View Full Version : The Fine Art of Mayhem
Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 28th, 2011, 06:36:54 PM
Gadrin ( One of the major cities on Cularin (
It was supposed t'be the second largest opening in Redi Artom museum ( history. Pretty much all o'whoever was 'known' in the art community (some celebrities too) all gathered forra private gallery showing and auction of famed artist Rand Wilson's newest collection of statues and paintings supposedly givin' a new spin on every kinda legend ya could think of. 'Course, since it was an Imperial-funded art gallery, ya sure as hell wouldn't expect to see any ones making Palpatine, Tarkin, Vader or any o'those other yahoos looking like the bastards they actually were.
And frankly, Aurelias Kazaar had no frackin' idea why he'd been pulled 'long on this damn escapade anyway.
It was 'th'Kid' of course who was behind him bein' here. "It's going to be fantastic Aurelias." Estelle Russard's voice had th'kinda enthusiasm only someone who liked starin' at paintings o'woods and caves would say. "Wilson is one of the best new artists out there. Plus it's the first time anyone has held some sort of art gallery opening on Cularin ( since before the Clone Wars."
Kazaar snorted, as he did his best t'slip the bowtie 'round his thick muscular neck. Hadn't wore the damn thing inna while...hell...since he'd gotten married t'Delly while back. "That's 'cause the frackin' planet likes to disappear every 20 years."
Estelle's face *crinkled* as she put two silver bracelets on her left wrist. "Oh hush Aurelias. I think Wilson's artwork would look fantastic in your apartment. Or in The Dutchman. Might not scare anyone off who comes in to see all your blasters, cigars and bourbon all lying about..."
'nother snort from her partner. "Yeh frackin' right. My places look nice 'nough. 'Sides, Wilson's stuff is too damn...frack's th'word...ostentatious f'my liking. I got no desire t'have some kinda Force-damned silver an' wood goblet on m'desk."
"What about an ashtray?" Russard checked 'erself in th'mirror. She was lookin' pretty damn nice, Kazaar had t'admit. Kid did a helluva job lookin' all prim'n proper. 'Specially since both o'em knew she could shoot th'ears offa gundark any damn day.
"Specially an ashtray." Kazaar smirked an' tossed th'bowtie away. Wasn't gonna fit. "Nothin' wrong with what I got."
"Th'frack ya mean no weapons allowed?!?" He scowled at th'security guard who, in not so nice words, told Kazaar he'd hafta leave his Bryar blasters called 'The Twins' in 'is speeder. "How th'frack am I supposed t'bodyguard th'Kid if I got nothin' t'shoot with."
The security guard, a tall Tarasin ( wearin' a black double-breasted jacket over bare skin just sniffed. "It'ssss an art gallery sssssir, not a sssshooting gallery. I doubt there will be any trouble."
"Yeh frackin' right." Kazaar's black eyes flashed. "Ya gotta lotta artists here. Say one o'em has a patron who wasn't happy with th'last sculpture or...painted plate they got. Decides t'show their ugly mug up 'ere t'cause trouble. Wanna explain t'Jason Russard 'bout ya 'no weapons policy' then?"
The Tarasin didn't look impressed. Either that or he/she/whatever th'frack lizard face was wasn't 'bout t'take orders from some human who was only o'visitor to th'place, not an actual artist. Frackin' moron.
"C'mon, Aurelias, it's not worth fighting about." Estelle gave 'is left arm o'tug. "Go put your blasters back in the speeder. I already see several sculptures I want to talk to Wilson about before he sells them. Daddy would like them."
Kazaar just rolled 'is eyes. "Fine. Ya want me t'not take th'blasters I won't." Turned on 'is heel an' strode back towards his speeder.
"And put your cigar out too please. No smoking inside." Almost sounded like th'security guard gotta lotta pleasure outta that remark.
Force-damned, cold-blooded chameleon. Kazaar placed 'The Twins' inside his speeder's trunk, gave 'em one last long stare as he closed it. "Sorry girls...ain't gonna be our night."
'Least he still had 'is vibroblade hidden under his left pant leg. He sure as frack wasn't gonna go anywhere without some kinda weapon. Even if it was just some kinda Force-damned art gallery...
Headed back inside to th'art and th'Kid trying t'feel as pleasant as every other high society guy an' dame did. So far...sure as frack wasn't working.
Estelle Russard
Mar 28th, 2011, 08:53:09 PM
Estelle rubbed her lips together for the tenth time and toyed with the idea of applying the clear gloss to them yet once again. She had time, she knew - Kazaar was still making his way back to her from returning his blasters to the speeder and even though she could see him head and shoulders above the other patrons entering the museum, she really knew there was no real point, she would only lick it all off again just like she had the first two applications. She'd tried not too, admonishing herself even as her tongue ran itself over her lips once again, but to no avail. How could one not? It was flavoured like strawberries.
Kazaar tossed her a champion grin as he caught up to her and jerked his thumb towards a dandy looking fellow wearing coattails, "Looks like a cricket."
Estelle followed his thumbline and quickly dropped her gaze, trying to hide laughter. If only the man didn't have such long skinny legs..
"You have to behave yourself, Aurelias" she warned him, doing a quick rummage in her clutchpurse and extracting a small tube, then shutting it with a snap. "This event is as much a part as my cover as it is a genuine interest of mine. Its been so long since Ive had an evening to appreciate the finer things of the galaxy and I expect you not to ruin it."
Kazaar snorted.
"I will make your life a living hell if you spoil this for me" she continued and Aurelias squinted at her as if to ask what did she think she could possibly do. "I know Mirko is dying to come visit you for a while, Im sure my father will have no problem with bringing him out on an all expense paid holiday to spend a month or two with you.."
"When'd ya get so mean, Kid?" Kazaar asked, leaning forward trying his best to be intimidating. As if.
Russard raised the lipgloss stick and rolled it over her mouth, making loud and quite deliberate 'smacking' sounds as she did so, "I was born mean, didn't you know? Just like you were"
She folded an affectionate arm through his and turned him firmly to plow forward with her through the crowd, "We'll start with "Still Life's"
Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 28th, 2011, 11:27:18 PM
Kad's burnin' gaze this was gettin' old. Still lifes, portraits, sculptures..this fracker Wilson sure as hell had o'lotta time on his hands. And not inna good way.
Kazaar crossed 'is arms as he stared atta sculpture of o'Mandalorian warrior. Okay that wasn't too bad. Guy'd been built outta some kinda wood ( he didn't recognize. The figure stood tall over an unseen fallen foe. Wore th'armor o'Mandalore the Indomitable ( so looked like Wilson had some kinda taste after all. In 'is hands were a mythosaur axe ( Kazaar had t'admit, it was o'damn fine looking statue.
"That is an interesting piece of artwork." Accented voice shook 'im outta his thoughts. Turned out it was o'Toydarian, hovering on its wings near him. Shoulda known...smell o'sweetspice had kinda made it into th'area.
"Not sure what it's stands for though..." Toydarian rubbed 'is whiskers and circled th'statue, appraisin' it. "Could be it's talking about how we can all triumph over our difficulties if we fight them hard. Or could be warning us that war isn't the answer and we need to stop and think before getting further into this Civil War than we're already in.
"Oh...I like that..." Toydarian threw 'is stubby arms out. "A call to amnesty. I'll have to talk to Wilson about that.
"Do you agree?"
Kazaar stared at the art critic like it was o'human with wings an not some kinda alien. "Damn fine lookin' statue. Who gives o'frack what it stands for."
Now it was th'Toydarian's turn t'look at Kazaar like he was...odd... Th'alien shook 'is head and fluttered away. Prob'ly thinking Kazaar was some kinda random guy who'd gotten 'is way in to o'place he didn't belong.
Kazaar just smirked. Fracker.
Almost bumped into one o'the security guys right then. Th'guy was o'strong lookin Barabel that looked 'bout as outta place as Kazaar did. Sure he was folded into some kinda formal lookin' wear but th'ex-bounty hunter was pretty frackin' sure there were more than o'few blasters hidden in his body. Gotta have o'few vibroblades too.
