View Full Version : You're So Cold (open)

Cord Avery
Dec 10th, 2010, 01:03:13 PM
She had been standing motionless for about two hours staring straight forward at a blank wall. The others where conversing throughout the galley of the ship talking about randomness. Idle chatter about nothing was something she would never understand. Maybe at one point and time she had but now nothing she was content with stares at walls for hours.

She really wasn't lost in thought in fact her mind was blank she was just waiting for someone to come and give her an order. Not that, that was likely she had been posted on this ship for a month now and the most in important order she was given was to inventory one of the weapons lockers. She had volunteered to go on a mission to coruscant but her commanding officer denied it out right still not trusting her because of the fact that she had formerly been an Imperial.

She did not argue his logic she would not trust one who had formerly been an enemy so easily. However she was still angry at the fact she had been denied the chance to fight. It was what she was good at it was what she was made for. Everything else normal beings did was lost on her other than the eating and sleeping.

Darth Dagron
Dec 26th, 2010, 09:54:33 PM
The ship suddenly shakes. Everyone on board becomes silent in the shock. Out the window is a another ship that has opened fire upon yours. A transmission is attempted.