View Full Version : What's in your DVD player / on your TV?
Dec 13th, 2011, 04:58:52 PM
OMG I think the Indy rule applies to the Fast and Furious Franchise. I seem to enjoy the uneven episodes more than the even ones.
Fast Five is so good. It is like Oceans Eleven just 100 miles per hour faster :D and with a lot more balls.
Peter McCoy
Dec 19th, 2011, 12:02:09 AM
I thought it'd be a good to not sleep since I didn't get up until 5pm. So Inception was a good way to stay awake in an ironic way. Now I'm getting ready for work. I wanted to make sure I definitely definitely sleep tonight since I don't want to be up late and tired tomorrow for the Paul McCartney concert.
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 27th, 2011, 11:54:49 AM
Got a bit of Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow on. Mainly because I want to see David Mitchell's beard.
Captain Untouchable
Jan 4th, 2012, 06:31:54 PM
Got a bit of Michael McIntyre's Comedy Roadshow on. Mainly because I want to see David Mitchell's beard.
It was a most wonderous beard. :3
I'm about to start watching this fantasy thing... can't really remember the name of it. A Contest of Regal Chairs or something? :huh
Sean Bean has an illegitimate son, and yet he hasn't called anyone "Y' bastad" yet. :colbert
Jan 5th, 2012, 12:04:35 PM
Snatch, because them brits are Hel-arious!
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 5th, 2012, 05:32:20 PM
Brad Pitt is the gypsiest gypsy to ever gypsy.
Jan 6th, 2012, 12:52:05 PM
Fight Club, because I had to follow up Snatch with another Brad Pitt movie. And by Brad Pitt movie, I mean the BEST Brad Pitt movie. Kalifornia can suck it.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 6th, 2012, 03:12:32 PM
Troy is a pretty good Brad Pitt movie. :swoon:
Jan 7th, 2012, 06:32:05 PM
I don't like Troy, at least not for Brad Pitt. He's just eye candy in that movie.
Captain Untouchable
Jan 9th, 2012, 01:19:51 AM
Catching up on Clone Wars. Thanks for the recommendation Peter - Shadows on Umbara was awesome!
Jan 9th, 2012, 02:33:48 AM
Are you suffering from insomnia? We stopped playing SWTOR like 6 hours after you posted this and you already started watching the show again?
Captain Untouchable
Jan 9th, 2012, 03:45:56 AM
I don't suffer from insomnia. I suffer from awesome.
Jan 9th, 2012, 05:02:54 AM
If the name Captain Awesome would not already exist we would have to rename you.
Captain Untouchable
Jan 9th, 2012, 05:15:54 AM
I'm too awesome to be a mere Captain of Awesome. I need to be at least a Major.
And change my name to Lee.
Major Lee Awesome. :smokin
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 9th, 2012, 04:47:06 PM
watching Firefly on Netflix, since Netflix just became available in the UK
Jan 22nd, 2012, 04:06:49 PM
Watched Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol in movie theater. Real entertaining movie. Worth the ticket. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Jan 22nd, 2012, 04:55:11 PM
Just started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix today :)
Captain Untouchable
Jan 29th, 2012, 11:21:05 PM
I watched Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country before bed last night.
I know it's a contravertial thing to say, but I prefer it to Wrath of Khan. It was released in 1991 - a few years after The Next Generation had come out, hence the cameo by Michael Dorn as Worf's grandfather, and the reuse of some of the TNG sets - in order to give Kirk & co a better send-off than their hunt for god had provided.
Being made a decade later it benefited from some improved special effects: but I also find the story itself more compelling. While Khan was certainly a formidable opponent for Kirk, General Chang is more of a true "nemesis". Khan's sole motivation was his anger towards Kirk, and his desire for revenge. Chang is motivated by his personal ideals, and is in many ways a mirror of Kirk: they're both heroes of their respective nations, and are both equally frightened by the prospect of peace... or more specifically, the prospect that they no longer have a purpose during a time of peace. Plus, he quotes Shakespeare all the time, which is pretty badass.
The overall story has all the hallmarks of a classic "the Cold War is over" type story but with a futuristic setting; and there are also a bunch of subtle parallels to the Star Trek franchise. In some places it's almost handing over the torch to the new series: particularly with lines like "If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it," and "Is it possible that we two, you and I, have grown so old and so inflexible that we have outlived our usefulness?"
Wrath of Khan is classic and iconic, and deserves a lot of praise: but for me, The Undiscovered Country showcases everything that is great about that era of the Star Trek franchise.