Lucky bastard. Even if he had some kinda weird look in 'is eyes like he was scoutin' out how many people were inside th'room. Fracker was lucky he got to walk 'round strapped. No one was gonna give him any crap that was f'damn sure.
Kazaar sidled back up t'th'Kid who was off staring at o'painting of o'woman sitting onna bridge staring out at th'space. Thing was called 'The Senator and The Choice.' No real description was given as to why it'd been called that and Kazaar wasn't sure he gave o'good Force damn.
"It's very nice looking don't you think Aurelias." Kid was givin' it some kinda eye Kazaar normally saw when she was starin' at mission objectives Othy'd given 'em. "Although I'm not sure about the color...there should be more green I think."
"Sure Kid...Oughta have some blues t'off-set it. Bring out th'dame on th'bridge lot better."
"Oh that's right! You're a genius." Estelle gave o'bright smile. "I thought something was off but wasn't sure."
Kazaar snorted. "They got anything t'drink at this place?"
Kid turned towards him. She had o'nice silver hooped necklace and o'couple simple silver rings in 'er double-pierced ears. "They probably have some wine somewhere. Most galleries do."
Her smile was almost sadistic. "Not enjoying yourself? Tough. I hear Wilson is going to be speaking soon. I'm curious to hear what he'll have to say about his work."
Kazaar somehow didn't roll 'is eyes. It was gonna be hell all frackin' night.
'Course it was 'bout that time all th'frackin' lights went off...
Estelle Russard
Mar 29th, 2011, 08:02:52 PM
The room fell into darkness and Estelle stood suddenly very stil. Beside her, she felt her partner immediately tense and curse under his breath the absence of the twins.
Up to that point, she had been very much enjoying herself. It was so nice to linger over an exquisitely rendered peice of art and leisurely consider it, recognizing the talent in the hand that wrought it and striving to understand the intention the artist wanted to convey.
Estelle wondered if Aurelias was really hating this as much as she assumed he might. Surely, somewhere beneath the bristling shell of the Rebel operative lay a more sensitive side that could appreciate tonight's exhibit? She had watched amused, and not at all surprised, as Kazaar brushed the Toydarian art critic aside with his caustic replies. Hm, perhaps not.
"Didn't see this on th'Program for t'night didya Kid?" Kazaar said quitely into the darkness and she could tell by the breathy words near her ear that he was reaching downward, likely for a weapon strapped in his leg holster.
She turned her head slightly, trying to hear better and see into the sudden gloom. She could discern the many worried voices as they morphed from a stunned silence into growing concern. She could also pick out the buzzing wings of the Toydarian as he continued to hover about, bumping occassionally into a startled co-critic and earning himself a startled slap. She also heard the Tarasin security man lifting his voice to be heard above the rising alarm, "Please remain calm. Some sort of circuit-break, Im sure. Wont be just a moment and we will be back on track. Please, no panicking"
Kazaar straightened and placed a guiding hand on the small of Estelle's back.
"What do you think?" she asked, tipping her head upward to speak in low tones to her partner, "Robbery?"
Kazaar could hear her mind turning over and was not surprised when she took hold of his arm tighter than was warrented, "Or maybe... a kidnapping..?"
Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 29th, 2011, 10:56:00 PM
"Doubt it." Kazaar whispered, keepin' his eyes up while he guided th'Kid away from th'crowd. "Buncha art critics, few celebrities an' high rollers sure, but too many forra kidnappin'.
"Sides..." Tried t'give her o'grin. "Could just be a circuit fracked up."
But the cold pit in his stomach was tellin' him otherwise. Way that Barabel'd looked at the room was stickin' in his brain. Seemed like th'guy was countin' people in th'
"Kid...want ya t'listen to me." Voice firm but not harsh. "Ya got nothing t'worry 'bout when it comes to this. Ya can kick anyone's ass here and ya frackin' know it. Second, while Birdy might not be 'round, I am. And I sure as hell ain't gonna let anything happen to ya.
"So get yaself together. Staircase 'bout 20 feet away. Take ya shoes off and make o'beeline for it. Lights ain't gonna be off much longer and I sure ain't interested in bein' here when they go on.
Gave 'er a small push. "So move ya ass!"
Both o'em scurried 'cross the room and up the stairs. Kazaar pulled 'er into a doorway outta the view of the main room when the lights suddenly went back on. Kazaar pressed Estelle tight 'gainst his body as he tried t'keep outta view.
Nothing really'd changed. 'Cept for the fact there were two guys (one o'em had to be the Barabel Kazaar'd seen earlier) carrying heavy blaster rifles.
The Barabel growled at the 'round 20 art critics gawking at 'em. "Into the main room. Now."
Well frack...wasn't a kidnapping. But sure as hell looked like o'hostage situation...
Estelle Russard
Apr 2nd, 2011, 12:22:59 PM
Estelle's strappy heels dangled from one hand as she peered round Kazaar's bulk, her view largely obscured by his broad shoulders, as they pressed themselves up as thin as they could against the stairway.
The fear had been irrational and it had seized her completely unprepared. She had thought she'd buried the whole Timandar incident so deep that it would never rise again, but the sudden darkness and immediate shift from calm and relaxed atmosphere to extreme danger alert had yanked it all with a rush to the surface. Russard rebuked herself for being so weak.
"I think we have a knack for attracting brutes and thugs to our adventures" she said in a half-jest, regaining her equalibrium at her partner's reassuring words and his even more re-assuring presence. Aurelias looked at her, looked into her, and assured himself the bad had passed. "Yep" he agreed with a sardonic grin and an eager gleam in his eye to smash something.
"They are going after the exhibit?" She asked, scanning the room, noting the Barabel and his consort rounding up the civilians. She wrinkled her nose, "How much could it be worth? I didn't think it was THAT good."
Kazaar gruffed a throaty response, hadn't he already said that?
"Might be somethin' more here we don' know 'bout" he remarked. "Kind'ova big operation for just two guys.."
And before he'd even finished speaking, the Museum doors opened and a tuxedo'd man with slicked-back hair stepped authoritatively into the room. Behind him were three Trandoshan companions.
Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 2nd, 2011, 02:50:56 PM
"I know that guy." Kazaar snarled inna whispered tone as he took o'glance at the guy who'd just entered like he owned th'frackin' place. "Name's Arkady...used t'work for Crei. The frack he doin' here? Mad he didn't get a frackin' invite're something."
Arkady walked up to th'Tarasin security man an' nodded. "I see you got in without a problem."
"Of coursssse." Th'security guard hissed. "My brotherssss and I knew what to do."
'Bout that time Kazaar noted 'bout ten other Tarasins standin' by the walls as 'security guards.' Bastards must've duped the museum into hiring 'em. Or killed th'original security guards. This thing was goin' downhill inna frackin' hurry. No wonder they didn't allow weapons in th'damn museum.
But what th'frack what this for? Made no sense t'either he or th'Kid.
"Excellent." Arkady's smile was thin, almost predatory. He steepled his fingers together. "I suppose you are all wondering why we're here. Don't worry, once we find what we're looking for, you'll all be free to go."
"This is an outrage!" Young guy, wearin' some kinda beret shouted and pushed his way towards the front. Estelle recognized 'im as Rand Wilson. He was thin, much smaller than he looked on Holovids and had a fu manchu mustache which looked like it's almost been plastered on with some kinda gum. "You were supposed to tell me when you were coming in!"
Arkady's face didn't change. "Sorry little brother. There's been a slight change of plans."
Wilson was shot in th'chest suddenly by o'blue ring. Lotta the crowd gasped in horror, while Kazaar just kinda rolled 'is eyes. Figured th'damn high society types wouldn't recognize o'frackin' stun blast...Frackin' idiots.
"Aurelias." Kid whispered to 'im. "Check out the Barabel."
Guy looked like he was countin' hostages. 'Course he was comin' up short. Did 'nother count and come up short again. Puzzled look came on 'is face and his hissed in displeasure.
"Up th'stairs. Cross the hall."
Took 'em hardly o'minute to make the trek into a dimly lit art gallery. Even with th'fracking psycho situtation, Estelle still appreciated some of the art on the walls. Found it kinda funny an' ironic lotta the scenes were peaceful ones. Kids and parents sitting onna hill staring at the sun. Or just playing in the water. Sure as hell not like what was goin' on there.
