View Full Version : Ask: Yeah...I'm Late, And?

Sep 14th, 2010, 10:59:12 PM
I haven't been writing. Im lame. So I'm hoping to get some question, recharge my batteries, and get back into the game, because right now I'm being destroyed by college, friends, and finding a new job -- my dreams of becoming a world class writer/author are dying!!

God, I'm laying it on thick. :rolleyes


Phase #1: Auril Sector (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Auril_sector) & Esstran Sector (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Esstran_sector) hold SAGroup artifact excavation and "super-soldier" programs, experiment ground guised as acclaimed prepatory schools.

- Dai becomes face of SAGroup to public after "manufactured" heroism by COMPNOR.

Vol. 0 - That'll Be the Day... (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?21036-That-ll-Be-the-Day&p=343124&viewfull=1#post343124)
Vol. 1 - Stuck in the Middle With You (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?21193-1-Stuck-in-the-Middle-With-You&p=346103&viewfull=1#post346103)
Vol. 2 - Tomorrow Comes Today (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?21980-2-Tomorrow-Comes-Today)

Phase #2: Core World Sector Ranger (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sector_Ranger), followed by other COMPNOR prep school graduates (7 ABY)

- Dai becomes law enforcing public figure, hero, in guise. Same for other graduates.
Phase #3: Empress Hand/Dark Side Adept assassin(s) (7 ABY - 8 ABY)

- Dai will be engineered by the "super-solider" project to act as an assassin, behind the guise of a hero, to the Empress personally. Extent to his practice would be undercover information gathering in Rebellion operation, to internal handlings in response to big threats (Tear). (8 ABY - 9 ABY)

Zeel Attond

DEPARTMENT: Alliance Intelligence





BACKGROUND: Born on Mirial to two uknown parents. Served in the Sub-Adult Recreation Branch of the Empire and gained high rank in SAGRec to CompForce war games. After his tenure in the SAGRec he was placed as a Mirial Sector Ranger. Discharged from his position, he was went into Mirial's Security Branch. Joined Alliance Intel soon afterward and proved himself trustworthy over the course of a number of missions. Eventually gained the rank of Operative due to experience and familiarity with Imperial doctrine and routine.

PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: His tactics and strategies point toward experience over training: rash, but effective. Often easily enraged, but has never shown any tendency for his focus to waiver. Depends heavily on intuition, skill, and observation. Keen eye for detail, but has been noted for over-confidence.

Conclusion: Talented; bears some interest, but chances of defection are deemed low.

Psych Profile written by Agent ********* (Intel), 0 ABY.


Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Race Unknown

How to Contact: Zephyr Songs (Cantina) or with the Port of Entry on Cloud City, Bespin.

Zeven Ekkel
Sep 15th, 2010, 01:11:19 AM
1. How did Dai earn the Corellian Bloodstripe on his pants?
2. How did he become a child star? Can you say this is more of a curse or a blessing?

Sep 18th, 2010, 09:36:30 PM
During pre-production for Coronet he became a whistleblower to the corruption of the film industry. The paper trail led to names involved in the assassination of Diktat Dupas Thomree. Ended his career, cut off his funds, and led him to pursue a musical career along with a drug habit.
His mother was short on cash. He started with local commericals. It is a curse in disguise. Fame, fortune, and the lost of the two have given him the same problems as many child stars of our day. It's just not the side of the world a kid can experience without their character taking a hit.

Jun 10th, 2011, 10:36:44 PM
Less than a year later I've yet to make any further head-way on this paticular writing project on Dai. There has been plenty of hiccups, false starts, and setting the concepts aside for more promising goals - which haven't actually followed through on their damn promises - however, I do plan to eventually get back to work on them. Yet, in the mean time, as an avid of momentum, and subsequently the theories behind it, I think it best to take up writing those others characters and blah blah blah - who cares -

I'm back!

Sep 22nd, 2013, 01:39:34 PM
Ok..two years later, plus a few months and I'm back.

Ilias Nytrau
Sep 22nd, 2013, 02:22:47 PM
Hey, this happens to almost all, if not all of us. I'm guilty as charged in the art of vanishing, myself!

That aside, welcome back! :D

Sep 27th, 2013, 06:06:34 PM
What is going on nowadays?

