View Full Version : Courageous
Feb 18th, 2011, 12:55:30 PM
An alarm chimed off in the darkness. Sleep had been a rare commodity these days and to be awaken in mid sleep cycle had become the norm aboard the Courageous. Not even Admiral Holt was safe from the constant goings on aboard the massive battleship. As the only active fleet anchorage for 3rd fleet 'and severely undermanned' Courageous crews worked double and even triple shifts to support the constant fleet activity.
Tonight it seems a Calamari Light cruiser had bitten of more than it could chew with two Victory Star Destroyers out near Ord Mirit and just barely escaped. It had managed to limp back to the Courageous but once there had to abandon all crew after a reactor breach flooded the ship with radiation. Now the crew had to deal with recovering survivors and dealing with a derelict bomb waiting to go off. Which was slowly drifting towards Courageous.
Holt had just finished a grueling twenty hour shift which had finished no more than three hours ago. Now he and his grew had to rise to the occasion once again and see if the cruiser was salvageable and if not see to it that the derelict did not damage any of the other ships birthed around the docking ring.
Holt stood and walked to the refresher. A quick shower and a bit to eat later Admiral Holt was once again in the operations control center.
“Captain Bening, launch twelve tugs and have them secure the cruiser.”
Holt's orders were relayed and carried out. Bening had been officer of the deck when the MC40 arrived. He had already started the crew recovery and moved any and all traffic which might have been in the way. Now the twelve small CT-11 space tugs moved to secure and stabilize the cruiser so repair crews could evaluate the derelict. A duro lieutenant turned and addressed Holt.
“Sir, the tugs have made contact and are working to stabilize the ship admiral”
The lieutenant overseeing the operation turned back to the monitor after Holt silently nodded. He looked out the forward view port at the small spec in the distance which was the MC40.
“Have the repair crew see if the ship can be salvaged Lieutenant. If not have them rig charges and scuttle the ship.”
“Yes sir.”
The duro officer issued the order and went back to monitoring the operation. Time seemed to stand still as the operation carried on into its third hour. Holt had taken a seat at the rest counter near the back of the command center. He had ordered the area installed so the crew could have short rest periods during the long shifts they had all been working. Moral had gotten very low and the rest area had somehow managed to fix it. The men and women on the command crew all praised the admiral for his idea. Holt knew a little rest goes a long way and had to admit his idea was as much for his moral as his crews.
As the recovery operation wound down the Repair crew returned after rigging the ship for scuttle. The tugs set the ship on a course into the sun and released it as soon as the suns gravity began to pull on it.
Holt watched as the small spec disappeared from view. Seconds later a small spot of light was seen as the explosives were set off and what was left of the Calamari cruiser moved off towards the sun.
Another disaster diverted. How long would it be before the next. The crew of the Courageous went back to their normal every day operations of repair and resupply of 3rd fleet, as did Admiral Holt.
Adan Kolar
Feb 18th, 2011, 06:16:31 PM
A flash of light announced the Warspite’s arrival from hyperspace. It was an aged Dreadnaught that should have been placed in the decommission list long before Adan was born. But such ships, if they could still fight and defend were needed in the Republic. And this was no ordinary Dreadnaught….
It was one of the few Rendili Home Defense Dreadnaughts that had been donated to the Rebel Alliance years back before it became the Republic. It had been fully automated like the Katana Fleet so that only 2000 crew members could run it. It also carried one squadron of X-Wings. Adan smiled as he thought of the career of this old ship. It had gone from being a frontline heavy cruiser of the to being a patrol vessel for the Republic. Certainly it could fight and it had bared its teeth a time or two, but nowadays it was more suited for pirate or smuggling interdiction than a full scale attack.
<O:pOut beyond the bow viewport, the huge battleship Courageous hung in space. It was a one of the few Lucrehulk Battleships that the Trade Federation had used to fight against the Old Republic. Now it was refitted and its size of it lent it to be a mobile staging area. There were already a few cruisers and frigates attached to it and numerous tugs moving about, either pushing ships away from the Courageous or toward it.