Kazaar peeked 'round the doorway into the hall. Barabel'd just reached the top of the stairs. Seemed like he was tracking 'em. 'Course whether he'd told one o'his pals he was doin' it was 'nother question.
Rebel spy scowled an' started working onna plan. Only one he could think of. Positioned Estelle 'gainst the wall and drew close. Barabel was gettin' closer now.
"Go f'the back of th'head, Kid." Whispered in her ear as he pressed th'vibroblade in 'er hand and slipped 'er hands behind her. Blade was long 'nough t'do the damage if done right. "And trust me."
Pressed their lips together inna kiss and waited for th'Barabel hunter t'show up.
Estelle Russard
Apr 2nd, 2011, 07:45:16 PM
Kazaar's move was text-book deflection and it worked. It always worked. Probably the reason the academic-types kept it in the manuel.
Aurelias tasted of bourbon, residual from perhaps a quick swig opportuned from his return earlier to the speeder. Funny, thought Russard, that she should make such an observation while driving a vibro-blade into a Barabel's skull. Somehow though, it seemed appropriate.
The shock of the weapon drove the Barabel to top his toes in stiff reaction before dropping forward into Kazaar's ready arms, dead as a Sunday nerf roast.
"Nice.." Kazaar said with a wink and Estelle blushed hoping to god he wasn't referring to the kiss. A flush of pink ran from her cheeks and down her throat and Kazaar took no care to hide the fact that his eyes were tracking the flow of color. He had the audacity to laugh, which proved to be providential as Arkady heard him and yelled "WAIT!" A second Barabel, whom the Rebels had not seen positioned across from them, held his fire but forwent lowing his blaster, just in case.
"I recognize that man!" Arkady said, amusement almost muscling out his incredulity. He moved closer to the stairs and looked up in obvious astonishment which subtley and dangerously shifted into suspicion, "What the frell are you doing here, Brutus?"
Estelle looked at Kazaar and it was his turn to blush. Brutus?
Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 3rd, 2011, 02:07:34 AM
"'lo Arky..." Kazaar felt heat on his cheeks. "Could ask ya th'same thing. Didn't realize ya had o'younger brother."
Arkady's smile had o'bit more mirth than it did before. Was still like o'predator, but like one runnin' into an old buddy. Which...Kazaar an' Arkady kinda were. Kinda.
"What's it been years? Six?" He patted Kazaar on th'shoulder with an olive-skinned hand. "Since that episode on Balmorra right? With that crazy Force User with the stone face?"
"Kazaar just kinda smirked. "Never found out if th'fracker was really an FU're not. Ya just thought he was, Cesar."
Arkady seemed t'like that name. "Now that's name I haven't heard in a long time. Cesar and Brutus...Arkady and Kazaar...Shame we never worked together more.
Kazaar just kinda growled and clinched 'is fists. "Ya were gettin' ya creds from Crei, Arky."
"Everyone's gotta make a living Aurelias. You know that." Arkady knelt down by th'Barabel's corpse. "You know he was expensive to hire. Did you really have to kill him?"
That gotta snort. "Like that guy was gonna bring me back to ya without breakin' o'few fracking ribs. Better question than that pal. Why th'frack ya here?"
Arkady didn't really move. "Mm...not yet, Aurelias. Not yet."
His dark eyes then flicked towards th'Kid. "I see you've hooked up with another young lady. Although she's brunette...I thought you liked blondes Kazaar."
Arky took Estelle's hand and gave it o'kiss. "My name is Arkady, my dear. Cesar to my friends. How are you associated with Kazaar the Brute? Another bounty hunter friend looking to keep him company? Or do you keep his bed warm as well?"
Estelle Russard
Apr 5th, 2011, 08:36:10 PM
"Ours is a business arrangement" Estelle replied, deliberately ambiguous. Arkday could draw any conclusions he liked, and the darker the better as far as their predicament was concerned. Better he think her bounty hunter and a player in this scenario than simply some socialite with a fancy for spending evenings with thuggish men.
"That there's Old Man Russards sot. His spoilt granddaughter" one of the company now quickly crowding them told Arkady. "Elaine or something."
So much for the player angle. Estelle gave Kazaar a blank look and he returned an almost imperceptible half-shrug, she'd had to try.
"..'Stelle" Kazaar corrected for Cesar's benefit.
"...'Stelle" Aurelias repeated louder.
"Still?" Arkady repeated, still unsure as to what his old aquaintance was saying.
"Geez 'Arky, her name's--"
"ESTELLE!" Estelle inserted brusquely, growing tired of the round robin of introduction. "Nice to meet you Mr Arkady. I hope you aren't planning to ruin my evening altogether with this, um, interuption. Will your little robbery take long?"
Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 5th, 2011, 08:52:28 PM
Arkady only shrugged. "It depends on what you define as a robbery."
He inspected 'is fingernails for any blemishes. Arkady always was a kinda guy who liked how he looked. Crazy t'say the least. "You see, we're here to reclaim an artifact which once belonged to my client. I don't know the details, only that it's a gold and black pyramid which has information he wants."
Kazaar crossed his arms. Somethin' 'bout the description clicked in 'is mind. No frackin' idea why, just did. "What'cha client's name?" Didn't think Arkady'd talk but it'd be worth o'shot.
Arkady only smiled. Brushed some lint off 'is tux coat. "I'm afraid I can't tell you, I never met him. Just a name and an account number."
"So ya decided t'go hire a buncha thugs t'fake like their security officers t'break in." Bounty hunter gave o'snort. "Yeh frackin' right. The hell ya really plannin'."
"Wouldn't you like to know." Crei's former worker shrugged. "So, find this brute to be fun to have around?
"How much would it cost to enter into a 'business relationship' with you?"
Estelle Russard
Apr 7th, 2011, 07:57:24 PM
There was a blank silence and then Russard and Kazaar both erupted with laughter. Arkady looked between Aurelias and Estelle, laughing awkwardly but clearly not getting the joke.
"Aint tha' kindo business 'rangement" Kazaar quipped and despite a chuckle still echoing in his voice was squinting mirthlessly at Cesar.
Estelle placed a placating hand on Arkady's fine-suited arm, "Mr Kazaar is my body guard" she said in explanation. "As you can imagine, he takes every opportunity he gets to excercise his financially-incented right to smash any skull he can. Your Trandoshan guardian fellow was just another day on the job for him."
It was Cesar's turn to squint without humor, "Looked like you were the one doing the skull breaking, Estelle"
Russard smiled charmingly, "Kazaar has taught me a thing or two along the way"
Arkady eyed Estelle lasciviously at this information, "I bet he has. I just bet he has indeed."
Russard could tell from Kazaar's bristling posture that he wasn't liking this turn of talk, but she knew he would keep his cool.
"Don' make me break your head too, 'Kady" he growled.
Or not...Estelle thought.
"This pyramid thingie," she side-stepped between them, "Is it Archelogical in origin? It's not a new peice or art, I assume"
Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 9th, 2011, 02:23:54 PM
"I'm not completely sure." Arkady answered honestly. 'Least seemed like he was bein' honest. Guy was always tough t'read from time to time. 'Cept when he was pissed. Then it was easy t'read him. "I supposed it could be taken for both. It has an eye surrounded by a golden circle and a gem on the other side. My client said it would be easily recognizable."
Kazaar just snorted. Sure it made frackin' sense...bust into o'museum t'grab some kinda 'pyramid thingie' (as th'Kid called it) and get out. "Why th'hell ya decide to take a buncha rich guys'n gals hostage? Ya didn't just do it so ya frackin' brother could show off 'is art crap."
"Actually, Brutus." Cesar smiled. "I did. Wilson has always wanted to have people gawk at his wares. I would have skipped it all together, but since he wouldn't let me wait. I thought it would be easier to do it now, instead of later."
Now it was Estelle's turn t'glare. "So you're using your brother as cover then. Come in and grab the artwork under the guise of a hostage situation."
"She's a smart one Aurelias." Arkady gave an approving nod. "A very smart one. I can see why you like her. Yes, it is a lot easier to do things this way. Wilson avoids the blame and my client is happy. What's not to like."
