View Full Version : Green Light (Jason)
Zeven Ekkel
Sep 13th, 2010, 01:22:20 AM
"Hand over your credits. Now."
This was not Zeven's first mugging. Having grown up in the Skids neighborhood of Tyrena, he knew how to handle scumbags like these, or so he thought. He was in the Coruscant Undercity slums this time where crime was just as prevalent as in the Skids. Their tactic would always be to intimidate their victim. However, most of the time, their bark was bigger than their bite.
"I said hand over your credits," he shouted, his nostrils flaring, shoving Zeven onto the wall behind him. The scumbag was a hefty Twi'lek. He wasn't intimidating, however. If anything, he looked nervous. He had fellow scumbags behind him: a Trandoshan and a human.
"Get your slimy hands off me!" Zeven shouted back, pushing the Twi'lek away from him.
"Big mistake..." the Twi'lek replied, looking over at his buddies behind him
"Yeah, big mistake," his human friend repeated.
"Really? I beg to differ," said Zeven and reached for his belt and grabbed a lightsaber. Quickly, he clicked the release button.
Click. Click. Click.
"What's that? A toy?" said the Twi'lek, laughing.
Zeven hit the button with his finger once more. Suddenly, out of the hilt appeared the bright green and warm glowing lightsaber.
"Who's laughing now?" Zeven asked.
"Hey we don't want any trouble... Jedi," said the Trandoshan, nervously. But as soon as he said that, the lightsaber began to flicker on and off. Not knowing what to do, Zeven swung aimlessly.
"He's no Jedi," the human scumbag said, "Get him."
Zeven pushed them away and started to run. A few steps in, he tripped on a crack on the pavement that sent him straight to the ground and sent his lightsaber hilt rolling away. The three thieves caught up to him and surrounded him. They looked down at Zeven as he tried to get back up. Taking advantage of the situation, the Twi'lek kicked him in the ribs. Zeven groaned, holding his side and looking for the lightsaber on the ground. He spotted it and extended his arm out as it slowly rolled toward him. But, suddenly, another kick managed to interrupt him and sent him back to the ground. He really hoped there was a way out of this.
Jason Na'moda
Sep 13th, 2010, 12:05:30 PM
The Slums, Jason was really going to have to find better company. And what might a Jedi be doing on Coruscant you ask? Drifting, as he used to. There were very few places Jason hadn't been, although if you'd asked him twenty years ago, he would have said that he'd never get off Corellia. Here he was for the simple reason that he wanted to see an old 'friend', and with the ulterior motive of 'borrowing' some credits while he was at it.
He was walking away now, jangling a hefty withdrawal in his pocket while the man behind him (who had done him wrong when he had been enslaved back in the day (he had the long scar down his side to prove it)) was dealing with a collapsed doorway, a broken nose and no real understanding of who had done it. Jason moved away with a light step, confidant of his escape. These credits, while not necessarily above board, would get the Wheel a good amount of resources on their next planet-side voyage. Journeying back to the space port now, Jason walked for the exercise and to be near the streets, it gave him more options in the event his escape did somehow go wrong. That was when he heard the scuffle in an alleyway off to his right. Stepping into the opening, Jason saw three muggers, a Twi-Lek, Trandoshan and human laying into a human teen on the ground. That riled Jason immediately, disliking the fact that no-one else would help, but the second thing that caught his attention, something that stopped his anger dead, was the thing which idly rolled towards the prone teen as he reached out for it. Now that was unusual. And definitely meant that his help was required. Jason stepped forwards. He was wearing his spacer clothes, a plain black jacket, dark trousers and a v-neck t-shirt, which meant he'd have plenty of room to fight. And he planned to use it.
The human turned around, and stepped up aggressively. "Get lost." He snarled, but without stopping or warning, Jason pulled back and slammed a fist upwards into his nose, shattering it. The man reeled backwards and Jason was immediately on the offensive. He twisted the arm the man raised to ward him off while he was blinded by the pain, and forced him to lean forwards. Driving his knee upwards, Jason smashed it into the man's face, knocking him out and sending him flying backwards as his neck cracked backwards.