Jan 30th, 2012, 03:53:46 PM
Dragonball, disc 1.
Captain Untouchable
Feb 3rd, 2012, 12:44:14 AM
Watched two awesome shows last night.
The first is called The Almighty Johnsons. It's a new show, made in New Zealand, and is about a group of brothers who are the reincarnations of Norse gods. Because it's been so long though, their powers are a bit diluted: more like X-Men powers than full blown gods. It's a little cheesy, but it's some good lighthearted fun.
The other is The 4400, which I started watching on Netflix UK. I was expecting a pretty straight forward X-Files type series about abductees returning to Earth. What I got was extremely character-driven: a show about how the abductees are coping with having been missing for decades, and developing special abilities. It's really good so far, and I recommend everyone watches!
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 3rd, 2012, 11:05:04 AM
The 4400 is excellent. :):thumbup
Peter McCoy
Feb 3rd, 2012, 02:34:43 PM
The Bourne Ultimatum
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 4th, 2012, 04:28:27 AM
Always Sunny is now on Netflix UK :eee
Captain Untouchable
Feb 5th, 2012, 02:54:17 AM
The 4400 is excellent. :):thumbup
Jeffrey Combs!!! :eee
This really is a superb series. Great story, brilliant writing, and a fantastic selection of actors... especially the little girl who plays Maia, she's awesome.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Feb 6th, 2012, 09:29:31 PM
Seinfeld is back in the nightly rotation :D
Captain Untouchable
Feb 8th, 2012, 12:35:50 PM
Just watched the final episode of 4400.
Why did you have to leave it on a cliffhanger, gods damn it, WHY?! :shakefist
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 8th, 2012, 02:56:19 PM
We're watching Super 8
Wyl Staedtler
Feb 8th, 2012, 03:30:19 PM
That film was so good. I screamed like six times and had to pause it twice. Took me right back to E.T (although I didn't have to watch nearly as much of Super 8 through my hands; thanks to foresight, I had a hoodie and a lager on hand to dilute the terror.)
Just started alternating episodes of Sons of Anarchy, Stephen Fry In America (Does America? Whatever it's called), and Downton Abbey. Tonight DA is up, unless it's too late after finishing up The War - oh, Kevin Costner back in your prime with your terrible, terrible accents and Kevin Costnerness. <3
Captain Untouchable
Feb 10th, 2012, 01:11:08 AM
I'm anxiously waiting for the new season (4) of Castle to finally make it's way onto British television. In the meantime, I have been trawling Youtube to sate my withdrawl symptoms.
<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
It's not working: it's just making me feel piratey. :grumble
Feb 10th, 2012, 01:25:19 AM
The film noir episode is definetly worth the wait.
Captain Untouchable
Feb 10th, 2012, 03:15:33 AM
I've unfortunately watched seasons 1-3 in a really dodgy order. I started watching it when I was stopping at my sister's, and she was on Season 2. When I moved into this flat a year ago and got cable, I think it was Season 3 that was showing. They've since restarted showing things from the beginning, so I'm pretty sure I've now watched Seasons 1 and possibly 2 more or less in order... fingers crossed they'll push on through Season 3 in order and start Season 4 at the end.
I've certainly seen the end of each season: I'm just not necessarily sure which of the other episodes I've watched happened during which season. >_<
Glen Fiddich
Feb 16th, 2012, 04:21:15 PM
I just stumbled across Darkman on Netflix.
It's an early nineties Sam Raimi movie, starring Liam Neeson, with music by Danny Elfman. It's cheesy-awesome to the extreme. :smokin
Feb 16th, 2012, 05:32:33 PM
Is Netflix streaming video only or can the films be downloaded then watched from their site? It sounds awesome but sadly, while my download speed is good enough, the line quality won't reliably support streaming video. It would be freezing up all the time on me.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 16th, 2012, 09:46:27 PM
Streaming video only.
Speaking off, the pilot of NBC's new show Awake is online for free at the moment
It is also available for free on iTunes.
Glen Fiddich
Feb 17th, 2012, 05:17:36 AM
Is Netflix streaming video only or can the films be downloaded then watched from their site? It sounds awesome but sadly, while my download speed is good enough, the line quality won't reliably support streaming video. It would be freezing up all the time on me.
It streams, but it buffers like youtube. If you give it a few minutes to build a little bit of surplus download, it should surf over all of the line blips.
The first month is free anyway, so there's no harm in signing up for that and seeing if it works. If your connection isn't reliable enough, you can just cancel.