"The hostages? Scarin' the crap outta them maybe?"
That earned Kazaar o'chuckle. "Oh please, you can't tell me these people don't deserve a good scare. Everyone done, Aurelias." Arkady thought a minute. "But you always were a bit 'white knightish' about innocents weren't you, Brutus.
"Always wanting to avoid putting them in danger, even when you were stealing out from under them. You remember that job we pulled on Taris? At the Junavex Hotel ( You had to make our escape harder by not blowing the damn thing to hell. All for..." Arkady actually had o'pretty decent Kazaar imitation... "'the frackin' innocents'...
"If you really want to scare someone. "Arkady's face became some kinda cruel twisted mask. "You'd do this..."
He whipped outta blaster pretty quickly an' shot some blonde dame in th'chest, then took down th'Toydarian too." Crowd o'hostages, who'd just been kinda gawking like o'buncha idiotic gizkas now screamed an' tried t'find places to hide. Wouldn't work since Arkady's thugs were guarding 'em pretty frackin' tight.
If Kazaar had 'The Twins' he woulda shot Arkady right there. 'Course, right now didn't have any type o'damn weapon, except his hands, but he was startin' to think he wouldn't be able t'use 'em with all the civvies 'round. Naw...hafta wait for 'is chance. Instead he just had t'swallow 'is anger as Arkady just smiled.
"Now...are you going to cause any problems or can we get about our business?"
Estelle Russard
Apr 9th, 2011, 09:21:55 PM
Estelle had raised the knife in her hand several inches and it would have been an easy thing to drive it into Arkady's thigh, severing his femoral artery. She might've even enjoyed doing it, outraged as she was by his cold-blooded killing. But doing so would only jeopardize the rest of the hostages who would, in all likelihood, be mowed down without mercy by his remaining men. She instead secreted it between her inner forearm and the folds of her dress, hoping for it to remain out of sight and out of mind.
"Was that really necessary?" she asked dryly. "Isn't your posse here enough show of force to scare the little people into behaving without going to extremes?"
Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 10th, 2011, 03:57:07 PM
"Ah, so there is some fire in your spirit." Arkady mocked 'er with o'smile.
Frackin' bastard. Wasn't o'smart thing t'do. Kid was one o'the toughest dames Kazaar'd ever run into. Had o'will as strong as beskar ( Sure as hell did 'er best not t'let others affect how she thought 'bout herself. Lot like her parnter but a helluva lot kinder. And if ya ever pressed Kazaar, he'd say how proud o'Estelle he was. She was damn good.
Arkady seemed t'think a moment. ", I think they need a better demonstration."
Fired three blaster bolts at Kazaar's chest. World turned green as all o'them hit their target. Or woulda if Kazaar wasn't wearin' his Personal Shielding Unit. Strapped it under 'is belt before he left for th'party. Always frackin' be prepared. Never know when all hell's gonna break loose.
"Hmm...I should have known you'd be protected, Brutus." Arky was gettin' pissed, ya could see it in his eyes. Wanted t'cripple people's spirits, but with Kazaar still alive...
"I wonder if your charge is as well."
He then fired five shots at Estelle. All o'em bounced off th'shield she was wearing as well.
Kazaar smirked as he saw th'look in Cesar's eyes. Fracker was now pissed. Wasn't expectin' that t'happen. 'Specially since th'Kid's shield was strapped to 'er left leg where a garter'd normally be. He fired couple more shots at both Rebels only t'see 'em get absorbed by the shields.
Arkady snarled an' smacked Kazaar over th'head with 'is blaster. Th'bounty hunter saw stars, but was able t'make out what Arkady was saying. "Take them outside and beat them to death. Have fun with the girl if you want. But kill them!"
Both of 'em were dragged out behind the museum. Was pretty quiet, which made sense, with Arkady's thugs not makin' any demands yet. Prob'ly wanna keep everythin' quiet until they had whatever the frack they were lookin' for. Which was still buggin' Kazaar. Made no Force-damned sense 'bout what Arkady was lookin' for. Something was stickin' in his brain 'bout it, which he couldn't figure out.
'Course, now wasn't the time t'figure it ount. He got slammed up against o'brick wall by one o'the Trandoshans Arkady had workin' for 'im. Took a couple punches to th'stomach before th'guy ripped into Kazaar's face with 'is claws.
"Aurelias..." Th'Kid's face was mixed with concern, anger anna bit o'fear. She was bein' held by a Barabel who seemed t'be gettin' o'bit handsy.
Kazaar gave Estelle o'wink, then headbutted the Tranny. Guy staggered o'bit which allowed Kazaar t'latch his teeth onto th'thug's leathery neck. Pulled back hard, takin' the scales with 'im. That gave him time to smash the Tranny right in the face an' yank o'vibroblade outta his coat (always have o'spare).
Stabbed th'asshole right in the chest and yanked down hard. Guy fell like o'sack of durasteel bars.
Estelle Russard
Apr 10th, 2011, 04:30:50 PM
The Barabel twisted to look back in alarm as the scuffle between Kazaar and the Trandoshan behind him turned lethal. It was a move he'd like to do over again no doubt as Russard seized the opportunity to do some twisting of her own and break his hold on her. Two other guards who had come out the back with them rushed forward towards Aurelias, while Estelle leapt up to cling like a spider-monkey on the Barabel's back.
She had been relieved of the blade inside on the instant Arkady had ordered them dead, the Barabel finding it immediately he grabbed her. Her hands now empty of weapons, they themselves were put to good use in lieu. She drove her slender fingers deep into reptilian eyes, feeling and hearing the squish and the Barabel howled loudly in outrage. Clawed hands reach back, scrappling to get a hold of the rebel, which left Russard the only option of dropping her body weight while keeping her hands anchored in her opponents orbital lobe.
They both fell heavily backwards to the ground.
Estelle tugged the Barabel's duel ended blade from his side belt, even as the reptillian rolled himself frantically up onto his knees, his blindness causing him panic. It was his last mistake as she drove the solid blade five inches into his exposed throat.
Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 12th, 2011, 12:19:47 AM
Kazaar grabbed one o'the Tarasin thugs as it tried t'take him down. Squirmy little bastard was frackin' quick. Almost missed 'im, but got lucky and caught him by the left leg. Swung him towards his own partner an' knocked 'em both down.
Both o'em scurried to their feet as quick as they could and were on Kazaar a moment later. One o'the Tarasins (who looked almost brick red in color) smacked th'bounty hunter in th'face a couple times. The other just kinda hissed an' latched onto Kazaar's leg. Frackin' tough as hell t'get 'em off and Kazaar was losing the frackin' battle. His hand smashed into th'Tarasin who was tryin' to beat the livin' shit outta his face. Thing got knocked away but was on 'im a few minutes later.
'Bout that time th'Kid got through sawin' the Barabel's head off an' clipped one o'the lizards in th'throat with 'er blade. Knocked th'damn thing on its ass an' outta the fight.
Helluva throw from o'helluva partner.
Distraction gave Kazaar 'nough time to scramble to his feet an' face the brick red Tarasin. Guy was pretty pissed his brother was dead. Had t'be with its head-fan all turned to a deep red. It hissed and darted after Estelle.
Didn't have o'chance. Kazaar caught it by the tail and swung it hard into to museum's durasteel wall once...twice...three times. Fracker went limp as blood oozed outta its head. Kazaar smirked an' kicked it in the face just t'be sure. Thing sure as hell wasn't gonna be causing trouble f'Estelle or Kazaar any frackin' time.
"Ya all right?" Wiped some blood outta his eyes where he'd been smacked 'round. Could feel his face startin' to puff up. Frackers probably broken one o'his cheekbones. Maybe even his orbital. Arkady'd pay for that in triple. Bastard. Frackin' bastard and his heist.
"Yeah." Kid shook 'im outta his dark plans f'Arkady. "Frackers ripped my dress."
Kazaar smirked at 'er profanity. Estelle wasn't the kinda dame t'drop too many curses. Only when she was really pissed.
"C'mon. Let's get back inside." He threw the Tarasin Russard'd hit with the knife over his shoulder. "This guy looks 'bout ya size. Pants'll probably fit. Gotta be a shirt 'round this fracking museum too."
