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Feb 5th, 2011, 07:53:01 PM
Quite a number of years ago...

"No. Absolutely not."

And as if that was not enough to adequately express her concerns over this whole matter, she went on.

"No. No no no no no no no. Thirty-six times, no."

Loklorien s'Ilancy held a single finger up to the holo of the man she was speaking with.

"It is degrading, unacceptable, and I simply won't be a part of this."

Her finger waggled, and she kept on without allowing any chance for interruption.

"Something like this is completely and utterly... unequivocally, out of the question. If you need someone for this particular endeavor of yours, find some low-rent Rodian trollop."

The man, looking perfectly pained as he endured her tirade, pursed his lips, looked about to speak, then thought the better of it as she continued her rant.

"Do I look like the kind of woman to even consider doing what you're asking?"

She thrust her face towards the screen.

"Do I?"

Meiers Brecklin
Feb 5th, 2011, 07:57:08 PM
It was dangerous to venture an answer, but the General knew she was expecting one.

"No Loklorien, you do not look like that type of woman. But please, this is not something I'd ask of you lightly.

He was helpless in the face of her indigence, and in near-desperation he went on.

"Where is Dan?"

Feb 5th, 2011, 07:58:29 PM
"He's on the bridge," she answered with a snap.

"And don't think he'll be of any help - I'm the one you're asking, and I say no."

Meiers Brecklin
Feb 5th, 2011, 08:02:10 PM
Brecklin threw his hands up as he leaned back in his seat, looking away for a moment. He needed to collect his thoughts, perhaps try to word his request better. And truthfully, it was not really a request, but more of an order - make the Jedi woman help us with this.

The only problem, was the 'this' that had been ordered.

"There's no one else we trust more," he finally gave in, hoping she would at least hear him out. He'd not even been able to get three sentences into it before her vehement refusal.

"We need you and Dan to do this."

Feb 5th, 2011, 08:09:04 PM
Another shake of her finger, and her eyes narrowed.

"Dan isn't doing anything, and I won't either."

"I'll get a hold of him at some point, you know this, right?"

"I don't care. I'm not doing it."

Leaning back in her seat, the Lupine folded her arms across her chest as she glared blaster bolts at Brecklin.

He opened his mouth to speak, and she cut him off.

"No. I don't know how many times I can tell you this. Find someone else; I'm not going to do it."

Her hand reached out then, and s'Il pressed the button that ended the comm connection, cutting off any other of the General's arguments, and as the screen went blank she scowled.

It was demeaning, and she would never... never lower herself to such a thing.

And when Dan returned from his regular shift, she would let him know just how unsatisfied she was with the Rebellion.

General Dan
Feb 5th, 2011, 08:33:41 PM
An hour later, and Dan was relieved by his night watch command. On a ship as small as Novgorod, that meant a junior Lieutenant. The younger officer took the log book from Dan with a curt salute, and Dan vacated his seat, already unbuttoning his jacket as he headed off the bridge.

Two minutes later, he was at his quarters, buzzing the door open.

Feb 5th, 2011, 08:41:27 PM
In the doorway that connected the main living area to the bedroom, s'Il stood like a diminutive sentinel. With arms crossed and a superbly angry set to her features, she let her steely glare hit Dan as he stepped inside.

She set upon him like a relentless pack of razorhounds, and all without taking a step towards him.

"I want it known for future reference, that I am not some common-born harlot your Rebellion can sling around to any system they like."

General Dan
Feb 5th, 2011, 10:56:21 PM
Dan opened his mouth to say something, promptly closed it, and then attempted to say something again.


She looked more than a bit perturbed.


Feb 5th, 2011, 11:26:49 PM
"Oh you heard me," she waved a hand in his direction, but otherwise didn't move as he stepped across the threshold to allow the door to close behind him.

The poor man looked like an eopie in a speeder's headlights, but that didn't seem to slow her down.

"I am here to fight the Empire. Not... "

Previously held outside of his view, s'Il now brandished a small box. It looked like a garment box, but far too small. She waved it at him in pseudo-accusation.

"... to put on some 'outfit' - and I use that term incredibly loosely - for the pleasure of a Hutt."

She paused, blinked, then finished with a minor amendment and another shake of the box at him for good measure.

"... again."

General Dan
Feb 6th, 2011, 09:49:33 AM
Dan looked at her as if she had lizard monkeys crawling out of her ears.


...you're gonna need to tell me what's going on."

Feb 6th, 2011, 01:11:35 PM
Scowling, s'Il glared at him. It was true, he had no way of knowing about the conversation she'd shared with General Brecklin, but it still did not soothe her ruffled feathers over this new indignity.

"Don't look at me like that," she half-turned, throwing the small box onto the bed.

It was as if the hour long peace and quiet between the General's comm and Dan's arrival hadn't existed, and s'Il once more renewed her verbal tear.

"It's demeaning and dishonorable," she stood up as straight as her diminutive stature would allow, shoulders back and head held high.

"I am an Apex, not some two-credit a'neh'e'k desperate for money and attention."

It did nothing to explain her current state, and before she could say another word, the comm on his desk chimed. She knew who it was. She knew oh so well who it was. In a huff she finally stepped out into the main living area, advancing on Dan with a finger leveled at him.

"Don't you dare answer that."

General Dan
Feb 6th, 2011, 01:36:55 PM
Dan hadn't so much as budged, and had his hands up defensively.

"Alright, it can wait."

Speaking of waiting, he still stood patiently, his hands now gesturing at her to hopefully get her to elaborate and explain just what in the hell she was so ruffled over.

Feb 6th, 2011, 07:38:25 PM
The Lupine ignored the chime, and it wasn't long before it stopped altogether. She veered away from her original path, and stepped into the small kitchen area in search of something to do.

"General Brecklin informed me of our next mission -" she pulled a decanter of amber liquid toward her.

"... in Hutt space."

General Dan
Feb 6th, 2011, 08:04:20 PM
Ah, it was that.

Dan exhaled, giving a big shrug and an uneasy smile.

"Well, I'm sure it won't be like that...this time."

Their last experience with the Hutts was, to put it mildly, uncomfortable.

Feb 6th, 2011, 08:12:38 PM
"Don't be so sure."

She stared at him.

"Apparently one of the Hutt clans is working closely with the Empire to provide Wookiees for labor."

Crossing her arms then, s'Il paused, gave a long sigh, and went on.

"We're to pose as a slaver ship."

It didn't need to be said what sort of role she herself would be required to play in this little game of subterfuge.

General Dan
Feb 6th, 2011, 08:19:03 PM
Dan winced.

"Isn't that, uh, a little cliché?"

Cliché, but potentially still a workable ruse. Still, the last time they'd had Hutt dealings, Lok had ended up in a similar humiliating spot and he had...well...had a worse go of it.

"So I take it Brecklin's been attempting to talk you up on this idea then?"

Feb 6th, 2011, 08:28:06 PM
s'Il nodded grumpily, looking as if she'd just swallowed a mouthful of dirt slugs.

"He has."

She pursed her lips and gave the countertop a slap.

"And yes, it's a lot cliché. I'll not lower myself in such a manner. The General will just have to find another ship and crew."

As if on cue, the comm chimed once more, and s'Il let out a groan, leaning forward to prop herself on the counter, burying her head in her arms.

General Dan
Feb 6th, 2011, 08:37:55 PM
The General let out a long sigh.

"Guess I'll go get that, then."

The walk to the comm was a short one, but felt like an eternity. Dan closed the distance, paused a moment to collect himself, and hit the button to open the channel.

"General, we were just talking about you."

Meiers Brecklin
Feb 6th, 2011, 08:47:07 PM
"I don't doubt it."

Brecklin crossed his arms as he leaned back in his seat, his expression stern.

"I'm sure that she has also informed you of your next orders from High Command."

General Dan
Feb 6th, 2011, 08:52:52 PM
"About those orders..."

Dan started to frame his rebuttal, going delicately.

"...working in Hutt space, yeah we can do that. But, I think the cover that's been imagined for us is a little...unimaginative."

Meiers Brecklin
Feb 7th, 2011, 08:49:30 AM
"If you've got a better idea, I'm ready to hear it."

Brecklin knew the rather played approach that High Command had envisioned was somewhat stereotypical, but in this he was only the messenger. Of course, if Dan had other thoughts and recommendations, then it was entirely possible that an alternative would be allowable.

"I realize the situation this puts Loklorien in, and I understand her refusal, but you know as well as I that if we're to gain any headway and support for the Cause, we need to take it."

General Dan
Feb 8th, 2011, 09:54:37 PM
Dan knew the best way to deal with the Hutts was to bargain with them. The trouble was, with the Rebellion barely able to hold itself together, they didn't really have anything worth bargaining.

"I've heard the uncomfortable part. It might help to know how that fits in with a larger plan. Yeah, you can get us in a palace in a barely-believable cover story, but where do we go from there?"

Meiers Brecklin
Feb 8th, 2011, 10:02:37 PM
Now things became a bit touchier, and as Loklorien had resoundingly put her foot down before he'd even gotten to the actual mission, now was the first time he was able to elaborate.

"Well," Brecklin closed his eyes, leaned forward to rest his elbows on his desk, and steepled his pointer fingers. Extending fingertips met at the spot between his eyebrow, and without looking up, he explained further in a voice that lost volume just in case Loklorien was listening.

"You're going to have to 'sell' her to the Hutt. After that, she'll be able to get close enough to what's happening in there and provide entry for more of our men."

General Dan
Feb 8th, 2011, 10:06:47 PM
Dan's face met his palm in an exasperated show of emotion.

"I had a feeling you were gonna say that. I get the feeling she does too."

Setting aside his own frustrations, he continued.

"What kind of backup are we able to expect?"

Meiers Brecklin
Feb 8th, 2011, 10:14:17 PM
"Once the deal is made, myself and the Etrigan will be en-route to meet you."

The General cast apologetic eyes to his fellow Rebel Commander.

"I'm truly sorry about the circumstances, but this is our best chance to interrupt a significant supply line of Wookiees that the Empire depends on. If we can begin garnering their favor, their presence in the Rebellion will be invaluable."

General Dan
Feb 8th, 2011, 10:17:24 PM
With a long sigh, Dan nodded.

"If it's framed in that respect, maybe. But I don't know if you're prepared to be in debt to her as much as you're about to be."

He shook his head.

Meiers Brecklin
Feb 9th, 2011, 06:16:49 PM
"I'd rather not think on that," was the resigned sigh. Brecklin knew the less than dignified position Loklorien was facing, but there was little he could do.

"Your orders should be arriving soon in an encrypted comm packet... "

There was an uncomfortable pause, and the General - glad for once that he was no in the same room as the Jedi - pursed his lips and nodded.

"... General, thank you."

General Dan
Feb 9th, 2011, 08:48:58 PM
Dan shrugged, a slightly cynical tone to his voice as he replied.

"I wouldn't exactly thank us, General. We both have long memories and a memory this messy will take a bit of scrubbing to get out."

He glanced over his shoulder at the little stormcloud that waited for him.

"But...I'll get it done. Dan out."

With that, he killed the comm.

Feb 9th, 2011, 08:54:24 PM
She stared at him as he talked with Brecklin, willing herself to bore a hole through the comm screen. It was disappointing that her efforts produced nothing fruitful, and when Dan shut the link off, she shifted her one-eyed blue glare to him.

She'd not heard all that'd transpired between the two, and grumpily, the Lupine didn't care to know. Instead, she stared angrily; still propped up on the kitchenette countertop, eyes peaking out from over the top of her folded forearms.

"I'm not doing it," she grumbled.

General Dan
Feb 9th, 2011, 09:07:31 PM
Being as diplomatic as possible, Dan tried to get her to see the other side of the coin.

"The Wookiees the Empire's using are treated like disposable slave labor. They're either working them to death, or until they can sell the emaciated ones to pelters, Lok."

He spread his hands wide with an implorative look.

"I wouldn't even go near this if it wasn't life or death on the highest level. As bad as any of us have had it since the Empire's put it's boot down, the Wookiees have had it worse."

Feb 9th, 2011, 09:24:57 PM
She knew he was right, but her dignity still demanded... something.

"It's demeaning, to do what they want."

Her brow furrowed, and she relented in the whining way that was - despite her eccentricities due to species - decidedly female.

"Do I really have to do it?"

General Dan
Feb 9th, 2011, 09:26:28 PM
"Have I ever forced you into anything?"

He laid hands on her shoulders in an act of empathy.

"The orders are mine. Not yours. I'll understand if you don't."

Feb 9th, 2011, 09:31:43 PM
She would do it, and he knew that she would. Still, she sighed rather heavily, rising from her slouched perch. Her hands went to rest over his, and the Lupine leaned against him.

"You know I'll do it," she murmured, eyes closing as she leaned her head against his chest.

General Dan
Feb 9th, 2011, 09:33:41 PM
And he did, that much was certain.

But he dare not say that.

"I'm sure when it's all said and done, we'll both need more than a few drinks to get it out of our system. I'll make sure to stay on top of that."

He stooped down a bit, and kissed her cheek.

Feb 11th, 2011, 07:16:26 PM

Luscious pouted. He would have thrown a mild tantrum if he thought it would've helped things, but alas. It would do no good, and so he lounged along the length of his sofa, enjoying what he could of the warm Baroonda afternoon.

Beyond the balcony's railing, tropical jungles stretched out as far as the eye could see; a tantalizing landscape of colored foliage, with the scents and sounds of paradise.

"I wish you would reconsider," he mumbled boyfully to his employer while reaching over to pluck up a jama melonfruit cocktail.

"I mean, you have enough palace slaves as it is."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 11th, 2011, 07:27:19 PM
"And none of them steal my eye quite the way that you do."

