View Full Version : Being a Mutant Teenager is Hard and No One Understands [complete]
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 12:18:49 PM
[Continued from here (]
Aimee's flip flops were loud on the gravel of the alley as she walked alongside Alex away from Redencion House. Probably not the best choice of footwear, either, as little rocks kept getting flicked up between her foot and the foam.
"So, this is awkward," she said finally, just to break the silence. "Where do you want to go for lunch?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 12:40:14 PM
Alex shrugged. "I don't know. In-N-Out?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 12:57:50 PM
"Sounds good to me."
They trudged along in silence towards the bus stop, knee high weeds threatening to take over the alley in a few places where their neighbors didn't bother trying to remove them. The air was hot and dry.
Aimee sighed quietly. "Sorry you got roped into 'cheer up Aimee' duty."
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 01:02:52 PM
"Let me tell you, getting a free lunch and spending time with a friend, that's a big sacrifice," Alex replied. He searched Aimee's face for any flicker of humor, but with her head down and her hair curtaining her eyes on either side, he really couldn't tell. They walked on a few more seconds in silence.
"You know," Alex said presently, "I don't think this was a 'cheer up Aimee' plot at all."
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 01:05:00 PM
"What?" She looked up a bit, and stumbled awkwardly over a pile of rocks. "Ow! God, sorry, I'm a mess."
Aimee stared at the ground as though it might betray her suddenly again, and continued, "How do you mean?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 01:10:34 PM
Alex stopped just short of steadying her with a hand. No need in offering help where it wasn't needed.
"Well, think about it," he said. "We all know Tess is a rotten liar, right? So when you pressed her, she started stammering about wanting to make you feel better. If she really wanted to make you feel better, she would have stammered about something else to try and hide it. That must mean she must be trying to hide something else, and making you feel better was just a cover. So, see, she wasn't trying to make you feel better at all."
He paused, just to make sure it still all made sense in his own head. "So... that ought to make you feel better. Right?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 01:24:32 PM
Aimee thought about it for a minute and laughed. "Actually, it kinda does. Wow."
She walked with her head up a little higher, and added, "In-N-Out sounds better already." She looked up at him, smiling, and brushed her hair out of her eyes. When she'd first met Alex she'd entertained the notion that maybe he'd look at her in a different way than just as a friend. After all, he was devastatingly hot. But then Lana had come along and Aimee had quickly removed those thoughts, accustomed to protecting herself from getting hurt.
After all, when you grow up in New York, and you're purple, you hear a lot of hurtful things, and its best to insulate the part of you that makes you who you are from it. Sometimes Aimee wondered if she was ever going to meet someone who'd be able to see past what she looked like on the outside.
Besides Anna, of course. She didn't count at all. Someone like a boy.
For now, of course, she'd settle for keeping company with her extremely hot friend. Aimee kicked some gravel, regretted it due to the flip flops, and said, "So, when's that rally going to be? Coming up, isn't it? Is Lana going to go with you?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 01:37:03 PM
The alley spit them out onto a sidewalk that ran down toward the main drag. The only person they'd seen so far was a middle-aged man standing guard nervously over the lawn sprinkler he wasn't supposed to be using.
"Yeah, it's on Friday," Alex replied. "Lana said she's coming. How about you, you decided yet?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 01:41:47 PM
She shrugged her thin shoulders, and pulled restlessly at the bottom of her white t-shirt. "I dunno. I mean, I guess so. Anna said something about taking the van, which seems weird... but on the other hand its such an Anna thing to do. You know?"
Aimee dug in her small purse for her bus pass as they approached the stop. They could walk to the burger place, but it was just too hot. And it would take too long.
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 01:51:11 PM
Alex smiled - yeah, it was an Anna thing. If she were the one presenting the lawsuit against the MRA, she'd probably bring refreshments for the judge and defensive counsel.
"She thinks it's worth supporting," he said with a shrug. "It's a show of mutant solidarity. And there are mundanes coming, too. You know, just because you're there doesn't mean you're automatically lumped in with the extremist mutant crazies like me."
He grinned broadly at her as the bus turned the corner at the end of the street.
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 02:05:13 PM
"Well, thanks for that, but," she gestured down the length of her five foot frame, "This pretty much does it these days. For the lumping me into a group thing. I've never seen it this bad before, to be honest."
The bus was almost there, and she raised her voice over the sound of it. "But that's enough about me. Really. Maybe we should go dancing or something on Friday night. Er, you and Lana, of course." The hiss of the bus' pneumatics made further talk impossible until they were safely aboard.
She leaned against the window, until she remembered how filthy buses were. "Anyway, there's a cool 18 and up club I heard about at school. They say they're not very good at carding people."
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 02:11:13 PM
Alex raised his eyebrows with interest, and he took a surreptitious look around.
"I'm secretly trying to be a corrupting influence on Lana... that sounds like an excellent idea. All we have to do is tell Anna we'll find our own ride home. I bet we can also drag Jim along, and probably Ronnie and Scott and Jen--"
He suddenly got a mental picture of Jennifer in a dark club with dozens of unfamiliar guys with money to buy alcohol.
"On second thought, better not take Jen."
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 02:23:13 PM
Aimee giggled, "Yeah, but I think we're good. She's going to visit her aunt this weekend." She sobered a little. "Her parents still won't talk to her. Really bad blood there."
They rode in silence for a few minutes after that. Aimee splayed her hand on the back of the seat in front of her, feeling herself stick to the surface. She'd never investigated exactly why it was she could climb up walls like a spider, but the thought was that her palms and soles of her feet had little barbs on them that would grip to anything. Others could feel them - a roughness that was softer than the pokey side of velcro, but still noticeable.
Thankfully she could control it so that things didn't randomly stick to her hands. "Stop's coming up," she said, suddenly remembering Tess' excuse. "I don't see any radical vegans outside this one." She winked at Alex as the bus rolled past to the closest stop, and came to a halt with a loud squeal of brakes.
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 03:03:39 PM
There really wasn't time for explanation as he and Aimee and about a half dozen other passengers piled out of the bus and onto the sidewalk. People threw a few glances at the purple girl behind them, but mostly they were polite enough or embarrassed enough or engrossed enough in their own business not to stare.
Only minutes later they were sitting down with a pair of lunch baskets, Alex with his customary two-by-two burger and fries, animal style, Aimee with a single and a tall chocolate milkshake. Junk food made everything better.
"Okay, okay, this one's better, I swear," Alex said. "All right. How many psychics does it take to screw in a light bulb?"
He wiped his hands on a napkin to take up the requisite pause and said, "Just one. Because... hey, quit picturing me naked!"
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 03:06:54 PM
Aimee nearly choked on her fries, and then groaned. "That's terrible. Really. Terrible.
"I like this one, personally. How many flies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" She sipped her milkshake, thick and delicious and cold, and continued, "Two - it only takes two to screw!" Aimee rolled her eyes at her own joke, dipping a bunch of fries into ketchup.
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 03:08:55 PM
Alex had heard worse versions of that one. He sipped his Coke and followed up with, "How many shapeshifters does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one. The trick is keeping them from changing back."
He put a hand over his mouth to cover his laughter and added, "How many Vipuls does it take to change a lightbulb? No one knows, he never stops at one."
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 03:14:09 PM
She laughed at that one, her smile lighting up her face. "Oh man, I hadn't heard that one before. Not bad, Mr. Kaine, not bad at all." Aimee looked out over the inside of the restaurant and caught a little boy staring at her. She smiled and gave him a little wave, getting a small one in return.
"I like kids," she said. "At least when they ask if I drank too much grape juice I know its an innocent question."
Alex Kaine
Mar 18th, 2011, 03:25:30 PM
Well, she was still pensive, but she wasn't downcast. That was an improvement.
"That's how it should be, isn't it?" Alex said. "You can see in the dark, you can climb up walls... Sure, it's different, and it's awesome. After fifty thousand years or so, the human race is finally getting some meaningful upgrades. I think childlike wonder is an appropriate response."
Aimee Connors
Mar 18th, 2011, 03:34:51 PM
"Its better than the alternatives." Aimee took a huge bite out of her cheeseburger, and was chewing when the door behind Alex opened and Cameron Bell walked in. She hurriedly tried to swallow the too-big mouthful, but failed and had a coughing fit as the older boy caught sight of her and started coming toward them.
Cameron Bell
Mar 18th, 2011, 04:29:13 PM
Cameron beamed at the sight of an old friendly face. He cut a meandering route around the surrounding tables until he reached them. It was polite, he figured, to remain standing. After all, for all he knew they were on a date, a first date at that. Aimee was recovering from an undignified splutter so he gave her an amused pat on the back, then extended a hand to Alex in warm greeting.
Alex Kaine
Mar 19th, 2011, 12:02:23 AM
Alex was split between pleasant surprise and outright shock. Cameron's disappearance had been the talk of the House for over a week. Reportedly, he'd returned early one morning about a month ago looking like he'd gotten the worst of an encounter with a city bus. He'd gone straight to his room to pack, and the only explanation he'd left was a cryptic, hastily-scribbled note on his pillow. Even for a house full of mutants, that was strange.
But Alex found the presence of mind to take Cameron's hand in a warm grip. "Man, it's been a while! Go on, take a seat. How've you been?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 19th, 2011, 12:15:44 AM
Aimee scooted over in the booth, making room for him. She was blushing, but hopefully neither guy would notice. "Yeah, sit down and stay a while." She smiled at the older teen, pulling her tray of food down toward her.