Clearly his workouts were working.
Turning to the other two, Jason stood in a ready position, prepared to give the muggers a taste of their own medicine. He hadn't used his lightsaber or the force because there was no use exposing himself, especially not on the Imperial Planet. "You've got two choices." He said calmly to the two aliens. "You can get beaten to a pulp like your friend." The human moaned, blood bubbling up from a broken tooth while the rest of his face was covered in the blood from his streaming nose. "Or you can walk away and save yourself the pain." Jason hoped for the former personally, he was more than ready to hand out some justice for the kid on the ground.
Zeven Ekkel
Sep 14th, 2010, 10:47:51 PM
"Ohh man, hey, nono. We don't want no trouble, man," the Twi'lek said, occasionally glancing over at his injured companion. He looked over at the Trandoshan who was shaking with fear at the sight of blood. "Let's go, man," the Twi'lek told the Trandoshan, pulling him back. But the Trandoshan stood there, in shock. Then, coming back to reality he said: "W-we can't just leave him here..."
Meanwhile, Zeven attempted to push himself back up but found that pushing put great strain on his ribs. Slowly and carefully, he managed to get himself on his knees. Everything was a blur to him as he tried to find the lightsaber. His eyelids felt heavy. His head felt lighter and lighter. He didn't know who the stranger was and whether he was there to help. But he snapped out of it. His vision refocused and he forced his eyes to open widely. Then, he stood up, holding his side.
The Twi'lek and the Trandoshan decided to run away, leaving their friend behind. Zeven saw them at a distance but lost sight when they turned at an alleyway. They must have figured that their lives were more important than their friend's. The stranger who had scared them away was still standing there. Zeven paid no attention to him. The lightsaber was important to him right now and he did not want to lose sight of it. Limping towards it, Zeven naively mumbled:
"I could've handled them myself, y'know."
Jason Na'moda
Sep 15th, 2010, 05:51:26 AM
Jason watched the Twi-lek impassively, thoughts wandering more along the lines of how such a clearly inexperienced force adept had gotten his hands on a lightsaber. To aid in the decision making process, Jason moved, using the force a little to augment his speed and stopped suddenly right in front of the Twi-lek. Standing side on, he pulled his right leg up before launching it, kicking the Twi-lek hard in the chest, using the force again to augment his strength. The kick sent the Twi-lek flying the length of the alleyway where he skidded and came rolling to a stop, completely winded. A few steps back and Jason picked up the human bodily and tossed him after. "Don't come back." He returned to where Zeven was warily getting up, clearly looking around for his lightsaber. Jason was standing over it and deftly flicked it up with the toe of his boot, catching it in his hand and looking at it closely. The scratched and worn exterior, the smoothed emitter button and scratched power coupling showed that it hadn't been made recently, which proved that although the kid might have some slight ability, he hadn't made his own lightsaber. That cleared up that question. Still, it was quite a nice saber. He looked from weapon to the kid, thinking, before tossing him his lightsaber. "So, you're supposed to be some kind of jedi then?" Jason's jacket hid his own two sabers, since each was in a special sheath beneath each armpit, ready for use as soon as he reached in to get them. The blasters strapped to his thighs were real enough though.
Zeven Ekkel
Sep 15th, 2010, 04:51:23 PM
"Yeah, I'm a Jedi," Zeven lied, catching his lightsaber, "That's why I could've handled them myself."
For all Zeven knew, Jedi didn't even exist. They were a folktale to him. Most of them had been killed off many years ago during the Clone Wars. However, there were rumors that the Jedi were in hiding and rebuilding themselves. Nobody knew where they were. Some said on a moon, or a planet out in the outer rim. Others even suggested that they might be floating around on a spaceship. "Ridiculous," Zeven would think. He thought it was all propaganda for people to join rebel groups.
"Is that guy gonna be alive?" asked Zeven, "Who the heck are you, anyway? Some kinda machine or something?"