Okar sipped at at a namana-tini, placing it on a tray held by a well-oiled manservant, and retrieved a pair of scissors, which he then maneuvered toward the waiting model in front of him. Her garment, still in a metamorphosis state, awaited his judicious snipping to trim away excess. He paused, holding up a wand with a pair of eyeglass lenses at the end, designed to give him a much closer look. A quick decisive snip, and a ribbon of red silk floated toward the floor, intercepted before reaching bottom by another well-coiffed slave.

Even with Luscious out of direct eyesight, Okar could practically smell the plaything sulking. He rolled his eyes and gave a big huff.

"Honestly, you'd think I didn't make you the envy of my entire retinue. Besides, it's just a dancer"

He gestured in the air with one hand flippantly at the term, as if it was less than nothing.

"A change in season, a change in scenery, don't you think?"

Feb 11th, 2011, 08:16:09 PM
Another little downturn of his lips, and Luscious wormed himself over to stretch out along his stomach, exposing the naked skin of his back to the sky. He wore a light blue linen around his lower half, tied into an artful knot at his waist, and for a few moments he toyed with the delicately embroidered gold swirl patterns. Okar had given it to him on their last anniversary, and the blonde loved to wear it every chance he could.

"I suppose," he droned, watching as the Hutt went about his snipping.

"But, is it a woman dancer? Or a man dancer."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 11th, 2011, 09:08:04 PM
"Siarta, be a dear and turn around."

The model complied, having her back face the Hutt. Okar wet his lips with a broad swipe of his thick tongue, leaning forward slightly to take a measurement. With tape in hand, he addressed his majordomo.

"I didn't ask, and the seller didn't say. Honestly I'm open to either. I've got about as many hens as I do roosters, wouldn't you say?"

The measurement on the tape told Okar something he didn't at all care to see, and he harrumphed, pulling the tape away from the model's hips with a bit of force.

"A thousand insults to a thousand more, you're a quarter inch wider since last measure, Siarta."

With exasperation, Okar tossed the measuring tape in the air, and began to fan himself with a stubby hand.

"Is your ass becoming self aware? Other than growing a second head down there, I have no other explanation for your derriere's crimes! Go away!"

Near panic, the Hutt reached for his drink again, and drained it in one go. As the model scampered off, he shook a fist at her.

"Don't you even look at me until you're a size one! Ithorian silk doesn't buy itself!"

Feb 11th, 2011, 09:19:12 PM
With a wave of his hand, Luscious ordered that another namana-tini be brought for Okar, and propping himself up on his elbows, the majordomo gave a sniff, watching Siarta scurry off.

"Don't be so hard on her," he mumbled into his own drink.

"She's never been dedicated enough to your visions."

With a lithe motion, Luscious swung himself around, his legs coming over the edge of his sofa as bare feet touched the immaculate stone flooring. He pushed upward to stand, stepping over to retrieve the measuring tape from where it'd fallen, and knowing the best way to soothe the Hutt's sensibilities was to press on with matters ahead, he changed the subject back to its' original topic.

"When is your new prize to arrive then?"

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 11th, 2011, 09:41:03 PM
Okar's talents weren't in details like that. What visionary's were? He glanced to a nearby protocol droid.

"The humanoid services associate will arrive within the quarter hour."

That was a polite way of saying slaver. It kept a veneer of civility in a world that was otherwise populated by knuckle-scraping barbarians, including some of his own kin. Okar liked to think that he held evolved sensibilities.

"Sooner than I imagined. Well, I suppose this bit of work will have to wait."

He set aside the scissors entirely, gesturing for a retinue of attendees to make sure he was suitably oiled and perfumed.

"We can make it a quick half hour, wrap it up, and be on the beach in another half. We do have that holo-shoot today, don't we?"

Feb 11th, 2011, 09:47:43 PM
So soon? Luscious raised an eyebrow, and crossing his arms over his oiled chest, he stepped back to allow Okar's attendants the room to fulfill their master's wished.

A shake of his head sent a few blonde locks of his mane out of his face, and he stood a little straighter, as if to pose for the Hutt. The light blue linen tied around his waist, embroidered in gold, contrasted exotically with his bronzing skin (he would need to lay out in the sun again to keep the darkened shade he'd acquired. Perhaps tomorrow).

"Shall I wear something else for your guests? Or is this suitable enough for your tastes?"

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 11th, 2011, 10:07:01 PM
"Darling, no melodrama please. We both match, and you look like a jewel."

He did wag a finger at Luscious, however.

"But it doesn't do any good to sulk, so I won't have it. Besides, I'll need my majordomo's expert advice in people-browsing. I can't be seen with riff raff, after all."

Feb 12th, 2011, 10:49:17 AM
A row of pearly whites met Okar, all set in a smile that only Luscious could make. With a smooth step, he brushed past one of the attendants, shooeing the young woman away so that he could move closer to the Hutt. Reaching out, he carefully adjusted the magnificently purple-dyed condorbird feathers, making sure that each dangling jewel was in just the right place one Oker's brow, so that each sparkle and shine would bring out the Hutt's eyes in fabulous fashion.

"I'm not sulking," Luscious purred as he worked, "I just want to make sure that you get what you want."

The blonde brushed away invisible specks of pollen from his employer's tough hide.

"Everyone hates to see you disappointed... "

Moving to look at Okar directly, Luscious placed his hands on both side's of the massive head. The human's face wore a healthy amount of concern mixed with boyish charm.

"... Especially me."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:04:35 AM
"I knew there was a reason, besides your elfin features, that I keep you around as much as I do!"

Okar cooed, a cheshire's grin spreading on his face.

"Now, papa needs a drink, and I do believe you need one too. We should be nothing less than the liveliest of hosts. And after this bit of duldrum is finished, we can have a little more creative time!"

Feb 12th, 2011, 11:52:29 AM
* *

Stepping out onto the landing tarmac of the Hutt's palace on Baroonda, the first thing s'Il noticed was the smell. It was... pleasant? She'd been expecting the horrid stench of filthy and unwashed bodies - an unpleasant remembrance of her experiences with Urga - but instead her nose was detecting slight fragrances of perfumes, tantalizing oils, and incense.

It was actually somewhat an enjoyable scent, and her head angled to the side as she tested the air.

"Do you smell that?" she asked quietly to Dan, curious if he too noted the discrepancy in what was the olfactory norm for Hutts.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:58:35 AM
"Smells like one of those perfume kiosks at a supermall."

Dan wore a puzzled expression on his face the moment he stepped out of the ship and into the sun. This place, far from some dank and foreboding gangster's hideaway, was a tropical paradise. Below the tarmac, he could see people happily lazing about on a beach, exercising, and swimming. It was surreal.

But yes, the smell. It wasn't intense, but it was persistent. There was the scent of tropical flowers and something else.

"Not bad, really."

Feb 12th, 2011, 12:15:29 PM
s'Il followed his eyes, watching in growing confusion at the myriad of bodies content in their daily activities. Her brow knit further, the more she watched this bizarre display that was nothing like what was associated with a Hutt's living arrangements.

Firmly stumped, the Lupine tugged at the tan cloak she wore over the less-than-proper attire, pulling it closer around her and puffed out a breath of air as she looked back to Dan. She would've asked him what a supermall was (to distract herself from what she had just seen), but her attention was suitably arrested by an approaching pair of Twi-lek guards - or at least, she guessed that they were supposed to be guards.

Each one was bare-chested, with a long silk kilt fitted around their narrow waists. Their lekku was adorned with shimmering gold strands that wound down to the tips, and their blue-tinted, well-oiled skin almost alive with swirling tattooes of yellow and white. Fingernails and toenails (they had no shoes, even!) were painted gold.

If the sights around the landing tarmac were enough to thoroughly confuse, then the sight of these two increased that feeling ten-fold.

This was such an unknown situation now that nerves caused the Lupine to step close to Dan, and she moved to stand just behind him, as if using him like a shield.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 12:21:35 PM
Dan gave a curt nod to the retinue of guards sent to greet them, himself taking an effort to keep a straight face at their appearance.

"I, er, have an appointment with his Fabulousness, Okar."

He was specifically instructed to give that exact honorary. It seemed absurd, but Hutts cared about these sort of things.

Feb 12th, 2011, 12:42:13 PM
And into the palace they were led. Gilded archways, beautifully tiled ceilings, intricately carved stone floors... everything in the Hutt's home was amazing. She spied statues of gold and marble, tapestries, exquisite carvings atop equally impressive pedestals - everything was magnificent and breathtaking.

Despite the scenes around her however, s'Il kept her head dutifully down, following behind Dan as they were led through one remarkable room to another.

Until finally, stepping through a sheer, pale yellow curtain and under a high, intricately-carved archway, they were once more out in the sun, standing on a large balcony that afforded a spectacular view of the lands beyond.

At this, the Lupine ventured a look upward, and her eyes fell immediately on the Hutt, going wide at the sight of him.

He was nothing like what she'd been expecting, and her breath caught in her throat.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 01:26:42 PM
"At last, you've arrived. And on time! Oh, I do adore punctuality!"

Okar, now donning a wide-brimmed sun hat, sipped a mimosa daintily as a Falleen fanned him with a palm front. Nearer to the two guests, Luscious waited to inspect the potential new hire, and a droid stood ready to serve refreshments.

"Do sit, do sit. Take a drink to cool off. The weather's usually milder, but I'm afraid at midday it does make one peckish!"

Feb 12th, 2011, 01:47:12 PM
With a scrutinizing eye, Luscious watched as the man sat, and the girl remained standing. He could already tell this might be one that the Hutt might not enjoy; she was pretty enough, but by the maker... that scar!

It destroyed anything usable, and even though she would only be a dancer, Luscious knew that perfect beauty would only be accepted.

Of course, on the other hand it might be that Okar would be able to use such a disfigurement to his advantage?

The blonde moved to stand in front of the girl, still holding his own drink, and without hesitation reached out with his free hand to draw back the cloak she wore. He noted the wince she made as the coarse, tan fabric peeled away to reveal a particularly scant outfit. She was thin enough at least.

"What happened to her face," he finally asked with mild disapproval.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 01:51:40 PM
"Her last owner was a bit of an abusive lout."

Dan lied, suddenly concerned that this particular hutt's standards might be a bit high to hurdle. A droid trundled up to him and dispensed some variety of tropical-inspired drink that Dan felt to be a bit cloying.

"Doesn't affect her dancing any."

Inwardly, Dan hoped she could dance, at least. She was graceful enough with a lightsaber, so perhaps there was something to that.

Feb 12th, 2011, 01:55:33 PM
Luscious gave a hrmph at that, and with a lazy sip from his drink, idly fingered the dangling earrings she wore. Her hair had been left down, and it framed her face nicely despite the scar.

After another few moments of inspection, he turned to look at Okar.

"She might work. What do you think?"

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 02:00:13 PM
It was obvious that Okar was somewhat disappointed in this. He had not been informed about a scar.

"Well, we do have good makeup people on staff, although..."

He swirled his mimosa as he thought it over.

"...keeping the scar might be worth a little intrigue. I'm just not sure. I mean otherwise, yes, you have a dancer's figure exact."

Okar gave a non-committal shrug, looking past s'Il to Dan.

"Have her dance, then."

Feb 12th, 2011, 02:09:09 PM

With a nearly petrified look to Dan, s'Il felt her heart skip a beat. What did she know about dancing? She'd never danced a day in her life! The Lupine looked as though she could've been blown over by a gentle breeze, and wringing her hands together, she looked down to the ground.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 02:11:27 PM
Dan gave her a reassuring nod, but he found that it was he who needed the reassuring. He'd never seen her dance so much as a two-step. If she didn't pull out something marginally impressive, this would probably be a wasted effort.

He fussed at his drink, putting on an aloof appearance.

"Go on now."

Feb 12th, 2011, 02:31:55 PM
Before she knew what was happening, the blonde majordomo had taken her cloak completely off, and though it was warm outside, s'Il still felt a slight shiver run through her. Mostly bare, her body was only covered in the places that needed to be covered; it was even worse than what she'd been forced to wear for Urga.

Another few moments of hesitation only served to stall the inevitable, and with a sinking feeling she knew that she would indeed have to dance. At this realization, the Lupine cleared her senses, pushing all uncomfortable thoughts aside as she began to move. She let her body move with the graceful motions she'd learned in her old saber training classes, and the practiced fluidity of her nightly Ma'aya routines. The result was a unique and exotic sight, and the young Lupine prayed fiercely that it would satisfy the Hutt enough.

Feb 12th, 2011, 02:36:02 PM
Luscious had moved to sit primly in front of Okar, the cloak he'd taken from the girl having been tossed to one of the manservants. Whatever low expectations he had at the initial sight of her, the majordomo now watched with rapt enjoyment. Why, she was delightful! If she could teach him to dance in such a way...

Leaning back a little so that he could whisper to Okar, Luscious made sure to keep his eyes on the girl.

"You should get her. We can always cover up the scar when we entertain clients."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 02:41:47 PM
Okar nodded in no real enthusiastic manner. Luscious had a point, and she could move just fine, but he wasn't wowed by it.

"Alright, alright, enough."

He gave a quick to claps to bring the dance to an end.

"Two hundred fifty credits. Luscious, a chit for Mister...?"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 02:43:18 PM
"Geram. Mr. Geram. And the advert called for five hundred credits."

A bit annoyed, Dan pulled out the holo to prove his point. Okar was low-balling him.

Feb 12th, 2011, 02:51:35 PM
Luscious, unimpressed by the holo that Mr. Geram held out, waved it off.

"And you never said you were bringing in a disfigured dancer, no matter if she can dance or not."

Standing, he snapped his fingers to an attendant who approached with a silver platter in hand,. On the platter was a datapad and a chit.