Cameron Bell
Mar 19th, 2011, 03:20:59 PM
Sliding into the free spot next to Aimee, he thanked her with a silent smiling nod. It was an immediate comfort to be amongst familiar faces once again, and for the briefest of moments it felt old times. Their unquestionable surprise said otherwise. First thing's first, he pulled out his nifty new celphone and, begging their patience with a raised finger, thumbed the screen with expert speed. Once he was finished, the stiff monotonous voice of Microsoft Sam spoke on his behalf:
"I'm good. It's great to see you guys again. How's tricks?"
There was no mistaking the amused satisfaction creeping onto his face as the message played, and just as it finished, he stole one of Aimee's french fries with masterful timing.
Alex Kaine
Mar 19th, 2011, 04:06:05 PM
Mundane or not, Cameron had fit in quite naturally with the mutant residents at Redención. A lot of mutants could identify with being denied a voice. You just had to give him props for his ingenuity for finding one anyway.
"Dude, that's awesome!" Alex said with a broad grin. "You'll have to show that to Anna, she keeps saying smartphones are useless."
He offered Aimee a french fry to offset the Cameron tax. "We're doing okay," he said, "some good, some bad. Pretty much par for the course these days."
Might as well leave it up to Aimee as to whether they'd elaborate. He wasn't sure how well she and Cameron knew each other. Come to think of it, he wasn't sure how well he knew Cameron, either.
Aimee Connors
Mar 19th, 2011, 04:17:12 PM
Aimee gaped at the brazen theft of her fry, and gave Cameron a friendly shove before accepting a replacement from Alex. "Yeah, its been... interesting."
The little boy who'd been waving at her earlier was walking out with his mother. He pulled at her arm, trying to get closer to where Aimee was, but the woman looked over, clamped her lips down in a straight line, and towed him after her and out the door. Aimee scrunched down a little in the booth as the pair walked by the window beside her, suddenly very interested in her milkshake and burger.
Cameron Bell
Mar 19th, 2011, 05:03:59 PM
The mention of Anna's name elicited from him an uncomfortable squirm. It had been a month since he disappeared, without so much as a word of thanks to the mutant matron who so kindly took him in, or to his fellow housemates who'd so openly accepted him as one of their own. The buzz of having his smart phone enthusiasm mirrored in Alex was quickly deflated by a pang of guilt. Luckily, unlike most, he had an excuse to distract himself with his phone without coming across as ignorant.
"There never was a dull moment at Rendition House."
Then he noticed Aimee, practically disappearing into her seat, and that kind of body language was introverted even by her own reclusive standards. In the awkward silence, he shot an uncertain look Alex's way.
"I've just gate-crashed a date, haven't I?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 19th, 2011, 06:09:09 PM
There was an odd rhythm to the electronically-aided conversation - Alex sensed the awkwardness several seconds before Microsoft Sam articulated it.
"What - oh, no, no, we're - we're not dating," Alex stammered. "We're just, you know, getting out of the house for a while."
He followed Cameron's eyes to Aimee, who apparently was trying to become even shorter. "Are you okay?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 19th, 2011, 06:18:40 PM
She almost choked on her food for the second time in five minutes at Cameron's question, but managed to swallow the too-big mouthful after a minor amount of commotion. Thankfully Alex took care of answering it while Aimee carefully blotted her mouth with a napkin.
"Uh, I'm okay," she said half-heartedly. "Just... No, I'm fine." She made an effort to sit up straighter.
Alex's expression said he wasn't buying it, so she reluctantly added, "It's just the stares. Bothering me today."
Cameron Bell
Mar 19th, 2011, 08:41:40 PM
"Don't let them get to you. Blue is not your colour, Aimee. Besides, didn't I tell you purple's my favourite colour?"
Cameron watched for her response with mischief in his eyes, then betrayed himself with an amused half-smile; it was easy to enjoy himself in this kind of company, even when the mood wasn't exactly sunny with a chance of good times. And with that thought, he decided it was best to tackle the obvious, before it became an elephant in the room.
"Look, before I make myself comfortable, I have something I need to say."
That got their attention, and suddenly faced with the misfortune of having to write with all eyes on him, he cursed himself for not planning it better. In the lengthy silence which followed, he felt the pressure of expectation, and it was for something that was implicity not Shakespeare:
"I left without saying goodbye. After you guys accepted me and made me feel welcome, I took off in the night without a word of gratitude. You didn't deserve that and I want to apologise."
While the message played out, there was a collective uncertainty amongst the trio, and their eyes met and flitted back to the celphone resting on the table. It was quite difficult, Cameron discovered, to deal with serious stuff this way. By the end of it, he'd abandoned any hope of pulling off straight-faced sincerity, and instead offered them an exaggerated apologetic frown and puppy-dog eyes.
"So, sorry guys."
Alex Kaine
Mar 20th, 2011, 11:53:46 PM
It was the sort of apology that made everyone feel a little uncomfortable - not the least because it still didn't carry any sort of explanation. The fact that it was coming out of a speakerphone just added that extra edge of surreality to it all, a fact that obviously hadn't been lost on Cameron.
Alex shrugged. There really wasn't much else to do. "I was sorry to see you go, honestly. But, you know, we're mutants. We're sort of used to being secretive. I figured you had your reasons."
He'd dropped his eyes to the tabletop and looked back up hesitantly. "I have to admit, though... I was wondering what they were."
Aimee Connors
Mar 21st, 2011, 12:15:52 AM
His earlier comment about purple had gotten a shy smile in return, and Aimee had perked up as the phone had played his apology. After Alex spoke she added, "But you don't have to say, if you don't want to." Aimee touched Cameron's arm lightly before retreating back to her corner of the booth. "I mean, yeah we're curious, but I think we also understand having private stuff going on."
She smiled encouragingly at him, eating the last few fries from her meal.
Cameron Bell
Mar 21st, 2011, 10:35:45 AM
It had been naive of him to think a generic apology would suffice. They also deserved an explanation. He gave Alex a nod and sunk into his seat with a heavy sigh. After a quick thumbing of his phone, he gave them an inquisitive glance:
"Do you remember that night? There was a blackout."
There was a brief dubious exchange across the table and then their faces morphed in a syncronised burst of recollection. Satisfied, but no less apprehensive, Cameron opened a folder containing message drafts, and there were two files saved, ready for such an eventuality. Lowering the volume on his phone, he hunched forward and placed it in the centre of the table, prompting the others to follow suit.
"I was riding home on Ronnie's bike when it happened. I could hardly see a thing. Creepy as hell. There were a few cars which helped but to play it safe, I hugged the sidewalk. Bad idea. When I passed the taco place on Palmerstone I got jumped, shoved off the bike and into the road. There were three or four of them, I couldn't see their faces but they knew me. They knew I was from Rendition House and that was reason enough to make me a target. It had to be the Three Elevens."
It wasn't exactly conversation appropriate over lunch at a busy In-N-Out, and Cameron felt a twinge of regret at the sight of the grave expressions frozen over hamburgers and fries, but now he had to finish his story. He started up the second message, finding consolation in the knowledge that Microsoft Sam wasn't exactly the most dramatic of orators:
"It just went on and on. I thought that was it. I was dead. And then the power returned, the street lights came on, and because they were in hostile territory, they ran. Anyway, just before they left, one of them told me I was on borrowed time and they were going to finish the job. I admit it, I was scared shitless, and when I got back to the house it took me ten minutes to pack up my things and go."
By the time the message played out, Cameron had improvised a new ending to his dark tale, adding:
"I escaped in my roflcopter, and it sounded something like this: soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi soi ("
Alex Kaine
Mar 21st, 2011, 03:06:15 PM
It didn't matter how harrowing the tale you'd just heard was - you couldn't listen to a synthesized voice lapse into a helicopter impression and not smile.
"But seriously?" Alex said when the nervous mirth died down. "That's terrible. I don't know why they'd target you like that. I mean, I thought that mutant gang had them running scared anyway. And it's not like there's any reason for them to think you're a mut..."
Speaking of scared, he'd just glanced over to Aimee, who was turning a paler shade of lavender. It was definitely not the time to talk about the relative visibility of mutancy. Alex scrambled for a change of topic.
"So, um, you free for a while? Aimee and I haven't exactly figured out what we're doing after lunch, but we've got some time to kill. You could hang out with us for a while. If that's okay with you, Aimee?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 21st, 2011, 03:30:43 PM
"Uh, sure, yeah." She smiled, swallowing down the queasy fear feeling in her stomach and taking a deep breath. "That would be cool. If you want to," she added, looking sideways at Cameron through her hair.
Aimee tucked some stray strands behind her ear and shrugged, "We were kicked out of the house for the afternoon. So we were thinking maybe the movies... or..?" She shrugged again, crumpling up her wrappers into a ball on her tray. Going to the movies just with Alex would be awkward, but with another person along it wouldn't be too bad.
Cameron Bell
Mar 21st, 2011, 05:21:02 PM
The nature of the relationship between Alex and Aimee was curious, and Cameron wondered at it. He, with his confident candor, the intellectual rebel with a sensitive streak, and she, the shrinking violet, who whispers and steals glances, making a shell of her amethyst beauty. No, it was not a date. The only chemistry between them was reserved for classrooms and kitchen sinks. But there was something telling in the way Alex sought out her blessing, and when it was given, Cameron locked his eyes on her and smiled.
