.

Oooooooh - just had an immense idea about this character and Acacius' futures..... - but need to think on it more.

Yeah, this character would be all the negatives Garrett had. As twisted and insane as he was, he was somewhat aloof and fun, sorta like Dumbledore I suppose, or Beetlejuice. This character will be evil incarnate.

I've decided that he'll be a spirit from the days of the Old Republic who was killed and banished to some other realm. But through his necromantic powers he retained a link to the material universe and has been able to cross over and take physical form, or possessed a body. He has a fraction of the power he once had, and will be of padawan level as I mentioned, but while I will participate in training with a master, his actual Force development will come in the form of milestone roleplays that I'll plan - whereby he'll regain portions of his former powers step by step. It might be fun to have npc characters who are still around from when he was alive, who ridicule him for his weakness - but of course he'll have the last laugh.

I had the idea a good while ago. If you think of the horcrux's being fragments of Voldemorts soul, you're on the right lines. The unnamed character will have had his powers sealed away in various hidden items by the Jedi who stopped him. So he'll have to delve into treasure hunting and archaeology to find the locations of the items. Dark magic and tomb raiding galore - I like the sound of this already. I don't think Indiana Jones would be a suitable avatar though, lol!

Dasquian Belargic
May 5th, 2011, 10:39:34 AM
Sounds like fascinating idea, Peter!

I had a character for that RP we were going to do a while back with the Jedi, where they were going to uncover a ship with people in cryo-stasis, who could be used as an ally or an enemy, if you'd be interested :)

Peter McCoy
May 5th, 2011, 02:03:36 PM
Awesome. Definitely!

Incidentally, I still want to make something of that roleplay. Even if it means disregarding the failure of an opening the first one got off to - the concept is just too interesting and fun to let slip away.

Zereth Lancer
May 5th, 2011, 05:25:06 PM
Sounds like an interesting character Peter. Your welcome to join the group. The more the merrier.

Anna Fernandez
May 6th, 2011, 12:02:31 PM
Awesome. Definitely!

Incidentally, I still want to make something of that roleplay. Even if it means disregarding the failure of an opening the first one got off to - the concept is just too interesting and fun to let slip away.
not to derail too much but I would love to continue that RP ^_^;

Zereth Lancer
May 12th, 2011, 09:29:46 PM
The thread for Johbi being recruited has been finished. He is now... ONE OF US. Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?p=364217#post364217) <- for anyone interested in reading. It's short.

Any other members of our fledging group interested in writing? I'm available for anyone who has interest. The operation on Corellia is small so far, just Zereth and Johbi living in Zereth's ship. His ship is a transport vessel and is large enough to house quite a few people and has private quarters unboard. So whatever works for ya'll.