Apr 4th, 2014, 03:10:56 AM
Ok, spanning four years and I only finished 5 threads in the story arc. What ashame. I need a timeline jump thread to reboot. At this point in his career, Dai's Sub-Adult operation has gone intergalactic, and he is the face of the Harbinger Project - an accomplished Core World Sector Ranger, and unbeknownst to the public, the Empress Hand/Dark Side Adept assassin. I was expounding upon this in the series, last seen in #Vol 2. Tomorrow Comes Today. Before the missile crisis and treaty, much was accomplished:

Project: Harbinger

Phase #1: Auril Sector (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Auril_sector) & Esstran Sector (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Esstran_sector) hold SAGroup artifact excavation and "super-soldier" programs, experiment ground guised as acclaimed prepatory schools.

- Dai becomes face of SAGroup to public after "manufactured" heroism by COMPNOR.

Vol. 0 - That'll Be the Day... (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?21036-That-ll-Be-the-Day&p=343124&viewfull=1#post343124)
Vol. 1 - Stuck in the Middle With You (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?21193-1-Stuck-in-the-Middle-With-You&p=346103&viewfull=1#post346103)
Vol. 2 - Tomorrow Comes Today (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?21980-2-Tomorrow-Comes-Today)

Phase #2: Core World Sector Ranger (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sector_Ranger), followed by other COMPNOR prep school graduates (7 ABY)

- Dai becomes law enforcing public figure, hero, in guise. Same for other graduates.
Phase #3: Empress Hand/Dark Side Adept assassin(s) (7 ABY - 8 ABY)

- Dai will be engineered by the "super-solider" project to act as an assassin, behind the guise of a hero, to the Empress personally. Extent to his practice would be undercover information gathering in Rebellion operation, to internal handlings in response to big threats (Tear). (8 ABY - 9 ABY)

Of course, with the treaty, reacquisition of Auril Sector, all of the bases established years before (approx 7 ABY - 8 ABY) (http://theholo.net/forum/showthread.php?55382-The-Jedi-Camp-and-it-s-Residents&p=1025361&viewfull=1#post1025361) have been abandoned and cleared. Thus, these is plenty fertile ground in these secretive events which have transpired that can presently be experienced by characters.

Still, however, as a Sector Ranger/Imperial Agent, I am still quite unsure how to move in these Post-Soft Reset times. I dont know what is going on with the Empire presently, and where Empress Miranda Tarkin is. Soo...

Anybody involved with the Empire, say something. I'm lost here.

P.S Its good to see so many people active here again. I plan to go back and flesh out the details in the story by finishing it up one day. But, in the meantime, I need to jump back in and get involved with you guys.

Aurelias Kazaar
Apr 4th, 2014, 10:13:00 AM
Not Empire, but I think it's only been a year...year and a half...IC time. So you may not have to do too much of a reboot.

Apr 4th, 2014, 02:28:13 PM
Then, as a SEO Sector Ranger, I hereby vow any smugglers be warned. I am probably behind you and all out of bubble gum.

Apr 4th, 2014, 06:09:22 PM
Big Changes:

Super weapons are pointed at major worlds and military installations on both sides. These missiles can eradicate life on a planet. How? Don't ask questions, bub.

The Inquisitoriate is now publically defunct. Of course, it still operates out of the Maw Cluster, but with Karl Valten being MIA most of the time, it's not seeing any real change or activity. Instead the Empress Tarkin relies of the Imperial Order of the Knights of the Throne (aka the Imperial Knights) to act as her fist and enforce her will upon the military services and to counteract the menace posed by the Jedi Order of Ossus. The Imperial Knights are headed by Knight-General Atrapes, with his major lieutenants being Palara Iscandar and Baastian Cain. It should be noted that the Inquisitoriate often will send out agents in disguise as Knights, with Atrapes' knowing and allowing this; but being on the hush hush, no one knows about it.

The major issue for most Imperial Security organizations is the potential for rogue Imperial (and Alliance) elements unhappy with the present peace attempting to start the Galactic Civil War anew. Among those are Damien Kantrael, but other rogue Inquisitors and Imperial military leaders are also operating. This is the major task at the moment for the Imperial Knights and Imperial Intelligence.

As stated above, the Jedi have set themselves up on Ossus.

Proxy wars and conflicts are exploding along the border of the Alliance and the Empire. The Corporate Sector is lawless with the Empire's withdrawal and subsequent withdrawal of most of the corporations that set up there. With no funding or support, the Corporate Sector Authority is collapsing (or has collapsed), and since the Alliance has not yet moved forces in to claim it yet, people who wish to remain hidden are flocking there.