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View Full Version : Stern is back on the beat.

Feb 27th, 2011, 07:07:17 PM
After a long time away, I am coming back. It seems the Mutants Unite universe has moved to the west coast. So Stern will be going too.

I have advanced Stern's age and experiences about 2 years, to reflect the time he spent with the NYPD dealing with mutant crimes and other mutant related issues.

He will be moving out to LA to help the police force there with the growing amount of mutant activity there.

Anita Florence will also be coming out to the west coast as Anita Stern. Michael and Anita are married now.

They'll have a small house in LA. Stern will be familiar with the area soon, and will more than likely be stopping by Anna's house (for the life of me I can't remember how to spell it) and will be looking out for gang activity.

I'm looking forward to writing again. First, soon. And then, a lot!

Anna Fernandez
Feb 27th, 2011, 11:34:12 PM
Awesome! Welcome back. Just of note is that the Mutant Registration Act passed in California, so working for the police department would mean that Stern has to help enforce that. Should be cool!

Feb 27th, 2011, 11:38:52 PM
Yeah, and he will probably have to be registered himself upon his first day at his precinct. I'm looking forward to exploring how Stern deals with the House, the police force, Brotherhood, and his own feelings on mutant freedoms.

Just need to establish Stern's presence in LA and we should be all set.

Doktor Klaus Heidegger
Feb 28th, 2011, 12:26:11 PM
I think I'll also bring back this character. The Mutant Registration Act should give Klaus ample subjects for his experiments.