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Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 14th, 2010, 08:50:03 PM
The Hope For Change: Orbiting Over Mon Calamari

"What th'frack ya mean I gotta new frackin' partner!?!" Aurelias Kazaar's snarl could be heard all th'way to th'fracking mess hall. "Don't frackin' need one! I like the ones I got. Birdy's o'little goofy an' th'Kid's gotta poor choice in men but they're smart dames!"

The blond-haired man sitting in th'chair in front of 'im held up both hands inna placating gesture. "Wasn't my choice, Kazaar. I'm just the messenger."

Kazaar's black eyes narrowed into more ovva scowl than oughta be possible. Frackin' figures. Move had The Black Man's fingerprints all over it. "Then where th'frack's Othy t'tell me this crap. Oughta have th'stones t'gimme th'news himself."

Crix lowered his hands to the cup o'caf he had sittin' on the desk. "If I knew where he was Aurelias, he'd be telling you this information himself. But ya know a lot of people aren't too happy with him right now."

That earned o'snort. "Yeah frackin' right. Othniel's so frackin' smart he probly did this himself. Got himself that fracked up rep so he could go fight his own damn war." He rolled 'is eyes. "Guy's o'frackin's psycho."

His pal only blinked without sayin' a word. He was probly thinkin' it was o'case of th'pot callin' the kettle black' but knew better. Both The Black Man and Kazaar were different types o'psychos.

"If it makes you feel any better, Aurelias, the partnership is only temporary." Crix handed Kazaar o'datapad detailin' the mission. "Just one mission."

He smiled. "It's a test run. Seeing if the girl is worth having on another few missions."

Kazaar glanced over th'pad. "One o'Starborn's flock o'agents? Good frackin' Kenobi that can't be good."

Crix gave him a 'look.' "You just don't like her because she runs around with Van-Derveld."

That got o'smirk but no other reply.

"You'll go back to Agents Russard and k'Vik when the mission is done." Crix promised. "And who knows, you might have some fun too."

Th'look he got said otherwise. 'Least Kazaar'd get some pleasure if Imps died. Which, in his case, meant they prob'ly would. In horrific frackin' fashion.

"So who is this dame? Why th'frack ya team me up with 'er?"

Crix's smile said it all. "The way The Black Man figures. If they survive a mission with you, they'll survive anything."

Kazaar snorted. "Har har, very frackin' funny. Where's she waitin'?"

"Three doors down. Try not to scare her off."

Th'ex-bounty hunter's response was o'finger as he headed for th'door. "Frack you Crix."

Crix was laughing. "Have fun Aurelias."

Kazaar's mood got even worse as he got closer t'where th'dame was waiting. Sure it'd be fun t'make Imps die, but he'd prefer t'either do it with Estelle Russard or Milivikal k'Vik. An' if they weren't available, by his frackin' self. He lit up o'cigar before saunterin' in th'briefing room. His 'partner' was waitin'.

"So who th'frack are you and why th'frack should I give o'damn."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 14th, 2010, 10:51:55 PM
De'Ville got to her feet slowly, a question in her eyes as the thick bodied and loud mouthed man walked in. She pulled down gently on the hem of her leather jacket to adjust it and straightened her back. "Lilaena De'Ville, Special Forces."

Her eyes were drawn to the cigar and its trail of fragrant smoke, and then she made eye contact with Kazaar. "I have worked with Intel for a few missions. I get the feeling the brass is still trying to find the best place for me." Her eyes narrowed a bit at his overall appearance, and she added, "Either that or they're trying to get me to quit and go home."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 14th, 2010, 11:03:50 PM
Kazaar snorted. "Whoop-dee-frackin'-doo. Swear they're tryin' t'make me quit."

Gave De'Ville o'once over. Thin. Had muscle. Felt kinda off though. Kinda like she was hidin' somethin' she didn't want anyone t'know. Hell, might be o'predator hidden 'neath the 'by the book' expression. If she was one, no frackin' wonder why Othy wanted 'er.

"What kinda weapon ya got. Yeh, I wanna see it." He scowled. "What is that o'frackin' DH-17 (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/DH-17_blaster_pistol)? That's what Gracey an' her minions're giving out these days? Frackin' hell those guy's are frackin' di'kuts."

He turned 'round without waitin'. "We're gettin' ya o'real blaster Lilly. No one works with me usin' that cheap piece o'poodoo. Let's go."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 15th, 2010, 04:54:20 PM
"Actually that particular weapon was issued to me by SpecForce, not Intel." She followed after Kazaar, wondering how far down the squall hole this mission was going to take her. "I'm sure the Rebellion wishes they had the funds to properly outfit all their soldiers as per your tastes."

He kept walking, practically ignoring her, and she had to quicken her pace to keep up. "Where are we going exactly?" De'Ville almost reached out to grab his arm, but thought better of it. "You know, they told me about you."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 15th, 2010, 05:52:13 PM
"Everyone says that. Must be m'charming personality."

Kazaar smirked'n got inna lift, ignorin' the look he got from o'Rebel soldier who'd obviously never known how frackin' fantastic o'cigar was. Frackin' non-smokers lookin' to press their beliefs on 'im. Bad 'nough the Council'd made their chambers non-smoking, now Kazaar had t'put up with th'crap he was gettin' from others. Frack 'em.

"Where we're goin', Lilly, is down t'the armory to get ya o'real blaster." He raised a finger before she could interrupt. "Look, I don't give o'crap who gave ya that blaster. Coulda been Mon Razien himself an' I'd tell ya it was o'cheap piece of shit that ain't frackin' worth th'material it was made in. Armory's got better one an' you'll use it.

"Then we're off t'the hanger t'take my ship that'll take us t'our mission. Until then, ya don't find out where 'cause it's not th'entire Rebellion's business where we're goin'."

The Rebel spy's eyes got heated. "Walls got ears. They fail t'teach that to ya in Spy School? If they did, then get th'frack outta here. Ain't interested in people who share what they do ovah drinks an' dinner."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 15th, 2010, 06:31:36 PM
De'Ville ground her teeth, but followed him out of the turbolift, walking behind Kazaar into the armory. "I wasn't asking about the mission," she bit out, "I'm not stupid, despite your assumptions to the contrary."

She'd been in the armory before, but never with permission to pick whatever she wanted. Before she could give anything a closer inspection, however, Kazaar had marched over and yanked a Model 434 Heavy off a rack, and turned around and handed it to her butt first. She accepted it, getting a feel for its heft. "A DeathHammer? Nice."

De'Ville held it out and aimed it at the wall, then checked the power cell. "I figured you to lean towards the DL-44 for a personal blaster. But this will do the job all right." She looked up, and added, "The job in general, not any specific job that may or may not be on our calendars."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 15th, 2010, 06:48:41 PM
Kazaar's first answer was t'pull his long grey jacket back. Wore o'tank top underneath, which showed off his muscles an' his scars. There were o'helluva lot of 'em too. Pretty obvious Kazaar wasn't th'kinda guy t'back 'way from o'fight. But he hadn't pulled th'jacket back t'show De'Ville th'muscles or th'scars.

Instead, De'Ville's attention was drawn t'the large, silver twin blasters (really almost hand cannons) holstered near Kazaar's shoulders. "Bryars. Pack o'helluva punch. Vera'n Ashley do their jobs pretty damn well."

He dropped th'coat, smirked an' strode outta th'armory, De'Ville at his side. "An' yeah, I named 'em. So frackin' what."

Didn't give 'er o'chance t'speak. "As for our mission." He was cryptic but his th'devlish smile on his face pretty much said it all. "Killin' Imps. Causin' destruction. Blowin' things up. Think ya can do that, Lilly?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 15th, 2010, 07:17:00 PM
She smirked, "Its sort of my specialty." The 434 Heavy was weightier than she was used to, but it wouldn't take long for her to get used to its heft on her hip. De'Ville slung her holdall across her body, keeping it clear of her holster as she walked with Kazaar toward the hangars.

He was a solid mass, dense with muscles under his rumpled jacket, and people tended to hug the walls as he went by. De'Ville noted the scowls from those they passed, but found her own face forming an expression closer to a smile. He hadn't minded showing her his body, which said something about the sort of person he was. She would rather die than expose her own scars to a stranger on purpose.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 15th, 2010, 08:47:42 PM
Didn't have much trouble gettin' into th'hangar and Lilly, kinda like most people, decided t'keep things quiet. Kazaar wasn't 'gainst that. 'Specially since he was still stewin' inside 'bout not having Russard an' k'Vik 'long with 'im. Wasn't that he didn't like De'Ville, hell he didn't know enough 'bout her to make that decision, but he wasn't o'big fan o'people who just seemed t'go by the book. Probly why most people who gave 'im glares tended t'be officers. People who 'went by th'frackin' book'. He'd told Estelle o'long frackin' time ago (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=191443&postcount=19) how he wasn't o'fan of 'the book.'

Sure as hell wasn't 'bout t'stop now.

Kazaar led 'er to o'small Corellian freighter (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/YT-2000). YT-2000s were unique and The Night Train was no exception. He'd painted it o'dark grey, so it almost camouflaged itself 'gainst the sky. Kazaar woulda preferred it even darker but that's risk o'collision and 'er shields were that strong. 'Least not yet.

Couple button presses and th'two were striding up th'ramp into the livin' area. They were greeted by o'*tweet* then o'*blat* as the R7 droid rolled in.

Kazaar gave o'smirk-smile. "Ya gettin' in trouble again 'Trey'."

'Trey' *beeped* o'few times, then its oculator turned towards th'brown-haired woman.

"Yeh, gotta guest on this one. An' no it ain't our usual pals." Kazaar took o'puff from his cigar an' let th'smoke slide outta his mouth. "Ain't m'fault. Those two'er probly off gettin' in trouble somewhere else.

"Hell if I frackin' know, brass don't tell me anythin'."

'Nother smirk as he handed th'droid a datapad. "'Course they did tell us we're t'go.

"We're off th'Sestooine (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sestooine)." Th'smoke followed Kazaar as he headed towards th'cockpit. "Gotta Imp facility t'blow t'hell an' back."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 16th, 2010, 03:05:44 AM
De'Ville eyed the droid, and tossed her holdall onto a chair before following Kazaar to the cockpit. "I assume we have appropriate ordinance?"

Behind his back she waved away the smoke, and leaned against the doorway as he got situated at the pilot's console. "I didn't think there was anything important on Sestooine. But then, that's probably the point, right?"

Inwardly she was dreading the trip, probably full of forced conversation or awkward silence. She had to bond with this man, however, at least get him to accept her as a teammate. Colonel Starborn had wanted her on SpecForce, but if she read the situation right this was an opportunity for her to get into SpecOps.

In SpecOps she could practically write her own ticket, at least when it came to fulfilling a certain Prime Minister's demands. She narrowed her eyes as Kazaar ignored her in favor of smoking his cigar and flicking switches on the console, and strode forward and planted herself in the co-pilot's seat.

"Need me to stay out of your way or would you like me to do something?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 16th, 2010, 05:42:43 PM
"Bottle o'bourbon on th'bar next t'ya. Pour yaself one an' gimme o'double." Kazaar was keepin' his eyes forward as The Night Train slid outta th'Hope For Change's hangar bay.

"We got o'good 'nough ordinance 'ere. Ain't th'kinda guy t'travel light." He smirked as he ashed 'is cigar inna durasteel ashtray near 'is right hand. "Got o'few things ya might like if you're all 'bout blowin' crap up. Let ya look at it later."

Kazaar took o'gulp from his glass an' let the strong alcohol burn down his throat. Felt frackin' good. Been too long since he'd been able t'enjoy the bourbon without someone askin' him if he was drinkin' too much. Frack 'em. Alcohol was good, 'specially with o'cigar.

He smirked one more time. "Hell, might have o'lightsaber back there if ya want one."

Couple minutes of silence while Kazaar enjoyed 'is bourbon. Eyes suddenly flicked t'De'Ville's dress. "Th'frack is that o'Rebel uniform? Change clothes. Change 'em right frackin' now. The he'll ya thinkin' girl? F'all we know damn Empire's gotta Interdictor cruiser sittin' out there. Want ya into clothes ya'd normally wear. Space the damn uni too. Ain't worth havin' 'round anyway.

"The frack ya doing?!? Stop standin' like some fraction' gizka and move ya ass!."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 17th, 2010, 01:44:32 AM
She was certainly used to obeying orders, but lately she'd been the one giving them, not receiving. De'Ville jerked at his intense rebuke, but didn't blush or stammer as he might expect. She hadn't taken him up on his invitation and poured herself a drink, and she got fluidly to her feet.

Her rationale for wearing the uniform sprang to her lips, but she kept it to herself. Kazaar didn't care, and if she'd bothered mentioning she had plenty of time to change clothes before they got to their destination he'd probably just start yelling at her again, and she didn't care for his cigar breath. De'Ville left the cockpit with a simple nod, backtracking to the living area and retrieving her holdall. The droid was nowhere to be seen, and Kazaar hadn't bothered telling her if there was a cabin she could use, though she was sure that the YT-2000s were usually equipped for around seven passengers.

Instead she wedged herself into the refresher and quickly stripped out of the Alliance clothes. The clothes she'd "normally wear" were decidedly inappropriate, and several thousand lightyears away on Onderon. Sturdy and tight black pants and a dark purple v-neck shirt that clung to her sparse curves sufficed to cover her body, and she took a moment to stare at her reflection in the mirror.

She was never quite sure what to think of how she looked. Such things were unimportant, and she'd spent most of her adult life hidden under a brown cloak. De'Ville re-buckled her gunbelt and situated the DeathHammer. The dark brown leather jacket was not regulation and she put it on again as she left the 'fresher.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 17th, 2010, 10:09:46 PM
Kazaar'd poured himself 'nother drink as De'Ville left. Frackin' rookie...

Both th'drink an' the cigar calmed 'im down o'bit more. Felt pretty damn good too. Helluva lot better than drinkin' some kinda gloppy fruit paste lotta people were claimin' would extend their lives. Frackin' morons. Enjoy ya life while ya can, don't bother goin' crazy 'bout extendin' it. 'Course, Kazaar wasn't th'kinda guy t'care about his life. Figured he'd die whenever an' go down fightin'.

Only way he knew how.

Handed De'Ville another glass as she walked back. "Relax o'bit too, Lilly. This ain't o'pleasure cruise but it sure as hell ain't Spec Forces."

Kazaar took another shot. "Imps gotta facility set up on Sestooine. Bosses think they're usin' it to plot their operations in th'Outer Rim or 'least have some kinda data hub there that's o'key part of their operations. They want us t'make sure that hub ain't 'round f'too much longer.

"Supposed t'be o'four level building. Computer core's in th'center. Gonna hafta get in, grab th'data and blow it t'hell."

A smirk. "Oughta be fun."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 18th, 2010, 06:05:47 PM
She stared at the drink, but concentrated on Kazaar's words. "Sounds fairly straight forward." De'Ville smiled, lifted the glass in a salute, and then sipped it.

She rarely drank, and when she did the alcohol was usually diluted at least with ice. The bourbon was warm and awful, but she didn't show any of her distaste on her face. The last time she'd really drank had been the day the news of the Emperor's death had finally trickled down to Onderon.

Although she didn't really remember much of that night, to be honest. De'Ville set the glass down, rolling her shoulders a bit to relax the muscles. "I take it our intel isn't very... complete?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 18th, 2010, 07:41:05 PM
A smirk. "Never frackin' is. Intel's normally spotty as bet. Depends on how good their intel is. Prefer gatherin' m'own.

"Least then I know where it's frackin' comin' from." He poured himself one more shot, then yanked three bottles o'beer from o'fridge by his feet. "Way I figure, we scout th'place outta bit. See where th'entrance t'the base is, what kinda security they got. Sneak our asses in an' raise hell.

"Should be fun." Handed th'beer out. It was Alderaanian ale (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Alderaanian_ale).

"Want one?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2010, 05:06:22 PM
"No thanks," she said. "I'm not much of a drinker."

The way his ship was laid out, it appeared that most of the 'upgrades' had been put towards hiding alcohol all over the cockpit. Still, he had a fearsome reputation, so he either operated better while under the influence, or knew how to moderate it. Of course, there weren't any current signs of moderation, as he shrugged and opened one of the beers, tipping it back.

"Do you always drink this much?" She wasn't judging him, merely curious. "I find it affects me adversely, so I avoid it, especially before a mission."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 20th, 2010, 05:15:08 PM
"Who th'frack're you lady, my aunt?" Look Kazaar gave 'er pretty said his opinion o'her question. "Swear every frackin' rookie..."

Leveled his gaze at De'Ville. "Don't drink day before missions. Frackin' stupid t'go in drunk. When frackin' mistakes happen. But I like th'taste o'alcohol so I'll drink it when it ain't th'day before o'fracking mission.

"Takes two days t'get to Sestooine." Threw back 'is head and took o'long pull from his beer. "Won't be drinkin' by then."

Kazaar took another couple puffs from 'is cigar. "Gotta learn t'relax De'Ville. Survive longer if ya do that, but keep ya frackin' eyes open. Lotta us don't got the "all powerful Force" t'keep us goin'...

"Hell, be o'lot easier if that frackin' thing didn't exist. Force-damned crutch if ya ask me."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2010, 05:28:04 PM
She raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was getting at with all his talk about Force users. Did he know or -

No, that was ridiculous. The man obviously had a huge chip on his shoulder when it came to Force users though.

"I thought one of your regular partners was a Jedi or something," she said after a minute. "And its not that I can't relax," she said perhaps a little too primly. "I just prefer not to alter my brain chemistry to do it."

Lilaena leaned back in the chair as if to prove her point. "I don't see how the Force is a crutch though. Seems like an advantage."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 20th, 2010, 05:55:48 PM
"Lemme ask ya somethin' Lady." Kazaar leaned back'n took o'swig. "Ya o'kid on Brentaal or maybe Coruscant. Ya go'n do o'good frackin' job at school or maybe ya some gal just tryin' t'survive. Every damn day ya look up an' see that Jedi temple or see o'Jedi walkin' 'round in their robes thinkin' o'wave of their hand anna smile o'some kind'll solve everything..."

Slammed his hand on th'console. "Hell frackin' no! Think ya damn Force'll keep slavers from preying on girls who just wanna see th'big city. Or frackers who kill f'no frackin' reason but to see someone bleed. Or maybe sell spice t'kids near o'school. Jedi frackers were too busy bein' so enlightened so Force-damned educated they lost fracking touch with reality."

Took another sip o'his beer. "Old sayin' my Dad'd tell me 'Verd ori'shya beskar'gam.' Helluva lot more t'people than their powers or weapons. Gotta be smart 'nough t'actually know when'n how t'use 'em."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2010, 06:11:33 PM
Lilaena waved her hand as though to dismiss most of his argument. "Okay, so the Jedi were assholes. I get it, really I do." She paused, and shoved the spike of anger that rose back, swallowing it down like a too big gulp of water. "But are you saying if you could use the Force, you wouldn't? Lets imagine you'd know 'when t'use it,' 'cause you're a smart guy.

"There are a lot of people with blasters and thermal detonators who don't know how to use them properly and who're more dangerous to people 'on their side' than the ones they're trying to fight against. I guess Force users wouldn't be much different," she shrugged. "Couldn't tell you. I've known a few, and they seemed like other people - some good, some bad."

She raised an eyebrow, "But I think it would be stupid to say that the Force is just a crutch, and dismiss it. Or t' judge a person based on a group that doesn't even exist anymore."

De'Ville wasn't about to mention the rumors about Jedi being harbored by the Alliance, or the fact that she'd brought an adept to the Rebellion in the hopes that the girl could be taken in by the Jedi. It wasn't in her 'pay grade' to care about something like that, and she wasn't cleared to know anything about it either.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 20th, 2010, 06:38:29 PM
Kazaar snorted. Even he knew th'Jedi were bein' hidden by th'Rebellion. "Hell yeah there're a lotta idiots out there. Guys who oughta be doin' a job they're suited fer instead o'galavanting around th'galaxy.

