View Full Version : Demon's Souls (PS3)

Peter McCoy
Dec 8th, 2010, 09:07:16 PM
I've had my eye on this game for a while now and browsing my local GAME store on Monday, I spied the Black Phantom Edition pre-owned for £25. It's the standard game and comes with an art book and soundtrack, as well as a strategy guide. - all in a bog that can basically fit two PS3 game cases inside.

The idea is that you enter various worlds from a central hub area called the Nexus. There's a few NPC's about who can store your gear like a bank, upgrade and repair your gear, and teach you spells and miracles. There's eventually (after the first boss) a character who allows you to upgrade stats. You basically explore the worlds linked to the Nexus via arch stones, and slay the demons inhabiting those areas. When you kill a demon, you gain a number of souls (not the demons, but the souls of its victims it has harnessed). Souls are the currency as well as the XP of the game, so you have to constantly make the choice between better gear, learning spells, or improving your attributes.

The first thing you need to know about this game is how difficult it is. Well, perhaps challenging is a better word but one thing is certain - you die a lot! If you rush around trying to hack 'n' slash your way through, you'll see the You Died screen quite a bit. The combat is all about patience and waiting for the right time to strike - looking for an opening in your targets defence. Such as after they've attacked and you dodged or parried it. But when you die, you start at the beginning of the area, and all the souls you had accumulated are gone. And all enemies have respawned. But if you can fight your way back to the spot where you died and touch your bloodstain, you regain all those souls. You don't just lose the souls you acquired on that run, but all the souls you had, total! So if you enter an area with 10,000 souls, and acquire another 2000 and then die - the fight back to your bloodstain is worth a whopping 12,000 souls - or you can always forget about it!

After your first death, you're in soul form. There's only a few ways to reclaim your body - defeat a Boss Demon, or a primevil demon, or enter another players game (via the Playstation Network) as a Blue Phantom and help them kill a Boss Demon, or enter another players game as a Black Phantom and slay the player. In Body Form you have full health but do slightly less damage - being a Soul boosts damage slightly but reduces max health to 50% (75% with a special ring I recently acquired).

You can return to the Nexus with all the souls and gear you acquired and spend away. There are a few ways to return to the Nexus - touch the archstone at the beginning of the level, use a miracle, or use a ring which auses you to leave that area but you lose your souls in the process. Once your business in the Nexus is done, you can enter the area for another run, building up souls and farming items that allow you to upgrade your weapons.

The multiplayer is very unique. Co-op is possible in a limited manner. As mentioned, when in Soul Form you can enter the game of another player who is sihned into the PSN as a Blue Phantom and help them. Killing a Demon Boss like this will return you to your own world but with your Body back in your posession. But entering another players world as a Black Phantom is the PvP side of things. So if you are signed into the PSN and playing in your own world - there's a chance a player of similar Soul Level might invade your world and attack you - so beware! Also, in online mode you find various things in the world. Glowing red etchings on the ground are messages left by other players, providing hints on what to expect round the next corner or how to defeat a certain enemy, or the location of hidden items. And bloodstains allow you to witness the death of other players, possibly giving insight into how they were killed.

I'm having a ball so far, farming sharp stones and hard stones to improve my gear before checking out the next world. I started as a soldier so have decent armour and tanking stats, but even then the tougher enemies can finish me in two hits if I'm careless. I just learned how to cast Soul Arrow but I need a Catalyst (a wand basically). You can't buy them but there's one available as loot in World 3 - I checked it out and its a prison tower, very creepy with these horrifying guys walking round with tentacles a bit like Davy Jones' face, But they stunned me and then electrocuted me - one hit kill, bummer!' I need to get that Catalyst so I can cast Soul Arrow! There's a guy in World 1 - a Red Eye Knight - who is apparently very farmable with Soul Arrow and its a good way of farming Souls as well as a few good pieces of armor.