<O:pOfff in the distance, a Light Mon Cal Cruiser… a MC 40 by the looks of her was drifting in space. Though space was vast and up and down were relative, to Adan it looked like it was listing to port and it showed significant damage. Tugs were trying to stabilize it and SAR craft were buzzing around.
<O:pAdan smiled, not at the damage, but at the look on the Admiral’s face when they would dock. He carried something on the Warspite that, though would not end the battle here and now, it would be greatly appreciated… replacements.
<O:p“Comm, open a frequency to the bridge of the Courageous.” Adan called out. A few seconds later, the Communications Officer nodded
“This is Commander Kolar of the Republic Warship Warspite requesting permission to dock with the Courageous.”<O:p</O:p
Feb 19th, 2011, 10:26:40 AM
Lieutenant Faj Kor was one of many traffic control officers monitoring the coming and going of 3rd fleet. He was in que for the next contact when the Warspite exited hyperspace. The old dreadnaught moved out of hyperspace then took up the standard docking orbit and hailed Courageous.
“This is Commander Kolar of the Republic Warship Warspite requesting permission to dock with the Courageous.”
Faj checked the IDFF then checked the 3rd fleet registry to match the Warspite's ID code with the Registry. Then he looked over the currant traffic conditions and the approach plan. The MC40 was stable now and all control operations were cleared once again. He then set the the Warspite to green and plotted the path to one of the upper docking positions on the massive left docking ring.
“Warspite, this is Courageous control. We are transmitting co-ordinates and docking codes for upper dock seven. Proceed slowly and give the tugs and rescue craft priority.”
Faj relayed the information to Warspite then went to the next contact The day was turning out to be one of those days. He was glad his shift was ending in three hours. He did not want to be on duty when the General returned.
Adan Kolar
Feb 19th, 2011, 09:49:00 PM
"Acknowledged Courageous. Warspite out." Adan nodded and turned to his communications officer and signaled for him to cut the signal. The holo disappeared.
"Navigator, we should be recieving a signal for our docking attachment and be sure to mind the tugs and SAR Craft." He recieved an affirmation from the navigator and then he turned to leave the bridge.
"Commander the Number 2 starboard engine is acting up again. We are shutting her down." Adan reigned in a flash of irritation. That damn engine must have been donated to the Republic by the dead Emperor himself. It had no doubt given the builders of this ship problems as well.
"Shut it down and that the next convenient time, space it along with the trash."
That illicit a few laughs from the crew. The engine was the ire of most of them. Adan left the bridge and went to his personal quarters. As he entered, he sat down at his desk and turned on his console. He checked his mail and saw that there was nothing. No news from his family. No news about his lost sister. He sat back, dejected and looked out the window. The Warspite had manuevered beside the Courageous but and pulled itself perpendicular to the ring. Adan estimated that it would another 10 minutes until the docking would be complete. Then the reinforcements would be moved over to the Courageous and the Adan could be on to the next task that the Republic had for him.
But before that... he would sample some of the drinks and food on the station.
Admiral Holt
Feb 20th, 2011, 12:04:31 AM
Admiral Holt sit watching the red faced holovid of General Forlon as he screamed to someone out of view. The man who had been the target of Forlon's wraith tired to explain his actions then General Forlon screamed a last order.
“I said fourteen hours and I meant fourteen hours lieutenant. Now get back to work or you will be put in charge of the waste disposal evaporator on the worse tender in the fleet!”
Forlon closed his eyes then opened then once again and looked back at Holt.
“I really hate these ships old friend.”
Holt scoffed a laugh then took a drink of azure water. He had it imported from Manaan, the trace of kolto was invigorating, and the Manaan were donating it. It seemed many world were doing their part to aid the Alliance. Many world as of late had been siphoning credits into 3rd fleet and the alliance as a wholes accounts. With the formation of a ruling body and establishment of the new Advisory council many world who had been on the fence as to whether or not to support the rebels now whole heartadly did.