"An' yeah, I wouldn't be o'Force user if I had o'choice. Damn thing's too frackin' simple. Ain't sayin' they don't serve their purpose ('cause they do) but they ain't as important than they'd like ya t'think."

Pointed o'finger. "Biggest problem...too many frackers care 'bout the guys with powers than th'fellas on th'ground workin' their asses off 'cause they wanna help out somethin' they believe in don't get the credit they frackin' deserve. Naw everyone likes o'fracker with powers'n abilities no one else has.

"Force-damned morons. Force-damned fracking morons."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2010, 06:44:13 PM
She shrugged, "Like I said, I'm not defending them. I just don't think you can just lump all Force users into one big pile.

"Anyway, you say you wouldn't choose t' have the Force. But I don't think it works that way - you're just born with it. I think choice only figures into what you do with it.

"And you never commented on how one of your normal partners is one of those 'Force-dammed morons.'" She swiveled the chair around to face him more directly. "Do you spend all your time with them berating them about the dead Jedi Order?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 20th, 2010, 07:08:49 PM
"Difference is Birdy knows how t'live without the Force." Kazaar shot back. "Bet'cha o'case of whatever ya favorite brew is most Jedis don't know how t'use a blaster. 'Sides...ain't just Force users that piss me off. Pretty much anyone who ain't smart 'nough t'figure out how to survive...an' I ain't talkin' 'bout those who got families or are kids. Gotta learn how t'fight. Even if it's just throwing o'frackin punch...frackin' learn how t'do it. Stand th'frack up for yaself f'Kad's sake."

Quit forra bit while the two just stared at each other. "Th'hell ya so defiant 'bout Force users anyway? Ya get saved by some while back and decide t'kiss theor asses 'cause of it? Got some hero worship goin' on Lady?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 20th, 2010, 07:39:48 PM
She shrugged. "Just trying to understand you better." His prejudice was blind, and she wasn't about to change his mind. It was like she hadn't said anything at all, except maybe paint herself as a sympathizer.

After another long moment she added, "Is there a cabin I should stow my bag in? And I wouldn't mind a place where I can exercise, if you've got one."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 20th, 2010, 08:49:15 PM
Kazaar pointed towards th'hold. "Turned th'cargo hold into o'workout area. Got some weights, few punching bags...even o'mat if ya wanna do stretches an' gymnastics. Ya can pretty much sleep wherever th'frack ya want. Got six rooms. Mosta 'em have a bed.

"Need o'tour or can ya find it yaself?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 21st, 2010, 04:35:46 AM
"I can manage," she said dryly, pushing herself up from the chair. "Try not to fly us into a star or something."

De'Ville was already walking down the passage away from the cockpit and couldn't hear his reply. Chose not to hear it. Before this mission was over she might well end up murdering him in his sleep - no, while he was awake. She shared his animosity toward the Jedi, although for different reasons.

Despite that, they didn't seem to have anything in common. Snatching her holdall off a chair she stalked through the freighter, locating a cabin that didn't have any personal effects in it. She did a quick check in the built in dresser and closet to make sure Kazaar didn't have any clothing stowed, and then she threw her bag on the bunk.

The jacket joined it, and then she pulled the v-neck up over her head and dropped it on top of the leather jacket. The black tank top she wore underneath was sufficient for exercising in.

It took a few more minutes of poking around to find the access to the hold - YT-2000s were all a little different and she hadn't been in one in years. Inside she found much as Kazaar had described. Settling on the mat she set about stretching out, bending her lithe body along her legs and taking off her shoes. Straightening back up she tossed her boots to the side, and then she leaned forward again, fingers past her toes and then splitting her legs and lying her forehead down on the mat.

She almost unconsciously slipped into a semi-trance as she went through her stretches, feeling the Force throughout the ship and all its occupants. After a few minutes of stretches De'Ville reluctantly drew back, conscious of being too in touch with the Force. If she wasn't careful she might do something by reflex, and so had to keep herself in check.

De'Ville got to her feet and did some warm ups, then eyed the punching bag. She stared at it, then spun around, kicking it with the edge of her foot and sending the bag swinging frenziedly.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 21st, 2010, 07:58:52 PM
"Ya leg's wrong." A guttural voice caused De'Ville t'stop o'minute.

Kazaar was standin' there, cigar still clutched between 'is teeth. He'd discarded his long jacket and khakis for warm up pants but kept his tank top on. First thing she noticed was again th'scars...then the tattoos.

Had three of 'em. First one was o'Ikas-Adno (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ikas-Adno), the famed speeder bike maker, inna winged designed on his left bicep. Kinda made sense forra guy like Kazaar. Second one was right below it an' looked like it'd gotten shot or something 'cause there wasn't much to it.

The third one was th'most detailed an' interesting one. O'half-sleeve, it featured four Aces from o'sabacc deck, then five small quadrijet (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Quadrijet_4-Barrel_904E) swoop bikes below. It was weird though, th'bikes looked like they were in some kinda formation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_man_formation). Almost as if Kazaar was tryin' t'memorialize someone (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=261950&postcount=129). Kinda struck o'lotta people who came in contact with the former bounty hunter was pretty frackin' odd. Those who knew Kazaar best...knew that wasn't th'case.

"Ya leg position." Kazaar's voice got De'Ville back on track as he pointed at De'Ville's left leg. "It's frackin' wrong. Puttin' too much weight on th'back foot. Leavin' yaself open t'getting tagged an' knocked down."

He strode forward, takin' his shoes off before gettin' on the mat. "Here, try this." Kazaar did his own roundhouse kick, sendin' th'bag wobblin' like o'Rodian tryin' to wiggle outta o'deal.

"See..." Kazaar pointed out. "Like that. More balanced, helluva lot easier t'knock o'guy loopy.

"Good kick though. Echani (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Echani_%28martial_art%29)?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 21st, 2010, 11:45:20 PM
She shrugged, "Just something I picked up." Lilaena shifted her weight a tiny bit and kicked again. There was a small difference, and the bag swung towards Kazaar, who stopped it with two hands.

"Never studied with an Echani." It was hard not to let her speech cadence fall into Kazaar's own patterns, as her natural tendency was towards mimicry. De'Ville put her right arm up over her head, letting her hand dangle down her back as she pulled lightly on her elbow. Her tank top was not skimpy, revealing only minor cleavage, but there were the very ends of some thick ropy scars visible on her back, just peeking out under the fabric as she stretched.

"I don't usually practice with a bag," she admitted.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 22nd, 2010, 01:02:01 AM
Kazaar smirked. Then swung o'closed fist at De'Ville's head. Got blocked pretty easily an' th'dame gotta quick blow t'Kazaar's chin. He rolled back comin' up inna defensive stance.

Lady was on 'im pretty quick with a kick t'his head. Kazaar caught it, threw th'lighter De'Ville aside an'was on her a quick second later. They slammed t'the mat but Starborn's broodling wiggled away. Kazaar caught 'er foot an' she went down, but not before catchin' him on the ear with a kick.

Frack the dame was fast. Both of 'em scrambled to their feet. Kazaar moved first with o'quick strike t'De'Ville's stomach, then one at her head.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 22nd, 2010, 05:16:40 PM
She had a half grin on her face as he came at her without warning. De'Ville steeled her abdominal muscles against the gut punch and let it push her backwards, catching the higher strike with her hands and yanking Kazaar forward, rolling him over her hip and to the mat.

She followed through with the movement, straddling his chest and chopping at his throat with the side of her hand. De'Ville stopped just short of the blow, and they remained there for a moment, both breathing heavily.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 22nd, 2010, 05:57:30 PM
"Nice work." Kazaar smirked.

Legs came up quickly an' caught De'Ville 'round the shoulders. He forced 'er down t'the mat, but again th'quicker Rebel rolled through an' got up on her feet. Her foot shot out an' struck Kazaar in th'shoulder as he scrambled up. Somethin' popped but he was able t'get it back in place as readied his shoulders.

Both combatants had o'similar expression on their faces. It was one Kazaar'd seen onna couple people before but never o'mass audience.


Made his smirk get even frackin' bigger.

Both of 'em moved at the same time. Kazaar went into o'boxer's stance and gotta couple quick jabs on De'Ville's face. Not much damage, but 'nough t'let 'er know he wasn't gonna give up.

De'Ville's moves were just as powerful an' quick. Gave Kazaar two quick open-handed raps on his right ear, then o'knee to the stomach. Kazaar responded by another jab then o'quick strike to the sternum. Knocked De'Ville back o'bit but her foot came up and Kazaar barely frackin' blocked it.

Lady was good that was f'damn sure.

Right foot shot out with o'couple hits on De'Ville's left knee. Kazaar got steady, then again when forra two jab, punch combo.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 22nd, 2010, 06:21:31 PM
Living among the Mando'ade and then working with SpecForce had honed her already formidable fighting skills to a sharper edge, and she felt herself wanting to push harder, to teach this buffoon a lesson. Kazaar was giving as well as he got, however, striking her hard on the knee a few times before settling into something more like a shockboxer's stance.

He was still smirking, and she grew irritated, wondering if he was just playing with her, or thinking that he was proving something. De'Ville slapped away the first few jabs, trying to move in past his superior reach, and then circled away, just dodging a punch that would have had her seeing stars.

"You're not bad," she admitted, trying to keep the atmosphere light and companionable. De'Ville raised an eyebrow, and added, "Its probably not good for you to get all worked up like this. Might have a stroke." She followed her words up with a quick stutter step to close the distance between them and a hard right, left hook combo, trying to get through his defenses.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 22nd, 2010, 09:46:44 PM
Blocked th'hard right. Took th'left hook in th'ear. Well mostly in th'ear. Kazaar was able t'block the damn thing but she still hit 'im in th'fracking ear. An' it hurt.

Kazaar staggered back, wincin' as he did. De'Ville pressed th'attack but he caught 'er arm, spun so his back was facin' her and flipped her over his shoulder. She was good, raked his frackin' eyes with her free hand as she went over. He tried not t'let go, but she nailed 'im in the nose, so he was forced t'let go and back up.

But not before giving 'er a good (and somewhat illegal inna lotta fights) kick to the shoulder. 'Bout that time Kazaar (audibly) thanked Kad for bacta...and bourbon.

Wiped his eyes clean but kept th'damn smirk on 'is face.

"Lady...I know some professional shockboxers ya'd give o'run for their frackin' creds. Hell some guys who'd prob'ly wanna get ya inna Battle Circle t'see what ya can do."

He switched styles once more into more ovva Broken Gate (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Broken_Gate) stance. Then he raised his left hand and beckoned.

"Bring it."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 22nd, 2010, 11:22:13 PM
Lilaena was beginning to enjoy herself despite her initial dislike of her companion. And then he said something and it clicked.

Battle Circle.

Kazaar was Mando'ade, or had been among them. It explained some of his fighting style and also why she was beginning to feel so comfortable around him, despite his whiskey breath and close minded opinions. When he motioned her forward she returned his smirk.

"I don't know if you can handle any more, old man." He was probably only ten years older than her, and she charged at him anyway, wary enough of his stance that she avoided the first strike, catching it on her forearm. He followed through, and she blocked that one as well, then punched above his gut with a short jab, aiming for his solar plexus.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 22nd, 2010, 11:48:01 PM

Punch knocked 'im back and off balance (barely missin' his jewels). De'Ville sent 'nother strike into his stomach, then one to his jaw. All th'wind went outta Kazaar's lungs an' he saw stars.

Wasn't much else he could do but fall t'the mat an' pull De'Ville with 'im. They both landed hard and Kazaar got off one more punch. Wasn't much but he wasn't goin' down without swingin'

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2010, 12:09:18 AM
Kazaar wrapped her up and pulled her down, and she made the mistake of not having her mouth closed all the way when she hit the ground. He punched her and her teeth clicked shut on her tongue.

She groaned with pain, pushing away from Kazaar and rolling up to a sitting position. Opening her mouth carefully she could feel the warm gush of blood, her tongue still impaled on her teeth until it painfully came away. "Ow," De'Ville said, an understatement as blood dribbled out of her mouth and down her chin.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2010, 12:23:37 AM
"Shit." Kazaar swore. Hadn't meant t'fracking do that. Sure injuries happened all th'time but Kazaar'd never been o'fan of fightin' women. Sparred with th'Kid from time t'time sure, but not an all out war like that'd been. Scary frackin' thing was he'd enjoyed it.

The lettin' go. It'd been o'release of something he hadn't known he'd had bottled up. Still didn't excuse him rattlin' De'Ville's jaw like that.

Kazaar scrambled up t'his feet an' quickly went to a bench where he always had a towel. Grabbed it an' tossed it towards De'Ville. She caught it with one hand an pressed it 'gainst her mouth.

"Ya alright?" Be th'closest thing to an apology he'd ever give.

She nodded an' got t'her feet.

Kazaar couldn't help but smirk. "Ya did o'helluva job there Lady. Sure beat th'crap outta me." Headed towards th'doors, pullin' his tank top off.

"Gonna grab o'shower then sack out. Welcome t'do whatever ya want."

Last thing De'Ville saw was Kazaar's scarred back as he left.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2010, 04:18:47 PM
"Don't worry, I'll find your medkit," she mumbled against the towel after the door closed behind him. Tongues bled like nothing else if they got sliced, but thankfully they healed quickly enough. Hurt though. De'Ville used a bit of a Force pain suppression technique to take the edge off, breathing deeply through her nose, and then left the hold. She couldn't hear a shower going, but could feel an extra vibration in the bulkhead as she leaned against it.

In the living area she did find a medkit, and unscrewed the top of a tube of bacta gel, squirting the tasteless substance into her mouth. The towel was very bloody, and she took care to make sure she didn't get any blood on the floor. Back in the refresher near her cabin she examined her tongue in the mirror, manipulating it with her fingers to make sure she had the ragged cut covered with bacta. Blood bubbled out, and she smeared some more gel on it, holding the tongue still and in the air long enough for the gel to set.

De'Ville dropped the towel into the sink to clean later, and walked to her room to grab an unsoiled shirt. A five minute shower later she was standing in the living area rooting around for a clean mug.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2010, 06:20:51 PM
A *bleep* instead greeted De'Ville durin' her search as th'R7 droid called 'Trey' trundled up to her. On its head was one o'those holder-like trays lotta droids at bars used. What was on th'tray was o'frackuva lot more interesting: full, steaming up of caf, plus cream an' sugar.

'Trey' then went off inna different direction, the *bleeps* and *twerts* givin' obvious meaning De'Ville was to follow.

She was led into o'pretty spartan living area. O'stuffed chair with an ashtray sat next to o'small round table. Pretty obvious who normally sat there. Table had o'couple stains from where beer bottles or glasses been left an' left a ring. Was o'inlaid table on the far side of the room (pretty traditional for YT-freighters) which was used f'either games or eatin'. Kazaar'd also had a leather couch installed with o'table in front of it.

The R7 droid placed the mug, cream and sugar on the table near the couch. Then waited for De'Ville to either sit or stand but it was pretty obvious 'Trey' wanted to know if she needed anything else.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2010, 06:38:28 PM
She was tempted to take the chair, but settled down on the couch. "I just wanted some water," she told the droid, her words a little thick from her swollen tongue. The swelling would go down in the next hour or so, if the bacta did its job, but she didn't want to swish hot liquid around in her mouth until maybe tomorrow. Or never. Yeah, maybe never.

The droid trundled off, uttering some incomprehensible beeps and bloops, and Lilaena leaned back, resting her head on the back of the couch. She closed her eyes, and appeared to be asleep.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2010, 06:47:05 PM
Kazaar was outta few minutes later. Even if De'Ville didn't hear th'pounding o'the refresher stop, she sure as hell smelled the cigar he was puffin' away on.

Th'ex-bounty hunter had changed from his warm ups into o'grey T-shirt, black shorts and was shoe-less. Stared down at th'cup o'caf an' smirked. Frackin' 'Trey' was always tryin' t'make 'guests' feel at home. Guess that's what happens when ya never want t'have o'droid's memory wiped. Tend t'develop their own personalities.

He knelt down before De'Ville an' tapped her on th'shoulder. "Lemme see ya tongue."

When she didn't move, Kazaar produced o'small light from his pocket an' held it up to 'er eyes. "Hey Lady, open ya mouth. Wanna check that tongue o'yas."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2010, 06:55:19 PM
She lifted her head slowly and opened her eyes, fixing him with an emerald gaze. After another moment, her pupils dilating from the flashlight, De'Ville opened her mouth and obediently stuck her tongue out.

She let him get a look, but retreated before there was any danger of her starting to drool. "Bacta works a charm," she said. "My fault, let my jaw open when I hit the mat."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2010, 07:22:44 PM
"Well keep that'n mind f'the next fight." Kazaar responded. Didn't come out like an insult, more like a reminder t'do better.

Kept 'is eyes on De'Ville's tongue. "Open it back up, wanna look at somethin'."

Put two fingers on 'er jaw t'keep the mouth open. Then reached into th'medkit and tossed o'gel-capsule on the tongue. "Keep it there forra bit. Oughta help reduce th'swelling."

Kazaar got up and set himself down in his chair, his cigar comin' back up into 'is mouth. Things were silent forra bit while th'two just kinda stared at each other.

"Where'd ya get th'scars? Looks like ya went through hell t'get those."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2010, 07:37:19 PM
He obviously had some sort of outdated opinion of women, but she accepted his ministrations without comment other than a raised eyebrow. The gelcap melted quickly enough and had an odd taste.

Kazaar asked the question that she'd known he would, and she studied him through hooded eyes, swishing the medicine in her mouth and wondering where the droid was with her water. She finally swallowed, and tilted her head just a bit to one side. "Went through hell... that is an apt description."

Lilaena looked at him, and nodded a bit, "Where'd you get yours? A hundred bar fights on a hundred worlds?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2010, 08:14:13 PM
De'Ville gotta smirk in response an' Kazaar puffed on his cigar o'bit. "Took o'couple shots yeh, but not all in bar fights."

Leaned forward. "In bar fights they ain't comin' at ya with o'buncha blasters or thermal detonators. Most frackers in bar fights just try t'beat th'piss outta ya. Make ya feel it in ya eyes an' ya head.

"They're frackin' brawlers not fighters. Guys ya track down doin' bounties, pretty much brawlers too. 'Specially slavers. Those're just assholes tryin' t'prey on th'weak. Hell, run into some Imps who get off on dominatin' on others. Frackin' kaffers if ya ask me.

"And if ya happen t'beat th'crap outta 'em. Let 'em suffer o'bit...maybe strike 'em in o'vein instead ovva artery so they bleed out..." He smirked. "Those barves deserve it."

Kazaar raised o'finger. "Ya get o'guy who actually knows how t'kill someone an' plans it...Those guys're frackin' tough. They'll fight ya with anything. Blasters, vibroblades...hell, went after o'guy once who shot me with o'Force-damned concussion rifle. Frackin' hurt.

"Tend t'take th'most damage there. Marks o'honor if ya ask me."

O'crooked smile. "'Sides...most dames like scars."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2010, 09:47:11 PM
"Oh yeah," she said thickly, "Go crazy over them." She subconsciously rubbed the thin ridged scar on her forehead, the one that sliced down to her cheekbone. The vibroblade that had done it had missed her eye, and the scar itself wasn't too obtrusive, but when she worked by herself she had tended toward covering it up with black 'war paint.'

She hadn't done that in ages, though. De'Ville realized what she was doing and put her hands in her lap, thankful that the droid finally came back in with a glass of water. "Thanks," she said awkwardly, taking the glass from it. It twittered pleasantly at her, swiveling its dome around.