Captain Untouchable
Feb 17th, 2012, 11:35:24 AM
Avatar: The Last Airbender.
The anime, not the live action. I've only ever seen a couple of episodes that happened to be on at the time. Netflix is letting me watch the whole lot. :eee
Dasquian Belargic
Feb 17th, 2012, 04:11:57 PM
The anime is so good! I loved it :)
Feb 19th, 2012, 12:11:48 PM
I finally saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes last night. Really really good, one of the best reboots I've ever seen. Made with lots of intelligence, skill, and care. :thumbup
Glen Fiddich
Feb 19th, 2012, 04:30:40 PM
Avatar: The Last Airbender.
The anime, not the live action. I've only ever seen a couple of episodes that happened to be on at the time. Netflix is letting me watch the whole lot. :eee
Still watching this. I started on Friday; I'm now on Book 3, Chapter 5. ^_^;
It's like a book that I can't put down. Despite the fact that it's supposed to be for kids, the characters (especially the "villains") are remarkably complex at times: there's much more grey in the story than I was expecting, and it makes it all the more addictive. I especially like the way they're treating Iroh and Sokka at the moment: him coping with the fact that everyone else has magic powers has spawned some great stories so far. (I just watched the one with the sword master - that was especially good!) Poor guy seems to have even worse luck with women than I do, too. :(
The writing too is absolutely superb: I've found myself laughing out loud one minute, deeply moved the next, and then shouting at the screen because they still haven't told me what happened to the Kyoshi Warriors after Azura ambushed them and stole their clothes. :shakefist
I don't think I've been this hyped about a show since Liz first made me start watching Supernatural. It is the awesomesauce. :eee
Feb 19th, 2012, 05:57:43 PM
I finally saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes last night. Really really good, one of the best reboots I've ever seen. Made with lots of intelligence, skill, and care. :thumbup
Just watched that now. It was brilliant!
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 20th, 2012, 04:27:30 PM
Avatar: The Last Airbender.
The anime, not the live action. I've only ever seen a couple of episodes that happened to be on at the time. Netflix is letting me watch the whole lot. :eee
Still watching this. I started on Friday; I'm now on Book 3, Chapter 5. ^_^;
It's like a book that I can't put down. Despite the fact that it's supposed to be for kids, the characters (especially the "villains") are remarkably complex at times: there's much more grey in the story than I was expecting, and it makes it all the more addictive. I especially like the way they're treating Iroh and Sokka at the moment: him coping with the fact that everyone else has magic powers has spawned some great stories so far. (I just watched the one with the sword master - that was especially good!) Poor guy seems to have even worse luck with women than I do, too. :(
The writing too is absolutely superb: I've found myself laughing out loud one minute, deeply moved the next, and then shouting at the screen because they still haven't told me what happened to the Kyoshi Warriors after Azura ambushed them and stole their clothes. :shakefist
I don't think I've been this hyped about a show since Liz first made me start watching Supernatural. It is the awesomesauce. :eee
I watched the whole series about a year or two ago with Owen, and we both loved it. The writing is so, so good. There's a reason it's so highly regarded by the masses. :)
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2012, 04:02:56 AM
24, season 1
I've not actually watched the majority of 24 before
Apr 9th, 2012, 05:50:33 AM
Episode 7, Season 4 of The Tudors.
Only 3 episodes left! :ohno
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 9th, 2012, 09:16:09 AM
^ How're you enjoying the last season?
Apr 9th, 2012, 07:54:19 PM
Not bad - Joley Richardson is gorgeous :love. However the first 2 seasons (especially the 1st) were fantastic, what with all the political intrigue and shifting alliances and so forth.
The last 2 seasons have been enjoyable but they've had to crank up the speed to get through all the remaining wives so it's moving a bit fast for my liking.
Apr 10th, 2012, 01:08:24 AM
24, season 1
I've not actually watched the majority of 24 before
24 is great but its seasons are a hit or miss for me sometimes. It is funny that if you ask 3 people what their favorite seasons are they will come up with 3 completly different orders.
I highly recommend day 1, 2, 4 and 7(+ it's prequel)
A lot of people consider day 3 and 5 as the best seasons but those are not my cup of coffee.
Day 4 and 7 are my favorite seasons btw.
