View Full Version : The Lost and Found.
Nexus Starfall
Jan 4th, 2011, 11:26:22 AM
Continued from here. (
She couldn't be sure but it had felt like a few days had passed since she felt the ship pull out of hyperspace. She hadn't slept in almost three days and the ship felt unnaturally cold. She shivered as she sat on the chair in the med bay staring at the floor in the dim light.
The smell in this room was horrid one do the rotting corpse on the medical table that was Tobiaus. The other came from a buck Nexus had used to go to the bathroom a few times. Nexus was able to ignore the smell her thoughts to lost in oblivion of her situation.
Ever once and awhile she would jump in fear as she heard the sound of the man outside pass by the door or a shadow on the wall seemed to move. The tears she had cried had dried to her face as well as the blood from her temple. She no longer had anymore tears left to shed even though she occasionally whimpered with nothing coming out.
Cade Bacquin
Jan 7th, 2011, 08:49:53 AM
Cade paced back and forth in the cargo bay. Glancing over at small table he had set up for himself on crate. On the table sat to MRE's and lantern being charge by the power cell from the blaster he had taken from Leo. Two days ago the ship had run out of fuel and fell out of hyperspace. He had no clue where he was or what to do with the prisoner he had stored in the med bay.
He was pacing arguing with himself about what to do should he let his prisoner out or should he just let her stay in her hold. If by chance they were rescued it might look better for him if she wasn't being treated like a prisoner. Then again the random chance that they would be rescued in the vastness of space was unlikely.
They would more than likely run out of oxygen or freeze to death before someone came along. The strange part was he knew the temperature had dropped in the ship but the cold was not affecting him. He shook away that thought it didn't matter at this point. There was one small silver lining to this scenario of being stranded he had more than enough rations and water so he would starve or dehydrate to death. For whatever that was worth the oxygen would only last maybe another day or two if he was lucky. Then again hypothermia would more than likely take him first.
He finally stopped his pacing and decided to say frak it all. Since the voices in his head where being oddly quiet and not giving him any answers as to what to do. He moved to the med bay door and slid it open manually since what power was left was being used for the air filtering system.
Nexus Starfall
Jan 7th, 2011, 08:59:11 AM
As the door scraped open Nexus jumped from her seat. Like a small child she skittered to the nearest corner and cowered in fear. She knew this man could be brutally violent and she was too weak to fight back. She had no idea what he would want from her now since he had basically neglected her for the last two days. Then again the bastard was clearly a crazy psychopath who took a ship from a grieving family and beat the shit out of a woman for trying to defend herself.
So there she sat hunched and cowering averting her eyes from the man that now stood in the door way. Maybe he had come to finish the job he started or worse. Death would be preferable then all the other alternatives that where running through her mind. She knew though that this man could be capable of anything no matter how depraved it might seem to a sane person.
Cade Bacquin
Jan 13th, 2011, 02:23:41 PM
Look at that cowering pathetic little insect in front of you said one of the voices inside his head. Do not show it sympathy it will only devour what makes you strong and turn you weak. You let one in before and it destroyed you utterly don't let it happen again.
"Shut up!" Cade screamed at the voice in his head.
He had enough of those unhelpful voices that told him nothing about who he really was. He was sick of it one voice telling him to destroy everything in his path and the other. Well the other voice talked of redemption and giving up and to Cade neither where an option. He would be his own man not whoever the voices thought he should be.
Nexus Starfall
Jan 13th, 2011, 02:28:06 PM
She would have jumped back ten feet if there hadn't already been a wall behind her when the man yelled. He screamed at her to shut up but she hadn't said anything. It was just one more of those definite signs this man was not in his right mind. She said nothing though just hide herself some more waiting for whatever this man was likely to do next. Again she hoped for death and not all the other disturbing thoughts running through her head.
Cade Bacquin
Jan 13th, 2011, 02:47:07 PM
Cade looked at the woman as she tried to hide herself even more in the corner she had already buried herself in. He stared at her trying to catch site of her eyes she was hiding from him as best she could. He could visibly see her shaking in fear probably wondering what this cruel man before was going to do next.
The voices where still going but cade pushed them to the back of his mind as he looked at the woman in the corner on the floor. Something about the fear she displayed caught his own sense of curiosity. He realized he never once felt that sense of fear in the last few days. Ever since he woke up on Coruscant there hadn't been a single sense of fear it was absent but it should have been there.