"You're a tough bastard," she added, to Kazaar, turning her green eyes toward him. "I haven't had a spar like that since ...joining the Alliance."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2010, 10:17:48 PM
"Ain't o'big fan of hurtin' dames." Kazaar shrugged. "Most of th'sickos I've met who do that ain't worth th'air they're suckin' in."

De'Ville had a sneaky suspicion Kazaar'd put more than 'is fair share of "sickos" in th'grave. Somehow it made sense too.

"But ya did o'helluva job takin' what I had an' dishing it back in spades. Sure as hell ain't had o'sparrin' session like that." That sure wasn't o'lie. Even th'Kid didn't hit as hard as De'Ville did. "Ya ain't just some random dame who hooked up with th'Alliance onna lark.

"Th'frack you'd do before? Run ya own band o'mercs?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 23rd, 2010, 10:44:00 PM
"The Empire calls me a terrorist," she said quietly. "I mainly ran solo, though I worked with mercenaries a few times." Ha! More than a few times.

"Wrecked a bacta plant around the Battle of Yavin," she added. "That got me on the Empire's sensors. And a year or so back I took a team into Coruscant and took out a lab they had running in the Underground. Real sick stuff with Force sensitive children." She let a ghost of a smile trace her lips. She was particularly proud of that one, but it wasn't something a lot of people had heard about. Secret labs getting blown up tended not to make the news.

And then, of course, she'd been taken by the Inquisitorate after that one. Her 'crew' had had to bust her out while they were moving her, and after they'd already tortured her mentally and physically. Re-opening the stripes on her back after inducing nightmares about her long dead master, A'na Eldhil, had been particularly traumatic.

She waved her hand dismissively. "I basically have tried to be the biggest pain in the Empire's ass that I could be."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 23rd, 2010, 11:01:09 PM
"Children?" Kazaar sneered, eyes narrowed. "Gotta be frackin' kidding me. Damn Imps. Frackers deserve every bitta hell they get."

He was quiet forra moment, as if somethin' caught 'is mind. De'Ville didn't see wheels spinnin' but she could tell he was thinkin'. Which could be bad.

"Heard 'bout that bacta plant while back. If it's th'one I'm thinkin' 'bout helluva job. Imps were gonna use that place for their own soldiers anyway."

'Trey' came up with o'beer an' set it on Kazaar's table. The droid then *twittered* somethin' that caused Kazaar t'smirk. "Ya can't frackin' believe that 'Trey'. Pretty damn sure some Imps're just 'doing their job' but they ain't all frackheaded idiots. Some o'em sure as hell know the poodoo that's been goin' on.

"Ya know. Thought I saw o'De'Ville on th'Imp's list o'bounties while back. Hadn't made o'connection but ya sure as shit got their frackin' attention."

He chuckled, th'laugh soundin' like o'speeder tryin' t'rev up. "Called ya frackin' erratic. Ain't that what they always frackin' say. Call people they don't get 'erratic' or 'unstable.' Frackers..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 24th, 2010, 12:15:52 AM
She shrugged, the smile growing a bit. "The way I figure it, if you decide to work for the Empire, you made a bad frelling decision. It's not my job to sift out the neutrals from the bad."

Her grin widened, "Never did have anyone come after that bounty, though. Except for IG-88. That damned thing never stops coming. Been quiet since the incident on Coruscant though." She sipped her water, sitting back with one leg tucked up underneath her. "Kept me sharp, though, having that much money on my head."

What would Callidus think of Kazaar? De'Ville wasn't sure where the thought had come from, and the juxtaposition of the two men in her mind was interesting. She didn't know if she could have thought of two more different individuals.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 24th, 2010, 12:34:44 AM
"Jumpin' from place t'place, tryin' t'keep yaself from gettin' caught. Hell frackin' yeah that'll keep ya on ya toes."

Kazaar took 'nother puff off his cigar, then slowly pulled th'lable off. Keep th'tobacco from burnin' the paper, makin' the ship smell bad. Let smoke waft outta 'is mouth, before taking another sip o'beer.

Part o'him had t'admit it, he was startin' t'like this dame. Weirdest thing 'bout it was she reminded 'im a lot 'bout himself. Predatory sure, but they'd both been fracked (or seemed like it). De'Ville was pretty quiet 'bout what'd happened t'her, an' Kazaar wasn't th'kinda guy t'start askin' o'buncha personal questions. She sure as hell wasn't th'Kid and wasn't Birdy either. Naw...this dame...she was o'hard ass.

Blew smoke outta 'is mouth and closed 'is black eyes.

Somethin' was gnawin' at 'is gut. Weird feelin' he couldn't quite get o'hold of. If this dame was all she appeared t'be still didn't answer one frackin' question.

"How th'frack did ya get hooked up with Starborn? She ain't th'kinda dame t'take on people who're 'erratic'." Smirk he gave made it seem like someone'd used him as an example of the kinda worker Starborn didn't want.

"The hell ya do? Wave ya fingers an' get 'em t'accept ya."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 24th, 2010, 01:07:22 AM
De'Ville narrowed her eyes, and then raised her eyebrows. "Colonel Regulus Starborn is a male, at least that was my impression of him. And yeah, I've had to prove myself. I think that's why I'm here, instead of assigned to a regular SpecForce squad already.

"Of course," she grinned, "Waving my fingers didn't hurt. I've worked with Phoenix Cell a bit in the past, that mess on Coruscant where the Chancellor was almost assassinated, and so I had some people who'd vouch for me."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 24th, 2010, 12:12:46 PM
"Yeh, bet'cha got more than ya share o'fans f'that." Kazaar knew o'couple things 'bout Phoenix Cell but never had worked with 'em. Pretty frackin' picky on who they worked with and Kazaar was th'same way. 'Cept when he got ordered t'take someone along forra ride. Like this mission.

"Wasn't talkin' 'bout th'Colonel. Was talkin' about th'Mama Hen Starborn." Kazaar again took time t'puff smoke outta his mouth. Wasn't doing any shapes (can't do that with cigars) but he sure as hell made it look almost artful. "Woman didn't approve Belargic's rescue after Bossman got nabbed. Hell, woulda tried t'save the guy f'free if they'd told me.

"Guess she didn't want t'risk unnecessary lives or some kinda crap like that. Feh...his ass coulda been rescued if they'd really wanted it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 24th, 2010, 12:37:59 PM
Oh. That Starborn. Lilaena's eyes imperceptibly narrowed, considering what Kazaar was saying. She hadn't been aware that Celeste Starborn had so much sway over the entire Alliance, but given her companion's tendency for hyperbole she was sure he was exaggerating Ms. Starborn's authority. She was but one piece of the Advisory Council, after all, and under Mon Raizen.

As far as the Belargic thing, she'd heard some rumors, but she wasn't a true part of Intel so hadn't dug down to the bottom of how Grace Van-Derveld had become head of the department. "Seems his ass could have been rescued even if they didn't want it. Unless you're talking a situation that required a full frontal assault with capital ships committed as back up.

"I don't know that much about the scenario," she admitted, "But it seems that the Advisory Council must make political decisions. If I were in that position," and she said it casually, "I would probably make the same one -"

"Frackin' 'ell, Lady, figured you'd take their side." Kazaar blew out a cloud of fragrant smoke that De'Ville waved away from her face.

" -the same one, but I would order a small team in to mount an off the books rescue. If the person in question was worthy of such an effort." De'Ville drained her water.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 24th, 2010, 02:33:50 PM
She had o'point. 'Course in his brief time in th'Rebel Army Kazaar'd been told 'bout never leavin' a man behind. Pretty much agreed with it too. Hell, he'd even saved o'few idiots Kazaar never thought were worth savin' in his time.

'Course, Dasquian Belargic wasn't one of 'those idiots.' Naive...yeh...political...hell yeah...worth savin'...beat workin' f'him than Gracey.

"Hell, Lady, lotta our stuff is 'off th'books.' It's called Black Ops forra frackin' reason." He smirked and ashed his cigar. It was almost finished.

"If ya ask me, Rebellion's becoming too damn political. I got no problem with 'em trying t'set up o'hierarchy, but with that Force-damned thing comes o'buncha rules an' regulations that're frackin' pointless.

"Especially when ya tryin' t'talk to someone who ain't 'bout to." Rolled his eyes. "Lemme do m'Force-damned job and leave me th'frack alone."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 24th, 2010, 08:24:37 PM
De'Ville shrugged, and let the conversation lapse. They sat for a few minutes in companionable silence, which stretched daringly close to awkward territory. Kazaar puffed on his cigar like he was some sort of ancient steam powered cyborg, and Lilaena let her eyes close again, though she was far from sleep.

Eyes still closed she finally broke the silence. "So, did Intel supply us with anything regarding Sestooine? Blueprints, rudimentary sketch on a napkin...?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 24th, 2010, 09:55:42 PM
Now it was gettin' down t'business. Even Kazaar'd felt things'd gotten weird. Like th'two were gettin' t'know each other almost too quickly. Didn't know what th'frack it was, but both of 'em knew somethin' was going on. Frackin' weird if ya ask him (which 'course, no one really did).

"Gonna need ya 'Trey'." He learned forward and pressed o'couple buttons on the small keypad near the glass table. 'Bout this time, the R7 droid rolled forward, its oculator starting t'light up. As th'glass on the table darkened, o'holographic display of some kinda complex suddenly popped up.

As Kazaar'd stated earlier, it was o'four level building. Pretty much th'standard Imp facility. Blockish, grey duracrete walls, durasteel doors in th'front and back. Couple small windows inna few places and one real large window at th'top designed t'look like an Imperial emblem. Frackin' Imps, always likin' t'show how efficient they could be with their quick construction. Estelle Russard would probably comment 'bout how boring it looked. 'Course, she was o'art student...Kazaar just thought they were things t'get blown up.

"Zoom inna bit will ya. Wanna see th'middle of the facility."

Wasn't much t'see. Display made it seem like there were o'buncha computers in the central core. If th'info they were looking for was anywhere...probably be there.

"Guessin' the place is gonna have 50 stormies, may 'bout 20 commandos and ten officers 'round t'boss everyone 'round. Few techs too...maybe o'scientist t'figure analyze data. Places like that like t'have o'few surprises too...maybe o'probe droid orra interrogation droid (even though there's no frackin' reason f'that)."

Let o'heavy breath come outta his nostrils. "Gonna be o'few ways getting in. Either go up top an' sneak in or go through th'front and try t'take 'em all out. Places like that...bet ya gotta few Imps who go down into town t'get drunk off their asses. Steal o'key card, take the guy's uniform. Raise hell."

De'Ville couldn't help but notice th'shift in Kazaar. Still had his general sardonic nature, but he was talkin' like someone who knew what he was doin'. Or had 'least done it before. And had th'scars t'prove it.

"Lotta it depends on how many Imps we want t'kill and if it's worth it. Much as I hate t'say it...times the mission's more important than just causing bloodshed." He smirked. "But those don't always happen.

'Bout that time there was a *chime* neither Kazaar or De'Ville were expectin'.

"The frack ya mean we gotta message comin' in?" Kazaar swung his black eyes towards 'Trey'. "Thought we weren't supposed t'be 'chatting it up' with outsiders."

He scowled o'bit as 'Trey' gave o'few *blats* and *tweets*. "Yeh, yeh. Fine put it through. Swear if it's Spenny wanting t'give me a sweater..."

The Black Man
Nov 24th, 2010, 10:12:15 PM
It wasn't.

"Kazaar." A very familiar and deep voice came over the comm. "Why aren't you on Sestooine."

De'Ville saw Kazaar roll his eyes. "Oh frackin' har, har Othy where th'hell are you. Not that I don't like seein' Crix more than you, but why th'crink ya gotta send errand boys t'do ya job instead of telling up yaself."

'The Black Man's' tone made it seem like he had ignored Kazaar's dig. "In a way, I'm glad you're not. Just found out some new information you may want to know.

"The Imperials have quarantined off Sestooine."

"They've done what?!?"

"You heard me, Agent. The local Imperial commander is claiming there's been a major outbreak of Plyridian Fever. (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Plyridian_Fever)"


If 'Othniel' were showing his face, the two would have seen him smile. "Exactly. My sources are telling me the same thing. Something else is at work here, Kazaar. Your mission is changing.

"I want you and Ms. De'Ville to find out what the source of the illness is and whether it's an actual disease or not. If it's a weapon make sure all data on it is scrubbed. If there is a cure find out.

"But make sure the Empire doesn't have the chance to release it anywhere else."

He cut communication without further discussion.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 24th, 2010, 10:17:09 PM
Kazaar's smirk was cold. "Nice t'see that guy's still alive an' kicking."

"Friend of yours?" De'Ville thought she already had an answer.

"Othy's a spooky bastard who's using th'Rebellion t'fight his own damn war with th'Empire." Th'ex-bounty hunter gotta sneer on his face. "Sure as hell likes t'occasionally leave out facts and talk in fracking generalizations.

"But th'guy pretty much on th'fracking level." The sneer turned into a smirk. "Looks like things're gonna get a helluva lot more fun."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 29th, 2010, 06:21:52 PM
"So the whole planet is quarantined?" De'Ville shook her head slowly, "That seems extreme - or someone was really lax and let a Patient Zero run around coughing on everyone instead of taking care of an individual quarantine."

She looked sideways at him and added, "I think my Plyridian vaccine is still up to date. You?"

Kazaar grunted to the affirmative, and blew out a giant cloud of smoke.

"We could pose as medical personnel responding to the global emergency," she hazarded, and then quickly added, "But I don't think that's going to work. Shipping in medical supplies though..." De'Ville brushed her short dark brown hair out of her eyes. "I defer to your judgment on how to best get through the quarantine. Although probably leaving will be harder than getting in."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 29th, 2010, 11:29:08 PM
"That quarantine ain't been up long 'nough f'them to ask f'meds." Look on Kazaar's face pretty much said what he thought o'the quarantine. Total crap. "If we're goin' in we gotta go in as something they woulda asked fer.

"Knowin' th'Imps...hey 'Trey'. Gorgja got anythin' up on this?" Th'ex-bounty hunter rarely mentioned his former boss. But in goofy frackin' times like this...kinda had to. If they were gonna make it on Sestooine without appearin' too suspicious...

The R7 droid *bleeped* o'bit while checkin' out Gorgja's database. Then o'bright order appeared on th'glass table.

Kazaar smirked. "Hell frackin' yeah. Imps've asked for some help in trackin' down some targets they say haven't been 'inoculated' for th'plague. 'Parently these guys don't trust anyone who don't wanna get injected. Hell...I wouldn't blame 'em.

"Frackers don't even wanna send their own guys t'look for 'em. Guess they're afraid th'Empire's frackin' finest ain't good 'nough.

"C'mon...I'll show ya what we're goin' as."

Led De'Ville to one o'Night Train's seven rooms. This was he'd converted into some kinda armory. Buncha weapons hung on racks linin' the walls. Wasn't Kazaar's best weaponry (that was on th'Dutchman) but it'd get the job done.

'Course what he wanted her t'see were the three suits of armor sitting in th'middle.

First one was all grey with o'black stripe goin' down the left side of the chest plate an' down the shoulder armor as well. Small circle was emblazoned on th'stripe as well. The helmet was also grey with black outlines and the familiar T-shape HUD De'Ville woulda known if she'd been payin' attention to any kinda holo for the last five fracking centuries.

Second one was o'bit more ornate than the first. First off, it was o'deep red, almost crimson, with grey highlights. Also appeared t'have a detachable cape as well. Sure as hell looked old as dirt too. Like it'd been bought at an auction or something. T-visor was there on th'helmet but it looks more triangular instead o'the usual dome shape.

Third was looked more traditional but would probably fit a woman better than Kazaar. Had o'grey helmet with orange lightning on top. Chest piece and shoulder pads were also orange but th'middle was grey. Pants were also a mix o'orange and grey.

Three Mandalorian suits of armor.

"Way I figure...we go in as Mandy mercs lookin' t'cash in on th'Imps' bounty. Filtration systems oughta keep those geniuses from havin' t'shoot us up with whatever crap they've got."

His smirk edged on dangerous. "Go figure out what's really goin' on an' bust it the frack up."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2010, 12:39:27 AM
She whistled softly at the suits of Mando'ade armor, and reached out hesitantly as if to touch it. "I've never seen a set without someone nasty inside it." De'Ville looked at Kazaar and then back to the armor, "Guess that won't change much."

They were all three very similar to the style of armor that the Mando'ade of Onderon wore, despite being a millennia apart. When you found a design that worked, you stuck with it, she guessed. The red armor intrigued her, and she decided it wouldn't hurt to show some of the fascination. Better to be fascinated than for it to appear that all of this was old hat. The slightly different styling matched more closely to the armor she usually wore, though hers back on Onderon was black and white, the traditional coloring for Mand'alor.

"These will make it easier to get firepower in, too," she remarked. "I've gone up against a few Mandos and they're no joke."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 30th, 2010, 12:57:47 AM
"No kiddin'. 'Course if they're o'Mandy worth their frackin' stones they'd know armor don't make the warrior." He smirked. Not bad forra kid who'd had an archeologist forra dad. Even if th'archeologist coulda kicked anyone's ass on Alderaan or Brentaal if he'd wanted to.

"Gotta fourth stashed away on Brentaal. Ain't mine. Took it off some hut'uunla fracker who thought he could be o'bad ass by just wearin' the suit. 'Course, didn't need it after I was through with 'em." Kazaar stated the last piece more as fact than boastin'.

"Grey an' orange one ain't mine either. Pulled if off o'dame who took o'pal of mine out. Wasn't too keen 'bout killing 'er but needed it more than she did. And no, I didn't wear it. Had someone else. (http://sw-fans.net/forum/member.php?u=2849)" That 'course was o'different story all together.

"Not a fan of hurting women?" Lady was still busy runnin' her hand over the antique crimson armor. Looked like it'd had o'couple breathing nozzles coming outta the mask too. They'd either been plugged or th'helmet'd been replaced all together.

"Naw. Ain't m'thing. Said before, most frackers who prey on women ain't worth th'air they're suckin' down. Never made sense t'smack dames 'round anyway." Kazaar gave o'shrug. "Don't see 'em as weaker than guys (plenty o'strong women out there) just never saw how smackin' o'lady around made 'em feel masculine.

"Pretty frackin' cheap if ya ask me."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2010, 03:48:48 AM
"Aurelias, defender of females," De'Ville said absently, the swelling in her tongue completely gone finally and with it the uncomfortable thickness to her speech. "O'course, if one hit you first..." She winked at him.

"Perhaps I should try on the suit," she gestured to the smaller, more feminine shaped armor, "and get accustomed to it."

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 30th, 2010, 01:12:14 PM
"Be m'guest." Kazaar didn't move. "What ya expect me just t'leave ya here alone in my armory while ya try onna piece o'armor."

He smirked. "May be willing t'fight ya but I ain't o'moron. Ya either put it on with me 'ere or don't wear it.

"Don't worry. Ain't gonna peel either. I'll close m'fracking eyes."

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2010, 03:06:25 PM
De'Ville shrugged, "Look all you like, but if you touch I'll kill you." She smiled, but it didn't really take the edge of the promise, and then she stepped closer to the armor, eyeing it to make sure she really did know how to put it on.

It wasn't much different from what she was used to, except that it had much less armor on the arms and legs, which meant that it was probably lighter. De'Ville kicked off her boots, stripped off her shirt, and shimmied out of her pants, pulling the liner shirt with its ceramic plates and micro energy field protector over her head. It was a fairly good fit, though she was a little taller than the original wearer of the armor.

The armorweave jumpsuit was covered with beskar blast resistant plates, and she hesitated a bit, trying to figure out the best way to get into it. At least, that was how it appeared to Kazaar, who grumpily stepped forward and assisted her by supporting the weight of the chest plate while she squirmed into the jumpsuit.

"Its heavier than it looks," she remarked, once it was in place, and took some experimental steps, getting used to heft of the armor.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 30th, 2010, 06:33:38 PM
"Yeh. More of a shock trooper type armor than th'old Neo Crusader. Been in those o'few times, helluva lot more maneuverable than they look."