"Wherever you're going is fine with me. Just lead the way."
Aimee Connors
Mar 22nd, 2011, 10:50:46 AM
She stared back at him, tawny yellow eyes transfixed for a moment before she looked away. "Well, I think there's something playing at the Cinemastar down the street. Maybe that new Pixar movie?"
As soon as she said it she put up a hand against any protests. "Look, its supposed to be good. I know its a cartoon and its not as great as say, GI Joe's gonna be or whatever, but I've been wanting to see it..." Aimee looked up at the two taller boys hopefully. It felt strange to be the center of their attention.
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 11:19:52 AM
"What, the uh, old guy with the balloons and the awkward little mutant kid?"
Alex glanced over to Cameron. "Sure, that'd be fine. Can you look up showtimes on that thing?"
Cameron Bell
Mar 22nd, 2011, 04:26:53 PM
While their movie options were being discussed, the corner of Cameron's mouth twitched, threatening to swell into a full-blown grin. It had been a long time since he'd gone to a movie theater; so long, in fact, he couldn't recall his last trip. The thought of watching something about an old man, balloons, and a mutant kid appealed to him perhaps more than it really should've done. He turned his attention to his phone at Alex's request and spent a few minutes scrolling through the showtimes:
"Ok," said Microsoft Sam at last, "Old man with balloons movie starts in half an hour."
He glanced up at them in earnest:
"You can get Twizzlers at a Cinemastar, right?"
Hours Later...
Cameron tore away happily at a length of red liquorice as they left the busy movie theatre. The voices of Alex and Aimee hummed pleasantly beside him, raising points about the plot and discussing favourite moments, which he reciprocated with an enthusiastic thumbs-up. Outside, beyond the buzz of crowds and the smell of popcorn, the evening air which greeted them was cool and refreshing. He came to stop and watched Aimee for a moment, whether it was thanks to a Twizzler-powered sugar rush or a temporary lapse in self-awareness, she was for the first time talking, and laughing, like there was no difference between her and any other girl in Los Angeles.
"I guess Anna will be expecting you home soon?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 22nd, 2011, 04:39:37 PM
"Not really," Aimee said, her imagination still captured by the movie that they'd just watched. "I'm sure we could send Tess a text and she'd cover for us, anyway, if we wanted to, you know... Stay out later?"
She looked up at Alex and then Cameron, hopefully.
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 07:46:31 PM
Alex had just noticed something, something he probably wouldn't have noticed before he and Lana started to become more... since him and Lana. Aimee had looked at Alex, but she'd looked at Cameron. Maybe this was just what she needed.
Damn, he was playing with fire here. He needed a second opinion.
"Tell you what," Alex said, "you go ahead and let Tess know. I'm going to make a call of my own. Got a friend who probably wouldn't mind coming with us."
He took a few steps down the sidewalk, pulled out his cellphone, and hit the speed-dial for Lana's number.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 22nd, 2011, 08:35:37 PM
"Lily! Put the shoe down! cost more than you did! LILY!"
Sergei snorted with laughter behind her as she chased the pup through the penthouse, the matching silver stiletto to the one in the dogs mouth in her hand. He set her dinner in the kitchen and then crossed his arms over his chest, brows arching into his hair as she broke into a string of Russian curses that surprised him.
Hands on her hips, she whirled indignantly as his laughter rang out again, watching Lily race by just out of her reach. "Sergei! You are not helping! At least close-"
Throwing her hands up in the air with exasperation, she stalked over to her purse on the nearby table and fished out her cell phone. Her expression changed when she saw the caller ID and answered quickly, breathless from the chase. "Aleksanderr! I didn't think I'd hear from you tonight...I don't suppose you want to come convince Lily to give me my shoe back?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 09:10:12 PM
Hearing his name rolled like a Russian delicacy was becoming a guilty pleasure. Alex smiled, though he had to wonder what had left Lana so out of breath.
"Hi, Lana. Sorry, I don't think Lily has ever found me particularly persuasive. Um..."
He glanced back at Aimee and Cameron, both of whom were texting now - it was a little surreal. "You doing anything tonight?"
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 22nd, 2011, 09:26:46 PM
"Aside from chasing Lily around because she decided that my new stilettos are a chew toy, no. Did you have something in mind?"
Tossing the lonely heel on the couch as she sat down, Lana tucked her long legs beneath herself, toying with the hem of her shorts (
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 09:32:50 PM
"Well, I'm out with Aimee and Cameron. You remember Cameron? He left the House about a month ago, and he just surprised us. Anyway, we just finished watching Up and we were looking for something else to do. I thought maybe you could join us."
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 22nd, 2011, 09:36:44 PM
"I'd love to! Do you want me to meet you where you are, or do you all want to come up here?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 09:51:27 PM
"Well," said Alex, "I've just learned of a very respectable establishment for social gatherings in our age group. I'm not going to get too much more specific, but it rhymes with Fight Club."
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 22nd, 2011, 10:02:33 PM
"I...will have to change...and what are you all wearing...what...wait a moment. Age group? What do you mean exactly?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 10:12:21 PM
"It's eighteen and up, but, don't worry, Aimee says they don't do a good job of carding."
Of course, it occurred to him that if any of them were going to get carded, it was Aimee, whose head was just scraping five feet. That was just the kind of attention she didn't need. And then there was the question of clothes...
He glanced over at Aimee, who was in flip-flops and the same jeans and v-neck T-shirt she'd been schlepping around the house in. Probably not the best ensemble for a night on the town.
"We're just in jeans and T-shirts. Oh, wait, Aimee's wearing flip-flops. Eh... sorry, maybe this isn't going to work out."
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 22nd, 2011, 10:22:43 PM
"Aleksander..." Lana chided softly, biting her lip as she rose and rushed down the hall to her bedroom.
"...clothes we can fix. Has being with me taught you nothing? You still have your outfit here. What's Cameron wearing? As for Aimee, I know she's petite, but if I can't find something to suit her in my closet, we'll stop at a store on the way. How close are you to my place? Should I send Sergei to get you?"
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 10:46:03 PM
"We're at the Cinemastar on Seacrest, so, yeah, if it's not too much trouble. I think Cameron's pretty good to go, actually."
He looked again to see Aimee laughing at something else Cameron had "said." They were feeding on each other's attention in a big way.
"And, uh... just between you and me? I think Aimee would like to impress him."
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 22nd, 2011, 10:49:40 PM
"Sergei! Could you please go and get Alex and Aimee and Cameron? They're at the Cinemastar on Seacrest. Thank you!"
Bringing the phone back to her mouth, she smiled conspiratorially even though he couldn't see her. " think so? I will find just the right thing...don't worry. Sergei will be there shortly."
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 10:55:46 PM
"Awesome, thanks. See you soon. Love you."
After he hung up, he had to wait a couple seconds for the silly grin on his face to disappear before he could turn around again. Alex dropped the phone into his pocket and rejoined his friends.
"Okay, so, I just got off the phone with Lana, and she says she'd like to go clubbing. Thought we'd try the one you mentioned, Aimee, that all right with you?"
It wasn't a complete lie... just a convenient restructuring of the truth.
Aimee Connors
Mar 22nd, 2011, 11:04:34 PM
Aimee turned back to Alex, suddenly feeling self conscious again. "Oh, sure. Yeah, I mean, if you..." she looked at Cameron who shrugged and nodded.
She smiled a little, and then wiggled her toes in her flip flops. "Oh, no, wait, I'm not dressed to go out - not like this." And it wasn't like she had a lot of very cool clubbing clothes at home on Banyon Street either. Aimee tugged at the hem of her shirt and made an awkward face for comic effect.
Alex Kaine
Mar 22nd, 2011, 11:09:16 PM
Alex shrugged. "No problem, she says she'll take care of it. Really, she lives for this sort of thing, I've tried to talk her out of it before. She's sending a car to pick us up."
Man, he could never get used to saying that.
Going to visit Lana had just been starting to seem less surreal and more familiar - Alex could look at the BMW as just another car and the luxury tower as just an apartment building, and even the receptionist now recognized him as a friend of their most expensive client and greeted him with a cheerful, "Good evening, Mr. Kaine!" as he walked in through the front door. But bringing a couple friends from Redencion almost set him back to square one again. Now he was the one ushering his fellow plebeians into a world of marble columns, crystal chandeliers, and indoor fountains.
The bellhop who met them at the elevator smiled broadly and didn't even give Aimee a second glance. Of course, even if he had, she was too busy goggling their ritzy surroundings to notice. He scanned a keycard in front of the elevator with the gold doors - the only elevator that went all the way up to the top floor - and waved them inside without another word.
The elevator moved smartly and silently, and it reached the top well before you expected it to. Alex stepped out and led the way to the ornate double doors of Lana's penthouse and pressed the doorbell.
Cameron Bell
Mar 23rd, 2011, 06:16:07 PM
Cameron followed them out of the elevator in an open-mouthed stupor. He waltzed slowly in tow, turning to take in his extravagant surroundings, running his fingers over every kind of surface in reach. When they stopped, it took his brain a moment to register it and he bumped lightly into Aimee, eliciting from her a squeak of surprise. In return he offered her a sheepish smile and fell into rank before the large penthouse doors.
"Daddy, I want one!"