"His Fabulousness pays not just for talents, but for looks as well."

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 02:54:21 PM
He figured that they'd rebut his demand with that, so Dan begrudgingly accepted the offer.

"Alright, 250 it is."

He looked to s'Il, then to Okar.

"But on the condition of some bit of exclusivity. That sort of talent is just a taste. I can provide a reliable source, but I want a contract deal."

He took a sip, a bit of seriousness on his face.

"One thousand for the contract, and you get your girls at a fee of three hundred each, pending approval."

Feb 12th, 2011, 05:43:50 PM
Moving to stand beside the Hutt, Luscious seemed to consider the deal that Mr. Geram had laid out. With arms crossed over his bronzed chest, the majordomo made a rather impressive show of considering this.

"I think that His Fabulousness will need time to think on this offer of yours. It is enticing, but he must be sure that it's in his best interests. He has, after all, a reputation to maintain."

Another snap of his fingers brought three more attendants.

"In the meantime, you may await his decision in comfort.

"Taris, Breen," he addressed two of them, "... please show Mr. Geram to the waiting lounge."

"Juna," he spoke to the third, "... escort our new purchase to her new room if you will. And Juna... "

Luscious deposited the tan cloak into the manservant's hands with obvious disdain.

"Burn this."

Feb 12th, 2011, 06:13:16 PM
Juna put a hand to her shoulder, guiding the Lupine away from the small gathering, and it wasn't long before they'd left the balcony altogether. What happened now would be largely up to her; to find where the Hutt was keeping his Wookiees wouldn't be easy, but she knew it could be done.

She only hoped that it wouldn't take long; the sooner that she could clothe herself respectably once more, the better.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 06:27:20 PM
And again, Okar and Luscious were alone.


Resting a hand on his belly, and another one reaching out for a cigarette holder that was soon placed in his hand, Okar pressed his majordomo.

"I think this offer of his is rather pedestrian. I don't just waltz into contracts, after all!"

Lighting, he exhaled purple smoke, mulling something over.

"Still, there was something I noticed. Did you?"

Feb 12th, 2011, 06:33:31 PM
There was that twinkle in Okar's eye, and Luscious grinned madly at the sight of it. He returned to his spot on the Hutt's dais, sitting down with easy motions and taking up his glass to sip at the fruity concoction.

"I did," cooed, accepting one of the cigarettes that Okar presented for him.

"And I think they're perfect."

A flash of white teeth, and Luscious lit the end of his smoke, inhaling deeply of the richness before puffing it out in a long stream.

"Will you make an offer? Or will we simply take."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 06:38:16 PM
"Oh stop it!"

Okar teasingly gave Luscious's chest a slap.

"All this scheming will give you crow's feet, and that's just not happening! But still, I'd rather not pay out of pocket too much. I say we let him lose some money in the casinos. If he sinks a big enough hole, we offer to buy him out of it. If he doesn't, well, I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.

After all, that's easy money, no?"

Feb 12th, 2011, 06:48:06 PM
Luscious grinned conspiratorially as he leaned casually against the Hutt's belly.

"You could also always send one of the girl to him; he looks like the type who acts before he thinks what it might cost him."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 06:50:59 PM
Okar's tail flipped in a fashion that suggested he liked the thought.

"That's not a bad idea either. Pick a brunette. Maybe he'd be due for a change."

He exhaled another breath of smoke.

"Just whatever happens, make sure to play nice. After all, you don't find hands like that in every sector!"

Feb 12th, 2011, 06:55:28 PM
There were a few moments of silence as the majordomo thought, and with a teasing smile, he pulled again from his cigarette.

"Oh, I'll be the nicest I've ever been," he purred.

Feb 12th, 2011, 07:08:48 PM
* *

She'd been cleaned and pampered, her hair shampooed and conditioned with some sort of herbal concoction that smelled delightful. s'Il had to admit - this Hutt wasn't quite so bad, and his taste in art, though garish, had hints of the type of sophistication that she herself enjoyed.

Her body was oiled, her caretakers massaging each muscle into a state of complete relaxation before being perfumed and treated with rejuvenating salts and lotions. Never in her life had she been treated in such a way!

Which was why it came as a bit of a surprise when the hairdressers began to dye her hair; what had once been blonde locks now were a dark brown, and she stared at herself in the mirror. The earrings she'd worn were discarded, replaced by others that sparkled with tiny gems and precious metals, dangling very nearly to her shoulders, and as she was dressed, the Lupine couldn't help but note the violet tint of the silky fabric of the wraparound she now wore. Her upper half was left bare, with a myriad of gold threads and charm pendants placed around her neck and matching bracelets and bangles adorning her wrists.

Standing before a mirror, the Lupine had to admit that it was beautiful in its' own way.

She wasn't allowed much time to marvel however, as Juna ushered her from the dressing rooms and out into one of the palace's many hallways, guiding her through the maze until they stopped at an unmarked door. This was probably her room that the majordomo said would be hers.

Juna keyed the entry pad, and the door opened to reveal a spacious single-room apartment, furnished luxuriantly. He gestured that she enter, and obediently she did.

"Wait in here. You'll have a guest soon."

And before s'Il could object, the door closed, leaving her alone.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 07:42:49 PM
Well, that didn't turn out so well.

Dan had been shunted off to the casinos, ostensibly to have a good time. It gave him a little time to at least try and gain intel. Unfortunately, there wasn't much of that to be found, and it was impossible to get out from under the watchful eyes of his handlers. They were sure to keep him in the casino where he could hemhorrage money. Normally a gambler of some competence, Dan got hustled fairly aggressively. It's one thing to know the games are fixed, but another thing entirely to not really be able to say it or to walk away. In the end, he had to more or less eat the losses, to the tune of a good two thousand credits.

Exhausted, and a little inebriated thanks to a few complimentary drinks, he walked back to his assigned room, only to find...


Feb 12th, 2011, 07:51:01 PM
She'd been sitting on the edge of the bed, her previous good moods from the glorious cleaning treatments now soured. It hadn't taken long to come to the conclusion that she'd essentially been recruited for the evening as...

The Lupine was already trying to think of ways to escape when the sound of the door opening caused her to turn her head away in partial shame; who had the Hutt sent her to?

It was the sound of Dan's voice however, that snapped her from her despair, and s'Il turned back to stare at him. She rose to stand, folding her arms over her chest in a show of modesty, and the bangles and bracelets she wore jangled noisily with her movements.

She waited until the door closed behind him.

"What's going on," was her hissed demand, followed by a shocked look as her nose caught a familiar scent.

"Have you been drinking?!"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 07:54:06 PM
"Yeah, and losing money to boot."

Dan shook his head.

"I get the feeling that Okar the Fabulous wants something more out of me than just you."

And then, Dan gave her a top-down look, raising an eyebrow.

"These hotels sure do come fully loaded, huh?"

Feb 12th, 2011, 07:58:35 PM
She gave him a sour look at that, slightly turning on her heel away from him.

"Yes well, My evening was going actually rather well until they put me in here."

With a sigh, the Lupine sat down again, reaching out to absently trace the faint swirls in the fabric of her wraparound.

"Well I don't know what more he could want," she gave a little sniff, "... it's not like he paid very much for me at all."

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 08:00:38 PM
"Maybe he's trying to net my 'talent-finding' skills at no cost. Either way, not much I can do with fixed tables and a more or less compulsory gambling ethic."

Dan headed to a mini-fridge, squatting down to open it. Blissfully, it was stocked.

"So how was your makeover?"

Feb 12th, 2011, 08:07:05 PM
Her mood visibly lifted at that, and she looked upward, her features falling into an expression of bliss as she remembered.

"It was wonderful. I've never felt so clean."

One hand came up to tug at a brunette lock of hair.

"I'm not sure about the hair dye though. Seems strange, but I suppose it's not so bad. The jewelry is nice too, but I think I'd prefer a shirt of some sort. Still, it's all very nice - a wonderful break from the 'fresher back on Novgorod."

A look around the extravagant room, and s'Il let out a sigh, choosing to change the topic of discussion before Dan could interject with an argument for the conditions on his ship.

"So, now that I'm in, how long do I have to find these Wookiees?"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 08:14:12 PM
Dan found a can of lager, and cracked it open, giving it a tentative sip before answering.

"Well, the good part is, we're early. I did pick up that nugget of info as I was losing money. The Hutt's contact is through a Trandoshan named Korlag, and he's run into trouble even taking off with his live cargo. They come in tomorrow."

Feb 12th, 2011, 08:21:36 PM
At least that was a small bit of good news. It would allow her to slightly familiarize herself a little more. Of course, a day - in the grand scheme of things - was not that much. But sometimes it was just enough.

She watched Dan, having never understood the appeal of a lager (and he'd tried in the past to explain, but it was always a futile exercise).

"That's good news I suppose."

She scratched at an unseen itch on her shoulder.

"What does this Trandoshan gain though, from going through Okar? Why can't he simply take them straight to the Empire?"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 08:25:19 PM
"Well, in the old days, they'd just pelt the Wookiees and be done with it, but it seems the step is two-fold now. The Empire needs the labor, and Okar and other barons of fashion seem to think that Wookiee fur makes for good yarn."

He waved his hands in exasperation.

"I don't get it either, but this is what I hear. They shave them down, use the labor to spin and pack the yarns, then change hands to the Empire. Sounds like a load of fluff, but supposedly the stuff is lightweight and a good insulator, and worth the time."

Feb 12th, 2011, 08:30:46 PM
"Well that's... unconventional."

And indeed, to her, it was. Using Wookiee fur to make yarn for clothing?

Of course, the thought of pelting struck somewhat close to home, and s'Il bit her lip at the macabre thought.

"I think I'd like a drink, please," she whispered, gesturing to the small fridge unit that Dan had pulled his lager from.

This mission was getting more bizarre with every passing minute.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 08:41:44 PM
Dan retrieved another can of lager. It was either that or some unidentifiable bottle that he couldn't decipher.

"I didn't have to settle up with the cashier tonight, so I'm sure that whatever I owe will be mentioned tomorrow. It might work to our advantage, especially if it gets us further access to get to the Wookiees when they arrive."

Feb 12th, 2011, 08:59:38 PM
* * *

The next morning found Luscious in high spirits and higher moods as he waited outside the door to the room that'd been assigned to Mr. Geram the previous night. Okar's majordomo fussed with his painted fingernails, knowing that the slaver would soon be leaving the lavish one-room suite. Dressed in a fringed ensemble that left his chest exposed, Luscious had to wonder just how the man would take this sudden reversal of fortune - to lose a decent sum of credits, then to be charged for the services of the very dancer he'd sold to the Hutt (and at a reduced asking price at that!).

Juna stood with him, as did Taris and Breen, each manservant having been told to expect any sort of reaction from their guest.

Another few minutes passed, and with patience running thin, Luscious reached out to give the door a few forceful raps.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 09:06:51 PM
Dan cracked the door open, not surprised at all by who was waiting for him.

"Ah, good morning...Luscious, is it?"

The two in the background behind the well-coiffed majordomo suggested this wasn't the most polite of social calls.

Feb 12th, 2011, 09:14:19 PM
A razorcat's smile was given to Mr. Geram, and Luscious nodded his head in greeting.

"His Stunningness hopes that your night was memorable, and that you enjoyed his 'gift'.

"Of course, he also hopes that you understand he is running a business as well."

And with that, the majordomo produced a small ronto-hide booklet, inside of which was folded a bill; both for his losses at the casino, and the services of the 'dancer'.

This he presented to Mr. Geram.

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 09:16:23 PM
Dan took a glance at the bill, which with his gambling debt factored in, was a neat 2500 credits.

"It's getting expensive doing business with your master. I'm calculating that you've got an option to settle my account that doesn't leave me so light in the wallet?"

Feb 12th, 2011, 09:20:33 PM
Again, the grin, and Luscious gave a nod.

"I do."

This slaver was no fool.

"Clean yourself up and meet us on the grand balcony in one hour. We can discuss your alternative options then."

Another nod, and Luscious stepped back, turning on his heel and leaving Mr. Geram - bill in hand - to consider just what it was he'd be in for.

Feb 12th, 2011, 09:25:10 PM
After Dan had closed the door, s'Il sat up in bed, looking more than a little bedraggled. She groggily smoothed her hair down, hoping that it wasn't too terribly wild. A stifled yawn, and she stared at him, her eye going to the ronto-hide booklet he held.

"What's that?"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 09:27:00 PM
"That would be the bill, for my gambling overages, for the suite, and..."

He tossed her the leather folder.

"...for you."

Shaking his head, he got to work getting dressed. This was going to prove to be an interesting day.

Feb 12th, 2011, 09:31:37 PM
Ever curious, the Lupine opened it up to look at the breakdown of expenses. In less than a moment she was in a near-rage, and she glared angrily at him as he fumbled with his trousers.

"Is that all I'm worth?!"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 09:33:14 PM
He snatched the receipt away from her in an instant.

"What, you want me to be even more in debt?"

He hissed a bit low, as if afraid by merely invoking the possibility that the majordomo would burst in and amend the bill.

Feb 12th, 2011, 09:37:06 PM
And like a striking whipsnake, she snatched it back.

"Yes I do!" Her low tone matched his.

Holding it beyond his reach, s'Il once more looked at it.

"This is insulting!"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 09:39:00 PM
"Well technically you didn't even do anything last night!"

He reached for the bill, and defeated, lay back on the bed.

"Well, at any rate, now I'm in debt to your boss. So we're both in it in a bad way, more or less."

Feb 12th, 2011, 09:48:29 PM
"Oh, I've got it easier than you do, the way I figure."

For a moment more she eyed the receipt, then with a healthy amount of disgust, blew out an exasperated breath and dropped the flimsi on his chest.