Kazaar lit 'nother cigar while De'Ville kept walking. "Now ya wanna tell what th'frack really happened t'ya back."

She turned and gave 'im a withering look. "You peeked."

She gotta almost shrug in return. "Wasn't trying to. But when ya see stripe that could only come from either o'frackin' power lash (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Power_lash) orra Confessor's whip (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Confessor%27s_whip)...only slavers frackin' use that crap ('less ya use it t'charge up ya ramp an' I doubt you're that frackin' kinky)."

Things were kinda silent forra bit.

"Did ya 'least gut th'gartal who did that to ya?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2010, 07:01:32 PM
"No," she said quietly. "I didn't."

De'Ville's armored hands clenched up into fists, and her green eyes burned with hate for a moment as she looked at the ground. When she looked back up her emotion had been hidden away again. "Someone else killed her."

She sighed, and then her face hardened up again, as if she'd put a wall up between them. "You going to show me how to work these systems or not?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 30th, 2010, 08:07:08 PM
Kazaar did somethin' pretty strange then. "Look I ain't th'kinda guy t'get all mushy mushy an' all that crap and ya don't strike me as th'kinda dame who goes for that anyway.

"But I know how ya feel. Got someone I had o'hard on forra long time who I haven't been able t'take out ever. Hell, don't even know who th'fracker is."

Tossed 'er the helmet. "Just put it on an' let it run th'diagnostics. Thing calibrates itself to ya likin'. Helluva thing it is."

Things were silent forra bit. "So ya know who ya huntin'?"

De'Ville stared at 'im blankly. She'd just frackin' said...

Kazaar almost rolled 'is eyes. "Whoever killed th'one ya were after. Ever think 'bout hunting whoever they were down?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 30th, 2010, 09:35:25 PM
"Oh, yes." De'Ville nodded, taking the helmet and snugging it in place. Her voice came through the vox only slightly distorted. "IG-88 isn't something to be tangled with lightly, but I have taken my shots at it. And from it."

She wasn't about to get into how at first it had been to avenge A'na Eldhil, not because she was upset the bounty hunter had gotten to her first. A'na had twisted Lilaena's mind, made her submit to the beatings willingly... made her think she deserved them.

It was only recently that her eyes had been opened to A'na's deep betrayal of the girl De'Ville had been. And she also wasn't about to tell Kazaar that IG-88 had in fact captured her less than a year previously and turned her over to the Inquisitorate, where her scars had been meticulously re-opened after some nightmare drug had caused her to relive A'na's last days.

The stripes were healed again, but then, perhaps some things never healed right. Not inside.

The HUD ran through the familiar diagnostics and began calibrating, but De'Ville just stood there like a statue.

Aurelias Kazaar
Nov 30th, 2010, 09:44:06 PM
"Damn tin cans're pretty frackin' hard to kill." He agreed. "'Specially if they gotta place they can dump their programmin' to build o'new body. Had t'do it to 'Trey' couple times. Ain't fun. Fracks with their programmin' o'bit so they don't always remember what happened."

Kazaar kinda shrugged a shoulder. "'Least with R7s ya can only do it so much. Those damn IGs're different though. Follow me. Wanna show ya showin'."

Th'ex-bounty hunter, lettin' De'Ville walk next t'him just in case she tried somethin' funny, led her down to 'nother cargo bay. It'd been set up like o'shootin' range. Included o'few target dummies (which'd obviously seen better days) and couple rundown combat droids.

"Ain't nothing special but if ya wanna get comfy with th'suit, best place 'round here t'do that." He blew smoke outta 'is mouth. "Gonna grab o'drink. Want anything?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 1st, 2010, 12:13:49 PM
She shook her head, and raised her arm, experimentally aiming the wrist launcher down the range. Kazaar left her alone, which made her smile inside the helmet, as he was obviously not all that comfortable with someone he barely knew inside the armor, and she checked the payload on the launcher. It was loaded with darts only, nothing explosive, so she fired off a few into the furthest target, grouping them together in the chest.

She felt a bit exposed with the lighter armor, but there were advantages as well with increased mobility. De'Ville wondered if there were matching jetpacks to go with the suits, but decided if there were and Kazaar wanted to use them, then he'd mention them.

After a few minutes of moving around and making sure the systems in the suit were all operational, De'Ville removed the helmet and shook out her hair.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 1st, 2010, 06:50:20 PM
"Well ya sure as hell know how t'use th'darts." De'Ville wasn't surprised t'find Kazaar leanin' against th'doorway, his ever present smirk on his face. Had o'bottle in his hand which he (liberally) took swigs from every now an' then. The other hand had o'cigar.

Stayed by th'door. "Flame torch on th'left arm. Ain't loaded right now. Whipchord there too.

"Also gotta collar piece that'll keep ya from gettin' ya head lopped off. Why they frackin' didn't put it on before that, got no idea. Guess when one o'ya top leaders gets decapitated by o'Jedi...makes ya think o'bit."

Th'smirk turned into o'crooked smile as he guzzled more beer. "Back armor's little stronger than most and there's extra protection 'round the knees. Got personal shields too. Never know when someone's gonna try t'shoot ya with o'missile.

"Think ya can handle it or gonna need o'tutor?"

"I should be able to hand it." De'Ville let loose 'nother round of darts. Impacted just below th'other ones.

Kazaar smirked. "Good. Hittin' th'hay. Have fun, Lady. Don't hurt yaself while I'm out."

He sauntered off, th'smell o'cigar smoke leaving o'fine aroma in the cargo bay.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 2nd, 2010, 12:40:47 PM
Thankfully the suit's filtration took care of the smoke so she didn't have to inhale any more of it for the moment. De'Ville watched Kazaar go, and spent a few more minutes in cargo bay for appearances sake, playing around with the armor's systems.

Walking back through the passage to find her clothes and return the suit to its position in the armory, she heard something moving around, but it was just the droid, Trey. It blooped at her and kept going, and she ignored it. Out of the armor she was slightly surprised to find how much she'd missed it during the time she'd been with the Rebellion. At first assuming control of the separate and unknown faction of Mandalorians on Onderon had been for tactical purposes only. Forcing peace between the ever attacking Mando'ade and the people of Iziz City had been necessary to get Callidus to trust her and allow her in to his circle.

Her position as their Mand'alor had been a test for her - usually a loner and now surrounded by people. She'd quickly learned to be conversant in their language, a necessity to become one of the Mando'ade, and over the years... she'd apparently grown used to walking around in the armor of Mand'alor.

De'Ville wasn't sure what that meant, and decided that it was too late in the evening to figure it out. Pulling her clothes back on she picked up her boots and padded out barefoot into the passage.

The bunk in her cabin was surprisingly comfortable, and she was soon asleep, curled up slightly with her back to the bulkhead and a blaster near her hand.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 2nd, 2010, 07:10:02 PM
Next day was pretty much like th'first. De'Ville and Kazaar went over th'schematics for th'Imps' base on Sestooine, had o'couple sparring sessions and mainly just tried t'not ask too many questions 'bout the other. Both of 'em were gettin' o'bit curious without saying as much: Kazaar curious on where th'frack De'Ville'd gotten so damn good at fighting (without 'er name popping up on some kinda shockboxing list o'best female amateur fighters) an' only had that one Imp bounty out on 'er. Story sure as hell checked out ('Trey'd' done some digging) but somethin' was gnawing at 'im. Too comfy in that damn armor. Stuck with Kazaar f'some reason...

De'Ville was tryin' t'figure out how a guy like Kazaar (who had o'pretty fracking strong opinion on everythin' from Imp uniforms t'what the ale was) hadn't gotten his ass booted outta SpecOps. She'd heard rumors 'bout an imprisonment in Rebel Intel for torture of an Imp, but didn't ask 'bout it. Wasn't worth it.

Both of 'em though, were itiching t'kill Imps. Good news was that was gonna happen pretty frackin' soon.

* * *

Space Over Sestooine

Th'comm went off almost 'mediately after The Night Train jumped outta hyperspace.

"Unidentified freighter, this is Imperial control. Please state the nature of your business."

Kazaar smirked through cigar smoke. Picked o'fake transponder that'd make 'em look like an Mandalorian freighter outta Shogun (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shogun). "This is the freighter Kad's Destroying Gaze We're here for the bounty."

De'Ville noticed somethin' pretty frackin' interesting 'bout Kazaar. His voice was able t'pretty much exactly sound like a Mandalorian. Accent and all. She was pretty sure he could drop back into th'guttural tone he normally used, but she had t'admit...he did a good job with th'imitation.

"This is Lieutenant Stoffol. Who am I speaking to."

Kazaar let more smoke come outta his mouth before replyin'. "This is Fenn Vel. I hear you need someone to find some people who have refused to get their shots."

The disgusted smirk on Stoffol's face could be heard through th'speaker. Guess th'guy wasn't o'big fan of bounty hunters. Tough. "Indeed we are. How did you hear about this?"

Kazaar wanted t'roll his eyes. Guy was sounding' like o'real bastard. "I have my ways. You did post it on the normal bounty hunter channels."

"Indeed we did. We'll want to inspect you of course. Have you recently gotten your inoculations."

"I got an injection on Kamino. That should suit your purposes."

"It should yes. Very well. Come to Landing Pad 3 in Tarkingrad." The comm cut off.

"Tarkingrad...ya frackin' kidding me..." Wanted t'roll his eyes in annoyance. "Motherfrackers...can ya believe the audacity o'those assholes.

"What's frackin' next Palptaineville?"

De'Ville gave a wry smile. "I hear they're planning that on Balmorra."

Kazaar snorted in response an' hit the ship's accelerator. The Night Train flew through Sestooine's temperate atmosphere without much trouble.

Planet didn't have much in terms o'landmarks. 'Bout 50 or so towns which were smaller than th'big city but bigger than ya normal outpost. Sestooine's landscape was o'mix of oceans, lush green plains and o'few rocky mountain range. Sure didn't seem like th'kinda place where the Empire would store its plans f'the Outer Rim. 'Course that was prob'ly the point.

"Looks like 'Tarkingrad's' (frackin' hate that Force-damned name) th'largest place out there. Town o'bout 40-to-50-thousand. Most o'em farmers, some industry. Imps rolled in 'bout six years ago...helped 'educate' th'place." Th'Rebel spy rolled his black eyes. "Educate m'frackin' ass. Bet'cha ten creds they told 'em they'd pull 'em outta th'fracking dark ages.

"Guess shipping and agriculture ain't what ya define as 'modern.'"

De'Ville's eyes crinkled as she stared outta Night Train's viewport. "Look at that..." She pointed. "That doesn't strike me as agricultural..."

Kazaar turned t'where she was pointin'. The frack...?

Entire damn city had o'fracking wall 'round it. Not some kinda wall o'protection from small raids either. Entire city was surrounded by o'large durasteel wall, 'least 75 feet high. Thing was thick too...Kazaar couldn't tell but had t'be 'least two meters. All the landing pads were outside th'wall as was o'large durasteel and crete mixed building which had t'be their target.

"Looks like some kinda Force-damned prison-castle." He mused as th'ship headed towards their assigned landing pad. Just o'few other ships were 'round and they looked more like medical crafts. Few freighters too but it was pretty obvious there weren't anymore bounty hunters.

Kazaar started t'get o'cold pit in this stomach.

"Th'frack is goin' on...?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 3rd, 2010, 02:39:16 AM
Staring out the viewport at the walled city De'Ville opened up herself to the Force, and flinched. Something was off about Tarkingrad. For some reason it reminded her of the brightly lit lab secreted below Coruscant, the greasy wrongness of how it was making her feel.

"I think we'll be finding out." Her hand was clenching, and with a little effort she made herself relax. Kazaar settled the ship down on the pad and she lifted her helmet and fastened it into place, listening to it seal. "Doesn't change our first priority, however."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 3rd, 2010, 06:43:01 PM
"Yeh. Yeh." Kazaar waved a hand as he grabbed 'is own helmet. Took another couple puffs from th'cigar before placing it down in th'ashtray. Gave th'cigar one last long look before puttin' his helmet on.

"Let's go."

Sestooine was hot as hell. The two Rebels didn't feel it, but their onboard temperature gauge told 'em as much. Air was thick too. Had t'be since it looked like o'storm was blowing in off th'horizon. Sure as hell be nice t'have cooler temperatures in th'evening. 'Least Kazaar was pretty certain all th'Imp idiots were thinkin' that.

An' if that was th'case...they could frackin' roast.

Two stormies were waitin' for 'em outside The Night Train. "You're the two bounty hunters yes? Lieutenant Stoffol wants to see you."

Kazaar stifled o'sneer anna biting retort and just followed 'em. They led 'im not to the Imp headquarters (nah that'd be too frackin' easy) but to o'smaller one story building near the end of the landing pads. It was black and grey durasteel and appeared t'be the check in point f'all civilians comin' into Tarkingrad.

Stoffol looked every bit th'stuck up, prissy brown-hatted Imp he sounded like on th'conn. Bit ovva paunch, brown hair cut short on his head and th'general obnoxiously pompous expression on 'is face. Kazaar hated 'im.

"So...you're Fenn Vel." Sounded like he just wanted t'cause trouble. "What were your references?"

Kazaar/Vel crossed his arms. "Did several jobs for Gorgja the Hutt. One for Jabba."

"Where they successful?"

The Mandalorian-armored bounty hunter didn't bother answerin'. It was o'stupid question. Stoffol knew it.

"Not very talkative are you?" The Imperial pressed several buttons on a datapad. Probably just tryin' t'extend whatever time he could.

Kazaar didn't bother uncrossin' his arms. "I'm here for a job."

Stoffol looked up at them and stroked his chin. "That you are. Very well. Head up to the main gate. You'll be let in there. Just so you know, we'll be sending in three squads of stormtroopers to help in the search.

"Your contact's name is Farlak. He's a Skrilling (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Skrilling) who's essentially the head of the local farming guild. He's leading the efforts to find the non-inoculated."

Th'Rebel didn't sayin' Stoffol was makin' those who didn't get o'shot sound like some kinda second-class citizen. Hell, that was probably why th'Imps were doin' what they were doin'. Frackin' guilting people into getting their meds. Frackers.

He just nodded and led De'Ville towards the main gain.

Sure didn't seem like th'Empire'd set up a buncha medical tents t'get people to get tested for Plyridian Fever. In fact, neither Kazaar nor De'Ville really noticed any kinda med facility set up. Either th'Imps'd set up something inside...or they really didn't give o'damn 'bout the townsfolk. Woulda bet o'grand in credits it was o'little bit o'both.

Kazaar angled his head up towards two sentry posts near th'gate. Both Imps in there were armed and sure as hell seemed t'be paying attention t'what was going on inside more than outside. He keyed his one-on-one communicator with De'Ville. "These Imp shablas sure gotta frackin' goofy way o'protectin' people."

'nother Imperial officer (just as prissy an' annoying as Stoffol) asked 'em a few questions at th'gate before nodding. Then pressed o'few buttons on a small keypad near the gate's main barrier and a small portion of it started t'rise up.

The officer had th'fracking audacity t'smile. "Go on in."

Both De'Ville and Kazaar slipped through th'opening into Tarkingrad's main byway.

It was then they saw th'man on fire runnin' towards 'em.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 3rd, 2010, 11:42:49 PM
De'Ville could feel the man's pain, and she hissed an exhalation as the burning apparition came closer. Unconsciously she raised her arm towards him as though to fend him off, or shoot him full of darts and drop him where he stood. Before she or Kazaar could do anything, however, a Stormtrooper shouted for the man to stop, and then blasted him.

The figure fell to the ground, arms and legs still twitching, while the fire raged. After a few more minutes another trooper stepped up with an extinguisher, putting out what was left of the the man.

"Smells awful," stated a grey-green being walking towards them, Farlak no doubt. The Skrilling's eight sensitive nostrils were flaring and flexing as he walked through the smoke. His Basic was pretty good, and hardly accented, unlike the human standing next to her in the other suit of Mando'ade armor, though apparently Kazaar only talked the way he did because he liked it. He was certainly capable of taking whatever accent he chose.

"Farlak?" She asked, putting her head to one side, and the loathsome creature nodded.

"Ah, and here is my backup," he said, looking behind them to where the promised three squads of Stormtrooper back up came in through the gate.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 4th, 2010, 02:50:24 AM
"You can see...there are major problems." Farlak's voice came out in pretty breathy tones. Made sense forra guy who tended t'see' more with 'is nose than his eyes. One o'those times Kazaar was pretty happy f'being human. Bein' able t'see wasn't o'bad thing.

Kazaar decided t'keep the Mandalorian accent goin'. "We can. Why didn't the locals step up to help?"

The Skrilling gave an almost half-shrug. "They just haven't wanted to. I think everyone's paying more attention to their own health."

The ex-bounty hunter couldn't really blame 'em either. Made alotta sense t'him. "So what was that, then?"

Farlak again almost shrugged. "More recently some of the farmers have gotten...angrier than normal. One man, named Croatoa, attacked his wife, mother and father. Killed most of them. He was the first, we think."

"What happened after that?" It was De'Ville who spoke first.

"The wife and father died. The mother we hospitalized. She's okay but has been very agitated recently. Follow me, we'll talk more in my office."

Farlak led the Rebels and their Imperial escorts down o'long duracrete street. Tarkingrad might have o'pretty modern name but th'town itself didn't look it. Had th'main street sure, but th'buildings were made o'stone and mainly one storied. Th'only two storied buildings Kazaar saw he was pretty frackin' sure were used f'either the Imps on their 'off time' or f'other farmers who wanted o'clean place t'stay. Which prob'ly wasn't that often since th'Imp geniuses set up shop.

The Skrilling actually walked towards one o'the larger buildings built next to o'bar. Kazaar couldn't help but notice th'drinking hole looked empty. Guess most peeps really were frackin' scared outta their wits. If ya don't drink...

"Place sure seems dead." He observed.

Farlak nodded and sucked in a long breath as things got cooler in th'office. "When the doctors diagnosed Croatoa's symptoms they immediately started vaccinations. They say the Plyridian vaccine make people a bit sluggish first week or so. Should be fine after that."

He sat down inna large chair built only forra Skrilling and shooed the Imps outta th'room. Pretty frackin' obvious he was only interested in talkin' t'Kazaar and De'Ville.

"People are still getting sick. And we've had some refuse to get treatment." Pressed his stubby hands together inna almost human gesture. "If my farmers aren't working, their families don't get paid. I need those people to get inoculated so works starts again. Can you find them?"

Behind 'is mask, Kazaar smirked. Wasn't 'bout t'stop people from getting their shots if they didn't want to. 'Specially with th'fracking Empire involved. So either Farlak was o'fracking 'true believer' (which was pretty goofy forra alien) or he actually wanted t'help the farmers. Or both...who th'frack knew.

"Where were they last seen?" He put in, hopin' to glean more info from guy.

Farlak's sigh sounded almost musical. "I think they were near the Shenandoah Farm on the south side. But that was last week. The Empire hasn't wanted to expose their troops to the infection but we've only had 40 or so cases so..."

His comm all o'sudden went off. Th'Farming Guild head raised o'hand and pressed th'button. "Yes?"

"Sir!" Screamin' could be heard in th'background. "It's Doctor Niktra. Are the Imperials here? We need their help.

"Four patients have just gone insane. They've attacked three nurses. Get over to the hosp-"

Guy never had th'chance t'finish. O'crash was heard and th'line went dead.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 4th, 2010, 04:50:26 PM
De'Ville clicked to the private comm channel. "This isn't a Plyridian fever outbreak." Was it a new chemical weapon of some kind? She didn't want to voice her suspicions, but it was easy to see that there was a lot more going on than the Imps were saying.