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 11th, 2012, 11:45:38 AM
24 season 1, episode 10
Jack Bauer is such a Renegade
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 11th, 2012, 02:05:43 PM
i only ever watched half of the first season of 24. Someday I may rectify that. :p
Apr 12th, 2012, 02:01:51 AM
Jack Bauer is like femshep but 50% less badass.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2012, 10:55:16 AM
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
It's on Netflix instant :3
John Glayde
Apr 12th, 2012, 11:18:28 AM
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
It's on Netflix instant :3
Jace likes this. :thumbup
Did you guys get as far as the one where they play poker with the Fantastic Four yet? :ohno
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2012, 11:38:25 AM
We watched that one on demand through our cable company - totally out of order. We're on Breakout Pt 2.
Owen sings the theme song :3
Edit: Hulk is blowing Owen's mind :lol
John Glayde
Apr 12th, 2012, 01:41:40 PM
Owen sings the theme song :3
Oh, come on. Who does that? :colbert
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 12th, 2012, 01:43:49 PM
I'm watching the movie Hard Candy, with Ellen Page :love
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2012, 01:50:18 PM
Do you mean Hard Candy?
Dasquian Belargic
Apr 12th, 2012, 01:52:29 PM
...ummm.. yes :lol and there is more evidence that I am developing dyslexia
Razielle Alastor
Apr 12th, 2012, 05:05:26 PM
^ pluar in disguise. :rolleyes
I'm thinking of watching Hellraiser 9 tonight, but you know.. The lack of Doug Bradley makes me want to boycott. WTF, some other Pinhead? :(
Apr 16th, 2012, 08:36:19 PM
Finally completed the last season of The Tudors. :eee
Have to say that the last 2 episodes really knocked it out of the park. Probably amongst the best episodes I've seen since the first 2 seasons with all the various court factions (and the Queen) vying for supremacy whilst the King slowly dies. Riveting stuff.
Now I need to hurry up and finish Samurai Champloo. |I
Apr 17th, 2012, 01:46:42 AM
Now I need to hurry up and finish Samurai Champloo. |I
:eee I love Samurai Champloo and Cowboy Bebop. This reminds me that I still have to show them to my girlfriend one day.
Apr 24th, 2012, 06:24:30 AM
Finished Samurai Champloo. Finally. |I
Great series, but my experience confirms to me I really need some sort of strong story arc to keep me motivated to watch a series in a timely manner. By contrast, the mostly stand-alone nature of many of the episodes here resulted in myself taking well over 2.5 months to complete the damn thing. :twak
Daria Nytherciria
May 5th, 2012, 03:41:57 PM
..just discovered this show today. I'm not sure I get all of the references but it's amusing nonetheless!
Dasquian Belargic
May 13th, 2012, 06:48:55 AM
Spaced... the Robot Wars episode :D
Captain Untouchable
May 16th, 2012, 09:25:24 AM
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
This movie is bloody amazeballs. :ohno
Dasquian Belargic
May 16th, 2012, 12:08:15 PM
Watching the Thunder Gun Express of Always Sunny...
dude hangs dong!
May 16th, 2012, 03:35:01 PM
I have been watching Archer all week and I am now nearly at the end of season 2. I haven't laughed that hard in a while... Seriously thanks to Chris and Charley for recommending this show.
May 20th, 2012, 03:48:53 PM
Moulin Rouge. Sides... splitting! :lol
Peter McCoy
May 21st, 2012, 08:14:08 PM
Been watching a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory each night with the wife-to-be. I have to say that since Season 2 it's pretty much been The Sheldon Show. Not that it's a bad thing, but it's just as shame that focus is taken away form the other characters so much. I still love it though!
Tristan Alastor
May 22nd, 2012, 03:21:49 AM
Catching up on the latest Game of Thrones episode, before watching the beginnings of The Walking Dead season 2
May 22nd, 2012, 06:47:05 AM
Been watching a few episodes of The Big Bang Theory each night with the wife-to-be. I have to say that since Season 2 it's pretty much been The Sheldon Show. Not that it's a bad thing, but it's just as shame that focus is taken away form the other characters so much. I still love it though!
Your observation is right but you will be thrilled how they turn this around in the third season by increasing the female cast at the end of season 2! AMY FTW!
Jun 1st, 2012, 01:48:55 PM
Prince Charles's tribute to the Queen on BBC One. It's basically Charles watching old home movies of his family, and waxing nostalgic about it in a really warm and natural way. It's fascinating and utterly charming! :3
Jun 1st, 2012, 06:35:50 PM
GoT: Blackwater
watched it again with Jenny and Martina during dinner
Jun 1st, 2012, 08:14:04 PM
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (on my new Xbox :dance)
First time watching it since it was cinemas 18 months ago. Looks pretty. :) Will watch the 2nd part sometime this week.