"And besides," she snapped in self-defense, "I was tired last night."

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 09:50:16 PM
"That's okay. Brunettes aren't my thing."

He gave a wink as he sat up, and went to go about making himself presentable. That had a different meaning in this place, he figured, and he quickly began to coax his hair into a uniform ponytail.

Feb 12th, 2011, 10:04:05 PM
Watching him, the Lupine made no move to remove herself from the comfort of the bed. It was so warm and soft; moreso than their bed aboard Novgorod, but she dare not say that aloud to him. Of course, that didn't mean she couldn't voice another thought.

"I thought you were going to get your hair cut."

Feb 12th, 2011, 10:32:55 PM
* * *

On the grand balcony, Luscious sat lounging with Okar, much as he had the previous day. They'd canceled their plans for the holoshoot, and spent the last evening planning; those hands would be a boon, and Okar had seemed positively entranced by the possibilities before them. With the bill delivered, Okar's majordomo knew that it was only a matter of time before the slaver would grace them with his presence.

And then the bargaining could begin.

But before all of that, Luscious was mindful to pamper the Hutt's every mid-morning need; from lighting his cigarettes to making sure his brunch was delivered at just the right time. Also, the models needed to be inspected for the day's fittings.

And heavens, their new purchase needed to be measured properly. She'd be more useful, perhaps, than originally thought.

"You know," Luscious began, munching lazily on a panka berry, "... I bet that new dancer would fit into the outfit you intended for Siarta."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 10:54:23 PM
Brunch was served as a bit of a classic. Seven spice crépes with berries and Dallau cheese, with Naboo Ortolans. It was refined, proper, and like so many things in Okar's life, chic.

"Yes, but what about that face? Yes, makeup, and yes, holos can be airbrushed, but can't we do better?"

A thought occurred to him as he speared a bit of crépe, and he smiled.

"What about a demi-masque? Like at a ball? Something a bit haughty, a throwback to the splendid old Core fashions? Maybe a touch of the austere, you know, to keep with the fashion of the times."

Feb 12th, 2011, 10:59:49 PM
Chewing thoughtfully on a forkful of crépe, Luscious sat back, resting the tines of his fork on his lips.

"You know," he swallowed, "... you could always tie it into your new line of formal-wear - bring back the mystery of the masquerade."

The fork was waved slightly in the air.

"Everyone loves a good intrigue; perhaps you could begin some sort of legend behind her, and why she never takes her mask off?"

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:02:34 PM
Daintily plucking an Ortolan, Okar nodded sagely to that.

"Masks do seem to be in fashion these days, what with that tall drink of ebony Vader and such."

Popping the baby bird in, he swallowed, gesturing widely.

"There's always something alluring in knowing when to conceal, just as when to show. I'm in love with this idea Luscious. I'd marry it, if it were legal!"

Feb 12th, 2011, 11:08:06 PM
Luscious gave a grin, and went back to his meal. He was not so fond of the Ortolans, but the crépes were delicious, and he demurely ate all that was on his plate. He was, if nothing else, a peckish eater with particular tastes. At least Okar knew what he liked, and never failed to provide for him whatever he wished for.

The attendants knew better than to interrupt their master and his majordomo during their brunch, but it wasn't long before one of the manservants slowly approached, his hands folded in front of him as he gave a low bow.

"Mr. Geram is here, Your Beautifulness. Shall I show him out onto the grand balcony?"

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:10:15 PM
Quickly, Okar snatched his napkin, daintily dotting his lips from the center outward, careful to make himself presentable.

"Oh yes, of course! I'm bursting with excitement!"

He smiled conspiratorily at Luscious.

"Aren't you bursting?"

Feb 12th, 2011, 11:15:29 PM
Luscious gave the Hutt a lurid, and more than lewd smirk.

"You should know well enough by now," he teased.

Of course, the majordomo soon enough let business color the landscape of his features, and he angled his head to the wide archway, watching as Mr. Geram came through the curtains and out into the sun. The man looked a bit rough, but it wasn't his face that Luscious was completely focused on.

Without standing, he greeted the slaver captain.

"Mr. Geram," his smile thinly veiled the patronizing tone of his voice, "I trust last night was... pleasing to you?"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:18:10 PM
"Aside from my luck at the tables." was his carefully measured reply.

With a polite smile, he remained standing, hands clasped in front of him.

"So as you can see, I'm in a position to more or less even my account with your Fabulousness, hopefully in a way that won't cause undue inconvenience. I am a fairly busy man, after all."

Feb 12th, 2011, 11:25:35 PM
"Aren't we all."

Luscious leaned back slightly, then rose to stand. He moved around Mr. Geram, knowing full well that his youth and vigor made him all the more appealing to the Hutt; it was a source of pride, even.

"It seems however, that you have something that would help to reduce the amount of debt you've managed to accumulate with His Delightfulness, to a stunning degree."

He left the rest unsaid, as no doubt Okar would wish to elaborate more fully on just exactly what was wanted.

He did however, reach out as he came around the man, grasping with his thumb and fore-finger at Mr. Geram's pinky, and lifting the slaver's hand up to afford Okar a better view.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:27:47 PM
On cue, Okar raised his spectacles to his eyes and leaned forward, admiring the tone, curvature, and lines of the specimen raised before him.

"Mr. Geram, has anyone ever complemented your hands?"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:28:19 PM
Dan shot a quick look to Luscious, then back to Okar.

"...my hands?"

Feb 12th, 2011, 11:32:19 PM
"Yes, your hands."

And again he reached out, this time to lift up Geram's other hand for Okar to inspect.

"They are singular, perfect... "

The majordomo smiled.

"... and His Fabulousness wants them."

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:33:19 PM
"Wants...my hands?"

Dan suddenly felt his jawline tense up. He didn't like where this was going.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:35:31 PM
"Oh Luscious, don't be so morbidly cryptic. Now he thinks I want to lop off his hands at the wrist!"

Okar had a laugh at that, playing with a string of pearls around his neck.

"No, nothing of the sort! What I mean, Mr. Geram, is that you are a specimen of the sort that is rarely seen. Your hands are works of art, and it would be criminally negligent if you didn't do some work as a hand model while they're still in their prime."

He clapped his hands.

"Luscious, gloves!"

The assets had to be protected at once!

Feb 12th, 2011, 11:39:40 PM
Whether Mr. Geram realized it fully or not, he was now in the sudden employ of Okar the Fabulous until such time as his services would no longer be needed.

A snap of his fingers, and a manservant approached with a tray that held a pair of protective padded gloves. Luscious took them, and held the first out to Mr. Geram.

"You will need to wear these at all times, unless you are in the studio of course."

The man looked on dumbfounded still, and Luscious shoved the glove into his chest rather forcefully.

"It's for their protection, after all."

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:42:55 PM
Dan's mouth was agape. He collected himself, speaking in carefully measured words.

"So you want me...to be a hand model?"

You know, in the pantheon of horrible requests and acts of servitude, this was actually pretty posh work. He'd never heard the notion of his hands looking nice, but nobody had said they were ugly, either. And if the hutt liked them, hell, why not?

"So, how long are we in this until everything's jake between us?"

He glanced to Luscious, and then to the gloves. They looked like oven mittens. He sighed.

Feb 12th, 2011, 11:49:46 PM
"For as long as it takes."

It was apparent that Mr. Geram wasn't about to don the protective gloves himself, so Luscious - with an exasperated sigh - set to fitting the gloves onto the slaver's hands.

"Ultimately though, it is up to His Fabulousness."

One hand done, he went on to the other.

"And who knows - when you're done, you may not wish to leave Baroonda. Of course, while you're here we'll make sure that you're provided with everything you may want, from food and drink, to rooms and women."

Luscious straightened up, his task done, and he gave Mr. Geram's cheek a playful pat.

"Shall I send you a new girl for tonight then? Maybe some Nabooan royal cuisine to accompany her?"

General Dan
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:52:12 PM
"Actually, I like familiarity. Let's stick to what I've got."

Dan looked down at his well-mittened hands. This was getting weirder and weirder.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 12th, 2011, 11:55:06 PM
"Well, I've got a line of nine-hundred thread count fleeces coming soon, and I want to include you in the shoot. Up close, fantastic detail. Cuffs of sweaters, gloves, all that sort of thing, and we've got a fantastic mountain villa just for it."

Okar was going a million miles an hour in his head, and he beamed.

"About a week, at minimum. Obviously, if we can convince you it's a sweeter life than your day job, well that would be a bowl of peaches and cream, now wouldn't it?"

Feb 13th, 2011, 12:07:27 AM
Luscious moved to once more reclaim his sit in front of the Hutt, and supremely satisfied, leaned b ack against Okar's belly while retrieving two cigarettes, one of which he handed up to Okar.

"You may return to your room, Mr. Geram," he finished for the Hutt, "... and we'll call upon you when we're ready.

"And be sure to not take those gloves off until the camera is ready to shoot."

General Dan
Feb 13th, 2011, 12:12:40 AM
Dan looked to the gloves, then back to Luscious and Okar. With a slight incredulous shake of his head, he left, headed back to his room.

Feb 13th, 2011, 09:45:50 AM
* * *

She had been allowed to stay in Dan's room for now, though she wondered just how long it would be before Juna came back for her, to take her to where her own assigned room was. Or better yet, what if another orund of bathing and pampering was on order, to the magnitude that it'd been the day before? The thought of that made s'Il smile wistfully to herself, and standing in front of a tall, full-length mirror, she toyed with her new brunette locks. Like a fascinated child she bunched, lifted, pulled one way, and then the other.

She was holding the twisted mass up in a bun-like pile atop her head when the door opened and she heard Dan's gravelly mumbling announcing his arrival. Standing up straight, she let her hair fall, turning to face him as the door closed. With one hand on her hip, she openly stared at his gloved hands, and blinking, the Lupine pulled an odd face before bringing her eyes up to finally meet his.

"What's this all about then."

General Dan
Feb 13th, 2011, 10:56:26 AM
"It appears that Okar's plan to settle my account with him is to..."

He sighed.

"...put me to work as a hand model."

Feb 13th, 2011, 11:04:24 AM
Incredulous, she stared at him.

"A hand model?"

Another look was sent to his gloved hands.

"What's so special about your hands?"

General Dan
Feb 13th, 2011, 11:05:31 AM
As if reading from a script given to him, Dan replied in monotone, looking down at his mittened hands.

"I...have...beautiful hands?"

He shrugged without any hint of further knowledge.

Feb 13th, 2011, 11:08:44 AM
"Well what about my hands?"

The Lupine lifted her own up, inspecting each facet of her fingers, knuckles, and palms.

"I don't see how your hands are any better than my hands."

General Dan
Feb 13th, 2011, 11:10:24 AM
This was not an argument he was getting into. Even if her hands were a little calloused. Nope, not getting into it!

"Do I look like some kind of hand judge?"

He snapped, waving his mittens in the air in frustration.

Feb 13th, 2011, 11:17:53 AM
She knew that tone. It was a desperate tone that told her he knew what was coming next.

She crossed her arms then, giving him a look before turning back to the mirror. She let him stand there, stewing in expectation as she examined the reflection of her face. And it wasn't until his posture began to relax - as though he thought he'd be able to emerge verbally unscathed from this - that she finally spoke up again.

"Well, I suppose it's nice to know your 'teacher's hands' are good for something, then."

General Dan
Feb 13th, 2011, 11:20:12 AM
"I wasn't going to say anything, but yeah, now that you want to go there, you've got a few callouses on your hands!"

If she was going to be petty, he was going to be petty right back.

"Ever think of using any moisturizer from time to time?"

Feb 13th, 2011, 11:54:56 AM
Knowing better than to take the bait, the Lupine shrugged him off, preferring instead to talk of how this new development would alter their mission.

"Now that it seems my employer is also your employer," she wasn't above small barbs however, "our chances of finishing this whole mess of a mission sooner rather than later are a bit better.

"That is, if you don't get too swept up in the life of a... hand model."

General Dan
Feb 13th, 2011, 11:58:17 AM
Dan gave her a blank look before holding up a mittened hand between his and her face and walking off.

"If you're done, you'd be glad to know that's exactly the case. It seems that the arriving Wookiees tie into this more or less neatly. They arrive today, their fur will be shorn, and we'll be photo shooting within days.

I've got it figured to be a good model and interested in my work, to inspect the Wookiees that will be coming in. That ought to give us a better view of things."

Feb 16th, 2011, 10:00:58 PM
It hadn't been long before Janus returned for her, and s'Il found herself hoping that Dan's 'better view' would happen sooner rather than later. Even despite the soothing baths and lotions, the massages and outright pampering that she was now receiving, the Lupine was inwardly uncomfortable with the entire atmosphere of Okar's palace, as well as the general state of those in his employ. It wasn't through any sort of fear, but rather simply the unknown that set her world on its' ear. It was so unlike anything that she'd ever experienced.

And now, once more cleaned and sent through the gauntlet of spritzers, lotions, balms, and perfumes, s'Il found herself ushered into yet another changing room.

Clutching at a thin towel she'd been able to pilfer, the Lupine found herself face to face with Okar and what seemed like an army of attendants.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 16th, 2011, 10:38:26 PM
"Well now, butterfly!"

Okar adjusted a wreath of flowers that hung carefully atop his head, and smiled.

"I've got a little pet project that I want you for. Come and scooch over here a moment pretty please? Garrauha, where's my tape measure?"

A Cizerack male appeared from the throng, spooling out the measuring tape before depositing in Okar's impatient mitt.

Feb 16th, 2011, 10:54:12 PM
Too shocked to do anything but obey, s'Il moved closer.