As he watched her he tried to imagine what it felt like but he couldn't it was like he had no fear. Sure there was the question of who he really was looming in the back of his mind but he wasn't afraid of it. Even if he was the cruel incarnation that was one of the voices in his head he wasn't afraid of it. He could have been shot out of the sky on Coruscant but even then he didn't fear his possible impending doom but why?
He watched her some more he wished he could feel what she was feeling and maybe then maybe his life would have a little more order then the chaos it was currently in. Maybe with fear he would of had something to halt his actions on Coruscant and none of this would have happened.
He knelt in the door then still looking at her in a bit of wonderment at the fear she displayed. As the voices in his head bickered about what to do with this woman he just wondered what it would be like if the roles were reversed. He wondered if had ever felt fear before in whatever life he had before this. He then grew a voice and spoke out to her softly.
"It's alright..." He paused for moment trying to choose his words carefully. "There is some food waiting for out in the cargo bay, I imagine you are hungry."
With that he stood up and headed back out into the cargo bay leaving the choice up to her. Even though he wanted to understand her fear more he couldn't just ask. Something in him told him it was something you either had or didn't. Still that emotion intrigued him, he thought about as he sat back down at his make shift table.
Nexus Starfall
Feb 10th, 2011, 05:45:04 PM
Nexus just stayed in her corner for a few minutes eventually peeking through her arm at the open door that was before her. She had heard the man walk off but it had taken allot of courage to look. She didn't want to look and see him still there or with his quick reflexes see him standing right in front of her. As she looked though she saw no one just an open door that allowed her to see out into the hall.
She went to her knees removing her arms completely from face. She began to look around at all the shadows just to be sure he wasn't somewhere in the room. He wasn't there so she put her hands to the floor and slowly and quietly began to crawl towards the door. As she reached it she slowly and cautiously peeked out and around. First up into the cockpit that was empty and devoid of light.
Next she looked towards the cargo bay where she saw him. Even though his back was to her she quickly poked her head back in the door way. As her mind reassembled what she had seen and she realized his back was to her she slowly peeked out once more. She just watched him standing there looking at something she couldn't see from her vantage point.
Cade Bacquin
Mar 1st, 2011, 12:06:29 PM
An odd tingling told him the woman was watching him but he didn't turn around and look. He would give her the time she needed to muster up whatever courage she needed to come out. He went and sat down at the small table he had assembled on one of the crates in the cargo bay. He looked down at the MRE sitting there before him.
Two memories flashed in his mind momentarily one as man sitting in a bar with a bottle of some kind of whiskey before him. The other was of a man sitting at a dinner table with woman and child sitting at the table with him and a plate of some kind of hot dish before him. Witch quickly set Cade's mind into motion again on who the hell he really was. Was he the man in the bar or the man at the dinner table?
Nexus Starfall
Mar 1st, 2011, 12:19:10 PM
With his back still to her he sat down at from Nexus's vantage looked like it could be some kind of make shift table. She really couldn't tell so slowly and carefully she pushed herself up off the floor to her feet. As she got a better look at the table she could see that it seemed to be set for two. With a lantern in the middle of the table.
She looked around some more and she just noticed that the emergency lights in the ship where on. At first she thought the dim lack of light was just her vision adjusting to the dark room she had been locked in. Then quickly glanced to the cockpit window that was just starting to frost over knowing now for sure they were not in hyper space. On top of that the console pad had gone dark witch to her could only mean one thing they were adrift in space.
Slowly she stepped out of the room and moved towards the cargo bay still very hesitant of the man sitting at the table. She was thinking the extra meal at the table was probably her last meal. If there was any chance of survival the best bet was to kill the other occupant and conserve oxygen. Then all you had to deal with was the cold for time before someone either found you or you yourself died. The emergency lights flickered breaking her from her thoughts.
Cade Bacquin
Mar 1st, 2011, 12:35:40 PM
"Come sit."
He said softly without turning around to look at the woman. He didn't want to scare her back into her hiding place. Even though he was dwelling on who he was he was still very aware of his surroundings. It was strange these feelings he had like he knew exactly where she was without having to look behind her. On top of that this sort of instant knowledge of rough estimate of how many steps he could reach her in. On the more chilling end of this sense was the many ways he could kill or subdue her.
It just maybe him more curious as to the hell he really was and why he had visions of two different lives that both seemed so real. Both realities came with similarities and differences. In one reality he had a loving family that he loved and in the other there was this sense of resentment towards family and love in general. Yet in both realities he was man whose greatest enemy was himself. It was a weird feeling Cade felt like different man then both of them one caught in a tug of war of who owned the rights to the body he housed.
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