Aimee Connors
Mar 23rd, 2011, 06:24:08 PM
Aimee giggled in reply, but couldn't think of anything to say, surrounded by such... luxury. Alex rang the doorbell, and it was a soft chime that blended perfectly with the look of the building. The doorbell at Redencion House hadn't worked for months, and when it did it was a grating buzz that you could only hear on the first floor.
"I had no idea Lana lived here," she said lamely, yellow eyes taking in everything around them. It reminded her of some of the apartment buildings in Manhattan - ones she'd been inside before, but not with permission. And not using the elevator, which was as smooth as the proverbial Great Glass one.
As Lana's door opened Aimee stepped back a little, almost hiding behind Cameron while trying not to look like she was feeling uncomfortable.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 23rd, 2011, 07:04:26 PM
"You'll have to ask my mother, Cameron...its her money. And believe me, you wouldn't want deal with my father."
Lana said as she opened the door, smiling brightly. "Come on in!"
She stepped aside and let Cameron enter since Alex had nudged him and Aimee forward. They were greeted by the sudden appearance of Lily, who never missed the opportunity to greet people who might spoil her with attention. "That's Lily, and she's really friendly...especially if she thinks you'll hold her and pet her. She loves attention."
Alex got a slightly...warmer greeting, that included a hug, a rather breathless kiss, and the soft murmur of a Russian endearment. Her cheeks warmed to a bright golden-green hue as she let him go and closed the door behind them.
"So! I'm excited to go out...tell me about this club, Aimee..."
Alex Kaine
Mar 23rd, 2011, 07:20:13 PM
As usual, Alex found himself greeted at the door by a vision of elegance. He wasn't sure whether Lana had already changed for the club or not - she probably could have gone in her pajamas and still look like a Hollywood socialite. Of course, her pajamas probably cost more than Alex's last six paychecks, for reasons he couldn't possibly begin to understand.
But right now that laser-guided fashion sense was going to come in handy. As Lana glommed onto Aimee, Alex clapped his hand onto Cameron's back and guided him into the huge family room. "I think that's our cue to amuse ourselves for a while."
He bent down to scratch Lily between the ears, and the puppy wiggled after the two teenage boys.
Cameron Bell
Mar 23rd, 2011, 07:53:00 PM
In parting, Cameron offered the girls a polite nod, fighting off the surreal urge to bow before Svetlana in her palacial home. The only thing homely about it was the yipping puppy skittering about their feet, everything else was alien. Yes, he'd visited a number of impressive residences in the past courtesy of his eccentric European uncle, but none of which boasted the modern opulence of the penthouse. It was the sort of thing you see in movies, and in the homes of presidents and kings.
His silent musings accompanied him into the family room, and when the smart click of marble gave way to the whisper of carpet, Cameron suddenly hopped. He clutched at his shoe, ready to tear it off like some accursed thing, and looked to Alex for guidance. What was it about fancy homes that made footwear seem criminal?
Aimee Connors
Mar 23rd, 2011, 07:56:35 PM
Aimee knew Lana, but she didn't know her all that well. Alex had brought her around the house and she'd seen her at school before that... but they were acquaintances. Wave as you passed in the hall, that sort of thing.
The boys were retreating to another room and she forced herself to stop looking around the apartment and focus on her hostess. "Ah, well, I haven't been to it personally. I've just heard about it at school, and it sounds like a fun place. Lots of dancing... and its eighteen and up but they're pretty lax when it comes to carding minors."
She found herself about to shove her hands in her pockets, and stopped just in time, casting a glance behind her at where Alex and Cameron were disappearing, the rambunctious puppy in tow. "Its called the Silver Dollar - I think it used to be a country music club before. But they play other stuff now." Aimee shrugged, her eyes tracking up the walls to the high ceiling.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 23rd, 2011, 09:16:13 PM
"Ohhh...I think I've heard of it. And if we look really good, they definitely won't question us. Come with me..."
Lana smiled, taking Aimee's hand and leading the way. Down the brightly lit, high-ceilinged hallway, she tugged the petite girl and chattered non-stop about random things. While they didn't know eachother entirely as well as she'd like, she was hoping tonight would bring their friendship along.
Much as she loved Alex, she really did need a couple more friends. Especially a girlfriend or two.
At the end of the hall was a large partially open door that she tugged Aimee through and kicked it closed behind them. Unlike the rest of the impeccably furnished apartment, her bedroom was relatively empty. The shades and curtains were drawn closed across the large bank of windows that took up the exterior wall. A couple of scattered comfortable chairs and piles of pillows dotted the rest of the warmly carpeted space. At the center of the long wall stood an imposing, curtained canopy bed ( With the velvet curtains tied back, it was possible to see the lamps built into the ornate frame across the top.
Opposite from the bed was a large set of etched glass double doors that stood open to reveal a walk-in closet that was likely the size of most apartments. Tugging Aimee's hand to draw her in, she glanced at the petite girl and nodded. "I was thinking something white, for show off your gorgeous skin. You're about the size of my best friend from home, and I have a few things I've been meaning to send her that will fit you. But please...feel free to take a look around. If something fits, you're more than welcome to borrow it." Lana smiled brightly and went looking through a section of short dresses off to one side, searching for one in particular in white.
Aimee Connors
Mar 23rd, 2011, 10:26:52 PM
Aimee couldn't help but smile at Lana's enthusiasm, and let herself get swept up in it. She poked around in the big closet, her attention caught by a rack of purses against on wall. "Wow, real Prada!"
She grinned at her own outburst and added, "I'm used to seeing Prado on the streets of New York. Even sold my fair share of them to tourists. But wow, the real thing!" Aimee ran a hand over the leather bag, finally releasing it to see what Lana was up to at the other end of the walk-in closet.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 24th, 2011, 09:29:17 PM
"I used to have a rainbow colored 'Prado' bag when I was five, actually. I had ruined one of my mother's real Prada bags trying to plant flower seeds in it. She bought me the fake one to save the rest of her real ones."
Lana grinned sheepishly, fingers finally closing around the hanger with the dress she was looking for. The silver stud accents ( across the top of the white fabric would accent her petite shape perfectly.
"Aha! Here...try this on...I need to find those silver shoes I bought a few weeks ago....and some jewelry..." at Aimee's perplexed look, she pointed to a small curtained area at the very back of the closet before resuming her rummaging. In the process of finding the proper accessories for Aimee's dress, she pulled together an outfit ( of her own.
A brush founds it way into her hands as she pulled the knots out of her long blonde hair, pulling it into a high ponytail with a piece of teal silk to match her top.
Aimee Connors
Mar 24th, 2011, 09:45:34 PM
Aimee's eyes popped at the dress Lana was holding out to her, but she trusted the other girl's fashion sense and meekly went behind the curtain to change. "This is probably the fanciest I've ever been," she giggled as she zipped up the dress, bangles on her arm jingling.
She padded out barefoot, shoes dangling from her hand and her t-shirt and jeans folded neatly and draped over her arm. "What do you think? It fits really well." Aimee turned about slowly, her hair cascading down in glossy black waves to mid-back.
"Do you think..." her cheeks colored a little darker purple as she blushed, and continued, "...Cameron will like it?"
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 24th, 2011, 10:26:48 PM
"The boy won't know what hit him when he lays eyes on you, trust me."
Lana grinned, mentally thanking Alex for noticing and thinking to warn her when he called. While she'd certainly have chosen something in either white or silver, once she knew about the budding interest between the pair...well.
That called for a snug mini-dress and high heels, didn't it.
Gently taking Aimee's jeans and t-shirt, she set them aside next to the outfit she'd just changed out of. With a bit of amusement the first few moments Aimee tried walking in the unfamiliar shoes, the girls took one last look in the mirror and deemed themselves ready. Arm in arm, they sauntered out of Lana's room and back down the hallway.
By the time they reached the living room, Aimee had walking in heels down perfectly. "Camerron, Aleksanderr...arre you two rready?" Lana practically purred with her Russian accent heavy on the words.
Alex Kaine
Mar 25th, 2011, 11:55:07 AM
"So it's Friday, starting around nine in the morning. And I know you're not a mutant, but we'd appreciate the support, and Aimee'll be there..."
Alex had found the Armani jeans and charcoal T-shirt Lana had bought him months ago and even threw on the tan jacket that went with it, even though he'd never understand why a jacket went with a T-shirt and jeans, but apparently a T-shirt was a dress shirt when you put a one-hundred-dollar price tag on it. Since he'd rejoined Cameron in the living room, he'd been making conversation and trying to keep Lily from nipping at his outrageously expensive jean cuffs, even though the fatigue would probably increase the value.
He turned his head at the sound of Lana's voice and stood up off the plush couch. He almost tripped over Lily, who'd taken the action as the long-awaited response to her repeated invitations to play, and by the time he recovered his stumbling feet and looked up, there were the girls...
He already knew Lana could look stunning in anything, and it was enough of a thrill to see her long legs framed by a very short leather skirt. But he was used to seeing Aimee in baggy shirts and oversized jackets that covered her up and made her five-foot frame look even smaller and more kid-ish. The transformation was nothing short of uncanny.
"You look great! Both of you!"