Jun 3rd, 2012, 11:12:55 AM
Just watched the Royal Family being serenaded on the Thames by the London Philharmonic, playing Land of Hope and Glory, the Sailor's Hornpipe, Rule Britannia, and God Save the Queen, and atop the barge, in the pouring rain, the choir belting out the songs with incredible gusto, soaked to their skins. Proud to be British right now! :D
Jun 3rd, 2012, 02:48:21 PM
Just as soon as my sister-in-law-to-be arrives, we'll pick back up on Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2 with The Blind Bandit. I cannot wait. :D :dance
Jun 3rd, 2012, 05:19:29 PM
Just watched the Royal Family being serenaded on the Thames by the London Philharmonic, playing Land of Hope and Glory, the Sailor's Hornpipe, Rule Britannia, and God Save the Queen, and atop the barge, in the pouring rain, the choir belting out the songs with incredible gusto, soaked to their skins. Proud to be British right now! :D
I got to see a lot of the Thames flotilla on BBC America this morning, it was awesome. And the fact that the Queen, at the age of 86, was able to stand through it all was great too. :)
As for what's been in my DVD player recently, I watched The Muppets yesterday. It was cute. :D
Jun 4th, 2012, 06:46:51 AM
Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Great ending for the series. Part of me wants to just watch them from the start all over again. :x
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 5th, 2012, 05:13:38 PM
Poirot - The ABC Murders
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 5th, 2012, 05:38:02 PM
Last thing we watched was Captain America: The First Avenger, which was Owen's first real super hero movie. He hardly paid attention except for when Capt. went to spring all the prisoners free and Red Skull peeled off his face. Of course.
I said "Now, this isn't real, it's just a movie. That isn't his real face."
Once Red Skull has taken off the flesh face revealing the red horror underneath, Owen says matter-of-factly, "Now it's real."
Which of course, he's right. That was Red Skull's real face. :p
And then he lost interest (other than pointing out that Capt. America was using a different shield) until Red Skull got 'melted' and tesseracted to who knows where. Instead of scarring Owen for life, apparently it was no big deal. :lol
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 6th, 2012, 07:37:37 AM
Owen: wise beyond his years :mneh
Jun 7th, 2012, 07:55:54 AM
Just begun watching the anime Baccano! - I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on, but I like it. :)
Jun 7th, 2012, 05:53:49 PM
Revisiting Firefly. Just finished the Out of Gas episode, and it seems that everytime an episode ends, I get this feeling that I just want to go out and find the monumental moron responsible for cancelling this show and inflict pain. Lots of pain!
Dasquian Belargic
Jun 13th, 2012, 02:36:22 PM
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey
on Netflix ^_^;
Jun 13th, 2012, 07:27:45 PM
Watching another anime, this time Baccano!. 1930s setting, gangsters, bootleggers, assassins, plus immortals all running around makes for a very entertaining time - especially when it's told it Pulp Fiction-style flashbacks/forwards. :)
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 13th, 2012, 10:12:19 PM
Technically it's recording on my DVR and I'm not watching it yet. But I will!
Jun 14th, 2012, 01:25:29 AM
Revisiting Firefly. Just finished the Out of Gas episode, and it seems that everytime an episode ends, I get this feeling that I just want to go out and find the monumental moron responsible for cancelling this show and inflict pain. Lots of pain!
That is one shiny episode!
The last time I watched Firefly I made it till "The Message" but this episode is so sad that I just stopped watching the rest of the show.
I hope that one day they make another movie or maybe just a mini-series that gives us some more closure than Serenity.
Captain Untouchable
Jun 14th, 2012, 03:55:44 AM
Justice League: Doom.
If you haven't watched the direct-to-DVD stuff from DC over the last few years, you owe it to yourself to rectify that. Some ones to look out for in particular -
Superman: Doomsday
This retells the "The Death of Superman" story. Among other things, it has James Marsters as Lex Luthor (a role he reprised for DC Universe Online), and Adam Baldwin as Superman. Not the best, but it's a decent enough retelling of a decent enough story. Plus: Superman has surfer hair.
Wonder Woman
Studios have been struggling to come up with with a live action Wonder Woman movie. I can't for the life of me fathom why, because this movie was badass. It's a modern origin story, which portrays Diana in a more sword-wielding Xena sort of light, and it features a Wonder Woman versus Greek mythology premise... and there are hints of a Captain America "what the hell has happened to the world" sort of tone, which is definitely the approach they need to take with WW, in my opinion.