Back on the suit's main vox she said, "Where's the hospital?" She didn't intend to let this creature choose whether he would ask them to go or not, she didn't have any intention of rounding up protesting villagers. Plus, if she was right, the hospital was by the wall, just opposite the building she and Kazaar needed access to, on the other side.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 4th, 2010, 06:00:15 PM
"About ten kilometers to the east. I have a speeder out front we can take" Farlak'd gotten up from 'is chair, Kazaar figuring he wanted t'go with 'em. Fat frackin' chance.

"You stay here." It was gettin' kinda tough t'keep the Mandy accent up. With so many frackin' Imp geniuses 'round Kazaar didn't want t'take the risk of exposing either himself or De'Ville t'more questions than they actually had t'answer. He was starting to figure with all th'hell breaking loose th'Empire's finest might not actually ask the fracking questions. Still...not o'risk he wanted t'take. "We'll check it out."

He strode from th'office, Lady right on his heels. Kazaar'd already pulled th'EE-3 carbine rifle (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/EE-3_carbine_rifle) he called 'Evey' offa its holster on his back. De'Ville also pulled the SG-4 (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/SG-4_blaster_rifle) she was using. No sense in waiting.

The two o'em burst outta the office and into th'humid weather. The stormies were just kinda standing 'round like they were waiting f'orders. Kazaar wanted t'rolls his eyes. Frackers shoulda been on th'move already.

"Let's move, stormtroopers." He ordered as he got into the speeder. Pretty nice one too...big 'nough for most o'the troopers t'get in. "I want two of you to stay back and protect this area. The rest with me."

One Imp (had t'be the commander o'the squad) took o'step forward. "Who are you to give us orders."

Kazaar sneered 'neath his helmet. "The hospital is under attack. There are peoples' lives at stake. Don't be a fracking hu'tuun...move your asses."

Guy looked like he was gonna challenge 'im but four of the stormies (probably th'ones who actually been born with o'brain) got in the speeder. Three more followed. At this point, Kazaar didn't give o'flying frack why they were doing just. Fact they were doin' it...

Kazaar pressed down on the accelerator before th'white-helmeted boss could protest any further. Wasn't like there weren't five others there to protect his ass anyway.

"What's the plan, sir?" One of the stormtroopers actually had o'Mando'an accent too. Must be o'leftover clone trooper from th'Clone Wars. Go figure.

"Secure the building first." De'Ville put in. "Subdue whatever patient is causing problems then make sure the doctors and others are safe."

Kazaar grunted an agreement and wished forra cigar. He then keyed his internal comm. "Gonna hafta ditch these stormies before we make our move. Don't want 'em blasting us in th'fracking back if we get into Imp HQ."

"Got any better ideas?"

"Not frackin' now. I sure as hell ain't in the mood t'track down the ones smart 'nough t'not get their shots. May hafta t'keep up appearances though."

Didn't bother saying unless whatever was going on at th'hospital was gonna spread. De'Ville was right...it sure as frack wasn't Plyridian Fever. So what th'frack was it?

He didn't get th'chance to answer his own question. By that time they'd reached th'hospital. All nine of them leaped outta the speeder and headed for the main entrance. It was unlocked so they burst in pretty quickly, stormtroopers in th'lead with Kazaar and De'Ville hot on their heels.

Crazy fracking thing 'bout it...the lobby was quiet. Had o'nurse standing there with a frackin' weird smile on her face. Seemed pretty foggy too...like she'd just woken up from o'nap.

"May I help you?" Her eyes were tinged with red. Could be o'hangover. Or high on some kinda spice.

"Where's Dr. Niktra."

"Oh...third floor I think. Shall I call him for you?"

Group wasn't 'bout to answer that frackin' question. "Go down on quarantine." The clone trooper ordered. "We don't want whatever is going on the third floor to spread."

They didn't bother waiting 'round for her reply as they raced up th'stairs at double time.

Third floor was o'mess. Blood was all over the walls, floors and door. Th'severed head of o'nurse lay on the main computer console, while th'rest of her body just sat in its chair. 'Nother nurse was down on th'floor, cut in th'neck. She was breathing pretty hard so one o'the stormtroopers (th'medic) got down next t'her.

"She's bleeding bad." He spread some bacta gel on 'er neck. "If we don't get her into a tank, she's not gonna mak-"

That's when all hell broke loose.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 6th, 2010, 12:16:43 AM
Th'prone nurse suddenly nailed th'Imps medic right in th'head. Knocked him back o'bit and knocked his helmet awry. That gave th'nurse 'nough time t'swing the scalpel in 'er right hand right at 'im. Caught th'guy right below th'chin, leaving o'mark but not killing 'im. Nurse looked like she was gonna go for th'Imp's throat but De'Ville shot 'er in then back.

Then it got real frackin' weird.

Nursey turned 'round into almost o'spider-like position and smiled. Her eyes were blood red and blood dripped outta 'er mouth. She started t'leap towards Kazaar and De'Ville but both o'em shot her in the face. She fell to the ground and didn't move.

'Course, 'bout that time the patients who'd "gone insane" burst through th'fracking walls and attacked.

One o'em ripped th'back of one stormtrooper's armor off an' buried their teeth into th'neck. Another swung both arms into an Imps' helmet, breaking th'guy's neck. O'third was shot three times in th'chest but still managed t'attach their mouth to o'stormie's hand. Kazaar dispatched it with another blaster shot in th'face. De'Ville kicked th'fourth in th'face, then used 'er flame projector t'roast it alive. Damn thing looked liked it frackin' liked it. Sure as hell didn't like De'Ville shooting it in its melted face. Didn't matter by then...fracker was dead.

'Course that's when six other patients (who 'parently decided t'go insane right after everyone else did) attacked...

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 7th, 2010, 02:05:54 AM
"Heads up!" De'Ville shouted, aiming and shooting, placing the bolts in the bodies of two of the raging Tarkingradians, but barely slowed them down. The six remaining Stormtroopers fell into a defensive formation, backing up the Rebels.

Lilaena ticked the muzzle of her SG-4 up, tagging one of her previous targets in the forehead. The man dropped like a rock, twitching on the floor and causing the insane patients behind him to stumble. Kazaar and the Stormtroopers were making their own observations, and after a few tense moments there was nothing but smoke and the smell of blood still lingering in front of them.

Head shots were tricky, though, and many had gone just wide of their targets. De'Ville took a step forward and leaned over one of the patients they'd just put down. "What the frell is going on in this dar'yaim?" She peeled back the woman's eyelid with her suited hand, revealing a painfully bloodshot orb and cloudy iris.

The troopers were quickly taking stock of their situation and calling for back up, one of them wrapping a bandage around his bitten hand. De'Ville switched to the internal comm. "There may be more. But in this distraction it should be a lot easier to get to our destination."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 7th, 2010, 02:09:20 PM
"Yeah." Kazaar turned towards one o'the Imps. "We're going to go check out the rest of the hospital. The doctor may have said 3rd floor, but it's always possible there are more patients."

"Okay. Do you want back up?" Stormy was prob'ly hoping Kazaar'd give 'im a "no" an' that's exactly what 'e got.

"No point in splitting our forces up even more. Talk to your commander and get orders." Started headin' for th'door. "If you need us, call."

Both De'Ville an' Kazaar took th'hospital steps double-time. Only o'couple floors left before getting t'the roof and things remained pretty quiet at th'moment. Didn't seen anyone else on th'stairs. Imps must've just wanted th'hospital t'be used for patients of whatever plague they were suffering from t'be alone. 'Cept for th'staff of course. Poor damn bastards. Didn't know what th'frack was going on.

They burst outta o'small single sliding door and onto th'roof. Gave 'em a nice view o'Tarkingrad and th'wall surrounding it. Kazaar still couldn't help but notice how th'place seemed like o'fracking ghost town, not o'place of 'least 50-thousand. Fracking weird.

"Look at that." De'Ville pointed up towards th'sky. He stared up, then ordered 'is HUD to zoom in on where she was indicating. Sky looked like it was *shimmering* somehow.

"Ya gotta be frackin' me..." He swore as he stared at th'Force-damned shield the Imps put 'round Tarkingrad. Son of a...Kazaar let loose 'nother oath.

They were frackin' trapped inside th'city.

He scowled before reaching into his belt. The grapple gun (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Grappling_spike_launcher) he had was one o'the best pieces of equipment th'Alliance had ever given 'im. Saved his ass on more than one occasion too. Kazaar was 'bout ready to fire it towards th'wall (hopefully it had o'blind spot somewhere they could take advantage of) when th'hospital started shakin'. He was gonna swear again when there was o'*rumble* and part o'the building exploded.

Th'part the Imp stormtroopers just happened t'be inside.

Kazaar wasted no time firing th'gun towards the roof of o'smaller building 'cross the way, grabbed De'Ville by her arm (makin' sure she had tight grip on 'er SG-4) and hitting th'recall button.

Their bodies were pulled towards th'other building just as the hospital started collapsing.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 8th, 2010, 04:40:06 PM
What in the seven hells was going to happen next? De'Ville managed to bite back her cry of pain as Kazaar nearly wrenched her arm out of its socket, only vocalizing a mangled grunt as they fell through the air to the other, shorter, building.

They landed roughly, De'Ville rolling up into a crouch once Aurelias released her, and shaking her head as though to clear it. The hospital was collapsing down, and she could hear the patients screaming. Some sounded enraged, others terrified.

"New objective," she said calmly enough, turning her head to view her partner through the suit's HUD. "Find that shield generator and disable it."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 8th, 2010, 09:04:20 PM
"Ya think." Kazaar's response made it sound like De'Ville'd just asked 'im if he wanted o'couple drinks anna cigar. He was gettin' ready to look forra way into the building when 'is partner put a hand on 'is shoulder.

"Check this out." She was pointin' down towards th'rubble of the hospital.

It'd fallen into th'large wall the Empire'd built around Tarkingrad. From what Kazaar could tell, looked like the wall was hardly damaged. Fact...wasn't o'fracking scrape on it.

"Th'frack they do, coat th'damn thing in Beskar (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Mandalorian_iron). That stuff's frackin' rare. Sons o'bitches ain't in th'mood f'anyone t'get out."

De'Ville gave a shrug. "Who knows." She then grabbed Kazaar pretty frackin' hard by the shoulder and pulled 'im to the ground.

"Th'frack Lady..."

"Shut up Kazaar." She hissed. "Look."

Buncha Imps just showed up. Probably th'rest of th'Imp bucket heads that'd been ordered t'check out Tarkingrad and its 'plague.' Kazaar got why De'Ville'd pulled 'im down. Both o'em were pretty sure they could take out whatever Imp forces were thrown at 'em. But ya combine the Imperials and whatever th'frack plague was running 'round...pretty frackin' smart move t'sit and watch. Creep away when ya can.

The Imperials sure as hell didn't look like they were gonna leave anytime soon. Musta been 'bout 15 of 'em, all standing 'round the remains o'the hospital like o'buncha mynocks lookin' forra power cable t'munch on. Frackers. They were spreadin' out, prob'ly looking t'see what survivors (if any) there were.

Kazaar couldn't hear what was bein' said and De'Ville gave no indication she knew either. Wasn't like ya could read th'lips of stormtroopers anyway. 'Bout that time, another speeder pulled up. An Imp commando got out, followed by three more.

"Looks like our fearless leaders 'ave arrived."

Th'black hats took control pretty frackin' quickly...telling th'stormies t'get their asses in gear an' start searching th'rubble. 'Least that what it seemed like t'De'Ville and Kazaar as they watch from afar.

Lasted 'bout five minutes, Imps were canvasing what was left from th'hospital 'bout as well as they could. Didn't find much: buncha bodies...few blasters...nothing which told 'em what th'frack'd happened.

De'Ville was 'bout ready t'rise, when this time Kazaar caught 'er arm and pointed. There was o'bloodied hand sticking outta the rubble. Looked like it was some kinda statue but then it moved. Frackin' moved. Whoever th'frack it was, they were still alive.

Imps started swarming then, trying t'save whoever it was buried. They sure as hell didn't know what'd happened few minutes before. Then they found 'nother moving creature. And 'nother. Six total, all placed on stretchers as they tried t'figure out what t'do with 'em.

Didn't get th'chance t'figure it out from there. One o'the rescued rolled off th'gurney and got on its hands and knees. An Imp commando got close to it, looked like it was gonna ask if th'guy was alright.

'Bout that time whoever th'frack it was (Kazaar was pretty sure it was o'patient) bit th'Imp in the face. Th'five others sprang into action too. They were movin' pretty fracking quick, wasn't like they were reanimated...naw...looked like they'd always been alive, just resting. Gatherin' their strength or somethin'. Who th'frack knew.

Kazaar wanted t'have pity on th'poor bastards. But they were Imps...they frackin' deserved it.

Then he saw what two o'the attackers were wearing...the pants o'a stormtrooper. Sure as hell looked like one guy'd taken a buncha damage to th'back too. The other one, Kazaar couldn't see but prob'ly woulda bet had had o'hand wound. Which meant whatever th'frack plague was affectin' Tarkingrad was spreadin'.

"Time t'go." He got up quickly an' started for th'roof's door. "Gotta be o'sewer system o'some kind 'round here."

Kazaar kicked down th'roof's door and led De'Ville down o'flight of stairs. They were in some kinda apartment complex seemed like. Which meant there were probably some o'the frackin' plague carriers 'round.

Which made Kazaar's mood even more foul.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 9th, 2010, 04:45:40 PM
She didn't like not taking point, but at this stage of the mission it wasn't worth arguing about. Kazaar would probably utter something profound, like "don't like frackin' females takin' charge when Ah should b'protect'n them." She settled in behind him as they moved down the stairs, her senses sharpened with the Force and her suit's sensors working at full capacity.

"We should look for a -" turbolift, she was about to say, but then the lights flickered and popped off. "Never mind. Imps are cutting their losses, looks like. Whatever this is, someone outside the wall's probably decided its getting out of control."

Kazaar grunted and paused at a landing, scanning up the adjoining passageway. Someone peered at him from a doorway, and quickly ducked back out of sight, calling, "Not sick, not sick!"

De'Ville headed down the stairs again, leaving Kazaar to follow her. "Everything inside the wall is either going to be left to conclude 'naturally'... or we're about to get slagged from an Impstar in orbit. I'm guessing the former, if this is an experiment, but -" She held up her fist to stop him, and carefully took the last few steps to the next landing. She sensed something...

Something angry.

Lilaena eased sideways into the hallway congruent to the landing, blaster rifle at the ready. She fired off three shots, and then backed up. "There are more coming," she said tightly. As Kazaar followed he saw the three bodies in the hallway, two young women and an old man, all downed with blaster bolts to the head.

She headed down the stairs again, trying to figure out how many stories high the building was, and the HUD picked up a lot of hot body signatures closing in on the sound of her blaster rifle.

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 9th, 2010, 11:04:29 PM
Kazaar gave o'smirk beneath his helmet. Wasn't 'bout t'let whatever frackers were comin' take him down. Even if he had t'run outta ammo.

He was watchin' everything from his HUD, partially wishing he could feel th'air 'round him. The helmet had 'im missing th'feel of combat but that'd come to him soon 'nough. His own body was gettin' hot with anticipation, knowin' inna corridor like this if there were gonna be more than ten, probably hafta get 'is hands dirty. And he sure as hell didn't mind that.

Actually didn't mind De'Ville takin' th'lead. She had 'nough armor on 'er that if something got by him (fat frackin' chance) she'd be protected. 'Specially with his next idea.

He pulled outta proximity mine an' stuck it on th'wall which'd be near an apartment. De'Ville didn't question 'im, she got th'same notion he did. With th'frackers comin' through walls without checking t'see what exactly was on th'other side...probably wouldn't notice th'mine until it blew up. Here's hopin' they weren't gonna move so fast as t'not get blown up.

They went down another couple flights o'stairs, coming to 'nother landing. De'Ville held 'im up again. Both o'em heard it. Someone (or some frackin' thing for that matter) was runnin' up the stairs. Sure as hell quicker than most things would.

Tossed 'nother mine on th'ground and got into th'pretty wide hall. Kazaar had t'get more mines...only brought seven with 'em. Hafta raid some kinda military surplus store t'get more and Kazaar was pretty frackin' sure Tarkingrad didn't have that. 'Less, of course, th'Imps had o'stash. Wouldn't put it 'gainst 'em with all the crap going 'round.

Some kinda scream 'caused both o'em to stop. Woman ran outta 'er apartment, bein' chased by one o'the plague carriers. Thing was almost on 'er too. Both Kazaar an' De'Ville shot it. Thing flopped on th'floor dead, blood pooling outta two holes in its head.

"Thank you." Dame had blonde hair and was 'bit frailer than she originally looked. Her eyes were filled with tears an' she sure seemed like she wasn't gonna stop shaking. "It was my husband. He just went crazy. I don't know what happened!"

Pretty excitable which made sense inna lotta reasons. "Gotta move. More o'those things out there."

"No you don't understand." Woman was pleadin' and pulling on Kazaar's arm. "My son's sick too. He could die at any time. I don't want anything to happen to him. You've got to help him, please. Help him. Help him. Help him!"

She was startin' t'scream. Like she couldn't get rid o'her emotions. He tried t'pull away but she wouldn't let go. Then he saw 'er eyes. Aw frack...they were turnin' red.

"Go back t'ya son." He tried t'start walkin' away.

"NO!" She screamed, gettin' fully consumed by then. Her face'd twisted into o'mask a hate.

Then she spewed blood outta 'er mouth and onto Kazaar.

Wasted no time after that. He was too close t'shoot 'er but swung 'is left arm at 'er throat.

Th'blades hidden inside the gauntlet above 'is wrist popped out. There were two of 'em on each side o'Kazaar's own flame projector. Something he'd been workin' on f'some time. The blades sliced through th'woman's throat and skull like they were nothin'.

She fell t'the ground and Kazaar swore. Wasn't too happy 'bout killing women.

Didn't get th'chance t'feel sorry for himself. 'Bout that time th'mine he'd placed at th'end of the hall blew and 'bout ten plague carriers burst into th'hall. Didn't stop either, they were comin' right at De'Ville and Kazaar faster than they could react.

Kazaar popped the blades on 'is other gauntlet. Sure as frack wasn't gonna go down without o'fight. Only thing he was thinkin' of came outta 'is mouth before th'things were on 'im was an old sayin' Darvey (http://www.sw-fans.net/wiki/index.php?title=Darven) used t'say:

"Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur!" Frackin' good day f'someone else t'die.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2010, 02:32:03 PM
The men and women who'd made it past the mines were dead - at least, they should have been. Lilaena shouldered her blaster rifle and shot at the bloodied creatures, using the Force to help her aim. Head shots were a low percentage shot, hard to make with accuracy, and especially when the person you were shooting at was rushing towards you after being half blown up. That's why police and military personnel were trained to shoot center mass - a high percentage shot with maximum lethality.

For these sick people, however, a blaster bolt to the body just seemed to make them mad. De'Ville plugged three, moving down the staircase in a tactical retreat at the same time. She heard Kazaar's Mando'a and replied in kind in the heat of the moment, "Ke nu jurkad sha Mando'ade, burc'ya!"

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 14th, 2010, 12:22:13 AM
The frack?!?

De'Ville's reply in Mando'a caused Kazaar t'almost stop in 'is track. No frackin' wonder she did well in their sparring sessions. Damn lady was o'frackin' Mandy. A Force-damned Mandalorian.

Th'frack was gonna happen next, De'Ville say she used th'Force t'help 'er kick ass?

Kazaar was 'bout t'bite back o'reply 'bout De'Ville speech when he got smashed in th'head by o'speeder. Actually not really, but it sure as frack felt like it. Th'plague carrier's strength was off th'frackin' chart. Coulda dented the damn helmet too but Kazaar was too worried 'bout actually survivin' than asking questions 'bout De'Ville's fracking heritage.