They slipped through th'open back door into o'medium-sized storage room. Had t'be where a lot of th'museum pieces were shipped from planet t'planet. Kinda made sense t'Kazaar, even if he wasn't the kinda guy to care 'bout art that much. It was dark, but both Rebels were able t'make out the basic layout of th'place.
He pointed towards o'far wall. "Looks like they gotta buncha dummies set up over there. Could be there's o'shirt or something t'fit ya."
While th'Kid rummaged 'round the dummies, Kazaar checked out their dead Tarasin. Lizard had o'few weapons but not o'ton. Couple vibroblades and two small holdout blasters. Gave 'em 'bout five blades to split and one blaster each. 'Bout this time he really started wishin' for 'The Twins.' Those blasters could frackin' sing.
Especially since Kazaar and Estelle would need o'helluva lot more weaponry t'get the job done. No frackin' time though. With whatever Arkady had planned, the bounty hunter kinda doubted he'd let 'em run to Kazaar's speeder, grab a few heavy blasters and start kicked ass.
Naw...never that frackin' easy.
"Ya got ya clothes on, Kid." Kazaar split up the weapons on the table. "We ain't got all frackin' night."
Estelle Russard
Apr 17th, 2011, 02:07:21 PM
Estelle stepped from amongst the maniquins fastening the last two buttons of what, apparently, was a pirate shirt - black, satiny and ruffled. Kazaar gave her a look, which she ignored.
"I dont think much of your pal Arkady" she said darkly, taking the offered weapons from him and tucking them about her person. "He'll kill all those people if the notion takes him."
"Yep" her partner agreed, "Whaddya say we change his plans for 'im?" and he led the way back in to the heart of the museum, keeping to the upper levels so that they may come up on them from somewhat of an advantage.
Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 21st, 2011, 11:36:33 PM
Kazaar had o'holdout blaster in his left hand anna vibroblade in the other. Wasn't a lot o'resistance right now. Arkady seemed pretty frackin' focused on getting whatever th'frack he was looking for, leavin' the rest of his goons to guard the hostages.
He figured there might be o'patrol or two looking for any stragglers (or th'occasional couple who was usin' the art gallery as o'way to get some 'personal time'). Hadn't seen any, but didn't mean there wasn't gonna be any. If there was...meant he and th'Kid could get their hands on some better weaponry. If not...he'd make Arky's life a living hell one way or the other.
They paused by o'dark staircase which led down into th'museum's natural history section. "Fracker's gonna leave some guys t'make sure th'hostages stay that way."
Estelle peeked 'round the corner. "Which means he might have given them orders to shoot them if we interfere."
Kazaar nodded. "Cesar's o'fracking asshole but he's o'smart one. Lot o'it's gonna depend on who he's got on the hostages. If it's his guys, they ain't gonna care 'bout us. We attack an' they start killing.
"But if it's that Tarasin frackin' brotherhood...he's usin' those frackers forra reason. No way in frackin' hell they're in this f'kicks. We gotta chance t'save..."
"Shh!" Th'Kid shushed 'im pretty frackin' quick. Musta picked up movement 'round the corner. She gave Kazaar o'look an' gotta nod in return.
Time t'take whoever the frack it was out.
The ex-bounty hunter slipped 'cross the stairwell, behind o'large green plant. Fracker had spindles on it an' Kazaar did his best t'move 'round 'em. Weird frackin' plant t'have inside o'museum that was f'damn sure.
Must be for its 'artistic frackin' values.'
Artists...buncha frackin' weirdos.
Gripped his vibroblade as th'patrol of three came up th'stairs.
"Thought I heard movement." One o'the Tarasins hissed in pretty good Basic. "Perhaps Kazaar and his little groupie Stella were up here."
"No no...." Another said. "That wasn't her name...It was...Esmeralda."
The third looked like he just rolled 'is eyes 'bout as well as o'lizardhead could. "You're both was Ishtar, I'm sure of it."
Kazaar caught th'Kid's attention an' rolled his eyes. Frackin' morons.
He then nodded at 'er with the message clear: Take them th'frack out!
Estelle Russard
Apr 25th, 2011, 12:39:05 PM
As the trio emerged onto the landing, Estelle stepped forward and shot two of them cleanly in the chest, dropping them both. One fell forward, the other backwards to schlump awkwardly down a step or two. Odd how that was, guess it depended on which foot was holding the weight when the laserbolt hit.
The third threw up his gunhand, two-parts surprise, one-part instinct and let off a volley of shots that careened haphazardly into the walls about them. Kazaar was on him in an instant, moving with a predators easy grace to bring his vibroblade pressing hard against the bandit's throat.
"Where's th' trinket 'Kady's afta?"
Aurelias nicked his captive's skin with the blade and the Tarasin strained to pull away.
"Where?" Kazaar growled.
"15th floor, th-the Vault room"
Satisfied, Kazaar drove the blade in deep to the hilt, holding the Tarasin tightly in his bear-like grasp, one arm wrapped around him like banded steel until all struggle and leg-kicking ceased. The third bandit then dropped too, straight down with his legs buckled at odd angles beneath him.
Russard ran forward and scavanged the weapons from all three, "Did he say the Vault room?" she asked from a rummaging crouch.
"Hmhm" her partner confirmed, wiping blood off the vibroblade on the Tarasin's tunic.
"Shoot" came Estelles flustered response, "They're gonna thermal-blast their way in"
Aurelias Kazaar
May 9th, 2011, 11:35:40 PM
"That's secure huh..." Scowled at th'news 'bout Arkady planning t'blast his way in. Guy was o'pretty frackin' good killer (psycho but good) but had no fracking clue 'bout explosives. Be liable t'bring the entire frackin' museum down on their heads if he wasn't careful.
'Course, could be his plan anyway. Arky'd prob'ly had o'guy who knew what the hell he was doin' 'round bombs t'blow the place up. Steal the Force-damned trinket an' let it all fall down. Bastard. Fit his profile to o'frackin' T.
Estelle's voice seemed t'indicate she was wracking 'er brain forra answer. "What I remember of the place was how the vault was supposed to be able to survive a thermal mine.
"If I were going to destroy it, I'd just a ribbon charge (" Th'Kid continued. "It's strong enough to blow up whatever you want it too, but without doing a ton of damage."
Kazaar smirked. Kid made o'ton o'sense. He'd sure as hell want t'do it that way if he had t'be...surgical in his explosion. Just hope Arky was smart 'nough t'do it that way.
Started walkin' towards th'lift then stopped. Arky sure as frack wasn't that "Gonna need 'nother way up t'15. Bet ya 50 creds Cesar rigged th'lift. Hell...probably rigged the frackin' staircase too..."
Both Rebels were silent for just o'few seconds. Kid spoke first, 'er voice just beatin' Kazaar to th'punch. "Where's the curator? Gotta be with the rest of the hostages..."
Kazaar just nodded. Meant they'd hafta save 'em quickly. If Arkady were up at th'vault...wouldn't be too long 'fore they got done. Then they could do whatever th'frack they wanted to. "Hall's gonna take us back t'where those hostages are. Dependin' on how many guards they got...might be able t'take 'em down without too much touble."
He winked an' smirked. Estelle knew that meant Kazaar prob'ly just shoot the bastards before they could fire o'shot off. If they got the drop on 'em...which wasn't o'guarantee.
They scurried like o'couple dralls ( huntin' down o'target. Which they were...just with a helluva lot less fur. An' more venom.
Hallway was pretty quiet an' dark. Had more than o'few paintin' on their walls which Estelle woulda appreciated o'helluva lot more if she wasn't keeping her eyes out f'any more patrols. She even missed th'Padme Amidala portrait done by th'famous unknown artist ( How th'frack the museum'd gotten it was o'question neither Kazaar nor th'Kid would ask.
Nor did they care...all their focus on was savin' the hostages and gettin' Arkady. Dead or frackin' alive.
Large door stopped 'em. Had t'be the one leadin' back to where the hostages were. Kazaar peered through one o'the keyholes. No guards by the door, just o'buncha peeps sitting 'round waiting. Four gunmen, all standin' at strategic positions. If Kazaar had "The Twins" wouldn't be o'fair fight. Be able t'take 'em out without any help.