“But you would not have another ship no would you. I know how you feel. I miss the old girl, she was a beauty to see in battle.”
Forlon smiled and laughed slightly. He was not one to joke or smile for that matter. He had almost died during his abduction by Grand Admiral Desaria at Kashyyyk. He lost the greatest ship he had ever commanded or even served on for that matter. Now he had his new Flagship which he had to admit was growing on him. If not for the continuous mechanical problem the Dauntless Battlecruiser he now called home was ever bit the ship any Star destroyer he had ever served on was but still something about his old Bulwark would not die. She was a great and formidable ship and even in death fought off a super star destroyer long enough for many to escape Kashyyyk. Even then her hull was still salvageable. He was force to watch as the imperial engineers repaired her enough that she was taken away to be scrapped for materials at Kuat. Holt had commanded the Paladin before Forlon so he knew the ship and its intricacies.
“This is true.”
Forlon was handed a data pad and he looked over it for a moment. He showed no sign of displeasure or excitement at the news he was just handed. This was his way he had two emotions. Calm and mean.
“We have what we need admiral. We can refit the ships and ready the assault force as soon as I arrive. Have the fighter crews been training?
Holt knew what the news was now. The embedded agents on Bilbringi had prepared everything needed for the next phase in 3rd fleets plan.
“I have had red and green squadron training in the simulators. They will be ready for the fighters once they arrive.”
Forlon looked puzzled. He grimaced for a moment then spoke.
“Only two squadrons. I was told I would have six for this mission.”
Holt sit back and smiled. He had six squadrons ready but giving General Forlon all six would leave him and other patrol groups at risk.
“Bill I’m undermanned and over worked here. Lets face it, Intel out of Bilbringi has not been reliable as of late. I lost a light cruiser today because a convoy which was to have two carrack's escorting her ended up having two vic's. And that’s just the last instance. We have been receiving bad intel for weeks now. I must protect Courageous and keep pilots supplied to 3rd fleets raiding groups. You have three squadrons with you get them in the seems and they can back up red and green squadron if needed.”
General Forlon nodded an understanding nod and looked over the data pad once again.
“I will need a second cruiser then for the operation succeed. Have you anything we can use there at the moment. It would need to be ex imperial so we can mach a transponder to it.”
Admiral Holt thought for a moment then nodded. He knew of a few possibilities and in the days to come work it out.
“I will look into it Bill, Just get here safe so we can start preparations.”
Forlon handed the data pad back to someone off screen and returned his gaze to the holo projector.
“ETA to Courageous is forty two hours. By then I will see if I can get my fly boys trained on ties. Chill one of those fancy waters for me. We dine in fifty hours.”
The holo projection disappeared and Holt set back for a moment. His rest was shortly interrupted by his com badge alerting him
“Go Comm, this better be important.”
The lieutenant hesitated for a moment then answered.
“Admiral, The Warspite has finished docking and the reinforcements are boarding. Commander Kolar is standing by for orders sir.”
The admiral was silent for a moment then smiled.
“Have Commander Kolar join me in my quarters in one standard hour Lieutenant. Holt Out.”
The smile once again appeared on his face. Kolar had been making a name for himself as of late in the 3rd fleet. Word of his actions aboard the Tempest had spread and given Aden a chance to move up if his work continued to be on par with the work he did as the executive officer of the Tempest. Maybe this was a man who Holt needed to meet and pay more attention to. In these trying times good ship commanders were few and far between. Maybe Kolar would be the man he was looking for.
Adan Kolar
Feb 20th, 2011, 02:05:30 AM
Kolar had just sat down at a table in the bar and lifted a glass of strong Churban Brandy to his lips when his datapad pinged, indicating a new message. For an instant, he thought about downing the drink and looking at it later, but curiosity of what High Command had for him was too great.