Cameron Bell
Mar 25th, 2011, 07:43:05 PM
Cameron was on his feet the moment the girls appeared and experienced what could only be described as sensory overload. In the beginning, it was an overwhelming bombardment of smooth curves and sleek lines, an orgy of pleasing information which threatened to send the brain into synaptic shock. There was a smile on his face which broadened when his gaze zeroed in on Aimee, decked out in figure-hugging white. All notions of propriety were momentarily lost as his eyes sought to wander her body, marvelling at the shapes scuplted beneath the dress, and not beneath the dress. It was Christmas, and there, beneath the tree, was his favourite present; he knew what it was, but the fun was in the unwrapping.
Alex had said something and it took a moment to register the fact that there were eyes on him. His smile fell away as he dug out his phone in a mild panic, fumbling the keys between breaks to catch another glimpse of his plum-and-cream treat, but when he was done, the corner of his mouth twitched with a flicker of confidence.
"Am I guilty of stating the obvious if I tell you how amazing you look?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 25th, 2011, 07:54:07 PM
Aimee blushed at the scrutiny but she was thrilled about the compliments. "Thanks, guys. I can't wait to trip and fall on the dance floor in these shoes." She grinned to show she wasn't serious. Her balance was good despite being unused to high heels, and she didn't even totter a little as she followed Lana deeper into the living room and to the guys.
God, Cameron's dimple was simply going to be the death of her! Aimee bit her lip a little as she caught him staring at her again, and then she gave a little turn, showing off her new look. "I could get used to this," she admitted, looking at Lana. "I can't believe you just had this dress laying around!"
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 25th, 2011, 11:15:14 PM
Boys were too easy, sometimes.
Lana smiled brightly, tilting her head and nudging Aimee forward a little bit as Cameron's eyes finally lit on her petite form. Well...wasn't that reaction delightful? The blonde was rather proud of herself, and even prouder still of Aimee who, though blushing, managed to twirl and soak in the attention.
She slipped over to where Alex stood waiting, gave him a quick kiss as he wrapped an arm around her waist. Her smile warmed to match the gold-green glow in her cheeks as she whispered softly in his ear. "Good catch on the interest between them, love...isn't it wonderful?"
Aimee's comment brought her back to the moment. "Actually, I wouldn't have in another week...I would have sent it off to Katia in Saint Petersburg. Consider it a really early birthday look so amazing in that, you have to keep it."
Aimee Connors
Mar 26th, 2011, 12:02:58 AM
Aimee's yellow eyes went wide at Lana's generosity, unsure how to accept such a wonderful gift. "Wow, that's too much, really..." She grinned a little wickedly, "But thank you! I couldn't possibly say no to that."
Lana was hanging on Alex's arm, and Aimee felt very acutely the strange tension between Cameron and herself. She stood near him, but not too close, the four teens chatting for a few moments until Lana's Sergei brought the car around and they were piling into the elevator and descending to ground level. In the elevator her arm brushed against Cameron's - it was almost as though Alex was purposefully crowding them together as Lana swiped her access card.
It was a breathless drive full of friendly chatter later and they were stopping in front of the Silver Dollar dance club. Cameron quite chivalrously helped her out of the car, and Aimee wobbled against him for a second as the borrowed shoes threatened to spill her to the sidewalk.
Alex Kaine
Mar 26th, 2011, 09:46:32 PM
The Silver Dollar's exterior was simple and unassuming, like a bowling alley, which it may well have been in a past life. The facade was crumbling red brick with a set of tinted glass doors under a garish neon sign. A smattering of young people gathered outside, waiting for the odd numbers of their groups, but Alex and Lana led the way up to the front door, arm in arm. A thumping bassline bled out into the parking lot and redoubled as they stepped inside the atrium, where a lanky woman behind a slotted window collected their cover charge and asked if they wanted wristbands for alcohol.
Alex looked back over his group and said, "Uh, yeah, we need two."
Seconds later he had two neon-orange elastic wristbands, and as they stepped into the electronic cacophony of the club, he turned and pressed one into Aimee's hand and put the other on himself.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 28th, 2011, 12:05:54 PM
Laughing softly, she kissed the curve of Alex's ear, reaching down with one hand to pluck at the wristband he now wore.
"Ulterior motive, Mr. Kaine? Going to try and get me drunk?" she purred as she tilted her head back and regarded him with a great deal of...warmth. Both implied and literal, given the oh-so-faint light glittering in her gaze.
Lana cast a glance over her shoulder to Aimee and Cameron, and winked at Aimee as the double doors leading further into the club opened to admit them. The deep, pulsating beat of the music drew them forward, and the flickering lights over the dance floor beckoned.
Cameron Bell
Mar 28th, 2011, 05:01:41 PM
The first thing Cameron noticed was the noise. A wall of sound swept over them like a mighty tide; a ceaseless drone of voices raised in high spirits, the crazed laughter of drunken parties clamouring around the dancefloor, it was the crash of empty beer bottles, and the pounding bass, so loud it made the air throb. It had not gone unnoticed that their arrival drew stares from around the club, from barside congregations to dancefloor revellers to the intimate huddles of people cloistered in gloomy booths. Cameron threw his arm around Aimee and with a buoyant grin, led the way to the bar.
Perhaps he was taking liberties, physical contact this early into the game, but it was a double date, there was no point in pussy-footing around it, and he sought to break the pretense as quickly as possible. Besides, right then, Aimee looked like she needed it. The touch of her bare skin was warm and electric, and in the garish light it glistened like ripe fruit, shades of velvet plum and striking violet. In his gut Cameron felt a hunger that had nothing to do with food.
While they shuffled closer to the bar, he keyed a message into his phone, and abandoning the faithful service of Microsoft Sam, held it up for her to see:
"I'll be damned if I let a girl like you pay for her drinks tonight. What can I get the lady?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 28th, 2011, 05:22:58 PM
She got the wristband fastened without too much trouble, tight enough on her slim wrist so it didn't look like she'd found it laying on the dance floor and stolen it. Cameron drew her away from Alex and Lana (who winked at her as the music enveloped them), his arm around her, presumably to make sure she didn't get lost in the sudden crush of people around the bar.
Or maybe not. She grinned at the bright screen of his phone, her yellow eyes gleaming a bit in the dark of the club. "I love me an IPA!" she shouted at him over the noise of the music, his arm tightening momentarily around her shoulder as they were jostled by some rowdy guys leaving the bar.
One leaned close to her, his breath smelling like corn. "Hey pretty - are you purple all over?" He leered as his friends laughed, and Aimee glared at him.
Cameron Bell
Mar 28th, 2011, 06:23:09 PM
Cameron went rigid next to Aimee, and locked eyes with the loudmouth until he found the presence of mind to disappear with his knuckle-dragging friends. The dramatic change in his face and body language fell away as he became aware of Aimee's petite body pressing up against his, his expression softened and he slackened his hold.
"The guy's a jerk. He shouldn't say things like that. Gets me thinkin..."
While Aimee read the message he prepared the perfect poker face, and then when she looked up, the corner of his mouth gave a treacherous twitch.
Aimee Connors
Mar 28th, 2011, 06:32:51 PM
She elbowed him in the side, but grinned while she did it. "Down boy!" By then they'd made it to the bar and she quickly got the female bartender's attention. Budweiser or Pabst was all they had of course. "Two Buds!" The woman nodded and got to pouring them, satisfied by a glimpse at the wristband on Aimee's arm.
Cameron paid, true to his word, and tipped, which was important. Aimee lifted her cup to him, and sipped the brew. She hadn't had a beer in ages. It was important to her to obey the rules of the House that was keeping her off the street. Still, tonight was a special occasion. She looked up at Cameron as she drank, raising an eyebrow to find his eyes on her.
Cameron Bell
Mar 28th, 2011, 07:07:58 PM
Again, he'd been caught staring, this time over the rim of his glass as he hesitated to drink. A single arched eyebrow asked so many questions. He substituted his raised drink for his phone.
"It's nice to see this side of you. The non-Rendition House you."
Now he took a sip of beer and gently prompted Aimee forward, away from the bar and the densely packed bodies surrounding it. There was little point in trying to move around in pairs, so Cameron allowed her some space and followed hot on her heels, pausing at a table long enough only to empty half his drink into a discarded glass.
Aimee Connors
Mar 28th, 2011, 07:16:02 PM
The music was intoxicating with its deep throbbing bass line, and she couldn't help but move to it while she threaded her way through the crowd. Protecting her beer from being spilled on her ridiculously expensive dress (she'd seen the label - and yeah, she knew a bit about fashion), Aimee suddenly stopped, nearly causing Cameron to collide into her back.
She turned around, hand on his arm as she stretched up against him to talk into his ear. "I have no idea where Alex and Lana went! Can't see a damn thing over everyone!"
Cameron Bell
Mar 28th, 2011, 07:47:41 PM
Having the height advantage, Cameron performed a patient three-sixty, wearing an expression of practised scrutiny. Alex and Lana were hovering on the outskirts of the dancefloor, nursing drinks and laughing. A moment later, he glanced down at Aimee and gave a clueless shrug.
"They'll turn up eventually. Besides, this is cool, just us."
His eyebrow arched theatrically, and he added:
"Isn't it?"
Aimee Connors
Mar 28th, 2011, 07:51:02 PM
Yeah. It was cool. Very cool.
Aimee snagged his phone and tapped out a reply with one hand while sipping her beer with the other. She held it up, handing it back to him.
