View Full Version : CR-90 Mods

Anne Phoenix
Sep 3rd, 2010, 11:42:07 AM
Me and the Capt have been having discussions concerning Alliance ship designs. This is a write-up and draw-up of a modified Corellian Corvette that I'm considering putting into full time production at Tempest Base, when the shipyards there are completed.

Name: CR-90b Corvette
Length: 150 meters
3 Dual Medium Turbolaser Cannons
4 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
2 General Purpose Warhead Launchers
-20 Warheads*
1 Heavy Tractor Beam Projector
Hangar Capacity:
Passenger Capacity:
1xSquad (12) of Troops
Sublight: 60 MGLT
Hyperdrive: 1.0 Past Lightspeed
Shield Rating: 400 SBD
Hull Rating: 192 RU

Mod Description:

Night Caller modifications to convert the foward lower bow hold into a small hangar capable of carrying four starfighters. Forward ventral dual turbolaser removed and replaced with a heavy tractor beam project, as per the same mod mentioned above.

Scorpion mod where the communications array aft is removed and replaced with two dual turbolaser cannons, one on top, one below.

Renthal's Fist mod where external warhead launchers are added on either side of the hammerhead section forward, with a capacity of ten warheads per a launcher for the standard types of torpedoes or missiles, or half that number for the larger ordinance (space bombs, heavy rockets, or proton bombs).

Captain Untouchable
Sep 3rd, 2010, 01:03:20 PM
Just in the interests of completeness, here are some specs for the Modified Corvette of which Soto Terius is Captain (ironically, called the Scorpion... guess I should have searched Wookieepedia more intensively before picking the name!).

Name: CR90a Corvette
Length: 150 meters
2 Dual Medium Turbolaser Cannons
4 Medium Turbolaser Cannons
2 General Purpose Warhead Launchers
-20 Warheads
1 Heavy Tractor Beam Projector
Hangar Capacity:
Passenger Capacity:
24 Troops
Sublight: 128 MGLT*
Hyperdrive: 1.0 Past Lightspeed
Shield Rating: 400 SBD
Hull Rating: 192 RU

Mod Description:

Renthal's Fist modification, adding general purpose warhead lanchers.

The ventral communications array is replaced (a la Scorpion mod), but with a heavy tractor beam generator rather than a turbolaser.

Sundered Heart modification, which heavily augments the thruster assembly to increase accelleration and top speed. The game mechanic makes the ship "four times faster" than the CR90, which would technically make it's speed 320 MGLT (which is ridiculous). Instead, I've increased it's speed by the same ratio that the acceleration increased by, which makes sense at least as far as Physics is concerned. That makes it 128 MGLT - which is still pretty darn fast (a smidge faster than an A-Wing, in fact, though it'll obviously take longer to accelerate that much mass to that speed, so it can't just zoom off at the drop of a hat).

What's the point? The ship was designed by CEC to be a competator to the Marauder Corvette and the Carrack Cruiser. It's intended to be able to chase down smugglers, and then snag them with the tractor beam for boarding.