View Full Version : Angel of Death

Cord Avery
Jan 31st, 2011, 10:29:42 AM
She Stared out the view port at the planet far below with only thoughts of the mission ahead rolling through her head. There was no impending dread or fear in her. The only the thoughts that ran through her head where on the most effective way to take out the enemy and as quickly as possible. The strategy wasn't her call though because if it had been up to her she would just have them blow up the complex from orbit and be done with it.

It would be the simplest and quickest way not to mention it would show all other groups like this one that the Rebels would not take threats lightly. That all that stood against them should stand aside or be put down like the rabid dogs they were. In the mission briefing she had voiced her opinion and dang near got herself sidelined from yet another mission. Not that it would have mattered to Cord she knew they didn't trust her and she would trust her either if she was in there shoes.

She was part of the empire once an enemy to the rebellion. You should never take turn coats lightly they could be spies and you could never tell if they might turn on you as well. Although the latter might be possibility in her case she would never turn back to the Empire. They turned on her she didn't turn on them she was loyal until whatever cause she fought for was no longer loyal to her. For now she was loyal to the rebels cause even if it meant not doing things her way. In her mind it would remain that way until the rebels decided they no longer needed her and turned against her.

As she stared down at the planet she heard footsteps coming up behind her. By the strut and sound the figure was male about six foot tall a hundred seventy five pounds. With her back to someone walking towards her with those measurements a kick to the left knee cap with her left leg while pivoting on her right foot would cause him to buckle. Then a slightly more elevate left leg kick in rapid succession to the left hip would cause him to drop him to his right knee. In another rapid succession a final kick to the head would take to him fully to the ground followed by a draw of her side arm firing one shot to the cranium.

Those were the only thoughts rolling through her head as Major James approached from behind. If she was still imperial he would be dead in less than minute. Too bad he was on her side she would have liked to test his resilience so for now she would have to live with just the scenario that played out in her head.