Had four o'the carriers in front of him, spoutin' blood an' trying t'open him up like o'can. Wasn't much Kazaar could do but keep th'vibro-gauntlets open and flail away. Took th'leg off one o'em. An arm on another and disemboweled a third. Lot o'them weren't willing t'go down, just kept attacking. Damned frackers didn't know when t'give up.

Th'fourth one Kazaar was 'bout to take out 'is eyes when he was suddenly grabbed from by th'disembowled plague carrier. Shabuir tossed 'im over his shoulders and into th'nearest wall.

Kazaar saw stars an' reached for th'Twins.

Didn't have o'fracking chance. Fourth monster was on 'em again, screaming some kinda feral yell, charged and sent 'em both into (and through) the wall.

Th'ex-bounty hunter was tossed 'cross th'room again, arms flailing.

He was gettin' up to 'is feet when the plague carrier charged again. Took 'im 'cross the room and slammed 'im into th'exterior window. Momentum took 'em through th'window and out into open space.

It was then Kazaar finally slit th'guy's throat...and fell.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2010, 01:25:40 AM
De'Ville dispatched the attackers left in the stairwell, and leapt back up the steps to assist Kazaar, who seemed to literally have his hands full. Too late to stop him going out the window, though.

She cursed loudly as her grasping hands just managed to catch hold of the infected man's feet. Bracing against the inner wall she shouted for Kazaar to grab onto the guy, and judging by the weight she suddenly felt herself supporting he'd heard her over the private comm.

"Just climb up the body," she grunted, shifting slightly to cement her position. "Dammed lucky bastard, that's a four story drop still."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 14th, 2010, 01:25:42 PM
Kazaar made it up th'body despite it bein' pretty fracking slick with blood. He scowled through 'is visor as De'Ville's own helmeted face came into view.

"Wanna tell me where th'frack ya learned Mando'a."

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2010, 01:39:38 PM
She cursed inwardly, gritting her teeth and quickly transferring her hold from the dead body to Kazaar. The body slid down the outside of the building as he climbed over the windowsill, both Rebels falling down once he got inside.

"How about I tell you if we survive this, vod."

Aurelias Kazaar
Dec 15th, 2010, 07:38:54 PM

Kazaar wanted t'call De'Ville a 'bitch' an' smack 'er upside th'head but then she had t'call 'im her 'brother' in Mando'a. Frackin' hell. Dame had all th'right buttons pushed f'now.

He glared at 'er. "Fine...vod'ika but ya better play it straight...DOWN!"

Kazaar's left elbow caught De'Ville in th'side o'the helmet while his right hand grasped one o'the Twins. Brought it up and shot th'three rage-infected Tarkingradians that'd just burst into th'room right in th'face. Frackers fell down inna heap and lay still.

The ex-bounty hunter smirked as he pulled De'Ville t'her feet with one arm. Didn't apologize, just nodded and led 'er outta th'apartment.

Hallway looked pretty much th'same as it had before...covered in blood, buncha bodies on it. Outside o'that it was pretty frackin' quiet. They slipped down it 'bout as quietly and quickly as they could, without lettin' any more uninvited 'guests' come their way.

"Let's get th'frack outta here." Kazaar's statement was pretty frackin' obvious. "Ain't gonna figure out o'way into that Imp facility in 'ere."

"What are you thinking?" Lady took point as they started down th'stairs again. Quiet so far, which left o'cold pit in Kazaar's stomach.

"Place gotta have some frackin' sewer system or viaduct that brings 'em water. Prob'ly guarded but gotta be somewhere."

They came to th'third floor landing. It was clear.

"Thinkin' if we gotta hit th'sewers, Imps ain't gonna have that too guarded. Just hafta watch out f'any frackin' mines or droids o'something. Empire's finest ain't th'smartest gizkas in th'galaxy but they ain't morons. 'Least not completely..."

Second floor landing was clear too, 'cept forra poor bastard who'd bled t'death on th'landing. Looked like his neck'd been frackin' ripped out by someone's mouth and left t'die.

"Look at this." De'Ville pointed t'the guy's eyes.

Blood red like th'rest o'em. So why didn't he turn? Good frackin' question no one had t'answer to. Either th'guy's eyes went red after he'd been bitten or he'd died before whatever th'frack was goin' on had gotten hold o'him. Force-damned frackin' goofy if ya asked Kazaar...

Which 'course asked again, 'what th'frack was goin' on?'

Both De'Ville an' Kazaar were thinkin' the same thing when they reached th'first floor.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 20th, 2010, 04:09:44 PM
De'Ville was irritated at Kazaar. His attitude screamed that he was upset that she spoke Mando'a, as if somehow he held the copyright on the language. She'd play it straight all right, and he wasn't going to like it much. Whatever clan or heritage he hailed from he obviously wasn't too involved, so why be judgemental of another person who was probably in the same situation as him? A Mandalorian who had joined the Rebellion.

Unless he thought she was pretending, or just parroting off a phrase she'd learned. She wasn't too happy about the hit to push her out of the way so he could take out an enemy, either.

De'Ville covered Kazaar as he crossed the open lobby area of the apartment building on the first floor, following him to relative safety behind a pillar and then covering him as he crept over to the security desk to make sure nothing was hiding behind it.

She double clicked her comm to warn him when she felt people approaching, and he dove behind the desk as a squad of Stormtroopers opened the front doors to the building.

"Stay together. We do a quick sweep for those hunters and then we get out." The squad moved into the lobby, cautious and working well as a team. They would find the two Rebels soon, and it sounded like their pass into Tarkingrad was being revoked.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 8th, 2011, 02:29:11 AM
Frackin' hell. Figured the Force-damned fracking Empire'd show up at the worst possible second. Get th'entire damn apartment complex clear and they show up.

Both Rebels weren't gonna be able t'play o'game of Tabaga-and-Vrelt with th'Imps which they picked th'place clean. Hell, probably weren't gonna be able t'get a lotta time anyway, way things were goin'.

The entryway was set up like o'lotta apartment complexes. Big 'nough t'seat more than o'few residents and potential residents, with a couple desks for workers and o'few offices in back for management. Out back was prob'ly gonna be their best way outta the building. Imps probably had o'few stormies coolin' their jets, more focused on whatever th'frack was outside than inside.

'Least that's what Kazaar woulda bet they'd do. Bucket heads could be pretty frackin' predictable.

His hands first went to 'is blaster rifle, then to th'rail detonator he'd brought 'long. Kazaar was planning on usin' it inside the Imp base (if they ever frackin' made it there) but with 'bout 15 Imps playing their best game of "find th'Rebel spy," fracking time t'use it.

"Get ready." He hissed into th'comm. Then he popped up and fired two rails at two stormies in th'middle of the group.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 20th, 2011, 12:57:45 PM
The charges detonated on impact, and the troopers were dead almost before they knew they were under attack. It was a decidedly not-stealthy move on Kazaar's part, and De'Ville grimaced under her helmet as the Stormtroopers who'd survived his initial onslaught hammered his position with blaster fire.

"What, didn't you have a thermal detonator?" she asked him dryly over the comm, steadying herself behind the pillar while the desk he was using for cover was slowly being blown apart. Standing up, De'Ville stepped out from her hiding spot and blasted at the flanks of the Stormtroopers, buying her partner time to dash to another area of the room before being forced to duck back behind the pillar.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 23rd, 2011, 08:42:05 PM
"Nah." Kazaar smirked inside 'is helmet. "Wanted 'em pissed. Means they ain't payin' attention."

Stormies were sure as hell pissed. Forgotten their trainin' and just decided t'hunker down in th'nearest cover and start shootin' at him. Which meant they'd simply gotten behind o'half wall by the entrance.

Ignorin' the blaster bolts screamin' around, Kazaar tossed th'small flash bang grenade towards th'half wall. Th'muffled *boom* caused th'stormies to hold their fire forra bit, giving Kazaar time t'fire another rail charge at th'nearest trooper. Thing caught 'im right in the head, then blew up.

If Lady coulda seen 'er partner's face, she woulda seen o'lazy grin on it. He was pretty amused with 'imself.

"Let get outta 'ere, De'Ville." Kazaar scooped up one o'the stormtrooper's blaster rifles which'd slid over t'his feet. He pulled the ammo charge outta it, put it into his rifle, then tossed it away. Gave 'im a few more shots he'd need going against all th'bastards out there.

The two scurried through th'office towards th'back of the apartment. Wasn't a lot t'see. Offices were pretty normal...few stray desks, couple packages mounded up next to o'large filing cabinet with more cabinets 'round too. Small kitchen area with o'square table, four chairs and o'food storage unit. Plus the door out.

Kazaar stalked up to th'door but De'Ville''s hand grabbed him. "Hang on!" She hissed in 'is ear. Was o'bit ovva pause. "Go to thermal imaging."

He flicked it on. Five stormies were standin' outside. Sure seemed like they were waiting f'something t'happen.

Kazaar had t'smirk at that one. Never o'dull frackin' moment.

He walked back towards where the table was and put it on one of its side. Then he pulled out th'rail detonator. Figured De'Ville was smart 'nough t'get what he had in mind.

She did and ducked behind the table just as Kazaar put two rail charges into part o'the wall near the door.

Explosion shook th'apartment to its core as the wall blew outwards, killin' a couple more o'the Empire's finest and burying a few more in debris.

"Grab th'blasters, steal their ammo and let's get th'frack outta here." Kazaar couldn't help but admire 'is handiwork as th'stormtroopers laid 'round like o'buncha smash ball players who'd just been checked into oblivion. Just with a bit more blood. "This place is gonna be swarmin' with either Imps or plague carriers in o'couple."

He shoved o'few more ammo clips into his blasters, then grabbed a couple thermal detonators. "Let's go Lady, I ain't interested in seein' who gets here first."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 24th, 2011, 12:49:33 AM
De'Ville double checked her power cell, noting how many shots she had left before replacing it in the blaster rifle. "Move your ass then," she retorted over the internal comm. "I'm following your lead."

He grunted, but climbed over the rubble he'd created. De'Ville picked her way across behind him, pausing only to put a blaster bolt into the neck of a half buried, but still alive, Stormtrooper. She brought up the city plans on her HUD, and examined the sewer system's layout. "Looks like our best entry point is a mile to the east - there's an intake set in the street for rain run-off that's big enough to drop down into if we take the grate off."

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 24th, 2011, 08:59:11 PM
De'Ville ended up takin' lead, leaving Kazaar to make sure their six was covered as they moved towards the sewer system.

City had gotten real frackin' quiet by then. Streets were empty for th'most part, albeit littered with debris from the explosions and whatever other general hell that'd broken out. From time t'time, the two Rebels would hear blaster bolts going off or some kinda growl-scream from one o'the plague carriers. But for th'most part...pretty damn quiet.

'Bout that time they found the bodies.

Things had been strewn 'cross the parking lot like they'd just fallen and died right there. Buncha them looked like they'd been in line or something but keeled over before they had o'fracking chance. Others had been shot in the head...plague carriers it seemed like. Or folks who weren't interested in gettin' inoculated.

Kazaar scowled. Damn horrific sight.

Things were still pretty frackin' still, so either the plague carriers were smaller than it seemed, or they were busy killing a buncha other people.

"Entrance is just down the alley about 300 yards."

"Good. Ain't interested in hanging 'round this frackin' place that much longer."

Lady's reply was o'kinda snort/Mandalorian curse and Kazaar just smirked. Had ice in 'er veins that was f'fracking sure.

They moved quickly past the bodies and down the alley towards the sewer system. Still wasn't much t'see. Tarkingrad was o'pretty dead town (an' not just 'cause there was some kinda plague running 'round the place either). Fracking place just seemed kinda empty. Not a lotta corporations made their home here, just o'few Mom'n Pop's, couple feed stores, all that kinda crap. Just the kinda place ya'd expect the Empire t'set up shop if they were behind whatever was goin' on.

"Oh you gotta..."

Kazaar peered over Lady's head as they got t'the grate. He was feeling th'same frackin' thing. Instead of being th'normal entry to a sewer system, the Imps had installed o'massive, circular durasteel door. Thing had a real small grate letting sewage run underground but nothing else. Next to it was a smaller, rectangular door which was obviously used by maintenance workers t'go underground. And that was guarded by o'fracking keypad.

"Empire sure as hell looking t'keep peeps out that's f'damn sure..."

"I think I can hotwire it..." De'Ville stated plainly and started towards th'door. "Watch my back will you."

'Course De'Ville had say that. 'Bout that time those plague carriers who hadn't been seen forra while decided to walk 'round a corner, almost like it was out onna leisurely weekend stroll. That feelin' sure ended when it spotted th'two armored figures (who obviously didn't have whatever th'frack was shootin' through its bloodstream) and let outta roar.

Kazaar shot it in th'chest but the damn thing just shook it off and started charging at 'em. 'Bout ten others suddenly rounded the corner too, bloodlust in their eyes.

Th'ex-bounty hunter fired off a couple more bolts, before switching to th'rail detonator. First rail charge caught lead plague carrier in the leg and blew it off. Things hit the ground but kept clawing towards 'im, ignoring the blood that started pouring from its leg. Second rail blew one in half, spillin' a few more on the ground. They got up pretty Force-damned fast and kept moving towards 'em.

"Got it. Inside!" De'Ville ordered an' Kazaar sure as hell wasn't gonna argue.

He leaped inside, tossing his last mine on the ground and De'Ville quickly followed. Just as th'door started t'slam shut, Kazaar's mine went off. Blew up the plague carrier that'd run past it into pieces.

The thing's head just happened t'miss De'Ville and smack Kazaar right in th'helmet just as the door closed, sealing both Rebels inside the sewers.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 24th, 2011, 11:14:11 PM
The backlash from the too-close explosion rocked her off her feet, sending her tumbling down the concrete steps that descended into the sewer tunnel. "Gods dammit," she snarled, catching herself about halfway down the stairs. In the darkness she could hear Kazaar cursing as well, and switched to infrared, bathing her surroundings with bright green in the HUD.

"Thanks for that," she said dryly as he came down the stairs towards her. "I'm sure no one has any idea where we are, we were so quiet about it."

De'Ville walked the rest of the way down the stairs, favoring one of her legs that had twisted a bit during her fall. Didn't seem too bad; she'd just walk it off.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 24th, 2011, 11:54:43 PM
Kazaar gave o'forced smile, hidden behind his helmet. "Look Lady, ya wanna bitch 'bout it go right o'frackin' head. Ya think I was trying t'fracking get us killed?"

He was pretty sure she was glaring at 'im but wasn't worried 'bout that. She could kill 'im if she wanted for all he fracking cared. All he knew was he could heard a buncha loud *thunks* on th'door they'd just come through. Damn plague carriers were trying t'bust in.

"Let's get th'frack outta here. Gotta be o'way to the Imp's base."

This time, De'Ville let Kazaar take lead. Wasn't sure if it was 'cause o'her hurt legs or 'cause she was gonna shoot 'im in the back. Didn't matter...Kazaar'd put in double armored plating...just in case.

The stairs eventually led to o'small walkway. On one side was the wastewater river leading outta Tarkingrad. On th'other side, hugging the wall, were a buncha pipes which hugged the ceiling.

He couldn't help but stare at 'em. "Things look pretty new."

"Maybe the Empire replaced them as a favor."

"Yeh frackin' right. Empire version of o'frackin favor is making sure they give ya o'bantha steak that's gotta fast workin' poison, not o'slow one.

"Naw...these shit f'brains've got something goin' on."

Sewers were a lot like the road leadin' up to it. Quiet. 'Cept, of course, for the Force-damned monsters on the outside trying t'bust their way in. Either way, Kazaar wasn't looking forward t'running into them again, unless he got more ammo. Or o'Death Star laser.

"Hold up. Hear that?"

Voice. And based on the vocabulators...


"Sure you got those turrets (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Turret) working?" Voice One came.

Another voice answered. "Still having issues with the top left one. I can't get it to auto target without throwing the entire grid off."

"Well fix it!" A third voice put in. "I'm not interested in waiting down here if there are more of those things coming. We'd be more borked than we already are."

"Okay okay, hang on...alright it's calibrating again. Needs...five minutes..."

"That damn long? What'd you fill those things with sludge?" Four voices now.

"Not my fault. These things have always been damned buggy."

Kazaar looked at De'Ville and got o'nod. Now or frackin' never.

He counted t'three, then went 'round the corner, blaster rifle up.

Imps never had o'frackin' chance...

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 25th, 2011, 12:11:32 AM
She wasn't too worried about the crazies outside breaking into the sewers, she hadn't broken the lock, she'd only opened the door. Once it had shut the entrance should have sealed up tight like before.

Of course, with the nearby explosion, there was no telling what shape the door was in. She came around the corner behind Kazaar, targeting the active autoturrets with her blaster rifle while he raked the troopers with sizzling energy bolts. The two Rebels had the element of surprise, and after a few minutes the sewer was quiet again.

De'Ville sloshed across the shallow stream of waste water to check the recalibrating turret, pushing a dead trooper over to give herself more room. "Looks like this one will work - we should let it be, now that we're on this side of it."

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 25th, 2011, 08:06:03 PM
De'Ville got o'nod in return. 'Least this thing'd gone right. Not like the entire mission'd been FUBAR but just more than either o'them had expected.

They both rifled through the stormtroopers' armors, grabbing whatever ammo they could get plus whatever keycards or codes they had. Figures th'fracking bucket heads were low on th'totem pole (prob'ly why the Force-damned frackers drew sewer duty t'begin with) to have anything real important. 'Least there was an updated map. Those things always came in handy.

"Looks like the lift's gonna spill us out on th'second floor. Must be where they got the armory." He smirked behind his helmet. "Hell if we're lucky we can grab o'few more explosives t'blow this place to hell."

"You and your damned explosives..." De'Ville gave o'wry reply.

Kazaar snorted. "Sure beats going 'round with o'buncha weapons that're gonna run out. An' makes sure the Empire's finest ain't frackin' interested in charging us. Lay o'couple mines..." Let it hang as he spotted somethin' else. "Frackin' odd...Our map says th'buildin' ends 'bout 500 square feet before it's supposed to. Imp map's got something else. Some kinda restricted area."

"Computer core?"

"Naw that's on the third floor. This is on the second. Near th'Med Lab too. Bet ya o'case o'liquor that's where we're find our best info." He got in th'lift and knocked out the emergency exit so they'd have access to it's top.

"'Bout time th'fracking fun began. I'll give ya o'boost."

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 28th, 2011, 02:00:10 PM
She put her hands on his shoulders and her foot in his clasped hands, and pulled herself up through the hatch to the topside of the turbolift. Bracing herself, De'Ville reached back down to grab Aurelias' forearm and help haul him up.

Raising her arm she shot her grappling hook up the shaft. It landed with a soft thunk approximately where the third floor was, some forty five feet above them. "See you there." She gave Kazaar a two fingered salute, tapping her helmet, and then pressed the recall on the grapple, shooting up into the air.

Aurelias Kazaar
Jan 29th, 2011, 01:17:49 AM
Kazaar smirked an' followed suit with his own grappling gun. 'Bout fracking time the action started.

De'Ville was quick. When Kazaar'd gotten up to the second floor, she'd already pulled the lift doors opened and killed two stormies (Kazaar sure as hell wasn't sure what'd happened, he hadn't heard a damn thing). He tossed the bodies down th'shaft, while De'Ville kept watch with 'er SG-4 raised.

Turns out it was good she had it ready. Couple Imp stormtroopers ended up walkin' down the hall (prob'ly the change in shift, who the frack knew) just as Kazaar was getting rid o'the last body.

"You there freeze!" One shouted and went for his blaster. De'Ville dropped both o'em with a quick shot.

Alarms started goin' off as the blaster fire was registered. Kazaar smirked as he pulled his EE-3 carbine up. "Down th'frackin' hall let's go!"

They moved quickly inna tight formation where th'dead stormies were laying. Kazaar checked th'hallway they'd come from...nothin' yet. "Got ya back Lady, move it!"