He looked at Jason. To Zeven, he didn't look like someone who would pull off the moves he did but he didn't look weak either. Most people would avoid getting involved in these types of altercations around there especially since crime was so prevalent. Before Jason could start speaking, Zeven continued his fabricated lies:
"Listen, thanks for the help. I'll make sure the Jedi put you on their good list. Now I have to go and do Jedi stuff"
Zeven turned away from him, holding his side.
Jason Na'moda
Sep 15th, 2010, 05:25:31 PM
Jason saw through the lie instantly, and the insecurity it was founded on. But the kid had some sort of connection to the force, and that on its own was worth bringing in to the Wheel. "Kid, they were about to take your head along with your credits." Jason held up something that glinted in his hand. When he had bent the human over to knee him in the face, he had snatched the barely concealed vibroblade from the man's belt. "Nothing hurts more than a vibroblade to the gut." He tossed it down at Zeven's feet, leaving it turned off. He laughed at Zeven's comments, not harshly but because it amused him to be thought of as a machine. "Droids are a credit a dozen around here. I'm far, far rarer, and I'd hazard a guess to say that the Empire would gladly snatch me off. However, all of this pales in comparison to the fact that you have a lightsaber, and a small portion of talent with the force, but claim to be a Jedi." He watched the kid's face, clearly a classical education had abandoned him, but not to worry, he could be educated.
"My name is Jason, Jason Na'moda, and I... am your ticket off this rock. If you'll accept to my proposition." It made sense as the plan came to him. Take Zeven off Coruscant, get as far away from the Imps as possible, then rendezvous with the wheel and get the kid some sort of proper instruction in the force. Every jedi found was worth thousands of credits to find them. Each one found was a step forwards in fighting the Empire. Jason extended his senses and pushed past the meagre defence Zeven's mind had up. He glanced at the basic profile of the young man he was looking at and as soon as he had the basics, allowed his senses to retreat back into himself, maintaining a rough awareness of the space around him. "You see, Zeven, the Jedi are more real than you think." Absent mindedly, Jason picked up a can with the force and allowed it to orbit his body casually as he approached Zeven, before letting it drop to the ground with a clang.
Zeven Ekkel
Sep 16th, 2010, 04:56:12 PM
"You see, Zeven, the Jedi are more real than you think."
Zeven's eyes opened up widely when he saw the vibroblade slide to his feet. There was something peculiar about Jason. At this point, Zeven feared the worst. Could someone have sent Jason to look for him? For a bounty? He had no debts or commitments so there was no reason to search for him. He didn't know what the stranger was offering him, either.
"A ticket off this rock? I don't need your help to get anywhere. If I wanted to leave, then I'd- Wait, how do you know my name?"
Cans harmoniously floated around Jason's body, each rotating on its own axis like the planets of this galaxy around a big bright star. Hypnotizing. Zeven started to feel more relaxed, at ease.
Zeven broke out of the trance as soon as the cans fell. Nervously, he held out his lightsaber hilt, trying to flick it on with no success. Click. Click. Click.
"Listen, I don't know what kind of magic tricks you're pulling... Who sent you? What do you want?"
Jason Na'moda
Sep 17th, 2010, 04:38:16 PM
Jason stopped advancing and stood there, hands where Zeven could see them. He watched the kid panic suddenly but smirked when he called it magic. Although, it probably was, one way or another. Force magic. He raised an eyebrow at the kid trying to start up a dead saber. "You might need to recharge if you plan to power it up and wave it at Imperials."
Then he replied to the question, holding up his hands to show he meant no harm. "My name's Jason Na'moda, I'm what most might call an adventurer, an ex-anarchist, a believer... And I'm a Jedi Knight.
"You see, the Jedi aren't gone, obliterated from the galaxy, nor are we a fairy tale. We're pursued mercilessly by Imperials intent on destroying us, but we never give in because there is always hope in the universe that one of these days we'll throw down the tyranny of the Empire and return peace to the galaxy.