Green Lantern: First Flight
This origin story follows Hal Jordan as a kind of "rookie cop", who is teamed up with Corps veteran Sinestro: a bit of a Gene Hunt, who uses violence and intimidation in the service of "justice". It's a well-told story and, if we are going to get a Green Lantern 2 with Ryan Reynolds, I hope the script writers saw this and took notes. Also, the voice of Tricia Helfer. Mmmm.
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths
This is another "based on the comics" movie: this time it's exploring an alternate reality, where the Justice League all have evil counterparts... and the villains are all heroes. It's a good story, it's well told... and Superman is voiced by Mark Harmon, which is bloody awesome.
Batman: Under Red Hood
You know how it got super-fashionable to do gritty and dark stuff? This is that, but done right. Based on the "Under the Hood" arc, this is a story about how Batman made a mistake, and how that mistake comes back to haunt him. The voice cast is absolutely superb, and the whole story is really well told... one of my favourites of the bunch.
All-Star Superman
Yet another direct comic-to-screen adaptation. This one won't blow you away with action or awesomeness: it's a really sensitive story, that shows the "human" side of Superman.
Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Nathan Fillion is Green Lantern. Just in case that isn't enough to make you watch it: this is an anthology movie with a framing story, that sees Hal Jordan explaining some of the history of the Green Lantern Corps to a new recruit. Definitely one of my top three.
Justice League: Doom
Take all of the best bits of all the other movies, and smush them together. That seems to be the premise of this movie. Excellent premise, excellent script, and an excellent voice cast. The idea is that basically a villain wants to take over the world, but he needs the Justice League out of the way: so he recruits some of their most formidable enemies to take them down. It's based on the "JLA: Tower of Babel" arc from the comics, and is an all-round great movie.
Razielle Alastor
Jun 14th, 2012, 10:26:45 AM
Yes, again... :D
Jun 29th, 2012, 07:40:41 PM
Jennifer's Body was not so terrible after all. It has got the witty dialogs, the tough chicks and the awkward geeky boys that you come to expect from a Diablo Cody script.
Jun 30th, 2012, 03:17:27 AM
Watched Blade Runner: The Final Cut yesterday. Currently making my way through all the included making-of documentaries that came with it. :dance
Peter McCoy
Jul 2nd, 2012, 07:44:29 PM
I need to re-watch Blade Runner ASAP. Got the Blu-Ray free with Deus Ex: Human Revolution back when I bought it.
Currently watching Buffalo 66 on Netflix. I think Christina Ricci looks her best in this movie. Absolutely gorgeous!
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 2nd, 2012, 09:01:35 PM
Super Hero Squad tv show on Netflix with the kids.
When it's just me I'm watching season 5 of Dr Who (finally powered through the end of Tennant :cry, and watched the Angels two parter), and when it's me and Ty we're watching Supernatural. Just watched On The Head Of A Pin.
I was watching Supernatural on my own but Ty started paying attention and got hooked in season two. ;)
Peter McCoy
Jul 3rd, 2012, 06:20:04 PM
OMG Netflix just got so much more awesome! Sonic the Hedgehog (1993, also known as Sonic SatAM), Spider-Man (1994-98 series) and X-Men (1992-1997 series with the awesome theme tune!) - I'm in geek heaven!
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 7th, 2012, 03:25:41 PM
What a sexy film.
Ezra Na'chtion
Jul 7th, 2012, 03:29:33 PM
I can never watch that movie enough times.
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 7th, 2012, 04:58:18 PM
Reno 911 it looks like Netflix UK has a lot of new stuff on it this weekend :D
Jul 7th, 2012, 07:42:02 PM
Watched The Descendants today...quite good, 2 hours of George Clooney *sigh* :love
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 8th, 2012, 08:19:38 PM
TROLL HUNTER is a must see. Really.
It's on Netflix instant.
Mu Satach
Jul 9th, 2012, 03:21:14 AM
What a sexy film.
Oh hell yes it is.
Rocky is sitting in my DVD player, Mission Impossible in the Netflix que and Castle in the Hulu plus que.
Captain Untouchable
Jul 9th, 2012, 09:01:56 AM
I just watched 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time.
There are no words. :ohno
Dasquian Belargic
Jul 9th, 2012, 09:17:43 AM
Welp, I think that's a suitable film to end this thread on! Since it's gotten so big, time for a new one :)
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