He had waited until the reinforcements had boarded, not wanting to get in their way or those of the Courageous that were given free time. Rumors had spread, and from the looks of it, they were correct, that they were short on people and those that they did have were overworked. So he had waited until the chaos had died down and then checked in and made his way to the nearest bar.
Adan picked up the pad and punched a few buttons. The message came up. He was to report to Admiral Holt's office in one hours time. Crap, that wasn't long. He could get cleaned up and polish his horns... or just enjoy himself for a bit. He put the pad down and picked up his glass again. Holding it to his nose, he smelled the warm woody scent and could image how good it would taste. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he tossed the liquor down his throat, letting it lead a trail of fire down his esophogus and into his stomach, warming his body. It was the real thing... not some of that crappy synthehol that they tried to get the crews to drink.
Adan sat back for a moment and considered the people in the crowd. Even though the Republic welcomed all species, the humans were still the majority. That didn't bother Adan, but some of them found him to be a tad... I guess demonic would be the correct phrase. With his inhuman eyes and horns, he knew that he looked like a figure right out of their nightmares... and Darth Maul did nothing to help that. Still, at times this was helpful, as most moved out of his way.
He went to the bar and asked for another glass and tossed that one back. Then he set the glass on the bar and put down enough credits to by 5 more glasses. The bartender looked at it quizzically. Adan nodded to a group of 3 techs standing at a crowded table. They weren't officers and tended to get pushed from table to table, but Adan knew them. They had been on his ship, working constantly on that Number 2 engine. One of them was always on duty with it. "Buy them each a round and tell them that the Number 2 Engine owes them that much. They'll understand. The rest is for you."
The bartender nodded and accepted the tip and a server took the drinks to the tech. They looked back up at the bar to see who bought it, but by that time, Adan was already gone. The act of kindness was in them not knowing. Hanging around for a compliment or thanks of gratitude defeated the purpose of doing it.
Looking at his chrono, he realized that he had time to do one last check on the Warspite and then he would report to Admiral Holt's office.
==45 minutes later==
Sufficiently cleaned up, Adan buzzed the bell at the Admiral's quarters. No doubt he already knew he was there, as security had checked him over before he was allowed to approach, but formalities... especially with an Admiral one had never met before, had to be maintain.
Admiral Holt
Feb 21st, 2011, 03:03:02 PM
“Come in.”
Admiral Holt stood behind his desk waiting as the door slid open and Commander Kolar walked in. The man was well groomed and polished. The Vestigial horns of the Iridonians had always intreaged Holt. Things of lore and nightmare could be said of these people, yet Holt had never meet one who was not polite and well mannered. Not that he had meet many. Holt motioned for the commander to approach the table and sit in the chair opposite his.
“Please have a seat commander. Tell me how was the trip out from the Dac system?”
Adan Kolar
Feb 21st, 2011, 06:47:13 PM
Adan entered and sat down opposite the Admiral at the desk.
"It was interesting to say the least... and very crowded. I think that we had 20% more than our capacity. I even roomed with the XO during the trip so that 5 more techs could be brought along."
Adan smiled. "That might be the last time I do that as I still cannot get the smell of engine grease and cleansers out of the room."
Adan's smile disappeared and his face became serious. "So what can I do for you Admiral? Surely the exploits of a 40 year old vessel with a twitchy engine is not hot news."
Admiral Holt
Feb 21st, 2011, 10:42:34 PM
Holt smiled, the Iridonian commander was direct, he liked being direct but in some cases it limits a commanders ability to get a feel for the officers below him. In this case he knew it was part of the man to be so. The Zabrak were a race of very self motivated and successful individuals. It was no wonder Commander Kolar went straight to the point of the meeting. He seems a man of principles and not one for informal Discourse. Perhaps Holt was wrong maybe the man just had other business to attend to and this meeting was more of a burden to the commander at this point. Either way Holt did not mind getting to the point. He too had business to attend to and his body ached for sleep.