De'Ville cut cross the hallway entrance, with Kazaar followin' a couple seconds later. No Imps yet, but both o'em knew that'd change pretty quickly. She didn't wait 'round much longer and stormed down the hall, with Kazaar hot on 'er heels.

Building was set up like o'lotta other Imperial buildings. Six or seven interconnecting hallways, set up inna box-like formation. Pretty easy to move down, with 'least a couple doors per hall. Plenty of cover, but not a lotta ambush points. Just 'nough to make things frackin' suck.

"It's on the other end of the building. At least 75 yards or so!"

"Keep moving. Too frackin' qui--"

Didn't get the chance t'finish the sentence as six stormtroopers startin' firing at 'em from a couple doorways ahead.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 9th, 2011, 11:20:49 AM
De'Ville snapped off a couple quick shots, not really expecting to hit anything as she pressed herself into a doorway. She was closer to the Stormtroopers than Kazaar was, and found herself pinned down by the blaster fire, sticking her blaster rifle around the structural rib of the hallway and shooting blindly.

From the sounds of it she'd actually hit one of them, but this situation was much less than ideal, especially when not using the Force.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 9th, 2011, 12:13:37 PM
As usual, Kazaar made his presence know with o'loud frackin' BOOM!

Stormtroopers went rattlin' around the hallway like o'buncha empty bourbon bottles an' Kazaar had to smirk. Wasn't like he was wastin' rails, but at this point there was no Force-damned reason t'be quiet now. With the Hell breakin' out all over the place, the ex-bounty hunter decided there needed t'be o'little chaos too.

No time t'waste as he and De'Ville dashed down th'hall as quick as they could. They'd just rounded o'corner when Kazaar spotted something.

"Shit get down!" He pushed Lady outta the way just as two heavy blaster bolts caught him in th'chest. He'd live...but it frackin' hurt...

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 12th, 2011, 09:45:51 PM
She cursed under her breath, snapping into position and downing the troopers who'd shot Kazaar. De'Ville slung her rifle across her back, then reached down and hooked Kazaar under the arms, dragging him down the hallway towards the objective until he was able to get his feet underneath him.

Reaching the medlab, the two Rebels burst in, and were surprised to find it abandoned. "Interesting," De'Ville said, stalking to a computer and inserting a datastick, the pre-sliced code breaker going to work on the encryption while Kazaar moved through the lab to access the secure area they were headed for. "Might as well see if there's any... huh.

"This is pretty serious security for a medical computer."

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 15th, 2011, 11:07:01 PM
"'Cause it's not just a frackin' Med Lab." Kazaar was starin' at the secured door he'd just popped open. Way he said it made Lady turn around.

There were four Force cages (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_cage) all lined up inna row against the wall. Three o'em been turned off, but both Rebels could still see the human remains in 'em. Pretty godawful too. All looked like they'd been burned at some point and pulled out f'study. Hell...Kazaar bet the frackin' Imps were still studying whatever the frack was in 'em to see what was going on.

But the fourth...forth was o'Force-damned travesty. Little girl was in it...or what looked like one. She was completely skin'n bones. And the skin looked like it'd taken a red frackin' hue from all the drugs she had to've been shot up with.

Kazaar walked up forra closer look. Wasn't skin...it was frackin' blood. Girl'd either sweat out or just coughed up a buncha blood all over the cage's floor. Lotta it looked t'be dry. Rest o'it was all over 'er body. Frackin' hell...Girl 'erself wasn't moving too much either. Just kinda openin' her mouth from time t'time like she was trying t'bite at th'air.

Whoever she was, she tried t'focus her blood red eyes on Kazaar an' De'Ville as they gawked at 'er behind their helmets. The girl just hissed, coughed, then fell back still...

Kazaar let outta growl, feelin' his blood start t'get hot and his fists clench.

"Looks like we found our Patient Frackin' Zero..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 22nd, 2011, 04:00:26 PM
De'Ville stood silently for a moment, her mind lost in memories (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=217858&postcount=27), then she pulled her blaster rifle off her back. "We'll get the information off the computers. Find out what they did to her."

She leveled the muzzle of the weapon at the girl, and moved to slap the controls for the cage to deactivate it.

Aurelias Kazaar
Feb 23rd, 2011, 07:57:56 PM
"No don't!" a high voice almost *squawked* b'fore De'Ville could actually open th'cage. "She'll kill you!"

Kazaar snorted behind 'is mask and turned one o'The Twins' towards th'intruder. Been o'while since Kazaar'd seen o'Omwati (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Omwati) but o'thin one, with black feathered head raced into th'lab from an adjoining room. Neither Kazaar or De'Ville noticed him but they'd been too busy starin' at the horror in front of them.

Guy wore o'lab coat over o'drab grey jumpsuit. That pretty much givin' away that he was some kinda scientist...frackers were either goofy as hell or boring as hell. This one was no exception. Pretty much stood in between Lady's blaster rifle an' the control to the prison.

"Who th'frack're you." Th'ex-bounty hunter growled dangerously. If th'chuffsucker was involved in whatever hell was goin' on.

"I'm Dr. Bleth Kassa formerly based on Coruscant now focusing on 'Special Projects' for the Galactic Empire's research and development division." Guy was pretty proud o'his accomplishments, even with two blaster barrels facin' his thin face.

"You th'head o'this 'special project." Kazaar scowled.

"Forced to, yes." Kassa answered. "I was assigned here against my will after asking to be returned home. The Empire wouldn't allow it. They claimed I hadn't done my job in making sure the Death Star was safe.'

"Forced ya t'frackin' work on kids..."

The scientist raised his arms. "I didn't want to, I promise you." Voice gotta little shrill. "They wanted me to develop a plague, able to kill off the population of any planet within a month. I honestly didn't want to, but they told me I'd have my freedom after that.

"But..." one of Kassa's thin, blue fingers raised. "I tricked them. I didn't give them what they wanted, not really. The Empire wanted to be able to control the plague...but I showed them."

Now th'fracker's mouth twitched into o'mad smile. I manufactured it so it would burn out in a little over 48 hours...

"It took a while...I had to make sure it wouldn't burn out so quickly...that's why." Pointed towards th'three other cages. "You can see not everyone made it. And sadly the girl will die soon too. She's lasted longer than anyone else...but she's infected just like all the rest."

His eyes grew wide. "Even you have the virus burning through your systems..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 24th, 2011, 02:01:19 PM
"Sure we do," Lilaena said. "We are raging balls of plague right now. Better watch out."

She slapped the controls and the energy field protecting the Force Cage fell away. The creature inside moaned and began moving, like a blood and rag covered skeleton, but De'Ville did not hesitate. As soon as the field disappeared her finger twitched on the trigger, putting a blaster bolt into the girl's head, ending her misery.

De'Ville reactivated the Force Cage and turned back to the scientist. "You were saying? I am sorry, I interrupted your crazy rant."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 19th, 2011, 04:31:17 PM
"Nooooo!" Science guy pretty much wailed an' rushed towards De'Ville. Kazaar was 'bout ready t'cut him down, but the Omwati raced passed her, shut off the Force Cage an' got in it with the girl's corpse. He cradled it too like it was some kinda lost lover he'd just found dead ovva horrific death.

"You don't know what you've done!" It was frackin' creepy. Especially when the scientist kissed th'corpse on th'forehead. Now th'guy was moaning over an' over. Tellin' the girl (whoever she was) he was sorry she'd died an' that he loved 'er. Creepy.

"She...was the key to it all! My greatest creation..." Both Kazaar an' De'Ville just kinda stared as th'Imp started rambling, still holding th'girl's dead body.

"My latest masterpiece." His eyes were wild as he started up at 'em. "The first of my one-part players."

Kazaar gave Lady o'look. Frackin' hell.

"The chaos that's out there, it's unrefined." The scientist prattled on. "It has so much potential but can fall apart too quickly. My virus wasn't good enough at the start. People were burning out, their bodies drained from what it put on them.

"And it was incomplete. I had to give them the artwork in two parts...pretend they needed part one for their protection. Part two they took willingly, as a way to counteract the side effects of part one. The red eyes and sluggishness."

Blue-skinned Science Guy blinked. "It was imperfect but the results were fantastic. Their aggression, their anger. The way it took to them...oh it was gorgeous."

He quivered. "But it died too soon, too soon...too soon. It wouldn't hold. So I kept experimenting...tweaking...trying to make it work." He clutched the girl's head tightly.

"And it did! I did it! I made this work! She was my greatest creation! She was the one who'd I'd show off. The one who could pass it along with just a single bite or a single drop of blood. Oh...what we could have seen. What Dac or even Coruscant could have looked like under my masterpiece.

"AND YOU RUINED IT!" He screamed, then started caressin' th'girl's body. "But...but wait...maybe not...maybe, her blood can be harvested. It can be done! I shall do it! My masterpiece will live!!"

The scientist suddenly raced outta th'cage towards a buncha science tools o'some kind.

Kazaar'd been bored long time ago, but 'least they'd found out just what th'frack was going on. Crazy-ass scientist made plague t'wreak all sorts o'hell on galaxy. Made perfect frackin' sense t'him.

"Hey...psycho." De'Ville'd moved towards th'Force Cage. She activated it again.

"No! No! Stop! Don't do that! I need her!" Guy was almost pleadin'. It was Force-damned pathetic.

Pretty sure De'Ville face was twisted in some kinda hateful look 'neath 'er helmet as she pressed o'few buttons on th'cage. It made o'*whining* sound then overloaded. Girl's body was disintegrated inna instant.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" Science guy wailed, tears comin' outta his eyes.

Kazaar just smirked an' pulled his blaster. Shot th'Imp in th'stomach, sending 'im tumbling to th'ground. He moaned again as Kazaar strode towards 'im.

"Die slowly fracker." Gave 'im o'kick f'good measure.

Lady was back at th'computer tappin' o'few buttons. Prob'ly hoping the guy's notes were on it so she could take 'em. "We have a problem."

"Tell me somethin' new." Th'ex-bounty hunter was by 'er side pretty quickly.

"This computer has been wiped clean. There's nothing on here. There were four levels of security when I tried to get on originally, now there's none."

"Empire gotta buncha invisible stormtroopers they send down t'frack with us while our moanin' crazy was goin' nuts?"

De'Ville shook 'er head. "No. I think someone remotely did it."

Kazaar crossed 'is arms. Sure that could be o'reason but how th'frack would he know. Hated computers with o'frackin' passion. Hell, normally let th'Kid or 'Trey' do all the computer work. Frackin' things sucked.

Lady was tappin' another couple buttons. "Yeah...someone remotely did it. Still gotta be here though (tone sounded lot like Kazaar's then). I think it's upstairs."

"Command Center?" Kazaar was slingin' 'Evey' from 'er holster on his back. De'Ville was already headed t'the door. Guess that was 'er answer.

They got outta th'lab only t'see 'bout 20 Imps standin' with blasters aimed right at 'em. Lead guy was another prissy-faced officer who'd prob'ly got off on just wearin' th'damn Imperial uniform. "Don't...move." Imp smiled.

If th'guy coulda seen th'look on Kazaar's face, his smile prob'ly woulda just frozen.

"So whatta ya think, Lady...take th'nine on th'right an' I got the 11 on th'left?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 22nd, 2011, 11:44:38 AM
De'Ville rolled her eyes at Kazaar's quips, but the expression was lost inside her helmet. If she wasn't holding back to maintain her cover, she could have take out half the group without even using her blaster.

"Sure," she said on the internal comm as the prissy officer motioned four of his troops forward to 'take care' of them. "Whatever you don't get I will clean up."

Her SG-4 twitched up and she started blasting away, hitting the knees of the Stormtroopers nearest to her and then working her way up. She took a hit in the chestplate that left a smoking circle of carbon scoring on the armor, but she left herself facing the troopers rather than twisting to present a smaller target. Showing them her side would expose the seams in her armor which were not well suited for absorbing and dissipating blaster bolts like the major pieces were.

The officer had been forgotten for the moment as the hallway dissolved into a full blown close quarters firefight. Suddenly he and the two Mando'a were the only ones standing. No... the two Rebels. Lilaena frowned to herself as she leveled her blaster rifle at him. "Take us to the command center."

Aurelias Kazaar
Mar 23rd, 2011, 07:51:43 PM
Th'Imp's eyes were pretty wide. Kazaar smirked. Guy must've almost pissed 'is pants by how quickly he'n De'Ville took out his stormtrooper guard. Pretty frackin' fun being feared at times.

Th'ex-bounty hunter pressed one o'the Twins by th'Imp's head. "Now fracker. Move ya ass."

The officer didn't bother stoppin' as he led 'em towards the command area. Kazaar kept 'im 'least a couple feet in front, just in case the guy decided t'grow o'set. He didn't. Just kept leadin' down the boring-ass grey halls until he got to o'staircase heading up.

"It's just up here." Officer's voice'd lost all ovva its prissy-ness and seemed more t'be focusing on staying alive. Not o'bad choice. "It's keycarded, I'll need to get it ou-"

"Which pocket ya got it in."

Th'Imp visibly *gulped*. "Inside my jacket..."

Sonova...Kazaar was 'bout ready t'shoot the guy. He sure as hell wasn't 'bout t'play 'grope th'Imp' forra damn card.

"Take the jacket off and give it to me." De'Ville's voice seemed t'relax the Imperial o'bit. Probably didn't wanted Kazaar touchin' him either. "Slowly."

Usin' one hand, the guy took off 'is brown coat. 'Least he was wearing a T-shirt underneath...guy's skin was pasty. "Gotta get out more pal." Kazaar smirked.

Lady took th'jacket an' fished around in it a bit. Her hand came out holdin' a blue keycard and she quickly swiped it in the door. It opened with hardly a sound and the trio went in.

Place looked lot like th'other command center's Kazaar'd been in. Pretty stale, buncha small computer consoles built into th'wall with chairs in front o'the monitors. In the middle was o'large table computer. Probably where th'base commander'd be. So he could watch allah his minions at work.

In fact, standing behind th'table was o'slight man. The guy's hair was startin' to thin outta bit, but was o'streak of red. His face was slightly freckled but only brought out his hard green eyes. The Imperial wore the black of an intelligence officer and his hands were covered in tight gloves.

"Yes." Guy's voice was surprisingly deep and sounded like he was starin' at three annoyances instead o'two heavily armored Mandalorians/Rebels and one o'his own officers. "I take it there's a reason for this interruption Lieutenant? I was told not to be both-"


Kazaar's blaster echoed through th'command center an' the prissy Lieutenant's body hit th'ground hard with a hole in his head.

'Bout then the lead Imp turned his freckled face towards th'Rebels. "So...you're the two Mandalorian bounty hunters who have been making things...difficult...here.

"What do you want?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 7th, 2011, 10:08:13 AM
De'Ville ignored the Imperial, mildly curious as to what Kazaar would do to him and content to let that play out. She made her way to the main terminal and inserted the datastick, the code-breaker going to work on the encryption.

"This is gonna take a while," she said through the internal comm. No need to tip off this Imperial. "Seven, ten minutes maybe. Gotta get through security and then download the information... and there is a banthaload of it." She suddenly realized that she was unconsciously adapting her dialect to more closely match her partner's, and it was annoying.

De'Ville fished a datacard from her suit, and hoped she could get all the files onto it. It was supposed to have sufficient memory, and she had a back up or two, just in case, but if she had to switch out cards this would take at least a minute longer.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 12th, 2011, 10:38:03 PM
"Pretty frackin' simple pal." Kazaar wasn't aiming for th'Imp but made sure it hadn't gone outta sight. Wanted t'give Imp th'Red o'message. Don't frack around.

"You want to know what going on." The Imperial didn't seem impressed. In fact, way he looked he was pretty frackin' unimpressed. Guy wasn't giving o'damn. Pissed Kazaar off an' also made him kinda wary. "You've seen what's been happening.

"People have become full of anger, racing around and biting people, infecting them with some type of virus you don't understand." Imp th'Red seemed pretty frackin' pleased with himself. His eyes seem t'gaze outside th'viewport towards the city. "Something you can't wrap around your brain."

He still hadn't moved. "Sadly, this experiment is a failure. "

Kazaar coulda shot 'im right then. Somehow kept himself from doin' that. Must be th'Kid rubbin' off on him. Or something.

Instead, he just gritted his teeth an' growled. "Ya call this o'fracking experiment? Messin' around with people who don't know what kinda frackin' shit you're doin' to 'em? More like Force-damned torture if ya ask me."

The Imperial's laugh was hollow. "Yes, an experiment. Conducted by a mad doctor who should have been controlled more." He almost seemed to shrug. "But sadly, that's not the case. Too much chaos is never a good thing."


Kazaar's blaster bolt just bounced away. Frack...Shoulda known th'fracker woulda had a shield on. Guy obviously was an asshole but o'smart one. Ya don't get t'being bald and runnin' experiments on planets if ya don't have some kinda brains between ya ears. Even if the brains are fracked up.

The Imperial chuckled. "Ah me...you Mandalorians never did understand control did you? Too bad. You'd understand why this failed. The virus is too unstable. Too many adverse effects on the human body. Perhaps with more experiments it could be harnessed but I somehow doubt it."

Th'Imp gave *tsk* as if staring at a child who'd spilled their milk. "Oh well..." His left thumb bounced off 'is chair's armrest. "I'll file it in my report..."


Compound was suddenly shaken as o'loud, but muffled explosion was heard outside th'compound. Kazaar turned t'see the entire city'd gone from durasteel black an' brick to some kinda white/grey. And it'd started snowing 'neath as well. Except it didn't look like real snow. Looked more like...

"Ash..." Both Kazaar an' De'Ville were almost gawkin' at the town.

"It's frackin' ash..."

Bastard had just incinerated the entire damn town...

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 13th, 2011, 04:29:45 PM
The backlash through the Force was sudden and powerful, and De'Ville had to put a hand down on the computer console to steady herself. Kazaar was cursing over the internal comm, and the Imperial was gloating behind his shield, and the console beneath her beeped.

All the information had been sliced out and stored in the datastick. She struggled momentarily to pull out the stick, and then carefully placed it in its spot inside her suit. Without turning around, still leaning on the console, she stretched with the Force, overloading the circuits of the Inquisitorate officer's personal shield.

Kazaar saw the shielding flicker and fade away, and De'Ville could almost hear his sudden grin as he raised his blaster rifle.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 14th, 2011, 12:11:52 AM
Kazaar only shot th'blaster rifle twice, but it did its job. Blaster bolts tore into th'Imp's left shin 'causin' him t'pitch forward in his command chair an' to the ground. Kazaar was on 'im in a moment's notice, giving the Imp a rabbit's punch so he wouldn't pass out.

The Rebel stood on the Imp's back an' looked towards De'Ville. Seemed o'little shaken but was startin' to get 'er bearings.

"See if they gotta couple med kits 'round here." Kazaar just kinda stared down at th'fallen Imp. Then bent down an' pulled out o'long vibroblade. Started cuttin' along the fracker's uniform, makin' sure the jacket was cut away. Guy was wearin' o'tank top below and had o'tattoo with a symbol he pretty much recognized almost immediately.

Guy was o'Inquistor. One o'Valten's little minions. Bastard was testin' out whatever the hell he just blew up to see if it'd work onna larger population. Frackin' bastard. Kazaar could feel th'hate startin' to boil over. Encouragin' him t'keep going an' obey the desires to unleash o'monster he hardly ever touched.

He kicked th'thing (long let any notion's the Imperial was o'person) over onto its back an' started pullin' off the creature's boots and pants.

De'Ville asked him o'question he didn't hear, was too focused on the thing in front of him. She had a couple med kits and Kazaar pulled outta few bacta patches.

First ones went on the blaster wounds on the Imperial's legs. Kazaar put o'couple more on the bastard's shoulders an' wrists, then a couple on the fracker's naked thighs. Hefted th'Imp over his shoulders an' brought him towards the durasteel wall.