"Very few people in the galaxy have the potential to do what we do, learning the ways of the force." He indicated the useless hilt in Zeven's hands. "And use a lightsaber. I may be going out on a limb here, this is the first time I've found someone, but I think that you, Mr Ekkel, are what we call a force sensitive. Am I right in thinking that you can do things by just willing them to happen? If so then you should come with me. The Inquisition don't take kindly to Force Sensitives hanging around, especially those armed with a lightsaber, however defunct." Zeven was in more danger than he realised and although Jason knew he could defend himself, he didn't know about the skills of the kid. He hadn't been fighting his whole life. He didn't know when to duck and roll or when to swing, when to run or fight, and most importantly, when to stand firm and ignore orders to save a friend.
Jason watched him carefully but tried not to look like he was rushing Zeven. Stormtroopers he could deal with, although it would delay departure and cause more problems than it would solve, but the Seekers would be much, much more of a danger. He couldn't predict what would happen to the kid if they were attacked by a group of those monstrosities.
Zeven Ekkel
Sep 21st, 2010, 01:14:17 AM
Zeven gave up on the lightsaber and set it on his belt. As paranoid as Zeven felt, something about Jason made him feel like he could be trusted. He didn't know him nor his intentions but he felt the good in him. Jason did, in fact, save his life. Zeven couldn't understand or explain the feeling. Regardless, he couldn't let his guard down. He couldn't just leave with a random stranger for no reason.
"What exactly are you offering me? How do I know you're not an undercover Inquisitor? You can't possibly be a Jedi. There's no such thing..."
The pain he felt more piercing than it did before. Like an untamed fire, it spread to his torso until he began feeling numb. He could feel the blood flowing through his veins, vibrating their way through his body. His head felt lighter and lighter. The concentrated focus he kept on Jason began to blur. He kept talking, sounding more delirious:
"...You can't be a Jedi... Why do I feel like I can trust you? This doesn't... make... sense."
Suddenly, he collapsed to the floor with his face hitting the ground first. His arms were spread out to his sides. It seemed the beating had taken a toll on him. He lay on the floor motionless and unconscious. And from his belt, slowly rolled the lightsaber that he held so dearly.
Jason Na'moda
Oct 4th, 2010, 05:58:34 AM
Jason looked at Zeven as the kid struggled to take it all in. He knew that the Jedi were rare now, and that some folks might not remember the truth in the old stories, but he didn't think it would be so revolutionary to this kid that he would be this surprised. There had to be an underlying issue. He extended his senses, checking the guy over. There, injury where he had been beaten. "I'm not an inquisitor. If I was, I would have taken you in to the rest of the Inquisition already. There's no point in tagging along with an untrained force user. You're considered dangerous if you have a lightsaber." He could see Zeven weakening visibly and foresaw the fall. Moving forwards in a blur, he caught the teen, holding him strongly. "Easy now." With a flick of his wrist, not even looking at it, the lightsaber leapt up from the ground and into Jason's waiting hand. He hung it on his belt, hefting Zeven onto his shoulder, trying not to aggravate what he suspected was internal bleeding, but he had to try to make it look natural. Wait... He felt something, a brooding malevolence. Turning, he looked around, eyes narrowed. They couldn't sense him. His 'Art of the Small' let him escape notice, but the flare of a lightsaber must have been noticed. Frack. He'd just have to do things in a less preferred manner.
Half an hour later and they were in Jason's Stolen Vanguard Gunship (, a ship in which he had escaped captivity and which still bore the Imperial IFF. Sure it was a little conspicuous, but most simply assumed he was a merc and since he was undetectable through the force for the moment, he kept it that way. It was useful to get from place to place. That and it had space for passengers, a small med bay, and enough fire power to blow a hole in the death star. Assuming the Imps ever got around to trying to resurrect that deadly idea. He had laid Zeven in the med bay and let the medical droid at him while Jason himself sat in the pilots couch, bringing the nose of the gunship up and activating the modified engines. With little effect to the interior thanks to the new inertial dampeners he had installed, the ship shot through the atmosphere. Even the usual bumps and jumps of exiting a gravity well had been ironed out, simply for the sake of ironing them out, as comfort wasn't a big priority for Jason. He kept half an ear on the med bay, in case Zeven woke up at any point. He exited Coruscant's atmosphere and turned the ship in the direction he wished to fly, attaining permission from Imperial Space Traffic Control, and plugging the coordinates into the Nav Computer.
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