Okar the Fabulous was so vastly different from Urga that she couldn't help but stare at the Hutt, utter confusion dominating her expression. Still though, she maintained her death grip on the towel she held around herself. Her hair, still slightly damp, hid the half-moon brand between her shoulder-blades, but with a sudden sense of worry s'Il knew that it wouldn't be long before that too was seen.

Would the Hutt bemoan that as well, as he had her scar?

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 16th, 2011, 10:59:50 PM

Okar gestured at the towel expectantly.

"Modesty doesn't become you, my dear. I want to see your dancer's figure. And somebody, anybody, would it kill you to make sure to refill the Ithorian punch? My muse is thirsty."

Feb 16th, 2011, 11:08:21 PM
A sigh, and s'Il discarded her towel. Now at the mercy of Okar and his measuring tape, she steeled herself for what might come next.

It couldn't be any worse than anything else she'd gone through, and that included losing countless games of 'My Apologies' to Dan.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 16th, 2011, 11:11:20 PM
"Arms apart, and turn."

Okar's stubby, but surprisingly adept hands worked a tape measure around s'Il's hips. He paused, calling out a number, then slipped the tape to her waist, measuring again.

"Wonderful, wonderful! You've got a body that should be carved from marble, sweety."

He paused, examining the back of her neck.

"What is this?"

Feb 16th, 2011, 11:15:39 PM
She froze, but knowing better to let any amount of silence to hang for too long, s'Il answered in a demure and quiet voice.

"It's a brand."

She bit her lip.

"From a long time ago."

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 16th, 2011, 11:17:38 PM
Okar's eyes moved up to his makeup specialist, who stepped in to peer at it. She gave a slight nod to say that if he needed it covered, it could be done.

With a sigh the Hutt shrugged.

"Well it's not the tackiest thing I've seen, and it's got it's own charm in that folksy way. Really I'm just relieved it's not another floozy with a tramp stamp, so all that said and done, no harm no foul!"

Feb 17th, 2011, 06:27:22 PM
Blinking in surprise, the Lupine unconsciously turned on her heel to regard the overly flamboyant Hutt. Perhaps she had been too worried? She smiled faintly in thanks at what she chose to perceive as minor praise, but it wasn't long before a thoughtful look passed over her. Still aware of her lack of clothing, she wrapped her arms around her upper half.

"... tramp stamp?"

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 17th, 2011, 09:49:24 PM
Okar blinked in surprise at her ignorance. Was she some kind of tribal just that far off on the rim? He recovered, and dismissed it with a laugh.

"Oh nothing honey. Divas are dimes a dozen, and they all think they're unique snowflakes for getting ink done over their pert little tooshies."

A minder passed Okar his stim holder, and lit it for the Hutt, who puffed on it demurely.

"It's a way to play it safe while they sponge on their fifteen minutes of fame before they piss it all away with some drunken hookup, and spend the next year getting pregnancy-related stretch marks, but...that's just me rambling. We're talking about you, aren't we doll?"

Feb 17th, 2011, 10:00:23 PM
"Oh... "

And indeed, it was all she could think of to say to Okar's explanation. Of course, his last words made her pull an odd face, and s'Il shifted an arm so that she could scratch at an unseen itch on her shoulder.

"Well, I suppose so... "

At a loss, she pulled in a long breath, letting it out slowly while casting her head to the side, angling away from the purple haze of the Hutt's stim.

"This pet project is in addition to dancing, then?"

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 17th, 2011, 10:06:17 PM
"And smart, too!"

Did the measuring tape give it away?

At any rate, a half dozen minders approached with basic, pre-tailored conceptual outfits, held up on clothes hangers. The colors were stark and bold, but lacking excessive flourishes or busy patterns. Indeed, it seemed simplistic to somebody not knowledgable of fashion. Okar was mindful to put just the right amount of expression into each piece to inspire a bit of artful eye-leading without blatantly telling his audience he was doing so.

"Dear, forget the dancing. I mean you're alright, but dancers are come and go, and in some speakeasies it's just a polite term for a slut. You want Okar's advice? If you're building a resume, don't list it under past experience unless you're in a Coruscanti ballet."

He gestured to one of the minders, who approached with a figure-hugging long-sleeved dress.

"Darling, provided you don't do something tragic like eat three full meals a day, I want you on my retinue of models."

Feb 17th, 2011, 10:20:49 PM
Shocked, the Lupine snapped her head back to stare at Okar.

"Me?" she fairly squeaked, eyes bugging nearly out of her head, "... be a model?"

Her gaze, drawn to the attendants and the clothing they were now bringing into the room, drifted from one ensemble to the next. Each one was - to her - like some sort of forbidden fruit in a way. She'd grown so used to wearing the Rebellion's proto-uniforms, and before that any of the hand-me-down fatigues she could lay her hands on. Before that even, had been the solemn robes of the Jedi.

"Oh," she answered absently, "I usually only eat once a day anyway."

Which of course didn't count the monthly eating binges she was known to embark on.

Okar the Fabulous
Feb 17th, 2011, 10:28:37 PM
"Well, all stars so far, then!

Go ahead and slink into this little thing if you will. I want to tailor it up for you. If I like what I see, we'll go from there, okay?"

Mar 1st, 2011, 09:10:46 PM
The feel of the dress' fabric on her skin was smooth and silky, soft in a strange way that she'd never experienced before. It hugged her curves, and accented what was necessary while not appearing too degrading.

In short, it was wonderful.

Even without the Hutt needing to encourage her, the Lupine turned about, looking down at herself from every angle she could, marveling at the cut and feel of such a luxurious piece of clothing. Stunned into silence at the sight of herself, s'Il could only continue to revel in the feel of it.

"It's wonderful," she breathed.

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 1st, 2011, 09:20:27 PM

Okar ho-hummed the praise in a way that an artist might shrug off the well-meaning but ignorant dotings of laymen.

"It's a diamond in the rough honey. Just need a few...pushes in the right direction"

A fat hand brusquely corrected s'Il's stance as he posed her like a little doll, fussing and fretting the whole way.

"Luscious, Luscious! Daddy's muse is thirsty!"

Mar 1st, 2011, 09:29:20 PM
It was as if he'd materialized out of thin air, and with a fawning pet to Okar's arm, Luscious daintily placed a glass into the Hutt's hand.

It was a barely-hid look of contempt that was given to the girl however, but the blonde, with his fringed outfit and muscled chest, was soon enough turning his undivided attentions to Okar.

"You've been working so hard," he purred, "... why don't you take a break?"

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 1st, 2011, 09:34:59 PM
The Fabulous One sipped on a perfect Bloody Amidala, swirling the viscous drink about in it's glass.

"Playtime will be here soon enough, you minx. Two sets of hands, however, are better than one. Be a peach and measure her hemline."

He looked again to s'Il.

"I need you to scootch your right leg just an itsy bit my way."

Mar 1st, 2011, 09:50:31 PM
There was the barest of sighs, and Luscious took the measuring tape in hand. He made sure that his movements, posture, and expression were - while undecipherable by the backworld little trollop - would be perfectly understood by Okar. But, he supposed, she had her uses, and if she could help them bring in a new age of fashion and design, then so be it. He moved to kneel in front of the dancer as she did as the Hutt instructed, giving her a few corrective pats here and there to make sure she stood just right.

Calling out a few numbers as deft hands went about their work, Luscious periodically (and quite dramatically) gave his head a shake, tossing wild blonde locks of hair from his face - which only fell right back to their previous position.

He gave her thigh a little pinch.

"She's all muscle," was the absent remark to Okar.

"Not at all like the other girls."

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 1st, 2011, 09:55:45 PM
"Well we can tease out the femininity sure enough, muscles or no muscles. As long as we're not seeing chiseled marble skin she's hardly going to come off as mannish."

Okar dismissed his petulant little plaything with a flourish of his hand. Then, something caught his eyes, and he made an evidently distasteful face.


Mar 1st, 2011, 10:05:24 PM
She'd stood, unsure of what to do as the two talked about her as though she'd not been in their presence, and when the Hutt's majordomo sauntered his way out, s'Il visibly relaxed. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but Luscious made her nervous.

And what sort of a name was Luscious anyway? Was it some sort of pet name? certainly it couldn't be the man's real name... what sort of parents would -


Head turning sharply, the Lupine looked sharply to Okar at his little outburst.

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 1st, 2011, 10:12:59 PM
"Her toenails are ugly...."

He barely breathed the words, taken aback and in a bit of shock. Tossing the tape measure aside, he used his free hand to fan at his face feverishly.

"Why is it that every dancer just has to be a tragedy below the ankle?!"

With a massive grimace, he cautioned a look down at her feet again.

"I need pumice stones, NOW!"

Mar 1st, 2011, 10:19:59 PM
Her toenails were... ?

Biting her lip, s'Il kept herself from any outbursts, instead promising to herself that Dan would never. Never. Never ever hear of this. Especially not after his being drafted as a hand model. He wouldn't ever let her forget this if he ever found out.

Clasping her hands together at her midsection, the Lupine looked down at her feet, unsure of how to properly translate what the Hutt meant in calling for pumice stones, but a fluttery part of her stomach was beginning to tell her that they might not be as enjoyable as the baths she'd so enjoyed since first arriving. With a pained face, she cast her gaze back up to Okar. Whatever pumice stones were, she didn't want to find out.

"My feet are fine," the Lupine began defensively, if not a little bit quietly.

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 1st, 2011, 10:24:25 PM
"Fine if you're wearing combat boots."

Okar sassed, hands dropping down to where hips would be, if it were anatomically possible to have any.

"Fine if you're wearing open toes, strutting down a catwalk like you own it, with fashionista barons of galactic industry eye-level with your callouses and gnawed nails?

You're on a raised platform, need I remind you, and I don't want your monstrous tootsies ruining whatever hard work I put into you!"

Mar 2nd, 2011, 08:25:09 PM
A glare was sent to the ground, and s'Il crossed her arms almost angrily.


She pursed her lips, gave a slight pout, and sent a look to Okar from over the tops of her eyes.

"But I don't gnaw on my toenails."

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 2nd, 2011, 09:44:38 PM
Okar gestured down dismissively.

"Well honey, something does and it does not have table manners."

He sighed with some resignation, sipping his drink again.

"Then again, it's not the worst case of dancer's feet I've seen. There's a price you pay for being so sure footed I suppose. In the end, we can fix all that, and I don't have to sweat under my chins hoping you don't trip over the A-list."

Mar 2nd, 2011, 10:12:05 PM
She suspected that it was the only consolation she'd get, and s'Il finally gave a halfway grudging nod. This treatment was so far removed from what she'd expected at the onset of their mission, and the Lupine found herself turned on her ear nearly every hour that passed. She'd thought that her time with the Hutt would be minimal, and much like her time with Urga. Instead, it had been something akin to a paradise (even if she still had no idea what pumice stones were for). Even Okar's complaints about her feet were minimal at best.

Making a face that was somehow a mix of resignation and exhaustion - it was surprising, this tiredness that came from standing about and trying on clothes. She even stifled a yawn, eyeballing Okar's drink with not a little bit of envy.

A drink would be wonderful about now, and it would help to calm her, too.

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 2nd, 2011, 10:16:47 PM
Okar, having a bit of empathy, seemed to cater to his captive audience.

"Plus, nothing quite like a pedicure to swap gossip and drinks over, isn't that right Luscious? At least that's what I always hear. And since I'm never short on gossip, it just so happens to be my favorite sort of fly on the wall bit of voyeurism! What say, pula fruit, vodka and tonic? A little bit of tipsy without the calories?"

Mar 3rd, 2011, 07:29:31 PM
She'd never heard of a 'vodka and tonic'; all Dan ever seemed to speak of was whisky, and in the past Zem had been the same way. But, the Lupine put on a game face and gave a nod. Listening to Okar, it was all like watching a Coruscant lightning storm; each bolt of light that lanced downward from the sky was never expected and where it would hit was never known.

Luscious, who had once more appeared to cater to his master, only gave a light nod before disappearing once again, no doubt to conjure up this 'vodka and tonic' that the Hutt had alluded to.

"Tipsy without the calories," she repeated, "... yes."

That she was to be a model rather than a dancer was an unexpected surprise, and placed her in a much better position to do the job that she'd been tasked with; of course it didn't help, being immersed in a way of life that was so completely alien.

Setting her confusion aside as best as she could, the Lupine Jedi swiveled on her heel to lower her slender frame onto the repulsor platform that Okar occupied.

She sighed, rubbed a hand over her face, and let her shoulders sag somewhat while looking out over the terrace. There was so much to think on and digest.

"My old master always said I was worthless... what sort of things could I possibly model?"

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 3rd, 2011, 10:17:47 PM
"Well, you've got interesting features, darling. The most beautiful or alluring? No, sadly. I'm not here to feed egos."

A minder lit the cigarra in Okar's holder, and he took it and puffed.

"Sort of a galactic everywoman, mixed with a little old core chic and that kind of military brutalism that seems to be the rage. You work out, you take care of yourself, but you're not so mindful of doing that to be some kind of fop. Do me a favor and pull your hair back in a tight ponytail?"

Mar 3rd, 2011, 10:22:23 PM
Wordlessly she obeyed, and one of the Hutt's attendants handed her a band to tie her hair up with.

That task done, she cast a look over her shoulder to Okar, unsure of what would come next.

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 3rd, 2011, 10:29:40 PM
"Mmm. And chin up."

Okar traced the air with his cigarra.

"Follow the motion, chickadee."

Full of contemplation, Okar shifted his ponderous weight as he sipped his drink again.

"And relax. Good symmetry, yes. We'll have to cut your hair just to the length of a tight bun. That won't be a worry. Have you ever worn contacts before?"

Mar 4th, 2011, 11:41:29 AM
Cut her hair?!