Time to go to work.

Vibroblades slid into skin an' bone with sharp *thunks*. Bastard cringed, then screamed as th'pain shot through its body in sharp pricks.

"Whatta ya know..." Kazaar smirked. "Ya finally woke up."

Imp's freckled face suddenly looked 'round an' screamed in horror.

The Inquisitor was hangin' from the wall with vibroblades stickin' outta it like some damn pin cushion.

"I want ya t'feel the pain as it goes through ya." Kazaar's guttural voice was sinister. His laugh had o'sadistic tone t'it. He ran one o'his free vibroblades down th'frackers chest.

"See ya gonna hurt a helluva lot longer than the people ya massacred." Kazaar laughed again an' dug th'blade into the flesh on the bastard's arm. Pulled it back an' watched the blood started t'stream down the wall.

Wasn't enough. Bastard deserved so much frackin' more pain. So much...Kazaar exposed muscle, then o'bit o'bone on the arm.

An' laughed again.

'Bout that time he noticed De'Ville standin' next to him. "Lady." Kazaar's voice was scarily pleasent. Had o'tone like he was starin' at fruits inna cart. "Wanna take o'shot at 'im?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 14th, 2011, 12:25:42 AM
She was watching him almost clinically, feeling strangely detached as Kazaar tortured the officer. The vibroblade was an unbelievably sharp weapon, blade sonically charged to instantly cut through just about anything. The Rebel barely had to touch it to skin to lay the Imperial open.

For some reason it made her think of Hawkins Grime.

"I was thinking, actually, that we should probably be getting out of here. Before some other office on the outside gets cute with your ship."

She shifted her weight on her feet, and added, "You can take him with, if you're bound and determined to frell him up some more."

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 14th, 2011, 12:41:45 AM
Kazaar's laugh was hollow. "Those frackers on th'outside got no Force-damned idea what the hell's goin' on. Or they're dead." That was o'pretty pleasant thought to Kazaar.

"But this fracker." Ran th'blade down the Imp's chest leavin' a wide cut. "Naw...he stays."

Took him 'bout five minutes t'pull skin away from rib muscle an' another two t'get down to the bone. Did th'same to the legs and other arm. 'Bout 15 minutes in all.

Kazaar could be frackin' efficient when he wanted to. An' all the while the Imp screamed in pain. But couldn't pass out. Kazaar wouldn't let him.

After 'nother five minutes o'torture, the Rebel disemboweled the Imperial an' left 'it hangin' by the two blades in the wrists.

"Let's get th'frack outta here, Lady." He smirked beneath his helmet an' laughed an almost hideous laugh. "Time t'go home."

Led 'er out the door in silence. Hell, the entire damn building'd gone silence. Just a buncha bodies lying 'round where they'd been shot. Eerily peaceful in some fracked up way.

Kinda how Kazaar wanted it. Too busy savorin' what he'd done.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 14th, 2011, 11:09:53 AM
De'Ville nodded, letting Kazaar take point as she lifted her blaster rifle and followed, going through the motions of checking doorways and such as they went, but she felt the emptiness of the building through the Force. She didn't say anything, didn't think there was anything to say.

The stairwell was quiet as they maneuvered through the command building. Once they got to sections that they hadn't been in previously, the two Rebels tightened up their high/low positions, working together in silence as though they'd been partners for years.

Still, the whole place was empty. It was eerie, or would have been if De'Ville wasn't concentrating on making sure there were no surprises waiting for them.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 14th, 2011, 11:05:24 PM
They slipped outta th'base without running into any trouble. Kazaar was 'least expecting a couple stormies to be runnin' around like Ewoks with their frackin' heads off. Instead there was nothin'.

Just one lone Imp officer (same prissy lookin' fellow who'd waved 'em in few hours before) asleep inna guard house. Not even worth wastin' the energy on.

They made it to th'Night Train an' Kazaar keyed in the entry code. 'Trey' was waitin' for 'em at the top of the entrance ramp.

"Those frackers try t'do anything." Kazaar just kinda smirked at th'response he got from the R7 droid. "Really...tried t'place a trackin' device on the rear landin' gear. What'd ya do?"

'Trey' *twittered* a response an' seemed t'be almost laughing.

"Ya drop o'pulse grenade on 'em? Damn...what'd they do after that?" Kazaar chuckled. "Didn't approach? Nice work. We'll hit up Anarak (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Anarak_IV) make sure Imps didn't leave any presents ya might've missed.

"Don't worry 'Trey,' ain't sayin' ya did o'bad job." Finally took off 'is helmet as th'loading ramp closed. "Just wanna make sure. Paranoia ain't o'bad thing."

He opened one o'his four humidors on th'way to the cockpit and grabbed o'pretty dark cigar. Acrid smoke filled the air as Kazaar started puffin' away. Tasted pretty damn good. So'd the double o'bourbon he gulped from as he slid into the pilot's seat.

"Let's get outta here."

Few minutes later an' De'Ville and Kazaar were leavin' Sestooine.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 15th, 2011, 05:23:43 PM
De'Ville ignored the conversation between Kazaar and the droid, walking instead to the armory where she put aside her borrowed weapons for cleaning. The ship took off, and she steadied herself against the bulkhead with a hand, and then found a seat to strap into for the jump to lightspeed.

Once they were well on their way, a process of just a few minutes, De'Ville started taking off the Mando'ade armor. First, the helmet, which she placed on its stand. Then the microweave flightsuit was carefully undone, though she had to do a bit of twisting to get at the connections.

Generally, this wasn't something she was used to doing on her own. As Manda'lor she always had someone to help her in and out of her armor. A grunt in the doorway startled her, and then the smell of Kazaar's cigar wafted in, followed shortly by the man himself in his blood stained armor. Her nose twitched, and she watched him without expression, still absently tugging on her suit to get the fasteners undone.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 15th, 2011, 09:50:52 PM
Kazaar'd already gotten his wrist gauntlets off an' was massaging his wrists. Wasn't that they hurt, but gauntlets always left o'weird feelin,' like his hands felt almost naked without 'em. Pretty frackin' stupid since Kazaar hardly ever work th'Mandy armor.

"Here, lemme get th'back." Got behind De'Ville an' started undoin' the clasps. She shucked off th'top, showing her scarred back 'neath her bra. "Why I don't always wear armor. Tough as all hell t'get off."

Kazaar turned 'round while De'Ville took off her pants an' slid on a pair of shorts he'd brought in. Kazaar popped the two clasps on his shoulders. "Grab th'two back clasps will ya? Ain't that flexible and th'heavy duty armor makes it pretty frackin' tough f'me to pull it off."

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 15th, 2011, 10:44:18 PM
She nodded, moving around behind him and pulling on the clasps until they popped open. He pulled at the heavy armor, and she helped him get the top part off, taking it and putting it on it's stand while he took care of the pants.

"Going to be a hell of a clean-up job," she said quietly, running her finger down the chest plate next to a bit of congealing blood. De'Ville turned and looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "You have done that before. Tortured a man to death. You knew what you were doing."

Her skin pimpled under a sudden breeze of cool air from the vents, reminding her she was barely clothed. She walked over to the blaster rifle she'd set aside, taking it apart with smooth efficiency.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 15th, 2011, 11:06:53 PM
"'Trey'," Kazaar keyed his comm. "When ya done gettin' us into hyperspace, bring that armor cleanin' kit down."

Gave Lady o'hooded look. "Yup. Did it to o'few frackers who were hoggin' air they oughta be letting others have. Frackers who were preyin' on people they shouldn't've. Or Imps who frackin' deserved it. Bastards. Wasn't 'nough. He'll woulda done more if their frackin' bodies hadn't crashed. Pain I give 'em'll never match what they doled out. Frackers deserved it."

Pulled apart one o'"The Twins" an' started cleaning 'er. "What ya expect just t'shoot the frackin' pieces o'bantha crap? The hell's wrong with ya?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 12:00:08 AM
She laughed at that, a throaty chuckle as she started scraping off the carbon scoring inside the barrel of the rifle. "Merely an observation, Kazaar." She set aside the power cell, and returned to cleaning, doing a quick, but thorough job.

De'Ville leaned her hip against the counter and looked across at him, one hand idly rubbing her belly. "How about a drink?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 12:10:54 AM
Kazaar smirked. She was talkin' his language. He downed 'is glass an' strode outta the room, tellin' De'Ville to follow. Turned out th'only place he didn't have alcohol stored was th'armory. Sure there was room but Kazaar figured he'd need more space f'blasters, explosives an' the like.

Felt the Night Train speed up o'bit as it hit hyperspace. 'Least they were leavin' that hell of o'world behind. Frackin' Imps. Thought of that damn plague was makin' him pissed again.

Kazaar sneered t'himself as he poured o'drink, downed it, then poured one f'De'Ville and another for himself. Handed th'strong liquor t'De'Ville an' plopped down inna chair, cigar smoke comin' outta his mouth.

An' yet there was still somethin' buggin' him.

"How'd ya get hooked up with th'Mandys?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 12:44:26 AM
She'd pulled a zip up sweatshirt on as they'd passed 'her' room, but hadn't zipped it. "How did you?" De'Ville swirled the amber liquid in her glass, then drank it down, helping herself to more before joining Aurelias in sitting down.

She shrugged, already feeling a bit of a warm glow from the liquor. "Maybe I was born into it."

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 12:52:27 AM
"That o'fact." Kazaar smirked. Kinda surprised he seemed t'caught De'Ville off guard on the Mandy question. Wasn't like she hadn't frackin' spoken Mando'a durin' their battle in the hospital.

"If ya that damn good ovva fight (and ya sure as shit are) how come ya ain't hooked up with Death Watch or th'Mandalorian Protectors? Sure those guys could use ya." Drained 'is glass and grabbed o'beer.

"Ain't sayin' ya ain't welcome here, but I figure ya didn't join th'Rebels to frackin' run 'round on planets blowin' up plague carriers or hangin' 'round my ship in shorts anna jacket."

Held up the bourbon bottle. "Want 'nother?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 01:07:42 AM
She considered it for a moment, then finished her glass and held it out. He refilled it, and De'Ville leaned back in her seat. "Are you like the Mando'ade police? Gonna turn me in? Rogue clan member with mysterious past..."

De'Ville sipped her drink, finding that it was stronger than she'd figured and she better not drink anymore. "Sounds like we have a lot in common."

She set her glass down lightly, zipping up her sweatshirt and tucking her long bare legs up underneath her.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 01:16:57 AM
"Funny how that kinda turns out." Kazaar admitted.

Beer felt good goin' down. Hell, might even get rip-roarin' drunk. Been o'while since that'd happened. Successful mission, buncha Imps killed...why th'frack shouldn't get get all tore up. Could be fun.

"Hell, my dad got kicked outta Death Watch." Kazaar smirked. "'Parently he had an issue with torture. Figure those frackers be happy with o'guy who'd go down an' dirty, but since he only wanted t'torture rapists an' slavers...

"Ya believe he became o'Force-damned archeologist anna protestor...funny what life throws ya."

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 01:36:23 AM
De'Ville raised an eyebrow and shook her head. "Seems a drastic career change."

She picked up her glass again, and sipped the alcohol slowly. Of course, it was already too late for attempting moderation. You don't drink, she scolded herself, and then told herself to shut up. Lilaena drained the glass for the third time, holding the empty in her lap between both hands.

"I didn't care what you did to that man," she said abruptly. "You were right, he deserved it." And more. "Jus' caught me by surprise." She reached up, scratching her back over her shoulder.

She looked sideways at him, a glimmer of something dark in her green eyes. "Felt real good, didn't it."

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 01:43:45 AM
Kazaar chuckled. Same guttural, speeder with o'bad motivator laugh. "Yeh, did. Wouldn't o'done it if it wasn't fun. Fracker deserved it. Hell, sent o'fracking message to th'Empire. 'Least one o'the Rebels ain't frackin' 'round with that diplomacy bullshit.

"All for protectin' the innocent. Hell, why I took m'time with that bastard, whoever th'frack he was." Drained his beer an' switched back to the bourbon. Refilled De'Ville's glass too.

"If I'd ever gotta hold o'Vader, Tarkin, Palpatine...those bastards woulda been 'live for days while I cut 'em up. Woulda let 'em feel where I was comin'."

Took another drink. "Prob'ly the only thing I wouldn't've done was skull-frack 'em. That's how frackin' thorough I woulda been.

"How 'bout you? Ya ever take ya time with someone?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 02:09:16 AM
She shook her head slowly, a strange sensation making her face feel a little numb and her limbs tingly. "I was taught to make efficient kills. Waste no time."

De'Ville paused, swallowing more bourbon before continuing. "I would have torn Palpatine apart with my bare hands." Her voice was quiet, her eyes flat and cold... and then she blinked, focusing on Kazaar's face. "Somebody beat me to it, o' course. Now... there's only one person I would torture. An' o' course they're dead too."

She shifted in her seat, scratching at her back again. "She taught me control, but lacked it herself. Dunno why I never realized it before."

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 02:18:35 AM
"Funny what we learn eh?" Kazaar took o'long draw on his cigar an' let the smoke waft out. Mixed with th'booze it tasted pretty frackin' good.

"Ever think 'bout just lettin' loose? Or ya think she tried t'teach ya control 'cause she lacked it?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 02:33:08 AM
"She was a crazy bitch," she said slowly, as though she was trying out the words for the first time. "I have no idea why she did what she did."

Lilaena looked down and found her glass empty again. She set it aside a little unsteadily. "I was jus' a child when she gave me my scars. Well, th' Empire redid them f'me recently. But I used to... to thank her for correcting me."

Another woman might have cried, talking about things she'd never allowed herself to think about for too long. De'Ville just sat and stared at her empty glass, eyes hooded and smoldering with anger.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 12:04:47 PM
Kazaar's black eyes flashed in his own anger. Frackin' Imps. Fracking psycho dames. "The hell she'd try t'correct ya for? What ya decide t'not kill a buncha people who didn't deserve it."

He shook 'is head an' filled both their glasses. "Never understood bastards who preyed on innocents. Sorry ya didn't kill that bitch...ya get the Imps who tortured you?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 12:20:57 PM
"Not yet."

She unclenched a hand and reached for her glass, the liquor sliding warmly down her throat. There were red half-moon marks on her palm that she could see through the liquid, and she realized that she had dug her fingernails in fairly deeply without noticing.


What good was control? Control over others, control over yourself. De'Ville's eyelids flickered, her chest a roiling mass of growing anger that was pushing at her throat, constricting her neck and making it hard to breathe normally. A'na Eldhil had abused her. Taken advantage of her trust and rewarded her with ashes.

Lilaena closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 01:38:03 PM
"Ya want help?" Kazaar blew smoke outta his mouth, then took another drink. "Gotta give those frackers something t'fear. And if th'bosses ain't, why the frack can't we?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 01:49:39 PM
"Timing's not right," she said, but she didn't turn down the offer.

Thinking about A'na was a bad idea. Talking about her was a worse one. What was she thinking? Kazaar wasn't trustworthy. He was a psychotic Rebel who'd just flayed a man alive and enjoyed it -


De'Ville closed her eyes, a hand rubbing her forehead lightly while the other clutched her drink. Back to A'na. Another face had appeared in an old memory - a boy. He was watching as their master whipped her for making a mistake in a kata. Just... watching.

Salemescro. Salem.

Lilaena felt a damp sensation, and blinked her eyes open, surprised to find that the glass had exploded in her hand leaving her clutching broken shards. "Krasst!" Her sweatshirt was covered in glass and booze, and for a moment she just stared at her hand, slowly opening her fist and gazing at the blood.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 02:01:39 PM
Moved into action pretty frackin' quick. Kazaar grabbed o'heavy-duty med kit and popped it open. Grabbed o'couple gauze pads, tweezers and o'few bacta patches.

"Hold still Lady," Placed his hand on hers while he started diggin' glass outta De'Ville's palm with the tweezers. Her hand wasn't too torn up but she'd need the bacta patches. Pulled glass outta her fingers, cleaned the wounds an' started wrappin' 'em with the patches.

Couldn't help but chuckle. "The frack am I ya personal medic...always patchin' ya up. Gonna be alright? Won't be carryin' any weapons forra day or two. Good thing ya ain't o'FU right? Hafta not carry their damn sabers eh?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 02:13:02 PM
"'M right handed," she said, eying him suspiciously as he worked on her off hand. What was with all the Force user comments?

Lilaena turned her head too quickly, and the room started a slow, lazy spin around her. "I don' usually drink." She closed her eyes, and saw a face with pale white eyes imprinted on her eyelids.

She opened them again. "I'll be fine." He was just about done wrapping her injuries, and she pushed to her feet, glass falling from her lap to the floor. And she had no shoes on. De'Ville glared at the deck, unzipping her soiled jacket and removing it. "Sorry 'bout the mess..."

She looked around, and had a sudden picture of playing 'hot lava' and having to use the furniture to get out of the room. Her glare melted into a sudden grin. "What the hell's happening to me, this's gettin' ridiculous."

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 02:40:22 PM
"Here, lemme help ya." Kazaar grabbed 'er uninjured arm an' placed it over his shoulder. His left arm went 'round her waist just below 'er scars. Lady wasn't trashed but was sure as hell drunk off 'er ass. She'd be feelin' it in the mornin' that was f'damn sure. Took her into 'er room, noting 'Trey' had set out some water anna towel. Frackin' droid thought o'everything.

Set down with 'er on the bed. "Don't hafta apologize. All gotta let loose at times."

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 02:52:29 PM
"Not really," she said, laying back until her shoulders rested against the bulkhead, her legs dangling off the side of the bunk. Lilaena propped her elbows up underneath her to make the position more comfortable.

She looked over at Kazaar, a strange sort of sad smile on her face. He was looking a little fuzzy and she blinked to sort out her eyes, but it didn't have any effect. "One for the books, I guess. Las' time I got drunk was... after Endor."

She twisted her body away from him, pulling her legs up onto the bed and curling up a little on her side. "Things... jus' never are what they seem, are they?" Her voice sounded small.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 03:41:58 PM
De'Ville felt th'bed shift an' a hand touch her shoulder. Kazaar laid on his back an' his left arm slipped underneath Lady's back. More comfortable that way.

"We all got secrets." Kazaar agreed, tryin' not t'make this even more awkward than it was turnin' out t'be. He sure as hell wasn't 'speciting t'talk 'bout life with some dame he'd just killed o'buncha Imps with an' gotten drunk. But here he was doin' it. Could be worse, he supposed. Could be Spenny he was talkin' with. That guy'd never shut up.

"Just matter with what ya do with 'em. Let 'em kill ya or make ya stronger. One's easier than th'other. Gonna get scarred one way o'the other. Why th'frack not give 'em some o'their own scars if ya can."

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2011, 03:53:31 PM
"I am beskar," she said quietly, feeling him beside her, his touch on her skin. In her current state it was arousing, but she was not so far gone as to completely abandon her principles. His arm was under her neck, and she shifted slightly to more comfortably rest on it, her own arms drawn up against her chest in a protective manner.

"Stronger than steel." Her eyelids drooped and her breathing evened out as sleep began to overtake her.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 16th, 2011, 04:11:05 PM
Kazaar just kinda smirked as he felt De'Ville's breath start t'get o'bit more relaxed an' fall asleep. Wasn't completely tired but wasn't gonna move. Figured Lady wouldn't kill 'im if he stayed there while she slept. Wasn't like he was gonna take advantage o'her or anything.

Had t'chuckle to himself. Didn't spend o'lotta time hangin' with drunk half naked women, while he was half naked too, which didn't end with each other bumpin' knees.

Wasn't the time f'that. Had o'sneaky feelin' De'Ville probably be pissed at 'im if he did.

So Kazaar just kinda lay there, listenin' to 'er breath.

Both t'be stronger than steel. Way life way. Either let it kill ya or get stronger.