Im not gonna complain ;)
Alex Kaine
Mar 28th, 2011, 08:39:27 PM
The whole catch-22 about cheap beer was that you could only fool yourself into thinking it tasted good once you were already drunk. Up until that point, the hoppy, greasy punkiness was the tax you paid for that pleasant buzz about the ears that made everything a little funnier and the dance floor just a little less forbidding. That was all Alex wanted out of his orange wristband. Lana didn't need the help of beer goggles to hit a perfect ten, and he didn't want to risk really making an ass of himself, and even though Lana had offered him a sip of her fruity vodka concoction and offered to put down thirty-odd dollars to get him one of his own, masculine pride had to draw a line somewhere.
"You outdid yourself. I mean, seriously, Cameron's going to have to fight guys off with a stick. Not that I don't know the feeling."
The crush of patrons rolling off the dance floor forced Lana back into Alex's chest, and he looped an arm around her waist and reeled her back underneath the balcony into a cluster of tables under softer yellow lights.
"So, we've done our good deed for the night," he said into her ear. "Now what do you want to do?"
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 28th, 2011, 09:13:09 PM
Sipping the delicious concoction in its colorful glass, she found herself glad that she'd chosen what passed for top shelf vodka in the club. It certainly wasn't as good as the stuff she could get hold of back home in Saint Petersburg...but it would do, for now, even if the price was a bit exorbitant for the quality.
Eyes half-lidded, she swayed to the beat of the music. "Thank you, love...although I swear, when a girl looks as good as Aimee does, the clothes are just an afterthought. Poor Cameron doesn't stand a chance against her in that outfit." Lana grinned wickedly as she tilted her head back and kissed the corner of his mouth, glossy lips leaving a trace of her fruity concoction behind.
With the crush of people, Lana was pushed back and rather comfortably so against Alex's chest. She rested there, a shiver of delight racing up her spine as he spoke against her ear. Turning, she slipped her free hand around the back of his neck, fingers trailing along his warm skin. "We could stand here and admire our handiwork...we" she paused, sipping from her drink before kissing him lightly. "...or we could take advantage of the fact that we've lost track of said handiwork...and seem to have this alcove to ourselves for a little while..."
Alex Kaine
Mar 28th, 2011, 09:35:09 PM
"Yeah," Alex said, taking a deep breath of Lana's perfume, "we could do that."
The beat was thick, heavy, and penetrating, the kind of rhythm you felt pounding in your sternum, leaving you just a bit breathless and off-balance, and in these close quarters Alex could almost feel it resonating between the two of them. Even in the dim, smokiness of the alcove, Lana was radiant. Alex found a resting place for his beer and wrapped both his arms around her, then pressed his lips against her neck, seeking as many points of connection as he could find.
And that was when he heard it over the speakers - just the little box speakers mounted in the ceiling of the alcove, thin and tinny against the booming dance mix:
"Hey, mutie."
Alex tensed and threw an accusatory look over one shoulder, then the other. He didn't see anyone, but his grip on Lana tightened protectively.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 28th, 2011, 10:14:03 PM
There was a reason she loved Alex, she mused...well, there were lots of reasons, but just at that moment, she adored the fact that his mind worked so much like hers did.
A pleasured sigh escaped her lips as she tilted her head to the side, letting her eyes slip closed. With the music pounding through the air, the ever-present energy rippling between them, and the pleasure dancing down the length of her spine, it was an overwhelming sensory feast.
Until the tinny voice broke through the heavy club music and ruined it.
Lana swore colorfully and creatively in Russian as she straightened slightly, glancing over each of his shoulders as he did. "Why is it, Aleksanderr, that whenever we get to such...warmly interesting moments...we are always interrupted?" she said flatly, annoyance in her voice and her gaze. She felt his grip tighten around her, and it shifted her features enough to allow a tiny smile to curl her lips.
Alex Kaine
Mar 28th, 2011, 10:27:46 PM
There was no one behind them, and nobody else in the club had reacted as if anything was amiss. Alex sighed.
"It was probably a local radio station," he said. "Sometimes a bad sound system picks them up when you overdrive the speakers. Now, where were we..."
He leaned in again to try to pick up where they had left off, even if it was a little forced now, but the impudent voice broke in again.
"Not that I'm not enjoying the show... but you two should really get a room."
"Sunovabitch!" Alex released Lana and whirled around. He could sense the pulsing electrical signal flooding the tiny speakers like a garden hose into an eyedropper. Maybe he could surge the power just enough to blow the box speakers out...
"You want a piece of me, mutie? Then come up to the balcony, back wall, the booth by the aquarium. I'll be waiting."
Alex gawked at the speakers, then looked back down to Lana, dumbfounded. "What the hell?"
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 28th, 2011, 10:42:35 PM
"Where I come from, we shoot impudent pricks like that." Lana muttered, her eyes narrowing as she rested her hands on Alex's waist while his back was turned.
She offered a glare that had withered men made of sterner stuff up towards the offensive speakers. The temptation was there to melt them with a bolt of energy, but that would be far too visible for the venue they were in.
...the voice only called Alex a mutant. If they didn't know about her, then that was an advantage they held.
"You know, I've had just about enough of this." Lana said, a moue of distaste marring her features. Spinning on her heel, she stalked through the throngs of people towards the broad staircase. Choice Russian invectives spilled from her lips all the while as she moved as if she owned the place, and the crowd seemed to conveniently parted before her.
Which was for the best, since she'd likely have shoved them out of the way as pissed off as she was.
Alex Kaine
Mar 28th, 2011, 10:47:37 PM
"Woah - hey, wait, Lana!"
Alex charged after her, but the milling patrons didn't seem so obliging for him, and he had to shoulder his way through a barricade of tipsy college co-eds to catch up to her.
"Lana, this joker was talking to me. I can handle this."
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 28th, 2011, 11:01:55 PM
Hands on her hips, she arched a brow at him and sighed. "Fine, you go up first. But I'm coming with you no matter what you say."
Lana replied as she stepped aside, catching one of his hands with one of hers as he moved to take the lead.
Alex Kaine
Mar 28th, 2011, 11:47:52 PM
Alex couldn't really deny her that. If their positions were reversed - well. She'd probably have to physically restrain him from starting a fight and getting both of them bounced out of the club.
He led the way up the sweeping staircase into the mezzanine, which was cast in nocturnal blues and purples from the overhead lighting. The customers were relatively sparse up here - most people wanted to be in easy striking distance of the bar and the dance floor, and everyone who wanted to watch the psychedelic frenzy of bodies and lights from above was crowded against the balcony rail. The illuminated aquarium at the back of balcony was easy enough to find, and so was the horseshoe-shaped booth to the left occupied by one scraggly-looking young man with a grin on his face that invited unfavorable comparisons to a jackal.
"Thought that'd get your attention," the stranger said gleefully as they approached.
"Okay, so I'm here," Alex said. "What the hell do you want?"
"Dude, relax." The young man spread his hands. One of them contained a small shard of exposed electronic circuitry with an antenna mounted on the end of it. The input/output lights beside the transmitter blinked furiously. "All of my best friends are muties. Or maybe I should say... all of my brothers."
He glanced from Alex and to Lana. "And sisters. Come on, take a seat. I've been waiting to talk to you."
Aimee Connors
Mar 29th, 2011, 12:25:36 AM
Aimee drained her beer and left the empty on a table, catching Cameron by the hand and leading him out to the dance floor. She tossed her head, black hair flying, let go of the events of the last few days, and just danced.
Cameron danced with her, surprisingly well, and as the alcohol buzzed through her small body she put her back to him, his hands on her hips as she ground against him to the music. The atmosphere of the club was intoxicating, and she laughed, pushing his hands away to free herself and turned around to face him, teasingly just out of reach.
Cameron Bell
Mar 29th, 2011, 11:38:11 AM
The change in Aimee was sudden and remarkable. On the dancefloor she was like a different person, but Cameron suspected that had more to do with the beer than the music; every gesture was pronounced with a sultry sway of the hips or a dreamy roll of the head; it was mesmerizing, almost hypnotic, and for the time being Cameron was content to let her lead the way. She shattered boundaries with the rythmic ripple of her body against his and stole away too soon, putting what felt like a chasm of space between them. It was torturous, and he wore his smile like a polite disguise, but in his eyes there sat something predatory and dark.
Patience, he reminded himself. Again, he closed the distance between them, using the steady beat of the music to pace his advance. His dancing was good enough to prevent him from standing out in a crowd, but amongst the crowd, and the heat, the swell of music, and heady fragrances, it was difficult to resist the mood, and instinct. The attack was sudden, his hand cupped Aimee's waist and provided support as he pressed forward, allowing the weight of his body to coax her petite figure into a delicate retreating arch, now she had to look up into his eyes. In a moment of surreal stillness, he read her face, his mouth curled with satisfaction and crashed against her lips.
So much for patience.
Aimee Connors
Mar 29th, 2011, 12:02:43 PM
She was surprised by the kiss, but ran her hands up his chest until she reached his neck, lightly hooking her hands there as the club moved around them, a still spot amidst the frenzy. His hands supported her as his lips demanded more, and she felt almost on fire with the rush of endorphins that flooded her body, crushed there against him while the music raged.
Finally, too soon, she pulled away, gasping and her eyes bright with a golden gleam. He didn't release her, his eyes hooded and full of want. Aimee curled her fingers in his hair, and then pulled his head down, surging up to complete the circuit between them as she hungrily kissed him again.