“I happen to like forty year old ships commander. My first post was aboard a republic dreadnaught. But I will not keep you longer than I have to. I am sure you are tired and would like to get some rest after your long trip.”
Holt leaned back in his chair to a table behind and to the left of him and retrieved a data pad. He then slid the pad across the desk to Kolar. In it was a detailed plan to take three ex imperial vessels disguised as imperial ship with stolen transponders and identification pass codes and hit the imperial communications relay station which handled all communications in the sectors near Bilbringi.
“That station has been tracking out chatter for months and the big wig imperials have been getting closer and closer to figuring out what we have going out here. With the station gone all communications between Imperial convoys and patrols will be cut off. It will take at least three months for the Imperials to rebuild it.”
Holt allowed Commander Kolar to look over the plan some more. The commander studied the plan in silence. Holt took a drink of his azure water then handed Commander Kolar another data pad.
“That is the Warspite's new registry number, Id code, Transponder ID code. And all the Imperial pass codes for the sector current as of yesterday. Once General Forlon arrives with the other ships and the updated pass codes we will prepare your ship and a limited crew and you will act as heavy support for General Forlon.”
Kolar never looked up. He continued to read but Holt knew he had heard every word he said. He sat for a moment awaiting Commander Kolar's response.
Adan Kolar
Feb 22nd, 2011, 11:03:58 PM
Adan was listening to the Admiral, but he was also reading through the Datapad, scanning the information. Three ships, all of Imperial design would use recently stolen ID's and codes to get past the outer patrol and then they would destroy the Communications Array, severely hampering the Imps ability to coordinate any attacks... or defenses. His ship would provide heavy support.
After reading through the plan and his part, he set the pad down and looked at the Admiral. There was a gleam in his eye and his voice was low, but not lacking in intensity.
"We will be ready, but I do have one request. Valkyrie Squadron isn't up to flying TIEs. And it wouldn't do to have us scanned on our way in and finding a squadron of X-Wings in our belly. I would like to leave them here to help guard the Courageous."
Admiral Holt
Feb 24th, 2011, 01:35:03 PM
Admiral Holt drank from the glass before him. He sat the glass down then listened as Commander Kolar spoke. His request was a sound one and one which had already been worked out. No attack craft outside imperial design could be used on this mission.
"Of course commander, we had alread made arrangements to quarter most of your crew and your pilots here while you and the Warspite are gone."
Admiral Holt took the first data pad from Kolar then handed him a small box with imperial captain insignia, a small covert ops ear tranciever, and a small holt out blaster which could fit in the sleave of a standard imperial uniform.
"the ear bud is for communication outside the ships normal communications equipment. We will have a seprate comm channel open and scrambled incase we need it. The blaster is for Incase your boarded by imperial customs."
Adan Kolar
Feb 26th, 2011, 10:20:11 PM
Adan picked up the ear bud and squeezed it into his ear. It was almost invisible, unless you stood right next to the person wearing it. Then he took the holdout and checked the charge. Shoving it into its holster, he attached it to his arm and then pulled his jacket sleeve over it. It was a small but powerful piece and barely left a bulge in the sleeve. Then he palmed the Captain's insignia, but he didn't put it on.
"Is there any record of Zabraks working as ship captains for the Empire? If not, then I'll give these to my XO, who is human and I'll conduct the mission from a crew station."
Admiral Holt
Feb 27th, 2011, 12:24:07 AM
Holt looked over the figure before him. The empire had few alien commanders. out of these few there were but a hand full of the Zabrak race. Intel had seemed to get around this somehow. The data pad had a detained work-up and back story for Commander Kolar. Holt knew of other Zabrak in imperial employ and even interrogated a captured Zabrak who was commander of a convoy escort.
With the anti-alien sentiment diminished in the empire it could be possible for an alien to rise to the rank of captain and command what the Imperials thought of as a heap pile not worth escort duty. Even so Commander Kolar had a good point.
