View Full Version : Time for the rest of us!

Carré Inirial
Mar 6th, 2011, 09:25:37 PM
Can't have the damn mutants getting all the action :p

So what's going on SW-wise? What have I missed in the last few months?

If you need me or one of the other voices to post, please reply here and let me know. New thread ideas are TOTALLY welcome :)

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 7th, 2011, 10:56:12 PM
Star Wars has slowed down but I am trying to kick it in the butt because that's where my muse is currently.

So please, I'd love to get involved in anything at all!

Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 8th, 2011, 12:26:31 AM
I'm totally on board! :D

My muse is pleading for SW stuff to write...I do have a new Sithling that's still around that would like to be written. She'll need a Master to torture her and teach her things if you've got someone willing.

And we could always throw Sanis & Carré into a thread again - that's always good for some amusement :)

I've got other Rebels, Imps, Sith, Jedi, my lone Cizerack...bulk of my roster, really :) Anything anyone can think of - run it by me and we'll see what we can do!

What else have you got percolating in that head of yours, Taa? *grabs a flashlight to search*

Mar 8th, 2011, 12:31:30 AM
I have several different missions going on

Empress Hand killing a traitorous CEO.
Sector Moff trying to find out why the Inquistorate in on one of his planets.
Rebel fleet attacking an Imperial Installation
Rebel fleet defending against an Imperial Attack
Independent being hunted down for transporting two rebels. Now he has to get to Coruscant to save his family and get them out alive.

Plus getting this character starting in the wheel.

Cirrsseeto Quez
Mar 8th, 2011, 12:37:43 AM
Carre & Sanis is do-able. Should be especially interesting after the events in Outlaw's End :)

Yolie Devix
Mar 8th, 2011, 12:03:27 PM
Sweet :D speaking of Outlaws, I need to toss Mara into that, before all the fun is had without her.

Ok...iPhone screen is tiny....gotta steal some time on the office 'net pc...back shortly!

Mara Tallen
Mar 8th, 2011, 12:37:32 PM

Lum...another Chiss on the Wheel? Sweet! :) I've got several voices there, all willing to hop into the thread to get you started. What will you be doing, so I know which one you'd be most likely to encounter first? Or, I suppose it doesn't matter and it could be a random encounter.

So...this Sector Moff...would he ask for assistance in figuring out why the Inquisitoriate is nosing around one of his planets? I've got a Shi'ido IBI Agent who might be able to help.

Or perhaps this Independant who's being hunted...which branch is he being hunted by? That too sounds intriguing, and might suit either the Shi'ido or my 'trooper Sargeant.

So many options! *glee*

Park Kraken
Mar 9th, 2011, 08:49:07 AM
An Imperial Fleet has been wreaking havoc amongst some Alliance planets. Several outpost and depot worlds have been reduced to molten ruin (via Base Delta Zero bombardements) killing a few million people here and there.

The Fleet is now commencing an attack on Sullust, with a couple of Rebel Characters defending to the best of their abilities. A planned Rebel Counter-Attack following this thread would see the capture of a major Imperial planet.

Serasai Onashi
Mar 9th, 2011, 09:45:25 AM
I'd love for something for Onashi! I do plan on having him comb... wherever he is for a certain white-haired beauty he had a conversation with one Life Day. Just for sparring, of course.

Emelie Shadowstar
Mar 9th, 2011, 02:56:11 PM
:P except her writer isn't well... Writing. *tosses something at Ariana and the rest of the characters roaming in her head*

Dee... Help me fix the whole not writing thing? I think your aquatic Jedi needs to play with a certain religious zealot *nod*

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 9th, 2011, 02:57:17 PM
Also: JamYar.

Emelie Shadowstar
Mar 9th, 2011, 03:00:17 PM
Yes yes, but this isn't my thread... Lol

Taataani Meorrrei
Mar 9th, 2011, 03:56:42 PM
I did my part!

Svetlana Ustinov
Mar 9th, 2011, 07:00:21 PM
Taa, I would kiss you for being helpful if I didn't think you'd kill me for it, you exquisite creature ;)

Feel free to hijack, my darlings, I don't mind in the least :)

I would love to help, darling. My Magical Color-Changing Jedi would love to harass your Religious Zealot :D She has the sudden urge to go skinny-dipping ;)