Cameron Bell
Mar 29th, 2011, 03:31:46 PM
Now mingled with the ambient cacophony of the club was the wet smack and sucking of lips as they prized from each other hot, panting kisses. Hands roamed indiscriminate of taste and propriety, because it wasn't the blossoming romance of sweet sixteen or a maturing love affair between responsible adults; it was the angry passion of youth busting out of its cage; it was ugly, and it was raw, and it didn't give a fuck. Clumsily luring Aimee from the heart of the dancefloor, Cameron helped himself to a handful of butt, and in response, a lavender leg was hiked around his thigh. The yelp of surprise prompted from him a devlish grin, and with one arm around her tiny waist, and the other clasping a hand, he swept her up and lead her across the room in a manic, spiralling waltz.
When they reached one of the dusky booths, he unceremoniously deposited Aimee onto the squeaking leather, and swept down like a peregrine falcon, only to be fended off by his giggling prey. There was a boy in the booth, he looked about sixteen, seventeen at a push, and was crowned with a wild bonnet of ginger curls. He gawked at the amorous pair, frozen in his seat, who then proceeded to lock lips oblivious to their audience. Almost. When he started to peck at Aimee's purple flesh, marking a trail from her shoulder up to her neck, his arm fired out like a piston, clutched the boy's shirt, yanked him close, then shoved him violently from the booth. While the clatter of limbs sounded behind, Cameron smirked, and clamped his teeth around an earlobe, pulling gently, like a puppy with a chewtoy.
Aimee Connors
Mar 29th, 2011, 03:48:06 PM
Aimee's eyes were closed as Cameron pressed his attentions on her, her lips parted and breathing heavily as he nibbled at her ear. There was hardly room for thought in her brain, nerve endings tingling and reporting all sorts of interesting sensations, but one thought managed to make its way in through all the mess of hormones.
I should have gotten a dress like this ages ago.
He was insistent with his kisses, and she matched him for urgency, wanting to wrap her arms around his neck and never let go. Her head tipped back and he kissed her neck again, trailing dangerously low as she gasped for air.
Finally her brain managed to alert her to the next possible courses of action, and she reluctantly lifted Cameron's head, putting a finger to his lips. "Maybe we better cool off for a minute..." Not that she really wanted to - but then she didn't want it getting around that she fucked someone in public, either.
Alex Kaine
Mar 29th, 2011, 06:39:04 PM
Alex folded his arms and glowered at the stranger in the booth.
"Why should we want to talk to you?" he said. "We came here to have fun, not to be harassed by some punk who can control the sound system."
"God, is he always this thick?" the young man said, throwing a glance toward Lana, which turned into a bit more than a glance. "I'm talking about the family of all mutants here. This is an opportunity to do more for the mutant cause than read protest rags and show up at political rallies. I can connect you to the network. Or..."
He leaned back and shrugged. "You could go back to underage drinking and grinding on the dance floor. Your call."
Alex stared dubiously at the young man, and then he gave a questioning look to Lana.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 29th, 2011, 07:08:29 PM
In spite of the moment, Lana found a brief smile for Alex and lightly stroked his cheek with her fingertips. "Occasionally he is, but I find that an endearing quality."
Lana noticed the glance, and arched a delicate brow as it lingered over her. She flipped her ponytail back over her bare shoulder and shifted in her seat, crossing her long legs. Tilting her head towards Alex, her lips parted as if she was about to comment, when their companion's words sunk in deep.
And struck the vicious chord of a memory that made her heart stop in her chest.
But it couldn't be...not here. Not now. Her hands were clenched together in her lap as she stared. Silent, jaw clenched, and hoping her gut was wrong about what she was hearing.
Alex Kaine
Mar 29th, 2011, 07:21:04 PM
With Lana's consent, Alex slid down onto the bench seat of the booth. This jackass was the last person he wanted to spend his evening with, especially if it meant taking time away from Lana, but he couldn't ignore the possibility of a connection with the mutant underground.
"Okay, make it quick."
The Brotherhood
Mar 29th, 2011, 08:26:01 PM
Tron grinned, like the only player at the table who knew how to read the marks on the backs of the cards. "I knew I was talking to the right man," he said. "The name's Tron."
He extended his free hand toward Alex. Alex made no move toward it, and the open hand turned into a pointing finger.
"You need to learn to lighten up, my friend," Tron said. "But then, you don't need to introduce yourself, because I already know who you are. I know you respect the right of humankind to evolve, and you don't accept the rule of mundane neanderthals who want to deny mutants their birthright. I know you've been burned, personally, by the systems of genetic oppression, and you have reason to want revenge. And I know you'll be eighteen soon and won't have to worry about keeping the Redencion House rules much longer."
Tron glanced down at the orange band on Alex's wrist. "Oh, but, don't worry, I won't tell the bouncers."
Alex Kaine
Mar 29th, 2011, 08:28:34 PM
Alex frowned, wondering what he might have done to tip this Tron off on his political views. Generally he tried not to leave a big paper trail. Of course, there was that T-shirt he'd ordered a couple weeks ago.
"What, are you with Friends of Genetic Freedom or something?"
The Brotherhood
Mar 29th, 2011, 08:30:19 PM
Tron laughed. "Oh, yeah, FGF, TGIF, the angsty mutant social club. They're all right for printing T-shirts, making newsletters, and staging publicity stunts. I'm talking about real soldiers of evolution, man. I'm talking about the Brotherhood of Mutants."
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 29th, 2011, 09:19:26 PM
"Ublyudok!" Lana spat, not caring if he or anyone else in the vicinity understood. She couldn't have stopped the invective if she'd tried to.
Chestnut eyes flashed instantly to a blazing gold, while her fingers curled into tight fists. She shook with the effort of holding back her energy, and failed as it began rippling across her skin, starting with her hands.
"Why would we listen to mutants who would murder their own kind? To the ones who would slit the throat of a four year old little boy and dump him in a ditch by the side of the road? Why the fuck should I listen to anything you have to say?"
Shifting, Lana pushed at Alex to let her out of the booth because she wasn't certain she could hold herself back. She shuddered under the effort of containing the rage and sorrow that the memory of that night brought back. Of being so weak she couldn't move to help Mikhail and Piotr when they were in danger. Of listening to Mikhail scream for his parents and for her.
Alex Kaine
Mar 29th, 2011, 09:24:39 PM
Alex snapped his eyes on Lana in shock. Oddly enough, Tron had pretty much the same reaction.
"What - Lana, what are you talking about?"
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 29th, 2011, 09:41:27 PM
"Eight years ago in Saint Petersburg, the Brotherhood was trying to bring my parents into the fold. Would have been quite the coup...the influx of money, the FSB secrets, and three mutant children. But they resisted. Dug in their heels and put alot of thought and discussion into the matter. Alot of arguing...I'd never heard my mother and father have screaming matches like that before."
Lana took a deep breath and stared down at her hands, watching the sunlight course across her skin. "They had finally made a decision. Finally came to the conclusion that the Brotherhood was the best fit for their morals and ideals. They only had to call Saladin to make it official. But that's when it happened. Three of them broke into our house one night, to kidnap one of us to force my parents to a decision. My father said they were looking for me but found Mikhail and Piotr's room first. They grabbed Mikhail and ran. I can still hear him screaming for our parents...and for me. But they weren't home, and I was too weak to move to help him."
Glancing back over to Tron, her fingers unfurled as she grabbed the edge of the table, the heat of her energy warping it. "But they weren't prepared and they couldn't soothe him. And they didn't know how to control his abilities...he and Piotr both had already started showing signs of their gifts. When he proved too much for them to handle, they slit his throat and dumped him in a ditch by the side of the road as they fled Saint Petersburg."
The Brotherhood
Mar 29th, 2011, 09:53:19 PM
Tron, to his credit, looked very nearly as horrified as Alex, but only for a moment. He gripped the wireless network interface in his hand, and his eyes glazed over and started juddering as he searched the Brotherhood mission files for operations in Saint Petersburg around 2001.
"No," he said at last. "I think you've got some facts wrong, sister. Saladin wasn't even working in Russia back in 2001. It was a mutant by the name of Czernobog heading up the Russian cell, the Bratstvo. Whatever your beef is, it ain't with Saladin."
Alex Kaine
Mar 29th, 2011, 09:58:09 PM
Alex still felt as if the floor had been pulled out from under him - since Lana had begun speaking, he had a sinking feeling in his chest that hadn't stopped, like a dream where you're falling an impossible distance and it's not the thought of hitting the ground that scares you but the thought of never landing again. This was the second time he'd heard a personal story that cast serious doubt on the morality of the Brotherhood, but this one was even more personal, and even more sickening.
"Wait, but you're saying it still happened?" Alex said in disbelief. "That the Brotherhood kidnapped and murdered... oh my God."
He reached over to lay a hand on Lana's arm, but he didn't even know how you comforted someone for something like this.
Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 29th, 2011, 10:47:25 PM
"That...that can't be right. Papa said it was Saladin...all these years. He wouldn't lie to me. He...he might not like me, but he wouldn't lie to me. No. You have to be wrong."
Lana blinked and sat back confusion warring with the anger in her features as she let go of the table and instead took hold of Alex's hand.
The Brotherhood
Mar 29th, 2011, 11:02:34 PM
Tron sighed. There went a perfectly good recruitment opportunity - he could dig into the files and press the matter with more details, but it wouldn't change the girl's eight-year-old preconceptions, so it would just be his word against hers, and who was Alex going to choose in that contest? No, the kid was a regular zealot. Given time, he'd be back.