Finally - World Tendency. Depending on whether the World Tendency is Black or White affects the game. White World Tendency causes enemies to have slightly lower health, and healing items drop more frequently, but other loot is less-likely to drop. Black Tendency is the polar opposite. And depending on the World Tendency, completely different enemies may appear, or different paths may be available to explore.

If anybody has a PS3, I strongly recommend this game! It's tough, but extremely rewarding. I must have died about 20 times before I reached the first Demon Boss - but I was well chuffed once I beat him and returned to the Nexus with my Body. But I returned to take on that damned Red Eye Knight - dead in two hits and now I'm stuck in Soul Form again until I kill the next boss. LOL!

Acacius Blade
Dec 13th, 2010, 05:59:42 AM
I absolutely love this game! Made a new character (Royalty Class). This class starts at Soul Level 1 so you start weaker overall but have more control over all your stats as a result. Starting with Soul Arrow is a big help! I can basically cut the Blue Eye Knights down to half health before engaging them.

I'm using a really fast sword right now, the Crescent Falchion. Crescent weapons in the game give mana regeneration as well as adding magic damage to the attack (damage bonus is based on your Magic stat hence always beefing that stat when I level up.). In World 4 there are these skeleton doods who roll into you. The roll can hurt you so blocking with your shield is necessary. Their attacks are strong. When they roll into you and stand up they usually executr an upward slash but my falchion is fast enough to hit them before they do this. They also have a strong over head slash, as well as a very strong forward thrust attack - both have long wind-ups so I'm able to dash in and interrupt it with a hit of my own. If I interrupt the attack, 3-4 quick slashes is enough to finish them off before they can roll away. There's an archer version who drop in two hits from Soul Arrow, or one hit from my newly acquired fireball (when I first got it a single hit wasn't quite enough but boosts to my Magic stat mean I can drop them with one fireball now).

I've been reading up on the weapon upgrades on the Demons Souls wiki page. There are various stones that you collect such as sharpstone and hardstone that you can use as materials to apply weapon upgrades. Different stones allow different improvements. For example, darkmoonstone adds magic damage based on your magic stat, as well as adding MP regen. Mercurystone gives your weapon a chance to poison, faithstone adds magic damage based on the Faith attribute as well as adding health regen to the weapon. The first 5 upgrades are usually just increased damage, but after that you can apply the more advanced upgrades with the added bonuses. Since I'm focusing on my Magic stat, Crescent upgrades are the way to go. Different weapons gain different bonuses from your attributes. For example, a broadsword gains more bonus damage form your strength and dexterity, than from magic and faith. whereas the Epee Rapier gains a decent amount from your magic stat. Thats the case for the unmodified version of the wqeapon - when you apply upgrades the damage bonuses can change. A normal unmodified Falchion gains no bonus from the magic stat, but does gain a bit of bonus damage from your strength, and a bit more from your dexterity (ratings of E and D respectively). But upgrading the Falchion to a Crescent Falchion using darkmoonstone eliminates the strength and dexterity bonuses, but adds a magic bonus ranked A. I have no idea what the percentage increase is for the different rank bonuses, but I know the range is S, A, B, C, D and E - the higher the better! What I like about that is that if I wanted to, I could use a weapon that would be considered inappropriate for me (a magic user) and upgrade it to an ideal state. I personally love my falchion, but if I wanted to use a broadsword due to looks, I can do so but it would deal less damage than my crescent falchion. But upgrading it on the Crescent path I could gain the benefits of my high magic stat. The animations and attack speeds vary across the different weapons. Broadsword attacks are either a horizontal slash or a forward thrust, whereas my falchion is always a slash from the side, and its much faster than a broadsword. I love the attack animations!

Jan 5th, 2011, 09:03:46 AM

So true. Actually I plan on doing this for wintereenmas!

Acacius Blade
Jan 5th, 2011, 05:05:51 PM

I kick skeleton ass!