But since his Bryars were sittin' inna speeder waitin' for 'em...meant he'd hafta be more...surgical.
"Two on right...two on left." Peered back in. "Gotta wait f'em to turn 'round before we take 'em out. Sure as frack look bored...
" o'the frackers just put 'is blaster in th'holster. Grabbin' o'drink..." That gotta snort. "Didn't know Tarasins could be frackin' drunks...
"On three...we're goin' in. One..." Stood up an' pulled out the blaster he'd taken from the patrol.
He kicked the doors open an' barged in, th'Kid hot on his heels. Tarasins were caught completely off guard. Laser-brained lizards had no frackin' clue what was goin' on.
Frackin' amateurs.
Kazaar an' Estelle fired 'xactly two shots. Both found their marks. Lizards went down without o'frackin' fight. Thing'd gone so frackin' quick even the hostages were stunned. Sure as shit weren't expectin' that. Lotta 'em just kinda gaped at th'bodies but stayed unmovin'.
Morons were in frackin' shock.
The ex-bounty hunter smirked an' strode forward. "Where th'frackin' curator..."
O'furry Bothan wearin' all purple entered from th'crowd. Spoke Basic pretty frackin' well... "I am curator. Cimus is my name."
"Need t'get up to 15 an' fast." Kazaar beat th'Kid from askin' the question. "Ya know those frackers who we just killed. Rest o'their group wants ya little prized up in th'Vault."
Cimus shrugged. "No other way up but the lifts and the stairs."
Kazaar snorted. "Don't frackin' toy with me, ain't got o'helluva lotta time. Places like this gotta have o'sneaky way up somehow."
Furball wasn't in th'mood t'chat. "I'm afraid not. Why have secret passages when one can enjoy the artwo--"
Got cut off as Kazaar got in th'fracker's face. "Lemme tell ya somethin' asshole. Ya'fracker who blew ya little art gallery all t'hell an' fracked up ya evenin' plans." Pointed t'Arky's brother.
" o'that frackin' idiot. Wants whatever th'frack trinket ya got stored up in thVault. Now ya wanna play Mr. frackin' Curator...fine. But sell ya Force-damned prim an' proper bullshit somewhere else."
Kazaar's black eyes flashed some kinda angry/pissed off/crazy look. "Lemme put it 'nother way ya karkin' bishwag." Pushed th'guy back o'few steps.
"Ya don't tell us where th'frack this secret passageway o'yas is...I'm gonna sen' ya up the lift t'make f'damn sure there ain't any explosive surprises for us.
"Got it pal..."
Bothan's eyes got wide an' his pointed toward o'large paintin' of some dame with o'frackin' creepy smile. "It's next to her. Code to get in is 1564..."
Kazaar snorted. "Good. Get these frackers outta here. If th'place blows up, sure as frack don't want 'em killed."
Stalked towards th'wall an' keyed in th'code. Whatta ya know...frackin' thing worked. Guess th'Bothan was on the level. Was o'frackin' first.
"Let's go Kid...Arky ain't gonna sit 'round waitin' for us."
Estelle caught up t'him just before th'secret passageway closed.
Estelle Russard
May 23rd, 2011, 06:34:03 PM
"Karkin bishwag...?"
The secreted elevator doors closed on Russards query with a soft ssshh.
Kazaar shrugged, "Its a word" he said defensively, which only earned him a dubious look from his partner.
Estelle thought about the exchange between Kazaar and the curator and her partner's intimidating threat of action - it could quite possibly be that there would be an explosive reception awaiting them if this lift took them directly to the vault room, or a hall leading to it.
It appeared Aurelias was musing similarly on that possibility because when the doors opened, they both looked expectantly for any sign of mine lays, and both dropped to the lift floor, Kazaar reaching his arm upwards and banging on the 'Door Close' button in a fury, "Shiiiii--". Russard wrapped both arms protectively about her head just as the doors worked towards each other and a repetion of five concussive eruptions rocked the floor, shaking the turbolift violently and bending in the durasteel doors like they'd been pounded by giant fist.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 7th, 2011, 08:18:20 PM
Missed th'main blast but there was o'frackin' problem. Long tear could be seen just below o'handrail used by parents to keep watch over their bored children. Fracking thing was gettin' bigger too, exposing more o'the elevator shaft's inner workings. Lift was comin' apart at the seams.
Kazaar scrambled t'his feet as th'lift swayed o'bit. He cupped his hands and ordered th'Kid to get her frackin' ass in gear and out th'roof emergency exit. Top o'the lift would be a bit shaky but sure as hell wouldn't fall apart. Too many cables t'keep it rooted. 'Least until Arky's men decided to bomb it.
Got th'Kid up on the roof when th'fracking thing started to lurch. With a *clatter* the interior doors suddenly dropped outta view, falling down th'shaft. Kazaar couldn't help but let loose o'string of curses. Blasted lift was 'bout to lose the floor.
"Aurelias!" Estelle shouted an' reached o'hand down towards him. Didn't know how good o'grip she had on the roof, and Kazaar sure as hell wasn't gonna risk that.
He made a jump for the lift's wall, hoping he'd be able t'get a handhold on the rectangular blocks the museum was usin' as lining in the lift. Pretty frackin' ugly, but if they kept him from plunging to 'is death Kazaar wasn't gonna complain. Hell, might kiss whoever came up with th'plan...or give 'em a nice stiff drink.
Kazaar got his feet on th'railing too. Wasn't gonna hold, but might buy him some time. Sure as hell wasn't sure what he was gonna do...just knew he had t'frackin' do it fast. 'Specially 'cause he was too far away from th'Kid's outstretched hand.
"Relax, Kid." Gave 'er o'smirk anna wink. "Be all right."
Pushed himself away from th'wall and towards where th'lift doors oughta be. If he caught th'small ledge he'd be able t'get towards the maintenance ladder an' to safety.
'Course that was when 'is "plan" fell t'pieces.
He'd mistimed how much momentum he needed t'get to th'ledge. Instead, back o'his head bonked into th'frackin' roof 'causing him to see stars. Started his fall o'helluva lot sooner than he expected.
Second part was the fact the lift's outer doors decided t'open, with three o'Arkady's goons waitin' for him. Kazaar actually had 'nough juice to crash into th'three, sending 'em all sprawling into the hallway.
He was too dazed from th'initial blow t'get too much ovva fight going. Hell, the two Trandoshans an' one Tarasin weren't waitin' for 'im t'get up. Just started kickin' an' punching him, before Kazaar got his knees.
'Bout that time, th'Kid swung into action.
She leaned most o'her upper body outta the emergency exit an' started firin' with her holdout blaster. Th'Tarasin hit th'ground an' lay still, 'long with one o'the Trandoshans.
Second Tranny decided t'turn towards Estelle. Raised o'blaster rifle, but Kazaar pushed it towards th'ceiling 'causing its blaster bolts t'spatter harmlessly away. Kazaar tore the rifle outta Lizardhead's clawed hands and got off o'quick jab to its snout.
Fracker snarled at 'im and slashed him 'cross the chest. Kazaar punched the Trandoshan 'nother few times and kicked it in the knee. Took o'few claws himself but kept fighting.
'Bout that time he noticed the lift's doors start t'close.
Th'Kid just kinda hung there, waiting to see what th'frack was gonna happen. She was pretty sure two of Arkady's thugs were dead, but Aurelias looked like he was taking a bit ovva beating. Sure not what she wanted to see, but her partner was so damn stubborn at times, didn't give her the chance to get a shot off.
The lift doors closed and she had to wait even more. She was about ready to pull her head up to keep the blood from rushing too quick into her head when a loud *WHAM* almost caused her t'jump.
Big indention was into th'lift's durasteel doors. Looked almost like someone's skull'd been slammed into it. Doors slowly opened an' she gotta glimpse of o'smirkin' Kazaar standin' over the unconscious form of the Trandoshan.
Massive hunter kicked th'Lizardhead down the shaft. "Miss me, Kid?" Gave o'small chuckled too.
"Oughta be o'maintenance ladder by ya somewhere. That'll take ya to o'small shaft where ya can join me out here."
