View Full Version : How to be a Lady, sort of

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 7th, 2011, 11:10:49 PM
Vel Akrith

The Jedi Convoy known as The Wheel very rarely trawled near travelled space lanes, so the off chances that it crossed civilized space were welcome rarities. The star system of Vel Akrith was a world that had yet to be incorporated by the Empire, but was regionally important in it's far-flung corner of the Outer Rim, and not a rural backwater. It was a place where one could disembark, stretch their legs, and still enjoy a discrete hiding place away from the Empire, as long as one wasn't prone to doing anything stupid like saying they were riding with a hundred or so Jedi crammed in a ship like sardines.

The moment Taataani heard the stop was coming, she'd circled the date. It afforded her, for one, a much-needed chance to link up with respectable transit back to Carshoulis, where she'd been vacant for far too long. Two, it allowed time for interaction with friends and family in an environment that wasn't full of recycled air. Both impulses were absolutely magnetic.

As the ship drew out of hyperspace (again, something Taataani learned quickly to pick up just from the sounds and the vibrations in the hull), she quickly made her way to a wall comm, and carefully punched in the comm channel she'd committed to memory - that of the Knightfall. The familiar face of the untrustworthy scoundrel Captain (Doctor?) Barton Henning came into view.

"Captajin Hennjing, a worrd wjith jyourr mechanjic pleasse."

She didn't mince words, and put on airs as if the simple act of using him as an intermediary bored her. They both knew full well that she didn't have much to say to the good Captain until she was good and ready to say it.

Lyanie Quez
Mar 8th, 2011, 10:24:53 PM
Small mercies. For once, the Cizerack woman managed to call on her when she wasn't waist-deep in the engine and spotted all over - sometimes positively slathered - with grease. Lyanie Quez had been, in fact, engaged quite contentedly in something else entirely with a well-loved 'pad, her attention fixated on it to an entirely different degree from what it would be on an engine. That is, until the Chief came for her. She'd absently asked him to tell whoever it was to call back later. Well, almost got through it when he interjected just who it was and boy, did that get her attention.

It never did to ignore Taataani Meorrrei, especially given any of the reasons why she'd be calling on her. It was never idle chit-chat, it was always important and there was always something to learn, even if only something small. It took mere moments from that point until she was before the comm. She smiled.

"Good morning, Miss Meorrrei. What can I do for you?" Lyanie queried, pleasantly, as if her entire day thus far had been in lack of any singular stressor. Which, for once, it in fact had been. The Knightfall was unusally well-behaved as of late.

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 8th, 2011, 10:40:23 PM
She was clean.

Okay, that was horrible, but it was the first thought that crossed Taa's mind when Lyanie's image flashed on her screen. She had begun to wonder if the grease stains were more or less permanent.

"We'rre out of hjyperrsspace, rrjight? jI trrusst jyourr captajin doessn't need anjythjing fjixed whjile we'rre at Vel Akrrjith? jI thjink a trrjip to the planet would be loveljy."

Which was a roundabout way of saying she should put a hold on her day job for a few hours.

Lyanie Quez
Mar 8th, 2011, 10:58:15 PM
A trip? A TRIP? Not just that, but away from the ship and on soil?

"We certainly are, the ship - she's better than ever and..."

Lyanie's smile seemed to brighten at least a notch and she lifted a hand to tuck a loose strand of hair away. Real air would be more than lovely and time away was welcome, no matter how much she loved doint what she did. It almost... almost made her skeptical that they were stopped for a portion of the day and there was nothing to do on, in or with the Knightfall.

"...yes, it shouldn't be out of the question to get away for a little bit. I don't even think we're slated for anything until at least tomorrow....?" The brunette looked over her shoulder to the Chief for comfirmation, to which he merely nodded. "Yes, I can manage that."

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 8th, 2011, 11:21:04 PM
Taa beamed at her acceptance.

"That'ss wonderrful. Can jyou brrjing jyourr sshuttle arround and pjick me up? We'll have a, how do jyou ssajy, gjirrlss dajy out."

Which meant that Cirr would be left to his own devices. She didn't need the boy getting mixed up in her plans. Taa had some ideas in play.

Lyanie Quez
Mar 10th, 2011, 12:34:02 AM
"Girls' day out, definitely."

Lyanie nodded.

"Absolutely. Just let me...." She glanced down at what she was wearing. Still in her pyjamas. Yes, pyjamas. "...put something else on and I'll be around in, say... ten or fifteen?"

Briefly, Lyanie's thoughts turned to Cirr. If not for him, she wouldn't be spending time with Taataani at all. What then would she be doing with her day? Probably going stir-crazy or hasslin' the fighter jocks.


Twenty minutes later...

Well, she looked like a lady. Typically, a lady is not what one looks like piloting a spacecraft of any kind unless they're a few screws short of a fully functional ship... but she looked ladylike, as far as she could reckon. Between Mother and Benny, they'd surely beaten it into her (in a manner of speaking). Taa was seated about as comfortably as could be in the confines of the shuttle as Lyanie piloted smoothly to the planet and a day of what most would call vacation from the job. But when your job wasn't a job and you enjoyed it... well, it might still be a vacation.