The Lupine hid her worried look, making sure to turn away from Okar until she could once more regain control of herself. She did not slouch, and instead positioned herself as the Hutt instructed.

"I've never worn contacts, no."

Which was the truth; never before had she even considered such a thing, and s'Il idly reached up to scratch at the bottom edge of her scar.

"It's... never been an option in the past I suppose."

But still - cut her hair?

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 4th, 2011, 01:29:10 PM
"And I'm terribly sorry, I do believe I've forgotten to ask your name."

Daintily ashing, Okar watched as Luscious returned with the pedicurist in tow. A plush chair was drawn for s'Il to sit upon while the others worked.

"And none of that pretentious Diva one-syllable trade names, either."

Mar 5th, 2011, 12:43:47 AM
In the act of moving to the chair, s'Il froze half-way down, managing to just barely cover her initial surprise at being asked her name. It'd never been included in the mission parameters, as her status as a dancer wouldn't necessarily require her to interact so closely with Okar as it seemed now she would be. Lowering herself the rest of the way down, the Lupine settled herself, using the motion of trying to get comfortable to stall as her mind raced.

A nervous look was given to the pedicurist.

"Erisi," she answered, deciding to use a shortened form of her grandmother's name.

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 5th, 2011, 01:37:22 AM
Okar tried the name on a few times, and deciding that it didn't really matter one way or another, shrugged it off. Sounded tribal. Probably was.

"Well, uh, Erisi, we'll cross the contacts issue when we get to it, mm? Coruscant wasn't built in a day, after all. Now..."

Okar gave a curt pair of claps as the pedicurist took her position.

"Feet up."

Mar 5th, 2011, 01:56:20 AM
* * *

The door to Dan's room loomed before her and her escort, and without ceremony Janus depressed the door chime.

With her hair noticeably shorter, her bare feet still red from the (arguably harrowing) ordeal with the pedicurist, her toenails and fingernails painted, and her entire posture one of near-defeat, the Lupine was the picture of exhaustion. There was a bit of a shell-shocked look ground into her face, like a survivor who'd seen too much horror and known too much pain for one lifetime. Still reeling from her time spent with the Hutt, s'Il couldn't help the tired slump to her shoulders.

It was true that she'd been able to discover nothing about the object of their mission, but it was also still the first day. And a rather difficult one at that.

Tomorrow would bring new opportunities without doubt, but until then, the Lupine had a healthy enough notion that she would have to suffer through the gauntlet of simply getting through this night without too much teasing from her companion.

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 02:06:13 AM
It took Dan some bit of time to manipulate the door through the heavy hand protectors (ie, mittens) he was wearing, but in the end, he worked it open to find his partner in crime, who looked like she'd gone through a ringer or two. She smelled like mineral oil and alcohol and a half dozen other things that were probably brushed on her, beaten into her, or whatever they do to make models into models.

Mar 5th, 2011, 02:23:06 AM
Janus gave her a small nudge, prodding her past the doorway so that he could finish his escort duties for the evening and go back to doing whatever it was he did. s'Il was sure it was something to do with tanning and exfoliating (a word she'd just learned that day thanks to Okar the Fabulous.

And as the door closed behind her, she looked up to Dan like a forlorn jakrab, waiting for the inevitable anooba bite that would end its' life.

His mittens were ignored in the face of her larger shame.

"My feet hurt," she finally got out, hoping that if she could drum up any small amount of sympathy from him, it might help to curb whatever tide of questions he might have for her.

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 02:35:41 AM
Dan looked down, not sure what he would find.

"What, it hurt to put on nail polish?"

He looked back up to her and raised an eyebrow.

"Don't suppose you managed any actual recon in the middle of your day spa adventure?"

Mar 5th, 2011, 01:38:13 PM
She wrung her hands, biting the inside of her lip while looking away to the side. Couldn't he see that she'd been practically tortured?! Put through a relentless ordeal that left her in the state she was now?! He should've been consoling her rather than jump right into drilling her on whether she'd been able to get information. He should've been showing sympathy, understanding, and care.

With a pout, the Lupine inhaled deeply. She could smell each and every lotion, cream, and nail polish that had been used on her, and the combination was rather... powerful. And not very pleasant.

"Well no," she began defensively, "... but I didn't have time to."

Her good eye angled sideways to look up at him, and when there was no change in his expression, s'Il dove in deeper, gesturing as she talked.

"He had some man scrape at my feet with stones, and even a razor blade; and then... then they pushed my cuticles back with some sort of torture device. They did the same thing with my hands, too! I had to lay in a mud bath with vegetables over my eyes and cream on my face, and after that... "

Reaching up, she fingered a dramatically short lock of hair that, during her time with the hair stylist, had been bleached to practically white. Gone were her brunette strands.

"He had my hair cut, too," she finished miserably.

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 01:52:07 PM
Dan gave a vaguely empathetic nod.

"Sounds like a full day."

With a little furtive smile, he went about manipulating the refrigerator in the room.

"It looks good, kiddo."

Opening the door with the mittens was easy. So was taking out a few cans of ale. Now he had to figure out how to open those.

Mar 5th, 2011, 02:08:10 PM
"Well, thanks," she sighed heavily, unsure of how to take his compliment. Standing beside him, s'Il quietly gestured for the cans, and wordlessly she flipped the tabs open.

"It was never like this at the temple; none of the masters required their padawans to do any of these sorts of things."

One of the cans was handed to Dan - carefully, as his mittens made doing anything a bit more difficult.

"I think tomorrow will be better though. I hope."

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 02:11:36 PM
"Well, I've got a facilities tour planned tomorrow."

Dan gave a wink before attempting to sip from his beer while holding it with both hands, looking a bit ridiculous in the face of things.

"Apparently our honored guests are going to be making their donations around noon tomorrow. They'll be kept overnight, and the Imperials will be coming by the next day to take them off the Fabulous One's hands."

Mar 5th, 2011, 02:37:31 PM
She brightened up at that, and s'Il looked up to Dan's face, watching with a small degree of amusement as he sipped from the can.

"That doesn't give us much of a window to operate within."

She sipped at her own drink, and made a face at the taste. It was strange, and for a moment she thought about setting it to the side; maybe Dan would finish it.

But, something else nagged at her, and s'Il moved away to sit on the edge of the bed. She moved carefully, her extremities still sore from the day's events.

"Won't the Imperials recognize you though?"

She blinked, realizing that she was at just as much risk.

"Official reports list us as dead over Duravant, but what if someone recognizes you?"

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 02:40:22 PM
"I'm not planning to have any face time with the Empire, nor do I expect anybody given the task to cart off a boatload of shaved Wookiees to be remotely in the know about that even if I were."

Dan took an awkward sip.

"We're supposed to call the pickup spot, the time, and then let other people get hands-on about it, remember?"

Mar 5th, 2011, 02:53:27 PM
s'Il looked at him, a tick at the corner of her lips the only indication of the effort it took to hide her amusement at the sight of him drinking.

"Not everything goes according to plan," she finally managed with a level voice.

As an afterthought, the Jedi brushed back a white strand. How was it that she was the one to get a haircut when it was he who was supposed to?! She'd probably have to cut his hair while he slept so that it would get done.

"But," her hand went out, palm up with her fingers curled inward so that she could inspect her still-tender nails.

"... I reserve the right to say 'I told you so'."

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 02:58:43 PM
"You always do, but if they send more than an extremely bored junior officer in a Sentinel shuttle, I'll be surprised at the failures of Imperial bureaucracy."

Another awkward sip.

"One thing's for sure, you don't see much here in the way of any actual security. I've seen maybe four people that might pass for guards."

Mar 5th, 2011, 03:28:31 PM

His words reminded her that she wasn't the only one in this mess, and leaning back so that she lay on her back, the Lupine stifled a yawn.

"Is that what you've been doing today then? They actually let you out despite fears of damaging your priceless hands?"

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 03:31:33 PM
He gave a sheepish smile.

"Guess my line of work is a little more low maintenance than yours. I had a fairly invasive manicure but that was about it. Somebody came in to shoot lighting and color tests with my hands against matte backgrounds. I really couldn't tell you up or down from it all."

Mar 5th, 2011, 08:22:53 PM
Was she jealous that he'd gotten lighter treatment? Somewhat. s'Il gave a groan at the thought, but other than that she said not a word more on the matter.

"I'm not really sure where I stand in all of this then," she grumped, eyeballing him as he stood over her, awkwardly sipping at his beer.

"Other than demanding to see the Wookiees who'll possibly be providing the clothing I'm supposed to model, I'm not so sure this whole thing was such a well-thought-out plan."

A funny look as she continued to stare at him, and an accusatory finger was waggled at him.

"Of course, I'm wondering if all of this wasn't your idea to begin with, and you had Brecklin do your dirty work so I'd have no choice but to agree to all of this... this... this torture."

s'Il rolled onto her side as she kept her eye on him.

"You just wanted to see me in that horrid dancer's outfit, didn't you," she accused sharply.

General Dan
Mar 5th, 2011, 09:02:46 PM
Dan said nothing, but instead he let s'Il stew in the very absurdity of her accusation. Carefully setting his beer aside, he shook his head a little.

"Well I guess you found me out then, huh?"

A smile threatened to betray him, and he eased down onto the bed, looking at his mittens. He couldn't wait to get the damn things off, but they had some kind of sensor on them to prevent that sort of thing.

Mar 6th, 2011, 09:01:23 PM
"I knew it," was her breathed reply.

Staring at him long and hard, it was easy to pick apart what was going through his mind, and frankly, she didn't care for the mittens either.

Shifting, the Lupine sat up, pulling her legs inward and crossing them as she pulled her shoulders back, stretching.

"When can you take those off?"

General Dan
Mar 6th, 2011, 09:10:08 PM
"Should be getting ready to come off any minute now. I've got time allottments for showering and sleep, as well as the photo shoot of course."

Dan waved the mittens in the air incredulously.

"They're apparently very serious about nice hands!"

Mar 7th, 2011, 10:25:56 PM
She watched his outburst in mild curiosity.

"It seems they do."

And, as if on cue, a soft beeping sounded from the mitten on his left hand, and a small indicator light that had previously been red now flashed green.

General Dan
Mar 7th, 2011, 10:28:47 PM
"About damn time!"

Dan immediately slinked the mittens off, and redoubled his assault on his much more accessible beer.

"And of course, after the shower I have cuticle balms, moisturizers, and some sort of Mon Calamari, uh, sea jelly? To hell with it, I have no idea."

Mar 7th, 2011, 10:39:44 PM
Using her opening as one of his hands was occupied with his beer, s'Il reached out to grasp his free hand. She brought it closer for inspection, lifting it up and turning it this way and that as her eye scoured each knuckle and well-manicured nail.

"They did a good job," she finally murmured.

General Dan
Mar 7th, 2011, 10:51:23 PM
Dan looked a little hurt, drawing his hand back a bit.

"They didn't do much, just showed what was there already."

Realizing that he was getting a lot more high strung about hands than he'd ever been in his life, he finished his beer and gave a small burp, as if the action were to countermand some of this...silliness.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 8th, 2011, 07:32:28 PM
The briefing had been like something out of a nightmare, as the person in question defied all natural laws of femininity. She was like some sort of anomaly. The very opposite of what it meant to be a woman; which made it even more infuriating to Sareeta Aneess. That this female would eschew her natural gift of beauty when others weren't as lucky to be born a woman!

It was enough to make her frown quite disapprovingly as Okar the Fabulous instructed her on all of the necessary alterations that would need to be made. To think! This dancer was nothing short of a man! Sareeta had watched from afar as the girl was dolled up in a dress and given the best manicure and pedicure that money could buy, but it was obvious that the dancer was only really talented at one thing, and that was dancing (according to Luscious at least).

Straightening the sequin top she wore, Sareeta shimmied just so. Her close-cropped hair was styled perfectly, accenting sharp, chiseled, and beautiful (if not rather masculine) cheekbones. Her makeup was tailored for her and her alone, colors picked and matched to bring out eye color and natural skin tone. It wouldn't do to put on a bad first impression, and as the dancer's now official 'body sculptor', Sareeta was loathe to show any side of her that wasn't prim, proper, and utterly wondrous - even if the dancer herself wasn't entirely... worthy.

She knocked on the door's fibre-plast coating with practiced motions. She'd gone through this song and dance many times for Okar, and each time had yielded only the best results.

With her tool bag slung over a shoulder, Okar's sculptor of goddesses - as the Hutt loved to say - waited patiently for the door to open.

General Dan
Mar 8th, 2011, 09:26:54 PM
Dan eased up from his bed, setting his beer aside as he went to answer the door. One look at the visitor was enough to have an educated guess that this was a professional visit.

"Are you here for her, or for me?"

Dan hoped it was the former.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 8th, 2011, 09:33:11 PM
Making a face, Sareeta cocked her head to the side, shifted her weight to one leg, and perched a hand on her hip. She stared long and hard at the man from under long, mascara-covered lashes. He was handsome, in a sort of gritty, old-timey way - which was to say that he'd not be gracing any of His Fabulousness' glamour mags any time soon. Of course, Okar hadn't wrangled him into employment for his good looks, just his hands.

"Poppy," Sareeta began flippantly, "There's nothing I can do for you, other than to advise you stop standing in front of a sandblaster for half the day."

She made a rather impatient face then.

"I'm here for her."

General Dan
Mar 8th, 2011, 09:36:21 PM
Dan tried hard not to smile too much at his relief.

"Ah, well I guess I'll leave you two to get to work. You won't be needing the bathroom, will you? I, uh..."

He walked backwards a bit holding up his hands to bolster his excuse.

"These bad boys don't moisturize themselves."

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 8th, 2011, 09:43:08 PM
"Mmmmm, they certainly don't."