Started t'turn an' collect weapons. "Hurry up will ya. Arky ain't gonna frackin' wait f'us."
Estelle Russard
Jun 25th, 2011, 02:53:22 PM
There was a maintanence ladder sure enough, but it was on the opposite side to where Russard was. It took some creative toe-holding and limb-stretching to white-knuckle herself around, across and under cables, metal corners and floss-thin ledges in order to reach the fracking thing..Eventually she got to where she wanted and hoisted herself thankfully onto one of the solid rungs.
She moved fluidly up the ladder's length, reaching a higher floor and closed elevator doors, which she pried apart with her fingers and the aide of a knife taken from one of the earlier kills.
"Surprise" wasn't really the word she would use when she finally got the lift doors ajar and a slender hand reached through it offering her assistance The more accurate word would be unprintable. Arkady smiled at her like he'd just swallowed a canary, "A hand, little lady?" Estelle saw two more Trandos looming up behind the grinning thief, twin carbines levelled at her encouraging her to accept his assistance.
Arkady's hand gripped hers, his flesh was a clammy and sickly spongey texture. It reminded Estelle of a dying fish she'd touched once as a kid, its flopping, flipping attempt to return to the water fascinating her in a morbid and disgusting way. She found Arkady had a similar effect.
"We'll get you out of there and then Kazaar can get our little trinket and bring it to us. Doesn't that sound like a good idea?"
A short time later, a door opened into the same corridor where Aurelias waited and Estelle was escorted through, pinioned between the two Trandoshans, with Arkady smugly bringing up the rear.
"What a bloody man you are Brutus. Just look at my men"
Arkady tsked, his voice was light but dark and latently threatening despite it.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 25th, 2011, 04:06:18 PM
Kazaar just kinda snorted. Frackin' Arkady was o'bastard through and through. Still wasn't gonna stop 'im from needlin' him. "Ain't my fault ya hire cheap goons. Those Lizardheads're only gonna get ya so far."
He smirked. "Just o'step above the frackin' Rodians an' their bug eyes an' goofy ass ears... What ya couldn't couldn't afford o'Gra-"
One o'the Trandoshans slammed o'clawed fist into Kazaar's face. Knocked 'im loopy forra bit an' Kazaar felt blood trickle down his face. Lizardhead kicked 'im in the gut twice, hauled the bounty hunter to 'is feet an' hissed in his face.
Trandoshan's breath was putrid. Frackin' stank. Weird mix o'rotting meat and some kinda bug. Probably worms...frackin' lizardheads loved that crap. Hell...looked like there was part o'one stuck between two o'the guy's yellow teeth. Even Kazaar brushed his twice o'day.
The Trandoshan was probably thinkin' 'bout ripping Kazaar's face. Never got th'chance to. Kazaar slammed o'fist into the lizard-like snout. It hissed and tightened its grip on his throat.
That's when Kazaar plunged o'thumb into its red right eye.
Fracker let out o'scream-hiss an' dropped him. Kazaar landed with o'thump, then kicked the Lizardhead in the knee.
That put some space between 'em. 'Nough time for Kazaar t'pull out one o'his holdout blasters and shoot the Trandoshan five times. Thing moaned an' dropped like o'rock.
Wasn't dead...frackin' blaster didn't have 'nough punch to take it down. An' Kazaar's shots hadn't been perfect. The Rebel spy got to 'is feet an' shot the Trandoshan one more time through th'head.
Now it was dead.
Mocking applause came from Arkady. "You see now why I call him 'Brutus'?" He told th'Kid. "Kazaar was always one who enjoys a fight."
"No..." Estelle answered coldly. "I think he enjoys fighting someone who fights back."
Arkady slapped her. Not hard, but enough for it to sting. "Shut. Up."
His eyes flicked towards the side. "Don't even try it Kazaar. One move and I'll have Gruck here shoot her. You two may be wearing shields, but a blaster bolt this close in will pierce it. Wouldn't want Little Miss Art Dealer to take a fall would you?"
Kazaar's black eyes flashed but he knew Arkady was right. F'once.
"Go get my prize, Kazaar." Cesar/Arkady ordered. "It's just down the hall and to the left.
"It'll be...just like old times."
Estelle Russard
Jun 25th, 2011, 05:33:56 PM
He didn't like it, as everyone was well aware, but Kazaar turned and moved down the hall as directed. Estelle watched him go, knowing it was just a matter of "when" and not "if" that her partner would exact his pound of flesh from Arkady for being such a douche.
The ex-bounty hunter came to the vault just as Arkady directed, the doors of which were blasted apart and gaping a jagged-mouthed invitation for Aurelias to enter. Stepping over the burrious metal edges, Kazaar levelled his blaster at the lone obstacle between himself and the artifact, addressing the skinny, blue form cowering fearfully over the black and gold pyramid and, in a resigned voice, he ordered, "Move outta th'way"
In response, the twi'lek shrank even closer over the artifact, crouching around it protectively and closed her eyes to hide the object of her terror. Kazaar's lips drew into a thin, pressed line, greived at the choice he would be forced to make. He noticed the tribal tattoo on the Twi'leks upper arm, she was an acolyte of some kind - probably a keeper or senechal of some description dedicated to the integrity of the artifact. Frellin religions thought Kazaar, it always comes back to frellin' religions frelling every'thing up and gettin' people killed.
"I'll kill ya if I hafta" he called out, "Just step away an' no one gets hurt"
"Just shoot the bloody thing"
Arkady had come up behind Aurelias and was getting impatient. Seeing Kazaar's hesitation he twisted round on Estelle, grabbing her by the hair he pulled her down on her knees, the Trandoshan guard assisting things by a brutal thwack of his carbine butt between Russards shoulders.
"Get me my artifact NOW, Brutus, or I'll just shoot the damn lot of you"
Kazaar cursed and raised his blaster. And shot.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jun 29th, 2011, 11:31:48 PM
Twi'lek suddenly Frackin' stuck 'er hand out an' blocked the blaster bolt. Bolt bounced away an' caught th'Trandoshan in th'arm. Lizardhead dropped 'is weapon an' snarled in both shock'n anger. Kazaar wasn't sure what the hell'd just happened, but had o'pretty sneaky suspicion.
Th'blue skinned alien threw o'hand out, 'causing all o'their weapons to get pulled outta their holsters. She then just smiled, 'er red eyes shining'.
Kazaar, Arkady, Estelle an' the Trandoshan suddenly found themselves pulled up in th'air and almost hung. Sure they could breathe but sure as hell couldn't move. An' all o'them were focused on the Twi'lek, who wasn't as meek as she'd seemed.
'Specially with what happened next. That was frackin' creepy as all hell.
Skin made o'small change...still blue, but was covered in o'helluva lot more tattoos than she'd had before. The tats were tribal an' just kinda swirled 'round her body. Kazaar'd never seen that kinda thing up close (tried t'avoid Force users s'much as possible) but he remembered o'holo his old partner Ash onced showed 'em.
That caused o'deep pit t'form in his stomach.
The Twi'lek was a Sith. An honest t'Kad Force-damned fracking Sith.
That bastard Arkady hadn't frackin' mentioned he was goin' after o'Sith holocron when he'd tried t'off the Kid an' Kazaar. Kazaar figured Arkady was just dumb 'nough to think this thing'd been o'fracking milk run that asshole.
Not that he really gave an Ewok's ass (or o'mynock's for that matter) 'bout what happened t'Cesar Arkady. Kazaar just cared 'bout Estelle's skin. An' of course his own.
"So..." The Sith almost cooed. "Who's come into my museum. What sort of...thieves are here?"
Kazaar found 'is vocal chords' been frozen or he woulda corrected th'dame. He an' Estelle weren't here t'take the damn holocron. They were there t'make sure Arkady didn't make off with it.
Not that this dame cared. Hell, couldn't blame 'er...Kazaar had promised t'kill 'er. Not that 'e meant it.
The Twi'lek's eyes went to th'Trandoshan first.
"Animal." Her voice was throaty. "Brutal but unimportant.
"Rest." Twi'lek's eyes flashed an' the Trandoshan thug went limp. Still was breathin' but wasn't 'bout t'cause anymore trouble.
