View Full Version : Browser Extensions - what do you use?

Mar 31st, 2011, 01:58:22 PM
With Firefox 4.0 just recently released, I've been mucking around with my add-ons a bit (previously I barely paid attention except for a handful I considered essential). And since it's been over half a decade since Morg's last topic on the same subject (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=12233) I thought it's be worthwhile revisiting. :)

My list thus far:

Adblock Plus (http://adblockplus.org/en/) - self explanatory.

Flashblock (http://flashblock.mozdev.org/) - also self explanatory (thanks to Yog for highlighting this one for me).

(Adblock and Flashblock I consider the holy duo - it's incredible how much crap there is these days that these 2 block out. I install these by default on all my family and friend's machines I work on).

ReminderFox (http://www.reminderfox.org/) - little in-built reminder tool to setup reminders and To Do lists (this replaced a completely separate program I used to have installed). I use it for my assignments etc.

Download Manager Tweak (http://dmextension.mozdev.org/) - enables you to setup the download window as a sidebar or as a tab (ala. Chrome and Opera), plus some optional display changes.

Download Youtube Videos + (sorry can't find the homepage) - enables you to download .flv (plus other filetypes) that can be found on a webpage directly onto your machine. Like ReminderFox above this has essentially replaced a separate program I used to use - I use it to download anime and other stuff that is usually found online as embedded videos.

What do you use?

Figrin D'an
Apr 1st, 2011, 11:33:53 AM
<A HREF="http://noscript.net/">No Script</A>

Morgan Evanar
Apr 2nd, 2011, 12:15:19 PM
Flashblock and adblock pretty much. greasemonkey sometimes.

Flashblock is especially nice on my nearly netbook notebook.