She didn't even wait for a proper invitation, and with a noticeable bounce in her step, Sareeta stepped through the open doorway, all the while with a lifted hand to the slaver's chest, aiding him in his backward motions.

From over his shoulder - and she was at least a head taller than he was at that - she saw the dancer. Perched on the bed like some flutterdeer, the girl's eyes were wide as she sat up straighter.

Sareeta's free hand came out to gesture at her new charge.

"Stay there, Miha. And don't look so frightened."

Mar 8th, 2011, 09:48:09 PM
Frightened. If there was ever an understatement, it was that.

s'Il hid her near-terror well however, and froze where she sat on the bed. She bit her liip, and her hands moved to clasp togeth as she cast a horrified, pleading look to Dan.

He couldn't desert her, not now, in the face of this sudden unknown! What if this - woman? - tortured her? What if there were more pedicures and cuticle pushings? The young Lupine looked for all the galaxy like a helpless child, and her chest rose and fell with suddenly quick breaths.

Her wide-eyed look moved from this new arrival to Dan, silently begging him not to leave her alone.

General Dan
Mar 8th, 2011, 10:06:00 PM
"On second thought, if there's gonna be torture involved..."

Dan turned about with a grin likening to the cat who swallowed the canary.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 8th, 2011, 10:08:54 PM
Looking deeply offended, Sareeta stopped her advance to demurely place a hand on her less than ample chest.


She looked almost hurt, and in less than a moment bustled past Mr. Geram on her way to the girl.

"Body piercing is hardly torture!"

Mar 8th, 2011, 10:10:17 PM
s'Il's features caved in on themselves then, and she barely had enough wherewithal to squeak out the unbelievable.


General Dan
Mar 8th, 2011, 10:18:44 PM
Now witness to a must-see, Dan immediately planted himself in a nearby seat, leaning forward a bit.

"She's got a point there."

Dan swallowed a laugh.

"No pun intended. I mean, how do you plan on accessorizing without earrings?"

That was tough to say with a straight face.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 9th, 2011, 09:16:04 PM
With a mildly disapproving glance to Mr. Geram, Sareeta soon enough shifted her attentions once more to the girl (who was very nearly shaking in fear).

"Come now, Miha, it's not so bad," she cooed, moving to sit at the edge of the bed.

"I'm only going to do your ears a few times... "

The toolbag was gently set to the luxuriously carpeted floor.

"... and your navel."

Mar 9th, 2011, 09:36:32 PM
With her heart thundering in her chest, s'Il stared in sheer panic at Sareeta, then at Dan. Far from trying to help he he was perfectly content to watch as she was systematically butchered! The Lupine cast a helpless stare to the toolbag, then lifted her terror-filled gaze to her torturer.

"Do you have to?"

General Dan
Mar 9th, 2011, 09:39:41 PM
"I had it done, years ago."

Dan passed a casual bit of reassurance from his seat, lacing his fingers together as his hands rested over a crossed knee. He paused, and quickly amended.

"The ears, at least."

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 9th, 2011, 09:42:55 PM
Sareeta gave him a flamboyantly waved gesture as she turned to give him a bit more of a scrutinizing look.

"I could do you as well you know, since it looks as if you've let your holes close up."

General Dan
Mar 9th, 2011, 09:44:13 PM
Dan drew a long, contemplative swig of beer as he mulled the notion over. Somebody might think he was having a midlife crisis, but then again, he was used to hearing that with his hair.

"Sure, why the hell not?"

Mar 9th, 2011, 09:49:30 PM
Her role in all of this seemed to only get worse. First it was the degrading method of their infiltration. Then the pedicures. Now the piercings! By the very definition of her bloodline, her body was sacred; sullied only by the brand between her shoulder blades; and that alone denoted a status that was higher than all - even if she was the only one who took such meaning to heart. She was an Apex, the last of a Great House and the last of a perfect species.

Loklorien Iakyn s'Ilancy felt her lower lip tremble at that moment, but still put on as brave a front as she could muster.

"Then you go first," she fired back to Dan, barely curtailing the urge to grasp a pillow and fling it at him.

General Dan
Mar 9th, 2011, 09:51:43 PM
With a laugh under his breath, Dan shrugged and nodded. He set his beer aside and worked to draw his hair back again.

"Whats a few needles among friends, right?"

He shot her a wink as he looked to the drag queen cosmetologist.

"Ready when you are."

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 16th, 2011, 06:06:48 PM
With one raised and delicately plucked eyebrow, Sareeta watched him for a few seconds before beckoning him over with a flick of a finger.

"Well come on then."

Leaning forward, she reached for her bag, unzipping it with quick motions. She dug about for a bit before coming back up with her piercing gun.

"You'll see, Little One," she spoke to the girl while inspecting and disinfecting the compact, hand-held device, "It doesn't hurt."

General Dan
Mar 16th, 2011, 10:55:00 PM
"Less than a bee sting."

Dan gave a wink as Sareeta maneuvered the piercing gun to grasp his nearest ear lobe.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 18th, 2011, 07:17:49 PM
It was over before he could even finish his sentence, and out of pure habit Sareeta flipped another stud into the gun and lifting it up to his other earlobe. A sna-clack, and Mr. Geram now had a pair of matching Corusca gem studs in each ear.

Catching herself, Okar's body modifier paused with the gun still at his lobe, but it was a fleeting moment as she decided it best to let any unasked for permissions to be unnecessary, and she pursed her lips, shrugged, and pulled away.

"Two is better than one anyway," she chirped dismissively while shifting in her seat and loading the gun up for the girl.

General Dan
Mar 18th, 2011, 07:48:41 PM
At that, Dan was a bit quiet, and reached up to his right ear.

"That wasn't a bargain I was expecting to get..."

He gave a slight, uneasy laugh. Well, there were probably worse things than a matching pair of earrings. Shrugging off the faux pas, he shifted in his seat to watch s'Il get hers.

Mar 18th, 2011, 07:58:57 PM
She'd watched, mortified, as the woman(?) set her small gun to each of Dan's ears, and biting her bottom lip the Lupine winced with each pull of the trigger. Wringing her hands, s'Il sat stiffly, her eye never leaving the gun and the stud now loaded.

Brecklin had never said anything about this!!! She decided then and there that when they were done with this mission, the good General was going to be finding himself strung up by his toes and left to hang in Novgorod's hangar for a week.

s'Il felt the gun at her earlobe. She squeezed her eyes shut, and when the sound came and the pinprick sting shot up the cartilage of her ear, her eyes went wide. Speechless, the Lupine could do nothing but stare at Dan as he fingered his own new accessories.

General Dan
Mar 18th, 2011, 08:01:31 PM
"See, over and done!"

Dan smiled at the look of surprise that hit her face. She was obviously expecting some sort of sinister torture.

Mar 18th, 2011, 08:06:07 PM
His smile only made her scowl, and now resigned to her fate, s'Il felt her shoulders slump just a little as Sareeta's swift motions reloaded and lifted the gun to the other ear. It was over before she could say a word, and now she too had a set of small studs that matched Dan's; though, hers were clear whereas his were a deep red.

But, her torturer wasn't done, and as the gun was lifted up for another round, s'Il set her jaw, her gaze never leaving Dan.

This is all your fault, her eye seemed to say.

All of it.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 18th, 2011, 08:07:54 PM
Sareeta finished the second set of earrings, expertly placed above the first.

"Darling you really should calm yourself. It's bad for the nerves and your pores will clog up from all the negativity."

General Dan
Mar 18th, 2011, 08:09:10 PM
"Don't want clogged pores."

Dan chimed in, adding fuel to the fire with a little tsk and a wink.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 18th, 2011, 08:10:59 PM
A little hrumph, and she turned to look at Mr. Geram.

"You're one to talk. I'll bet your face was an absolute mess when you hit puberty. Exfoliating is a good thing, you know."

General Dan
Mar 18th, 2011, 08:12:53 PM
Dan shrugged flippantly, holding up a hand.

"Talk to my gorgeous hand about that one."

Mar 18th, 2011, 08:16:03 PM
Reaching up to finger her new studs, s'Il shifted her gaze from Dan to look pleadingly at Sareeta.

"Are you done?"

Her voice was as tiny and small as it ever had been.

Sareeta Aneess
Mar 18th, 2011, 08:24:27 PM
In a moment of pity, Sareeta looked at the girl. It would probably be best to wait on the navel piercing, and with a nod and a long sigh, she began to pack up the gun and bag of studs.

"For now I suppose."

She reached out, giving a light pat to the dancer's cheek.

"No need to upset Okar's new toy too terribly much I imagine."

The bag was expertly zipped up, and Sareeta flounced up to her feet, straightening the short skirt she wore.

"I'll be back tomorrow though, so don't get too comfortable. We still have other bits and pieces and odds and ends on you that need to be made presentable.

"And you," she gave Mr. Geram a strange face while hitching her workbag onto her shoulder.

"The next time your hands are due for a pampering, go ahead and take care of your face as well."

The door opened and Sareeta stepped out.

"It's an affront to the very delicacy of my nature."

And with that, Okar the Fabulous' chief body modifier was gone.

General Dan
Mar 18th, 2011, 08:27:07 PM
The door closed, and they were at last alone.

"What's wrong with my face?"

Dan raised an eyebrow as he absently ran a hand along a cheek.

Mar 18th, 2011, 08:40:40 PM
s'Il stared at the closed door for a few seconds more before Dan's question fully registered, and her unblinking gaze turned to him.

Her ears burned just a small bit, but the adrenaline she now felt gave her a sort of false bravado. It was almost like how one felt after having survived a firefight.

And in that instant, one of the small pillows on the bed was snatched up and thrown straight at him.

Mar 19th, 2011, 09:13:07 PM
* * *

The dawn of their second day on Baroonda arrived with bright sunlight and the deceptively cheery singing of any number of birds outside of the window, and s'Il let out a groan before turning over to bury herself against Dan's side and forcefully cover her head with her pillow. She felt none of the joy that was said to come with a new day, and on top of that her ears still ached if she moved her head too much.

"How much longer do we have to be here," the Lupine mumbled from beneath the pillow.

"Please tell me we can get the Wookiees out today and then leave."

General Dan
Mar 19th, 2011, 09:17:59 PM
Dan rose from bed, feeling none of his partner's woes, and gave a stretch.

"I think we'll have this all well in hand before sun-down. Nothing to worry about."

He shot her a wink, and went about the morning routine to get dressed. Fortunately, he didn't have too much to fret over, and after a brief foray into the sonic shower, he was putting on the new day's wardrobe.

"I'll be touring the facilities this morning, and will message you discretely when I have anything worth knowing."

Mar 19th, 2011, 09:23:12 PM
She was still nestled in the bed even after he'd left the bathroom, and as he dressed she peaked out from under the cover of her pillow. He was far too upbeat for her taste, and she made sure that the look she gave him left no doubts about it.

"You better. Or else I'm going back to Schwartzweld to live out the rest of my days with ugly feet and dirt under my fingernails."

General Dan
Mar 19th, 2011, 09:30:41 PM
"Hey, apparently my face is ugly, you don't see me complaining."

He shrugged, grabbing his mittens to put them on again.

"These folks have ridiculous standards. It's probably best to not take them too seriously."

Mar 19th, 2011, 09:51:52 PM
He was right, but it didn't make her feel much better. Still though, s'Il found herself slowly rising up to sit, the comforter pooling at her waist as the pillow was pushed away. She ran fingers through her hair in an attempt to somewhat straighten out the tangles that'd developed overnight. There was a healthy amount of trepidation at what was going to be the order of the day, and Sareeta's words from the night before suddenly stampeded into her mind.

She paled just a little while gesturing at Dan in something close to panic.

"Please tell me we'll be ready to escape before that man-witch comes back to put a hole in my navel. Please."

General Dan
Mar 19th, 2011, 09:57:25 PM
Dan held up his mittens defensively.

"Hey, I can't promise everything. I can only control what I can control, and there's no telling what kind of time table you're on."

He glanced down to her midriff.

"Besides, a little belly stud will look cute."

Mar 26th, 2011, 07:22:20 PM

In the sanctuary of Okar's extravagant, luxurious private rooms, Luscious enjoyed the delicious ennui of an uneventful morning. Oh, there were certainly duties to perform, but those would not be until later, and now was a time of laziness. And passionberry fruits with all manner of chocolate dips, and tropical desert drinks that were scandalous in the AM.

Okar's boudoir was a delightful affair of Ithorian silks, Rodian cashmere, and exotic fur rugs from any number of animals found in the galaxy - all splendidly patterned, of course. There was even a rare spotted jasmine cat pelt, lovingly placed at the foot of Okar's 'bed' - which was covered in the softest of linens, from Kamino. They had been a gift to the Hutt from his majordomo.

Luscious, the picture of lewd comfort, rested easily in the crook of Okar's tail. The fingers of one hand made intricate pattern's on the Hutt's tough hide while the other held a cordial glass filled with potent huba juice extract - Okar had said once that it was good for the skin.

"I checked on this new shipment of Wookiees yesterday evening while you were busy with your little project."

He sipped at the juice.

"They're a good bunch, and I even saw a silver-tip in with them."

With just the right amount of pout, Luscious nestled himself further against the Hutt, inching his shoulders back slightly to show off the breadth of his bare chest and abdominals.

"When you sheer them, I want that one."

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 26th, 2011, 08:07:49 PM
"Honey, what would you do with a Wookiee?"

Okar sighed ponderously as he worked over the spread of breakfast near to him, daintily popping a decadent filled puff pastry into his mouth.

"Assuming the Imperials would part with one, which I suppose we could agree on a price, they just huff and growl. It's not even ironically cute, like a teacup rancor or anything."

