View Full Version : Donde coņo estan mis llaves?

Captain Untouchable
Sep 16th, 2010, 05:25:42 AM
Just figured I'd give you guys a heads up regarding why my post replies have been a bit sluggish lately. Long story short, I'm staying with my sister, and we're redecorating. Last week we attacked the spare room, which is now all painted and spangly; and we've moved onto the master bedroom. We've only just got the furniture removed, and I'm currently waiting for the water to boil again so I can carry on stripping wallpaper off the walls - then we've got to repaper and recarpet before we can even think about buying the new furniture and assembling all that.

Add in the fact that at around 5.30 little Eloise gets home from nursery and I have to go into Uncle mode for a few hours, my online time - and energy levels - are a little low, which is why I've only managed a couple of posts here and there every day or two.

I will keep plugging away at posts, but you guys are gonna have to be a bit patient with me. ^_^;

If there are any threads that you want me to prioritise, please post them in here, and I'll try and get to them as quick as I can. Thanks, guys!

Sep 16th, 2010, 09:25:27 AM
I feel your pain, hombre.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2010, 10:00:08 PM
Sounds like fun :) Well, except for the wallpaper part. :x

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 17th, 2010, 12:33:48 AM
A busy day working, followed by time with the kids.. sounds like an average persons life :mneh

Sep 17th, 2010, 12:14:01 PM
Are you trying to say our Jace is average? Just average!?

Captain Untouchable
Sep 17th, 2010, 02:38:09 PM
I can assure you: nothing about me is average. :mischief

Firenne Khapst
Sep 17th, 2010, 11:23:30 PM
We would never presume such a thing ;)

If you've got the time and the muse, sweetie, Ana and Dana would love a reply :)