She inhaled deeply, almost like she was breathin' for th'first time.
"You two..." Sith pointed towards Estelle an' Kazaar. She inhaled again. "You've been around someone like me. I can smell it on you. Like me but different...chaotic but...not...a complexity.
"I like complexities."
Her eyes stared into Kazaar's. Red on black. Kazaar couldn't feel 'er poking 'round his head, but had o'sneaky suspicious...
"You are a complexity." The Twi'lek smiled. Cold, but was still o'smile. "You burn hot like a fire, but only direct it at certain people. You're a bomb continuously going off...consuming your enemies in raging flames. Oh were you to be one of us, you'd be marvelous.
"Marvelous." Sith showed some o'her teeth. By now she'd dropped th'robe showin' her leathers beneath. "You know when to simply burn people and let them die.
"You are a specimen of brutality. I like you."
Her ruttin' 'round in Kazaar's brain musta loosened Arkady's voice 'cause he suddenly popped up. "Kazaar is nothing like me."
Th'Sith's laugh was pretty frackin' cold, but seemed amused. "Oh've killed plenty." She slid up to Arkady an' wrapped an arm 'round his chest. Her lips were at 'is left ear. "But your actions hardly make sense. You hack and slash, but like a child with a sword too big for him.
"Hard and indiscriminate. Your passion hardly empowers you. You're brutal yes...but bring unwanted attention on yourself.
"Your come here and steal my holocron...who whoever wanted you too, was a failure. If it was a test you didn't measure up. The method you chose..." Another cold smile. "The deaths you caused...
"Your type of weapon hardly ever works." Her red eyes blazed an' Arkady suddenly went limp. Frackin' looked like he'd been shot in th'fracking gut. Or just o'bit lower...Kazaar couldn't help but smirk. Bastard was still 'live, but sure as hell seemed humbled o'bit.
"And what of you..." The Twi'lek turned her attention t'the Kid. "What type of weapon are you?"
Way 'er slippered feet went 'cross the floor, seemed like the Sith just took 'couple steps. "A vibroblade, sliding into your enemy's back with hardly a sound? Or cutting their throat's so quickly that everyone believes a ghost did it?
"Or are you the hand that directs the weapon?" She leaned up close t'Estelle.
"You're more than a weapon aren't you?"
Estelle Russard
Jul 14th, 2011, 03:04:54 PM
Estelle was held transfixed, the ineffectual opening and closing of her fingers as she was held pinnioned in the air the only visible sign of her frustration at being constrained.
A force user, she thought. Well, that was unexpected. In fact, tonight's whole scenario was unexpected and just when Russard had thought things couldn't get any worse, a Darksider gets tossed in the mix. She should know better than to ever think things cant get any worse...She darted a glance to Kazaar, who was grimacing beside her in an effort to move.
"He cant help you" the Twilek stated as she stepped closer to Estelle, more curious than threatening for the moment in her approach. Actually, Russard had been thinking more that Mili being here would have really been a help, but the Sith was close enough. "You're a thinker, a problem-solver" the Twilek continued, herself casting a sideways glance to Aurelias "The hammer" then returning her gaze back to Russard, "and the slide-rule"
"And Im the fracking tea-cup" growled Arkady, the pain he was enduring choking his voice. "You wanna quit the analizing psycho-babble and let me the frell down?"
The Twilek dropped him before he'd finished speaking and as he landed heavily to sprawl face-down on the floor, the Sith put a foot to his throat and pinned him in place. Arkady's face shifted in turn by shades of red to white to a purpling blue. He would be dead within moments.
Estelle watched with a grim fascination. She didn't really feel any alarm for the theiving scumbag, only concern for her and Kazaar's predicament. Russard had tangled with a Darksider before and knew from hard experience that theirs was a mis-matched conflict. And one that could not be bargained out of. For the moment, the Darksider held all the cards.
"As I was saying," the Sith returned to her thread of thought before Arkady had interupted, ""You're more than a weapon aren't you?"
"Im an art-lover" Estelle replied.
Kazaar would have volunteered quickly that he wasn't no art-lover, but with his vocal chords still constricted, all he could manage was a gurgle.
"Not really willing to die for it though" Russard continued, keeping her eye level with the Sith. "Ive met a Darksider before and cant say he struck me as the type to risk exposure for such a trinket" she indicated the small pyramid. "Isn't it time you left?"
Estelle had no choice but to brazen it out. She couldn't move. Kazaar couldn't move. Arkady was expiring at their feet and if he could break free, it would most certainly not be accompanied by an attempt to help them.
The air between Estelle and the Sith became very still. Of a slight distraction was Arkady kicking his feet and clawing frantic hands at the Twilek in desparate effort to escape, but other than that, the two females squared off in a tense evaluation the one of the other.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 18th, 2011, 04:25:06 PM
Arkady gave o'gurgle an' clawed at the Sith's foot. Kazaar could tell the bastard was startin' to lose it. Was gonna pass out an' more than likely not wake up. Inwardly, Kazaar smirked.
Couldn't happen to o'better guy.
Problem was, the Twi'lek suddenly turned towards Arkady, like she was gonna give 'im one last shot at staying 'live. Which was o'frackin' mistake. Shoulda just let the guy die at 'er feet.
"You wish to plead for mercy?" Sithy's voice was cold an' sure as hell seemed slightly amused. Hell, it was almost mocking. "You wish to see if I'll listen to your words and spare you?"
She raised 'er foot a bit so Arkady could breathe. "No...but...I...know..." Arky's voice was pretty frackin' breathy as he tried t'suck air.
"I know....I can tell you who hired me..."
The Twi'lek's laugh was o'mix of insanity and amusement. "You really think I care about that, you silly silly man. Why should I? Your 'boss' can try all he wants to get my holocron."
Twi'lek's smile was as insane as 'er laugh. Or had that weird look o'being insane but completely in control. "Your body will tell whoever hired you what I think about your boss.
"This holocron." Sith artifact flew into 'er hand. She almost petted the damn thing. "Is mine. Not yours. Not anyone else's. Mine."
"You...don't understand." Cesar'd gotten 'is breath back. "It was one of you who hired me. A Darksider."
Th'Kid an' Kazaar shared o'look. Made no frackin' sense why o'Darksider'd hire someone to go after a holocron. 'Less the guy or gal or whoever th'frack it was wanted t'be extra careful.
Twi'lek seemed t'be thinking the same thing. "And why didn't this...Darksider...come after me?"
Pretty obvious Arkady was thinkin' fast. "He didn't tell me. Only that he wanted what you had and wanted me to find it.
"Maybe he didn't know you were still alive."
Arkady suddenly found 'imself lifted off th'ground again. Just o'couple inches, but 'nough for the Twi'lek Sith t'get her point across...
Ya lie...ya ain't gonna like it.
"Who was he."
"I don't know." Arky's eyes widened. "Not like that! I didn't get a name! Met him on the Outer Rim...near the Unknown Regions.
"He was tall, 'bout as tall as Brutus. Wore all black with red trim on his cloak. Had some kinda silver armor on his shoulders and a chain keeping the cloak on. That had rose clasps too. Eyes were yellow
"But the's skin was grey. As in, no color whatsoever. Stone-like too. What's the word...impassive? Yeah, impassive. Face barely moved, but sure as hell was skin.
"Seemed just statue-like. But he knew who I was and seemed to be holding something inside. Like he could've released it on me whenever he wanted."
Trickle o'sweat came down Arkady's face. "Felt like death almost."
The Twi'lek seemed to consider forra bit. Somethin' was wanderin' through that head o'hers. Neither Kazaar or Estelle got th'chance t'think 'bout it anymore.
Next thing they knew, somethin' slammed into their heads an' they dropped to th'ground...
Kazaar stirred.
Head hurt like frackin' hell an' took him o'bit to figure out where he was. Still in th'storage room an' still alive. Th'Kid was sitting near 'im, rubbing her temples o'bit. None o'em were sure what the frack'd happened.
Th'Sith was gone as was her holocron. Same with Arkady. He'd disappeared too.
Kazaar cocked 'is head towards th'Kid an' really wished he had o'cigar.
"Wanna tell me what the hell just happened?"
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