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Blade Bacquin
Aug 20th, 2010, 12:23:44 PM
If you have any questions I have answers for you.

Here is the list if you aren't sure who all I play. Sorted for your ease by family oldest to youngest. then the left overs by occupation and then last those that have many talents that don't always fit into a category.

The Bacquin's
Caleb Bacquin
Blade Bacquin/Darth Lucid - Cade Bacquin (same age)
Tegan Bacquin
Rathe Maris

The Mcgraves
Allex Mcgraves - Jason Mcgraves (twins)
Jackson Mcgraves
Malick Raine
Nicky Raine

The Cyn's
Max Cyn
Tiber Cyn

Non Family Rebels
Dyans Orion
Cord Avery

Future Jedi
Uriel Summanus
Kira Draykin

Odd Balls
O.W. Outcast
Darth Sokar
Kytana Horizonis
Liir Oldin
Relm Jo'Karr
Azalyn Prennis

Aug 20th, 2010, 12:27:26 PM
Why haven't you started using Cad Bane for O.W.? :D

O.W. Outcast
Aug 20th, 2010, 12:38:12 PM
Because I thought someone had already made a claim on him so I stuck with Ellorrs Madak aka Ohwun De Maal. That and the breathing tubes ruin my charming good looks don't you think? lol

Aug 20th, 2010, 12:59:06 PM
haha, fair enough. I know I'm late to the party but I saw him and I was like "Hey! It's OW!!!"

Cord Avery
Aug 20th, 2010, 01:06:57 PM
Indeed I agree they Cad does have something about him that screams OW. I may have to look into seeing if the claim is for sure taken.

Zeven Ekkel
Aug 20th, 2010, 01:28:16 PM
What was the reason behind the change of Blade Ice to Blade Bacquin?

Blade Bacquin
Aug 20th, 2010, 08:40:24 PM
In the very first mentioning by me of Blade's back story he woke up naked on an Iced over lake with dagger/knife/Blade in his hand. He had no memory of who he was or the life he left behind. He gave himself the Name Blade Ice since he didn't remember his real name.

Overtime he eventually learned who he was and regained his memories. Figuring out that forgetting who he was a side affect of his race until they truly awaken to realize that they have lived many lifetimes. He truly awakened but for a long time kept the name Blade Ice as a way to remind him that this was his life now.

When crossing over into this universe from the old one Blade started to change personality wise with his new life. So since he had changed it was time to adopt a new name for his new life. He kept the name Blade to remind him of what he had lost in his old life and took the last name Bacquin.

Bacquin was the last name he had in his first life time. He used it this time because he was starting over in a new place with a different history. As a way to represent the begining of a new start.

His Daughter Tegan whom he had in his first lifetime and who is doesn't die and experiences many lifetimes like him always used the last name Bacquin. She is only half what he is so suffered from being awaken right away remembering all her life times from the start.

Aug 20th, 2010, 08:43:12 PM
How much has Blade changed from your original idea to now?

Miranda Tarkin
Aug 21st, 2010, 06:49:28 AM
How the hell does Blade tolerate Aria? XD

Blade Bacquin
Aug 21st, 2010, 10:29:30 AM
How much has Blade changed from your original idea to now?

The very original concept I had for Blade was pretty simple a bad ass bad man who lost who he was. He wouldn't take crap from nobody and anyone who tried would feel his wrath. In my very original concept the only thing I had planned was his attitude and how I wanted him to end. I actually wanted him to go out go out of the universe for good by doing one heroic good deed that would get him killed, in a way redeeming him for all the bad stuff he would do in the middle. That was the very original concept and in some ways I have hung true to that Ideal.

For a long time I kept to the bad ass that didn't take shit which quickly turned him into the rebel the man that would rebel against anything he thought was unjust towards him. However he started to develop a bit of an honor code. He didn't kill, torture, or abuse children in anyway but there parents where fair game. He liked the idea of someone who lost there parents or loved ones to him coming after him to hunt him down basically turning them to the dark side by wanting revenge.

He hated slavery the very concept of taking away someones freedom disgusted him no matter how pathetic the person may be. As he started to develop these code's of honor/conduct he also started to develop more of personality of man that loved to fight and if he didn't have a fight he would often create one by using his rebellious nature. He never liked killing those he fought such as Jedi or other warriors he wanted them to remeber he beat them. With this he also liked going after strong and more powerful opponents then himself. If he lost a fight and survived he knew it was an experience to grow stronger and better. He started to feel losses where more important then wins because you learned something from losses.

I find it strange that most people thought of Blade because of his rebellious nature but they missed what he was really about. They missed the bigger conflict he had going on with himself. They missed that he wasn't the evil bastard I had originally tried to make him, he just had a very different perspective on life. He wasn't about being a rebel to him as the character that was just the part everyone expected him to play so he did it even when he didn't want to. People missed that Blade was wise though his wisdom might be considered miss guided. They missed that Blade made enemies of allies not because of being rebellious but because his real enemy was himself.

Now with the switch over I decided to tone down his rebellious streak a lot. It still there and pops up occasionally but isn't as prevalent and I think i did a descent job in slowly showing this change in him . I want people to see him for what he really is wise though miss guided. A man who can't fight his biggest enemy. A man who has seen so much over many lifetimes but still wants to see more, be more then he was. I have wanted people to see Blade as not the rebel he was but for what hide behind that mask he put on.

So in terms of change he is showing more of who he really is a warrior and less of the rebel people expected him to be. He has also shown more interest in using the force then he has in the past. Developing into a more balanced in force vs fight not leaning totally towards the fighting aspect. He is starting to slowly even shed his warrior side but it will never truly go away because it's part of him. He is playing more mind games with his ability to enter certain peoples dreams like Sorsha's something he never would have use to do or cared to learn how to do.

He still doesn't know what he wants but would rather be out searching for it then sitting on his butt. I hope that answers this question he is changing more from his rebelliousness to more a guy with actual plan and process about going about it. He isn't a loose cannon anymore wich I find a good change.

How the hell does Blade tolerate Aria? XD

At first it was because she was an opportunity to a chance to gain back what he had lost when crossing over. He tolerated her because that's what he had to do. Also In the end because of her faith he would get to kill her and then be free of her becoming a master himself.

He didn't agree with her Ideals on what was sith and he hated the hiding part but he needed her to achieve his own goals at that time. To some degree I think he may have even hated her but she was useful to him.

Overtime he fell for her and she must have to because she slept with him. He developed a kin ship with her. He never really understands her but knows she understands him to him that matters. Even if she doesn't think the same as him she seems to understand his ideals.

He tolerates her now because in away he thinks they are equals weather that's the case or not. He tolerates her because they have a strong bond that ascends master and apprentice. He loves her even if she annoys the hell out of him with her faith. He learned to accept her for what she was and to some degree gave up who he was for her.

She is his family something never really had even if his new storyline is going to change that. To him she is no longer his master, she is his wife even if they aren't actually married. He truthfully doesn't agree with her for the most part on things sith. Yet he trust her, the one person he knows he can count on, the one person that can put up with his shit, and the one person he knows he would give up his freedom/life for.

It use to be tolerate now she is companion his most trusted adviser and so much more. With out her he is lost sadly, he just wish she was more into doing what ever it is he wants to do. He also thinks he can change her ideals on sith to be more what his are. Aria is his girl. :)