"Look, I can only tell you what the records tell me," he said. "For what it's worth, I'm really sorry that happened. I can guarantee it wasn't what the Brotherhood intended. Hey, Alex."
The kid looked back up, and Tron dug a USB stick out of his pocket and tossed it to him. "Take that as a peace offering. I know your sister's at the Jozua Clinic. There's some information there about the clinic I think you ought to know."
Alex Kaine
Mar 29th, 2011, 11:03:55 PM
Alex fumbled for the memory stick before he could trap it against the tabletop with his free hand. His eyes burned back at Tron. "What do you know about my sister?"
The Brotherhood
Mar 29th, 2011, 11:07:47 PM
"Not much," Tron replied. "But we know the Jericho Foundation is no friend to any mutant. We're fighting them, and other organizations like them, all over the world. If you want to get involved, there's contact information on that stick. It's your call, brother. Enjoy the night."
Tron slid out the other end of the booth and slouched down the stairs, disappearing into the mass of bodies below.
Cameron Bell
Mar 30th, 2011, 10:03:41 AM
Back in the booth...
Hunched statuesque like a prowling panther, Cameron hissed tremulous breaths against Aimee's shimmering breast, and locked her eyes in a ferocious gaze. A moment longer, his chest heaved against her unyielding body, and then his face melted into a wide grin. Head drooping against her shoulder, he shook with silent laughter and heard Aimee reciprocate her own tinkling notes of amusement. Tension escaped in torrents, leaving him feeling giddy from the heady release. And finally, he surrendered ground and sat upright in the curved booth, snaking an arm around his oversexed partner-in-crime. His phone screen bathed a wicked smile in pale blue light:
"I'm afraid I cannot be held responsible for my behaviour around you."
Aimee Connors
Mar 30th, 2011, 10:55:11 AM
Aimee giggled, taking a moment to try to make some sense of her mass of black hair. "I could say the same about you." She snuggled against his side, legs crossed demurely in front of her.
His arm was a comfortable weight on her shoulders, and she put her hand on his leg, her palm sticking just slightly to his knee. Aimee sighed, wondering how exactly she'd never guessed that Cameron had feelings for her before. Not that she was complaining! "I think I need another drink."
She looked up at him, wide-eyed innocence. "Last one, I swear!" She giggled again.
Cameron Bell
Mar 30th, 2011, 02:55:19 PM
A bustling crowd swarmed the bar, and through it Cameron cut a path which was swift and frought with needless intimacy, but with Aimee in tow, the tight squeeze was a bonus. In his hand her fingers were small, and delicate, but the warm strength in them felt like a quiet declaration of ownership. It made him smile and he pulled her in close once they reached the front of the jostling rabble. From her face he swept a silken strand of hair, chin cradled between thumb and forefinger he tilted her head to steal a kiss, eyes closed and lips parted with full expectation, and she was pecked on the end of the nose instead. Cameron recieved a stiff elbow to the gut for his trouble.
Once the drinks were bought, they found a spot away from the chaos and watched the masses under the pretense of searching for their friends. Stood behind Aimee, Cameron caught the scent of citrus shampoo and folded against her back, around her waist an arm coiled. She was making short work of the beer, he observed, the irony of which did not go unnoticed. He, on the other hand, raised his bottle to drink and casually tipped mouthfuls over his shoulder.
Aimee Connors
Mar 30th, 2011, 03:17:32 PM
Two beers was plenty when your tolerance was down from not drinking for almost a year, and especially when you were all of five foot nothing, and a hundred pounds soaking wet. Aimee giggled to herself at that last thought, blissfully aware of Cameron's arm about her waist and his tall presence at her back.
The music was a dance remix of some popular song, and not a terribly good one at that, but all she could feel was the thud of the bass. Her heart seemed to sync up with it as her buzz deepened into something closer to drunk, swaying to the rhythm of the song. She blinked, searching the crowd for their other two friends, but the flashing lights were playing havoc with her night vision, or maybe it was just the beer.
Anyway, who cared where Alex and Lana were? Probably in some corner slow dancing like no one else was in the room. Aimee drained her drink, handing it to Cameron to dispose of, and he artfully caused it to disappear. She leaned back against his chest and looked up to talk to him. "What do you want to do now?"
Cameron Bell
Mar 30th, 2011, 04:45:28 PM
Discarding his empty bottle with a telltale clang of glass, Cameron fished out his phone and wrapped a second arm around Aimee. In the embrace, she was able to see the answer as it appeared on the bright screen:
Aimee Connors
Mar 30th, 2011, 05:04:44 PM
Aimee wiggled in his grasp, and turned around so she was facing him, ringed by his strong arms. His bold proclaimation had raised a blush in her cheeks, a stain of darker purple against the plum. "I don't ususally... on a first date..." but she stood on her toes in her borrowed shoes and kissed him lightly on the lips, then a little more firmly in a way that boozily promised more.
Her body wasn't concerned with the logistics, and her brain was swimming with alcohol as she pressed herself against him. Alex and Lana were effectively forgotten under a barrage of hormones.
Cameron Bell
Mar 30th, 2011, 07:20:47 PM
Cameron reciprocated Aimee's tender kiss enough to keep her entertained, and granted free reign of his lips, face, neck, and shoulders, while his eyes roamed. One hand caressed the small of her back. The other rummaged discreetly though her purse. It wasn't long before his fingers found purchase on what he was looking for and from its velvety folds he unearthed a sleek celphone. Gingerly, he positioned it behind Aimee's shoulder, allowing him to see what he was doing in his state of tongue-twisted compromise. It took long-practiced fingers but a moment to compose the text, a brief interlude of ravenous hair-raking delayed his efforts, but once he was free to continue, Cameron found Alex on the contacts list, and sent the message:
"had gr8 nite. leavn wit cam. c u tom."
The phone was then turned off and replaced safely where it belonged.
Aimee Connors
Mar 31st, 2011, 11:28:16 AM
She finally pulled back, dropping her head against his chest while the room turned lazily around her. After a moment Aimee realized they were moving, Cameron guiding her gently towards the door, tucked in protectively under his arm.
She slid a hand across the small of his back and settled it into the far back pocket of his jeans. And then they were outside, a cool rush of fresh air on her face, and she was laughing again for some reason. "Hey, watch this," Aimee said, looking around and finding that they were alone on a sidewalk. She didn't know where they were going, but then, she didn't care either.
She released Cameron, tottering a bit on her heels before she crouched down and fumbled with the straps, freeing her feet from the torturous fashion devices. "Here, hold onto these... Lana would kill me if I lost 'em." Wait, where was Lana? She looked down the street but couldn't see the blonde girl anywhere.
No matter!
Aimee giggled again, and darted over to the street light nearest them. "Watch!" And then she started climbing up, the dress she was wearing already short enough that she wasn't concerned about it hindering her movement. At the top she stopped, one hand and both soles of her feet clinging to the metal, and looked down. "Betcha can't do that!"
Cameron Bell
Apr 1st, 2011, 03:39:09 PM
It was a strange spectacle to behold, given the place and time, but as Cameron watched Aimee conquer the tall street lamp, an amused grin crept across his face. There was no mystery to the nature of her mutation, life at Redención House ensured that, where the bog-stanard ice-breaker was "What's your thing?" But to finally see the magenta mutant in gravity-defying action sparked a thrill of wonder, and pride. It was regretful, however, that she'd chosen to show off in the thick of a drunken stupor.
Consequently, Cameron positioned himself at the base of the street lamp; he cut a curious figure, stood in its lonely spotlight clutching a pair of dazzling stiletto shoes. He cast his gaze skyward. There was the silver lining afforded his strategic position, courtesy of Aimee and her skirt, perched daintily atop the light. A ring of melodious laughter, and she started to sway and dip in time with the ambient throb of music from the club. He stood dumbfounded, basking in the glory of Aimee's precarious pole dance, tantalized by shadows and silk. Then, in a moment of lapsed reaction, her balance wavered and her body dipped heavily to one side. Rigid with anticipation, Cameron gave an urgent wave, summoning her back down to earth.
Aimee Connors
Apr 1st, 2011, 03:56:41 PM
Aimee clutched at the street lamp as she moved one of her feet too soon and lost her balance. Peering down under her arm she could see Cameron waving at her to come down, and she belatedly decided that was probably wise.
"Coming!" she called, shaking her head to get her hair out of her face, which unfortunately made her a little dizzy. She nimbly began her descent, stopping about two feet off the ground, looking down at Cameron as the world swam a bit around them. Putting out a hand, Aimee rested it on his shoulder, and then transferred her weight from the lamp post to him, wrapping her legs around his waist and giggling.
Cameron Bell
Apr 1st, 2011, 05:30:48 PM
The weight of relief was decidedly heavier than Aimee's entire body. He tangled an arm around her waist and dove into her lips, wild stawberries with a faint aftertaste of beer. Wolf whistles pierced the air from across the street where a group of young men skulked from a takeout, arms full. Breaking away irritably, Cameron eased Aimee onto her feet and pulled her close in a half-embraced, they took off down the street arm-in-arm.
Conversation was, by neccessity, minimal as they walked. The night was pleasant and calm, but a skimpy dress provided no compensatation for the dramatic drop in temperature and so, at first sight, Cameron hailed an empty taxi cab. Once inside, he provided the driver directions using his celphone and curled up next to Aimee on the back seat.
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