Mar 26th, 2011, 08:18:49 PM
Licking his lips, Luscious giggled.

"Not the Wookiee," he grinned, "... the fur."

A rather prim wave of his free hand, and the blonde leaned against Okar's side.

"It's not every day you find a silver-tip, you know."

Carefully setting the cordial glass down, Luscious leaned over, inching his way up along Okar's perfumed belly with delicious suggestiveness. He tossed his wild mane of hair as though it were nothing but a mere, idle thought.

"I could model it for you."

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 26th, 2011, 08:44:21 PM
Okar thought it over.

"Oh all right Pookie, I'll draw you up something nice, but you've got to match it. I get two, three articles tops per Wookiee, so we're not in slacks and blazer territory love. We'll make it pop and put your pretty face on the rotation too if you want."

To be honest, it seemed a little backwards for Luscious to be pushing for a model billing, when he had a lot more job security in his current position. Maybe there was some sort of nostalgia at play.

He also suspected something else.

"That isn't jealousy I hear in your voice is it?"

Mar 26th, 2011, 08:59:34 PM
Luscious scoffed, but after a moment he looked up to Okar from under long lashes and a few wisps of blonde locks. His tongue stuck out a small bit before his lower lip moved into a sad downturn.

"Well, I... maybe, maybe a little... "

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 26th, 2011, 09:09:26 PM
"That one's a here-today-gone-tomorrow, doll. A novelty. You're timeless. Honestly? You're tricky to model these days. Too handsome and I'm not being facetious, either."

A hard-boiled nuna egg was eaten in a bite, and Okar tapped a control at his dais to bring up a holoprojector column, which showed a few snippets of Luscious's past portfolio.

"You're more a model I'd use to make art, and maybe less a model I'd sell with, if that makes sense. People see you, then they look at themselves in the mirror, and well, they realize they're in over their heads."

Mar 31st, 2011, 08:24:00 PM
With his ego fully stroked, Luscious stopped his advance to make himself comfortable once more along the Hutt's ample belly. And Okar was right, he knew that much. He was no longer one of the myriad of endless girls and men; hadn't been for a long while, even.

"Maybe it's time to make new art then; a new era in fashion ushered in by no one but you."

His head angled up at that, and a single eyebrow quirked upward.

Okar the Fabulous
Mar 31st, 2011, 09:18:55 PM
Okar shifted his weight to accomodate his little belly warmer.

"It wouldn't sell...but to hell with the plebeians! Pookie, you're right, I want to arouse and offend all at once! My muse is starving!"

Okar beckoned for his ever-present bartender to approach.

"Gascon, mix something ridiculous and gauche, I'm feeling fancy!"

Apr 1st, 2011, 06:18:17 PM
Luscious was already seeing the glittering, high-society sky-lanes and speeder limousines, the bright instantaneous flashing of thousands of holo-cameras, the press of bodies crowding to see just one glimpse of the galaxy's finest - namely, Luscious.

A hand came up to tug longingly at his lower lip, and the blonde let out a wistful sigh as he imagined the future; when he was once more on the runway, debuting the art that Okar was so often known for, and undoubtedly beginning the next trend to sweep across the stars. It would be... fabulous.

He reached down to pluck a wisp of thin silk pooled in front of him, rubbing the sheer fabric between two fingers as his musings took him far and away, and as if in a trance, he flicked the sheet up so that it settled over a small portion of Okar's body.

"Just think of it," he intoned, "... every glamour holo-mag will be begging you for interviews. Every high-end clothing retailer will do anything to catch your eye... "

The majordomo was on his knees in a burst of energy, shuffling up to thrust his chest out in front of Okar, and with ceremonial aplomb, he grasped the Hutt with soft, moisturized hands on either side of his head.

"... and it's because you're the artist of the gods!"

Okar the Fabulous
Apr 1st, 2011, 06:55:42 PM
"And too ahead of our time to boot!"

Gesturing with a flourish as he was given a new and absurdly overdone cocktail, Okar looked to the sky above.

"To let the dam burst and all the creativity come out, by the time everyone is ready to accept the genius of it, the clothes will already be vintage!"

With a cat-ate-the-canary look, he turned back down to Luscious.

"That's publicity of the sort that they chisel into marble, pookie. A thousand advertising agencies couldn't do it justice."

He paused for a sip, swirling the drink about as slices of fruit and paper umbrellas jostled in the miasma.

"Well, I guess before we can stick our heads above the clouds we should put our proverbial feet on the ground, ne? Let's go have a look at this assortment of Wookiees and pick out the winners."

Apr 1st, 2011, 08:03:03 PM
Even before the words had left Okar's mouth, Luscious was up, whirling around to dash up to his feet. He was a tempest of fashion, and a harbinger of all things glamorous. He was ready for this day, and he wanted his day's outfit to express just that.

Quick strides brought him to the ornate, full-sized wardrobe carved from rare, antique Alderaanian leepa-wood, and throwing the doors open, he surveyed the contents.

"What should I wear, then..." and as an afterthought, "... are you bringing your new 'here-today-gone-tomorrow' toy with us?"

Okar the Fabulous
Apr 1st, 2011, 08:06:45 PM
"Oh why not?"

Okar gave a non-committal shrug of his stubby arms.

"You know how some are? Wanting to be in tune with the spirit of the clothing from beast to beauty, it's almost as if I hear that sort of thing in my sleep every night. Besides, idle hands spend time snagging bon bons, and if she puts on five pounds this ship is sailing!"

Jul 18th, 2011, 07:46:10 PM
Standing gingerly on freshly pedicured feet, s'Il waited demurely with her escort on one of the countless balconies that overlooked the wide expanse of Baroonda's lush landscape. She lifted her head up to scent the gentle breeze, smelling an impossibly intricate tapestry of scents; natural and otherwise. It was almost enough to make one dizzy, but ever mindful of her surroundings the Lupine kept herself well in check.

She wore an ensemble of thin lavender shaded linens and fine jewelries that she'd been told would be pleasing to Okar's eyes and delicate sensibilities. Whatever the case was, at least they felt better to wear than the simple uniform she normally wore.

With her hair pulled back and up into a series of ringlets that spilled down, s'Il bit her lip as she waited for her new employer to whisk her away to wherever he deemed necessary.

Okar the Fabulous
Jul 29th, 2011, 08:32:29 PM
"What a sight to behold, aren't you...er..."

A moment of lapse as Okar forgot the girl's insignificant name, only to have his majordomo nimbly whisper it in his ear. So useful!


A curtain pulled back on the balcony as Okar's hover sleigh trundled forward, being pulled by a phalanx of four Zeltron men dressed as Cizerack catamites. He lit the cigarra that was held aloft in an ornate abalone holder, and puffed purple smoke.

"A veritable Naboo princess, on the eve of her coronation. The only thing missing is your date with greatness, don't you think?"

He inspected her keenly, inwardly ticking off his mental checklist of things that Sareeta was tasked to correct. She had been thorough.

"Well, we do have a busy day. More to fashion than just standing around looking beautiful. Beautiful requires action. Are you ready?"

Nov 22nd, 2011, 08:32:22 PM
There would be no denying the Hutt his pleasures and flights of fancy, and s'Il only gave an errant nod that yes, she was ready. Ready for whatever amount of insanity would be in store for her. She reached up to finger a strand of hair, still marveling inwardly at the skill with which Okar's hairdressers had coaxed her locks to behave. Even if they had cut her hair shorter than she would've liked, she had to admit that she rather liked the style. It was a nice change if anything.

Luscious however seemed to think otherwise, and one of his hands went out to shoo her fingers away.

"Don't fidget with yourself - it's unbecoming."

Okar the Fabulous
Nov 22nd, 2011, 09:09:41 PM
Okar smiled a bit, comforted to know that Luscious was an extension of his will. After all, Sareeta had done her work well. You don't chisel a statue out of marble only to give the statue the hammer and let it lop it's own arms off.

She hadn't replied, which betrayed enough intelligence to please him. Seen and not heard, just like they all should be.

"Lovely then. Well..."

He clapped his hands together.


His team of Zeltron sled-pullers did their work, pulling their master along, and setting the pace for his attendees to walk astride.

Nov 22nd, 2011, 09:24:53 PM
While certainly not an impossible pace, s'Il found herself having to at least adjust her normal stride to keep up with Okar and his hoversled. Was this some sort of exercise? Briskly walking about the Hutt's palatial estate? If so the Lupine would easily fulfill the required laps. At their current pace, her energy levels weren't near to being taxed.

Of course, something as simple as a walk about the expansive gardens would be too simple and mind-numbing for one such as Okar the Fabulous. That much she could gather just by looking at him and his entire retinue.

Her silence only lasted for so long though.

"If you make me walk too much you know, my feet will just become ugly all over again."

Okar the Fabulous
Nov 22nd, 2011, 09:34:35 PM
There came a look upon Okar's face, fleeting as it was, that recalled his displeasure at what he'd seen from those utilitarian hooves that he'd cajoled his magicians to passing off as real feet.

"Oh my, not a single day after makeover and already we're a diva. A thousand suns forbid I undo all the good that's been done. I'd have to lop your feet off at the ankle and only do close-ups."

A huffy sigh.

"A chair for our peasant princess of the day, then!"

Nov 23rd, 2011, 04:33:52 PM
Inwardly she smirked at the thought of being a 'peasant princess', as Okar had put it. It was amusing to think on, and s'Il idly wondered how the Hutt would treat her if he knew exactly what it was he 'owned'. This was a fleeting thought however. Okar was put off a bit, that much she could tell, and s'Il used it to her advantage.

In less than a heartbeat she was crouched on the Hutt's hoversled, a graceful little leap bringing her up to land expertly beside her 'employer' - almost in the crook of the curve his body created.

"Oh, I'd hate to inconvenience you," she smiled sweetly, shifting her torso so that she partially faced Okar with a sickeningly innocent look. His praises from the day before had not fallen on deaf ears, and the Lupine made sure that every facet and minimal curve of her body was evident through her linen garments.

"... it is much more comfortable here."

Okar the Fabulous
Nov 23rd, 2011, 08:51:12 PM
The hutt exhaled a plume of purple smoke, a bit weary of the groupie act, but still amused at the young model's moxie.

Luscious rolled his eyes. Okar paid him no mind. No sense in squandering one's fifteen minutes, and if anything, Okar appreciated going large rather than going small.

"I know."

With a small motion of his hand, the caravan resumed its journey. After a few minutes touring the beautiful vista, they arrived at their destination. The holding pens were brusque and not very aesthetic, but allowed them to inspect the pelts up close. The wookiees within seemed to stir with pent up angry energy, pacing behind the transparisteel window that separated them from Okar's retinue.

Nov 23rd, 2011, 09:02:34 PM
The sight was almost enough to repulse her. As it was, s'Il kept herself still. She did put on a slight show of interest, her eye going over the Wookiees as each shifted behind the window of the holding pen. They bristled, baring teeth and claws. It was a brutal and visceral show of raw power, chained and bound to a cruel fate.

It was something that the young Lupine could recognize and feel and she bit her lip, making a face that was impossible to interpret.

"When will you take their fur," she asked finally.

Okar the Fabulous
Dec 16th, 2011, 09:52:51 PM
"We're borrowing them from the local Imperial Moff, and they're due back at a prison in the next sector tomorrow. We'll have them shaved down in the next few hours, and then sort the fur for color and quality."

It was a bit in-depth of a question for a model to ask, but Okar enjoyed talking trade, so he indulged.

"After that, we put it to spinning and yarning. Of course, the end product will probably be a week or more, but there's so much to be said of controlling the product from start to finish."

Dec 16th, 2011, 10:01:18 PM
She listened, unable to take her eye away from those on the other side of the clear paneling. It was mesmerizing in a sickening way.

"Then the Moff often sends you Wookiees to... shave?"

Okar the Fabulous
Dec 16th, 2011, 10:11:38 PM
"You act like it's out of the goodness of his heart."

The hutt stifled a laugh.

"If I'm ever 'offered' something from the Empire with no strings attached, I'll be on a keen lookout for a knife sticking out of my back."

He gave her a patronizing pat on her shoulder as he took a sip from his drink.

"No my dear, I paid good money for this kind of access. This is something of a...how do we say...trial basis? We'll see how it markets, won't we? I'm not about to invest in a dud."

Dec 16th, 2011, 10:27:24 PM
"Of course, it's not usually something that we do, but evolving times call for evolving styles."

Luscious snarked his way into the conversation that Okar had seemed to grace the girl with, and giving her his best disapproving glance, the majordomo slid between the two.

"The best pelt will be mine, of course."

He gave her a throw-away glance before going on.

"I'm sure something will be left for you though, so don't worry."

And then it was back to business, as if his little fit had been nothing but normal.

"Moff Keska sent along a message, that he will be arriving in the late evening. He is curious about what you will do with the fur. I offered him our best rooms."

Okar the Fabulous
Dec 16th, 2011, 10:34:15 PM
Okar rolled his eyes at the passed-along query.

"Pearls before swine, Luscious. Pearls before swine. He does know what line of work we're in, no?"

Dealing with the Empire apparently had a souring effect on Okar's mood, and he dispensed with the remnants of his drink.

"I don't expect to share a lot of fashion pointers with the military. When your only tool is an iron, every bit of fluff looks like it needs an extra shot of starch. Isn't that how it goes?"

Dec 17th, 2011, 01:35:02 PM
"They may be a bit out of touch, but you know it's always possible to impress upon them the necessity of a sharpish-like attire. You should use this as an opportunity."

Luscious gave the Hutt a savvy sort of look that held a bit of teasing sensuality mixed in.

"You could look at it as a way to secure future contracts; the Imperial machine may be simplistic in their clothing needs, but that does not mean that there cannot be a certain amount of style involved."