"You have a point Commander. We have prepared a back story for you, but if you think it would be beneficial then we can edit that to have you as a consultant or executive officer."
Adan Kolar
Feb 27th, 2011, 11:31:21 AM
Adan nodded and pinned on the ranks. He should have known that the Admiral would not have missed the most obvious portion of the role... that he wasn't human.
"I'll do it. It's not that I don't trust my XO, I have complete confidence in his abilities, but I'm taking responsibility for my ship. When can I start taking my crew through their training?"
Admiral Holt
Mar 1st, 2011, 05:20:05 PM
Holt picked up a separate data pad which had been on his desk during the meeting. He looked over it for a moment before answering Commander Kolar. Lists of operations and personnel ran down the display. He sat the data pad down then answered the Commander.
“Commander, Your crew just arrived, let them have a days liberty then recall them day after tomorrow. We will work on finalizing the plan in preparations for General Forlon's operations meeting. He has intricate data and information needed to finish planning this operation. Your crew will need to consist of humans only, besides yourself of course. A few menial service or technical aids can be non-human, but all officers and standard crew would need to be human. I see you have many non-humans aboard. They will have to stay behind here on Courageous. If you need addition human crew, please feel free to look through the Courageous' crew roster.”
Holt handed Commander Kolar The data pad then motioned for him to depart.
“You are dismissed Commander. Enjoy your free time and be here for General Forlon's briefing.”
Adan Kolar
Mar 1st, 2011, 09:15:40 PM
Adan took the datapad and raised it to his head in a salute. Then he stood and smiled. "We will be ready, Admiral." Then he made his exit.
In the corridor, he thought about his mission. It was a good chance to strike back at the Empire. Guarding convoys and patroling the borders were good, but it was like waiting for a sucker punch. Now, it was time to start delivering the blows to the Imps. Adan bypassed the bar... he didn't need any drinks... he needed to exercise to clear his mind and ready himself for the task above. That meant finding the sparring facility of the Courageous.
He went to his quarters to change.
Adan Kolar
Aug 29th, 2011, 03:33:52 PM
The looks that Adan recieved were weird, but they were aimed more at his uniform than his horns or eyes. He was wearing an Imperial Navy's uniform. The rank insignia he bore were that of an Imperial Captain. He was now Captain Aikir Kratan, the Zabrak Captain of the Dreadnaught Illustrious. They were still attached to the Courageous, preparing for their part of the attack. His crew was, for the most part, on leave for a few weeks... just enough for the attack to happen and then to get back. If there were any moles or spies here, they wouldn't know anything until it was too late to do anything about.
Aikir entered the bridge of the Dreadnaught and saw that the crew had gone through a change as well. While there were still a spattering of aliens on the bridge, most were replaced by human men and a few human females. They were all in Imperial uniforms and looked decidedly unhappy and uncomfortable about it.
"When we return from this victory, we burn all our uniforms together at the closest bar, Captain's orders."
Most smiled and there were some applause. Then it was back to business.
"How is that starboard engine, Lieutenant?"
"Fine sir. Working within parameters at 98%."
"Well maybe this isn't all bad", said Aikir. Those that were familiar with the Warspite's problem child smiled.
"Okay, lets get this training underway. Undock from the Courageous and set course for the outer rim of the shipyards. Then we have a short jump to the target area. Helm plot that course and execute at the soonest possible moment. Sensors, send your targeting data to the gunners. As soon as we are in position, I want to see how quickly we perform our part of the mission. Then it is back to the Courageous."
The crew began to move to their tasks and the Dreadnaught slid away from the larger ship. This was the last of 4 training sessions on their job. Unless the strategy changed, they would go in first and be assigned to a berth. Once the main force arrived, they would attack several of the areas around them, sowing destruction and confusion. Then they would protect the General Forlon's ships as they completed the task of destroying the communications array at Bilbringi.
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